3 proverbs about human qualities. Proverbs and sayings about a person and his qualities. Proverbs and sayings about human qualities

Man is not born for himself.

It is not the name that makes a person, but the person’s name.

It is not the place that makes the person, but the person the place.

It is not clothes that make a person, but good deeds.

Don't judge a watermelon by its rind, or a person by its dress.

The most difficult struggle is to overcome yourself.

He who overcomes his anger becomes strong.

Glory warms, shame burns.

For conscience, for honor, at least take your head off.

The mind gives birth to honor, and the latter takes away dishonor.

Death is better than dishonor.

Two deaths cannot be seen, but one cannot be avoided.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul.

It's better to lose an eye than a good name.

You can see a falcon by its flight, and a good fellow by its gait.

Do not refer, son, to your father's rank.

Modesty suits everyone.

The eyes are not in the right place - the conscience is not clear.

When the conscience was distributed, he was not at home.

He has the shame of a hair on a stone.

To feed children is to give a debt, to feed a father and mother is to pay a debt.

Every family has its black sheep.

An empty ear always turns its nose up.

The empty person is the one who is full of himself.

Nobody likes a narcissist.

The outfit is like a falcon, and the gait is like a crow.

Dressed up like a peacock, but screams like a crow.

He listens with one ear and releases it with the other.

The shirt is white, but the soul is gray.

You can't cover a dirty soul with clean linen.

Neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan.

It fell behind on one shore, but did not reach the other.

Myopic: through bread and pie.

There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.

Our arrows have ripened everywhere.

He will come out of the water dry.

It's like sitting in nettles with him.

An eccentric fisherman - he catches fish in the water and goes home to drink.

A bad dancer always criticizes a musician.

He who lived for the people lives forever. (Whale.)

Man is a living treasure, wealth is dead. (Whale.)

Whoever killed a snake and grew an apple tree did not live his life in vain. (Uzbek.)

Anyone who has not encountered difficulties in life will never become a real person. (African)

It is better to be a man for one day than to be a shadow for a thousand days. (Whale.)

The heart is a crystal bowl, if you break it, it won’t glue it back together. (Japanese)

A tiger leaves a skin after death, a man leaves a name. (Japanese)

The tiger protects his skin, the man protects his name. (Japanese)

Good fame is the best wealth. (English)

Beautiful is he who acts beautifully. (English)

Beauty of the heart more expensive than beauty faces. (Japanese)

The beauty looks good in an old dress. (Checheno-Ingush.)

He who is honest always moves forward. (Whale.)

Dirt from the face can be washed off, but dirt from the soul cannot. (Tib.)

Those who like themselves often don’t like others. (Arab.)

Hundreds of days are not enough to learn good things; One hour is enough to learn something bad. (Whale.)

Rice straw - a lot of smoke; poor man - a lot of courage. (Whale.)

A person lives for a century, and the memory of him for centuries. (Japanese)

Politeness opens all doors. (English)

You can't buy politeness at the market. (Uzbek.)

Whoever speaks evil of you will speak evil of you. (English)

A person who is easily irritated is never right. (Ind.)

If you kick a stone in anger, it only hurts your leg. (Cor.)

Will will pass through rock. (Japanese)

Diligence is the mother of prosperity. (Japanese)

Patience is one of life's treasures. (Japanese)

Impatience does not bring success. (Japanese)

Patience is an ointment that is good for all wounds. (English)

A bad person tries to justify his mistake, a good one tries to correct it. (Japanese)

A person with a bad conscience is like a horse with a sore back - he is always restless. (Whale.)

Worries silver your beard. (Vietnamese)

Haste is followed by repentance. (Arab.)

There is no one more deaf than someone who does not want to listen. (African)

You look at your neighbor with wide eyes, and at yourself with lowered eyelids. (Vietnamese)

Some are blind with their eyes, others with their hearts. (Ind.)

A careless person does it twice. (Cat.)

Coal melts steel, caresses ache and stubbornness. (Whale.)

Many will show the right path when the cart overturns. (Azerb.)

The head is the crown of the body, and the eyes are the best diamonds in that crown. (Azerb.)

He dreams of distant things, but does not see what lies under his nose. (Japanese)

Family is the key to happiness. (Azerb.) A person without parents is like a lute without strings. (Vietnamese)

Take care of your parents as you take care of your children. (Japanese)

A friendly family will turn the land into gold. (Whale.)

Proverbs and sayings about human qualities

It is not the name that makes a man, but the man his name.

Youth is like the song of a lark at dawn.

It is not the place that makes a person, but the person who makes the place.

It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds.

A person is not good because of his beauty, but because of his goodness he is beautiful.

Good people die, but their deeds live on.

Some are blind with their eyes, others with their hearts.

To whom much is given, much will be required.

Eyes are the mirror of a person's soul.

I am the last letter in the alphabet.

You can see a falcon by its flight, and a good fellow by its gait.

Man is harder than steel, but softer than a flower.

Modesty suits everyone.

An empty ear always turns its nose up.

Don't be a sheep, and the wolf won't eat you.

You can't get out in front of people with someone else's mind.

A mind is good, but two are better.

You will learn from the smart, and you will unlearn from the stupid.

It's better to lose with a smart person than to find with a stupid person.

A crazy head is like a lantern without a candle.

Uma is a chamber, but the key to it is lost.

The head was not given to wear a hat, but to accumulate intelligence.

A stupid person will judge, but a smart person will judge.

The smart one blames himself, and the stupid one blames his friend.

Everyone can do the possible, only the brave can do the impossible.

For one brave person they give seven timid ones.

A coward is afraid of his own shadow.

The dog barks at the brave, but bites the coward.

In words he takes the city, but in reality he is afraid of the frog.

Courage is the first wealth of a person.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

Stubbornness is a sign of a weak mind.

Envy and slander live together.

An angry person is like coal: if it doesn’t burn, it blackens.

They carry water for angry people.

Greed is the beginning of all grief.

The stingy one looks at how not to give to another, and the greedy one looks at how to take away from another.

You can't ask a stingy person for ice in the cold.

He stands up to his neck in water, and asks for a drink.

In modesty there is wisdom, in arrogance there is destruction.

When the ear ripens, it tilts its head down; when a man gets rich, he lifts his head up.

Every day a lazy person is lazy.

We are lagging behind in work, but ahead of us in food.

Our happiness is in our hands.

Diligence is the mother of luck.

Happiness does not float in the air, but is achieved with your hands.

There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.

Without knowing grief, you will not know joy.

Sorrow makes you old, but joy makes you young.

Better bread and water than pie with misfortune.

The brave are known in battle, and friends are known in adversity.

Moths eat clothes, but grief eats people.

Keep joy in yourself for an hour in the morning, and it will keep you all day.

As you set up your life in the morning, that’s how it will go for you.

Take the example of a sundial - count only the joyful days.

An angry person ages early.

Anger dries a person's bones and breaks his heart.

Laughter is not smoke, it does not eat your eyes.

Laughter and tears break out.

The one who laughs last laughs.

It’s not for the eyes to have tears flowing.

Tears of sorrow will not help.

Tears are not beads: if you drop them, you won’t be able to collect them.

A girl's tears are like dew at sunrise.

The young are taught, the old are not taught.

Those who did not listen to the elder fell into a large hole.

Where there are no good old people, there are no good youth.

Pearls are found in an old shell.

Proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren. Proverbs and sayings about man, about human qualities, about courage, about honesty, about honor, about purity.

Proverbs and sayings about wanting

The main human strength is desire.

What you want, you believe.

Anyone who really wants it will probably take it.

If you want to, you will jump up the mountain, but if you don’t want to, you won’t be able to move down the mountain.

There would be a hunt, but the mind would apply.

Every hunt has its own concerns.

Have patience for whatever you want.

Those who want little are cheap.

What is done willingly is done easily.

If I want, I can do half of it.

Proverbs and sayings about human courage

Bravery without intelligence is not worth much.

The brave is not the one who does not know fear, but the one who recognizes it and goes to meet it.

Bravery stands, but cowardice flees.

Bravery trumps strength.

Bravery after a fight isn't worth a penny.

He who is without courage is without joy.

Proverbs and sayings about man

Man is the crown of nature.

Man is not born for himself.

The man is great in his deeds.

It is not the place that makes a person, but the person that makes the place.

Every person is recognized in action.

Man presses against man.

Man is supported by man, like a tree by its roots.

A man without friends is a left hand without a right.

Mountain does not meet mountain, but man and man do.

Man is different from man to man.

A person is a castle: everyone needs to find a key.

The lynx is colorful on the outside, and the man is colorful on the inside.

You recognize a person when you shake a peck of salt with him with a spoon.

Proverbs and sayings about honesty

Honesty is more valuable than anything.

An honest deal is not hidden.

Honest eyes do not look sideways.

It is not the one who is strong who is right, but the one who is honest.

Honesty is not about power, it is about truth.

Be poor and honest.

Proverbs and sayings about honor

For the truth and for the honor - even to cut off your head.

Such is the honor.

Honor has come - manage to take it down.

The more honor, the more demand.

Honor is more valuable than life.

The more difficult the matter, the higher the honor.

It’s good to live in honor, but the answer is great.

It is not the one who chases honor who is honest, but the one for whom honor itself runs.

Take care of your honor in your youth, and your health in your old age.

Yes, but not about your honor.

Proverbs and sayings about cleanliness

Cleanliness is the key to health.

Water doesn't like dirty people.

Clean boots go faster.

The teacher gave the task choose proverbs and wise sayings on the topic “Human Personality”- the article will help out, in which we tried to group as many proverbs as possible to help 6th grade students and older, students. From this list, everyone will be able to choose a statement that corresponds to a given topic.

Proverbs on the topic “Human personality”

Man is not born for himself.
The man is great in his deeds.
It is not the place that makes a person, but the person who makes the place.
Every person is recognized in action.
Man is held together by man, like a tree by its roots.
Mountain does not meet mountain, but man and man do.
Man is different from man to man.
A person is a lock: everyone needs to find a key.
The lynx is colorful on the outside, and the man is colorful on the inside.
You recognize a person when you shake a peck of salt with him with a spoon.

All that glitters is not gold.
It's cute on the outside, but rotten on the inside.
Judge not by appearance, but by deeds.

Don't judge a watermelon by its rind, or a person by its dress.
It's not about the title, but about the content.
Don't be pretty, but be useful.
Outside there is beauty, inside there is emptiness.
It looks good, but when you bite through it, your mouth twists.
The tree is crooked, but the apples are sweet.

Not a person, but a wet chicken.
You can even get ropes out of it.
He is like a bag: whatever he puts in, he carries.

The world is not without good people.
In public and grief half-heartedly.
They reach people through people.
We are all people, we are all human.

At home, as you want, and in public, as you are told.
Good Ivan - both to people and to us, bad Ivan - neither to people, nor to us.
Five fingers, and all are different: so are people.
In the absence of fish, crayfish is a fish; in the absence of people, Thomas is a man.”
As we are to people, so are people to us.

What is the character, so are the actions.
Character defines a person.
For such a character, even Satan was not a scare.
Know a falcon by its flight, and a young man by his trick.
The bird is visible in flight.
What the vessel is filled with is what flows out of it.
Everyone has their own habits, what is sweet for someone.
Every Masha has her own habits.
Every young man has his own trick.
Every fellow is a good example.

The hare runs fast, but is cheap.
As in the cradle, so in the grave.
There is no money, but there is gold itself.
All that glitters is not gold.

You can see a person, but you can’t see a person.
To get to know a person is to eat a pound of salt with him.
Until you eat porridge from one bowl, you won’t recognize a person.
Someone else's soul, like a dark forest. Option: Someone else's soul - darkness.
Near the bee there is honey, near the bug there is manure.
For a big ship, a long voyage.
On large ships big and storms.

I also found myself in the wrong place.
I also don’t do seeding in the field.
Gold glitters even in dirt. Option: Gold is visible in manure too.
Quiet in words, but dashing in deeds.
You can break, but not bend.

The good die, but their deeds live.
A kind person is ashamed even in front of a dog.
He is not good who has a handsome face, but he is good who is good at what he does.
Cute on the outside, but rotten on the inside.

Don't look at the sign, go into the store.
Beautiful as a Christmas tree; prickly like a needle.
Great in body, but small in deed.
The nightingale is small, but the voice is great.
Small spool but precious.

Proverbs about the qualities of a person as an individual

Rye and wheat will be born in a year, and a kind person will always come in handy.
Strength is good, but intelligence is better, but a good heart covers everything.
A good person will come as if he will bring light.

The spark is hidden in flint, the mind is hidden in man.
Don't chase beauty, chase intelligence.
The bird is red with its feather, and the man with his mind.

The brave will find where the timid will lose.
In Rus', not all crucians are crucians, there are also ruffs.

Even though he’s covered in patches, he’s a guy with a grip.
Don’t look at how disheveled the sleeves are, but what a grip.
And the Swede, and the reaper, and the player of the pipe.

Beware of the goat in front, the horses in the back, and the dashing man on all sides.
A bad person loves no one but himself.
It lays down softly, but sleeps hard.
A cunning fox will not step on its own tail.
Seven miles is not a detour for a mad dog.

Greshneva’s porridge praises itself: I’m good with butter.

Honesty is more valuable than anything.
Honest eyes do not look sideways.
It is not the one who is strong who is right, but the one who is honest.
Honesty is not about power, it is about truth.
Be poor and honest.

Such is the honor.
Honor is more valuable than life.
The more difficult the matter, the higher the honor.
It is not the one who chases honor who is honest, but the one for whom honor itself runs.

Bravery without intelligence is not worth much.
The brave is not the one who does not know fear, but the one who recognizes it and goes to meet it.
Bravery trumps strength.
He who is without courage is without joy.

Where you cannot take force, there is cunning to help.
Simplicity is enough for every wise man.
He looks like a simpleton, but at heart he is a cunning man.
He wags his mind like a dog with its tail.

You will learn from the smart, and you will unlearn from the stupid.
An unlearned head is like a lantern without fire.
A scientist loves everything.
The scientist walks, but the unscientific stumbles.
It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

The more patience, the smarter a person is.
With desire and patience you can move a mountain.
Patience and work will grind everything down.
The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.
A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.
From idleness one makes money, and through work the will is strengthened.

Death flees from the brave.
The dog barks at the brave and bites the coward.
The brave will find where the timid will lose.
Happiness is always on the side of the brave.
The world loves the brave.
In fate, as in struggle, the brave win.
To the brave - respect, to the coward - contempt.

If you lose your conscience, you won’t be able to buy another one.
Without arms, without legs - a cripple, without a conscience - half a person.

The strong have a hundred years of life, the weak not even a quarter.
Strength without mind is a burden.
You can't take everything by force.
There is strength in calmness.

A good example is worth a hundred words.
Bad examples are contagious.
You get bored with grumbling, but you teach by example.

He who runs stumbles.
He who does not walk does not fall.
He who does nothing makes no mistakes.

Caution is the mother of wisdom.

A lie does not make a person beautiful.
The less you lie, the calmer your life.
Once you lie, you become a liar forever.
Lying will not lead to good.
He who does not lie lives in peace.
If you lie, you won’t die, but they won’t believe you ahead.
Anyone who lies should be screwed.

A gentle look, but poison in the heart.
Words are velvet, but deeds are hedgehog.
In speech he is soft and quiet, but in his heart he is angry and dashing.
He speaks to the right, but looks to the left.
On weekdays, inside out, and on holidays, face down.
Speech is soft, but deeds are hard.
Lays down softly, but sleeps hard.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.
If you deal with a quitter, you will end up with grief.
Only send lazy people to death.
The lazy man eats with his hands and works with his belly.
He's lazy and gets tired of sitting.
Lazy people are too lazy to be lazy.

He who is envious of someone else's happiness dries up.
The envious eye sees far.
People always talk badly about those they envy.

Greed is the beginning of all grief.
Greed is a fierce enemy of peace.
If you chase the big, you'll lose the little.
If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

There is no law for fools.
The fool shouts, the wise man is silent.
A smart person loves to learn, and a fool loves to teach.

Birds have strong wings, and people have friendship.
If you want friendship, be a friend.
The mountain is destroyed by the wind, and human friendship is destroyed by words.
A person without friendship is like a tree without a root.

Life is given for good deeds.
Learn good things, bad things will not come to mind.
For a good person, every day is a holiday, but for an evil person, every day is a holiday.
The evil one does not believe that there are good people in the world.
A good deed nourishes both soul and body.

Iron will is not everyone's destiny.
Strong in skin, but weak in nature.

A person without education is a body without a soul.
The child is like dough: just as you knead it, it grows.

Good will is stronger than reason.
Weak-willed or homeless.

Statements of wise people on the topic “Man as a Personality”

  1. The true purpose of man is to live, not to exist. (Jack London)
  2. Each person is a separate, specific personality that will not exist again. People differ in the very essence of the soul; their similarity is only external (V.Ya. Bryusov)
  3. Every person is a reflection of himself inner world. How a person thinks is how he is in life (M.T. Cicero)
  4. Be yourself. Other roles already taken (Oscar Wilde)
  5. Our personality is a garden, and our will is its gardener (William Shakespeare)
  6. There is nothing more complex and richer in the world than the human personality (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)
  7. A person is not an empty bottle into which you can pour any liquid. (D.I. Pisarev)
  8. Personality, dear sir, is the main thing; the human personality must be as strong as a rock, for everything is built on it (I. S. Turgenev)
  9. A personality is characterized not only by what it does, but also by how it does it (F. Engels)
  10. There are people who are like zeros: they always need numbers ahead of them (Honoré de Balzac)
  11. And among people there are more copies than originals (Pablo Picasso)
  12. The same empty person who is completely filled with himself (M. Yu. Lermontov)
  13. We all look at Napoleons. (A.S. Pushkin. “Eugene Onegin")
  14. Human! It sounds proud! (M. Gorky. “At the Bottom”)
  15. Every personality, no matter how weak it may be, is something completely new in the world, new element in nature. (S. N. Bulgakov)
  16. When reason reigns, personality perishes (Max Stirner)
  17. Personality is a person who suffers (Venedikt Erofeev)
  18. The team is the educator of the individual (A. S. Makarenko)
  19. Clothing is the simplest means of revealing personality (Sophia Loren)
  20. The only thing that can guide us to noble thoughts and actions is the example of great and morally pure individuals (Albert Einstein)