- Fear of death. Why you shouldn’t be afraid of death How not to be afraid of your death

How to stop being afraid of death, how not to be afraid of the strongest fear. If you experience an obsessive fear of death, then you know how destructive it is to your health and life. It literally paralyzes all desires, even the most pressing ones. You can't eat, sleep, or breathe. How can you live normally while experiencing a panicky fear of death? And how to cope with this thought, with the fear of death?

Most people are well aware that their physical life is finite, but they almost never think about it and therefore do not experience the fear of death.

Imagine a person wakes up in the morning, makes some plans, and then the thought comes to mind: “What plans? What stupid things am I thinking? What if I have to die today?” That's all! The person is immediately paralyzed by a constant feeling of fear of death. No time for plans, no time for deeds, no time for life in general.

Fear of death in psychology is considered the basis of any fear or phobia. And that's true.
Understanding your fears and their causes allows you to get rid of them with a guarantee.

Fear of death as the basis of neurotic states

There is reason to assert that all the fears that have ever been identified in people are nothing more than the transformed hidden and repressed from consciousness of that very fear of death. People are afraid of the cessation of their life activity; they are unimaginably frightened by the prospect of being swallowed up by this “nothing” from which no one has yet returned.

In its development, the fear of death goes through several periods corresponding to periods of a person’s life. We can say that it is cyclical, has a wave-like structure of manifestation. Over the course of life, it either fades or resumes again.

The results of a study of the psychological state of cancer patients yielded stunning information: the vast majority of respondents note that after the diagnosis was announced, they experienced a “golden period”, they learned to say “no” to those things that they considered unimportant, their priorities, values ​​and goals shifted from material accumulation and improvement of well-being to higher spiritual matters, they began to value the time spent with their family, finally got down to doing what they had wanted to do for so long, and became more peaceful and benevolent towards others. The only thing they mostly regret is that they did not realize this earlier. They are surprised that in order to feel the taste of life, they had to fall ill with a fatal disease.

You can turn your fear of death to your advantage by constantly remembering it and using this milestone as the final judge in your life.

After all, it is noted that only those who define their life as empty are terribly afraid of dying, and those who are satisfied with their life and believe that they lived it with dignity and managed to do a lot of what they had planned, are not at all afraid of dying.

In fact, there is no point in being afraid. By being afraid of the fear of death, we start the flywheel of fear even stronger. And the reaction to the feeling of fear is remembered by the body. And the next time, the body remembers it, and we feel the same fear, or even stronger.

There are many distractions to limit the awareness of the inevitability of our own non-existence, and to distance ourselves from the fear of death. We can be busy with school, work, getting and preparing food, friends, children, talk shows, etc. In fact, some people really don't know that they are going to die. No, of course they know that all people are mortal, but this does not apply to them personally. They didn't realize it. They forgot themselves in their work, worries and other human manifestations of life.

What to do to get rid of the fear of death

1 Realize that this is a cycle. Birth-life-death. Death is inevitable. Everything that has its beginning also has its end. People are born, people die, more and more people are born, more and more people die. Everyone cannot fit on our planet at the same time.

2 Know that people will remember you. Memories of you will not disappear, and the more you did for society, your children, relatives, acquaintances, the stronger the memory will be. Therefore, hurry to do good. Plant a tree, write a book of memories, or philosophical thoughts. Yes, in principle, everything is too early, at least my favorite recipes. If at least a few people find it useful, your memory will last for many years. After all, those who have something to leave behind are less afraid of death. And yet, people remain in the hearts of those they loved. Don't think that once you die you will disappear into oblivion. If you are religious, you will be with the God or gods/goddesses of your religion. What is most interesting is that religious people are less afraid of death, because they know what awaits them ahead. The surprise factor disappears. Even if it is a fire hyena or nothingness, in this case, it is better than the unknown.

3 Talk to someone, don't keep it to yourself. You must find someone you trust and tell him about your fear of death. Explain to him why you are thinking this, why you feel this way, and how long you have been feeling this way. If this fear is strong and long-term (Thanatophobia - fear of death, phobia), then it is worth finding a psychologist. But you must trust him.

4 Live the way you want, the way you should. Don't waste your life worrying about death. Replace it with new experiences, acquaintances, communication. In general, something new that you have never done before. Go outside, play with friends or family, or take up a new sport, knitting, studying ancient runes, or reading a religious or philosophical book about death. Just do whatever will distract you from this fear.

5 Your death is something you don't have to worry about and then you will learn to accept it as part of life. Even if you have a terminal disease in which the chances of death are quite high, there is still a chance. If you are a believer, you can always pray to God for recovery and ask other believers to pray for you. Today, the average life expectancy is approximately 75 years in most developed countries, but many live to 100 or much longer.

6 Be optimistic. Research shows that optimists are less likely to have heart disease than pessimists. And strong fear can provoke throat diseases, diabetes and even metastasis of cancer cells. If you think the future will be bad, and only worse, you will most likely die earlier. So don't be afraid of death and you will live longer.

7 Some believe that the materialistic view of the world, that is, physical reality, is the only possible reality. This is not science, but simply a belief system, it is just one theory among many. No one can know what happens when we die. And everything they told us about death was speculation. Although sometimes it is the unknown that frightens you, in the face of death.

8 Many are afraid of pain. Death is not the same as pain. When you are dead, you will not be able to experience pain or suffering because your physical body will remain here.

9 There are people who practice burying in a coffin. Those. They put you in a coffin and cover you with earth. And you lie there for a while. Then they dig you up. Although, for example, I would not dare, because the fear of losing control over the situation is greater than the fear of death.

10 Treat everything with humor. Finally, read jokes about death.

11 Remember, your death will bring suffering to your loved ones. There is no other way, because they love you. If they don’t love, they won’t suffer, but they won’t remember either. A person who loses another person thinks how he will live without the loss. Because a person is selfish and thinks first of all about himself. That is, if it’s hard for him, it means he loves you. Try to have a lot of good memories about you.

Article written: September 5, Monday at 12:51 (2016)

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How to stop being afraid of death? Death is something that awaits us all sooner or later. It sounds sad, but very realistic.

Almost all people on the planet are afraid of death, because once it comes, the human thread of life will be abruptly interrupted.

To stop being afraid of death, you need to be quite courageous and at the same time an unreasonable, desperate person. In order not to be afraid of your natural or sudden death, you need to take a much simpler approach to your life.

In what way is it easier to relate to your life?

You need to worry less about all the trifles, and also stop worrying about all life’s problems. Treat difficult situations easily and without any worries.

Count only on your fate and know that this will not all happen in your life according to the will of your fate alone.

If death is close to you, then know that this is your fate and you cannot escape it.

Everything in your life should happen according to a script unplanned by fate.

Fix in your head the idea that you cannot control the situation of death, since such a situation is not under the control of your strength and your attention.

Keep in mind that everyone always gets sick, so take it easier and don’t overthink it.

How to stop being afraid of the death of close relatives?

As for your relatives, in order for you not to worry about them, you must realize that sooner or later they will leave this world.

No matter how sad it may sound, relatives are leaving this world, just like we are leaving. So that you do not constantly worry about their death and illness, consider how fate will arrange its moves.

However, no matter what happens, you need to take care of the life and health of your relatives.

If you relate to death in this way, you will relate to life more easily.

You will stop being afraid of people, stop being afraid of various life events, and so on.

You will become a more risk-taking person and will easily overcome all your life's difficulties and problems.

Try to feel yourself to some extent as a devastated person who has no cowardice left and no doubts in life.

At the same time, live a rich life, enjoy life and make your close relatives happy. All in your hands. Good luck, DON'T BE AFRAID OF ANYTHING.

B Most people experience fear of death, but not everyone has any idea where it comes from. Such a phobia can accompany a person all his life or appear completely suddenly. In this case, it is necessary to differentiate the cause of this condition. An obsessive fear of death can haunt people who are unsure of themselves. Psychotherapists often discover other concomitant phobias in such patients.

The feeling of fear of death can be so great that psychosomatic disorders occur. A patient with such manifestations becomes irritable and aggressive. Life without fear of death is possible after the necessary psychotherapeutic work. It is not always easy to dislodge such a phobia from a person’s consciousness, because the reason can be the most unexpected.

Life without fear of death is possible only after a person realizes the naturalness of this process. The cycle of existence begins with birth and ends with departure to another world. Religious people The process of this transition itself is often frightening. Fantasies affect much more than the fact of death itself.

Why does such fear arise?

There is no need to be afraid of death, because this is the natural end of a person’s life. However, not everyone can accept this fact and do not want to come to terms with it. At the core of this phenomenon lie problems associated with personal perception of the surrounding reality.

A complete absence of fear of death is also impossible. This is considered a type of psychological disorder. It is absolutely impossible to give up fears about your death. The presence of unexpressed fear should not be too frightening. However, when emotions about this are off the charts, it’s worth thinking about it.

The fear of dying can be associated with a variety of factors. They may be present since childhood. Fear of death, the causes of which are varied, is one of the most serious types of phobic disorders. Main factors:

  1. Fear of illness or serious death. Many people are afraid of this. Their phobia is based on bodily sensations. Such patients are afraid of pain and agony. These fantasies may be reinforced by some kind of illness or certain negative experiences that the person has experienced in the past.
  2. Pointless care. Most patients fear dying without leaving a trace. That is, not doing anything significant in life. Such people are always late. They are chasing luck. They want to achieve something significant to be appreciated. The fear of leaving without a successfully completed task is worse than bodily pain for them.
  3. Lost contacts. This phobic disorder affects people suffering from loneliness. At the same time, they are afraid to die, left alone with themselves. Such patients cannot be alone for a long time. Here the cause is reduced self-esteem and impaired socialization.
  4. Religion and superstitions. People who are immersed in any beliefs are afraid to die because after death they will go to some terrible place. The fear of hell is often much greater than the fear of death itself. Many are waiting for death with a scythe or something similar.

Why are people afraid of death? The answer can be unequivocal. People are primarily afraid of life. Both fears are identical.

Symptoms of this type of fear

Fear of death has varied symptoms. First of all it appears increased sensitivity to any irritant. A person is afraid of almost everything. He is afraid of becoming deathly ill. Associated phobias appear, which provoke a number of serious psycho-neurological disorders.

People who fear for their lives often stay at home and avoid any changes. The upcoming plane flight can cause them to faint and panic attacks. The second type of disorder deserves special attention.

Panic attacks, which are often based on fear of death, are a complex somatic disorder. In this case, the person suddenly develops shortness of breath, dizziness, tachycardia, blood pressure rises, and nausea occurs. There may also be upset bowel movements, frequent urination and severe fear, which leads to panic. Patients with such disorders feel as if they are about to die, but this is just a manifestation of the autonomic nervous system, which reacts in this way to phobias.

The fear of death reaches its peak intensity. A person may fall into despair. Panic attacks can occur during different time. Sometimes they happen at night, for some people they appear in public places or during some sudden changes.

The fear of dying always accompanies people with panic disorders. Often an attack begins with a sharp release of the hormone adrenaline into the blood. In this case, the vessels sharply spasm and characteristic symptoms occur, accompanied by a jump in blood pressure and nausea. Panic attacks may be accompanied by a feeling of shortness of breath.

Panic fear of death in children is less common than in adults, and is much easier to correct. People who live in constant anticipation of illness and trouble are afraid to leave the house and refuse relationships, as a phobia of contracting some kind of infection appears.

Thanatophobia is often accompanied by anxiety disorders. The person cannot relax. He is in constant good shape. Resulting in nervous system depleted, blood circulation in various organs and systems worsens. People with a constant feeling of anxiety often experience painful manifestations in the stomach and intestines, suffer from colitis, gastritis and ulcerative defects of the mucous membrane. As a result of increased anxiety, the production of gastric juice is stimulated, which negatively affects the walls of the organ.

Stool disorders often occur. A person may suffer from constant bouts of diarrhea or constipation. Lack of appetite often occurs. Patients with such fear lose weight and performance due to fixation on the phobia.

How to get rid of the problem?

Working with the fear of death is divided into several stages. First of all, you need to be aware of the pathology of this phenomenon. Psychologists recommend approaching treatment with an awareness of the inevitability of the transition from temporary life to eternal life.

Most people want to know how to learn not to be afraid of death. Some psychologists use a unique technique that is based on playing out an exciting phobia. To do this, you need to imagine your own death, how to experience it here and now.

Additionally, you should realize that there is a specific reason behind this phobia. Identifying it is much more important than all the methods combined. It is important to understand not how to stop being afraid of death, but which tool is better in in this case apply. It will not be possible to eradicate fear forever, but it is quite possible to correct it and make it more rational.

How not to be afraid of death? It is necessary to eradicate fear by replacing it with a positive image. When a phobia comes to mind and haunts you, you should imagine something exactly the opposite. For example, a wedding, some fun event, etc. This must be done until this fear ceases to be so annoying.

To tell you how to get rid of the fear of death, it is recommended to understand the specifics of phobias. The more you feed a negative thought, the more dynamically it will progress. You need to realize the need to replace the negative with the positive. Over time, positive changes will be noticeable.

To accurately answer the question of how to overcome the fear of death, you should delve into the essence of the problem and understand what a person is really afraid of. If this is associated with a fear of painful sensations during the transition to another world, then it is recommended to analyze all cases when a similar fear or unpleasant manifestations arose. Perhaps the person has experienced a serious illness or something like that.

Knowing how to overcome the fear of death gives a person a powerful tool that allows him to look at life in a new way. When an attack occurs and the thought literally begins to choke, it is recommended to abruptly turn it off. This can be done in any way. Turn on music, start cleaning, replace a negative fantasy with a positive one, etc. You need to do whatever you want, just don’t concentrate on fear.

You also need to know what to do if constant fear is accompanied by panic attacks. First of all, when an attack occurs, you should stop and pinch yourself. You can simply hit yourself on the arm or leg with your palm. The main thing is to get involved in reality. You should immediately realize that this condition does not threaten life and health. Additionally, it is recommended to change your breathing. Make it deeper, more conscious, learn to breathe with your stomach. In general, it is recommended to connect with reality using the described approach.

What methods can be used?

How to overcome the fear of death? You need to understand that all people are susceptible to this. You should not be afraid of its premature arrival, since this is only a negative thought and has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. It is very important to learn to take care of yourself. Rest more and pamper yourself with pleasant little things.

It is not always easy to understand how to cope with the fear of death, because sometimes phobias are so progressive that they prevail over common sense. In this case, you need to work with a psychotherapist. Breathing exercises have a good effect.

To get rid of the anxiety that accompanies such a phobia, you need to instill positive attitudes in yourself. Swap the bad for the good. Thus, you need to mentally chew the problem and digest it. As long as a person’s subconscious cannot do this, nothing will work.

Additional techniques

It is necessary to answer the question, what is the worst thing about death? Then analyze your answer. If this is pain and torment, then try to remember similar situations. When the underlying feeling is loneliness, it is already necessary to solve the problem of socialization.

Fear of death is a phobia that affects almost 80% of people on the planet. To live with this, you need to become aware of your presence in real world, and not in the cloud of your negative fantasies. Death phobia tends to progress if the thought is constantly replayed in the head and experienced. It is very useful to write down your fear on a piece of paper. It is advisable to describe in detail all the unpleasant sensations, down to minor details. Then imagine yourself as a different person and read what you wrote, analyzing it from the outside.

Psychology has been studying the fear of death for a very long time. The presented method is effective. When a state of exacerbation occurs and thought begins to choke, it is recommended to imagine yourself from the outside. Look at your condition from a doctor’s perspective and draw a conclusion.

You can even give yourself advice and prescribe treatment. Death from fear occurs in isolated cases. Therefore, you should not be afraid that a panic attack will end in death. This type of somatic manifestations is cyclic. During an attack, it is recommended to take any sedative and vasodilator drug and sit in a horizontal position.

It is necessary to understand that the stronger the fear, the more intense the symptoms will appear. All this can be easily avoided if you keep mint essential oil or ammonia on hand. When you feel like an attack is starting, you just need to inhale the listed remedies and it will immediately feel better. Proper breathing will help. If your heart is beating very strongly, then you need to try to calm yourself down. To do this, you can slowly walk around the room, turn on relaxing music or your favorite movie.

A psychotherapist will tell you how to deal with the fear of death correctly after a preliminary consultation. In this case, assessing the patient’s condition is very important.

Hello! What a beautiful word that contains the best wish. Our health is everything, not only physical, but also moral. Taking care of it is the responsibility of every person. The first rule of caring is pleasant thoughts. But not everyone holds similar views; they are more occupied with terrible thoughts of various directions.

The main fear of humanity is the fear of death. And it doesn’t matter how it manifests itself. Someone constantly thinks about when and in what form death will come to him. The horror of what is happening is that because of the fear of death, we stop living. And for many it reaches the point of a real phobia, that they completely close themselves off from the world, afraid to contact people by any means.

With such a clinical phobia of fear, you should seek medical help, otherwise the person will really die from a neurotic attack and there will be no one to help. Another dangerous type of fear is fear for the lives of loved ones.

But the problem is not only the loss of a loved one, but the fear of feeling the pain of loss, the inability to correct what happened.

How to stop being afraid of death? This question occupies many people, the answer is awareness of the problem and the search for ways to correct the situation. (By the way, you can always read an article about to understand that people still live long enough).

What is death?

A similar rhetorical question worried the minds of many scientists and philosophers. Each person has their own idea of ​​the end of life. But the unchangeable fact will always be the end. Every thing in the world and even the universe has its own lifespan.

You should not imagine death as a terrible monster that ruins all your plans. It is a natural element of existence, so the first step to getting rid of the fear of death is its awareness.

Here are a number of reasons why we fear death:

  • We are afraid to experience pain and suffering before death. But you don’t know what exactly your death will be like. Perhaps it will come not from illness, but as a result of a disaster, quickly and painlessly.
  • Fear of nothingness. None of the people knows for sure what awaits us after death, which is why various religious movements arise that give hope for a better existence than during life. Hope is what gives food to any faith.
  • Not knowing when a person will die. It’s probably right not to know the day and hour of our death, so we can stop thinking about bad things and live life to the fullest.
  • Control, we are afraid of losing it. After all, most people want to control everything around them; this gives them a certain sense of security and stability. But such an assumption is an illusion; control does not allow one to live in full force, deprives many of the joys of life. The machine is also controlled by a certain program, without the ability to act at its own discretion. Don't live like a robot.

The phrase “I am very afraid of death” should not become your life credo.

You have seen how hermits live, afraid to go out because they think about various accidents that could take their lives. But if you face the truth, such people are already dead, although not in the literal sense.

How to stop thinking about your death?

The first thing to do to get rid of fear is to stop thinking about death. Of course, sooner or later she will come, but do not bring her closer with pessimistic thoughts. It has been proven that optimists live much longer. They know how to enjoy every minute and that's wonderful. How does death happen? It starts the moment you think about it incessantly, and expect that there will be an attack around the next corner or that you will be hit by a car. Do not take away the precious minutes of life given to you. Forget depressing thoughts, you need to start living to the fullest, so that there is nothing to regret at its end.

Look around, how many beautiful things you can see and experience. Completely upgrade your life values, they make up the majority of our thoughts and actions. Many eke out an existence and realize too late what the true beauty of life is. So don't waste your life, but do something that will make you happy.

When your thoughts are occupied with positive emotions, you will stop thinking about death and gradually begin to perceive it as an integral part that will come at the end of your journey. But the end hasn't come yet?!

How to stop being afraid of the death of close relatives?

The death of loved ones is a difficult experience for every person. The reason for this is love and affection over the years spent together. The natural order of things is considered to be the departure of parents and grandparents. They lived their years, left behind a lot of good things, first of all, descendants who can continue their unfinished business.

The loss of children is worse; they say there is no worse punishment for a person than burying his own child. Coming to terms with such a loss is incredibly difficult and sometimes impossible. But it is to be hoped that the deceased person is now in better world, where he is freed from suffering and disease.

Sometimes the fear of the death of loved ones pushes people to rash actions:

  • Too aggressive guardianship;
  • Total control over the actions of a loved one;
  • I am happy with the bans, especially on dangerous activities, sports, driving, etc.

Such actions can lead to the exact opposite result. Any person will sooner or later rebel and begin to act out of spite. And this will really lead to disastrous results. Just stop imposing guardianship, of course, you always need to help, but within reasonable limits, then the likelihood of suffering as a result of stupidity will be much less.

Ways to get rid of the fear of death

If you decide to fight the fear of death, here are some tips:

  • Stop being afraid of dying from disease. Tell me, it’s easy to say, but how to stop being afraid of diseases? You know, there is an opinion that thoughts are material, the more we think about a certain event, the more likely it is that it will happen. Think more positively, there will be more reasons for joy.
  • There are many various types phobias, so the answer to the question of how to get rid of fear lies in the ability to live with it. Remember that fear is, first of all, a natural instinct, the production of chemical hormones designed to preserve life since ancient times, when survival was an integral part of existence. Many commands can simply be ignored, such as the fear of flying on airplanes or traveling on trains.
  • Fill your life with joyful moments. Go out into nature with friends more often, spend time with your family. Find a great hobby to free time bad thoughts about death did not occupy your head.
  • Accept the inevitability of death, it is the natural end of any cycle. Take it as a certain milestone for moving to another stage of life. After all, a child also lives for 9 months in the mother’s womb, and what is birth for a person is death for a baby in a certain sense.

Life story

You think it's funny, but it's not. It's easy to judge from the outside. But when it comes to you, the problem is obvious. One of my childhood friends was precisely the unfortunate person who suffered from the excessive love of his parents. Of course, love is good, but there are times when such an attitude is dangerous.

So my friend’s childhood passed without any special joys of victories or the experience of defeats. And so, when he turned 15, he decided to ignore his parents’ restrictions and ride a motorcycle. Of course, he didn’t have his own bike, and who would have allowed him to buy this coffin on wheels, definitely not his parents.

You can guess what such stupidity led to. Anyone who has ever ridden a motorcycle knows that the feeling of speed is completely lost, and there are plenty of traumatic moments during the trip. The result of a friend's actions was fatal. Who is to blame in this situation, the parents with their excessive care or the stupidity of the guy who was led by hormones?

This is my personal opinion about death. I hope my advice will help solve your problem too. Share useful articles with your friends on in social networks and invite them to subscribe to . See you.

Text— Agent Q.

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Hello. Oksana Manoilo is with you and we will discuss the questions: How not to be afraid of death. What is death and should we be afraid of it? This is not the first time we have returned to the topic, as many people are concerned about it.

How not to be afraid of death? Death has always been a source of fear for living beings, including humans. She does not divide them according to their actions. She doesn't care who they were or what they did, how talented or famous they were. She's just doing her thing.

What is death really?

It can be interpreted from a great variety of points of view known in our time. However, is death really what we imagine? Is this the end of everything and beyond is just emptiness? Or maybe heaven awaits us, or the depths of hell, depending on our deeds? In this article I will try to tell you what death is from an esoteric point of view and how not to be afraid of death.

If we discard all prejudices and speculations, then all that remains is the cessation of the functioning of the physical body. What happens to consciousness at this moment is no longer known for certain, but many believe that since consciousness is a consequence of the work of the brain, it also disappears.

However, is consciousness really just an effect and not a cause? The human body is, in fact, just his vehicle for the soul in this world. is immortal, and after the death of the body she leaves it, having received certain experience from life.

Where will the soul be after death?

Where the soul is during the intermediate phase, no one knows. This could be a completely different dimension, where reality is not three-dimensional and perception is not limited only by our current knowledge.

After spending some time, if of course it exists there, in the subtle world, the soul, based on the experience received from past lives, karmic debts (more on them below), as well as the experience that it still wants to receive, sets the configuration of the new life, choosing the time and place of birth, as well as future fate. Then she begins her new life, having previously blocked all memory of past lives and limitless knowledge so that they do not interfere with gaining new experience.

Is it possible to remember a past life?

Of course, there are techniques with which you can remember your previous incarnations, but although this provides certain advantages, it also has certain disadvantages. There have been cases when, remembering my past life, a person could no longer calmly live through the present, constantly tormented by the ghosts of a past that no longer exists. Therefore, you can engage in such practices only at your own peril and risk.

Does the soul suffer while in , depending on its actions during life? Most likely no.

The soul in the subtle world feels the endless flows of cosmic energies, travels through time and space, and has many more possibilities that we cannot understand or comprehend due to the limitations of our consciousness.

This can hardly be called suffering.

Laws of the Universe

However, this does not mean that you can do absolutely any obscenity, and it will not come back to haunt you. Two laws of the universe are still very effective and invariably punish people for crimes: the law of the boomerang and the law of karmic debt.

About the boomerang, I think everything is already known. Whatever you do will come back to you. This is not just a warning that parents use to scare their children, but a valid law of the universe. For the negativity that you cause to other people, it will return to you in kind, maybe not immediately and not in the form in which it was sent, and it may not seem to have anything to do with it at all, but it will certainly return. Fortunately, the boomerang law works not only for bad deeds, but also for good ones. Kindness, love, tenderness also return. And how. Remember this.

What is karma?

As for karma, many people already know about this. Karma is influenced by almost all our actions, and perhaps even thoughts, if they are aimed at harming other people. Having accumulated sins during one of its incarnations, the soul will be forced to atone for them in the next, if it does not have time in the current one, and maybe in the next ones, if there were enough sins for ten lives ahead.

Moreover, exactly the way you sinned towards another person will be treated towards you. There are quite a lot of examples: steal - you will lose your property, kill - you will pay with your life, have a beautiful appearance and play with people’s feelings - expect problems with them in the next life, constantly drink or use drugs - say goodbye to your health and say hello to chronic diseases , and not only in this life. You should not accumulate karmic debts. Getting rid of them is difficult, time-consuming and unpleasant.

Why you shouldn't rush death

Some might think that since after death the soul simply begins a new life, then maybe suicide is really a way out of a difficult life situation? Like, I’ll just go to the next round, I’ll have better luck there.

I hasten to assure you that this is not so. Suicide is one of the most serious crimes leading to a huge karmic debt. During rebirth, you are entrusted with a mission - yours, and unauthorized departure from life is a direct refusal to fulfill it. You remain indebted to the Universe and your own soul, and this will not be in vain for you, rest assured.


After suicide, your soul does not get the experience it was intended to have. And so your life will repeat itself again with minor changes. And it’s not a fact that in better side. Typically in such situations, gender and sexual orientation change, or vice versa.

Plus the circumstances that forced you to commit suicide. Sometimes they only get worse so you can learn to overcome them. Therefore, we do not advise you to hastily leave this life. After all, this won’t make anyone feel better, especially you.

If you are in a difficult situation, do not rush to take your own life. And remember - there are no unsolvable problems. Write to me and go through. I will help you look at the problem from a different angle and find a solution.

Should you be afraid of death?

So, should you be afraid of death? Of course no. Fear of death is somewhat reminiscent of fear of the dark. When we are afraid of darkness, we are not afraid of the darkness itself, but of what may be hidden in it. People tend to be afraid of the unknown. However, now you know everything, don’t you?

Of course, there is also the instinct of self-preservation, which independently evokes in life-threatening situations, but it is not worth fighting with it, because it helps rather than hinders.

Knowledge is a great privilege and it is within your power to obtain it. You can learn more about the soul and its blocked capabilities from other articles on our website.

How can one not be afraid of death?

Death is an integral part of life, and without it the existence of the world is impossible. There is no point in being afraid of it, because it is inevitable and there is no suffering after it. Just bathing in the energies of the universe. And awareness of all your past incarnations for some time. And then new life. Don't be afraid of her, but don't rush to meet her either. Everything has its time. And when she comes, meet her without regrets or fear in your heart, and with a smile on your face.

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