Class hour meeting a new teacher. Class hour “Introduction to the school mediation service. Materials for class hour

Class hour“Day of Knowledge” for grades 5-6 09/1/2015

Introductorywordcoolhead: Dear Guys! Today our entire country celebrates Knowledge Day. For you fifth graders, this is an unusual day, because today you crossed the threshold for the first time high school. Fifth grade is its very first step, but gradually, rising from step to step, you will become graduates, you will be as beautiful and smart as our graduates today. The knowledge gained at school will help you choose a profession, become respected people, and benefit our country.

Studying will bring you a lot of new and unusual things into your life: new subjects, new teachers, and new problems, but I hope that you and I will overcome all the problems, because we will solve them together and help each other. We will try to make sure that everyone in our team has a good time, like in a big friendly family.

Autumn has come again
And behind her is hope,
Only luck and happiness
The future awaits us all:
In our school again, as before, as before
A new academic year is rushing by.
Cool supervisor: Now let me introduce myself: I am your class teacher (last name, first name, patronymic).

And now we will go to " journey By Planet Knowledge». (the planet of knowledge is drawn on the board and on it in no particular order written subjects that will be studied by children in grades 5 and 6)

Here is a map of the Planet of Knowledge. On this map there are countries and continents that are already familiar to you, and there are also unexplored territories that you are yet to learn about. Now we will travel across all continents of the Planet of Knowledge. But the names of the continents we will go to are encrypted in riddles.

Puzzles I ask I, A You And guess her And cross out Name Togo continent, on which You visited.

Riddles about school subjects (for cards):

    The necessary science, gymnastics for the mind, will teach us to think.....(mathematics)

    Any student will be literate if he knows .... (Russian language)

    Do you want to drive around different countries, you need to know the language .... (foreign)

    We will love books, we will improve our culture in the lessons .... (literature)

    Will strengthen the muscles of all children…..(physical education)

    To find vocal talents in children, you don’t need lessons... (musical)

    Paintings, paints, high feelings - this is what ... (fine art) teaches

    Mastering work with passion - for this you need ... (labor training)

    The distant past, ancient territories - this is studied by science....(history)

    Will teach you to know and love nature... (natural history)

    Lessons from ... (computer science) lead us into the world of computer grammar.

    Will teach you to be a citizen….(social studies)

Cool supervisor : Well, our journey has ended. There are no losers among you, which means there are no blank spots left on the Planet of Knowledge. And to explore each continent in depth, you have a whole school year ahead of you!

Well A Now let's check level knowledge . Let's carry out « Funny lesson » Let's listen questions And we give answer . Answers That , Who first raised hand . Attention question :

    What is lighter: a kilogram of fluff or a kilogram of iron? (They equal)

    A girl was walking to the library, and 3 boys met her. How many people went to the library? (one girl)

    How many mushrooms can fit into an empty basket? (1 mushroom, then the basket will no longer be empty)

    2 boys played tennis for 2 hours. How long did each person play? (2 hours)

    A math lesson lasts 45 minutes, and a history lesson lasts 2700 seconds. How does this work? (there are 60 seconds in a minute, 45X60 = 2700)

    2 mothers and 2 daughters found 3 mushrooms. And each one got one mushroom. The question is, how could this happen? (there were three of them, grandmother, mother, daughter)

    How to turn a mountain of stone into a gentle word? (repeat several times: rock, rock, rock; you get “weasel”)

A Now puzzles folds . Only reply everyone together need to , loud , funny And together .

I am the antonym for the word “summer”

Dressed in a white fur coat.

The frost is crazy!

Because I….(winter)

I am the antonym of screaming, knocking,

I am friends with any science.

I'm needed in class

I call myself... (silence)

Guys , to You Not missed you , I I'll arrange For you small exam .

I will set to you questions , on which need to Very fast And clearly

reply .

1. He owns the words that for some reason he shouted in the bath. These words were:

"Eureka! Eureka!" (Archimedes)
2. An institution that admits illiterate people. (School)
3. The white pebble melted and left marks on the board. (Chalk)
4. Letters constructed for roll call. (Alphabet)
5. The best, but very short time in the life of teachers and students. (Holidays)
6. Time interval between lessons. (Turn)
7. Between A and C. (B)
8. Nanny Pushkina. (Arina Rodionovna)
9. Its length is measured in parrots. (Boa).
10. In which ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky's flowers dance a waltz? (Nutcracker)
11. The most desirable, satisfying place in school during the big break? (dining room)
12.The most main man At school? (director)

A Now Let's let's check , How You you know fairy tales
I I call authors , A You Name books

( Book confirms right answers ).
1. Astrid Lindgren – main character I really loved jam

(“Carlson, who lives on the roof”);
2. Nikolai Nosov - the main character did not like to study

(“The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”);
3. Charles Perrault - the heroine of this fairy tale was rewarded for her

your hard work (“Cinderella”);
4. Alexei Tolstoy - the hero of this fairy tale loved to stick his a long nose

(“The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”);
5. Gianni Rodari - all the heroes of this author are vegetables and berries

(“The Adventures of Cipollino”);
6. Pyotr Ershov - the main character of this fairy tale had the smallest horse

("The Little Humpbacked Horse").
7. Eduard Uspensky - the main characters of this fairy tale were very independent

and lived in a village with a dairy name (Uncle Fedor and the cat Matroskin)

8. Alan Milne - the main character loves honey very much (“ Winnie the Pooh and that's it, that's it, that's it")

Guys , Here And has arrived solemn moment ! To become real students GOODY ,

necessary pronounce words oaths students .
Let's ask everyone stand up And loud , together repeat behind us word - we swear !

1. We swear! Running to school for the first lesson with burning lights

curiosity through the eyes. We swear!
2. We swear! Absorb all knowledge with a voracious appetite. We swear!
3. We swear! Keep the fire of love and respect for teachers and administration alive.

We swear!
4. We swear! Be friendly and proactive. We swear!
5. We swear! Carry a high rank with dignity
GUDI student. We swear!
6. We swear! pass the test with dignity. We swear!
7. We swear! Find friends here and make an effort! We swear!
8. We swear! don’t be lazy for an hour and have fun
study! We swear!
9. We swear to love teachers and live in peace with the whole world!
We swear! We swear! We swear!

Wait , A What same our parents ! To me Seems , was would not bad With you , expensive parents , take promises . If agree With us , say word « Yes ».
1. We will always help children in their studies, so that the school is proud of the children! Yes?
2. We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks; remembering formulas is nonsense for us! Yes?
3. We swear to never hit children, just scold them a little sometimes! Yes?
4. Let us be calm, like the water in a river, we will be wise, like a star in the sky! Yes?

5. We will get up in the cold mornings to make it there and here in time! Yes?
6. We will always cook delicious dishes and spoil the children with sweets sometimes! Yes?
7. When the school holidays are over, we’ll go for a walk with the children then! Yes?
Thank you dear parents!

Guys , For you I prepared their adviсe

Here I come desired hour:
You are enrolled in fifth grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We give you an order:
Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
So as not to yawn at school,
Don't peck your nose at your desk.
Train yourself to be in order:
Don't play hide and seek with things
Treasure every book,
Keep your briefcase clean.
Dress neatly
To make it pleasant to watch,
Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth!
We wish you good luck in everything!!!

Cool supervisor: Well done! You turned out to be attentive, diligent and attractive. And now the most enjoyable part of our class hour.

On blackboard at us maple leaves wishes . . If you write your wishes on them, then all your plans will definitely come true.

You are given 3 minutes to come up with and write down your wish. Only it should begin with the words: “In 5th grade (for 5th graders) In 6th grade (for 6th graders) I want...” And one more secret. Leaves do not fulfill all wishes, but only those that you yourself try to fulfill. Attention, think of a wish and write it down on a maple leaf! (children write on leaves)

And now all that remains is to submit our wishes to the wishes folder and wait. At the end school year we will check whose dreams have come true and whose dreams remain only on paper. Have you forgotten what wishes our magic folder fulfills? Only those that you yourself try to implement.

(children rent notes)

Our first class hour has come to an end. I once again congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. I think that all our wishes will come true, because we are not alone, because we have friends next to us.

Topic: Getting to know each other


Meet the students of school No. 90, 3 “B” class,

Find out the interests of children, relationships in the team, promote the development of relationships between children and trainees.

Create conditions that facilitate quick and favorable acquaintance, creating the atmosphere necessary for work.

Event duration: 45 minutes.

Number of students and age: 9-10 years; 25-27 people

Form:cool hour with game elements

Location: Secondary school No. 90, Minsk.

Class: 3"B".

Equipment: cards for writing names, colored pencils and markers, paper, colored chalk, handouts, pictures, colorful magnets, cut out figures of various shapes

Progress of the event

A) Points of preparation:

Preparing the board for use

Preparing handouts: paper with text, markers, colorful magnets

B) Stages of implementation (Organizational, Main, Conclusion)

B) Summing up

D) Reflection

Progress of the event:

  1. Organizing time:

Teacher: Hello guys! We have come to you to have a great time. We will see you once a week (on Wednesdays) for several months. We hope that we will quickly become friends, and that it will be interesting and informative for both us and you to work together. We hope that you will learn a lot of interesting and useful information.”

(Introducing ourselves)

I am Moroz Maria Viktorovna

I am Vera Sergeevna Mineeva

I am Queen Maria Alexandrovna

I am Mazovka Nikita Aleksandrovich

I-Markevich Anna Nikolaevna

I am Malyarevich Anastasia Vladimirovna

Anya Markevich : And in order for our cool watch were held in an interesting and organized manner, we will need to follow the following rules, agreed? They are as follows:

Everyone must speak on their own behalf

Raise your hand if you want to speak

Don't interrupt each other

Help each other if necessary

  1. Main part:

Masha Koroleva : Since our class is dedicated to Getting to Know You, we need to get to know you accordingly. And we will do this in the form of games.

  1. Game "Snowball":(8-10 minutes) We think you are familiar with this game. Your task will be this: along the chain, starting from the 1st row of the 1st option, you will say your name. And the letter with which your name begins. With the letter that begins. You must come up with your own character trait for this letter. Got it? Let's try? But the condition is that each subsequent student names the name and character trait of the previous student.

Olya is responsible, Polina is diligent.(Example)

  1. Game "Repeat":(7-10 minutes)

Nastya Malyarevich:

1) The teacher says his name and shows the children the movement. Children must get up from their desks and repeat the teacher's name and movement.

2) Then the child (as directed by the teacher’s gesture) stands up and says his name and also makes a movement. And the teachers repeat

3) The second teacher says his name and shows the children the movement. Children must get up from their desks and repeat the teacher's name and movement.

4) Then the next child (as indicated by the teacher’s gesture) stands up and says his name and also makes a movement. And the teachers repeat after him. And so on.

This can be done for 6 teachers and 15 children.

Vera Mineeva:

  1. Game "Greeting":(1-2 minutes)

The teacher tells the students to look at each other, smile and say a few good words, wanting the children to have such a mood throughout their studies.

Now we’ll rest a little and do a little physical exercise:(2 minutes)

Children repeat words and perform movements at the same time

“Hello, golden sun! (hands spread in a circle)

Hello, blue sky! (reach up)

Hello, free breeze! (jumping in place)

Hello, little oak tree! (sit down)

We live in the same region (waving hands)

I greet you all!”

Now let's get back to the next tasks.

Nikita Mazovka:

  1. Game "Animals on your back":(7 - 10 minutes)

A picture or name of the animal is attached to the presenter so that he does not see. To guess, the leader must ask questions to others, to which they answer YES or NO (for example: “Do I have feathers? Am I a predator? Do I live in water?” If a person quickly guesses the animal, then another person should be called.

Vera Mineeva:

  1. Game "I have never...:"(5-7min)

Participants sit in a circle and pass the ball around. The person who got the ball must say “I have never.. (for example: I have never jumped with a parachute). The remaining participants bend one finger on their hand if the statement is not true for them (i.e. they jumped with a parachute). The one who has the last uncurled finger on his hands wins. The presenter says in advance that phrases must correspond to reality, and fingers must be bent honestly

Masha Moroz:

  1. Final part:

At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives all the children cards in the form of circles, hearts, flowers, squares, on which they must write their impressions of the lesson and take them as a souvenir.

This concludes the lesson and sums up the acquaintance.

Reflection: Did you like our event? I would like you to be just as active next time.


Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution

Secondary School No. 8


Methodological association of history and social studies teachers

Class hour on the topic: “The world of each of us”

in 5th grade


Belorukova Elizaveta Alekseevna

a history teacher


Class hour - “The world of each of us” (acquaintance) in 5th grade:

Target: Introduce the class teacher, get to know the children, form in children a positive assessment of their cool team, establish a favorable psychological microclimate in the classroom

“Each of us has our own wonderful, strange world”

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introduction, welcome speech, introduction to the situation.

Good afternoon guys! We are starting our class hour - an hour of getting to know each other, playing and communicating. Smile at each other, give me your smiles too! Thank you! A smile always encourages communication. Today you and I will talk about us, about the world of each of you. You are ready?

Friends, let's do an experiment. Please take a sheet of paper and divide it into two parts. In one half, write down the bad things you did in, say, the last month, and in the other half, write down all the good things. Admitting your mistakes is already half the battle. Now tear off the part where the bad is written down. Tear it up and give it to me. We will consider that we have said goodbye to everything bad, and we will try to avoid making similar mistakes in the future.

Please tell me what people usually pay attention to when communicating? The children answer.

I think it's by the eyes. They speak volumes. Look closely at your neighbor. Try to determine what mood your neighbor is in, what he is thinking about, how he feels. Children guess.

Does your mood match your friend's observation? What can you say about my mood? Children guess.

I'm sure there are good guys here. Here's what proverbs from different nations say about goodness:

A kind person brings peace - the Russians say.

If you do good, you will find good - they say the Udmurts.

Kindness gives birth to kindness - said the Persian sages.

II . Activation.

Let's play with you, and the first game will be called

1. “Let’s get to know each other.” Each participant, starting with me, must stand up, loudly say his name and add to it several adjectives that reflect positive qualities. (Elizaveta Alekseevna is kind, active, creative)

After everyone has played. The second part of the game is aimed at the teacher. Children act as journalists; they must ask questions to the teacher in order to learn more about him. (example questions: how old are you, what are your hobbies, if there are pets, etc.)

And I will learn about you, my dear fifth-graders, from you, and the next game is aimed precisely at this.

2 . "Magic Chair" (classmates say only good things about the person sitting on the chair)

So we met and learned a lot of good things about each other,I think that it will be good and pleasant for us to study. And it will be doubly pleasant if we maintain cleanliness and order around us, so, guys, let’s try to keep, for example, our office as clean and cozy. And the game will help us do this

3. "Not really". Listen carefully to the questions and give the correct answer: either “yes” or “no”.

Will we enter class with dirty shoes? (No.)

Shall we wipe our hands on the curtains? (No.)

Can't you write directly on the walls? (No.)

Do you need to wear replacement shoes? (Yes.)

Need to fight during recess? (No.)

Won't we be late for class? (No.)

Let's try to study well? (Yes.)

Dear guys, who can name what school subjects were in your lessons? (Mathematics, Russian language, natural history, physical education, singing, drawing, labor, etc.)

3 .Game "Planet of Knowledge"

Students take turns coming to the board, pulling out cards with riddles, reading, and in unison guessing the names of school subjects.

- necessary science, gymnastics for the mind,

It will teach us to think (mathematics)

- Any student will be literate

If he knows (Russian language)

- Do you want to travel to different countries?

Need to know the language (foreign)

- Let's love books, improve culture

We're in class (literature)

- will strengthen muscles for all children (physical training)

- distant past, ancient territories –

Science studies this (story)

Well, the 5th grade answered all the questions correctly, which means they got A’s in all subjects. Well, what happens after school? (Turn!)

During recess, children should move and rest. We will relax and move to the music. At the same time, we will check your attention.

4. Game "recess". Get out from behind your desks and stand in the aisle between the rows. You will dance to the music and do simple movements. I will give you the movements. At the words “the sun is shining above” we raise our hands up, at the words “fish swim in the depths” we lower our hands down, at the words “the swallow flaps its wing at us” we wave our arms outstretched in front of us, at the words “the leaves are spinning outside the window” we spin. . Let's practice without music.

The sun is shining above. (Children raise their hands.)

Fishes swim in the depths. (Children give up.)

The swallow waves its wing at us. (Children wave their arms outstretched in front of them.)

Leaves are spinning outside the window. (Children spin around.)

Now let's try it ourselves.

The music is turned on, the children perform movements according to the teacher’s commands.

The teacher reads the lines of the poem in random order. Children perform appropriate movements.

Since I will be your class teacher for several years, I would like to lead one of the very first traditions of our class, namely the “wish box”. Now you will need to write a wish to yourself, starting with the words

5. “In 5th grade I want...”

(Literally a couple of sentences). And at the end of our school year last call, we will open our box and see who has had their wish come true, and who still needs to try to make it come true.

Our class is a small family. I really want peace, kindness, respect, mutual understanding to always reign in our family, and there would be no quarrels or swearing. What is needed for this?

The guys respond (love, patience and forgiveness.)

If we collect all the components, then we will have fewer quarrels and misunderstandings, and therefore we will be pleasant and comfortable with each other.

III. Conclusion, summing up.

If we are attentive to any person with whom we interact, be it a random travel companion, classmate or friend, this will be a manifestation of kindness, peace and love.

I wish you a lot of happiness

A bit of adversity

An ocean of luck, a stream of worries!

Thank you all very much!!!

In your spare time, dear guys, I ask you to think about the topic of the class team, and in particular about the distribution of responsibilities in our class.

And now we will go on a tour of the school, since each lesson will be held in special rooms. To do this, we will leave the classroom and walk around the school. I hope you have not forgotten that our class is obedient, cultured and polite. Therefore, try to behave well and not make noise - after all, classes are going on at school.

All-Russian competition for the best methodological development"Class hour"

Introducing first-graders to the class

Last name, first name, patronymic of the author: Sergeeva Olga Sereevna

Place of work: MBOU "Secondary School No. 34", Krasnobrodsky village, Kemerovo region

Job title: primary school teacher.

Ceremonial class hour on September 1 - festive and significant event for schoolchildren and teachers. For some, Knowledge Day will be the first day at school, which they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Location — classroom No. 7.

Target: creating conditions for the quick and painless adaptation of children to school and the classroom.


Create conditions for children’s initial acquaintance with the teacher and each other.

Introduce children to school rules and the basic requirements of the teacher in a gaming setting.

Create an emotional mood, increase interest in school, study, class, teacher.

Progress of the event

Hello Guys, today is an amazing and unforgettable day for you - you have crossed the threshold of the office where you will study for the first time.

Who knows what they teach at school? (Children give their answers.)

That's right, at school they teach you to write, and read, and draw, and be friends, and respect each other, and many other good and useful things.

What is the name of the room you are in? (Class.)

Look around you. What a beautiful and cozy office awaits you,

I think that studying in such an office will be very pleasant for all of you.

We will come to this class for 4 years and try to keep it as clean and cozy.

Exercise 1.

And the “yes-no” game will help us do this. Listen carefully to the questions and give the correct answer: either “yes” or “no”.

Will we enter class with dirty shoes? (No.)

Shall we wipe our hands on the curtains? (No.)

Will we write directly on the walls? (No.)

Do you need to wear replacement shoes? (Yes.)

Need to fight during recess? (No.)

Won't we be late for class? (No.)

Let's try to study well? (Yes.)

And we will be very proud of this (YES)

WE is our class with 25 students.

Together we have to learn, be sad, rejoice in our successes and the successes of our comrades, think, reflect.

And in order for us to cope with all this, we probably need to get to know each other.

Do you see a yellow circle on the board with an inscription, who knows what is written on it?

Right! Our class 1 “B” is written there and we will make a beautiful sun out of a simple circle!

Task 2.

Now I will show rays with your names, and whoever hears his name comes out and talks about himself, attaches the ray to the board and sits down in his place.

Children take turns introducing themselves and hanging up their rays.

Now each of you has your own little ray of our future warm, cool sun.

This is what an amazing sun it turned out to be, created from our names. Like this sun, we will be together for four whole years in studies, games, and hikes.

Every day I will tell you: “Hello, guys!” And you will greet me in return. But not the way they did it in kindergarten. In the classroom, it is customary to stand up from your desk when greeting the teacher.

Let's try!

Task 3. Game “Don’t make a mistake, please!”


You only need to execute those commands that contain magic words.

Stand up please!

Hands up!

Please clap!

Please stomp!

Bend over!

Sit down quietly!

Please sit down quietly!

Today you have become first-graders; your great desire to know a lot sets you apart from all other children.

Task 4. Now let's play the game "Carousel".

Carousels, carousels. - Swing your arms back and forth with straight arms.

You and I got into the car - We pretend to hold the steering wheel of a car.

And we went, and we went...

Carousels, carousels .- Wave your arms again.

We got into the helicopter with you - Circular rotations with one arm above your head.

And we went, and we went...

Carousels, carousels .- Wave your arms.

They sat on the horse with you - We stand on our toes, holding an imaginary bridle with our hands.

And we went, and we went.

Carousels, carousels . - Wave your arms.

We got on the plane with you . - Hands to the sides, swaying.

And we went, and we went...

Carousels, carousels.

Everyone sat down quietly at their desks!

Well done, you completed all the tasks correctly, and now it’s time to take the oath of a first-grader and be faithful to this oath for all 4 years of study.

Always come to class for the first lesson

Even before the bell rings. (Children in chorus - We swear!)

Be active and relevant in class,

Remember and learn everything you need. (We swear!)

To be literate and become smart,

Textbooks, books, pencil cases and notebooks

Always keep in perfect order. (We swear!)

Become good friends, become faithful,

Help each other in everything and always. (We swear!)

And laziness, untidiness, tips, lies

We will never take you to class, under no circumstances. (We swear!)

Dear guys, dear parents and guests, I thank everyone for participating in our first school day, thank you for the beautiful flowers


Set the class on a friendly wave, establish friendly relations between students, form behavior and manners of correct treatment of each other;

Identify some character traits of students;

Identify leaders in the class.


It is necessary to prepare in advance for each student a double piece of checkered paper, three packs of markers with six colors (red, green, blue, yellow, black, brown).

Write the names of the teams (large): “FUNNY”, “CALM” and “REVENTIVE” (the letters should be the same size, and it is advisable to write the names with different felt-tip pens).

First game "Color Wave"

(Test “Our Mood”)

The teacher hands out pieces of paper and markers and invites the children to draw two squares, coloring the first one in any color.


This simple test reveals the mood of the class “before” and “after” acquaintance, shows emotional condition Guys.

These colors roughly correspond to the following emotional and energetic states:

red - energetic;

yellow - joyful;

blue - calm;

green - bored;

brown - closed;

black - gloomy.

Second game “Where am I?”

(Mini test)

The teacher asks the children to draw two circles on a second piece of paper and place several smaller concentric circles within them. Near the first circle write the word “I want”, and near the second - “I have”. Then the guys need to put a dot or a cross on both drawings.


For example, if in the “I want” picture the cross is located in the center, then the child strives for leadership, and in the “there is” picture the cross is quite far from the center, then this shows that he is limited in his actions and desire for leadership, i.e. his desire to be a leader is not true.

This test will help the teacher analyze the leadership capabilities and aptitudes of students throughout the year. There are cases when a fairly active, responsible student does the “work” of a leader not by choice, but by force; or he has an internal complex of constraint, which he wants to overcome by fulfilling the role of a leader, but in principle it is not inherent in him, etc.

Third game “Remember the names” (Individual game)

There is nothing more pleasant for a person than the sound of his own name.

D. Carnegie

The teacher invites students to sit in a circle facing each other and think about what is most essential in the character of each of them: endurance, calmness, cheerful disposition, reliability, etc., or come up with some associative epithet for their character, for example, light, sunny, openwork, rainy, etc. Then the participants in the game, in a circle, one after another, name their name and characteristic feature. The next student must repeat the name of the previous participant, then say his name and sign. And so on in a circle until the end.


This game is a little constrained at first, since not all students quickly remember the names of their classmates. But gradually, helping each other, they get drawn into the game. In this way, the goal of the lesson is achieved - to establish friendly contact between children.

Fourth game “Read and Build”

(Team game)

The teacher distributes cards to the participants in the game, on which the names of the teams are written in large letters: “FUNNY”, “CALM”, “REVENTIVE”. The letters are stacked and mixed up.

The task of each team is to find out the word and line up, holding a letter in their hands so that the team name can be read. The team that does it faster and without mistakes wins.


This game is usually fun and lively. During the game, mutual understanding and coordination of actions are revealed, and leaders are identified.

You can come up with other names for teams.

Fifth game “Exchange of greetings and compliments”

An exchange of greetings is an exchange of human warmth if we express our feelings sincerely and are natural in our behavior.

Team members are asked to come up with a general greeting to other teams and a few compliments.


After previous games, the guys’ mood usually improves. They already interact well with each other and can coordinate their actions more freely. Greetings can be in the form of a handshake, an elegant curtsy, a Russian bow, an enthusiastic exclamation, etc.

Sixth game “Color Wave”

The teacher asks the children to color the second square on the piece of paper that was given at the beginning of the lesson. Bulat Okudzhava’s song “Let’s compliment each other...” is playing.


Having collected the leaves, the class teacher makes a preliminary analysis: if the pictures have more “warm” colors (red, yellow), then the acquaintance and communication took place in a good, welcoming atmosphere. A comparison of several drawings “before” and “after” the lesson shows how the children’s mood improved as a result of game situations.

However, regardless of the results, the teacher notes that the lesson was held in an informal atmosphere, and hopes that in the future the children will maintain warm, friendly relations with each other.

Food for thought. In subsequent work, the class teacher will try to analyze the character of each student. The proposed non-standard classification of “leaders” and “outsiders” will help to assess the student’s place in the team and make a qualitative assessment of the child’s behavior among peers.

Approximate classification various types"leaders" and "outsiders"

Types of "leaders"

"Reluctant Leader"

This is a leader appointed by the class teacher without taking into account the child’s real abilities. At the same time, depending on the personality traits of the “reluctant leader,” his relationships with classmates can develop differently:

The child does not know how and does not like to command; formal authority is alien to him. As a rule, such children strive to achieve the goals set for them with the help of requests or persuasion of peers, often preferring solidarity with them rather than with the teacher;

The leader appointed by the teacher begins to like the fact that his classmates are forced to obey him. This situation is detrimental to the child, to the formation of his character and later life. As he grows up, his classmates will be hostile towards him, and it will be difficult for him to make friends among his former “subordinates”.

"Right hand"

This is a type of leader, outwardly close to the previous one. However, in contrast, the teacher’s “right hand” is an ordinary student who actually has certain organizational abilities. Sometimes such children turn out to be “permanent social activists.”

"Owner of his own opinion"

This role is not always a leadership one. In almost every class there is a boy or a girl, and sometimes several children, who, whether it is appropriate or not, express their own opinions, including those that go against the opinion of the class or teacher. Usually these are children with developed senses self-esteem, who are the spokesmen for the seemingly suppressed opinion of the collective. They can be stable leaders in small groups, but are poorly suited to leadership in large teams.

"Champion of Justice"

This role is very close to the previous one, but differs in that it often takes on ugly forms. A “champion of justice” may be an inveterate sneak and consider denunciation a unique form of struggle for justice.


Such a teenager can be found in any classroom. Of course, such a role can only conditionally be called a leadership role. As a rule, he does not enjoy the respect and authority of his peers. However, he can make the team fear himself, and therefore we can talk about his certain power over his classmates. People with high intelligence, sociability, and well-adapted to school, as a rule, do not become such leaders. Most often these are boys who have no other means of increasing self-esteem other than physical violence against others.

"Partial leader"

This is the most common leadership role in children's and adolescent groups. These are usually children whose competence is recognized in a specific area and by a small group of children. Each group, depending on the interests and character traits of its members, has its own leader, sometimes there are several of them.

"Failed Leaders"

There are several typical roles, the performers of which do not have stable positions in the children's team.


This role in its purest form is found in the lower grades: the teacher’s “favorite”, possessing such qualities as obedience, accuracy and charm. Used by the teacher as a constant assistant. He is an attractive figure for other children, who think that friendship with him will bring them closer to the teacher. With age, the position changes somewhat.

"Example for class"

He is conscientious and obedient, which is the result of too high demands, primarily from parents, and, accordingly, high anxiety in the student himself. This attitude towards oneself puts the child in too close dependence on the attitude of those around him - first adults, and then peers. Such a child finds it difficult to tolerate even minor upsets, and serious difficulties can cause him stress and even a neurotic illness.


This is the name given to a weak child who most often works with a “terrorist.” “Six” usually has a low opinion of their strengths and abilities. He feels insecure in front of adults and intuitively looks for a patron. But, feeling protected and cared for, he often begins to take it out on his classmates for all previous insults, gets bullied, becomes rude and insolent. He pays for patronage with unconditional adoration and all sorts of small favors. Having lost a patron, he loses ground under his feet and easily becomes an “outsider” (“outcast”).


This role is usually filled by a teenage boy who was raised somewhat differently than his peers. Unable to find mutual language with other guys in a “game by the rules”, he is forced to develop a kind of defensive reaction. A child is intellectually developed, proud, with high ambitions, but without the necessary cooperation and communication skills, he is often forced to play the role of a “dude.”


This is the female version of the “dude”. More often than not, this is a pretty girl, undeservedly praised by her parents and, perhaps, playing the role of a “favorite” in primary school, and then abruptly lost its position. IN adolescence such a girl again attracts the attention of her classmates with her appearance, but she has a serious drawback - wounded pride. A “princess” can also be a girl who lives in a rather cold family atmosphere and strives to attract attention to herself using her spectacular appearance. But not every attractive girl is such a “princess”.


Boys are endowed with great physical strength, and, as a rule, cultivate it. But he uses the advantage of the strong only in extreme cases, does not get cocky and does not get into a fight first. He defends rather than attacks. A self-confident “strongman” never hesitates, acts slowly, with a sense of self-esteem.


He takes revenge on those around him for the injustice of fate: he informs, gossips, and pits his more simple-minded classmates against each other. He does nasty things on the sly, secretly enjoying the result produced, and may even express condolences to the victim. He usually hides his vindictiveness, showing it only in conditions of complete impunity in relation to the weaker, defenseless, as well as in cases when no one knows about his actions or when responsibility can be shifted to someone else. This behavior in children is often based on psychological problems their parents passed on to the child. On the one hand, there is a feeling of one’s own inferiority, and on the other, misanthropy (it’s the fault of those around me that I feel bad).


Typically, these children do not have pronounced inclinations and abilities, preferring games and walks to intellectual pursuits, and films about war to visiting museums. As a rule, they choose not excellent students and not the most well-behaved guys as their friends.


This word, denoting geographic remoteness, is usually used to describe children sitting at the last desk and falling out of the “majority”, as if below the bottom line. In a psychological sense, these can be not only C students, but also excellent students, not only “unheard”, but also overly obedient, not only aggressive, but also too active or, conversely, quiet.

Types of "outsiders"


Overweight children. Their awareness of their completeness as a defect leads to the development of character traits typical of low or unstable self-esteem.


This child is the victim of criticism from a teacher who had the misfortune of being chosen as a perpetual scapegoat. Under the influence of rough, merciless criticism by the teacher of the child’s mental abilities and his classmates, an idea of ​​him is formed as a being good for nothing,


This is an asthenic, meek boy who responds to all insults with tears. Next to him, any child feels strong and skillful. Everyone asserts themselves on it, even “Kamchatka”


Usually he does not have a patron, sometimes ingratiating himself to the point of servility in front of many stronger guys. They usually tolerate him, but despise him.


Such a child tries to attract the attention of his classmates, at least temporarily. Everything is used: antics, jokes, sometimes evil ones. He is ready to receive any punishment, a bad grade, if it causes approving laughter from his classmates. Where another would feel insulted, he is ready to laugh. Such a child may give the impression of a person completely devoid of self-esteem. However, it is not. His buffoonery and buffoonery are often a desperate, futile attempt to regain respect and self-esteem. He does not seem to notice the humiliation, paying attention only to smiles and laughter, which he takes as an expression of benevolence.


Such a child is prone to emotional outbursts at the slightest insult or injustice (real or imaginary). He immediately bursts into abuse, threats or angry tears, and often gets into a fight, and fights recklessly and cruelly, striking anywhere, but he himself does not seem to feel pain. This reaction is observed in many boys, and often girls in particularly acute situations. Such a child has increased psychological vulnerability, a heightened sense of infringed dignity, and his desire to see a potential offender in every person is often due to the experience of an unkind attitude towards him.

Such children are characterized by a feeling of constant readiness for defense. This may be caused by an unhealthy home environment, aggressive behavior parents, beatings. These children need consultation, and perhaps treatment, from a neuropsychiatrist.