Advisory assistance. Basic research. Terms of use and repair of technical rehabilitation equipment, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products

Social advisory assistance to people with disabilities is aimed at their adaptation in society, easing social tension, creating favorable relationships in the family, as well as ensuring interaction between the individual, family, society and the state. Social advisory assistance to people with disabilities is focused on their psychological support, increased efforts in solving their own problems and provides for:
  • identification of persons in need of social advisory assistance;
  • prevention of various kinds of socio-psychological deviations;
  • working with families in which disabled people live, organizing their leisure time;
  • advisory assistance in training, vocational guidance and employment of people with disabilities;
  • ensuring coordination of activities government agencies and public associations to solve problems of people with disabilities;
  • legal assistance within the competence of the authorities social services;
  • other measures to form healthy relationships and create a favorable social environment for invalids.
Advisory center. The institution of social services for people with disabilities that provides social advisory assistance is advisory center- an institution designed to protect the rights and interests of citizens, their adaptation in society by assisting in solving social, psychological and legal problems.

Terms of use and repair of technical rehabilitation equipment, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products.

Terms of use of technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products before their replacement

The terms of use of technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products before their replacement are approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2011 N 1666n “On approval of the terms of use of technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products before their replacement.” Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated August 21, 2008 N 438n Procedure for the implementation by the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation of medical and technical expertise to determine the need for repair or early replacement of technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses, prosthetic and orthopedic products
  1. Carrying out a medical and technical examination to determine the need for repair or early replacement of technical means of rehabilitation provided for by the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2005 N 2347-r (hereinafter - technical funds) provided to persons recognized as disabled (with the exception of persons recognized as disabled due to industrial accidents and occupational diseases), and persons under 18 years of age who are classified as a “disabled child” (hereinafter referred to as disabled people), as well as prosthetics (except for dentures) and prosthetic and orthopedic products (hereinafter referred to as products) provided to certain categories of citizens from among veterans who are not disabled (hereinafter referred to as veterans) are produced by the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body).
  2. Medical and technical examination is carried out on the basis of an application from a disabled person (veteran) or a person representing his interests. An application for a medical and technical examination is submitted to the authorized body at the place of residence of the disabled person (veteran) in writing. Simultaneously with the application for a medical and technical examination, the disabled person (veteran) presents a technical device (product), the need for repair or early replacement of which must be established. If it is impossible to provide a technical device (product) due to difficulties in its transportation or the health status of the disabled person (veteran), confirmed by the conclusion of a medical organization providing medical and preventive care, the authorized body, upon application of the disabled person (veteran) to conduct a medical and technical examination, may make a decision on conducting a medical and technical examination with a visit to the home of a disabled person (veteran).
  3. The authorized body informs the disabled person (veteran) about the date and place of the medical and technical examination, in which the disabled person (veteran), at his request, has the right to take part. The disabled person (veteran) reports his desire to take (or not take) part in the medical-technical examination in an application for a medical-technical examination.
  4. The authorized body, within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application for a medical and technical examination, makes an expert assessment of the state of performance of the technical device (product), its compliance with the required functional parameters, medical purpose and clinical and functional requirements. The documents necessary for the authorized body to conduct an expert assessment cannot be demanded from a disabled person (veteran).
  5. Based on the results of medical and technical examination authorized body the feasibility of repairing a technical device (product) is established and a medical-technical examination report is prepared in the form provided for in Appendix No. 2, in 2 copies, one of which is issued to the disabled person (veteran).
  6. The conclusion of the medical and technical examination indicates the reasons for the malfunction of the technical device (product), as well as the types of repairs. If it is established that it is impossible to repair a technical device (product) by the authorized body, the conclusion of the medical-technical examination concludes that it is necessary to replace the technical device (product) early and indicates the reasons for its early replacement. In the conclusion of the medical and technical examination, recommendations are given on the organization that carries out repairs and provides new technical means (products).
  7. Controversial situations that arise during the implementation of medical and technical examination are resolved in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Repair of technical rehabilitation equipment.

Disabled persons are provided with repair services for technical rehabilitation equipment. As part of social services, disabled people are provided with:
  • necessary means of telecommunications services;
  • special telephone sets (including for subscribers with hearing impairments);
  • negotiation points for collective use;
  • household appliances;
  • typhlo-, surdo- and other means necessary for social adaptation.
A disabled person has the right not only to receive free of charge the specified special means for self-care and care, as well as other means of rehabilitation, but also to receive services for their repair. Maintenance and repair of technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people. - are made out of turn with exemption from payment or on preferential terms. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 2008 N 438n "On approval of the procedure for carrying out and the form of the conclusion of a medical and technical examination to establish the need for repair or early replacement of technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses, prosthetic and orthopedic products" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 16, 2008 N 12293) the procedure for the implementation and form of the conclusion of a medical and technical examination to establish the need for repair or early replacement of technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses, prosthetic and orthopedic products has been approved.

The procedure for maintenance and repair of rehabilitation equipment for disabled people.

  1. If a technical device or prosthetic-orthopedic product is faulty, the disabled person needs to submit an application to the body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence for a medical and technical examination of this device or product.
  2. The application is submitted by the disabled person or his representative in writing. Along with the application, a product or product is presented that must be checked for repair or early replacement.
  3. Sometimes it is not possible to provide a means or product, for example, due to the difficulty of transportation or the health status of the disabled person. In this case, the disabled person needs to first obtain a conclusion from a medical institution (for example, about the impossibility of removing the prosthesis before receiving a new one) before contacting the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
  4. At the request of a disabled person, the body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation may decide to conduct a medical and technical examination with a specialist expert visiting the disabled person’s home. For example, this is useful when a wheelchair is faulty.
  5. The body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, which has received an application from a disabled person, must set a date for conducting a medical and technical examination and notify the disabled person of the exact time and place of its conduct. A disabled person has the right to take part in this examination at his own request. A disabled person must indicate his desire or unwillingness to take part in the examination in an application.
The maximum period during which the application is considered and the examination is carried out is 15 days from the date of receipt of the application.
  1. The expert draws up a conclusion that assesses the performance status of a technical device or product, its compliance with the required functional parameters, medical purposes and clinical-functional requirements, and the causes of breakdown or malfunction.
  2. In the final part of the conclusion, the expert indicates whether the repair of a technical device or product is appropriate. If repairs are impractical (that is, too expensive compared to the cost of a similar new product) or impossible, then a conclusion is made about the need for early replacement of the technical device or product.
  3. The conclusion indicates an organization that can carry out repairs or manufacture a new product or product. One copy of the medical-technical examination report is given to the disabled person against signature.

Social advisory assistance

Social advisory assistance to people with disabilities is aimed at their adaptation in society, easing social tension, creating favorable relationships in the family, as well as ensuring interaction between the individual, family, society and the state. Social advisory assistance to people with disabilities is focused on their psychological support, increased efforts in solving their own problems and provides for:

  • - identification of persons in need of social advisory assistance;
  • -prevention of various kinds of socio-psychological deviations;
  • - working with families in which disabled people live, organizing their leisure time;
  • - advisory assistance in training, vocational guidance and employment of disabled people;
  • - ensuring coordination of the activities of government agencies and public associations to solve the problems of people with disabilities;
  • - legal assistance within the competence of social service authorities;
  • - other measures to form healthy relationships and create a favorable social environment for people with disabilities.

The organization and coordination of social advisory assistance is carried out by municipal social service centers, as well as social protection authorities, which create appropriate units for these purposes.


The analysis and research conducted allows us to draw the following conclusions:

  • 1. Social protection is a state policy aimed at ensuring the social, economic, political and other rights and guarantees of a person, regardless of his gender, nationality, age, place of residence and other circumstances.
  • 2. The state plays a vital role in organizing social protection of the population, organizing pension services and provision of benefits, social services, social assistance to families and children, preparing legislation on social protection of the population, regulations on the basics of social policy, social standards and recommendations for the development of regional social programs , providing foreign economic and international cooperation, analyzing and forecasting the standard of living of various categories of the population.
  • 3. Social protection of the population includes social security, social insurance and social assistance, consistent with social policy state, which, according to the Constitution, is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.
  • 4. The main forms of social protection of the population are pensions, provision social benefits, benefits for specially needy categories of the population, state social insurance, social services.
  • 5. Targeted social assistance is provided to those in need if the average per capita total income of members of a low-income family is below the subsistence level and only in the presence of a difficult life situation that cannot be overcome on their own.

Goal setting. The goals of any advisory assistance should be based on the needs of the client. In this context, we can talk about two main goals:

  • 1) increasing the efficiency of the client’s management of his own life;
  • 2) developing the client’s ability to solve problem situations and develop existing capabilities.

Consulting/assistance must necessarily include teaching the client, i.e. bringing into his life new values, alternative perspectives on life, the ability to develop solutions to his own problems and implement them in practice.

Sometimes counseling goals are divided into goals related to correction (correction) and goals related to ensuring growth or development. Development challenges are challenges that people face in their different stages own life. For example, this is the transition to an independent existence, searching for a partner, raising children and adapting to old age. To achieve developmental goals, it is necessary to both suppress negative traits, and strengthening positive qualities. In counseling, much attention is paid to achieving a state of psychological comfort and maintaining mental health.

According to A. Maslow, complete self-actualization implies the realization creativity, autonomy, social fulfillment and the ability to focus on problem solving. It can be said that the ultimate goal of counseling is to teach clients to help themselves and thus teach them to be their own counselors. This is consistent with one of the leading methodological principles of social work - the concept of independent living.

As R. Kociunas notes, the question of determining the goals of counseling is not simple because it depends both on the needs of clients seeking help and on the theoretical orientation of the consultant himself. However, several universal goals can be identified, which are mentioned to a greater or lesser extent by theorists of different schools (Fig. 14.5).

Rice. 14.5.

  • 1. Promote behavior change so that the client can live a more productive, life-satisfying life, despite some inevitable social restrictions.
  • 2. Develop coping skills when faced with new life circumstances and demands.
  • 3. Ensure effective adoption of vital important decisions. There are many things that can be learned during counseling: independent actions, distribution of time and energy, assessing the consequences of risk, exploring the value field in which decisions are made, assessing the properties of one’s personality, overcoming emotional stress, understanding the influence of attitudes on decision making, etc. .P.
  • 4. Develop the ability to tie and maintain interpersonal relationships. Communication with people takes up a significant part of life and causes difficulties for many due to low level their self-esteem or lack of social skills. Whether it is adult family conflicts or children's relationship problems, clients' quality of life should be improved through training in better interpersonal relationship building.
  • 5. Facilitate the realization and increase of the individual’s potential. According to Bloshsr, in counseling it is necessary to strive for maximum freedom of the client (taking into account natural social restrictions), as well as to develop the client’s ability to control his environment and his own reactions provoked by the environment.

R. May points out that when working with children, the consultant must strive to change their immediate environment in order to increase the effectiveness of assistance.

The above list of goals largely coincides with the list of typical client requests and their expectations from the results of consulting assistance:

  • – better understand yourself or the situation;
  • – change your feelings;
  • – be able to make a decision;
  • – confirm your decision;
  • – get support when making a decision;
  • - be able to change the situation;
  • – adapt to a situation that most likely will not change;
  • - release your feelings;
  • – consider the possibilities and choose one of them.

Often clients are interested in results that are not directly related to counseling: information, new skills, or practical help.

At the heart of all these requests is the idea of ​​change. Regardless of the nature of the request or the type of problem, there are four basic strategies.

First situation – changing the situation itself.

Second situation – changing oneself to adapt to the situation.

Third situation - way out.

Fourth situation - finding ways to live with this situation.

At the same time, it should once again emphasize the need to increase the personal responsibility of clients for decisions problematic situation and, in general, the further development of one’s life scenario. The client, as N. Linde notes, needs to be helped to free himself from the state of objectivity and activate the qualities of a subject, ready and capable of changes, decision-making and their implementation.

Typology of advisory assistance. Advisory assistance can be provided in different forms and types. There is a wide variety of forms of advisory practice and classifications of these forms according to for various reasons(Fig. 14.6). Thus, according to the criterion of the object of assistance, individual (“one-on-one” or “face-to-face”), group and family counseling are distinguished.

Rice. 14.6.

Based on age criteria, work with children and adults is differentiated.

The spatial organization of counseling can be carried out in the formats of contact (face-to-face) or remote (correspondence) interaction. The latter can be carried out through telephone counseling (although this is also contact counseling to a certain extent), written counseling, and also through printed materials (popular science publications and self-help guides).

Based on the duration criterion, counseling can be emergency, short-term or long-term.

There are also several typologies of advisory assistance, focusing on the content of the client’s request and the nature of the problem situation. Thus, a distinction is made between intimate-personal, family, psychological-pedagogical and business consulting.

Counseling can be a response to the client's situation ("crisis counseling") or a stimulus for the client's growth and development ("developmental counseling"). Traditionally, counseling has been talked about in relation to situations during or after a crisis, but it would also help people to anticipate possible problems in the future, teach them to recognize the signs of an impending crisis and equip them with the skills to nip crises in the bud.

Any successful counseling implies personal growth, but in a crisis situation a person is in its grip, under the pressure of circumstances, and since counseling is limited to the existing problem, the client’s conceptual and behavioral arsenal can be replenished in a very small amount.

Heron (1993) identifies several categories of advisory influences depending on their goals and content (Figure 14.7).

Prescriptive the impact is focused on the client's behavior outside the advisory interaction.

Informative impact provides the client with knowledge, information and meaning.

Confrontational the impact is aimed at making the client aware of any restrictive attitudes or behavior.

Facilitating – cathartic, catalytic, supportive.

Cathartic The purpose of the intervention is to help the client discharge, to give vent to repressed painful emotions (abreaction), mainly such as grief, fear or anger.

Catalytic the impact is focused on stimulating self-knowledge, self-governing existence, learning and problem solving.

Supportive the impact is focused on confirming the significance and value of the client’s personality, his qualities, attitudes or actions.

Facilitating types of influence are focused on greater autonomy of clients and taking responsibility for themselves (helping in alleviating mental suffering and pain that reduce the power of the “I”, promoting independent learning, confirming their importance as unique beings).

The choice of one or another type and type of influence depends on the client’s personality type (as well as the consultant’s personality type) and the specifics of his situation. The relationship between authoritarian and facilitative types of influence is mainly related to the theme of power and control:

  • – the consultant has complete control over the client;
  • – control is divided between the consultant and the client;
  • – the client is completely autonomous.

Urgent social services

One of the new forms of social services for elderly and disabled citizens is urgent social services. It consists in providing emergency care of a one-time nature for elderly citizens and disabled people in dire need of social support. The scope of social services for this category of citizens is established by the federal list of state-guaranteed social services. It provides, in particular, for one-time provision of free hot meals or food packages to those in dire need; one-time provision of financial assistance; providing those in dire need with clothing, shoes and other basic necessities. Municipal social service centers providing urgent social services (or departments created under the social protection authorities), organize emergency medical and psychological assistance for people in need of social support, and assist in employment , in the provision of temporary living quarters (if necessary), organize legal consultations.

So, based on the interests of citizens, social services can be not only permanent or temporary, but also certain conditions- one-time nature, taking into account the real needs of the elderly and disabled.

In social service institutions, social service clients are provided with consultations on issues of social, social and cultural support for life, psychological and pedagogical assistance, and social and legal protection.

The organization of social advisory assistance is entrusted by law to municipal social service centers, as well as to social protection authorities, which create appropriate units.

Social advisory assistance to elderly citizens and people with disabilities is aimed at their adaptation in society, easing social tension, creating favorable relationships in the family, as well as ensuring interaction between the individual, family, society and the state.

Social advisory assistance includes:

1) identification of persons in need of social advisory assistance;

2) prevention of various kinds of socio-psychological


3) work with families in which elderly and disabled citizens live, organizing their leisure time;

4) advisory assistance in training, vocational guidance and employment of disabled people;

5) ensuring coordination of the activities of government agencies and public associations to solve the problems of elderly citizens and people with disabilities;

6) other measures to form healthy relationships and create a favorable social environment for elderly citizens and people with disabilities.

In general, social advisory assistance is aimed at psychological support for elderly citizens and people with disabilities.