Physical and chemical engineering what. The Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering of Moscow State University has announced admission of applicants. The emergence of the faculty and the reasons for its opening

Dean - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Aldoshin Sergey Mikhailovich

Currently in Russia there is an acute issue of integration of education, fundamental scientific research and knowledge-intensive industries, without which the existence of a highly developed, economically independent state. One of the most promising ways to solve this issue is to combine fundamental university education of students with specialization on the basis of actively operating research centers Russian Academy Sciences (RAN). This principle is the basis of the organization educational process faculty.

At the faculty, students study in three departments: engineering solid state physics (direction of training “Applied mathematics and physics”); engineering chemical physics (specialty “Fundamental and applied chemistry”); engineering of materials for aviation and space (specialty “Fundamental and applied chemistry”).

For scientific research at the basic institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) under the guidance of a personal scientific mentor in the 1st–3rd courses, 1 day a week is allocated in the academic schedule, from the 4th year - 2 days a week. Conducting scientific research is formalized as part of the implementation coursework. Many courseworks are brought to the level of completion scientific work, and students present these works at scientific conferences and as publications in scientific journals. For each student, the topics of coursework in the sections of chemistry, physics and interdisciplinary topics are selected in such a way that all work is combined common task and were performed in the same laboratory. This allows one to accumulate significant experimental material for completing a diploma and then a candidate’s thesis. Interdisciplinary training at the faculty (physics + chemistry + biology) allows students to effectively implement scientific work on interdisciplinary topics of strategic directions of technological breakthrough, defined by the President of the Russian Federation: “Energy efficiency, energy saving and development of new types of fuel” and “Medical technologies, diagnostic equipment and new medicines” " The relevance of scientific topics is prerequisite scientific work of students.

The faculty is actively introducing modern educational technologies and interactive services that allow, without reducing the quality of education, to reduce the classroom load and increase the share independent work students, turn students into active participants in the learning process, increase the proportion of individual contacts with the teacher and create an individual educational trajectory for every student. RAS scientists with teaching experience are actively involved in teaching at the faculty. Training courses Faculty teachers are mobile updated and keep up with the times, interesting, actively perceived, because. provided with examples from real life scientific practice and demonstration experiment. This arouses students' interest in the subject and leads to a deeper and more complete assimilation of the material.

PHYSICAL, the science of general laws determining the structure and chemistry. transformation into at decomposition ext.

conditions. Researches chemistry. phenomena using theoretical and experiment. methods of physics.

As an independent science, physical science took shape to. 18th century The term “physical” belongs to M.V. Lomonosov, who in 1752 first taught a course in physics to students at St. Petersburg University. The trail belongs to him. definition: “Physical is a science that explains, on the basis of the principles and experiments of physics, what happens in mixed bodies during chemical operations.” The first scientific journal intended for the publication of articles on physics was founded in 1887 by W. Ostwald and J. Van't Hoff. physical is the main theoretical one. the foundation of modern , based on such important branches of physics as statistical. physics and nonlinear dynamics, field theory, etc. It includes the doctrine of the structure of matter, incl. about , and . As separate sections in physics, physical science (including), the study of physics, and physico-chemistry of high molecular weight are often distinguished. conn.

etc. They are very close to the physical and are sometimes considered as independent of it. sections , and . Most sections of physics have fairly clear boundaries in terms of objects and methods of research, methodologically. features and the device used.

Modern the stage of physical development is inherent in-depth analysis general laws of chemistry. transformations on the pier level, widespread use of mat. , expansion of the external range. influences on chemical system (high and cryogenic temperatures, high, strong radiation and magnetic influences), the study of ultra-fast processes, methods of energy accumulation in chemicals. v-vah, etc.

The application of quantum theory, first of all, in explaining chemistry. phenomena entailed means. increased attention to the level of interpretation led to the identification of two directions in. A direction based on quantum mech. theory and operating on microscopic. level of explanation of phenomena, often called chemical. physics, and the direction that operates with ensembles large number

particles, where statistical principles come into force. laws - physical. With this division, the boundary between physical chemistry and chemistry. physics not m.b. carried out sharply, which is especially evident in the theory of chemical rates. districts.

A very important source of information about their characteristics in various. states and characteristics of chemistry. transformations are the results of quantum chemistry. calculations. gives a system of concepts and ideas that are used in physics when considering the behavior of chemistry. connections per mol. level and when establishing correlations between the characteristics that form an item and the properties of this item. Thanks to the results of quantum chemistry. surface calculations potential energy chem. systems in various and experiment. opportunities recent years, first of all, development, physical science has come close to a comprehensive study of the sacred connection. in excited and highly excited states, to the analysis of the structural features of the connection. in such states and the specifics of the manifestation of these features in the dynamics of chemicals. transformations.

The limitation of the conventional one is that it allows one to describe only equilibrium states and reversible processes. Real irreversible processes are the subject of the theory that arose in the 30s. 20th century . This area of ​​physics studies nonequilibrium macroscopic phenomena. systems in which the rate of occurrence locally remains constant (such systems are locally close to equilibrium).

It allows you to consider systems with chemical r-tions and transfer of mass (), heat, electricity. charges, etc.studies chemical transformations. in-in time, i.e. chemical speed. r-tions, the mechanisms of these transformations, as well as the dependence of the chemical. process from the conditions of its implementation.

She establishes patterns of betrayal

For chem. kinetics is characterized by the use of many physical. research methods that make it possible to carry out local excitations of reactants, study fast (up to femtosecond) transformations, automate the registration of kinetics. data with their simultaneous processing on a computer, etc. Kinetic accumulation is intensively accumulated. information through kinetic

, incl. for chem. r-tions in extreme conditions.

A very important branch of physics, closely related to chemistry. kinetics is the study of, i.e., changes in the speed and direction of chemistry. r-tion when exposed to substances ( The science that explains chemical phenomena and establishes their patterns based on general principles physics. The name of the science Physical chemistry was introduced by M. V. Lomonosov, who for the first time (1752 1753) formulated its subject and tasks and established one... ...

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, “a science that explains, on the basis of provisions and experiments, the physical cause of what happens through chemistry. operations in complex bodies." This definition was given to it by the first physical chemist M.V. Lomonosov in a course read ...

Great Medical Encyclopedia PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, the science that studies the physical changes associated with CHEMICAL REACTIONS, as well as the relationship between physical properties and chemical composition . The main branches of physical chemistry THERMODYNAMICS, which deals with changes in energy in ... ...

Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary Physical chemistry - - section of chemistry in which they study Chemical properties substances based physical properties their constituent atoms and molecules. Modern physical chemistry is a broad interdisciplinary field bordering on various branches of physics...

Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, explains chemical phenomena and establishes their patterns based on the general principles of physics. Includes chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, the study of catalysis, etc. The term physical chemistry was introduced by M.V. Lomonosov in 1753...

Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary Modern encyclopedia - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, explains chemical phenomena and establishes their patterns based on the general principles of physics. Includes chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, the study of catalysis, etc. The term “physical chemistry” was introduced by M.V. Lomonosov in... ...

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary - section chemistry science, studying chemistry. phenomena based on the principles of physics (see (1)) and physical.. F. x. (like chemistry) includes the study of the structure of matter, chemistry. thermodynamics and chemistry kinetics, electrochemistry and colloid chemistry, teaching... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

Noun, number of synonyms: 1 physical chemistry (1) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

physical chemistry- — EN physical chemistry A science dealing with the effects of physical phenomena on chemical properties. (Source: LEE) … … Technical Translator's Guide

physical chemistry- is a science that explains chemical phenomena and establishes their patterns on the basis of physical principles. Dictionary of Analytical Chemistry... Chemical terms


  • Physical chemistry, A. V. Artemov, The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State educational standard in areas of bachelor's training involving the study of the discipline "Physical Chemistry".… Category: Textbooks for universities Series: Higher Education Publisher: Bustard, Manufacturer: Bustard,
  • Physical chemistry, Yu. Ya. Kharitonov, The textbook outlines the fundamentals of physical chemistry in accordance with approximate program in the discipline "Physical and colloidal chemistry" for specialty 060301 "Pharmacy". The publication is intended... Category: For applicants and students Publisher:

Education at the Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering is new form engineering education. The training is designed to strengthen the technological component of classical natural science education, is aimed at implementing innovative interdisciplinary training of specialists in the field of physics, chemistry and biology and connects:

· fundamental university education aimed at knowledge and understanding of the basic scientific principles with their explanations; · engineering education and training of specialists to implement innovative scientific and engineering ideas in practice; · continuous scientific work of students, starting from the 1st year, in the basic institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, at the engineering and technological sites of the faculty.

The educational process at the faculty is aimed at training, on the basis of physical and chemical knowledge, highly qualified specialists capable of designing processes, methods, reactions and technologies that ensure the creation of new substances, materials and complex artificial systems with specified properties. Regions professional activity Faculty graduates, in particular, are:

· energy efficiency and energy saving, including issues of developing new promising energy, bio- and chemical technologies(alternative energy sources, environmentally friendly energy and resource-saving technologies for energy conversion, growth technologies); · engineering physics of solids, in particular, the engineering of new promising materials with specified functional (electrical, optical, magnetic, etc.) properties; development of new technologies for obtaining such materials and devices based on them; · applied problems of physics and chemistry of combustion and explosion, kinetics of complex chemical reactions and high temperature processes; · engineering construction materials for aviation and space; · modern technologies deep processing of hydrocarbons into valuable petrochemical products, development and modernization of processes for obtaining the most important petrochemical products based on petroleum and non-petroleum raw materials.

The engineering component of the educational process involves the study of subjects from a block of engineering disciplines and disciplines in engineering innovation, in particular, such as: materials science fundamentals of design, computer modeling of technological processes and installations, calculation and design of pilot plants, knowledge management, fundamentals innovation activity, innovation management in industry. Based on fundamental university training received at the faculty (in syllabus subjects of mathematical, physical, chemical and biological blocks are included), scientific work experience and as a result of mastering the disciplines of engineering and innovation blocks, the student becomes prepared to solve the main problem of innovation engineering activities: he masters the ability to combine fundamental and applied knowledge from related fields (physics, chemistry, biology) and use them in an unexpected way for practical purposes to solve a specific problem.

The most capable applicants, who have good knowledge and grades in the certificate, choose Moscow State University without hesitation. But it’s not possible to quickly decide on a faculty. The most famous university in our country has many structural divisions. One of them belongs to the field of fundamental physical and chemical engineering - FFFHI MSU.

The emergence of the faculty and the reasons for its opening

The faculty is a fairly young structural unit. He has been conducting his educational activities since 2011. However, in 2011 it was not created from scratch. Its appearance was associated with the transformation of the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, which has existed since 2006 and trains specialists in the field of chemistry and physics.

The opening of FFFHI is not some ordinary desire of the management staff of Moscow State University. The founding of a new structural unit was provoked by the development of the university, changes in the world, scientific progress. The Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering was designed to provide modern

The essence of the new structural unit

The university states that modern engineering faces a specific challenge. It consists in strengthening the technological component of classical natural science education, implementing interdisciplinary training in the field of chemistry, physics, and biology. Moscow State University employees say that those students who study in this structural unit can implement innovative scientific and engineering ideas in practice after graduation.

What is the faculty like in reality? FFFHI MSU really prepares modern specialists. During their studies, students gain knowledge from different fields, learn to combine them and, thanks to this unusual approach, solve certain practical problems. IN educational process There is an engineering component. It is represented by such disciplines as materials science fundamentals of design, industrial and innovation management, etc. Additionally, fundamental university training is provided. It consists of teaching subjects related to mathematics, biology, physics and chemistry.

"Applied mathematics and physics"

FFFHI MSU in its organizational structure has 2 compartments. One of them is related to engineering physics solid. This department offers 1 undergraduate program - “applied mathematics and physics”. The direction is focused on training scientific and scientific-engineering technological personnel.

Graduates find themselves in different areas of life. Some people engage in research activities after receiving their diploma, others choose the field of high and high technology and tries himself in innovative, design and production activities. Some graduates decide to get more deep knowledge and goes to master's program department bearing the same name as the bachelor's degree.

"Fundamental and applied chemistry"

The second department of the faculty is associated with engineering chemical physics. It is responsible for training full-fledged specialists (not bachelors) in the program “fundamental and applied chemistry”. The specialty is interesting. During their studies, students study chemical processes occurring in nature or in the laboratory, identify general patterns of their occurrence, and look for ways to control these processes.

“Fundamental and Applied Chemistry” (like previous training programs of the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry of Moscow State University) opens up several paths in life for students. Students are faced with a choice of what activities to engage in in the future. After graduation you can:

  • conduct research work (be a scientist);
  • go to the scientific and production sphere (become a specialist in any enterprise related to chemical processes);
  • do pedagogical activity(become a teacher).

Information from the Moscow State University Admissions Committee

Aimed at high-quality training. The university does not “stamp” specialists who only have certificates. That is why the number of places (both budget and paid) at the Faculty of Physical and Chemical Engineering is limited. In "applied mathematics and physics" the opportunity to get free education limited to 15 people only. On "fundamental and applied chemistry" budget places a little more. There are 25 of them.

There are very few paid places. There are only 5 of them in both programs. Paid education at FFFHI is not a cheap pleasure. In one academic year Students of the Faculty of Physical and Chemical Engineering contribute a little more than 350 thousand rubles. The price changes slightly every year. You can check it in admissions committee Moscow State University.

Entrance exams and passing scores

“Applied mathematics and physics” is a direction that provides 4 entrance exam. Applicants take the Russian language, physics and mathematics in the form of the Unified State Exam. Additional test, held at Moscow State University - paperwork mathematics. In “fundamental and applied chemistry” there are even more exams. Russian language, physics, mathematics and chemistry are required to be taken in the form of the Unified State Exam. Additionally, the university takes chemistry in writing.

The competition and passing grade are quite high indicators. In 2017, 276 applications were submitted for “applied mathematics and physics”. This means that approximately 18 people competed for 1st place. The passing score at FFFHI MSU was 276. 218 people expressed a desire to enroll in “fundamental and applied chemistry”. The competition was 8.72 people for 1st place, and the passing score was 373.

What awaits applicants

Studying at FFFHI is difficult, but interesting. The disciplines are taught by highly qualified specialists, scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In class they don’t just present theoretical material, but also give examples from their own scientific practice. Active in the faculty educational activities modern technologies are used. They make life easier for students - they reduce the classroom load and increase the amount of independent work.

Very interesting fact about the faculty - students already during their studies begin to earn work experience and a salary. This happens for the reason that structural subdivision enrolls its students in the staff of the base institute. The purpose of such an action is to increase interest in learning, acquiring new knowledge and skills, to encourage a more responsible attitude to work, and to provide material support.