Abandoned villages of the Chelyabinsk region. Abandoned villages of the Chelyabinsk region: list. Taganay National Park

The village of Popovka is located in a picturesque corner of the Chebarkul region - in the middle of the Varlamovsky pine forest, by the way, a difficult forest area, and a regional natural monument classified as a forest reserve. It was here that an industrial facility of national importance was built in the early 70s - workshop No. 11 for the extraction and enrichment of uranium concentrate. The production enterprise was part of a mining association -...

Ruins of the Sinaro-Ural distillery The plant is an L-shaped building, consisting of a three-story administrative (in the corner part) and two-story production parts (in the wings). Before the revolution, it produced alcoholic products, including “Erofeich” and “Spotykach” liqueurs. The drinks were of high quality, in beautiful bottles covered with a complex pattern, the stickers were of high printing quality. Snezhinsky lovers...

The facility is a huge warehouse for sorting and storing grain with many underground and above-ground conveyors. Everything is intact and in working order, down to the regular light bulbs. A railway line enters the territory, although, judging by the rails, it has not been used for a long time. Also on the territory there is a whole fleet of abandoned agricultural machinery, drilling rigs, etc. We did not encounter security, but there were traces of presence...

The Troitsk Diesel Plant is a huge complex of buildings. The aluminum alloy casting workshop is located in three separate buildings with a total area of ​​4,500 sq. m. The perimeter of the plant is surrounded by a two-meter fence, which is very easy to climb because metal rods stick out from it in places. There is a heap of iron throughout the plant and inside the buildings. The fact that the so-called “throwers” ​​have not yet reached him...

The fat plant, located in the city of Troitsk, during its lifetime produced mayonnaise, vegetable fats, glycerin soap, household soap, and laundry soap. Completely abandoned presumably in 2009. There are about ten buildings of various preservation on the territory. There are buildings built a long time ago, for example, an electrical substation, while other workshops are modern. There are two small cooling towers. There is almost no “stuffing” left in the workshops. Near...

Former cement factory thresher. Located outside the city. Built around 1940s. Previously, it was a whole area, there were houses - the factory workers lived in them. Now there are only ruins there. In all buildings, walls and some ceilings remained. The thresher had 3 floors, but it was no longer possible to get there. There were 2 workshops and a warehouse on the territory. There were also 2 storage bins for finished cement. There were 2 capital 2-story apartment buildings and...

The plant in Zlatoust, which is now called “Bulat”. On its territory, everything that is for sale is being actively dismantled. The territory of the plant is huge - there is a large boiler room, impressive workshops, and warehouses. In the largest workshop, all the machines were removed, leaving only bare walls. In the boiler room everything is in its place, but they will soon get to it. There is a warehouse across the river, the doors of which are sealed. The only guards are dogs.

An abandoned workshop near an existing enterprise in the city of Kyshtym. Small in area, it consists of a production facility and several rooms. There was no equipment left inside, only some furniture in the administrative area. On the walls are the remains of Soviet-themed posters. It is located in close proximity to the fence of an operating enterprise, so there is a risk of being barked at by dogs.

It all started with one photo, taken while I was fishing and looking at a village on the opposite shore of the lake. Zoom pulled up and the outlines of an old church appeared...
Of course, the next weekend we went fishing through the village. And when I returned, I sat down to look.

The first photo is across the lake.

The village of Sugoyak is located one hundred kilometers northeast of Chelyabinsk. At the beginning of the 20th century, the village belonged to the Shadrinsky district Perm province, in different periods of Soviet times - was part of the Miass, Brodokolmak and Krasnoarmeysky districts.
The exact etymology of the word "Sugoyak" is unknown. “Su” in Bashkir means “water”, “Ayak” means “leg”. According to various versions, the name of the lake can be translated as “wet foot”, “cold foot”, “stopping water”.
The exact date of the founding of the village has not been established, but there is interesting evidence of the antiquity of this settlement. In “Essays on the disasters of the Dalmatovsky monastery and part of the region from 1644 to 1742” by Archpriest Grigory Plotnikov, published in the “Perm Diocesan Gazette” for 1869, when describing Bashkir uprising 1736 the village of Sugoyak is already mentioned. Meanwhile, the village of Miasskaya (now the village of Miasskoye), as well as the city of Chelyabinsk, were founded precisely in 1736. Consequently, the village of Sugoyak is older than these settlements.
The neighboring village of Russkaya Techa, located just 10 km away, was founded by the peasant Ivan Sinitsyn under the name Beloyarskaya Sloboda in 1682, then it became known as Techenskaya Sloboda. Russian Techa is the oldest Russian settlement throughout the Chelyabinsk region.

One of the old Sugoyak houses

Perhaps Sugoyak also originated in late XVII V. This could have been facilitated by the proximity of the Russian Techa, which played an important role in the formation of the Chelyabinsk region (the former Iset province), the first administrative center of which the Russian Techa appeared in the first half of the 18th century.
About the church. Sugoyak Elijah Church built and consecrated in 1868. The decision to build a stone church was made at a lay meeting. They were built using classical Russian technology, using chicken eggs to prepare the cement mortar. The church was closed in 1932; according to the recollections of old-timers, the authorities tried to destroy it and even brought a battering machine for this purpose.

Photo from 1992

However, all they could do was knock off the plaster in places and tear off the crosses from the domes; The cross on the bell tower remains to this day the highest point in the vicinity. What the battering machine failed to do, inexorable time is slowly doing - the church is gradually being destroyed. Local residents removed the iron sheets from the domes and tore out some of the openwork grilles from the windows to sell them for scrap; one of the marble cemetery slabs lying next to the church disappeared somewhere - perhaps it was also useful to someone on the farm. During the years of Soviet power, the Ilyinskaya Church was used as a vegetable warehouse and a garage. Due to the fact that the garage was quite dry, back in the 80s of the 20th century, the remains of frescoes and memorial inscriptions could be seen there.

Elias Church today (my photos):

They say that Soviet authority was unable to requisition church property in full - some of the utensils and frames made of precious metals were either taken away or hidden by the clergy. According to one version, the treasure is hidden somewhere under the church building, where there were basements and an underground passage, possibly leading to the priest's house, which still stands opposite. The beginning of the collapsed underground passage could be seen at the end of the 20th century.

The priest's house (seemed strange, more like a merchant's shop). We did not find the beginning of the collapsed underground passage.

Historical facts quoted from an article by Irina PASHNINA, Sugoyak Village (“Ural Pathfinder”, No. 12, 2006)

Elias Church in the village of Sugoyak (consecrated in 1868)

The Sverdlovsk village of Rastess has been terrifying the residents of the Urals for fifty years. According to legend, the village disappeared in one moment. The neighbors had not seen anyone from Rastes for a long time and sent several strong men there to check if everything was okay. The villagers returned pale and frightened. “There is not a single inhabitant left in the village,” they said. - At the same time, all things are in their places. The furniture and icons were untouched, there were dishes on the tables, and on one porch there was a book, open as if its owner had gone away and was about to return.”

Another shock awaited the neighboring men at the village cemetery: the graves were excavated... Half a century later, KP journalists conducted their investigation and found out what really happened in the mysterious village...


Sorcerers have always lived near Rastess. They say they settled there in the 15th century, even before they built the Babinovsky tract, which led from central Russia to Siberia. The village of Rastess arose on this tract. But sorcerers have always disliked the newcomers who settled on their territory...

We are sitting in the cozy kitchen of a resident of the village of Pavda, Vladimir Ilyichenko. From the ruins of Rastessa to Pavda 25 kilometers. We stopped here to ask the locals about the best way to get to the ruins.

“We want to solve the mystery of the disappearance,” we chatted amiably to the natives. But they just waved it off and twirled their finger at their temple. Like, I'm tired of living. Only Vladimir Petrovich showed hospitality. He invited me to warm up at his home. But as soon as we took a sip of hot tea with fragrant raspberry jam, the old man began to use “tales from the crypt.”

Some resident of Rastess will go into the forest, come across this witch tribe, they will cloud his thoughts. The man will return to his house, but he cannot go inside, he walks around, but does not seem to see the door. Apparently they were hypnotized. My grandmother told me this! It seems to me that the sorcerers stole all of Rastess for their rituals.

We thank you for the afternoon snack and quickly get ready for the road. Well, what kind of sorcerers? The 21st century is upon us. And the “unpublished fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm” continue to rush after us:

If you suddenly hear mournful singing, close your ears. It's the mermaids who can sing from the river. Sometimes they sing for several days, calling out trouble...


So why are we sitting? We take our backpacks and forward on foot. “We definitely won’t go any further,” our driver smiles gloomily as our Skoda got stuck in the muddy mess.

We are 500 kilometers from Yekaterinburg. The very outskirts Sverdlovsk region. There is an unfriendly forest all around, a snowy swamp underfoot, through which it is difficult to move, and not a soul around. Here you involuntarily begin to believe in the stories of the old man from Pavda. We listen and shudder. Someone is singing nearby... It's gone! It was our driver who pulled in the “Birches” of the “Lube” group.

Shuddering at every rustle, we still managed to cover the required kilometers. It seems like we should already be in abandoned Rastess. But we are standing in the middle of a field! And no sorcerers or mermaids around. Although at minus five the latter are probably incapacitated.

Or maybe grandfather Vladimir was telling the truth,” the driver crosses himself in fear. – Maybe it was the sorcerers who made us get lost?!

Suddenly a loud voice is heard from behind: “Hey you.” “As if the sorcerers found it!” we look at each other in horror.

Guys, why are you hanging around here? - a man approaches us, dressed from head to toe in camouflage. - I'm Sergei. Forester.

When we share our editorial assignment with a new acquaintance, he smiles sympathetically:

Here is your Rastess. We are now standing right on the site of the village. For half a century, no stone has been left unturned. Although what kind of stones are there? All buildings were wooden.

Well, what do you think – where have all the locals gone? Have they really disappeared? - we are interested.

Who told you that everyone disappeared? I personally know one woman from Rastessa. Alive and well. Lives in the town of Kytlym. It's not far from here. 20 kilometers. Visit her!


Guys, you can’t even imagine how upset I am for Rastess,” 65-year-old Lyudmila Polovnikova greets us. – Oh, these tales of tourists. No one in our village disappeared.

And sorcerers didn’t live in the forests? – we sigh in disappointment.

“I beg you,” the old woman laughs. – Although the “devils” sometimes visited us. That's what we called runaway prisoners. A colony was built near the village after the communists came to power. And it happened that all sorts of bandits ran away from there. But here we mined gold in Rastessa. The first thing the fugitives came to us was to rob for a new life.

Many families left because of the prisoners. For some reason, a rumor spread among the prisoners: there is so much gold in Rastessa that when the locals bury people, they even put gold in the coffin. These hiding thugs once dug through the entire cemetery. Of course, this scared the locals and they left.

Of the former residents of Rastes, Lyudmila Anatolyevna maintains relations only with her childhood friend Vera Popova. We meet her in her current small homeland, in Krasnoturinsk.

I remember the times when there were more than thirty houses in Rastessa,” Vera Mikhailovna sighs. - We lived with large families, everything was always lively and fun. Problems began to arise gradually. The school, which previously taught up to the seventh grade, switched to elementary mode. The parents, understandably, were not satisfied with this, and they began to take their children to the neighboring village of Tylay. When children began to be taken away to study in other villages, the village became noticeably deserted. And then troubles began to fall: the school was closed completely, then the club and the first-aid post disappeared... The boiling point for the Rastesovites was the closure of the only store. It contained all the essentials: sugar, flour, and sometimes sweets. When the store closed, everyone began to leave en masse. What to do there? Judge for yourself: no hospital, no store, no school, just prisoners wandering around to their own homes.

- Why didn’t the residents of Rastess take things with them during the resettlement? - we are perplexed.

Think for yourself, who would carry furniture with them off-road? - Vera Mikhailovna chuckles. - Here are the icons, yes, it’s a pity: someone had a lot of images, and they couldn’t take them all.

- Who could come up with the legend about the missing Rastessa?

Anyone! The men from the neighboring village could well be real: for example, they saw the village still blooming, and then they came and stumbled upon empty houses. If there was an expert in local folklore among them, he could easily imagine that all the inhabitants had disappeared. Rumors spread instantly in villages. And then, probably, some tourists came in. And the bad reputation about the village spread throughout Russia. Our ancestors named Rastess in honor of the Babinovsky tract. People then said that they were “cutting away the forests,” that is, paving a road. So this legend paved the way for itself for many years to come.

Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region

Villages, towns, hamlets

Alexandrovsky, village. Belongs to the Karagai rural settlement (Verkhneuralsky district). Located in the northwestern part of the region, at the source of the river. Uzelgi. 3 km to the west is the border with the Republic...

Alexandrovsky, village. Belongs to the Izmailovsky rural settlement (Kizilsky district). Located in the eastern part of the region, on the right bank of the river. Big Karaganka. The relief is semi-plain...

Alekseevka, village, center and only locality Alekseevsky rural settlement (Varna district). Located in the northeastern part of the region, at the confluence of the river. Upper and Middle Toguzak (here...

Alekseevsky, village. Belongs to the Magnitny rural settlement (Agapovsky district). Located in the south-eastern part of the area...

Altyrka, village. Refers to Pokrovsky village. settlement (Varna district). Located in the eastern part of the region, near the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan. The relief is plain...

Amambaika, village. Belongs to the rural settlement “Path of October” (Kizilsky district). Located in the north parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Amambikes (hence the name). Relief -...

Aminevo, village, center of the Aminevo rural settlement (Uysky district). Located in the eastern part of the region, on the banks of the river. Ouch. Relief - transition of a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain) into a plain...

Amursky, Amur, village, center of the Amur rural settlement (Bredinsky district). Located in the southern part of the area, on the banks of the river....

Andreevsky, village, center of the Andreevsky rural settlement (Bredinsky district). Located in the eastern part of the area, on the banks of the river. Sintashty. The relief is a semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain);...

Andreevsky, village. Belongs to the Borisov rural settlement (Plastovsky district). Located in the south-eastern part of the region, on the banks of the river. Kamenki. Relief -...

Annenskoye, village, center of the Annenskoye rural settlement (Kartalinsky district). Located in the central part of the region, near the confluence of pp. Karatals and Ayat. Relief - semi-plain (Trans-Ural...

Arsinsky, village, center of the Arsinsky village. settlements (Nagaybak district). Located in the north-east. parts of the area, on the shore of the lake. Achakul. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are 443, 436...

Vaganovo, Lebyazhka, village. Refers to Nikolskoye village. settlement (Okt. district). Located in the north-west. parts of the area, on the shore of the lake. Lebyazhye. The relief is plain...

Varlamovo, village, center of Varlamovskoe village. settlements (Chebarkul district). Located in the southeast. parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Uvelki. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are 293 and 342...

Varna, village, center of Varna village. settlement and Varna region. Located in the central part of the area, in...

Varshavka, village, center of Varshavskoe village. settlements (Kartal district). Located in the south parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Karagaily-Ayat. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are 336, 341,...

Vakhrushevo, village. Located in the north-east. parts of the territory Kopeisk mountains district, on the shore of the lake. Fourth. Relief - plain (West-Siberian lowlands); the nearest heights are 195 and 197 hp. Landscape -...

Velikopetrovka, village, center of Velikopetrovsky village. settlements (Kartal district). Located in the north. parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Kisinet. Relief - east. part of the Ural-Tobolsk interfluve; the nearest heights are...

Verkh-Katav, village, center and only settlement of the Verkh-Katav rural settlement (Katav-Ivanovanovsky district). Located in the south parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Katav (hence the name). The terrain is mountainous;...

Verkhnekizilskoye, village. Belongs to Primorsky village. settlement (Agapov district). Located in the north-west. parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Ural, 4-5 km north of the confluence of the M. Kizil. The relief is semi-plain...

Verkhnyaya Kabanka, village. Refers to Kochkar village. settlement (Plastovsky district). Located west of the city of Plast, on the banks of the river. Kabanki (hence the name). The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); immediate...

Verkhnyaya Luka, village. It is part of the Ust-Katavsky mountains. districts. Located 36 km north of Ust-Katav, on the banks of the river. Yuryuzani (to the top, its bend - the bow, hence the name). 1.5 km to W.-N.-W. from V.L....

Upper Sanarka, village. Refers to Borisov village. settlement (Plastovsky district). Located in the southwest. parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Sanarki (hence the name). The terrain is mountainous; the nearest heights are 309, 318, 329 and 336...

Verkhnyaya Sosnovka, village. Refers to Bogdanovsky village. settlement (Kizilsky district). Located in the south parts of the region, in the upper reaches of the river. Sosnovki (hence the name). The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); immediate...

Veselovka, village. It is part of the Zlatoust Mountains. districts. Located 35 km south of Zlatoust, on the bank of the Ai River. The terrain is mountainous; not far from the southeast. on the outskirts there is a ridge. Zvezdin, 2-3 km to...

Vitamin village. Belongs to Poletaevsky village. settlement (Sosnov. district). Located in the south parts of the area. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest altitude is 256 m. Landscape is...

Vishnegorsk, workers' village, center of the Vishnegorsk Mountains. settlements (Kaslinsky district). Located in the west parts of the area, on the shore of the lake. Sungul. The relief is mountainous (foothills of the Urals, ridge); to the southwest located hr. Cherry...

Vishnevka, village. Belongs to the Nizhneuustselemovsky village. settlement (Uysky district). Located in the east parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Ouch. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest altitude is 285 m....

Vishnevy, village. Belongs to the South Steppe village. settlement (Kartal district). Located in the center, part of the district, on the banks of the river. Sukhoi, tributary of the river. Archagly-Ayat. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain);...

Vladimirovka, village. Belongs to the Kulevchinsky village. settlement (Varna district). Located in the southwest. parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Archagly-Ayat. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest altitudes are 250...

Vozdvizhenka, village. Belongs to the Svetlogorsk village. settlement (Agapov district). Located in the west parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Ural. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are 372 and 376...

Vozdvizhenka, village, center of Vozdvizhenskoe village. settlements (Castle district). Located in the west parts of the area, on the shore of the lake. Sinara. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest altitudes are 266 and 309 m....

Voznesenka, village. Belongs to Zlokazovsky village. settlement (Kusinsky district). Located in the north-west. parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Misaelgi. The terrain is mountainous. 5 km to the north-east. The town of Ryabinikha is located (504 m), 1 km to...

Voznesenka, village, center of Voznesensky village. settlements (Sosnovy district). Located in the southeast. parts of the area, on the shore of the lake. Sineglazovo. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest altitude is 278 m....

Volkovo, village. It is part of the Minyar Mountains. settlements (Asha district). Until 1995 it was the center of the Volkovsky village council. Located in the center, part of the district, near the east. the foot of the ridge Adzhigardak. The nearest heights are...

Volkovsky, village. Belongs to Stepnoye village. settlement (Verkhneural district). Located in the west parts of the area, on the banks of the river. Ural. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest height is Bolshaya...

Voronino, village. Refers to Borisov village. settlement (Plastovsky district). Located west of the city of Plast, in the upper reaches of the river. Kabakki. The relief is semi-plain (Trans-Ural peneplain); the nearest heights are...

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An almost extinct rural village in the Chelyabinsk region. Selki - small settlements used to be called that. There are three streets in the village, and the population of the village is 3 people. The main part of the village is located a little further from the road. Part of the village near the road consists of ruins of wooden huts.

Another abandoned village after the release at Mayak. Like most towns and villages, it was resettled and razed to the ground. Only the church survived - the Church in the name of Simeon of Verkhoturye the Righteous. The Bulzinsky monastery, a settlement of the Novo-Tikhvin Monastery, was founded in the 60s of the 19th century. According to the inventory of 1910, there were 52 buildings in it, including the stone Cathedral in the Name of Simeon of Verkhoturye the Righteous with the chapel of St. Magdalene. After the barbaric...

The village was born in the early forties along with a calibration plant that arose from scratch on the basis of an evacuee from western regions countries of equipment of hardware enterprises. A workers' settlement was specially created next to the plant: in war time and in post-war years it was very important. But in subsequent years, such a neighborhood became extremely undesirable. The proximity of the sulfuric acid pickling baths of the calibration plant has become far from...

The history of the village of Muslyumovo (on the Techa River, 50 kilometers from Chelyabinsk) is reminiscent of the Chernobyl accident, stretched over half a century. Unlike the Chernobyl disaster in Muslyumovo, nothing has been done to save people who are apparently part of a medical experiment on the effects of radiation on humans.