Resources for learning languages. The best services for learning foreign languages. The best Russian-language resources for learning English

The first step in any business is the hardest, so we want to help those who are starting to learn English by presenting 22 of the best sites for learning in English for beginners. You will learn what resources you need to use to learn to speak, read, write in English and understand it by ear. All presented sites can be used both for self-study and for learning a language with a teacher; they are ideal for independent work outside of class.

Our articles help improve your English. But it's even better to deal with it good teacher. At the Inglex online school, we combine strong teachers and the comfort of online classes. Try English via Skype on .

Universal sites for learning English for beginners

To begin with, we will provide sites where you can study comprehensively, that is, improve several English skills at the same time. These resources are good because you can use them to study on your own “from scratch.” Even if you have never learned English, everything will be clear to you. We have already mentioned these sites in previous articles, but perhaps they are not yet familiar to beginners, so it would be useful to write about them again.


A famous resource with the lion cub Leo, who is remembered by many people, who needs to be fed with “meatballs” while performing various tasks. This site for learning English is notable for the fact that it is Russian-language, so everything will be clear to you on it. The resource allows you to learn words and compose phrases, read articles, listen to songs and watch videos with lyrics to them, while simultaneously translating unfamiliar words, etc. However, we recommend that you focus specifically on learning new words. It is important for beginners to form a decent lexicon so that you can later build sentences from these words.

Site features:

The site provides the opportunity for both paid and free classes. For beginners, a free package of services will be quite enough. If you feel like you want more and definitely don’t shy away from your classes, you will always have time to acquire a paid status.

Here you can learn not individual words, but highlight entire phrases or fragments of phrases with an unfamiliar word in texts and learn them in their entirety. In this case, you will immediately know in what context you can use new vocabulary, and it will be much easier to remember the words in sentences.

The so-called “Jungle” is an impressive library of texts, video and audio materials. As soon as you get tired of learning words, go there. Audio and video materials are provided with texts, and any word can be translated with a mouse click and added for study.


Another Russian-language universal site for learning English for beginners. You can also practice all your skills on Duolingo, but you will be accompanied not by a lion cub, but by a funny green owl. What is the fundamental difference between this resource and the previous one? Lingualeo offers words to study out of context, that is, these are standard word cards with pictures. Duolingo invites you to learn words immediately in context, in short simple sentences. This is very convenient: you learn not just 10 new words, but 10 new phrases, even if they are simple, but you can use them in your speech.

Site features:

Each phrase in the exercises is voiced by a native speaker, that is, from the very beginning of training you get used to the sound of a coherent English speech, albeit at a slightly slower pace. If you have difficulty hearing English, press the voiceover button several times, listen to the phrase and repeat it after the native speaker. This way you will train not only your listening comprehension, but also your pronunciation.

In addition to the usual exercises, this resource also contains tasks to test your pronunciation. We recommend working with a microphone, so you don’t miss the opportunity to make sure that you pronounce the sounds of the English language correctly.


An excellent site for those who want to learn modern spoken English in a simple and fun way. Here you will find a rich collection of audio lessons and video lessons for beginners and intermediate students. You will study grammar, words and phrases for every day, phrase books for tourists, and also learn the language from films and songs. If you practice regularly, the results will not take long to arrive.

Site features:

Each lesson is a fun workout that will help you feel confident in speaking English. Teacher Oksana develops classes together with native speakers - you will not only learn to speak correctly, but also practice American or British English by ear.


This resource presents the most common words and phrases that English speakers use in everyday speech. In the “100 English Lessons” section you will find 100 situational dialogues with useful phrases voiced by native speakers. Also on the site there are collections of 1500 of the most necessary English words and 1000 useful phrases in English. Each word and phrase has a translation into Russian, so learning on this site is convenient even without a dictionary.

Site features:

The soundtrack for each exercise is presented in two versions: normal and slow. The second option will be useful for those who still have poor listening comprehension.

Pay attention to the dialogues: you can listen to them in full or listen to each phrase separately at a normal or slow pace. In addition, you can hear the sound of an individual word when you hover your mouse over it.

Learn new words online


A resource where you can create electronic cards with words. We recommend making thematic collections of words - this will make it easier to remember. New vocabulary can be learned through various interactive exercises.


Follow the link below to find English tests for beginners. With these activities, you will test your knowledge of basic words and be able to learn new vocabulary by guessing its meaning from the explanations.

The tests on this resource are quite simple and allow you to review basic English words. Try to complete the tasks, even if you do not know all the correct answers, and when the system gives you the right word, try to remember it.

Let's talk online

In this paragraph, we will present only one option for improving spoken English - learning via Skype. For those who continue we would recommend more resources, as in, in which we talked about sites for exchanging language experience. However, there is no point in doing this for beginners: native English speakers do not know Russian, and a couple of phrases learned by a beginner will not provide an opportunity to communicate. We also do not recommend speaking English with students like you: you can learn each other’s mistakes and adopt incorrect pronunciation. We recommend postponing such communication at least to the level.

Now you know 22 great sites for learning English for beginners. If you study on your own, we recommend using them as additional material, and taking a set of textbooks as your main material. To make it easier for you to choose manuals, read the article “”, in which we described in detail what books you will need at the start. And, if you decide to engage in self-study, use our step-by-step guide "". And if you want to get a quick start in learning English under the guidance of an experienced mentor, we suggest you try it at our school. Our competent and creative teachers will help you achieve the desired level of knowledge and will not let you get bored in the lessons.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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The key to success in learning is still practice, and the best option in this case is communication with a native speaker. In the social networks presented below, you can find someone to talk to based on your interests and hobbies, and at the same time practice your knowledge of the language. Editorial website I have also selected the best resources for learning English for you, in which you will find many valuable tips and tricks.

Language social networks

For those who have already mastered the basics of language practice, Lang-8 offers a wonderful approach in its simplicity. The user writes a text in the language being studied, after which a native speaker of the corresponding language takes over the text and makes appropriate changes to it (or not, if you managed not to make a single mistake).

The network is ideal for manic grammar lovers or those who, in order to speak confidently, first need to get approval - to make sure that at least everything is written correctly. From a purely psychological point of view, this is very correct; the main thing is to remember in time the need to master oral practice.

Languages: There are native speakers from 190 countries.

A special feature of the Interpals network is a huge international community, built on the principle of Facebook or any other social network, but with an emphasis on learning languages. For a quick acquaintance you only need a basic level of language proficiency, and you don’t have to look for motivation for studying outside the site, because there are so many interesting people there!

Languages: - social network, which can help in the study of any foreign language. It is especially suitable for those who already have a good understanding of the language and want to practice with a native speaker, although this is not necessary. The site was made by perhaps the most famous manufacturer of electronic language learning systems, Rosetta Stone. All you need to do is register, enter your partner search parameters: native language and target language, and a list of suitable options will appear, indicating country, age, gender and a brief summary.

Important point! Even two.
Pay attention to the column “Native language”. Sometimes it lists more than 2 languages. Often, some users include English or other languages ​​in the list of native languages ​​if they simply think that they speak them fluently enough. But this does not mean that they do not make the same mistakes as you. Pay attention to the number of languages ​​studied. If there are too many of them (for example, 5), then most likely the user is simply interested in them. Think about how seriously he is willing to deal with each of them at the same time.

The policy of the international Livemocha network is to help someone else, and he will help you. Exercises that cannot be checked by the program are analyzed by native speakers. They do this for a reason, but in exchange for the fact that someone will later check their exercises. Whether to believe the reviewer's reviews is a personal matter, but experienced users advise paying attention to user ratings. Language learning is divided into several stages: each includes five lessons, which consists of four mandatory exercises: learning new vocabulary, performing exercises on what has been learned, written and oral tasks.

Note. Most of the content is free. But at the same time, there is also a system of tokens, by paying with which the student can, for example, study individually with a teacher whom he chooses. You can also buy a “golden key” for $9.99 per month, which will give you access to all materials.

Mylanguageexchange is a dream come true for Soviet children, an ideal service for finding a “pen pal”. Only here the friend will not be an arbitrary Bill from South Africa, but exactly who you want. When you visit the site, you describe your ideal “language partner,” as they call him here: his native language and the language he practices, as well as the country in which he would like to live and the approximate age of your partner. The rest is a matter of choice: choose the interlocutor you like and is suitable for your parameters and polish your French, German or whatever.

The site, according to the authors, has about a million users from 133 countries, they learn 115 languages. When you get tired of face-to-face communication, you can try playing all sorts of vocabulary games, scouring the local library, or simply switch to text chat instead of voice chat.

Languages: 115, including major European and Asian ones.

The site with the outlandish name italki offers live chats and text checking that we have already mastered. The main difference from the same Lang-8 is the ability to give professional lessons to those who wish, recording them in the schedule and contacting them at a certain time.

Note. Most services on italki are free. There is no need to pay for searching and communicating with language partners on the site pages. Making notes in the Notepad section, receiving correct answers and edits from other users will not cost you anything. It’s completely free to ask your questions and get answers to them. There are also free group discussions where you practice your writing skills with other community members. But professional teachers and community mentors charge for their sessions. Each of them sets their own price. Lessons are paid for with so-called “italki credits” (ITC). The italki credit rate is pegged to the US dollar: 10 italki credits = 1 US dollar.

Languages: more than 100, including the main European and Asian ones.

The online community for language learners was created by 36-year-old Adrian from Liechtenstein and 31-year-old Bernard from Austria, who are fluent in three languages ​​each and learning a fourth. According to them, they were trying to create an alternative traditional way a study they always found expensive, difficult and boring. Three principles on which the site is based: learn from native speakers, learn from original material, learn for free. Each member of the community is not only a student, but also a teacher who helps those who wish to master their native language.

Languages: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese and English.

Interactive services

The LinguaLeo service is built using a gaming method: by registering on the site, the user becomes the owner of a lion cub, which he undertakes to feed with meatballs (which are awarded for regular and effective exercise), can add friends to the pride and has access to the jungle - a database of video, audio and text materials. After registration, the student must independently indicate his level of language proficiency and the time he is willing to spend daily on the service. Using this data, a progress chart will be built that will clearly show the effectiveness of the classes and their intensity.

Today, a person who does not know English loses a lot of opportunities in life and will generally feel uncomfortable. Learning can often be boring and difficult, but we have selected resources for you that will help you improve your English on your own and at ease.

Here you can complete tasks that will be checked by native speakers. You will also be able to meet and communicate with people from anywhere in the world, thereby deepening your knowledge.

By the way, on this site you can learn not only English, but also many other languages.

An excellent portal for learning English. You can read articles, listen to music and watch TV series, learning the language in this way. Then you will have to complete tasks that will help you reinforce the words you have learned.

This service will help you learn individual words. A huge advantage of the site is that it contains mobile version. With this resource you can create your own dictionaries and expand your vocabulary.

If you decide to learn English, then you can’t go without grammar. This service will help you master the structural nuances of sentences with the help of quite interesting tasks. It contains a lot of topics with detailed explanations and exercises.

An English-language chatroulette in which the interlocutor is selected randomly. Here you can not only improve your language skills, but also find new interesting friends.

This service will help improve written speech. Here you can write texts, and a native speaker will read it, correct and explain errors. An excellent resource for those who want to speak a foreign language correctly.

Another social network focused on learning foreign languages. Here you can communicate with people from different countries, get acquainted and improve your knowledge. The resource provides the opportunity to communicate with speakers of more than 100 languages.

Another social network that will help you learn a language. There is one nuance here - many indicate several native languages ​​if they believe that they can speak it well enough. But this does not exclude the possibility that they make mistakes. Therefore, think about it if a person has marked several languages ​​as native ones. Maybe he's just interested in them

An excellent site where you can learn phrases and look at the ones you already know in a new way. The emphasis is on phrases because they are the basis of your communication in the language. This service will help you improve your English communication skills.

This is probably the most serious resource with a lot of materials, lesson plans, assignments and much more. Here you can even prepare for TOEFL and IELTS, which, you see, is quite good.

A service for learning American English, where you can improve your knowledge by viewing various world news on a wide variety of topics. This way you can improve your language skills and find out the latest world news.

An affordable and simple service that even provides crosswords, games and quizzes for learning English. Almost all materials can be printed. The sheer number of exercises makes this resource incredibly useful.

We wish you success in learning foreign languages, and in particular English. By the way, reading books and watching films in a foreign language is a great way to improve your knowledge.

In our age of open borders and incredible things, more and more people are sitting down to study a foreign language. Proficiency in any language, especially an international one (or simply a very common one) - English, Chinese, Spanish - has long become a pleasant necessity. Such skills open up many roads, prospects and opportunities for a person. It's no secret that the more languages ​​you have on your resume, the higher your chance of getting a job or getting into an international volunteer/study program. So, if you want to start learning a language from scratch, improve your skills, or just maintain your level without leaving home, then this article is especially for you.

One of the most popular platforms among beginners: an amazing increase is noted by all users. Training takes place in the form of a game. First, you review a lesson with specific vocabulary, distributed by topic: food, animals, nature. Then, you are asked to take a test: you can only make mistakes three times, otherwise you will have to look at the lesson again.

The tasks in the tests are varied: listen to a speech and write down what you heard, insert one option out of four into a sentence according to its meaning, pronounce the sentence yourself (the program will evaluate the correctness of pronunciation). The most convenient thing is that words are not learned separately from the language, but in the context of typical clichés. There are also grammar lessons. With the help of this site you can upgrade yourself almost to level B2. And, of course, everyone will like the cutest logo - an owl.

There is both a website and a phone app.

: English (American), German, Spanish, French.


Unlike Duolingo, using this platform you can only learn English. On the other hand, there are much more tasks and the level can be raised much higher. Here you will find videos in English with tasks, texts with questions, and lessons. At the very beginning of using the site, it will offer to take a test to determine your level. Accordingly, tasks will be selected according to the level of English, according to their complexity.

The training dictionary is compiled not by topic, as it was in Duolingo, but based on those words that you translated incorrectly or marked as unknown in the training text. There are several types of vocabulary training, and all, again, in the form of a game. There is both a website and an app. There's also a browser extension that lets you tag and translate words on the sites you're browsing, and those words will also be added to your training dictionary.

: English.



This is an educational project, which is a huge warehouse of courses and lectures prepared by various leading universities (mainly American -,). This site is aimed, rather, at those who already speak English well. Through English you can “attend” not only lectures on computer science, design, literature (in general, in your specialty), but also on Chinese, Korean, and in general, on almost any language.

A lesson program has been prepared for each course, and in order to complete it, you will need to complete assignments for the course. If you pay for the course and do not take it for free, you will be issued a certificate based on the results. On average, it costs about a thousand rubles.

Main principles of the platform:

  • “Distance learning plays an important role in continuing education»;
  • “Step-by-step mastery of a subject helps students fully understand the material before moving on to more complex learning”;
  • “Many courses include assignments that are difficult to be automatically graded by a computer. That’s why we let students evaluate and review their fellow students’ work.”

: Courses are taught in English, but you can learn almost all languages ​​of the world.



A platform site that is a cross between Lingualeo and Duolingo. The most important advantage of this project is that the variety of languages ​​is off the charts. Language classes structured in the same way as on Duolingo: vocabulary grouped by topic, practicing new words in the form of a test, new topic. In addition, there are also written exercises that are checked by native speakers. If you subscribe to the site (costs from 5 to 11 euros per month depending on the terms of the subscription), then more opportunities will open up for you: grammar exercises will be added, you will be able to study all the languages ​​​​available on the site, and not just the first one chosen, and a certificate of completion approved by McGraw-Hill Education will be issued.

: English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Turkish, Arabic, Polish, German, Russian, Japanese, Chinese.


Influent is an interactive game designed to practice everyday vocabulary. Its essence is that you walk around a huge apartment consisting of 4 rooms and click on all kinds of objects, and you, in turn, will be given a translation of the word into a foreign language, transcription, as well as classic pronunciation. Next, you are asked to complete a training session - a familiar word pops up on the screen, and you will have to find it in the apartment. Eat different types training: first with 10 learned words, then with all of them, but in the order you learned, then randomly.

This is a new project, so the base available languages still expanding. In addition, the developers plan to add the world “outside” - garden, street, shops, restaurants, etc. On this moment the database for each language includes more than 600 words. The first language costs 249 rubles, the second and then 2 times cheaper. But from time to time there are crazy discounts that allow you to buy the first language for 120 rubles, and subsequent ones for 30.

: Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, English, French, Swedish, Bulgarian, Russian, German, Latin, Korean, Italian, Portuguese, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish, Hindi.


Literally, a global giant with a base of 34 languages. All you need is to choose your native language and the one you want to learn. And - voila - you will be connected to the host for an online conversation. In other words, the platform exists for speaking practice. But it's not that simple! The site offers not only to talk with the host, but also to complete various unusual tasks. “For example, the program shows the student four photographs. The following is an audio and text explanation that describes one of the photographs. The student must choose the photo that best matches the description.” And all this is completely in a foreign language, without prompts.

According to the developers, their method is based on a simple truth: children learn their first language without rules, by ear, they master spoken language, and only then learn the rules at school. Why not teach it this way? additional languages? So, the exercises focus on concentration, hearing and pronunciation (which is also assessed). As the student progresses, the difficulty increases. There is both an application and a computer program. Unfortunately, it's not free, but if you buy once, you won't have to pay extra. Prices range from 199 to 399 euros.

: Whatever! From Hindi, Arabic, Greek to Irish, Turkish.


Other useful resources for learning English:

  • - Tests on topics, level tests, videos, assignments, articles with news about England. Everything is classic British.
  • - a site with free programs for obtaining any level, except Advanced, as well as conversation clubs, grammar, and much more.
  • - for practicing written English. You write any text, and a native speaker checks it. Don't be lazy, check some Spanish or Brazilian text yourself;)
  • - the best in the world that works for context. It is not surprising that the word “teapot” in one context means a piece of utensils, and in another, a beginner in some field. And this is common to all languages! Enter a word, find out for which context it is suitable and for which it is not. Other languages ​​are also available.

Helpful Tips

  • When you sit down to study rare language, go to Android Market or IStore, and type in search bar your language. You'll get a bunch of different apps, not as optimized as the ones above, but still quite useful. It is better to look for platforms with the principle of LinguaLeo, Busuu, etc., that is, focused on . The application can even be found for Albanian, and this is not a joke;
  • Next, look for online conversation speakers on sites like Scrabbin or Italki;
  • In any case, if you do not have a base, it is better to start learning the language with a teacher;
  • Listen to more music and watch YouTube videos in the language you are learning. It is very useful (and pleasant) to watch your favorite film in a foreign language with foreign subtitles;
  • Study the culture of the people who speak this language. After all, history, beliefs, and mentality are reflected through language. This will make it easier to get into the atmosphere and build associations;
  • Find books written according to Ilya Frank’s method: a sentence in the target language, in brackets right there literal translation into your native language;
  • More enthusiasm and perseverance. And - good luck to you!

The modern world is changing at breakneck speed.

The era of long-predicted globalization is coming, when borders between states are erased, and people of different countries are increasingly involved in communicating with each other.

Almost everyone today has a foreign passport.

Every year all more countries cancel visas and open their doors to guests.

Air travel is no longer insanely expensive; it is quite affordable for everyone.

There are no obstacles to leaving home, boarding a plane and in a few hours finding yourself thousands of kilometers away, admiring the beauty of another country.

What stops most of us from taking such a step?

As trivial as it may be, lack of knowledge of foreign languages.

We all know that once you learn English, you will discover completely new life and plunge into a world of previously unavailable opportunities!

And today, in the world modern technologies, he is being taught in a new way, while quickly, efficiently, and often free. Learning English at home online through websites specially created for this has already helped hundreds of thousands of people conquer this language!

–> This method is suitable for self-study from scratch for adults and for schoolchildren. All you need is a computer and the Internet. One and a half billion people use this method, and their experience proves that it is the best.

Video English Course for Beginners

Video English Course for Intermediate Level

According to students,

TOP 5 (+1) best sites for self-learning English are:

  1. Learning English. Found here An excellent resource for self-studying English through immersion in American reality.

    Contains a huge number of videos and audio podcasts describing real stories from the lives of ordinary Americans. Excellent language practice, as the pronunciation is very clear, almost like an announcer. You can choose a level that suits you and go through it, gradually moving from simple to complex, acquiring useful language skills, such as understanding native speakers or speaking.

  2. Our training site – BistroEnglish –. We are very pleased that, according to our students, we are one of the most popular Internet resources for self-study by video and audio. Both paid (for our video courses) and free (for video classes).

    A distinctive characteristic of the site is the video lessons that have already been collected over 38 MILLION views on YouTube.

    Video Lessons are created for both beginners and those with an intermediate level of language. If we take all the popular sites and TOP sites for learning English, then video lessons from Oksana Dolinka will be one of the most popular on the Internet. On our website you will find: English for beginners from scratch, lessons for advanced students, a collection of video lessons on legendary films, songs, and even cartoons, as well as videos for tourists and vlogs from various countries.

    Oksana is a Russian-speaking teacher who lives abroad and collaborates with native speakers to create the most effective and engaging videos.

    As many say, unlike other teachers, Oksana teaches the language very simply, putting everything “on the shelves,” and her express course for beginners has earned the most grateful reviews.

  3. Blog of the online school "Inglex"

    The school's authors write articles about grammar, give advice on preparing for international exams, and tell how to learn English from films and TV series. It is especially fascinating to read the stories of students and teachers who live and work abroad. You can select a section of interest and read materials, for example, about business English, download travel phrasebooks, or memorize conversational phrases native speakers.

    In order not to miss the latest articles, subscribe to the newsletter on the main page- letters will arrive once a week on Tuesdays. They analyze news in English, provide thematic selections of words and expressions, and also share useful resources for learning the language. I also advise you to take a test based on the materials of the week to consolidate what you have learned.

  4. News siteBBC. Located at

    A wonderful resource that is great for improving your language skills. If you have mastered the language at least at an elementary level, start watching BBC videos. On the site you will find the latest news that is rich useful words and expressions. Moreover, you not only become familiar with new words, but also practice understanding native speakers.

    You may not understand them well at first. But there comes a time in language immersion, when foreign speech begins to act on certain parts of the brain, extracting from the subconscious everything that you once learned, even if it was a very long time ago. Magic happens - you begin to understand this language, and every time it gets better and better.

  5. PrePly. Its address is A very interesting educational portal, designed for users with the most different levels knowledge of the language.

    The main feature of the site is that it provides students with the opportunity to learn any language, including English, from anywhere in the world. Wide choose online tutors from a variety of countries, their certification and verified profiles + the ability to master Chinese, French, Arabic and many other languages ​​make this site attractive to many.

    Moreover, if you are already fluent in a language, then you can join this learning resource as a teacher, invite students from all over the world and earn money.

    +1: Another useful resource. Not exactly an educational site, but an invaluable dictionary: MerriamWebster. This is the best electronic English dictionary, whose official website is located at Very convenient to use.

    You can type a word unfamiliar to you from the keyboard, or you can say it into the microphone - electronic dictionary will understand and provide a comprehensive description. You can listen to how a particular word is pronounced correctly by native speakers. In terms of learning effectiveness, this is comparable to immersion in a language environment.

    But you need at least basic knowledge of the language, since the site interface is made in it. Alternatively, you can secure yourself with an electronic translator. In any case, Merriam Webster will be a great help for those who decide to quickly learn English.

New learning sites appear frequently, but the five above will be some of the most useful for you.

Learn English and open a new page in your life!