Why do they give a medal at school? Gold medal, what are the benefits for admission? How will a gold medal help?

School medals will be tested

In Russian regions, a large-scale inspection of schools that have produced a large number of medalists is beginning. In particular, the validity of issuing gold medals will be checked in Kabardino-Balkaria, Mordovia, Krasnodar region and Karachay-Cherkessia. Earlier, Rosobrnadzor said that the number of medalists in these regions significantly exceeds the national average and this “raises questions.” Accounting for medals upon admission after introduction mandatory Unified State Exam remains at the discretion of the university.

What are the conditions for receiving a gold medal in the 2017/2018 academic...

From 2018, the conditions for receiving a medal will be even more stringent. The number of medalists will drop sharply. Innovations will provide full picture about the student’s success, because receiving a gold medal is prestigious and should be influenced not only by the subjective position of teachers regarding this or that student.

Why are there more gold medalists than those who passed the Unified State Exam with 100 points? News. First channel

It's a busy time at universities. There is a competition for applicants. And this competition, as we know, is based on the results of unified state exams. There have been so many scandals around the Unified State Examination. There was so much scam. Krali exam papers, teachers wrote down the answers. Signals were coming from everywhere. Now there are few of them. We have arranged for exams. There is no scam. Well, certainly less than a few years ago.

The gold medal will be awarded based on the results of the Unified State Examination

Medal? - only after the Unified State Exam. New rules for issuing school gold medals. From 2018, medals will be issued in schools only if successful completion Unified State Exam. This rule will spread throughout the country and is designed to eliminate cases of biased awarding of gold and silver medals.

Why are gold medals awarded undeservedly in schools?

A new trend this season is that teenagers are publicly fighting corruption. Albeit in their small sectors of the front, but very aggressively, not embarrassed by their names or regalia. Proof of this is the public speech of the gold medalist, who accused her classmate of undeservedly receiving a gold medal.

Experts have proposed changing the criteria for receiving the medal “For Special Achievement in Education”

The heads of the capital's associations in the field of education turned to the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov with a proposal to change the criteria by which candidates are selected to receive the medal “For special achievements in learning." The corresponding letter was signed by the head of the Association for Educational Quality Management Vasily Levchenko, the head of the capital’s Association of Experts Vladimir Lazarev, the head of the City Expert Advisory Council of the Parent Community Lyudmila Myasnikova and the head of the Meta-Subject Association for Promoting the Improvement of the Capital’s Education System Andrey Lukutin.

A new procedure for receiving a gold medal at school was established in 2018

A school medal is a worthy reward for a student’s efforts. How could it be otherwise, since a gold medal is given not only for successful studies, but also for Active participation V sports competitions and in creative activity. Choir, running, cross stitch - everything was taken into account.

Why are there more gold medalists than those who passed the Unified State Exam...

According to the press service of Rosobrnadzor, the head of the department, Sergei Sergeevich Kravtsov, at the All-Russian meeting of Rosobrnadzor with the regions, reminded regional ministers of their personal responsibility for conducting the unified state exam and asked to pay special attention to the situation with medalists, assessing how objectively medals are awarded to school graduates in their regions "For special achievements in learning." S.S. Kravtsov believes that the conditions for awarding medals should be transparent and understandable to both children and parents.

Medal of Discord: in several regions of Russia they promise to strengthen...

Bookmark July 12, 2017 7648 School graduates in a number of Russian regions do not always deservedly receive gold and silver medals, the department believes. Some regions of Russia are distinguished by the fact that here every fifth graduate graduated from school with a medal. Such data raised many questions, Rosobrnadzor notes. This was reported by TV Channel 360.

The Ministry of Education of Adygea recognized the grades of graduates of the scandalous school as deserved

Yesterday, graduates of Takhtamukai school No. 1 finally received their certificates. Four days later than other guys in the republic. “The postponement was due to a departmental inspection that the Ministry of Education and Science of the republic carried out on behalf of the acting head of Adygea Murat Kumpilov,” the press service of the government of Adygea explained to Komsomolskaya Pravda - Kuban.

What will happen to the school in 2018 - Ucheba.ru

Rosobnadzor was puzzled by the abundance of gold medalists in schools in the southern regions

After the scandal surrounding the school gold medal of the daughter of an Adyghe official, Rosobrnadzor became concerned about the situation in a number of regions in the south of the country, where gold medalists at the end of the current school year turned out to be significantly more than the national average, and twice as much as in Moscow.

Changes in school education since 2018

At the end of August, all changes and innovations in the education system in 2018 will be officially published. Today many of them are already known. The changes will mainly affect the Unified State Exam; it is also planned to gradually introduce modern electronic technologies into education.

The criteria for receiving the medal “For Special Achievement in Academics” may…

Today, at a briefing at the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan, it was reported that graduates of republican schools this year will not receive silver medals, while applicants for gold medals will have to score at least 75 points on the Unified State Examination. - We will not have silver medals, there will only be gold ones. And they will be only if the graduate complies with all the requirements that were presented to the medalists,” First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Tatarstan Danil Mustafin said at a briefing.

Gold Diggers, or the Other Side of the School Medal

Should the school gold medal be abolished once and for all? If not, then how can this prestigious award be integrated into the Unified State Examination (USE) system? This topic has been discussed for the last six months - from speeches by representatives higher education at the VII Congress of the Russian Union of Rectors before the parliamentary hearings on the results of the Unified State Exam for 2002, where the heads of regional education expressed their arguments against the gold medal.

Receiving a gold medal for special achievements in teaching 2017-2018 - Pravoved.RU

Hello, I am interested in the question of awarding a student the Gold Medal “For special achievements in learning” 2017/2018. Will the Unified State Exam result in 2018 influence the receipt of a Gold medal, if any one or more Unified State Exam subjects will be passed with a grade of “4”.

From the history of gold and silver school medals - YaPlakal

Nikolai Mikhailovich, perhaps such interest in school medals arose again after the scandal in Adygea, when one gold medalist publicly accused another of undeservedly receiving an award? - Yes, including. We want medals to be awarded to truly worthy students, and not to those whose medal grades have been stretched.

The Ministry of Education and Science explained why schoolchildren will not be awarded gold and silver medals from 2014

The Ministry of Education and Science adopted the federal law “On Education”, according to which graduates Russian schools will no longer be awarded gold and silver medals “for special achievements in learning.” The department believes that this award is discredited in the eyes of the public, since last years medals were awarded excessively a large number schoolchildren.

Information, addresses, documents, reviews.

New rules for issuing school gold medals.

From 2018, schools will only issue medals if they successfully pass the Unified State Exam. This rule will spread throughout the country and is intended to eliminate cases of biased awarding of gold and silver medals.

◑ School medals? - only according to merit!

The scandal in the Adyghe school with the undeserved issuance of a gold medal served as an impetus for measures taken by Rosobrnadzor.

The Public Council under Rosobrnadzor suggested that the department take into account the results of the Unified State Exam when issuing gold medals to school graduates.

Gold medal at school– this is probably the first treasured trophy that students dream of.

School gold or silver medal(officially - medal " For special achievements in learning") - a badge of honor issued upon completion of secondary general education in schools in Russia and countries former USSR. The medal is one of the main types of reward for high school graduates for academic success.

Medal " For special achievements in learning", is also a badge of honor for graduates of 11th grade, received a final “5” in all subjects school curriculum for the last two years of study.

Most recently, the gold medal " For special achievements in learning“opened the doors of all universities, but in recent years its prestige has significantly lost ground.

Numerous cases where schoolchildren who passed the Unified State Exam were awarded medals attracted public attention.

According to one of the initiators of the project, the rector of the Moscow pedagogical university, today the Unified State Exam is the most effective way assess the student's knowledge. Moreover, this method has already been proven, transparent, and the objectivity of the assessment is quite high.

The head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, believes that the conditions for awarding medals should be transparent and understandable to both children and parents.

“It is important that they are not used for personal gain. An honest Unified State Exam has led to students immediately noticing and reacting to any form of incorrect assessment based on additional criteria. Especially in the situation with medals that are included in the portfolio and taken into account when entering a university"- said Sergei Kravtsov.

As noted by the press service of Rosobrnadzor, members Public Council, for their part, declared their readiness to analyze existing practice and present reasoned proposals for the inclusion Unified State Exam results among the criteria for issuing medals.

The capital already has such experience.

In order to receive a medal for a Moscow schoolchild, in addition to all the requirements, it is necessary to score more than 220 points in three USE subjects.

Sergei Kravtsov assured that Rosobrnadzor is open to dialogue and is ready to accumulate expert proposals.

Already from the 2017-2018 academic year, gold medals " For special achievements in learning"will be issued only taking into account the results of the Unified State Examination.

◑ Who can receive a school medal? Let's summarize.

What medal can a graduate receive?

Now schoolchildren can be nominated for a medal "For special achievements in learning". This is an analogue of the gold and silver medals for schoolchildren, which replaced them in 2014.

A graduate of the 11th grade can receive a medal “For special achievements in learning” if he has one of the achievements:

Disabled child, completing 11th grade can receive a medal not only for the above achievements, but also in the following cases:

  • he will have final grades in all academic subjects " Great“and when passing the Unified State Exam, he will score a total of at least 146 points in two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics (profile level);
  • he will have final grades in all academic subjects " Great“and when passing the Unified State Exam, he will score at least 73 points in the Russian language and at least 5 points in mathematics (basic level).

* Important condition: students who during conducting the Unified State Exam violations were recorded and are not eligible for a reward.

What benefits does the medal “For Exceptional Achievement in Education” provide?

  • Each university has the right to award applicants additional points to their Unified State Exam scores for certain individual achievements.
  • In total - no more than 10. The medal “For Special Achievement in Education” is one of such achievements. Usually 2-3 points are added for it (each university has its own way).
  • In addition, if several people vying for the same place score the same number of points, the medalist will have an advantage.

Gold medal at school conditions for receiving 2017 2018

A gold medal at the end of school is a worthy reward for a student’s hard work. To receive a medal, it is not enough to get straight A's; it is also important to take an active part in school life. We will tell you what needs to be done to receive a medal and what prospects it opens up in the future in our review article.

The gold medal began its history in Russia in 1828. However, after the October Revolution, the presentation of gold and silver medals was cancelled. She returned in May 1945 thanks to Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 1247. Until 2012, changes occurred with the gold medal, but they concerned more the external image than the reward of students.

In 2013, the department of the Ministry of Education and Science decided not to award gold medals at the federal level; instead, they issued a certificate with honors, similar in appearance to the gold medal certificate. The right to award medals was left to the regional authorities.

But in 2014, the President of the Russian Federation signed a law that provides for the return of the gold medal to the federal level.

Some students are interested in the question: is it true that it is gold? Interesting fact in the history of the medal: between 1946 and 1954 it was actually cast from 583-carat gold, weighing approximately 10.5 grams.

But what is a modern gold medal made of? The academic honors symbol now consists of an alloy of copper, zinc and nickel. But the coating is made of pure gold weighing 0.3 grams. It is noteworthy that the embossing on the certificate, which is attached to the gold medal, is also made with gold plating.

The design of the medal has also undergone some changes. Now the medal on one side has the inscription “For special achievements in learning,” and on the other side a double-headed eagle has appeared. In 2007, an image of the Russian tricolor appeared under the eagle.

Conditions under which the award of a medal is guaranteed.

  1. According to the law, the main and main condition for receiving a medal is the final grade “excellent” obtained in all subjects within the school curriculum in the 10th and 11th grades. In addition, an A must be achieved in all subjects on the final assessment.
  2. The decision to award the medal is made by a meeting of the teaching staff and confirmed by the director of the general educational institution. Documents for approval are submitted to the local department of the Ministry of Education.
  3. If the student was educated at full-time training, with the possibility of exemption from physical education for health reasons. Students studying externally and at home, unfortunately, cannot count on a medal.

Just recently, a gold medal opened doors to literally all universities in the country. It was enough to pass an interview with admissions committee. But starting from 2009, medalists are equal to all graduates, and admission to the university is based on the average score of the certificate and the results of the Unified State Examination. The only thing that the medal contributes to is that it will only add priority in choosing between two students with the same average score, and sometimes this is a significant help in the framework of high competitions for admission to a budget place.

An excellent student is the pride of the family and school. A beautiful certificate, numerous certificates and, finally, a medal testify to the intellectual abilities and efforts of the student. What does having a gold or silver medal give to a graduate? will tell you what bonuses the medalist has.

How to get a gold medal at school?

The rules for awarding students with a gold or silver medal are regulated by paragraphs 3, 4 of Article 98 of the Education Code. To graduate from high school with a medal, first of all need to get certificate of completion of basic secondary education with honors . It is issued to students whose annual grades for the 8th and 9th grades in all academic subjects are at least 9 points and have exemplary behavior. Only physical education (annual grade not lower than “6” or “passed” mark for students exempt from classes in the main group), labor training and drawing (not less than “6” per year) do not count. Exams for the 9th grade must be passed with a “9” / “10”.

If a child is exempt from the exam, the annual grade is taken into account as the final grade. Therefore, he will also receive a certificate with honors. By the way, when exempt from exams for grade 11, the final grade is set according to the same principle.

Golden medal assigned to a graduate whose grades in the 10th and 11th grades in all subjects are not lower than “9”, except for physical education (the annual grade is not lower than “6” or has a “passed” mark), pre-conscription and medical training (minimum “6” per year), exemplary behavior. Exams passed on 10 and (or) 9 points.

Vladislav Avsievich graduated from the Dzerzhinsk gymnasium with a gold medal, received the 2016 Central Certificate of Excellence

How to get a silver medal at school?

silver medal is awarded to a student when he has annual grades of “9” and (or) “10” in grades 10 and 11 (except for physical education, for which he received annual grades of at least 6 points or “passed”, pre-conscription and medical training and one or two subjects for which he received annual grades of at least 6 points) and exemplary behavior, as well as grades 10 and/or 9 points in academic subjects and grades of at least 6 points in the same subjects for which he received annual grades of at least 6 points and for which final exams for grade 11 are held.

Let’s say that in the 10th grade a child has a “7” in English for the year, and a “6” in algebra. In the 11th grade, annual grades in these subjects are excellent, but the exams were passed at “8” and “7”, respectively. If all other conditions are met, he will receive a silver medal.

How much gold and silver are there in medals? Not at all. They are made of copper, and the shine of precious metals is given to them by coating with titanium (“silver”) or titanium nitride (“gold”) with ion-plasma sputtering. Such a medal has no material value

What does a gold or silver medal give?

Admission to university without exams

Medalists can enter a number of specialties in demand in the economy without internal exams and CTs.

Example of specialties of universities and colleges where in 2018

Also, according to paragraph 24

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ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 01/09/2007 1 ON APPROVAL OF THE REGULATIONS ON FORMS OF RECEIPT BY GRADUATES OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS... Relevant in 2018


1. Gold and silver medals “For special achievements in learning” are awarded to graduates of grades XI (XII), regardless of the form of education. educational institutions who have a certificate of state accreditation, as well as, regardless of the form of education, graduates of primary institutions vocational education who have a certificate of state accreditation, have received the appropriate level of qualifications and secondary (complete) general education.

2. The gold medal “For special achievements in learning” (in the form according to the appendix to these Regulations) is awarded to:

graduates of the XI (XII) classes of general education institutions who have semi-annual (trimester), annual and final grades of “5” in all subjects and the full curriculum for the third stage of general education and who received grades of “5” at the state (final) certification;

graduates of institutions of primary vocational education, certified for the appropriate level of qualifications in the profession, with simultaneous receipt of secondary (complete) general education, having semi-annual, annual and final marks of “5” in all subjects for the entire course of study and having passed final exams with a mark of “5” .

3. The silver medal “For special achievements in learning” (in the form according to the appendix to these Regulations) is awarded to:

graduates of the XI (XII) classes of general education institutions, having in the following subjects: in the X grade according to the results of the first half of the year (trimester) grades “5” and “4”; based on the results of the second half of the year (second and third trimesters) marks “5” and no more than two marks “4”, annual and final marks “5” and no more than two marks “4”; in grades XI (XII) based on the results of each half-year (trimester) and annual grades of “5” and no more than two grades of “4”; at the state (final) certification and in the certificate of secondary (complete) general education, final marks “5” and no more than two marks “4”;

graduates of institutions of primary vocational education who have received the appropriate level of qualifications and secondary (complete) general education, who have received semi-annual, annual and final grades of “5” during their studies in all courses and a grade of “4” in no more than two subjects, who have received a grade of “4” in final exams marks "5" and no more than two marks "4".

4. The decision to award graduates of general education institutions and institutions of primary vocational education with gold and silver medals “For special achievements in learning” is made, respectively, by the pedagogical council of the general education institution and the council of the institution of primary vocational education.

5. The decision of the pedagogical council of a general education institution to award graduates of grades XI (XII) with gold medals is approved government agency subject education management Russian Federation, on awarding silver medals - by the municipal education authority.

6. The decision of the council of an institution of primary vocational education to award graduates with gold or silver medals is approved by the state educational authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

7. Decision on awarding medals to graduates of educational institutions under the jurisdiction of federal bodies executive power, is carried out in accordance with these Regulations and the procedure for considering materials for awards, established for them by these bodies.

8. Graduates awarded gold or silver medals “For special achievements in learning” are issued state-issued documents on the appropriate level of education on forms, respectively, with gold or silver embossing.

9. Gold and silver medals “For special achievements in learning” are awarded to graduates of educational institutions in a ceremonial atmosphere along with a state-issued document on the appropriate level of education.

In history Russian education student awards first appeared in Empress Catherine II. According to the “People’s Charter” approved by her in 1786schools in Russian Empire» names of students who distinguished themselves by success in sciences,diligence and good behavior, were recorded by the teacher in a notebook, which appearedprototype of the “Book of Honor”, ​​widely distributed later in Soviet schools

In addition, the best students were given a textbook in good condition as a reward.

bound, signed by the director. Since books were very expensive in the 17th century, they

were truly a high reward for students.

In 1828, the “Charter of gymnasiums and schools of district and parish” in Russia for the first time

school medals were officially introduced. Before this, the presentation various types school

medals were awarded haphazardly and semi-officially.

Beginning in 1828, gold medals were awarded to graduates who showed

whose decision in the period before 1835 was subject to approval by the university, and after 1835

Educational district.

In 1835, Emperor Nicholas I approved a single medal for men

gymnasiums "For success in sciences". The front side of the medal was decorated with the state

coat of arms (double-headed eagle). On the back was the patroness of science, Minerva,

standing with a lamp raised in her left hand. In her right hand was a laurel wreath, at her feet

Owl and attributes of sciences (scrolls and globe) and the inscription - “TO THE SUCCESSFUL”.

It was assumed that gymnasium education should continue in

university, since the inscription “SUCCESSFUL” was stamped only on medals for


“Men’s” gymnasium medals were minted in two types - a large one made of silver, and

small one made of gold. They existed without major changes until 1917.

The gold medal of men's gymnasiums had a diameter of 32-33 mm, weight 25-26 grams and

made from pure 990-carat gold. The silver medal was made of silver and

had a diameter of 43 mm.

To receive a gold medal, you had to have exemplary behavior, grades

"excellent" in Latin, Ancient Greek and mathematics and GPA no less

4.5 in all other disciplines.

In 1870, after the approval of the regulations on women's gymnasiums, the right to be

Girls received gold and silver medals along with boys.

“Women’s medals” were of two types, since part of the gymnasiums was in charge of the Ministry

public education, and the rest were patronized by Empress Maria Alexandrovna.

On the medals that the Empress was in charge of, the reverse side was decorated with a wreath of


The medals of the gymnasiums of the Ministry of Education were decorated with the image

patroness of the sciences, Minerva, standing with a lamp and attributes of the sciences at her feet, but “in

light tunic" and with the inscription "FOR WEALTH AND SUCCESS IN SCIENCES."

On the front side of both types of “women’s” medals, the

profile image of the empress and the inscription “THE EMPRESS

MARIA ALEXANDROVNA". After the death of the august person, patronage over women

my wife took me to the gymnasium Alexandra III and mother last emperor Nicholas II -

Maria Fedorovna, and on the front side of the medals they began to mint her profile

image (pictured).

Medals in Tsarist Russia were given to all worthy people, regardless of their position in

society, class and social status the student or his parents. There are known cases

and not infrequently, when even the children of state criminals received medals. Example: the director of the gymnasium F. Kerensky (father of the future head of the Russian Provisional Government) insisted on giving a gold medal to graduate Vladimir Ulyanov.

However, it should be noted that even with a strong desire, not all gymnasiums had

the opportunity to celebrate the success of your students with gold and silver medals. All

depended on how rich the board of trustees of a particular gymnasium was, because

medals made from precious metals had to be paid for.

a national award was possible only with great reserve.

The October Revolution of 1917 changed the previously existing order. In

including the previously existing system of awarding graduates of educational

institutions with medals.

After 1917, some schools independently produced some kind of school

medals - medal-shaped tokens on various pendants, which were awarded specially

distinguished themselves over the years of study and especially gifted students, but all this was amateur and


In addition, various departments, institutions, commissariats encouraged the best school graduates with certificates of commendation and gifts, badges for excellent completion of all kinds of courses. Officially, certificates of merit were approved by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated September 2, 1935 and began to be awarded for the first time following the results of the 1935-1936 academic year

Medals of the 1945 model.

For the first time in the USSR, gold and silver school medals were introduced starting from the 1944-1945 school year by the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated June 21, 1944 “On measures to improve the quality of education at school.” At the same time, it was decided to hold final exams for students in schools. On May 30, 1945, the “Regulations on gold and silver medals “FOR EXCELLENT ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXEMPLARY CONDUCT” came into force, approving samples and descriptions of the medals themselves, as well as samples of certificate forms for them. According to this provision, a gold medal was awarded to persons who showed outstanding success in passing the matriculation examinations, had exemplary behavior and a grade of “5” in all basic subjects high school. If a student showed similar knowledge when passing the exams, had exemplary behavior, but received a grade of “4” in no more than three of the other core subjects, then he could be awarded a silver medal. When awarding medals, scores in singing, drawing, drawing and military physical training were not taken into account. The student’s submission for the medal was designed by pedagogical council schools, but the decision to award the medal was made by the regional and regional departments of public education.

Those awarded gold and silver medals had the right to enter higher education

educational institutions of the USSR without entrance exams, and first of all

Those awarded a gold medal and then a silver medal were accepted.


BEHAVIOR”, awarded to high school graduates from 1946 to 1954, had

the same diameter - 32 mm, and thickness - 1.5 mm and 2 mm, respectively. Manufactured

medals made of 583-carat gold alloy and 925-carat silver alloy, respectively.

The gold medal weighed almost 11 grams and was covered with a layer of pure gold.

3 microns thick. The silver award was slightly heavier and weighed 15 grams.

On the front side of the medals, against a background of diverging rays, an open book is depicted,

bordered below and to the right with a laurel branch. At the top, in the center of the diverging rays,

a convex five-pointed star is placed. Along the circumference there is an inscription: “FOR EXCELLENT

Medals of the 1945 model:

Gold school medal of the 1945 model.

Diameter 32mm, weight 11 grams,

gold 583rd standard.

Silver school medal of the 1945 model.

Diameter 32mm, weight 15 grams,

925 silver.

Based on materials from the site www.smedal.ru.

SUCCESS AND EXEMPLARY CONDUCT”, framed by a rim of dots and a border. On

on the reverse side of the medals there is an image of the coat of arms and an abbreviated inscription of the name

the corresponding union republic.

The certificates of students who graduated from high school with a medal included the following entry:

"Awarded with a gold or silver medal" and at the top similar text was

made with gold or silver paint, respectively.

During the same period, the Moscow Mint issued gold and silver medals in

16 options for each of the union republics that existed at that moment. The inscription "For

excellent progress and exemplary behavior" was also performed in national languages

union republics.

A certificate of maturity and a gold medal “number 1” in the RSFSR were awarded to a student of one

All-Moscow Mathematical Olympiad to Evgeny Shchukin.

After graduating from school, Evgeniy continued his studies at the Faculty of Physics

Moscow State University, which he graduated with honors.

In 1967, Evgeny Dmitrievich Shchukin became a professor at Moscow State University. In 1984 he

elected to the US National Academy of Engineering, and in 1988 to the Royal

Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Medals of the 1953 model.

Since December 14, 1953, due to changes in the technological conditions for the production of medals, some changes in their parameters have occurred, first of all, the composition of the metal alloys used has changed. The gold medal began to be made from a 375-carat alloy and additionally coated with higher-grade gold using the electroplating method. The thickness of this layer was 3 microns; only 6 grams of gold remained in the medal. The silver medal was still minted from 925 silver. With a preserved diameter of 32 mm, the thickness of the medals increased to 3 mm. The design of the medals remains the same.

Medals of the 1960 model.

Since 1959, due to the transition to new system school education,

gold and silver medals began to be awarded not only to secondary school graduates

ten-year schools, but also graduates of working youth schools.

the reorganization of working youth schools into secondary schools

the reverse sides of the gold and silver medals of the 1960 model were the same as on

medals of the 1945 model, and in the inscription the clarifying words “in study and work” appeared and she



Both medals increased in diameter to 40 mm and began to be made from

base metals: gold - from tombak L90, and silver - from cupronickel MN19.

The surface of the medals was covered with the thinnest layers of precious metals in 5

micron. The method of electroplating or electroplating was used (for the medal

consumed: gold in the amount of 0.307 g, silver - 0.167 g)

Accordingly, new models of secondary education certificates were introduced. On

on the front side of the certificate form was the coat of arms and the name of the Ministry of Education

Union Republic and the name of the document: “Certificate of Secondary Education.”

If the certificate form was intended for students who graduated from high school with

gold or silver medal, then the coat of arms and inscriptions were made accordingly in gold

or silver embossing. On the inside there was a text certifying

awarding the certificate holder with a gold or silver medal.

Medals of this type minted by the Mint for 15 union republics, and

the inscriptions on them were written in the languages ​​of the republics for which they were intended.

medals for those completing extramural secondary education secondary schools", which allowed

to present medals to graduates of not only correspondence secondary schools, but also

correspondence departments of secondary general educational institutions.

awarding gold medals to those graduating from secondary schools and

establishing a certificate of merit for those graduating from these schools" awarding silver

medals were temporarily discontinued.

Simultaneously with the abolition of silver medals, certificates of commendation “For

special successes in the study of individual subjects.”

Now, to be awarded a gold medal, it was required to have annual grades of “5” in

all subjects during study in grades 9-10, pass final exams with a grade of “5”,

behave appropriately and actively participate in the social life of the school.

Students applying for a commendable diploma in subjects must have

In the old days, graduating from high school with a gold medal was a guarantee that any higher educational institutions were open to the children.

Benefits for gold medalists

The 11th grade certificate was issued in a special format; it was a kind of pass for preferential admission to the most prestigious educational institutions in the country. Of course, this situation also contributed to the emergence of grounds for abuse by the administration of the educational institution. Many high school students dreamed of receiving an excellent certificate for the 11th grade without any problems and being a student of their chosen university without additional exams and problems.

Modern realities

After the breakup Soviet Union Enough time has passed, society has changed, but gold and silver medals remained in educational institutions. Some educational institutions do not take them into account when compiling rating lists of applicants, but most middle and higher-level institutions add points to excellent students and willingly accept such graduates into their walls.

The medal winner must take additional exams along with the rest of the applicants, while the gold medal of the school graduate guarantees priority in situations where several children have the same number of points.

The incentive to receive such a high award as a medal is the opportunity to receive various awards established by city authorities, numerous sponsors, and founding committees of the educational institution.

What are the conditions for receiving a gold medal at school?

Let's try to figure out how to get a gold medal at school. The badge “For exceptional academic achievements” is awarded to students in grades 11 (12) who have only excellent grades in each half-year at the senior level of education. In addition, one of the requirements for presenting this prestigious award is passing the mandatory final exams in grade 11 (12). Unified State Examination form not less passing score. Currently like this mandatory exams are in two main subjects: mathematics, Russian language.

The conditions for receiving a gold medal at school do not allow such an award to be received by students who studied externally, as well as by those children who received excellent marks when retaking exams.

The decision on whether to award certain students with a gold medal is made by the teaching council of a particular educational institution. The decision is then agreed upon with local authorities executive power and approved by a special order of the school director. Complete secondary education is a chance for children to enter higher institutions, become the owner of a prestigious profession.

Way to success

Many first-graders ask how to get a gold medal at school and systematically move towards the task. You will have to work hard to achieve such a high result. The school administration is trying to provide every possible support to talented children who did not receive a single “good” mark in the 10th grade. If desired, the potential medalist can obtain additional teaching aids, consultations with teachers outside of school hours. In addition to excellent academic performance, special emphasis should be placed on an active social life. Such guys also succeed in competitions at various levels, conduct research, participate in projects and competitions. Complete secondary education is hard work, especially if the student is engaged in full force, demonstrates high results in educational activities.

Regulations on awarding the medal “For special achievements in training”

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed and approved a special regulation, which specifies all the rules on how to receive a gold medal at school. In addition to “gold”, “silver” is issued.

  1. Graduates of 11 (12) grades studying in schools that have an official certificate of accreditation have the right to receive such an award. Graduates of vocational primary education institutions who have passed state accreditation can also receive the medal.
  2. The gold medal “For special achievements in learning” is awarded to graduates who have final grades “excellent” in all subjects for half a year or a year, and who have successfully passed final exams. A similar award is given to graduates of vocational schools who, upon receiving complete secondary general education, have demonstrated excellent knowledge in all disciplines, including specialty, who passed the exams with a “5”.
  3. If in one of the six months a graduate had no more than two “good” marks, he has a chance to receive a silver medal, but he is deprived of the right to receive “gold”.

Graduates who become owners of a gold or silver medal, emphasizing their special successes in the learning process, are awarded a special certificate with silver or gold embossing. Medals are awarded for graduation party together with an official document on the appropriate level of education.


When answering the question “How to get a gold medal at school?”, you need to understand that children who, in their individual curriculum In addition to regular academic disciplines, various elective and optional courses are also chosen. For many modern graduates, being presented with a gold medal at graduation becomes confirmation of their high intellectual development. Parents of gold medalists are rightfully proud of their excellent students, because their merits are recognized already during their studies at school. A gold medal is the highest standard that many strive for modern teenagers, whose life plans include further studies in prestigious educational institutions RF.