I'll be forever young. Why do people hide their real age? Can secretive people be trusted? What does a secretive person mean?

The difference between modesty and secrecy is huge! You can guess which ones there are more in Kurganinsk.
A modest person is a person completely devoid of any boasting or boasting. This is a highly moral person, possessing true good manners and at the same time high demands on himself.

A modest person, clearly aware of his obvious advantages, deliberately avoids loud public recognition, nobly and tactfully helping others to show off their unique merits. Usually modest people express their opinions with pleasure, benevolence and sincerity, you just have to ask them about it. They are firm, active, consistent and thorough in critical situations. Their position is clear and open.

Sometimes modesty is also confused with timidity and shyness. And in vain, because timidity and shyness determine only the degree of a person’s uncertainty in the correctness of his actions.
The above cannot in any way be attributed to the concept of a secretive personality, because the secrecy of a personality comes from the ability to hide not one’s talents and virtues, but one’s true beliefs and habits.

A secretive person seems to wear a mask that pleases those around him, skillfully misleading others about his own tastes, preferences and opinions. He is able to imitate noble feelings, but not experience them. And if a true modest person avoids recognizing his merits out of delicacy and respect for others, then the motives of a secretive person, as a rule, are not so noble.

A secretive person hides not at all out of delicacy and respect for others, but out of considerations of deep arrogance, aggression and distrust, and sometimes even contempt for others. Sometimes even the relatives and friends of a secretive person have no idea about who exactly they lived with and continue to live with for many, many years. He seems to be quiet and modest, like a family member or neighbor, taciturn and easy-going.

It seems to say what everyone is used to saying and hearing. But, if you think about it, it’s almost impossible to get a completely clear, definite explanation for this or that matter from a secretive person, and his actions are sometimes so inexplicable...

If a secretive person is a leader, then the formulation of tasks in his execution is a real torment for his subordinates. Completing the task itself is reminiscent of the game “Battleship”. The handwriting of such a person is too intricate. Subordinates spend too much time and effort solving the “mysteries” of their secretive boss, who is also an inveterate emergency worker.

Often a secretive person, due to the structure of his personality, experiences a piercing antipathy towards truly modest, sociable, hardworking and sincere people. Of course, the secretive manager will express such antipathy implicitly, but in the form of a series of unexpected and much more urgent, important and difficult production needs that have fallen on the modest person’s head. Moreover, lazy and evasive subordinates, with such a distortion of labor relations, will feel quite comfortable.

You can’t count on the sincerity of a radically secretive person in the family. The nature of such a radical is such that he will definitely find something to hide from his other half. For example, the true size of your salary or any suspicious preferences. Life with a werewolf is unpredictable. And sometimes it is dangerous.
Therefore, before getting married, young people of both sexes, out of respect for themselves, their parents and their future children, should carefully try to research who is who your future other half is.

If symptoms occur, the doctor must confirm the diagnosis with objective tests before prescribing treatment. First of all, laboratory tests are carried out, which can show deviations from the norm.

The patient is prescribed general analysis blood, feces, urine. If a specialist suspects that a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract is developing, leading to internal bleeding, then a test is prescribed to detect it.

Why is a test performed to detect occult blood in stool?

In case of pathology of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum stool becomes almost black or dark red due to blood contact with enzymes. If the integrity of the intestines is compromised, the stool becomes bright red. If there is significant bleeding, the patient needs emergency medical attention.

Bleeding is not always constant; ulcers and inflammations bleed periodically. With little involvement of blood vessels in the pathological process, the color of the stool and its consistency do not change.

If no blood is detected during coprogram, and the doctor suspects hidden bleeding, then the patient must undergo another test. The reaction to occult blood in the stool is positive, but bleeding is not necessarily present, that is, the result is false positive.

When is the test taken?

  • abdominal pain that is constant or occurs periodically;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • bowel movements differ in consistency from the norm (mushy);
  • false urge to defecate;
  • frequent constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • weight loss, lack of appetite;
  • hyperthermia.

If the bleeding is not severe, then it is impossible to notice blood in the stool without special reagents

The study allows you to confirm the diagnosis. It is also carried out if the patient, with the help of others diagnostic methods Gastrointestinal diseases were discovered. The results will help the specialist understand the extent of damage to the mucosa and determine the severity of the disease, and a repeat test will show how effective the prescribed therapy is.

How to get tested

A therapist, oncologist, surgeon, or gastroenterologist can prescribe the test. Before taking it you need preliminary preparation. Doctors give the following recommendations. 72 hours before the test, exclude iron-containing foods from the menu, as well as tomatoes and vegetables and fruits that have green color. You should not eat meat or fish, as they contain hemoglobin.

For a week, stop taking medications such as aspirin, laxatives, iron tablets, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If it is not possible to stop drug therapy, then you need to inform your doctor about the medications you are taking.

Do not consume foods that change the color of stool. The collection of material should be carried out before diagnostic manipulations in the digestive tract. It is not recommended to do an enema or take laxatives to speed up the collection of a sample for analysis.

The sample should not be collected during menstruation. If X-ray diagnostics were performed, the analysis can be taken only after 2-3 days.

If the subject has periodontal disease, in which there is severe bleeding of the gums, then the day before collecting stool, it is not recommended to brush your teeth, since blood that gets into the stomach can give a positive result.

You need to take material from three different sides of the stool. An unreliable answer is likely if water or urine gets into the sample. In order to eliminate this, it is recommended to lay oilcloth on the toilet. The test sample must be placed in a plastic container (can be purchased at a pharmacy) and brought to the laboratory within the next 2-3 hours.

What does it mean if the result is positive?

The test for occult blood is positive if a pathology develops in which a certain amount of blood enters the lumen of the stomach or intestines. That is, there is a disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane and its perforation.

In some cases, the tumor manifests itself only by the release of a small volume of blood in the stool

Young children may also see blood in their stool. Quite often this is due to the child’s intolerance to cow’s milk. If the baby is breastfed, then even the mother's consumption of milk, butter, or sour cream can cause bleeding.

If a child has lactose intolerance, then you need to carefully select an artificial formula.

Bleeding in a baby can be caused by dysbacteriosis, amoebiasis, colitis, and dysentery. One of the reasons for the presence of blood in the stool is anal fissures, which arise as a result of the passage of too hard stool. This happens if the child does not drink enough fluids.

Slightly, but they bleed constantly from the moment of formation. If the bleeding has become profuse, it will also be detected during coprogram. An occult blood test helps detect cancer symptoms early, which increases the chances of a favorable outcome of the disease. A positive test for occult blood will be due to bleeding from the nose or gums or throat.

How to determine the presence of blood in stool

During the study apply chemical substances, which upon contact with an erythrocyte under the influence of oxidation change color. Gregersen's method allows you to see even small amounts of hemoglobin. Benzidine stains iron Blue colour.

Taking into account the speed of staining and its intensity, a weakly positive (+), positive (++ or +++) and strongly positive (++++) reaction is established. When using benzidine, it is possible to establish blood loss in excess of 15 ml/day, which often gives false positive results.

Immunochemical analysis of stool is considered more accurate. It uses antibodies to human hemoglobin, so there is no need to follow a diet. The test is highly sensitive; it will detect 0.05 mg of hemoglobin per gram of stool (at 0.2 ml/g of stool the test is considered positive).

This method allows you to detect tumor formations in the large intestine, but does not detect bleeding from the esophagus or stomach. In 3% of cases, tests give a positive result in the absence of a tumor in the large intestine.

Causes of false positive and false negative results

Normally, there is no blood in the stool, so if there is no pathology that provokes bleeding in the esophagus, stomach or intestines, the test result will be negative. Under some circumstances, a stool occult blood test may produce a false positive or false negative result.

So, often the study does not detect blood in the case of formation in the large intestine, therefore, to confirm colorectal cancer and polyps, colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy is used.

A false positive result may be obtained if there was no preparation for the test, if there is bleeding gums, or if the patient frequently experiences nosebleeds. There will be blood in the stool if the mucous membrane is injured, for example, the patient cut the esophagus with a fish bone.

As a rule, the test gives a false positive result if the patient ignored the doctor’s recommendations and did not adhere to the diet

More often, an analysis is carried out specifically for the presence of iron in stool, so even an apple eaten yesterday can stain the sample, which will be interpreted as the presence of blood. To exclude false-positive or false-negative results, it is recommended to carry out the diagnosis three times (samples of three consecutive bowel movements) and follow all recommendations for preparing for the study and collecting material.

If tests twice show a large amount of hemoglobin in the stool, then they are considered reliable.

If the analysis turns out to be uninformative, the doctor prescribes a hardware test - a colonoscopy. It involves examining the surface of the colon using an endoscope inserted through the anus.

Such diagnostics will allow you to see the exact location of the lumen. To determine the condition of the lining of the esophagus or stomach, endoscopy is used, in which a flexible tube is inserted through the mouth. In order to exclude an erroneous result, it is recommended to take the test three times.

If the study gives a negative result, the doctor will not rule out a peptic ulcer or cancer of the digestive system. A diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of a single test for occult blood in the stool; it only means that pathology is present and, together with the clinical manifestations of the disease, allows a preliminary diagnosis to be made.

Where does secrecy come from? Why don't all people like to express their feelings?

February 22, 2016 - 2 comments

We all have to communicate with each other, express our attitudes, feelings, emotions, views on various things. Topics for discussion can be anything: personal relationships, politics, hobbies, religion, sports teams and much more. However, it is easy to see that not all people share their views with the same zeal.

Some people like to tell stories vividly and emotionally, gesticulate, play with intonation, exaggerate or downplay events. Others like to joke, joke, tell tall tales, no matter what, as long as people are willing to listen to them.

There are also those who like to turn communication into discussions on the principle of “right or wrong” and thus defend their point of view.

Time is money

But there are also people, and we will talk about them further, who are not so willing to communicate and share their opinions. For them, “just chatting” means wasting time. And in general, you can often hear phrases from them such as “I don’t have time for this,” “don’t waste my time,” “time is money,” etc.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan calls such people owners of the skin vector. They have logical thinking, special flexibility of body and mind, feel time and movement better than anyone else, strive for leadership and social superiority over others, develop through self-restraint, being developed they can be the best organizers.

The main priorities in life for a person with the skin vector are his personal benefits and benefits in any situation. Ironically, we can say that the leather worker will not move unless he is paid for it. From here it is not difficult to understand why such people are quite secretive, stingy with their feelings and emotions. The skinner does not get any benefit or benefit from spending his time figuring out with someone, for example, which religion is better or which football team is the coolest. Therefore, he tries to avoid communication of this kind, which is called irrelevant.

“What can you offer me?”

However, if a leather worker has the opportunity to receive benefits (money, business acquaintances) from another person, then here he is ready to talk as much as he wants and about anything. As they say, the customer is always right. Especially when he pays money. When a leather worker settles in new job, he will certainly inform all his relatives, friends, and acquaintances about this. In the hope that he can help them professionally. For money, of course.

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You never really know anything about them. Well, at best general outline– where a person lives, what kind of work he does... You learn about marital status, changes in status, going abroad by chance. If you find out at all. Such people can communicate with you for a long time, but at the same time tell almost nothing about themselves. What makes them do this?

I have an acquaintance with whom we have been in contact for ten years. True, mostly remotely. During this time, we discussed many topics, from politics to literature, but information about the life of Victor himself had to be pulled out literally with pincers. Only recently did I find out that he lost his parents early, and his personal life is a taboo... I still don’t know for sure whether he was married or who he lives with now... As soon as you ask an “inconvenient” question, Victor ends the conversation or translates him on another topic, or even irritably reports that he “doesn’t want to talk about it.” At the same time, he knows everything about me - who I live with, who I meet...

I was once told a story about a woman who hid from her friends that... They found out about this “after the fact” and were very offended by her...

However, not everyone is inclined to talk about the upcoming changes in their family status. I had a friend from school, quite close. In any case, we communicated more or less regularly. One day, a few years after graduating from school, I called her and found out that she had gotten married. Moreover, before that there were no hints that she was dating someone... Some time passed and she told me that she had given birth to a child. But we met during her pregnancy, and she didn’t say a word! I also learned about her divorce from strangers...

Another friend first let everyone in on the vicissitudes of her relationships with men. As a result, she was already preparing for the wedding, when suddenly everything ended abruptly. It turned out that three weeks before the wedding there was a disagreement, Masha invited the groom to live separately, he went to his parents and... did not return.

A few years later, Masha went abroad for permanent residence. Once on Skype she mentioned that a friend should come to her. I didn’t even know that she met someone there. Then Maria reported on LiveJournal that they had moved in together. And another four months later - that they got married... Masha told about the fact that she was expecting a child only three months before his birth. Please note: we were actively communicating with her on Skype all this time!

And still - what is the reason for secrecy?

Most often, people hide the circumstances of their lives because they do not want them to be discussed. Not everyone likes having their bones washed, even from a distance. In addition, a person who has information about you often has the opportunity to harm you and interfere with the fulfillment of your plans.

Many are also afraid to talk about their plans for the future, “so as not to be jinxed.” For example, as a rule, they are not told until half term. They don’t always share information about their upcoming marriage, since the wedding can easily be upset, as happened to my friend. Not everyone talks about changes in their personal lives, or about starting to date someone.

It is not recommended to talk about plans related to work or business. They are afraid that they will envy them or wish them harm, and thus “spoil them.” There are also those who consider the saying “A riddle is never rich” to be true.

I judge from myself: every time I imagined in every detail a new job, project or relationship with some man, I was in for a bummer... Parapsychologists believe that by “living” the desired situation, we seem to “realize” it on a subtle level, and this option “closes.” Therefore, it is useful, in a sense, to live for today - in any case, not to be too emotional about your plans, not to “make plans” for the future, but to adapt to the present situation.

However, there is another reason why people. They don't trust you because they don't know how you will use the information you receive. The same person can be quite frank with some people, but remain closed with others, even if they seem to be connected by friendship... But more often than not, such an individual does not open up with anyone. Usually this is the behavior of those who have already been burned once, told someone all the “ins and outs” and got a bad result.

Should you be offended by secretive people? It depends on what situations. If this is a friend who is afraid that you will “ruin” her personal happiness, that’s one thing. But if you are dating a man and don’t even know his last name (as was the case with one of my friends), and he is silent, like a partisan, about his past and marital status, then this is a reason to be wary. It is possible that he has something to hide. So don't hesitate to ask questions. Avoids answering? Better look for another option!

With others, as with yourself

Often secretive people are the ideal keepers of secrets. The fact is that they treat others the same way as they treat themselves. Therefore, if they don’t say anything about their personal life, some secrets, and so on, then, naturally, they won’t talk about yours either. Secretive people are silent, so they simply don't need to constantly share information. On the contrary, they try to involve others in their lives as little as possible and try to learn something about someone. But if you come up and tell something to a secretive person, it is unlikely that he will shut your mouth. Such individuals are good listeners. Just don’t expect advice or tips from such a person. If they talk, it’s very little, to the point. Often such women and men simply remain silent. Therefore, if you are thinking about whether you should entrust your secret to a secretive person, you may not be afraid that it will be made public, but also not expect any help, and so on, unless the person is completely confident in his abilities and ability to help.

Appearances are deceptive

Secretive people often appear angry and sullen. In fact, this is not always the case. Such a person is simply immersed in his own thoughts; for him it is not too important to make contact with society. Although many secretive people have friends and hang out in companies. They just don't say anything unnecessary. Merry fellows and talkers, distinguished by secrecy, are rather an exception to the rule. Sociable people They just don’t know how to keep quiet much. But quiet and thoughtful people always seem very secretive. However, you should not assume that secretive people are angry with the whole world and are ready to literally attack you with or without reason. Their external darkness is never the main characteristic of the soul. Secretive people can be kind, honest, compassionate and understanding. You just need to find an approach to them and become a close enough person. With loved ones, such guys and girls always show themselves differently. They can laugh, and communicate, and so on. But if such a person suddenly becomes sad or begins to frown, there is no need to try to stir him up or ask him what’s wrong. Such behavior will only cause him a negative reaction. It is better to leave secretive people alone so that they can figure out their problems themselves.

Secretive and proud

Secretive people are very often unbearably proud. They are so proud that they simply do not like and do not want to ask for help, even when they really need it. Secretive people hide their problems because they believe that they have no right to impose their troubles on someone. Moreover, they simply find it unpleasant when someone knows about their experiences and tries to help. A proud person always wants to decide everything himself. His hyperindependence sometimes does not lead to the best consequences, but such a person is unlikely to change his tactics of behavior. Secretive people very often do not tell others about something, not because they do not trust. They just don't want to impose their problems. Such a person may even lie, just so that you don’t worry. Although, if we continue to talk about proud, sincere people, it is worth noting that in terms of trust in these people it is difficult to find fault with anything. They are the least likely to lie, because they speak little and they do not have to get out of situations where they can accidentally say too much and then try to retract their words. Therefore, if a secretive person, when asked where he was on Sunday evening and why he did not pick up the phone for five hours in a row, says that he was dealing with work matters, but does not want to tell what, rest assured, this is so. If a secretive person named the place where he was, then it is true. The fact is that he either doesn’t say anything or tells part of the truth. Therefore, you shouldn’t suspect such people of lying and expect a trick on their part. The secrecy of this type of individual never affects those nearby. These people do not deceive their loved ones and do not even try to do so. They do not say anything at all for the sole reason that they simply do not consider this information important or necessary for anyone. Therefore, if your loved one is secretive, there is no need to try to find lies in his words, follow him, and so on. Trust what he says. And if he doesn’t say anything, simply explain that you, for example, need to at least know where he is. Let him not say what he is doing and with whom, but at least tell him his location. Secretive people are actually quite understanding. Therefore, if you explain everything without cavils and accusations, such a person will definitely understand you and will try to do so that you do not worry and his personal space does not suffer.

Clinical cases

Of course, secrecy is not always a manifestation of certain character traits. It also happens that secretive people are simply not quite adequate psychologically or even mentally. In this case, there can be no talk of any trust at all, since such a person, not only you, does not trust himself. If you notice that a person is hiding everything that is possible and impossible, because he is simply afraid of some unknown and incomprehensible enemies, then he may develop paranoia. It is better not to trust such a person with any special information, because he can interpret it incorrectly, or even turn it against you. In such a situation, it is best to contact a specialist, since such manifestations of secrecy can lead to completely inappropriate actions, a hostile attitude towards loved ones, and so on. Paranoia differs from ordinary secrecy in that a person becomes nervous and twitchy. He cannot sit still quietly, it seems to him that someone is watching him. In this state, a person may begin to hide his things, calling them very valuable, although in fact they are ordinary trinkets, not answer phone calls, accuse completely harmless people of being spies, and so on. This behavior is difficult to confuse with ordinary secrecy, because if a secretive person simply remains silent and does not want to go into the details of his personal life, the paranoid person begins to be hostile to everyone, hide everything and hide himself. In such situations, you cannot trust a person simply because he has a mental disorder and he needs the help of a good specialist, whom it is recommended to contact immediately.