Physiological basis of stress. Stress. The structure of the development of physiological stress

Therapeutic nutrition for stress and illness nervous system Tatyana Anatolyevna Dymova

Physiology of stress

Physiology of stress

Stress is powerful nervous tension caused by the action of any strong irritant. Perhaps a stressful state can be called a defensive response human body to some influence from both the person’s own mind and environment.

To put it simply, stress is a phenomenon of life. It invades in the early morning along with the sun's rays or the insistent ringing of an alarm clock. Throughout the day, human nerves are subjected to a serious test of strength. A conflict at work, a quarrel with a loved one, a trip to public transport, a long line, lack of desired attention from others - all this causes tension in the nervous system, and therefore can cause stress. Even at night, a person does not know peace; poor sleep can not only spoil the mood, but also lead to a serious imbalance in the internal balance of the body.

Experts studying the functioning of the nervous system have come to the conclusion that people cannot live without stress. If there is no external stimulus, a person immediately invents one for himself. Complexes, speculations and suspicions, usually unjustified, quickly bring the nervous system into a state of readiness to repel an imaginary threat. However, the absence of visible danger and the reluctance of the mind to part with its obsession disorient the body and again provoke stress.

The concept of “stress” entered medical terminology relatively recently. This word was first used by the famous Canadian biologist G. Selye in 1936. The term itself has English roots and is translated into Russian as “tension.” A little later, the scientist identified 3 stages of stress and submitted his theory to his colleagues for consideration.

According to G. Selve, stress has a three-phase development. At the first stage, which he called the “anxiety stage,” the body, sensing anxiety, begins to mobilize all its reserves to resist it. At the second stage, the stage of resistance, comprehension of the situation and adaptation to new conditions begins. At the third stage, which Selve called the “exhaustion stage,” the body, which has been under stress for a long time, begins to feel severe fatigue, often accompanied by depression.

Stress can be both beneficial and harmful. IN under stress a person mobilizes internal reserves to adapt to new conditions - this is what allows him to adapt and survive in any, the most unfavorable conditions. On the other hand, strong and prolonged nervous tension can lead to a rapid loss of the body’s capacity and destruction. Perhaps, in this case, we can draw an analogy with physical effort: optimally selected load helps develop muscles, and excessive load leads to exhaustion of the body.

When a person feels stress, the body begins to produce adrenaline and norepinephrine. Doctors often call the first one the stress hormone. Once in the blood, it causes significant changes in the functioning of the human body: the glucose content in the blood increases, the heart begins to beat faster, and blood pressure rises rapidly. At the peak of these changes, a person’s strength and dexterity increase, the brain begins to work more intensely in order to quickly determine the cause of the irritation and get rid of it.

From all this we can conclude that short, mild stress in itself is not dangerous. Problems appear when one stressful situation is superimposed on another, a third joins them, etc. Unfortunately, the recovery capabilities of the human body are not as great as we would like, therefore, to recover from the consequences of even one mild stress, the body may need more than one day.

Frequent stress over time leads to the appearance of nervous disorders of varying severity. In advanced cases, the development of atherosclerosis, angina, and ulcers is possible duodenum, ischemia, hypertension, immunodeficiency, gastric ulcers. The risk of heart attacks and strokes increases.

The following are symptoms of severe stress, if you find them, you should immediately seek professional help:

– sweaty palms;


– nervous tic;

– constant anxiety;

– dizziness;

- loss of consciousness;

– bleeding from the nose;

– bleeding from the throat or rectum;

– rapid pulse;

– too rare or, on the contrary, frequent breathing;

– chronic headache;

– constant discomfort in the neck and back;

- insomnia;

– drowsiness;

– irritability;

- unreasonable aggressiveness.

The famous doctor A. Roche once said: “The basic rule is this: you should see a doctor if you have not had such symptoms before and they do not have an obvious cause, especially if they impair the quality of life.”

However, stress does not always lead to the development of dangerous and chronic diseases. Nowadays, when a stressful situation is the norm of life, many people develop many ailments that, at first glance, have nothing to do with psychological discomfort and stress. For example, young people suffer from acne and obesity, men from hair loss, and women from infertility. At the same time, victims often do not understand what caused their misfortune, but the answer is simple.

Indeed, severe stress often causes severe hair loss. During this period of life, when a person constantly experiences shocks, not necessarily unpleasant ones, such as a wedding, the birth of a child or a move, the amount of hair lost may increase. However, don't blame it solely on stress. Hair falls out constantly. No matter how good health a person is, he loses more than 70 hairs every day. And taking certain medications, hormonal and age-related changes can also provoke more severe hair loss.

Stress also negatively affects the condition of the skin. Experts have confirmed that severe nervous shock often causes acne. This situation is especially typical for people who have crossed the 20-year mark.

Although teenagers are more likely to suffer from acne than adults, the cause is usually due to normal hormonal changes. However, the unusually high excitability of people aged 12 to 18 years provokes stress in them 3 times more often than in adults, and this cannot be ignored.

American scientists have confirmed the opinion of Russian experts that severe stress may well cause infertility. The mechanism of this phenomenon is not entirely clear, especially since some scientists are confident in the existence double bond between cause and effect. That is, just as stress can cause infertility, infertility often puts a person into a stressful state.

Stress can trigger rapid weight gain and, as a result, the development of obesity. The fact is that very often people, wanting to suppress unpleasant emotions or relieve nervous tension, begin to eat a lot. Tears are an excellent way to relieve stress, however, having thus reduced nervous tension, a person also begins to feel intense hunger.

Unfortunately, a person cannot always determine whether he has stress or not. Since stress is a protective reaction of the body, its main function is to provide a person with conditions that will help him survive in the most dangerous and unusual situations, when quick actions are required, rather than long thoughts. Moreover, the weaker the stress, the better a person will feel it, and accordingly, with very severe stress, symptoms, as a rule, appear only after the stimulus has been eliminated and nervous tension has reduced.

Susceptibility to stress can be both genetic and acquired. The most vulnerable in in this regard scientists consider strong-willed people who lead an active lifestyle, such as actors, directors of large enterprises, politicians and TV presenters. In trying to achieve their goal, they exhaust their body, not giving it time to rest and recuperate. Overload causes stress, and then increasing fatigue.

Trying to relieve stress, but not wanting to give himself rest, a person may resort to various stimulants, such as alcohol, tobacco, coffee and drugs.

Tobacco products, which are in such high demand nowadays, are considered by many to be a panacea for all ills. But is it? Indeed, smoking a cigarette can reduce nervous tension for a while, but it only helps to distract from the problem for a short time, and does not solve it or relieve stress. The situation with drugs is the same. Their effect wears off, but the problems and stress they cause remain.

As for caffeine, it is absolutely not suitable for relieving stress. The fact is that when this substance enters the body, it begins to stimulate it, prompting it to produce more and more adrenaline - the stress hormone. Thus, a person who wants to reduce stress and drinks a little coffee for this purpose will achieve the exact opposite result.

But alcohol can really have a relaxing effect, of course, if it is consumed at the right time and in small quantities. However, alcoholic drinks are still not an ideal solution to all problems. A little inebriation can be very helpful, but should not be relied upon. To solve your problems, it is best to rely on other means.

Stress is a very interesting human reaction. Its uniqueness is that its causes are usually psychological. Moreover, each of these reasons represents two equal, closely intertwined factors: the first is the problem that provoked stress, the second is the person’s reaction to the current situation. The fact is that in most cases, stress is caused not by the problem itself, but by a person’s attitude towards it, his thoughts and emotions.

T.H. Holmes, a famous psychiatrist, developed an unusual scale to determine the level of stress in the life of an average person, based on which you can find out with what force certain events affect the body. It lists various events that a person may encounter in life and provides stress levels calculated on a scale of 100.

1. Death of a spouse – 100.

2. Divorce - 73.

3. Separation from spouse – 65.

4. Serving a prison term - 63.

5. Death of a close family member – 63.

6. Personal injury or illness – 53.

7. Marriage (marriage) – 50.

8. Dismissal from work – 47.

9. Resolving disputes in marital life – 45.

10. Retirement (resignation) – 45.

11. Change in health status of a family member – 44.

12. Pregnancy – 40.

13. Sexual problems – 39.

14. New addition to the family – 39.

15. Getting into business – 39.

16. Change in financial situation – 38.

17. Death of a close friend – 37.

18. Change of occupation (activity) – 36.

19. Change in frequency of arguments with spouse – 35.

20. Mortgage for an amount exceeding 10 thousand dollars – 31.

21. Deprivation of the debtor’s right to repurchase the property pledged by him or a loan (loan) – 30.

22. Change in the degree of responsibility at work – 29.

23. Son or daughter leaves native home – 29.

24. Problem with the in-laws (husband) – 29.

25. Outstanding personal achievement – ​​28.

26. The wife starts or stops working – 26.

27. Start or end of studies – 26.

28. Changes in living conditions – 25.

29. Revision of personal habits – 24.

30. Problem with the boss - 23.

31. Change of mode and working conditions – 20.

32. Change of place of residence – 20.

33. Change of school – 20.

34. Changing the way of spending leisure time – 19.

35. Changes related to church activities – 19.

36. Change social activities – 17.

37. Mortgage or loan

for an amount less than 10 thousand dollars – 17.

38. Changes in sleep patterns – 16.

39. Change in the number of joint family gatherings – 15.

40. Changing diet – 15.

41. Vacation (holidays) – 13.

42. Christmas – 12.

43. Minor violations of the law – 11.

This text is an introductory fragment.

You will need:

What is the characteristic of the disorder?

A person cannot control everything that happens around him. Stressful environments surround us everywhere. To avoid negativity, you just need to lie in bed for days and be completely inactive. There is a phrase in psychology: “All information is neutral, and the person himself chooses to perceive it as positive or negative.”

The physiology of stress is such that it can occur in both a child and an elderly person. Moreover, children do not react so sharply to all provoking stimuli.

During physiological stress the body receives a signal about physical discomfort. And no matter what the stress factor (cold or heat, blow or scream), the whole psychological and physical system mobilizes and tenses.

Still don’t understand what kind of stress this is? Here are a couple of illustrative examples:

  • If you suddenly put your hand into very cold water;
  • you get permanent makeup done;
  • In hot weather, go into the refrigerator compartment.

We are talking about the physiology of stress...

Its types

Physiological stress, depending on the nature of its occurrence, is divided into:


    Manifests itself as a result of a violation chemical processes in the body (lack of air, excessive room humidity, environmental gas pollution, etc.).


    It is a consequence of disease.


    Occurs in professional athletes due to heavy loads.


    Associated with damage to the body (trauma, surgery, bruise of the limbs, etc.).

Main causes

  • Sudden temperature changes;
  • Loud noise;
  • Strong smell;
  • Strong impact, fall or other mechanical damage;
  • Heat or cold;
  • High humidity;
  • Drinking fast.

In short, the factors that provoke physiological stress include everything that violates inner peace and balance.

The causes of this type of stress also include constant strict diets. When an acute period of food restriction begins, the body gets stressed, “eats” its fat, and after a while it suffers

dit adaptation. As a result, the weight stops, and many unpleasant gastrointestinal diseases appear.


  • Muscle tension;
  • Acute and unexpected reaction to an irritating factor;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Blood pressure surges;
  • Lack of hunger;
  • Headache;
  • Convulsions;
  • Secondary memory loss;
  • Sleep disturbance.

Meaning for humans

Physiological irritation that occurs in every person also has a positive effect. People have learned to live and cope with them. This means that the body adapts and over time it becomes possible to withstand not only physiological stress, but also its other types.


Doctors and scientific literature tend to believe that if physiological stress is rare, then it will not bring any negative consequences. If, for example, you have gone on a long-term exhausting diet, you must understand that the body does not receive enough beneficial microelements, and this harms the immune system and health in general.

Long-term signs of physiological stress give rise to a destructive process: they disrupt the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, aggravate chronic diseases, and also cause disruption of the menstrual cycle in women.

Physiological diseases can develop into mental illnesses over time, because they are closely related and dependent on each other.

Treatment of stress

There is no single method for treating this disorder. Most psychologists consider such treatment unnecessary. But still, if you often observe yourself overly violent reactions to external factors, then it is still worth considering methods that do not have side effects:

  • Address the cause of physiological distress.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.

This simple breathing exercise will relieve nervous tension.

  • Instead of strict diets, it is better to switch to proper balanced nutrition.

And the body will be comfortable, and you will be pleased with the decreasing weight.

  • Meditation is performed to balance the psyche and speed up stress relief.

During this exercise, you should take a comfortable position, close your eyes and focus on positive thoughts.

You can dream, remember pleasant moments, or draw a picture of the future in your mind. This method will help you relax.

  • Relaxation perfectly relieves muscle and emotional tension.

It is especially useful to do when a person is nervous. To do this, lie on the floor or bed, relax your legs and arms and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. Breathe deeply and slowly. Think only about your body, feel it from your heel to your toe. Tighten each leg alternately for 3-4 seconds and relax. Then you can tense your whole body for a few seconds and relax.

At the end of relaxation, inhale deeply, exhale and slowly open your eyes. There is no need to get up suddenly, sit down smoothly, then get up and try to remain in that relaxed state.

You can color anti-stress coloring books. With us you can do this without leaving your computer.

Choose how you want to paint.

  • Sessions with a psychotherapist will help you respond correctly to irritable situations.
  • Particularly advanced stages of severe stress, when a person’s psycho-emotional state is not restored and tension does not go away, the doctor prescribes the use of herbal antidepressants (Valerian, Motherwort, Novopassit, Sedatifon, etc.).


Every person is an individual. And how he will react to the influence of external stimuli and behave during the adaptation syndrome is purely individual. Physiological stress is not that dangerous. The main thing is that everything should be in moderation. This statement comes in very handy here.

(from English stress - tension) is a set of protective and damaging reactions of the body that arise as a result of neuroendocrine and metabolic shifts in response to emergency or pathological factors manifested by adaptation syndrome.

According to P. D. Gorizontov et al. (1983), stress represents “that form of manifestation of adaptive reactions that is associated with the inclusion of the neuroendocrine link, causing the mobilization of all body systems as an expression of extreme tension of protective forces.”

Adaptation- this is, first of all, the preservation of vital parameters of homeostasis or the internal environment under stress conditions that provide the body with a favorable existence (I. A. Arshavsky, 1976).

The term stress was introduced into the scientific medical literature in 1936 by Canadian pathologist Hans Selye, who defined stress “as a nonspecific response of the body to any demand presented to it.” The impetus for the formation of the concept of stress came from his observations during his student years of stereotypical reactions to various diseases. Thus, he drew attention to the fact that loss of appetite, emaciation, decreased muscle strength, fever, weakness and other signs are observed in many diseases of an infectious or non-infectious nature.

Later, by injecting unpurified and toxic tissue extracts into experimental animals, as well as during injuries, infections, bleeding, nervous excitement, etc., he observed standard changes in a number of organs, which he designated as general adaptation syndrome, or biological stress syndrome, consisting of three phases: 1) alarm reaction, 2) phase of resistance, or resistance, 3) phase of exhaustion.

The anxiety reaction develops immediately after exposure to an extreme stimulus and continues for 24-48 hours. It is accompanied by complex changes in the neuroendocrine and other systems and organs of the whole organism, leading to the development of adaptive reactions, and the body’s resistance increases after an initial decrease. However, according to F.I. Furduy et al. (1976), the changes observed in the body during the stage of anxiety and resistance are not aimed at adapting to extreme influences, but at implementing a defensive reaction.

After the alarm reaction (depending on the strength and duration of the stimulus, provided that they do not exceed the compensatory capabilities of the body), a stage of resistance, or stability, of the body may occur. It is characterized by increased resistance of the body to pathogenic influences. The neuroendocrine system does not undergo such significant changes as in the first stage.

As a result of the action of a strong or frequently repeated stimulus, the body's compensatory capabilities are depleted. The consequence of this is the transition of the anxiety reaction, or the next stage of resistance, into the phase of exhaustion. According to L. X. Garkavi et al. (1979), the reaction of the endocrine glands is close to that observed in the first stage of stress - glucocorticoids predominate over mineralcorticoids, the activity of the thyroid and gonads is reduced, the thymic-lymphatic system, the connective tissue system, and immunity are depressed. However, unlike the first stage of stress, the amount of corticotropin and glucocorticoids begins to decrease. The stage of exhaustion is characterized by a violation of the body’s adaptability to living conditions and resistance to strong stimuli.

It is believed that the three-phase course of stress forms the basis of stress, and in the third phase the body loses energy resources, adaptation becomes impossible.

At the same time, G. Selye established a triad of functional and morphological changes in internal organs in the form of wrinkling of the thymus, atrophy of the lymph nodes, and the formation of ulcers in the stomach and intestines. The occurrence of such changes, in his opinion, is due to excess production of corticotropin and glucocorticoids.

Thus, G. Selye established facts of fundamental importance, including the role of hormones of the pituitary gland - adrenal cortex system in the mechanism of stress.

In his teaching on stress and adaptation syndrome, G. Selye focused on the role of hormonal changes, without analyzing the participation of the nervous system in the mechanism of stress formation. These erroneous views have been rightly criticized in Russian literature(P.D. Gorizontov et al., 1983; G.I. Kositsky, V.M. Smirnov, 1970).

In general biological terms, according to F. Z. Meyerson (1981), the stress response was formed in the process of evolution as a necessary nonspecific link in a more complex integral mechanism of adaptation. On the other hand, as is known, stress is an important part of not only the adaptation mechanism, but also the pathogenesis of many diseases.

Etiology of stress

Factors that cause a stress response are called stressors. They vary in strength, duration and specificity, but their main role in a living organism is to mobilize a nonspecific biological response, i.e. stress.

Stress occurs not only under the influence of strong or extreme stimuli, but also weak ones that are repeated for a long time (P. D. Gorizontov et al., 1983). In most of his works, G. Selye indicates that stress, as a rule, occurs in response to a strong stimulus, but does not provide clear criteria for the intensity of the pathogenic factor, which, according to L. X. Garkavi et al. (1979), leads to confusion and the misconception that stress is a general, nonspecific adaptive response to any stimulus.

K. N. Pogodaev (1976) believes that G. Selye’s position that stimuli of different nature and mechanism of action can cause standard nonspecific changes was discovered much earlier, back in 1909, by the Russian scientist A. A. Bogomolets and intensively developed in the study of many biological systems.

G. Selye himself in his book “Stress without Distress” (1982) points out that “the concept of stress is very old. It probably occurred to prehistoric people that exhaustion after hard work, prolonged exposure to cold or heat, blood loss, excruciating fear and "Every disease has something in common. He was not aware of the similarity in reactions to everything that exceeded his strength, but when this feeling came, he instinctively knew that he had reached the limit of his capabilities."

In pathological conditions, stress is caused by “strong,” “extreme,” or “extreme stimuli,” leading to shock or even death (G. N. Kassil, 1976). At the same time, G. Selye pointed out that the state of stress is caused both by excessive exposure to the stimulus and in the absence of habitual, necessary influences (for example, in the absence of gravity, sound stimuli).

A.V. Valdman distinguishes two qualitatively various types stressors:

  1. Stressors acting on the body physically and chemically (mechanical, chemical, pain, temperature factors, immobilization, etc.). They ensure the formation of so-called physiological (physical) stress.
  2. Psychogenic stressors that cause emotional and mental reactions. These include anticipation of pain, possible troubles, fear of death, fear of undesirable consequences, etc.

Emotions are an essential component of stress. They become especially pronounced under the influence of psychological or informational stressors. Such stress was called emotional, or psychogenic (L. A. Kitaev-Smyk, 1983).

In animals, positive emotions arise when food and sexual functions are satisfied, and therefore emotional stress occurs during starvation, sexual selection, and aggression.

All stressors, depending on the nature of the changes caused in the body, are divided into systemic, as a result of which a general adaptation syndrome develops, and topical (local), forming local stress, a classic example of which is factors that cause inflammation. For the development of stress, the reactivity of the body is also important, because disorders of the nervous, endocrine systems, metabolism, past diseases, etc. change the body’s ability to respond to stressors.

In an experiment to reproduce local adaptation syndrome (MAC), a model of an abscess was proposed, obtained by introducing 2.5 ml of air with a small amount of an irritating substance under the skin of a rat’s back. MAC also has a three-stage course. In the stage, for example, of resistance, when even the introduction of necrotizing doses does not cause significant changes in the site of inflammation, cross-resistance and sensitization are also found. The latter is associated with increased sensitivity and damage to the inflammation site by other phlogogenic stimuli. The development of local adaptation syndrome is influenced by the hormones ACTH, STH, glucocorticoids, and mineralocorticoids (P. D. Gorizontov et al., 1983).

General pathogenesis of stress

Stress factors acting on the body cause a chain of protective and adaptive reactions in it, consisting of changes in nervous, hormonal, metabolic and physiological processes. According to most scientists, the triggering factors in the formation of stress (physiological and emotional) in response to strong and super-strong stimuli are dysfunctions of the nervous and endocrine systems due to changes in regulation at various levels of their organization. Initial changes during stress are carried out reflexively, and the stimulus itself can be not only ordinary, but excessive and even pathogenic in nature (K.N. Pogodaev, 1976).

When exposed to stressors, the sympatho-adrenal system is initially activated, resulting in an increase in the content of catecholamines (adrenaline and norepinephrine) in the blood. Adrenaline is predominantly of adrenal origin, while norepinephrine is formed by the endings of sympathetic nerves. Their quantitative change in the blood characterizes the hormonal and mediator parts of the sympathoadrenal system. Catecholamines are known to be the most important regulators of the body's adaptive reactions. They ensure a rapid transition of the body from a state of rest to a state of excitation, often of quite a long duration. It is the catecholamine reaction that is the most important element in the formation of a state of stress (W.B. Cannon). Already in early studies, a certain relationship was noted between changes in catecholamines and the nature of the stressor. In particular, changes in adrenaline and norepinephrine were observed during emotional stress. Under stress, for which homeostatic, hemodynamic or thermoregulatory changes are important (muscle load, cooling), changes in norepinephrine are more typical, metabolic disorders occur (for example, hyperglycemia) and a more pronounced reaction from the hormonal part of the sympathoadrenal system, which is accompanied by a predominant increase in adrenaline . There are three phases in the reaction of the sympathoadrenal system (E. Sh. Matlina, 1972; G. N. Kassil, 1976).

The first phase of rapid activation is due to the urgent release of norepinephrine nerve elements hypothalamus and other parts of the nervous system. With prolonged stress exposure, the content of norepinephrine decreases in brain structures. Norepinephrine activates adrenergic synapses reticular formation and hypothalamus and causes a general excitation of the sympathoadrenal system with increased synthesis and secretion of adrenaline by the adrenal medulla. The importance of adrenergic mechanisms in the activation of the sympathoadrenal system is confirmed by observations showing that under conditions of reserpine or aminosine depression, the formation and release of norepinephrine does not cause characteristic changes in the hormonal part of the sympathoadrenal system. The amount of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood increases.

It is believed that, despite the increased release of adrenaline, its content in the adrenal medulla does not decrease. In the hypothalamus and other parts of the brain, the proportion of adrenaline increases, which is due to increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier. The content of adrenaline in the heart increases, which is considered as a consequence of its increased uptake from the blood. First of all, this ensures rapid and strong activation of metabolic processes and an increase in myocardial contractility. The content of norepinephrine in the heart can be either increased or decreased depending on how the processes of its formation and consumption relate to each other. An increase in adrenaline concentration is also characteristic of initial stage stress and is the cause of liver glycogen mobilization and hyperglycemia.

It has now been proven that in the anxiety stage, along with the sympathoadrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems, the islet apparatus of the pancreas is also activated, which is manifested in a sharp increase in insulin secretion as a result of hyperglycemia. Thus, during an anxiety reaction, there is an excessive formation of catecholamines, glucocorticoids and insulin and inhibition of the secretion of other hormones - growth hormone, sex and thyroid glands.

The second phase is characterized by long-term and sustained activation of the sympathoadrenal system with increased release of adrenaline into the blood and a decrease in it in the adrenal glands. Norepinephrine enters the blood from the endings of the sympathetic nerves. At the same time, its synthesis from its predecessors is enhanced. Adrenaline accumulates in the hypothalamus and cerebral cortex, liver. It has been shown that under stress conditions, the production and content of catecholamines and glucocorticoids in the blood become maximum, and insulin is increted in minimal quantities.

The third phase is characterized by weakening and exhaustion of the sympathoadrenal system. The content of adrenaline in the adrenal glands and its entry into the blood decreases. The level of catecholamine precursors (dopamine and DOPA) decreases in all tissues. The level of norepinephrine in the heart and hypothalamus decreases, and the content of adrenaline increases in all parts of the brain, which is associated with increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier. According to L.E. Panin (1983), in the phase of exhaustion, adaptive regulatory mechanisms fail and the body dies due to the impossibility of adequate energy supply for adaptation processes. The turnover of norepinephrine in the brain structures increases, which manifests itself not only in an increase in its synthesis, but also in its utilization. It is believed (A.V. Valdman et al., 1979) that the rate of norepinephrine turnover is regulated through M- and N-cholinergic receptors by acetylcholine, as well as corticotropin and corticosteroids due to increased synthesis and regulation of cyclic AMP.

Under the influence of various stressors, depending on their strength and duration, initial state, reactivity, time of day, etc., the content and ratio between adrenaline and norepinephrine change. Thus, according to G.N. Kassil (1976), during psychogenic stress caused by a delay in external manifestations of emotions, predominantly adrenaline and less norepinephrine enter the blood. For example, a tenfold increase in adrenaline was found in people not accustomed to night work (doctors, engineers), which indicates activation of the hormonal component of the sympathoadrenal system. In persons adapted to night work, the increase in adrenaline is less pronounced.

With anger, in states of passion, rage, indignation, as well as with prolonged mental and physical stress, the content of norepinephrine increases predominantly. Thus, dispatchers with their very hard work in cases of violation of the work schedule, unforeseen interference, errors, technical problems and emergency situations experience an increase in the secretion of norepinephrine and an increase in the norepinephrine-adrenaline ratio. Such shifts in catecholamine metabolism indicate the prevailing activation of the mediator component of the sympathoadrenal system.

Special studies (T. Cox, 1981) show that the release of catecholamines approximately corresponds to the degree of emotional arousal. In addition, it has been established that both unpleasant situations and pleasant ones (fun, great pleasure) are characterized by an increased release of catecholamines into the blood.

Of particular interest are data on changes in catecholamine metabolism in the initial period of stress, in connection with their role as “trigger” factors activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system. The works of S. A. Eremina (1980, 1983, 1984), carried out at the Department of Pathological Physiology of Rostov medical institute, in the formation of the primary reaction of the sympathoadrenal system to stress, two phases are distinguished. The first of them, developing immediately after the action of a stressor, is characterized by a sharp increase in the content of adrenaline and dopamine in tissues, especially the hypothalamic region, with a simultaneous decrease in the content of norepinephrine. As a result, it was called the phase of dissociation of the secretory-synthetic activity of the sympathoadrenal system. The second phase was called the phase of synchronous activation of the sympathoadrenal system, since it is characterized by generalized excitation of all levels of this system. This is reflected in an increase in the concentration of all catecholamines - adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine - with a parallel increase in their metabolism. This sequence of activation of the sympathoadrenal system during the formation of stress has a certain biological meaning, since adrenaline and dopamine promote the emergency release of corticoliberin from its storage areas in the hypothalamus, and norepinephrine, enhancing the effects of adrenaline and dopamine, ensures the replenishment of corticotropin-releasing hormone depots, activating its biosynthesis.

According to M.I. Mityushov et al. (1976), cells containing catecholamines are found in the brain stem and reticular formation; their axons end in large numbers in the hypothalamus and, having many collaterals, ensure the rapid spread of excitation throughout all brain structures, including somatic, autonomic and emotional components in the stress response . In addition, by influencing the vessels of the portal system of the hypothalamus, they regulate the transport of liberins through the portal system to the adenohypophysis.

It is believed that from the blood, adrenaline, as a result of increasing the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, enters the hypothalamus zone, activates the adrenergic formations of the reticular formation and the formation of liberins, especially corticoliberin, and the latter, stimulating the formation of corticotropin of the anterior pituitary gland, increases the release of corticosteroids into the blood. The possibility of transformation of cerebral norepinephrine into adrenaline during the formation of a stress reaction cannot be ruled out (S. A. Eremina, 1969). An opinion has been expressed (G.N. Kassil, G. Shreiberg, 1968; E.V. Naumenko, 1971; V.G. Shalyapina, 1976) that the adrenergic elements of the brain are not directly connected with the neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus, but through an intermediate link, including serotonin and acetylcholinergic elements.

Thus, according to modern ideas, the sympathoadrenal system, which ensures the formation of the “alarm reaction,” and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, with which the formation of “defense reactions” is associated, are closely interconnected. The “adaptive” effects of corticosteroids during stress are enhanced not only by increasing their secretion, but also due to decreased binding to transport protein transcortin, which promotes the penetration of hormones into tissues (S. A. Eremina, 1968).

An opinion has been expressed (M. S. Kahana et al., 1976; T. Cox, 1981) that other endocrine systems (hypothalamic-neurohypophyseal, thyroid, endocrine apparatus of the pancreas, etc.) also react during the formation of the general adaptation syndrome. The general pathogenesis of stress is presented in Scheme 1.

Changes in the body under stress

It has now been established that stress is accompanied by functional (neuroendocrine, metabolic) and morphological changes. The role of stress as the main etiological factor in ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa, hypertension, atherosclerosis, disorders of the structure and function of the heart, the formation of immunodeficiency states and malignant tumors, and metabolic disorders has been proven.

  • Pathogenesis of stomach ulcers under stress [show] .

    Stomach ulcers form as an obligatory sign of the first stage of the stress reaction. In humans, the formation of ulcers is observed under stress caused by a conflict between the need to carry out food, sexual, and defensive reactions and the prohibition or impossibility of their implementation. In animals, a similar situation is modeled under formaldehyde stress, immobilization, painful stimulation and the inability to escape pain.

    Ulcers of the stomach and intestines are now found in almost all strong stressors, and in humans especially after strong emotional experiences.

    It has been shown that stomach and intestinal ulcers do not develop during the stressor itself, but after some time (in experiments, usually on hungry animals). It is believed that as a result of stimulation of the sympathoadrenal system, spasm of the arterioles of the muscular lining of the stomach, blood stasis occurs, increased vascular permeability, hemorrhage and necrosis occur. At the same time, the secretion of gastric juice is suppressed. Only after the cessation of stress is restored, and then the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system increases and the secretion of gastric juice increases. Ischemic and necrotic areas of the mucous membrane are digested with the formation of ulcers (F. 3. Meerson, 1981).

  • Thus, strong stimulation of the sympathoadrenal system under stress causes damage to the gastric mucosa, and a subsequent increase in parasympathetic influences and increased secretion of gastric juice lead to the formation of ulcers. [show] .

    Cardiovascular system disorders under stress

    With prolonged and intense stress, myocardial damage is recorded, the main causes of which are high concentrations of catecholamines that activate lipid peroxidation, and the resulting hydroperoxides damage the biomembranes of the cells of the heart and other organs and tissues (muscles, aorta). According to F. Z. Meerson, lipid peroxidation for various organs under stress lasts from 2 to 5 days. An increase in the permeability of cardiomyocyte lysosome membranes and the release of proteolytic enzymes into the cytoplasm and blood cause more significant damage to cell membranes. Focal contractures of muscle fibers and necrotic changes in the heart under stress are explained by a violation of membrane calcium transport, since the removal of calcium from myofibrils is a necessary process of normal relaxation. The basis of this disorder is an increase in the permeability of the membranes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum for calcium and a decrease in the activity of the enzyme Ca-ATPase. After suffering stress, a decrease in adrenoreactivity of the heart muscle was detected.

    According to F. Z. Meyerson (1981), the pathogenesis of damage to the heart muscle during stress can be represented as follows: high concentrations of catecholamines -*¦ activation of lipid peroxidation and accumulation of peroxide compounds -*¦ labilization of lysosomes -*¦ damage by lipid peroxides and proteolysis - chemical enzymes of the membranes of the sarcolemma and sarcoplasmic reticulum - "disturbance of calcium transport in myocardial cells -" calcium contracture and cell death.

    Stress is also an important initial moment in the formation of hypertension due to activation of the sympathoadrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems and subsequent disorder of water-salt metabolism and vascular tone.

    Thus, already using the example of the cardiovascular system, we see how stress syndrome turns from a link in adaptation into a link in the pathogenesis of non-infectious diseases.

  • Blood changes under stress [show] .

    Blood changes and their mechanisms during single and repeated stress (immobilization, irritation electric shock, muscle load, hypoxia, blood loss, administration of erythropoietins, etc.) were studied in detail by P.D. Gorizontov, Yu.I. Zimin (1976); P.D. Gorizontov et al. (1983).

    The duration, intensity of blood changes and the development of all stages of stress are determined by the duration and specificity of the stressor acting on the body. Important facts from the point of view of the theory and practice of medicine were obtained by researchers through a comprehensive study of various parts of the blood system (lymphoid organs, peripheral blood, bone marrow), which made it possible to judge the reactions of the blood system as a single organ. They established two periods of changes within 48-72 hours from the beginning of the effects.

    In the first period, lasting 12 hours, neutrophilia, lympho- and eosinopenia, and a decrease in the number of cells in the lymphoid organs are detected in the blood. In the bone marrow, a decrease in the number of mature neutrophilic granulocytes and a transient increase in the content of lymphocytes were noted. By the end of the first day, changes in the blood leveled out and the second period began, the formation of which is determined by the specifics of the stressor used. Changes occur mainly in the bone marrow in the form of activation of erythro- and leukopoiesis, hyperplasia, and a decrease in the number of lymphocytes (both T- and B-lymphocytes). In the spleen, the number of lymphocytes normalizes, but in the thymus the number of cells continues to decrease. Such patterns were noted in different types

    animals (mice, rats, guinea pigs).

    Analysis of such changes depending on age showed that only a month after birth, blood changes correspond to the changes observed in adult animals. This is especially true for lymphopenia, a decrease in cells in the thymus and a lymphoid peak in the bone marrow. These processes characterize the first stage of stress - the anxiety reaction.

    The devastation of lymphoid organs is caused primarily by the migration of cells from these structures; a decrease in proliferative activity and the breakdown of lymphocytes in these organs play a lesser role, although under some stressors (for example, hypoxia), cell breakdown is the main cause of lymphopenia.

    The mechanisms of migration of lymphocytes from the thymus and spleen under stress are different. The mobilization of cells from the thymus is caused by the action of excess hormones of the pituitary-adrenocortical system, and in the spleen by an increase in smooth muscle tone as a result of stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors. Contraction of smooth muscle promotes release into the blood large number

    lymphocytes. The cause of lymphopenia is an increase in their release from the blood and entry into tissues, especially into the bone marrow. The accumulation of lymphocytes in the bone marrow during the alarm stage, according to P. D. Gorizontov et al. (1983), has great biological significance

    , as it increases its immunocompetence.

    1-3 days after a single stress exposure, a period of increased resistance is recorded, and repeated exposure led during the first six days only to changes in the peripheral blood.

    Thus, with repeated single exposure to a stress factor in the body, a response of a lesser degree of severity occurs in the form of changes in the blood, but without a reaction from the hematopoietic organs, which must be considered as the second stage of stress - the stage of resistance.

  • The third stage of stress development occurs as a result of strong and prolonged exposure to stressors. The stage of exhaustion is characterized by a decrease in the number of cells in various parts of the blood system to values ​​incompatible with life. [show] .

    The effect of stress on immunity

    In the anxiety stage, depending on the strength and duration of the stressor and especially under extreme factors, inhibition of immunobiological mechanisms is observed, which usually results in a decrease in the intensity of allergic reactions, a decrease in resistance to tumor growth, and an increase in sensitivity to viral and bacterial infections.

    During the resistance stage, not only restoration, but also an increase in immunity is recorded.

    If the intensity and duration of the stressor are very high, restoration, much less an increase in immunity, does not occur and, according to P. D. Gorizontov et al. (1983), the third phase of stress begins, manifested by the formation of secondary immunological deficiency.

  • Metabolic disorders under stress [show] .

    Increased production of catecholamines during stress activates liver phosphorylase and the breakdown of glycogen in this organ. In addition, excess glucocorticoids stimulate gluconeogenesis in the liver and kidneys. These two mechanisms explain an important manifestation of stress - hyperglycemia, which increases the formation and incretion of insulin. Therefore, in conditions long-term stress Due to constant and prolonged hyperglycemia and stimulation of beta cells of the islet apparatus of the pancreas, tension, overstrain and exhaustion of the insular apparatus can occur, which forms the basis of the mechanism of diabetes mellitus under stress. It is sometimes called stress diabetes.

    In the stage of exhaustion, a decrease in blood glucose occurs due to the lack of glycogen reserves in the liver. Thus, experiments on rats showed that under conditions of 24-hour fasting, traces of glycogen were found in the liver of rats.

    Under stress conditions, glycolysis is inhibited in the liver, muscles, heart, does not change in the brain and is activated in the adrenal glands (L. E. Panin, 1983). This is due to changes in the activity of the main enzymes of glycolysis - hexokinase and liver phosphorylase.

    Gluconeogenesis in the liver and kidneys, i.e. the synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate products - pyruvate, lactate, glucogenic amino acids, is carried out with the participation of the key enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and increases sharply under stress.

    Activation of gluconeogenesis is facilitated by a decrease in insulin in the blood, especially in the resistance stage, which, due to the activation of counter-insular hormones, ensures the mobilization of fat, inhibition of glycolysis and increased gluconeogenesis. In addition, this leads to a switching of energy metabolism to lipid metabolism. It was during this period, according to L. E. Panin (1983), that gluconeogenesis, the basis of which is glucogenic amino acids, becomes a source of carbohydrates; Glycogen in the liver is partially formed from lactate through the Cori cycle. It is during this period that fatty acids become the main energy material, and their products - ketone bodies - as energy material are oxidized in the brain, kidneys, heart, and muscles. Fatty acids are used intensively, especially in muscles.

    As clinical observations show, under stress, the sensitivity of the nervous tissue to carbohydrate deficiency decreases, since the role of ketone bodies, formed due to intensive use fatty acids as energy material.

    According to L.E. Panin (1983), carbohydrate deficiency during stress begins to affect the stage of exhaustion, which is manifested in further activation of the sympathoadrenal system and the release of insulin, but by this time carbohydrate reserves are completely exhausted. Therefore, in the stage of exhaustion, hypoglycemia develops, which leads to the death of the body due to the impossibility of energy supply.

    As a result of excess production of catecholamines and glucocorticoids, increased mobilization of fats from fat depots occurs with the formation of hyperlipidemia and especially hypercholesterolemia, which contributes to the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis. Clinical observations show an increase in blood under stress in total lipids, total cholesterol, free fatty acids, and the total fraction of low-density lipoproteins (L.E. Panin, 1983). Under stress, lipid peroxidation increases and the resulting peroxides cause direct damage to the vascular wall.

    In the experiment, atherosclerosis was obtained by administering to animals a non-antioxidant diet containing an excess of lipid peroxides. In this case, according to F.3. Meerson (1981), peroxides damage vessels with the deposition of calcium and lipids in them. This process is accelerated under conditions of immobilization stress and is inhibited by an inhibitor of oxidative processes - ionol.

    Thus, stress can enhance and promote the formation of atherosclerosis due to stress-induced hyperlipidemia and especially hypercholesterolemia, as well as damage to cell membranes by lipid peroxides.

    As already mentioned, under stress conditions, the role of lipids in the bioenergetics of the body increases, and energy metabolism switches from carbohydrates to lipids, which is reflected in the restructuring of the respiratory chain in cell mitochondria. This manifests itself in a decrease in the formation of acetyl-Co-A from carbohydrates and an increase in its formation from fatty acids.

    The first path of oxidation of carbohydrates and lipids through the Krebs cycle was called “carbohydrate” by L. E. Panin (1983), the second, in the form of phosphorylating oxidation of lipids by the peroxide mechanism, was called “lipid”.

    It is believed that in the stage of resistance, energy metabolism switches from carbohydrate type to lipid type, and CAMP is the mediator through which energy metabolism switches. An increase in cyclic AMP in tissues (liver, muscles) inhibits glycolysis due to inhibition of hexokinase.

Lipogenesis is suppressed and lipolysis is activated. In mitochondria, primarily in the liver, the rate of phosphorylating oxidation of both carbohydrate (pyruvate) and, especially, lipid substrates increases (L. E. Panin, 1983).

Increasing the human body's resistance to stress is one of the most important social tasks. It has now been shown that many sympatholytics, M-anticholinergic blockers (for example, an indole derivative - reserpine, which is a central and peripheral sympatholytic; M-anticholinergic blocker - amizil) prevent stress. Tranquilizers, especially benzodiazepine derivatives (Seduxen, Elenium, etc.), are very widely used in stressful situations and for their prevention. After introducing them into the body during stress, the content of adrenaline in the hypothalamus and the severity of its increase in the blood decrease. As is known, adrenaline is a stimulator of the adrenergic structures of the reticular formation and hypothalamus, the synthesis and secretion of adrenaline in the adrenal medulla and the formation of states of anxiety, fear, anger, aggression (M. S. Kahana et al., 1976).

According to F. Z. Meerson et al. (1984), stress prevention is facilitated by repeated, short-term stress, the consequence of which is the formation of adaptation. This prevents damage to the heart, stomach and other organs in the future, under intense stress. Adaptation mechanisms are associated with an increase in the efficiency of the central inhibitory systems of the brain as a result of increased synthesis of GABA, dopamine, enkephalins, endrophins, as well as increased formation of prostaglandins and adenosine.

Antioxidants are widely used to prevent stress, especially the food antioxidant ionol and vitamin E, which inhibit the intensity of lipid peroxidation, which is so characteristic of stress (V.M. Boev, I.I. Krasikov, 1984).

Source: Ovsyannikov V.G. Pathological physiology, typical pathological processes. Tutorial. Ed. Rostov University, 1987. - 192 p.

Stress – /English stress – tension/ – a type of systemic, psychophysiological individual reaction with characteristic, objectively recorded signs of changes in the adaptive activity of the body in response to the influence of a combination of specific, external factors of a physical, mental and/or informational nature that disrupt sustainable life activity.

Stress – a generalized, protective, neuro-endocrine reaction of the body, determined by a genetic program that provides for the possibility of intensive mobilization of the body’s adaptive reserves in order to maintain its viability in unusual, unexpected or extreme conditions that create increased tension in metabolic processes, disruption of the homeostasis of the internal environment, somatic and vegetative functions and the psycho-emotional state of the individual.

General adaptation syndrome (OSA is a concept introduced by Canadian researcher Hans Selye, 1936) - implies a set of specific reactions that are adequate to specific stress factors and nonspecific adaptive reactions of the physiological systems of the body, which are accompanied by a psychogenic increase in their tension.

Manifestations of OSA include three successive phase states of nonspecific adaptation of the body under the influence of various stress factors and conditions: phase I – “anxiety”, phase II – “resistance”, phase III – “exhaustion”.

Distress – a state of long-term overvoltage neuroendocrine mechanisms of regulation of adaptive processes, causing exhaustion functional, metabolic and plastic reserves of the body and provoking the development of psychosomatic diseases.

Stress reactivity – expression of genetic, phenotypic, age and gender characteristics of individual reactivity of stress-related adaptation mechanisms, dependent on the state of consciousness, temperament, intellectual experience, quality of subjective assessment of the situation, ability to self-regulate emotional status.

Stress resistance – the degree of individual stability and balance of psycho-emotional interactions under conscious, volitional self-control, ensuring the maintenance of vitality and performance in stressful and extreme conditions. Trainable individual quality of self-awareness depends on the level of development of the will and the ability to mobilize the functional and psychoenergetic reserves of the body.

2. Stress factors

1) Hard physical work, long, intense

physical activity in extreme and competitive

conditions of sports activity;

2) Forced hypokinesia, long-term, same type,

uncomfortable, postural-tonic muscle tension;

3) Acute or prolonged hypoxia, oxygen deficiency,

"oxygen starvation", high-altitude hypoxia, violation

gas homeostasis;

4) Sudden or prolonged cooling or overheating;

5) Forced fasting, hypoglycemia;

6) Dehydration, dehydration, salt imbalance;

7) Negative emotions and feelings - anger, fear, jealousy,

acute anxiety, envy, suppressed desires;

8) Intense and aggressive rhythms of pop music (“punk rock”,

"death rock", "gangster rock", "metal rock") -

vibrations of irreparable dysfunction of the brain

brain and neuroimmune system;

    Excessive, useless information, thought forms of aggression, thought images of violence.

The severity and quality of adaptive reactions of individuals in relation to stressful influences always depend on:

1/ states of individual self-awareness,

2/ level of development of mental and emotional intelligence,

3/ understanding the nature and psychophysiological consequences of the influence of these physical and social factors on the body,

4/ degree of psychological and physical readiness to overcome stressful conditions,

5/ self-motivation to maintain one’s vitality and identify potential opportunities,

6/ use of psychotechnics - meditation, relaxation, affirmation, pranic breathing for self-regulation of increased stress reactivity and the formation of stress resistance.

Hello! You’ve probably often heard phrases like: “I’m stressed,” “I’ve been stressed,” “after such stress, his health has deteriorated.” Today I will tell you about what stress is - psychological, emotional, professional or any other. We will also look at what happens in our body during stress and what its danger is.

We will talk about stress in the context of normal and pathological physiology. These sciences study the patterns of functioning of a healthy and diseased body, respectively.

Stress factors

Let's imagine young man, who since childhood did not like physical exercise and did not strive to develop physically in any way. Let's call him Harold. Harold graduated from school, then university and began office work. The salary in the office seemed clearly insufficient to him and, after working there for several years, he decided to earn extra money in his free time.

Late autumn Harold was offered extra work- for example, unloading goods at a grocery warehouse. Our hero agreed, because he only had to work a couple of times a week, and the pay was very good. So, he combines office work and part-time work in a warehouse on weekends. What is happening to his body?

A man who had never lifted anything heavier than a computer mouse had to move boxes of food from place to place, unloading trucks that arrived at the warehouse. Plus, twice a week Harold began to freeze while working - he went to the warehouse during the cold season.

What we have just described is commonly called stress. Stress is metabolic restructuring, arising in response to the action of any irritants. That is, stress is an adaptation to stimuli. In our example there are two stimuli:

  • Unusual physical work;
  • Low temperatures.

The important point is that Harold was not adapted to these stimuli. He felt all this for the first time in his life.

Our Harold was suddenly hit with two stressors. How will his body respond to them? He will be helped by nervous and


Response to stress. Adaptation

Information that the body has found itself in new, unusual conditions will enter the brain. Sharply increased tension in the musculoskeletal system (do not forget that Harold began to carry weights) will be noticed proprioceptors.

Proprioceptors are small sensors located in our muscles and joints. They track information that enters our brain from the musculoskeletal system - about the load on the muscles, their contraction and the position of the body in space.

Chemoreceptors will react to the increased number carbon dioxide and breakdown products in the blood.

Chemoreceptors (from the Latin “hemo” - “blood”) are located in the aortic arch and at the site of the branching of the common carotid artery into the internal and external. Chemoreceptors monitor blood pressure, as well as the concentration of carbon dioxide and acidic waste products in the blood.

Finally, thermoreceptors will feel the cold.

Thermoreceptors are temperature receptors and are found on the skin.

All these receptors will transmit information to the brain. There it will be processed and the body will quickly understand that it is faced with a stressful situation.

Next, the hypothalamus, the central control panel of the endocrine system, will come into play. This tiny gland, which weighs about 5 grams, controls a huge number of adaptive mechanisms. In this picture from Wikipedia cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum are made transparent so that we can see the hypothalamus:

The hypothalamus will release corticoliberin, a hormone that should stimulate the pituitary gland. I touched up the pituitary gland blue, arrow shows direction corticoliberin from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland.

The pituitary gland, in turn, having received such a signal, will secrete adrenocorticotropic a hormone that will go to the adrenal glands, more precisely, to their cortex (cortex - cortex, adreno - adrenal gland). Adenocorticotropic hormone is a signal from the pituitary gland addressed to the adrenal cortex.

Adrenocorticotropic hormone, reaching the adrenal cortex, causes it to produce cortisol.

Cortisol is the main stress and adaptation hormone. Remember the definition of stress? Stress is a restructuring of metabolism, that is, metabolism. It is cortisol that will carry out these changes.

Metabolic restructuring

Let's look at the example of each irritant of metabolic restructuring:

1.Unusual physical labor. If Harold's body does not take any action, the weak muscles and tendons will be constantly injured and, ultimately, damaged irreversibly.

To prevent this from happening, Harold's body will direct growth hormones to the muscles. Also, protein will be sent to the muscles, from which new elements of muscle fibers will be built. This process requires a lot of energy, which means that additional substances will be needed from which energy can be obtained. You will need a lot of glucose, fatty acids and again proteins. It is from these substances that energy will be extracted to build muscle mass (you will find out how this happens).

2.Low temperatures. Harold will constantly walk from the warehouse (where it is cold due to industrial refrigerators) to the street (where it is cold due to the season). To keep warm, Harold's body will again request energy. The thyroid gland will change its metabolism so that more energy is dissipated as heat and less energy is used for other body needs. Where can we get this energy instantly? Of course, from what is already in the body - from glycogen in the liver, from fat cells, and also from proteins.

We have just seen Harold's body encounter two unfamiliar stimuli. When he first froze and felt tired for the first time after physical work, his body faced stress.

Stress hormone

And this is where stress hormones come into play, the main one of which is cortisol. The effect of stress on the body depends on its work. Let's see what it will do:

Glucose, which will be required in large quantities, will come from glycogen (it is deposited in the liver) into the blood. This means that cortisol will increase blood glucose levels, depleting glycogen reserves in the liver.

Another important type of energy fuel is fatty acids. Their oxidation produces acetyl coa, a very energy-intensive product. When fatty acids are needed, cortisol will break down fats. This means that our fat reserves will become smaller, and there will be more lipids in the blood.

And finally, proteins. Where will the proteins come from for Harold? Since he needs them for muscles, cortisol will not extract protein from the muscles. This is a very important point, remember it - cortisol works selectively. It redirects nutrients from idle to this moment organ to the organ that is maximally loaded in order to adapt to stress. In our case, adaptation hormones will break down the proteins of lymphoid and bone tissue. The synthesis of blood plasma proteins, including the most important immunoglobulins, will also slow down. This means that immune reactions will weaken during adaptation and the body will become vulnerable to viruses, bacteria and other troubles.

This was a simple example in which I wanted to show you stress factors (in our case it was hard physical work and cold), as well as measures of adaptation of the body - an increase in muscle mass and an increase in heat production, respectively.

We can consider any stress mechanisms, for example, if our Harold climbs the mountains, he will experience a lack of oxygen. They'll start working again adaptation hormones, directing nutrients to those organs that are most stressed. These will be the alveoli in the lungs, the respiratory muscles, the heart, as well as the red bone marrow, which will produce more red blood cells.

If Harold gets, for example, appendicitis and undergoes abdominal surgery, he will also experience stress and his body will launch a whole cascade of adaptive reactions.

Psycho-emotional shock is also a stress factor. A threat to life, sudden loud screams, unexpected conversations in a raised voice - this is stress, during which the body will trigger hormonal reactions controlled by adrenaline and cortisol. Even very pleasant events that we do not expect - for example, sudden news about winning the lottery - even this will be a stressor.

A very important thing: the effect of stress and adaptation hormones, primarily cortisol, is very different depending on time effects of stress and its strength.

If the stress is not short-term, as in our example, but constant, incessant, exhausting, cortisol will work completely differently. I will tell you about this in the next article, in which we will analyze beneficial and harmful stress. We will also learn why hardening is useful and how it works from a physiological point of view. Finally, I will talk about how stress-related illnesses arise.