Additional tasks in the Russian language at different levels. Additional tasks in the Russian language of different levels Additional tasks in the Russian language 2nd grade







for students of grades 5, 6, 7, 8

Agapova Victoria Sergeevna

2017-2018 academic year

5th grade

TASK 1/5

Exercise 1
In one African tribe there lives a family of four. The mother's name is Bere-rubo-toro-dak (dark, odorless flower), the father's name is Kobo-rudo-dir (large green mountain). The parents gave the eldest son the name Dak - rubu-pele (the smell of a flower field). What does the name of the youngest son Kobo-pele-toro-rubo mean?

Task 2
Match obsolete part names human body, often found in Russian poetry, modern words: forehead, cheeks, mouth, eyes, neck.

Task 3
Make words from the letters of the word influx

Task 4
Write down phrases with these words (adj. + noun). Consider the gender of nouns.
Tulle, jury, foyer, kohlrabi, last name, piano, coffee, coat.

Task 5
An anagram is a rearrangement of letters in a word to create a new word (for example, novel is the norm). Compose to each this word one new one at a time: address -..., hair -..., T-shirt -..., pine tree -...

An example of an answer to creative task No. 1:
Large field without a flower

Example of an answer to creative task No. 2
brow - forehead
cheeks - cheeks
mouth - lips
eyes - eyes
neck - neck

Example of an answer to creative task No. 3
court, shooting range, port, feast, mouth

Example of an answer to creative task No. 4
beautiful tulle (m.r.), strict jury (m.r.), large foyer (m.r.), delicious kohlrabi (f.r.), famous surname (f.r.), black piano (m.r.) r.), strong coffee (m.r.), new coat (m.r.)

Example of an answer to creative task No. 5
environment, word, border, pump

TASK 2/5

Imagine that Santa Claus disappeared on New Year's Eve. Which literary character would you turn to for help? Why? (0.5 pages)

TASK 3/5

TASK 4/5

1.Place emphasis in words:

Cakes, call, arrived, placed, funds.

2.We received an encryption code. Help me understand the meaning of the text by rewriting it in its original version.

I invite you to my daughter's wedding.

Volume No. andthere areT Toyell. Green Tturn left. Dthere will bea lot of Toawns. My Tpoints DohmV Vand those. Shalthat because TateI can't meet you.

Sides . WITH sugar

3. Mark the words in which the letters i, e, ё, yu convey 2 sounds.

b) counter

c) entrance

d) late

4.Make and write down a word using the following clues:

The word has the same root as in the word fairy tale, the suffix is ​​the same as in the word cab, the prefix is ​​the same as in the word consumption.

5. Highlight the main word (with a neutral connotation) in this series:

Whine, roar, sob, cry, howl, scream, whine

TASK 5/5

TASK 6/5

​ Is it easy to be kind?

​ Is the classic outdated or not?

​ In whose hands is our future?

​ Does society need leaders?

​ My contemporary... What is he like?

TASK 7/5

    Cross it out superfluous word in this row:

Growing, sprouting, protozoa, sprout;

    Fill in the missing letter:

a) offer a draw

b) supplement to the magazine

c) popular story

d) densely r...sti

e) small r...drain

3 Underline the highlighted words as parts of the sentence.

When a cat mourns a mouse, don't believe it.

    From this proposal phrases are written out. Mark the wrong options.

Occasionally, snow fell from the branches and fell to the ground in heavy flakes.

a) occasional snow;

b) the snow fell off;

c) fell from the branches;

d) to the ground;

e) fell to the ground;

f) occasionally lost his temper;

g) fell in flakes;

h) heavy flakes.

5 Place punctuation marks in the text.

The horse came out, stretched out its head and neighed.

Filka broke the loaf, salted the bread from the salt shaker and handed it to the horse. The horse shook his head, thought, and then carefully stretched his neck and took it from the boy’s hands with soft lips. He ate one piece, sniffed Filka and took the second piece.

Filka grins through her tears. The horse chews bread and snorts.

Everyone is smiling and happy. Only an old magpie sits on a willow tree and chatters. Everyone knows that the magpie is the most talkative bird in the world.

TASK 8/5

1. Find the “extra” word.

Cheese, cheesecake, cheese, dampness.

    "Interesting Questions":

What letters can be used to make delicious food?

Houses, tables, cows, heads, foundations, necks, steppes, batteries, young men.

“I was once on friendly terms with him. But one day he ( got up on his left foot, or what?) started to fight me. I'm doing my best home! He barely carried his feet away!.. But now I don’t even set foot near him! He has bigger legs than mine will not be!

5 Name 8-10 names with a double consonant.

TASK 9/5

Afanasy Fet

A whole world of beauty...

A whole world of beauty

From big to small,

And you search in vain

Find its beginning.

What is a day or an age?

Before what is infinite?

Although man is not eternal,

What is eternal is human.

6th grade


Question 1
Find speech errors, write down the corrected sentences
A) Voices were heard from both sides. B) Their child is poorly brought up. Q) My mother works as an engineer at a factory.

Question 2
Place stress on the words:
Cakes, call, arrived, placed, beautiful, pine needles, sentence, enviable, means, prey.

Question 3

Decipher these proverbs.

Question 4
From this sentence, write down the word(s) formed by addition.
The zebra fish owes its name to the numerous stripes that adorn its body.

Answer to question 1:
A) Voices were heard from both sides.
B) Their child is poorly brought up.
B) My mother works as an engineer at a factory.
Answer to question 2:

CAKES, call, arrived, placed, beautiful, needles, sentence, enviable, funds, spoils
Answer to question 3:
Business before pleasure
There is safety in numbers
All that glitters is not gold
It's not the gods who burn the pots
Answer to question 4:

zebra fish, numerous


Imagine that you have the opportunity to invite fairy tale hero on New Year to your home. Who would you invite? How? Why? (0.5 pages)


Analyze the poem (optional), based on “ Rough plan analysis essays lyrical work»


1. Place stress in the following words: .

2. Perform a morphemic analysis of the following words:

3. Guess the words:

1) With the letter “D” I – time of day,

You can't count the minutes in me.

If you replace “D” with “T”,

I'll be with you everywhere.

I'll be on my heels,

Along paths and bushes.

Where you go - there I go too,

You won't drive me away.

2) Part one - will warm the house,

Available in a heat engine.

The second is on a man’s face.

The whole word is in the blue sea...

Although a simple canvas,

But it moves the ship.

3) Everyone is looking for me

When there is a defect in the wheel.

To the driver for everyone on the road

Can I be of any use?

But swap the syllables -

And I will grow in the forest.

4. Insert the missing letters in the words: b..t..rea, co..section, f..ri, v..rm..shel, parach..tist, profession..iya, school..colade, v..n..gret.

TASK 5/6

Write an essay “50 words about the main thing”

TASK 6/6

Topics for public speaking at a public speaking competition.

​ Is it easy to be kind?

​ What does it mean to be responsive?

​ What does it mean to be a selfless person?

​ Sympathy and kindness are synonyms?

​ Is it possible to live life without having friends?

​ Education is the way to the future?

​ How does a dream differ from a goal?

​ What life lessons help you develop a sense of compassion?

​ What is more important: sympathy or real help?

​ Is it important to be true to my word?

​ Is the classic outdated or not?

​ What is better: who to be or what to be?

​ Is it possible to say that courage is the engine of progress?

​ Do you need to have courage to say “no”?

​ Do you need to be true to yourself?

​ Are social norms of behavior necessary?

​ An active life position is a start to success?

​ In whose hands is our future?

​ Is someone else’s example the only school of humanity?

​ The highest happiness of a person - what does it consist of?

​ Love and villainy - incompatible things?

​ Does society need leaders?

​ What goals are important to set for life path?

​ What adds to the reading experience life experience?

​ Man and time, society and era through the eyes of a 2018 graduate

​ My contemporary... What is he like?

​ Love, honor, patriotism... Words or life?


Task 1. Place stress in the following words:

statue, conscript, shop, hate, means, tool, kilometer, carpenter, driver, contract, quarter, calling.

Task 2. Perform a morphemic analysis of the following words:

underground, construction site, school, handbag, bathed.

Task 3. Explain the semantic difference between the words:

village - village, donkey - donkey, eat - eat, dare - dare, sky - sky.

Task 4. Parse the sentences by members, indicate the cases of nouns:

The sun was covered by a cloud. On the horizon tourists saw Big city. Iceberg is a floating mountain of ice.

Task 5. Make up several sentences so that the word “ language" used in different meanings.

TASK 8/6

1. Find the “extra” word

Salt, salt marsh, salt, soloist

    "Interesting Questions":

What words contain three letters? e?

3 Which of these words have zero ending?

Houses, heads, foundations, necks.

4 Write out only phraseological units from the text.

Yes, he behaves extremely badly. We should take it in our hands. To know : don't give your hands free rein! And then - I give you my hand to cut off - he will immediately stop letting go!

5 Name a few words related to the animal world with double consonants.

TASK 9/6

Analyze the poem according to your plan

Konstantin Balmont

There is only one beauty in the world...

There is only one beauty in the world.

Not the beauty of the gods of Hellas,

And not a dream in love,

Not heavy mountains,

And not seas, not waterfalls,

Purity is not the gaze of women

There is only one beauty in the world -

Love, sadness, renunciation,

And voluntary torment

Christ crucified for us.

7th grade

TASK 1/7

Question 1 Determine the number of letters and sounds in words.
Uncomfortable, hostility, wish, excited, move away, January.

Question 2 Place emphasis on the words:
Hyphen, calling, contract, cakes, percentage, catalogue, arrived, put, draw, funds, dry, exorbitant prices .

Question 3 What Russian synonyms can replace borrowed words?
Route, discussion, avenue, maestro, fiasco, chief.

Question 4 Which of the given pairs of phraseological units has different relationships than the others?
Grated kalach - shot sparrow,
two boots in a pair – birds of a feather,
neither fish nor meat - not a candle to God, not a devil's poker,
run aground - run aground,
whatever the spirit has - to the fullest.

Question 5 Schoolchildren living and studying in Russia can say that they know the Russian alphabet from A to Z. What could students say about knowing their alphabet? Ancient Greece? A Ancient Rus'?

What could the students of Ancient Greece say about knowing their alphabet? What about Ancient Rus'?


Imagine that at night the words in the dictionary come to life and talk to each other. Describe one such night, a conversation of words from “ Explanatory dictionary" (0.75 pages)


Analyze the poem (optional), based on the “Approximate plan for an essay-analysis of a lyrical work”


    Place accents in words:

dancer, dispensary, nap, spark, quarter, beautiful, means, Christian, sorrel, gas pipeline.

    In which row do all words consist of 7 sounds?

And the sparrows will change the stitches;

B loom, cut, weeds;

Get carried away, boy, eat;

G leftovers, hurt, burn.

    What words of Russian origin can replace borrowed words?

Intuition, emergency, charm, absurdity, boss.

    What phraseological units are used in Russian to characterize people by their appearance, properties, qualities ?

About a person who is difficult to make believe or convince of anything.

About a meek, harmless person.

About a person who is constantly being blamed for someone else's actions, responsibility for someone else's actions.

About a person who often changes his decisions.

About a person who does not use anything himself and does not give it to others.

About a very thin, emaciated man.

    In which series are not all words synonymous?

And the bonds, shackles, shackles

B imagination, fantasy, fiction

In zeal, favor, service

Hill, knoll, hill.


Write an essay “50 words about the main thing”


Topics for public speaking at a public speaking competition.

​ Is it easy to be kind?

​ What does it mean to be responsive?

​ What does it mean to be a selfless person?

​ Sympathy and kindness are synonyms?

​ Is it possible to live life without having friends?

​ Education is the way to the future?

​ How does a dream differ from a goal?

​ What life lessons help you develop a sense of compassion?

​ What is more important: sympathy or real help?

​ Is it important to be true to your word?

​ Is the classic outdated or not?

​ What is better: who to be or what to be?

​ Is it possible to say that courage is the engine of progress?

​ Do you need to have courage to say “no”?

​ Do you need to be true to yourself?

​ Are social norms of behavior necessary?

​ An active life position is a start to success?

​ In whose hands is our future?

​ Is someone else’s example the only school of humanity?

​ The highest happiness of a person - what does it consist of?

​ Love and villainy - incompatible things?

​ Does society need leaders?

​ What goals are important to set on your life’s journey?

​ What does reading experience add to life experience?

​ Man and time, society and era through the eyes of a 2018 graduate

​ My contemporary... What is he like?

​ Love, honor, patriotism... Words or life?

​ Does it all start with love?

​ Is it possible to live without art?


    Find and correct speech errors.

Having closed the book, the characters remain in our memory for a long time.

Due to severe frosts, fruit trees died.

This was the surest way to solve the problem.

He told me the autobiography of his life.

The theater seats up to five hundred and fifty spectators.

    Write the numbers in words.

In 2011, the lyceum's library fund was replenished with 3,846 books.

    Copy by opening brackets and inserting missing letters and punctuation marks .

Dark S..Birskaya autumn night..near Baikal. We are (still) swimming along the left bank of the winding...stop and empty...stop river. For the third day (after) it has been drizzling with light (not) rain. It doesn’t stop for a minute. We have woolen clothes and waterproof leather boots. But still, none of us manage to escape from the rain. It pierces (through) everywhere without giving any... any mercy, without leaving a single dry thread. (You can’t) run away from him.. and (not) hide.. from him.

(C) to the right there are steep banks and (c) to the left... there is a green forest with an end ribbon. (At) night you need to make sure you get to the village and (at) there is still... the most terrible roll ahead. In order to fly it, you need to read the time accurately to (half) a minute. Here he is making noise. (From) afar you can hear the beast... (n, nn) ​​the roar of its waves.

Because of the noise of the wind, we (not) notice everything as we approach the riffle almost (at) close.

After (a few) seconds, the fiercely rumbling roll remains somewhere behind.

TASK 8/7

    Find the "extra" word

Miner, mountain, hill, mountain.

2 “Interesting questions”:

What words begin with four consonants?

    Which of these words have a zero ending?

Cows, heads, batteries, young men.

    Write out only phraseological units from the text

No doubt about it - a hot head. But if we came to an agreement with him, on our own head, then now we are responsible for his behavior with our head.

5 “Name it in one word.”

A) An injection given by a nurse.

B) Meat decoction.

B) Weeds near the house.

D) Someone's personal opinion.

TASK 8/8

    Find the "extra" word

Floor, rug, floor, field

2 “Interesting questions”:

What letter must be written into the boy's name so that it turns into the name of wooden pointed poles?

    Which of these words have a zero ending?

Tables, cows, batteries, young men.

    Write out only phraseological units from the text

I don't know yet what we should do ( my head is spinning ) , but I think it’s not worth hanging your nose on. I guarantee my head that together we will always be able to soap his neck!

5 “Name it in one word.”

A) The one who brings newspapers and magazines.

B) Always accompanies the general.

B) Under construction...

TASK 9/7

Analyze the poem according to your plan

8th grade

TASK 1/8

Linguistic tests

    Write out the masculine nouns from the sentences.

1) A kangaroo, a panda, a gorilla, a fox, a raccoon dog, a turtle and two exotic snakes were brought to the zoo. 2) After a walk along the embankment, I went to a cafe with a cake. 3) The doctor in Nikolaev sees from 8.00 to 15.00. 4) Tokyo is the capital of Japan. 5) In our salon you can order tulle, curtains, blinds. 6) To enter a university you must pass exams.

    Establish a semantic correspondence between the words of the first group (Russian) and the words of the second group (borrowed). Indicate the names of the resulting pairs of words.

Apathy Philanthropy

Philanthropy Street

Current Failure

Dispute Impassivity

Fiasco Topical

Avenue Dispute

    Determine which part of the sentence is the infinitive.

1) Marina entered the room with an order to sleep. 2) In the morning, when he was asleep, he could not realize where he was. 3) I think, citizen, you will find yourself in such a situation and hire him to shear the herd. 4) Writing a note in French seemed inappropriate to her. 5) He agreed to meet his brother at noon.

    Which of the following words contain five morphemes? Comment your answer.

Exceeded, tired, in English, in love, studying, smiled.

    You write incomplete sentences. Explain your choice.

    In which words is the stressed vowel incorrectly emphasized?

Catalog, quarter, boy New, enviable, meager, newborn, carpenter, sorrel, garbage chute, provision.

    Write down the words that have figurative meaning. Indicate what type of transfer is typical for these meanings (metaphor, metonymy).

Attentive audience interesting book, service entrance, brilliant success, funny story, absent-minded look, a kind person, it's raining.

TASK 2/8

Linguistic tasks.

    What part of speech can the definition be expressed? Illustrate your answer with examples.

    List the five days of the week in order, using neither numerals nor names of the days of the week, but using adverbs. Max - 3 points.

    Word combinations are given, each of which has a specific meaning. Group the phrases based on the commonality of their meanings. Justify your answer.

Reading books, the whistle of a steam locomotive, analysis of a poem, a brother's book, a cup of tea, the cry of a seagull, father's house, division commander.

    Cross out the extra phraseological unit in each row. Give reasons for your answer.

Walk on the edge of a knife, chase dogs, chase a quitter, play the fool.

Hang your head, keep your nose in the wind, hang your nose as if lowered into water.

To be left in the cold, to play the fool, to be left with a nose, to be fooled.

    Find the general meaning of the borrowed words: circus, circular, compasses.

    Find the predicate in the sentences and determine its type. Explain your decision.

1) New buses will run along these streets. 2) The boys continued to kick the ball. 3) We immediately became quieter and more mature. 4) An hour later he came to his senses.

TASK 3/8

Creative tasks

Compose a text-argument (10 - 12 sentences) on the topic “Is it possible to use slang words in speech?” Give reasons for your position.

TASK 4/8

    What means artistic expression did the authors use?

Your verse, like God's spirit, rushed above the crowd

And, a review of noble thoughts,

Sounded like a bell on the veche tower

On days of national celebrations and troubles.

M.Yu. Lermontov.

2) Hidden paths, deaf,

Into the forest thickets twilight is coming.

Covered with dry leaves

The forests are silent- they are waiting for the autumn night.

I. Bunin

2. Indicate the genre of Old Russian literature:

A) legend

A) Vladimir Monomakh

B) Yaroslav the Wise

B) Peter the Great

D) Ivan the Terrible

4. Determine poetic meter of this work.

The wonderful city will sometimes merge

From flying clouds;

But only the wind will touch him,

He will disappear without a trace;

So instant creatures

Poetic dream

Disappear from breath

Extraneous fuss.

E. Baratynsky

5. Read

TASK 5/8

1) Ochumelov.

2) Deforge.

3) Natalya Savishna.

4) Princess Volkonskaya.

    Which heroes of which work of Russian literature are we talking about? Name the author, work and characters.

A) He studied more willingly and without the tension with which he usually accepts difficult and a strong character. He was more resourceful than his brother; more often he was the leader of a rather dangerous enterprise and sometimes, with the help of his inventive mind, he knew how to evade punishment. He was also seething with a thirst for achievement, but at the same time his soul was accessible to other feelings.

B)…A kind fellow: he takes care of our horses, braids their manes, comes to the priest for a blessing; but if you don’t give him an extra spoon at the table or the priest doesn’t give him an extra blessing during his vacation in church, then... he’ll go on a spree...

3. Here are terms that were collected into three groups, but were accidentally mixed up. Determine what groups these are, give a name to each group of words, make corrections.

a) dactyl a) simile a) proverb

b) story b) iambic b) fable

c) romance c) anapaest c) hyperbole

d) trochee d) metaphor d) poem

e) epithet e) personification e) antithesis

Additional tasks in Russian language

3rd grade.

Task No. 1.

Write it down. Choose words that end in a paired voiced or unvoiced sound.

Severe _____________. Finished ________________.

Very _______________. Wonderful ________________.

A lot of ______________. Can not see ________________.

Ready _____________. A lot of ___________________.

Task No. 2.

Change the words so that there is a separator soft sign.

Woke up (night), beautiful (feather), oak (log), from the mountain (gorge), traces (of a wolf), breathed (freshness), on the branches (beat), voices (birds), big (friend), snow (blizzard) ).

Task No. 3.

Write down the words and separate them with a hyphenation sign.

Ra...kaz,, su...ota,, gr...a.

Task No. 4.

First write down the words with a separating soft sign, and then with a soft sign - an indicator of the softness of the consonants.

Boring picture!

The clouds are endless.

The rain keeps pouring down

Puddles by the porch.

Task No. 5.

“Verified unstressed vowels at the root of the word”

1) Insert the missing letters, indicate the spelling “Checkable unstressed vowels at the root of the word”

M..ryak, l..stva, t..darkness,, s..neva, l..nivy, m..snoy.

S..rinka, z..rzat, z..zhi,, gilded,,,,,

M..lick, exchange..hug, scr..chal, k..rmilets, st..vit, switch, k..r..tyshka, l..badushka, m..big, adj. .aunt, m..rzlota, ..g..nyok.

P..smo, v..sna,, l..snik, s..stock, star..zda.

Z..rnova, beat..reap, g..nul,,,, bring..close, n..strength, r..heat,

measure, approximate, colorful, pour, stick, spotty, l..mother, cure, youthful, winter,

Subject. " Noun»

Exercise 1
Write down the answers to the questions. Indicate the case of nouns.

Where did the caterpillars appear? (Apple tree, plum tree.)
What did you plant the garden with? (Cabbage.)

Task 2
Write it down, adding the endings. Determine the case of nouns.

Ride the tram..., take care of your friends..., see in the mirrors..., be in the muse..., write in a notebook..., jump around the square...

Task 4
Write, replacing the singular nouns given in brackets with plural nouns. Determine the case.

Winter. He sleeps... lies on (th... kick), on (bench and roof). On (the Christmas tree) the green pine needles are covered with frost.

Task 5
Bow the words.

I.p. (what?) work (what?) fields

Task 7
Parse it as a part of speech.

By the lake

Exercise 1
Write down the endings dative case nouns of three declensions. Give examples.

Task 2
Write down the sentences, adding case endings. Indicate the case of nouns.

The herd approached the river... . We walked along a narrow path... to the edge... of the forest. Father returned from trips... along the Volga... . The car was driving along the roads... to the village... . The path led us to the lakes... .

Task 3
Write, replacing the singular nouns given in brackets with plural nouns. Fill in the missing letters. Determine the case.

The (field) is humming in...the south. There is ice on (river and lake) from (frost).

Task 4
Bow the words.

I.p. (who?) bullfinch (what?) tasks

Task 5
Parse it as a part of speech.

To the apple tree

Exercise 1
Write it down, adding the endings. Indicate the case of nouns.

Raindrops drummed on the roofs... . Tomorrow we will go to visit my aunt... and uncle... . The children wrote a letter to their father... . The boy came to the window... . A car drove through the village. The mother approached the child's bed.

Task 3
Bow the words.

I.p. (what?) birch (who?) girls

Task 4
Write these words in the dative and instrumental cases.
Game - to game, game
Lamp - ... , ...
Pie - ... , ...
Notebook - ... , ...

Task 5
Write down the plural nouns. Determine the case.

People's houses often hang from the branches of apple trees. The inhabitants of these houses are caterpillars. Caterpillars – worst enemies trees.

Task 6
Parse it as a part of speech.

From the tree

Task No. 7.

Parts of speech (generalization)

Determine which part of speech the words belong to:
Day, good, friend, thinks, brave.

How did you determine the part of speech?

Find the extra word in each line, determine its part of speech and label it.
1) Birch, bee, light, raspberry.
2) Green, juicy, fresh, growing.
3) Thinks, believes, student, knows.

How did you find the extra word?

Form words of the same root from these nouns, which are an adjective and a verb.
fun - ... , ... .
noise - … , … .
forest - … , … .

Task No. 8.

Tested unstressed vowels at the root of the word.

M...silence, m...snoy, guard..take, remove, gr...znulya, cry...sat, gr..rchitsa, sl...zinka, sk...puchy, na...dit.

Write it off. Write the test words in brackets.
Good..sho in at noon. Green fir trees arch their thorny branches. There is a white with fragrant leaves..stitches. Dr..zh..t gray aspen.

Write it down and correct the mistakes.
It felt cold. The last shreds of fog fell like wet gauze down the slope. Bright shining mountains appeared.

Task No. 9.

Writing words with paired consonants.

Copy by inserting the missing letters. Write test words.
Pro..ka,, grya..ka, le..kiy, shu..ka,,,

Copy by inserting the missing letters.
Among the rivers...thick boletus mushrooms are hiding in the trees. R..wet, are calling. There are so many milk mushrooms growing in the spruce forest. On some tree stumps honey mushrooms huddle each other.

Write it down and correct the mistakes.
A little mouse is running through the clean snow. Behind the little arm is a gift, where the labks stepped into the snow. The little mouse saw a pine little mouse and looked to see if there was a ferret.

Task No. 10.

Find synonyms for the words face, green, tease. Write it down.
Words for reference: face, emerald, call names, immature, young, inexperienced, tease, physiognomy, face.

Write it down and insert the necessary synonyms into the sentences.
An (elderly, old) man was walking towards me. Dad bought me an (azure, blue) dress. (Thick, bold) dictionaries stand in rows on the shelves.

Make up sentences using synonymous words.
Market, bazaar; village, aul, hamlet; singer, akyn

Task No. 11.

For these verbs, choose the opposite in meaning.
Talk - ...., go out - ..., say hello - ..., turn on - ..., fall asleep - ..., close - ..., laugh - ....

Find antonyms for the phrases.
Left hand - …; high ceiling - …; leave school - ...; go to the stadium - ...;
Happy old age -….

Complete the sentences. Underline the antonyms.
Uncle arrived yesterday, and two days later... He fell, but quickly... He was thrown into a fever, then into... . I quickly looked to the left, then….

Task No. 12.
Composition of the word.

End and base.

Write down the words. Select the base and ending.
Desk, desk, at the desk; high, high, high.

Write according to the example. Highlight the beginning and ending.
Sample: plank house - plank houses.
A wonderful meeting - ..., an old grandfather - ..., a wide sea - ..., a tea cup - ....

Read, find the extra word. Write the rest of the words, highlight the stem and ending in them.
White, white, squirrel, white. Fox, in the forest, behind the forest, forest.

Root. Similar words.

Write down the words and write the same root words next to them. Select the root.
Bricklayer - ..., pilot - ..., signalman - ..., pianist - ....

Copy by attributing one root word at a time. Select the root.
Sugar - ..., goose - ..., duck - ..., soup - ..., bread - ..., tiger - ....
Example: soap - soap dish, stork - baby stork.

Choose words with the same root. Write them down in this order: object, attribute of the object, action of the object.
Spring, talk, greens, whitewash, talk, turns green, whitewash, green, white, talkative

Task No. 13.
Double consonants in the root.

Write by inserting the missing letters.
A...a and Ge...ady together with the class went to the ho...ey. Ri...a in su...otu made a...urate a...lication. The children swam in the pool and played tennis.

Write your answers using words with double consonants.
-Paved road.
-Tamer of predatory animals.
-A state of mutual hostility.
-An artificial reservoir built for swimming.
-Sports running.
-The room in which monetary transactions are carried out.
-Therapeutic bandage made of gauze.

Write it down and correct the mistakes.
Yesterday our class went on an excursion to the forest. Krasif asenii loess. The trees are green, yellow, and crimson. We collected beautiful leaves. Today the guys are making a neat collection. Tomorrow we will write a story about autumn without mistakes. We love Russian language lessons.

Task No. 14.
Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words.

Copy by writing verification words.
Surroundings, starry, sunshine, hello, famous, serenity, lovely, place.

For nouns, select adjectives with an unpronounceable consonant that are suitable in meaning, and for adjectives - nouns with unpronounceable consonants.
Writer, sky, cool, cheerful, hour, flowers, hot, man, strong, rural.

Copy, replacing the highlighted words with words similar in meaning to the unpronounceable consonant.

A sad story, a famous writer, a beautiful girl, a noisy celebration, cheerful people.

Task No. 15.

Write down the words. Select the root and prefix.
Fire, smell, halt, dance, brew, dig, chime, decoction, baked, sunset, complementary foods, cut.

Copy the text by inserting appropriate prefixes. Select prefixes.
From behind the lake (before, you) eagles are swimming. They (you, on) appear as menacing silhouettes against the backdrop of the (about, setting) sun. (By, frightened by their sudden (by, by) appearance (by, by) the whole feathered world dies.

Copy the text using the necessary prefixes. Select prefixes.
Exercise from the textbook a...uratno (write). The new notebook is beautiful (to write).
From the text carefully (write) with a paired consonant. A poorly completed task must be written.

Task No. 16.

Copy by inserting the missing letters. Highlight the suffixes.
Ray..k, lantern..k, face..tsa, little thing..k, elephant..k, friend..k, frost..ts, book..ts.

Sort out the words according to their composition.
File, supervision, chin, gifts, bone, bouquet, Zhenechka.

Replace each phrase with one word with the desired suffix.
Musician playing trumpet. The moment of throwing the ball. A brave man. Loves to dream. Baby eagle. Game participant. Musician playing the piano. Birch Grove. Greedy girl.

Task No. 17.

Own and common nouns.

Write the words in two columns.
Chizh, Moscow, city, oak, Kazakhstan, Daria, dove, ocean, Astana.

Write all the nouns from the sentences in two columns.
Boris Petrovich Zhitkov went on a boat far out to sea. Puppy Bim loves to drink tasty milk.

Make up sentences and write them down. Underline proper names.
Buryonka, on, grazing, cow, meadow. There were cats, Murka, kittens, Murzik, and Vaska.
Alyosha leads Orlik, to the pond, to, the horse. Misha lives in the village, near, in, Dubki, grandmothers.

Task No. 18.
Gender of nouns.

Write down the nouns and write them in three columns by gender.
Dreamed, beautiful, walked, apple, wandered, furniture, address, cup, feeling, intelligence, business, radiant, traveler, peace, luck.

Make sentences from the words in the line to form proverbs. Indicate the gender of nouns.
Honor, nearby, labor, live, etc.
Mothers, it’s better, the heart, the sun, warms.
Craftsmanship is always held in high esteem.
It will take you to Kyiv.

Write a story using words.
Morning, rain, raincoat, ray of sun.
Determine the gender of all nouns.

Task No. 19.
Number of nouns.

Write the words in two columns.
Star, bushes, swan, tree, log. Cranes, mosses, box, diamonds. Pilot, wool, feather, hummocks, apples.

Write down the sentences. Indicate the gender and number of nouns. l...drank cups and In well...vot dr...zdy, gr...chi, sn...giri.

Write the words in two columns. Put the nouns female in the singular, and the masculine gender in the plural.
Windows, patterns, palm tree, trees, carpet, outfits, stream, hay, groves, house, feature, waves, key, path.

Task No. 20.
Write it off. Put questions to the nouns.
I sowed Christmas tree cones in the garden, rushed across the steppe, write to my grandmother, evening with a book, a friend’s album, flowing across the plain, was behind the school, forgot about the task.

Make up phrases with nouns in which these nouns would appear in P.p., D.p., R.p.
Thunderstorm, window, rook, steppe.

Write it off. Determine the case of nouns.
It rained (more) in..s..more. People (you) left their homes. They held out their hands. V..yes (s)b..gala along their arms right up to their shoulders. The kids (for) jumped (over) the puddles.

Task No. 21.
1.Choose the correct answer and circle it.
Declension is:
A) changing nouns by number;
B) changing nouns by case;
C) changing nouns by gender.

2. Highlight the ending, determine the gender and declension of the nouns.
Earth, sky, girlfriend, daughter, mouse, sun, grandfather, city, night.

3. Decline the word saw.
I. p V. p..
R. p T. p..
D. p. p. .

1.Insert the missing endings, determine the case and number.
On the horizon.. (____,____) on the ground.. (____,_____)
Outside the window.. (____,____) along the path..(____,_____)
From glass..(____,____) to boards..(____,_____)

2. Correct errors in declension, if any.
I. p. grass V. p. grass
R. p. about grass T. p. grass
D. p. grass P. p. grass

1.Make sentences using the word “school” in different cases.
Highlight the endings, determine the case of nouns.

2. Parse one sentence according to the members of the sentence.
3. Parse one noun as a part of speech.

Task No. 22.

Decline the words: “bird”, “elk”.
I.p. - V.p. -
R.p. - etc. -
D.p. - P.p. -

Write it down, linking the words into a phrase. Determine the case of nouns.

Pike (river), grove (mountain), smoke (village), crossed (road), sedge (lake), laid down (clearing), ran (river), beast (cage).

Write it off. Determine the cases of nouns. Continue the text (1 – 2 sentences).
There lived a yellow-throated sparrow. He lived with his mother above the window of the bathhouse in a warm nest. Sparrow flapped his wings and wanted to fly.

Task No. 23.
Copy by inserting the missing letters. Determine the case. Highlight the endings.
Oh bug..., oh pride..., from wool..., by mercy..., from blades of grass..., from strawberries..., oh cherries..., into a watermelon..., into a cap..., into a knee... .

Write it down by inserting the missing letters. Identify the cases. Highlight the endings.
In the cold..., from the villages..., about life..., literally..., near the city..., near the clearings..., through the deserts..., to the sirens..., to the sun... in the fountain... .

Write it off. Place the nouns in brackets in the correct case. Determine the case of these nouns. Highlight the endings.
Katya received a letter from (Uncle Kolya). Sam..flight from (Kazan). The children were walking (square..d). P..admire the fluffy..snow.

Task No. 23.
Decline plural nouns storms, mushrooms.

Write it down, opening the parentheses. Highlight the endings, determine the cases of nouns.
In the spring, the robin comes to us. She feeds (bugs, larvae, caterpillars). The bird looks for them in fallen (leaves) under (trees and bushes). In summer she enjoys (berries).

Complete the sentences, choosing comparisons that make sense, using words for reference. Highlight the endings. Determine the cases of nouns.
Snow is strung on dry branches... . Snow has accumulated in the forks of bare aspen trees...
The trees seem to be..., then..., then....
Words for reference: shaggy hats, a mysterious monster, shining balls, fairytale giants, polar bears.

Task No. 24.

Gender of adjectives.
Write down the phrases. Determine the gender of adjectives. Highlight the endings.
Blue... puddle. Late... leaf fall, lazy... current, evening... haze, children's... theater, night... robber, grain... plant.

Match the highlighted words with the same root adjectives. Write the phrases. Determine the gender of adjectives, highlight the endings.
An iron roof, a brick house, a silk ribbon, strawberry jam, a velvet dress, raspberry jelly.

Replace the adjectives with their opposite meanings. Determine the gender of adjectives and highlight the endings.
An easy task, an easy burden, a weak voice, weak knowledge, a small pond, small fish, an old hunter, an old house.

Task No. 25.
Number of adjectives.

Write down the phrases. Determine the number of adjectives, highlight graduation.
Green leaves, rare rains, autumn days, strong wind, large drops, the last leaf, a forest clearing, a beautiful village.

Match the nouns with appropriate adjectives. Determine the number of adjectives, highlight the endings.
Native land, (what?) ... affairs, (what?) ... bag, (what?) ... tree, (what?) ... meadows, (what?) ... month, (what?) ... plant.

Write it off. Insert the missing letters. Determine the number of adjectives.
After warm days, cold autumn came. Mushrooms are still growing along the edges of the forests: redheads.. boletuses, greenish.. and pink raw... mushrooms, as well as.. milk mushrooms and fragrant.. On the old.. large.. stumps, thin-legged.. honey mushrooms are huddled together.

Task No. 26.
Declension of adjectives.

Decline the phrases.
Warm winter scarf, warm winter coat.

Write it off. Determine the case of adjectives.
The clear sky was covered with clouds. Winter has dressed nature in white, warm, clean fur. We went to Blue Lake. There was no sleep at home at late hours. The winter sun shone dimly.

Write it down, opening the parentheses. Determine the case of adjectives, highlight the endings.
Tanya and Alena planted their trees and watered them with (warm) water. The (hot) (spring) sun is shining, walking across the sky cheerful clouds. And two (new) trees stand at the gate. They spread the roots in the (warm) soil.

Write it off. Insert the missing endings and highlight them.
Black swifts spend their entire lives in the air. If a caught longwing... swift is placed on the ground... it will not be able to take off. With its short legs, the swift cannot walk on the ground.

Write it down, adding the endings. Determine gender and case of adjectives.
On a May night... the birds sang. We admired the spring... the sky. Suddenly, a bright arrow of lightning slashed the calm sky. The gentle... blue of the sky was clouded with black... clouds.

Write a story on the topic “In Grandma’s Garden” using combinations of words.
Early spring morning, wonderful weather, good mood, sprouted seeds, azure sky, yellow carrots.

Task No. 27.

Write it off. Open parenthesis. Underline the pronouns.
(Today is my birthday. Guests will come to me. (A) new brand will appear in my collection. (It) will depict nature. I like the landscape.

Write by inserting the missing letters. Determine the person of the pronouns.
They brought us a spaniel puppy, about the size of an average rat. Our cat on the closet began to get ready to poop. She, of course, does not understand whether it is a rat or a puppy. To entertain him, I brought a bone from the kitchen. And the floor...lived under his nose.

Collect suggestions. Replace the noun jay with pronouns. Write it down.
But, by nature, he is a robber, a real jay. Beautiful jay bird. It is easy to recognize a jay by its wings, feathers, white and black. Not only be afraid of the jay, the small ones, but also the big birds. The jay destroys, nests, pecks, birds, eggs, chicks, destroys.

Task No. 28.


Form infinitive verbs.
Bites, walks, makes noise, jumped, sparkles, waved, looked, loves, cuts, makes.

Insert infinitive verbs instead of dots.
He who wants a lot... must have a little... (knew, slept)
Better good... than good.... (acted, spoke)
Skill... is more valuable than gold. (have worked)
The song... and... helps us. (lived, built)

For these phrases, select indefinite verbs that are close in meaning. Make up a sentence with one of the phrases.
Hang your nose, keep your head in the clouds, keep your mouth shut, give pepper, lead
nose, kick your ass.

Task No. 29.
Changing verbs by numbers.

Write the verbs in two columns.
They cut it down, they looked, they raised it, they made noise. Ringing, crackling, glowing, bored.

Copy the text. Write the number above the verbs.
In May there is bird cherry in (color..tet, B..r..ha streams..ev (turns yellow, turn yellow) from the green..l..buttercups.

Form singular and plural verbs from infinitive verbs.
Buzz, fall, sunbathe, throw, croak, shine.

Task No. 30.
Changing verbs by tense.

Write the verbs in three columns.
They are riding, will sing, ate, you say, turned white, will sew up, grown up, walk, jump, become, disheveled.

Form verbs from nouns and put them in the present, past and future tenses.
Salt - ..., creaking - ..., pain - .... feed -….

Write down the text using punctuation marks. Mark the tense of the verbs.
The sun w..w..the grasses will fall..give leaves..and the air will be filled with the smell..of mushrooms and dry the roots of the old tree.. dreams l..f..t m..hovoy k..ver.

Task No. 31.
Spelling particles NOT with verbs.

Write the sentences by putting the particle NOT before the verbs. Highlight the endings of the verbs.
If you go, you will see the sea. If you think about it, you will solve the problem. If you miss a minute, you will lose an hour. Play with fire, trust in the wind. Say what you know.

Compose and write down 5 sentences with the particle NOT about what cannot be done little squirrel. Highlight the endings of the verbs.

Compose and write down 7 sentences with the particle NOT about the rules of behavior at school. Highlight the endings of the verbs.

Task No. 32.
Spelling prepositions.

Combine pairs of words using prepositions.
Exit... (house). Go... (forest). G..v..rit... (brother). Take care... (sh..nock).

Write it down by opening the parentheses.
The janitor (s) abandoned the sleep.. (s) roofs.. . (In) the room (in) n..if there is a new sofa. The moon (behind) went (behind) the clouds... V..r..beat (s) (s)branches.

Correct the mistakes.
A grouse jumped out of the bushes. They threw the ball for everyone. The forest smells damp. Pine forest swamp.

Task No. 33.
Write it down using punctuation marks. Underline the main parts of the sentence.
The cheerful summer ended, a stormy late autumn came, a cold wind blew and tore the leaves from the trees.

Make up and write sentences from these words.
The sun, behind, was low, hidden by the trees. In, birch, gold, they stand. The birds have set off on a long journey. There are a lot of mysteries, and, as in, a lot of secrets in the forest!

Write it off. Write the test words in brackets. Underline the main parts of the sentence.
The sun has set, but it's still light in the sun. The air is clean and transparent. The birds sing brightly. M..l..daya shines in..the gray shine of emerald.

Task No. 34.
The main members of the proposal.

Write it off. Underline the main parts of the sentence.
A subtle blow follows. The ball.. is rushing (across) the field. He flies straight (at) the gate. The game begins.

Write by inserting the missing letters. Underline the main parts of the sentence.
The hot smell of the oak bark (for) lent... (On) the in t..nor lay a river. There was a black maple bush nearby. Elegant, he weighed.. shone under the cold.. autumn sun.

Make sentences about the questions and write them down. Underline the main parts of the sentence.
When? Which? What? What did you do?
Where? What did you do? Which? What?
Who? With whom? What they were doing? Where? For what?

The order of parsing a noun.

Write down the noun with the question it answers, highlight the ending.

Please indicate:

initial form of the verb;

proper or common noun;
animate or inanimate;



number shape.

1. Divide the words into syllables:


Flower girl_________________________________

2. Divide the words for hyphenation:





3. Underline all the vowels in the sentence:

4. Underline all the consonants in the sentence:

Marina took the fast train to Moscow.

5. Underline the words in which the letters e, e, yu, i represent 2 sounds:

Chalk, maple, playing around, Christmas tree, good guy, pouring, cabin, gingerbread.

6. Put emphasis in words:

Shop, briefcase, taps, grater, beets, table, book, squirrel, chalk.

7. Underline the letters of soft consonant sounds in the words:

8 . Underline the letters of hard consonant sounds in the words:

Ksyusha, small, kitten, cabbage.

9. Underline the words that are correctly divided into syllables:

Lei-ka, think-may, build-ka-wait, I-sli, tea-nick.

10. Write down those words that have more letters than sounds. Count the number of sounds and letters.

Skates, car, boy, axe, jaguar.

11. Write down those words that have fewer letters than sounds. Count the number of sounds and letters.

Apple, elk, Ksenia, car, nuts.



12. Insert the missing letters, select test words: - ___________________, -_____________________,

In...yes - ___________________, - ______________________,

Arbu... -__________________, moro... - ______________________,

Gr...chi - __________________, sugro... - ______________________.

13. Insert the missing letters:

Kolo..., arbu..., story..., landy..., chi..., this..., tetra...b, tvoro..., fartu..., sapo... .

14. Fill in the missing letters:,, in...da, k...for, s...dy, sl...dy,,,, z...rno,, g...ra, m... rya, d...revya,, s...blah.

16. Underline words with a soft separator:

In autumn, squirrel, ten, boy, woke up, trees, leaves.

15. Fill in the missing letters:

F...zn, sh...shka, ch...stitsa, ch...dover, noch...ka, daughter...ka, sch...vel, h...hundred, right...right, soul...sty, ch...dny, sh...povnik, h... owl

17. Determine what the sentences contain, underline the correct answer:

1. This morning my parents and I went hiking.

(message, order, request, question)

2. What will you do today? (message, greeting, question, advice)

3. Good morning, my baby! (message, greeting, question, advice)

18. Divide the text into sentences, following the rules for formatting sentences:

Flew from the trees last leaves the wind blew gray clouds across the sky one day ugly duck found himself in a small hut old dog A white chicken was dozing in the corner and walking on the floor.

19. Count the number of sounds and letters in words:

Ballet: ____b., _____star.

Medallion: _____b., _____z.

Little squirrel: _____b., ______sound.

Snitch: _______b., ______sound.

20. Change the number of the word:






21. Determine the number of nouns:

Poplars, lions, giraffe, pillow, rug, floors, whatnot, cactus, diary,

disks, turtle, fish, feathers, postcard, cows, telephone, poplars.

22. Write down 4 words of nouns that answer the question:

What? ______________________________________________________________

Who? ______________________________________________________________

23. Find errors in words and correct them:

Shyrina, chyudo, chyaschya, tsigan, birds, kochka, anna, tapolya, doup, mikhail, Russia,

class, magpie, varona, machine, Irina Alexandrovna, Rika Volga, tree.

25. Find the extra one in each group of words and underline it:

Cow, ram, tiger, guitar, crow.

Chamomile, rose, lilac, swallow, grass.

Coat, sweater, tights, boy, bow.

26. Find nouns in the sentences and underline them:

The car drove quietly along the road. A magpie was sitting on a tree. The moon is shining brightly in the sky. Lion, tiger and jaguar are wild animals.

27. Underline the nouns that answer the questionWho? - one line , and nouns that answer the questionWhat? - two features.

Lilac, magpie, stroke, run, yellow, coat, sparrow, table, white,

notebook, boy, mother, sleeping, turning green.

28. Underline only those words in which all consonants are soft:

Karina, Yulia, hut, spruce, lilac, thicket, teapot, Mitya, stranded, Marina.

29. Underline only those words in which all consonants are hard:

Snowflake, car, life, cart, beetle, bumblebee, barber, Moscow, frost.

30. Find proper names in the text and correct mistakes in them.

Uncle Kolya lived in the city of Korenovsk on Red Street. In the morning he met his friend Igor. They went on a boat ride on the Volga River.

31. Write down 2 words each - a proper name:

Street: ___________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________________________



32.Write down 2 words each - a proper name:




Animal names:________________________________________________________________

33. Fill in the missing letters:

rbuz, v...r...beat, r...bota, r...boys, pl...current, p...tuh,, sah...r, girl...chka, t...relka, t...trad, x...r... sho, yag...yes,...language.

34. Insert a soft sign where necessary:

Little...chik, bell...chik, los..., Ol...ha, bear..., hand...and, night...ka, cloud...ka, power...nost..., of course...but.

35. Find and underline the words that denote the actions of objects.

Walrus, screaming, lying, frost, machine, buzzing, sleeping, sofa, bed,

beautiful, powerful, repair, whistle, computer.

36. Match the nouns with verbs.







37. Write down the verbs that answer the questions (2 words for each question):

What did you do?__________________________________________________

What did you do?_________________________________________________

What did you do?_________________________________________________

What did you do?___________________________________________________

What to do?__________________________________________________

38. Connect with arrows:

The squirrel sings

Tractor barks

The machine is growing

Berry is jumping

Thunder plows

The singer is traveling

The tree turns red

The dog is rattling

39. Underline the adjectives with a wavy line.

Runs, sleeps, mom, Elena, car, red, big, funny, rose, felt boots,

lush, frosty, long.

40. Connect with arrows.

41. Come up with and write down nouns adjectives.

Flower _________________________________.

Ruler ________________________________.

Ice _____________________________________.

Snow ___________________________________.

Boy ________________________________.

Girl _________________________________.

Carrot ________________________________.

Potato _______________________________.

42. Come up with and write down 3 adjectives for the questions.

What kind of sun is it?_______________________________________________________________.

What kind of grass?______________________________________________________________.

What kind of cat?______________________________________________________________.

43. Find and underline incorrectly composed phrases.

Delicious raspberries, bright clothes, bright sunshine, beautiful flower, fast jaguar, white pencil, funny guys, blue sky, brown bear, tall tree, strong explosion, loose earth, red berry, black handle, white rooster.

School No. 3, Borisoglebsk

Game tasks in Russian lessons

It has long been known that knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one’s own positive attitude and emotions, does not become useful - it is a dead weight. The use of game moments in Russian language and literature lessons awakens interest in the subject, makes it exciting, loved and necessary. How more interesting for a child
, the stronger his knowledge.

Preparing and conducting non-standard lessons is a troublesome task, but this form deserves attention if the teacher is creative in his work.

Exercise 1 . PHONETICS.

Which sounds are more important - vowels or consonants - for understanding speech?
Draw a conclusion. Try to read these words

w-v-tn- -p-st-l-s
-o-a- (school)

Task 2-o-o-a (girlfriend)

-o-i-a (capital)

. Choose paired words that differ only in the deafness/voicing of one of the two consonants. Who is faster?

1st option

bark, shine, live, house, pity, pass, dew, steam, plump, daughter.

2nd option

goat, ear, prank, stake, yours, drink, evil, fishing rod, tower, guest.

Task 4 Task 3. Choose words that differ only in the softness/hardness of the consonants. The teacher calls the hard version, and the students call the soft one.:

Small - ..., nose - ..., current - ..., onion - ..., soap - ..., bald - ..., cart - ..., was - ..., howled - ..., ardor - ..., angle - ... .
. Arrange the words in three columns like this< звуков;
1. letters > sounds;

2. letters

Task 5 3. letters = sounds.

To Yula, sewing, coal, her, nightingales, line, entrance, thawed, story, stump, bridge, family.
. From the names of which letters can you cook food? ka;


– sha. The names of which two letters make up an entire era? R.

– er and A.

Task 6.

Task 7. Phonetic relay race.

-o-i-a (capital)

Each child receives a task card. There is a table with card numbers on the board.

Everyone, having solved their problem, enters the number of the correct answer in the required column. The row that finishes first and has no errors wins.

Collect a bouquet

Collect flowers in a bouquet whose names contain only hard sounds.

2nd option

Collect flowers in a bouquet that have at least one soft sound in their name.

Chicory, rose, chamomile, lilac, lily of the valley, aster, narcissus, nasturtium, rosehip, bellflower, honeysuckle, ranunculus.

Do you know the proverbs? 1. The word is ... and silence is golden.
(silver) 2. Maybe something won’t go well....
(they will bring it) 3. Kind... and the cat is pleased.
(word) 4. Business..., time for fun.
(time) 5. Where it is thin, there....
(tears) 6. Kopek... protects.

Crossword puzzle for the lesson based on the story “Vasyutkino Lake” by Viktor Astafiev

1. “We have no luck today,” grumbled Vasyutkin’s grandfather... (Athanasius).
2. The fishermen went far into the lower reaches... and finally stopped (Yenisei).
3. “..., our nurse, doesn’t like flimsy people!” - he remembered the words of his father and grandfather (taiga).
4. “Vasyutka recognized the bot’s foreman by his voice and funny Ukrainian accent... ("Igarets").
5. Last name of the author of the story (Astafiev).
6. He immediately saw a large black bird rising from the ground - ... (grouse).
7. Vasyutka decided to spend the night on the shore... (lakes).
8. Vasyutka raised his head. At the very top of an old disheveled spruce I saw... (nutcracker).

Lotto game

Such games can be used in final lessons on the topics: “Synonyms”, “Antonyms”, “Phraseologisms”, “Foreign words”, “One-part sentences”. Each pair of students receives one card, which they fill in with tokens. Each child, listening to the proposed options, automatically remembers a huge number of synonyms, antonyms, and phraseological units, which are stored in the corners of their memory in order to come to the rescue at the right time.


Travel lessons, fairy tale lessons

Exercise 1. The class goes on a trip. The teacher tells an interesting story, including tasks in the story.

On our way there is a marshy swamp, here and there we can see bumpy words, but not everything can be stepped on. Words in which it is written b Words in which it is written , – traps.

You only need to write out the bump words without

. If you make a mistake, you will drown. Be careful. Jumble_, hot_, backhand_, baked_, trifle_, cut off_, back_, admiring_, viscous_, odorous_, lily of the valley_, galloping_, settling down, hut_. Ahead is a dense forest, teeming wild animals

and snakes.

Task 2

If you insert correctly

double consonants , then we will overcome this obstacle..

Ka(s,ss)eta, ba(l,ll)ans, mi(s,ss)iya, ga(l,ll)reya, pa(s,ss)ivny, pa(s,ss)azhir, e( f,ff)ekt, go(l,ll)iya, ba(s,ss)ein, a(p,pp)etit, a(p,pp)atiya, te(r,rr)itoria, te(r, rr)a(s,ss)a, ko(r,rr)respondent, ka(r,rr)icature.

Task 3 We are at the labyrinth, but the path will be opened by the one who collects all the rings lost here by the princess..

Write down the words with a missing letter R?
Rosy-cheeked, clear, well-spoken, major, sh_v, sh_lk, groom, condensed, canvas, cheap, conductor, hand burn, more, glutton, shoulder, hot, gooseberry.
. The one who completes the table correctly will pass the maze.

1. R_stov 2. water_sli?
3. r_stock
4. age

Write down the words with a missing letter , then we will overcome this obstacle.?
1. burn
2. Tuesday
3. pick up
4. shit

Write down the words with a missing letter 1. in vain?
2. look at
3. z_rnitsa
4. rage

1. R_stov 1. lock up?
1. float_wok
2. emission
3. swimmer
4. spl_vnoy

I often conduct similar quick surveys to determine the degree of mastery of the material. Such work is completed and checked within 5–7 minutes, and the teacher sees which of the spellings is poorly understood and requires additional work.

Ball game

While working on topics such as “Declination of nouns”, “Conjugation of verbs”, “Classes of adjectives, pronouns”, I use a ball in the lesson. I throw a ball to someone in the class and name the verb, the student catches the ball and names the conjugation or aspect of this verb. Such a game activates the entire class, awakens interest, and makes even those who are used to sitting behind their friends perk up, because the children do not know to whom the ball will fly and what verb the teacher will pronounce.

Task 4. Third wheel.

Find a word that does not correspond to a certain rule, part of speech, meaning, form, etc.

Lemon, pocket, straw;
hot, powerful, crying;
wet, damp, dry;
cut, backhand, hide.

Vocabulary relay races

Carried out only after repeated work on vocabulary words. It's kind of vocabulary dictation. Children write down difficult words in their workbook. In addition, each child writes three words on a common card, passing it along the row. Children try not to make mistakes so as not to let their friends down, because...

The score for the card is given to the entire row.

Exercise 1. VOCABULARY

Codebreaker Competition, or Restorer Competition.

Make up phrases with the given words so that the meaning of the words becomes clear. R TO , then we will overcome this obstacle. company... – to
subscriber - subscription, R hang up e nal – finished

Task 2 . mislaid - mislaid.

Restore the Explanatory Dictionary page. Write down the terms correctly, based on the explanatory article. 1. ... – steel frame of reinforced concrete structures.
(rebar) 2. ... shows that the railway track is clear.
(semaphore) 3. ... – internal phone number of the institution.

(switch) Task 3

. Determine the meaning of these words. If you have any difficulties, you can refer to the reference material, which is located on the additional board.
Argument –
attribute –
absolute –
current –

hypothesis – Reference : argument, proof; sign, affiliation, scientific assumption;

important for

at this moment

The guys are divided into teams of 5 people. The game involves two teams simultaneously who must answer 10 questions. You are given 1 minute to think about your answer. If the teams fail to complete the task, the audience responds and receives an incentive token. Such tests are carried out after completion of work on some big topic

: “Noun”, “Gerundial”, “Verb”, “Numeral”, “Pronoun”, etc.


1. Children love such games very much, because the correct answer is also rewarded with a prize. The last person to give the correct answer gets it. Name all the morphological features of the word.
2. carrot Name words starting with a syllable .
3. boo.

Name all the categories of pronouns

Curious The class must answer questions proposed by the teacher, but all answers must begin with a specific, pre-agreed letter, for example, .

-Where were you?
– How is gasoline transported?
– What did you write out of the book?
– What string instrument do you know?

– What dish do you like?

Entertaining games

Let off some steam Come up with 5 words starting with a syllable .

steam - - -
steam - - -
steam - - -
steam - - -

steam - - -

(Greenhouse, stalls, password, party, guy.)

  1. class 1 “ ” last name, first name: _________________________ (1 option)
    A). owl b). run

  1. V). wall d). animal
    A). steel b). village

  2. V). redhead d). bite
    A). work b). coming

  3. V). delicious d). shouting

  4. A). Ira b). Zhenya c). Misha
    A). in, lived, three, house, bear
    b). In, three, lived, a house, a bear

  5. V). Three bears lived in the house.

  6. Warm spring came, water began to flow, the children took a plank and made a boat, the boat floated on the water.
    A). The cat was sleeping on the roof.
    b). She pressed her paws together.

V). A bird sat down near the cat.
A). sedge b). snowball

V). moon d). gaming 9. Write it down:
the desired letter

A). h. gong b). area dka c). and. raf

A). scooter b). white c). Guys
1). ska. ka a). z b). With

2). ry. ka a). b b). P
12. How many sounds are in words:

A). goat b). horse c). anchor

Additional tasks:
A). con. ki b). plat. e

V). perch ki g). bol. she
A). apple b). garden

* * *

V). delicious d). tree

Russian language tests (grade 1/1-3/).

  1. class 1 “ ” last name, first name: _________________________ (option 2)
    Which of these words denote objects:
    A). play b). mouse
  1. V). globe d). big
    What words denote the characteristics of objects:
    A). red b). city
  2. V). shout d). wood
    Which of the words denote the actions of objects:
    A). sculpts b). new
  3. V). class d). walks
    Check the names that can belong to both boys and girls:
  4. A). Misha b). Sasha c). Sveta
    A). Dad and I went to the zoo.
    b). With, we, went, to the zoo, dad
    V). We, with, the zoo, went, to, dad
  5. Determine how many sentences are in the text:
    Snow fell, the children ran out and started building a snowman, and it turned out to be a good snowman.
    A). 5 sentences b). 4 offers
    V). 6 sentences d). 3 offers
  6. Mark only the sentence that fits this scheme: .
    A). Spring came.
    b). Streams flowed along the roads.
    V). The birds sang merrily.

8. Determine the number of syllables in words:
A). lesson b). jumping
V). rowan d). beloved

9. Enter the required letter:
A). w. rocky b). growl d c). ch. shka

10. Put emphasis in words:
A). kids b). red c). plays

11. Which letter should be inserted into the word:
1). shlya. ka a). b b). P
2). pr. ki a). f b). w

2). ry. ka a). b b). P

A). dew b). elk c). spruce

A). goat b). horse c). anchor

13. Find words with a soft separator:

A). con. ki b). plat. e
A). con. ki b). plat. e

14. Which word is missing? Why?

A). apple b). garden
A). apple b). garden

15. Read two groups of sentences and indicate which one
of these groups is a connected text:

A). There was only one mother at home. Nastya sat down at the table and took a book. She began to read a fairy tale. Mom was happy. Nastya came from school.

b). Nastya came from school. There was only one mother at home. Nastya sat down at the table and took a book. She began to read a fairy tale. Mom was happy.