“Breathing Hurts” Eva Lee. “Breathing Hurts” Eva Lee About the book “Breathing Hurts” Eva Lee

Breathing hurts

Based on real events


© Eva Lee, 2016

© Alexander Dyakov, photographs, 2016

Corrector Ksenia Kovannaya

ISBN 978-5-4483-2206-8

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero


I sat down to write this text several times, but it didn’t go beyond general phrases and banal thoughts: I wasn’t ready, and I’m not ready now.

In order to write this story, you need a lot of strength - both physical and mental. I haven’t had either of them for a long time.

But one day I promised her that I would write our story as it was, as it could have been, as it never was and never will be.

This is a text about my only friend, whom I call only “the one who comprehended sound,” because she fully comprehended me.

This text is like a requiem for her, who died so early, as if as a punishment for me, as if as a blessing for me.

This is the text about the story behind my third tattoo. Lily tattoo. This is a text about why I answer that I hate these flowers.

It happened exactly as I described everything, only some commas were placed incorrectly, and the dots were in the wrong places, dots instead of dots; we ourselves are also unfaithful.

We were together for exactly a year, twelve months, so the story is divided into these same twelve bloody months. The hardest time, the darkest. I still can’t get away from him. And something tells me that I’m unlikely to be able to.

Seven years have already passed since that day, the fourth of May 1999, but every time I just get on the subway, I understand that there were no seven years, that everything was literally yesterday, that all these years have passed me by that life stopped for me at the very moment when my friend passed away.

It all started in May, and ended in May...

I've always had a hard time with winter, and she knew it. My dream since childhood was to move to some country where there would be an even climate all year round. I even found a couple of such countries...

But seven years after she passed away, I am still in St. Petersburg. All these years I learned to do without her and, it seems, I even got used to her total absence, but this winter, especially cold, especially snowy, I realized that I haven’t learned a damn thing, I haven’t gotten used to a damn thing and it’s unlikely that I ever will. I’ll get used to it, or I’ll put up with it, or I’ll accept it.

I realized this when I was sick through and through (I don’t get out of chronic bronchitis, I don’t get off antibiotics, herpes constantly pops up on my chapped and parched lips, chronically low temperature, chronically cold hands, not a single pair of gloves saves me from the St. Petersburg cold, from the St. Petersburg snows , chronic longing for her) was on the subway from work.

Ten stations. Every evening I count them again and again, but again and again there are exactly ten of them: no more, no less. And all these ten stations I think only about her. Ever since it started snowing, and this year it started snowing early. For the first time in seven years. This is the first snowy winter after our ninth year.

All my thoughts are only about her, endlessly, like a broken record. Memories mixed with memories...

...and I woke up to the sounds of a lute: chamber music, the Renaissance, the Golden Age of Europe, the Netherlands is also on the list.


The country where Marie was born...

I jumped up in bed, the bed was not mine, and the room was someone else’s, it was the first time in this city that I had spent the night away from home, although I didn’t have this house here yet: outside the window it was the morning of May 3, 1988, Peter, it smelled of lilies, the bouquet stood nearby, on the table next to the bed, the bed was not mine, but hers. And the apartment was hers too.

Quiet chamber music played barely audibly, creating the illusion that I had all dreamed: yesterday’s walk along the embankment, the setting sun, her hand in mine, her smile at me, her long dark hair with a red tint fluttering in the wind, her motorcycle and her body in my hands - all this is nothing more than a dream, because we couldn’t meet like that, just like that, I was walking along the pavement, she was riding on a sports dark blue motorcycle, no, she was rushing, tearing the wind apart, tearing the world apart with our furious roar, with our desperate thoughts about me, just as I did about her, we knew nothing about each other exactly until that second when our paths crossed - it’s as simple as that! - in the middle of the road, I listen to music, an intoxicating trance, I don’t look around - only fools look around, they invented brakes and airbags - she rushes, without understanding the road, almost two hundred, suddenly notices me, loudly, mercilessly honks, I I turn my head - something, some extraneous noise interfered with my unearthly, impossible, music that brings me to tears, and I see it skidding around a turn, otherwise it will hit me - time has slowed down, no, it just stopped existing, it stopped to be by definition and I only see

Breathing hurts Eva Lee

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Title: Breathing hurts

About the book “Breathing Hurts” by Eva Lee

The book “Breathing Hurts” is based on real events. Author Eva Lee lost her best friend to cancer. The writer poured out her experience on paper. The novel turned out to be so sincere that it touched the hearts of every reader.

Eva Lee has been writing stories since she was a child. She was educated as a philologist and orientalist. In 2012, the author connected her life with China, graduating there Pedagogical University. The writer is fluent Chinese and confidently speaks another nine. Her work was first published back in 1994. Since then, Eva Lee has devoted herself to writing.

The book “Breathing Hurts” is the cry of the author’s soul. In 2008, she met a girl named Marie. The first meeting took place under very unusual circumstances. Marie almost ran over Eva while she was crossing the street. After this accident, the girls began to communicate and became friends. Their relationship became stronger than that of siblings.

But Marie was slowly dying from a terrible disease. Lung cancer gradually took away her strength. Doctors gave her a year to live. This time did not go well for Mary. But she had a friend who supported the girl in everything. There were long walks and heart-to-heart conversations. At such moments, Mary forgot that her time was coming to an end.

Before her death, the girl asked her friend for a favor. Mary wanted their story to be known throughout the world. The writer fulfilled her promise and created a novel. The girl put her experience into her work. She hoped that her book would help people survive similar tragedies. If you have experienced a loss or your loved one is sick, the novel will become invaluable to you. But the story will touch a nerve even among those who have not experienced such suffering.

The narration in the novel “Breathing Hurts” is told in the first person. This allows you to better understand the heroine’s experiences and understand her feelings. The book is also interesting because it reveals social problem in global terms. The author shows people's reaction to the heroine's illness. Everyone around shows cruel indifference and shows only pity.

The book “Breathing Hurts” is difficult to read at times. All feelings and emotions seem real, as if all this is happening to you. For some, this story will cause a wave of thought. It will make someone sad. And others will find hope in it. No matter how the novel influences you, it will give you vivid impressions. Start reading the story to the end and you will find out which ones.

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Quotes from the book “Breathing Hurts” by Eva Lee

I don't understand how to do it
So that it doesn’t hurt to breathe without you...

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This is a very difficult book. I read it for several days, not because it is long, but because it contains so many emotions, so much pain that I often had to put it down and catch my breath. I even cried a couple of times.
The plot of the book is very simple: main character rides the subway and remembers the events of seven years ago. Although there are not only events from seven years ago, but also more recent ones (for example, when she was in China a few years later). In general, “memories mixed with memories.”
A story about two friends, one of whom is sure to die. And they both know it. The book is about how they survived this, how they lived a year full of conversations and walks. There are enough happy moments, but they only make you want to cry, because you know how it all ended.
I think this story is about struggling even when you know the end is inevitable. But this book is also about appreciating each other and enjoying every moment you spend together. After all, no one knows when one of you will pass away.
The girls were given very little time, but they lived it as fully as not many of us do.
The worst thing is that this story actually happened. And after reading it, she doesn’t want to let go, you keep thinking and wondering what it’s like. And one can only sympathize with the author. And wish him strength or something.
I do not recommend this book to anyone who has experienced loss. loved one. And let the rest decide for themselves whether they are ready to plunge headlong into this difficult story (it simply won’t work any other way).

The book is a shock. The book is a revelation.


The book is a shock. The book is a revelation. I've never read anything like this. A very intimate and personal book. It was like I was looking through a keyhole. A very bright book. After it there is no cloudy sediment left. Yes, it’s a little sad, but after reading it my soul is very light.
This is also a very controversial book. I don't want to spoil it, you have to read it for yourself. After this book you look at many things with different eyes, this book opens your eyes to many things.
The author raises many questions, including eternal ones. Do you need to fight for your love? Is it necessary to live when you know that you have little left? And how should we treat each other? The book has answers to all these questions.
I discovered a new author. I will look forward to new books. And, perhaps, I’ll order a paper version for myself.
I advise you to read this story. It will change your mind.