Features of speech therapy work with bilingual children. Bilingual child: education and development. The child will confuse languages

Today, speaking foreign languages ​​is becoming increasingly popular. The explanation is quite simple: a specialist who speaks and writes equally well, for example, in English or Italian, will quickly find a prestigious job in an international company. In addition, there is an opinion that learning several languages ​​at once early age promotes the rapid development of the child’s speech apparatus. There are other reasons too. As a result, more and more people are striving to raise their children to be bilingual, or even polyglot. But who are they and how to master several languages ​​perfectly?

Who are bilinguals

Bilinguals are people who are equally proficient in two languages. Moreover, each of them is considered native. Such people not only speak and perceive two languages ​​at the same level, but also think in them. It is noteworthy that, depending on the environment or place, a person automatically switches to one or another speech (and not only in the process of verbal communication, but also mentally), sometimes without even noticing it.

Bilinguals can be either translators or children from mixed, interethnic marriages, or those raised in another country.

In the pre-revolutionary period, wealthy families tried to hire governesses from France or Germany to raise their offspring. Thus, many nobles studied a foreign language from childhood, subsequently becoming bilingual.

Bilingual or bilingual?

It is worth immediately noting that along with the term “bilingual” there is a synonym for it - “bilingual”. Despite their similar sound, they have different meanings. Thus, bilingual - books, monuments of writing, created simultaneously in two languages. Often these are texts presented in parallel.

Types of bilinguals

There are two main types of bilinguals - pure and mixed.

Pure ones are people who use languages ​​in isolation: at work - one, at home - another. Or, for example, some people speak one language, others speak another. Quite often this is observed in situations with translators or people who have moved permanently abroad.

The second type is mixed bilinguals. These are people who speak two languages, but at the same time do not consciously differentiate between them. In a conversation, they continually switch from one to another, and the transition can even occur within the same sentence. A rather striking example of such bilingualism is the mixing of Russian and Ukrainian languages. The so-called surzhik. If a bilingual cannot find the right word in Russian, he uses the Ukrainian equivalent instead, and vice versa.

How do you become bilingual?

There are several ways this phenomenon can occur.

One of the main reasons is mixed marriages. Bilingual children in international families are not uncommon. So, if one parent is a native speaker of Russian, and the other is a native speaker of English, then in the course of his development the child learns both speech equally well. The reason is simple: communication occurs with each parent in his native language. In this case, linguistic perception in children develops in the same way.

The second reason is the emigration of parents of the same nationality before or after the birth of a child. Passive bilinguals are people who grew up either in countries with two official languages, or in migrant families. In this case, the learning of a second language takes place in school or kindergarten. The first one is instilled by parents in the process of upbringing.

A striking example of countries where bilinguals are most common of this type, - Canada, Ukraine and Belarus.

There are also people who have specifically mastered a second language. This usually happens if a person immigrated to another country and started a family with a foreigner.

In addition, almost every translator becomes bilingual during his training. Without this, full-fledged and high-quality translation, especially simultaneous translation, is impossible.

The most common bilingual person is English language for which it is native along with Russian, German or, say, Spanish.


What are the advantages of this phenomenon? Of course, the main advantage is knowledge of two languages, which in the future will help you find a decent job or successfully immigrate. But this is only an indirect advantage.

As scientists note, bilinguals are more receptive to other people and cultures of foreign countries. They have a broad outlook. This is due to the fact that each language is a reflection of the life and traditions of a particular people. It contains specific concepts, reflects rituals and beliefs. While studying a foreign language, a child also gets acquainted with the culture of its native speakers, studies idioms and their meaning. It has long been known that certain phrases cannot be translated word for word into another language. Thus, it is quite difficult to translate the name of the Maslenitsa and Ivan Kupala holidays into English, since they are absent in English culture. They can only be described.

The brains of people who speak several languages ​​are more developed and their minds are flexible. It is known that bilingual children study better than their classmates; both the humanities and the exact sciences are equally easy for them. At a more mature age, they make certain decisions faster and do not think in stereotypes.

Another undoubted advantage is a more developed metalinguistic perception. Such people more often, seeing errors in speech, understand its grammar and structure. In the future, they will quickly master the third, fourth, fifth languages, using their existing knowledge of linguistic models.

Three periods of study

Depends on the age at which the work was started. Children become bilingual both in early infancy and in later periods. There are only three of them.

The first is infant bilingualism, the age limits of which are from 0 to 5 years. It is believed that this is the best age to start learning a second language. At this time, neural connections are formed faster, which affects the quality of assimilation of a new linguistic model. At the same time, the second language should be imparted already at the time when the child has become acquainted with the basics of the first. At this time, the speech organs are physiologically developed, fine motor skills, attention and memory. Approximate age: 1.5-2 years. In this case, the child will speak both languages ​​without an accent.

Children's bilingualism - from 5 to 12 years. At this time, the child is already consciously learning the language, replenishing his passive and active vocabulary. Learning the second linguistic model at this age also ensures clear speech and no accent. Although at this period the child already clearly understands which language is his first, native language.

The third stage is adolescence, from 12 to 17 years. Second language learning in this situation is often influenced by school. Bilingual education begins in high school, in special classes with the study of a foreign language. It is worth noting that its formation is associated with a number of problems. First of all, while maintaining the emphasis in the future. Secondly, the child has to specially tune in to learning the speech of someone else.

Bilingualism Strategies

There are three main strategies in studying bilingualism.

1. One parent - one language. With this strategy, the family immediately speaks two languages. So, for example, a mother communicates with her son/daughter exclusively in Russian, a father - in Italian. The child understands both languages ​​equally well. It is worth noting that with this strategy, problems may arise as the bilingual grows up. The most common is when a child realizes that his parents understand his speech, regardless of what language he speaks. At the same time, he chooses a language that is convenient for himself and begins to communicate primarily in it.

2. Time and place. With this strategy, parents allocate a certain time or place in which the child will communicate with others exclusively in a foreign language. For example, on Saturdays the family communicates in English or German and attends a language club where communication takes place exclusively in a foreign language.

This option is convenient to use for raising a child whose native language is Russian. In this case, a bilingual child can be raised even if both parents are Russian-speaking.

3. Home language. So, a child communicates in one language exclusively at home, in the second - in kindergarten, school, and on the street. It is often used in cases where parents immigrated to another country with their child and themselves have a fairly mediocre command of foreign languages.

Duration of classes

How long does it take to study a foreign language to become bilingual? There is no exact answer to this question. It is believed that when mastering someone else’s speech at a conscious age, it is necessary to devote at least 25 hours a week to studying, that is, about 4 hours a day. In this case, you should perform not only exercises to develop speech and understanding, but also writing and reading. In general, the duration of classes should be calculated based on the chosen learning strategy, as well as the goals and time during which it is planned to acquire certain knowledge.

So, how to raise a bilingual? We offer eight recommendations to help you organize activities with your child correctly.

  1. Choose one strategy that is most convenient for you and follow it steadily.
  2. Try to place your child in the cultural environment of the language you are learning. To do this, introduce him to the traditions of the chosen people.
  3. Speak to your child in a foreign language as much as possible.
  4. At first, do not focus your child’s attention on mistakes. Correct him, but don't go into details. First, work on vocabulary, and then learn the rules.
  5. Try to send your child to language camps, play groups, and attend language clubs with him.
  6. Use audio and video materials and books for learning. Bilinguals in English can read both adapted and original literature.
  7. Don't forget to praise your child for his successes and encourage him.
  8. Be sure to explain why you are learning a foreign language and what exactly it will give you in the future. Get your child interested in learning - and you will achieve success.

Possible difficulties

What difficulties may arise while learning a language? We list the main ones:


Bilinguals are people who are equally proficient in two languages. They become like this even in infancy due to the linguistic environment, with intensive training in foreign speech. Of course, it is possible to become bilingual at a later age, but this will be associated with a number of problems.

Bilingualism – This is the ability to use two language systems for communication, and various interactions, including those of a communicative nature, are possible between these language systems.

  • teaching schoolchildren competent free speech
  • learning to read and write
  • formation of communicative competence
  • formation of cultural competence

  • enrichment and clarification of children's vocabulary;
  • formation of word formation and inflection skills;
  • teach the pronunciation of words of varying syllabic complexity;
  • learning to correctly coordinate different parts of speech;
  • developing an understanding of the spatial meaning of prepositions;
  • teaching correct grammatical formatting of sentences;
  • learning to use acquired skills both in independent speech and writing;
  • education of tolerance and mutual respect in conditions of interethnic communication.

  • formation of correct sound pronunciation in children;
  • formation of phonemic perception;
  • development of coherent speech;
  • education and socialization of children based on the linguistic values ​​of native speakers.

  • finger gymnastics;
  • didactic games;
  • lessons using ICT technologies;
  • logorhythmic exercises;
  • Using the project method in working with bilingual children.

  • the principle of mandatory communicative orientation of training;
  • the principle of unity in the acquisition of knowledge and skills and their formation practical use(the relationship between language and speech competence during their formation);
  • the principle of correlation with the native language of students (taking into account typical mistakes and difficulties correlated with the native language and identified by the teacher in the process of diagnosing and observing students’ speech);
  • the principle of cultural orientation of training (education of intercultural competence);
  • finally, final and key - the principle of dialogue of cultures.

Effective in classes with bilingual children vocabulary work– expansion of vocabulary, exercises with lexical units and grammatical forms:

1) word-formation exercises

  • “Find the root and select words with the same root”
  • “Form adjectives from these nouns / nouns from these verbs according to the model”
  • “Continue the word-formation series of adjectives/verbs with this prefix/suffix” and so on.;

2) exercises for creating thematic groups

  • “Write out the names of plants/professions and characteristics of the object from the text”
  • “Write down the names of trees and items of clothing in a dictionary.” and so on.;

Examples of using the technique:

3) inclusion exercises of this word into a phrase

  • « Select to given noun adjectives, a noun for this adjective"
  • “Choose a noun for this verb according to the example: read what? – .... , meet – with whom? - ..., draw - with what? – … " and so on.;

4) exercises to put these words into context

  • “Describe the picture using these words”
  • “Tell about your family using these words”
  • “Make sentences with these words” and so on.

  • Functional explanation of many linguistic phenomena: explanation of the meanings of cases (in a form accessible to students); explanation of the meanings of the names of parts of speech (pronoun – instead of a name, indicates an object; pretext - before the word (Greek " logos " - word))
  • Conversation with students on the topic cultural significant texts concepts encountered in Russian language lessons ( bread, soul, freedom, longing etc.), historical realities mentioned in the texts of the exercises or in sentences ( military theme, mention of famous statesmen, national holidays, etc.)
  • Explanation lexical meaning words
  • Updating the material covered
  • Update problems, arising from intercultural communication in the process of bilinguals learning the Russian language

Updating problems arising in intercultural communication

Raising problematic issues related to the grammatical or lexical structure of the Russian language, Russian mentality, behavior in certain situations, and many others. etc.:

  • “Why do Russian people need suffixes - IR , - ek , - OK? How are the words different? key And little key
  • “Why can inanimate objects in Russian be masculine and feminine?”
  • “Why are there so many verbs of motion in the Russian language ( walk, go, go, go, go, ride and etc.)?"
  • "What's happened maybe? And why do Russians attack him so often? rely

Forms of activity for students

bilingual children

Group forms of activity

Dialogue of cultures

The term “dialogue of cultures” has acquired two meanings in the methodology of teaching the Russian language :

1) the real process of meeting two cultures, national pictures of the world, which takes place in the minds of the carriers of these cultures communicating with each other;

2) a didactic term denoting a process of meeting two cultures, purposefully modeled for educational purposes, and on its basis the process of realizing their commonality and originality, deep knowledge of one’s culture and penetration into a foreign one.

Dialogue of cultures – the principle of teaching Russian as a second language

The most common ways to implement dialogue between cultures are considered to be:

  • conceptual method;
  • method of historical and cultural commentary;
  • comparative method.

Conceptual method

Based on working with concepts: comments on them, explanation of their meanings, as well as significance for the bearers of the culture to which they belong.

Concepts will, freedom, longing, soul, love and many others can be organically included in Russian language exercises on any topic.

Possible types of work with concepts:

  • comparison of the meanings of concepts by analyzing their use (comparison of proverbs and sayings different nations, excerpts from literary works)

2) a mini-message from a speech therapist or student (using visual materials) about the meaning of a universal or specific concept in Russian culture and a conversation with students;

3) illustrating the concept (in middle school), creating a detailed message with a presentation (in high school) about the concept;

So, for example, L.K. Mullagalieva and L.G. Sayakhova in his methodological guide to elective course“Russian Language in the Dialogue of Cultures” offers this type of assignment for the implementation of the conceptual method:

Compare Russian and foreign proverbs with the word “soul” and explain the meaning of each:

Russian proverbs:

The soul is not a garment, you can’t turn it inside out.

The soul is not an apple, you cannot divide it.

Don't crucify yourself for someone else's soul.

Foreign proverbs:

The human soul is glass: if it breaks once, don’t expect to glue it back together (Tatar).

Someone else's soul is a bottomless world (Tatar).

A healthy soul - don’t say you’re sick, a healthy body - don’t say you’re poor (Bashkir).

If the soul does not pull and the blood does not boil (Bakshirsk).

Historical and cultural commentary

It is based on the coverage of historical or cultural information associated with certain linguistic units: words, phrases, phraseological units, proverbs and sayings, sentences and even texts.

kick your ass

sit back,

To do nothing

Baklushi- These are wooden blanks for later cutting spoons, bowls and other kitchen utensils from them.

To beat one's head was considered in Ancient Rus' the easiest job!

Comparative method

Based on comparison as a cognitive principle. U this method 2 goals:

  • identify the specifics of the image of something in the culture being studied;
  • establish dialogue relationships.

Your own bread is better than someone else's pilaf

An evil tongue destroys mountains

Even a chicken drinks water while looking at Allah

And Confucius was not always lucky

The people are the body, the king is the head

During the above task, a conversation is also expected to be held about the meaning of words indicating that proverbs belong to another culture (with illustrations), as well as a search for similar phenomena in Russian culture, for example: Uzbek pilaf – Russian cabbage soup– which also implements the comparative method.

  • mastering the culture of national communication;
  • formation of cultural competence;
  • education of tolerance;
  • formation of the idea of ​​language as a national picture of the world.

Results of working with bilingual children:

As a result of systematic work, I have made progress in improving sound pronunciation in bilingual children. The effectiveness is confirmed by the presence of positive dynamics in the development of sound pronunciation junior schoolchildren. I have practically proven the effectiveness of development tools phonemic processes, the immaturity and unformation of which leads to a persistent violation of the pronunciation of a number of sounds, violations of the syllabic structure of words.

Leysan Galeeva
"Bilingualism. Difficulties and features of raising bilingual children"


ABOUT bilingualism they talk a lot today. And I must say, this topic is worthy of such close attention.

Word « bilingualism» comes from two Latin: bi – "double" And "lingua"- language"). Thus, bilingualism is an ability proficiency in two languages, and the degree of proficiency in one language or another can be very different. From here, bilingual - person who can speak two languages.

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Kinds bilingualism.

The following types are distinguished: bilingualism:

Depending on the situation:

National bilingualism(use of multiple languages ​​in a particular community);

Individual bilingualism(the choice of language for an individual is dictated by the specific situation);

Natural (household (found mainly in children from mixed marriages or in emigrant families, arises without visible effort due to the linguistic environment (including radio and television) and rich language practice, without awareness of the specifics of the language.);

Artificial (educational (on the contrary, it is characterized by the fact that knowledge of the language is acquired through conscious actions, including understanding and application in practice features of the language system).

According to age periods bilingualism has the following separation:

Early, due to stay and life activity in bilingual cultural environment;

Late, in which acquisition of a second language occurs at an older age, after mastering the native language.

From the point of view of the degree of language proficiency and the number of speech acts, the following types are distinguished: bilingualism:

Receptive (perceiver) understanding foreign texts and speech without the ability to speak and write.

Reproductive (reproductive) bilingualism allows a bilingual not only to perceive(retell) texts in a foreign language, but also reproduce read and heard.

Productive (generating) bilingualism allows a bilingual understand and produce foreign texts, as well as create them.

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Organization models bilingual education in preschool educational institutions

The most common organizational models bilingual education can be called three:

Model "One Man, One Language". According to this model, one teacher speaks Russian, and the second one speaks the language being studied, ensuring in the child’s mind a correlation between the language and the person speaking this language.

- "Immersion model" (immersion - immersion) children immerse themselves in "tongue bath". Acquisition of a second language occurs during the child’s usual daily activities. (drawing, singing, playing, constructing, etc.).

-"Spatial model" is that one of the premises kindergarten devoted to learning a second language. It is designed accordingly and equipped with the necessary educational materials and equipment.

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1. The period of formation of the auditory-speech-motor analyzer.

During this period, they are formed physiological mechanisms speech apparatus. And also a passive vocabulary is formed, which later becomes active (the child pronounces all the words in his own way, shortens them, throws out syllables and letters from them, replaces them with others, or, conversely, adds letters and syllables that are not in the word) .

2. Language structure analysis period or period "word creation"

It is known that a child, despite the unconsciousness of the process, masters speech not mechanically, but carries out complex"mental operations"- analyzes, derives rules, classifies and generalizes. And the proof of this is those who amuse us so much "mistakes" and irregularities in children's speech.

3. Period of separation of language systems (differentiation period)

The child consciously makes an effort to search for equivalents in another language, begins to clearly differentiate both languages ​​and respond in the language in which he is addressed. This means that the child has formed two linguistic systems, i.e. the child acquires ability think in both languages.

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Advantages bilingualism

Early language learning requires a lot of time and effort. Logical question: Is it worth it? To determine the answer, let’s give a few facts.

Fact one.

Psychophysiologists have found that studying foreign languages changes the density of gray matter. It turned out that the density of neurons is greater in those who have been learning languages ​​since childhood. This may mean that you bilinguals significantly higher potential for intellectual capabilities.

Fact two.

For a child to begin actively using a word, he must first hear it about 100 times. Since to denote the same concept bilingual hears information first in one, then in another language, in order to move on to active speech, he is forced to remember twice as many words. That is, mastering two languages ​​requires a larger amount of verbal memory.

Fact three.

Researchers have found that bilingual educating preschoolers has a positive effect on school performance. And in all subjects! Scientists have concluded that the need to communicate in two languages promotes development of flexibility and activity of thinking, which affects the assimilation school curriculum and creative child's abilities.

Fact four.

Switching from one language to another, bilinguals are capable It’s better to focus and perform several tasks at the same time.

Fact five.

Divergent thinking ( ability come up with a lot ways use some object, for example, a paper clip) is better developed in bilinguals than monolinguals. Adults bilinguals have mental flexibility, their brain is more resistant to aging diseases.

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Main difficulties

Watching the development bilingual child, you should only be wary one: that none of the languages ​​will be developed at a sufficient level. “Monitoring” should be carried out in relation to each of the interacting languages, but care should only be taken when the child is not able to express himself, cannot find contact with peers, is not interested in what is happening, does not want to “develop”, learn new things, read, play, etc. on one of them. Bilingualism is not an obstacle to development, but on the contrary, contributes to this process. But if a child has mental problems, then they will manifest themselves quite clearly in his speech.

In development bilingual child, experts note, both languages ​​may begin to develop later than those of a monolingual child; each language may be represented by a slightly smaller vocabulary and grammatical reserve, but together they will overlap the potential of a monolingual child. Multilingualism is not a separate sport, but an all-around event where only comprehensively developed individuals win. Cognitive function speech forces parents to open the world to their child through their native language, to join the system of values, typical ways formulating his thoughts, names his surroundings, separating the conscious from the mass of the visible and audible. If this function does not work, then something is being done incorrectly. Even if a child learns both languages ​​almost simultaneously, the “second” language still depends on the “first” and is built on top of it.

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From the administration preschool educational institution:

Providing educational and methodological kit, literature;

Equipping the classroom with modern equipment, which includes ICT, game and demonstration material, visual material that provides a higher level of cognitive development children and provoking speech activity;

Organization of seminars together with educational institutions on interaction and exchange of experience among teachers on the issue bilingual education and upbringing;

Providing psychological – pedagogical support educational process;

Conducting corrective speech therapy sessions on sound production.

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From the teachers' side:

Creation and implementation of an educational program, if necessary, flexible and prompt introduction of appropriate changes in the organization of the educational microenvironment;

Monitoring the implementation of thematic planning;

Finding opportunities for communication in different situations so that the reality reflected in speech gives reason to expand vocabulary, grammar and improve communication skills;

Broadcasting samples of speech and culture through different kinds activities;

Regular conversations with parents about their child’s development;

Studying the experience of various preschool educational institutions in order to apply new methods and technologies in education children, as well as the dissemination of this experience.

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An important condition for working with children is bilinguals is also the professionalism of teachers. Teachers use a variety of methods and approaches, forms of work that stimulate speech activity children. This practical lessons, project activities, creation problem situations, in which the child needs to speak out (express his request, opinion, judgment, etc., games, riddles, the use of support diagrams and pictures in teaching storytelling, etc.

Pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions carry out in their work with children - bilinguals the following types activities:

Communicative (realization of the need for communication, the ability to listen and hear “the other”, involvement in various forms of verbal communication);

Public (holding holidays, competitions, exhibitions, festivals);

Gaming (development of cognitive and motor activity);

Artistic and aesthetic.

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From the parents' side

For success and self-confidence, children need daily participation in the educational process not only of teachers, but also of parents. Inclusion of parents in pedagogical process is the most important condition for adaptation and full-fledged speech development child.

Not one, not even the best educational program cannot give full results if it is not resolved together with the family. To achieve this, preschool educational institutions must create conditions for attracting parents to participate in educational educational process:

Involving parents of students in various cultural events;

Holding open final classes, reporting events with the invitation of parents of students;

Conducting individual consultations for parents;

Design and updating of an information stand for parents in the lobby.

The article discusses the main difficulties in mastering the Russian language by bilingual children. Three levels of speech development are described. The recommendations given in the article will allow you to build competent work on the prevention of difficulties in acquiring Russian as a second native language by bilingual children preschool age. this work addressed to students pedagogical universities and colleges studying in the specialty “preschool teacher”, as well as future speech therapists.



Bilingual children of preschool age

Today humanity is experiencing an era of globalization. Open borders and moving to another country have become commonplace. The process of globalization has not spared our country. Every year the number of migrants and forced migrants in Russian cities increases and, as a result, special children are born - bilingual children.

From a scientific point of view, bilingualism is called bilingualism, which means the use of two languages ​​in speech - native and non-native. Bilingual children have to go through a difficult path - to become a full-fledged member of Russian society. In this regard, teachers face the following problem: how to raise, train and adapt such children? After all, for the children of migrants, coming to preschool is a real test. A traumatic fact is the separation not only from their parents, but also from their native culture, since in kindergarten they are faced with other rules of behavior, other games and, most importantly, with other people who speak a language foreign to them. To help bilingual children adapt to new conditions, organize educational and educational process, teachers must have special professional competence.

The main difficulties in mastering the Russian language

Bilingualism is a subject of study various sciences. It is studied in linguistics, psycholinguistics, social psychology, is a research subject of sociology. Much has been devoted to issues of bilingualism scientific works. In matters of the influence of multilingualism on the development of a child, the most widespread is the opinion of L. S. Vygotsky. He believes that difficulties may arise in the development of a child when the conditions of upbringing do not guarantee the formation of a more or less independent sphere of application of each language, when the child is given over to a random mixture of languages. systems when children's bilingualism develops spontaneously.

The group of bilingual children for whom Russian is one of their native languages ​​is extremely heterogeneous.Conventionally, three levels of speech development can be distinguished: high, medium, low. When characterizing each level of speech development, several of its components are considered. The development of speech in each direction may be heterogeneous.

A child with a high level of communication and speech activity in Russian is characterized by the following features: there are almost no problems in understanding questions, he can maintain a conversation on a given topic, expressing his thoughts easily and freely, uses a wide range of vocabulary when expressing his thoughts, complex sentences. Speech behavior is communicative and cognitively justified. A preschooler can independently start and finish a conversation, ask questions, give information, encourage action, help the interlocutor express his opinion, argue on various issues and draw conclusions; spontaneously respond to changes in the partner’s speech behavior.

This level also includes children who have sufficient fluency and intelligibility of Russian speech, the volume of statements corresponds to the program requirements of the kindergarten. The child uses a variety of vocabulary, does not use foreign words, demonstrates good level understanding tasks, but sometimes you have to stimulate speech activity - repeat the question; increase the volume of your voice, slow down your speech rate. Speech behavior is communicatively justified, but the child does not always spontaneously respond to changes in the partner’s speech behavior.

Typical for the average level general understanding questions and a desire to participate in communicative speech situations, but at the same time the child uses extremely simplified lexical and grammatical structures to express his thoughts. He can determine the need for this or that information and express his opinion using the simplest language forms. The child has a very limited vocabulary that is sufficient to discuss a well-known situation or topic. Explanations and clarification of some issues are required. The child often makes unnecessary pauses and changes the topic of conversation. Sometimes he is illogical in his statements, often straying into memorized text and speech patterns.

Child with low level cannot conduct a conversation in Russian, only answers questions in one word on very simple everyday topics, and often asks again. His answers consist of short phrases, memorized patterns are used in speech utterances. The child has a minimal vocabulary of Russian vocabulary, but does not know how to use it communicatively in an acceptable way in response. Speech communication not formed in Russian.

Manifestations of communicative speech activity in children with different levels of proficiency in a non-native Russian language also have their own specifics depending on the form of the speech defect that affects the formation of the communicative function of speech.

Features of speech development of bilingual children may beare caused both by the peculiarities of the interaction of language systems and by disorders of speech and mental development.

The problem of prevention and correctional education of children with speech disorders who are learning Russian as a second language is becoming increasingly relevant in connection with the current national composition of the region, taking place in last years migration processes, expansion of intercultural contacts.

Prevention of difficulties in learning the Russian language

as a second relative for bilingual children

Preschool age is the basis for the formation of a base of readiness for school, so the next direction is the prevention of reading and writing difficulties. Work with the pronunciation and perception of sounds of the Russian language is built in close connection with work on the image of the letter. Games and tasks consistently introduce children to the phonetic system of the Russian language, allow them to clarify the articulation of sounds and develop skills sound-letter analysis and synthesis, remember letters and acquire primary reading skills, expand and clarify vocabulary. A special place is occupied by tasks for comparing language systems at all levels: sound, letters, words, phrases, sentences and text.

The following tasks with letters of the Russian alphabet can be used to prevent difficulties in the acquisition of Russian as a second native language by bilingual children of preschool age.

1. Do you want to learn how to write down all the interesting, strange and mysterious sounds that you hear? For this you will need letters.

It hangs on the wall at school,

It's simply called the alphabet.

Beautiful, bright - look,

Letters live in it, thirty-three.

We will all learn them, friends.

All thirty-three, from A to Z.

N. Baraban

2. Let's try to pronounce the sound A the way a crying girl, mother, or singing boy does it. You see how different he is - sometimes sharp and loud, sometimes quiet, sometimes unpleasant, sometimes gentle.

3. Where do you hear the sound A? At the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word? Name the picture and connect the picture with the diagram. The red square is the sound A.

4. You made letters from salt dough, and grandfather Bukvoed cut them out of cheese to treat you. And here’s the problem: mice came running and chewed off a piece of each letter. Tell your grandfather which letters were damaged - write them down.

5. Drawing by points. Draw the same dots

0 - it was not possible to copy completely

1 - I drew all the lines correctly, but there are corrections, extra lines

2 - copied the drawing accurately

you can enable reading assignments

Language adaptation of preschool children

In addition to the above, I would like to give some recommendations on how to implement the most effective adaptation of bilingual children of different age groups in preschool institutions.

For young children, the attitude of adults is more important than the language they speak to him. At an early age, they do not understand their native speech enough. During this period, they need to get used to the new environment. Mutual contact and even affection will be greatly facilitated by friendly communication between the teacher and the child.

To establish contact with bilingual children of primary preschool age, relationships should be built on a family basis, that is, teachers act as parents, showing care and support to children. The so-called “parental care” will allow us to identify the most preferable method of communication in a bilingual child. For example, as a playing partner.

Middle-aged and older children have a sufficient vocabulary that allows them to independently construct sentences from several words. At this age, they consciously choose the language of communication with peers and with the teacher. Russian-speaking pupils can be involved in the adaptation of a bilingual child. By communicating with him in Russian and correcting his speech, they will help the child become bilingual.

If there are several bilingual children studying in a group, you can provide them with the opportunity to unite, thereby providing them with psychological comfort for indirect language learning.

To summarize, I would like to cite a scientifically proven fact - bilingual children are much better at studying than their peers who speak only one language. Bilingualism develops qualities such as memory, intelligence, reaction speed, mathematical skills and logical thinking. Bilingual children successfully master literature, abstract sciences and, in particular, foreign languages.


1. Vygotsky L.S. On the issue of multilingualism in childhood. // Collected works – M.: Pedagogy, 1983

2. Eliseeva M.B., Krugliakova T.A., Tseytlin S.N. The problem of children's speech: Metalinguistic abilities of the child. Bilingualism: Herzen State Pedagogical University Permanent seminar on children's speech. – M. 1996

3. Konstantinova A.V., Pechurina L.I. Corrective literacy training for bilingual children - School speech therapist. - 2009. - № 3

4 System of working with students with bilingualism. Guidelines for speech therapist teachers. Novokuibyshevsk, 2006

5. Chirkina G. V., A. V. Lagutina Program speech therapy work with children mastering Russian (non-native) language. - Electronic resource. - Access mode:http://www.prosv.ru/ebooks/Chirkina_Korrekcia-narushenii-rechi/4.html

Dear Russian language and primary school teachers!

Introducing a colleague who teaches Russian language for bilingual children Abroad. His experience is very interesting for us today, when some of our schools require teaching Russian as a second language. The materials developed by Boris Savchenko will also be useful in primary school when learning to read. To be honest, many children need such a technique, although Russian is their native language.
In addition, the described methodology fits the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard perfectly. In our country, the described approach is now commonly called flipped classroom.
We hope that Boris Vasilyevich will find like-minded people among the users of our site.

Introduction by the author of the materials

Fifteen years ago, while teaching English in Russia, I became acquainted with the PACE method. Even then, the idea of ​​applying it to objects arose high school in Russian.
And now, years later, on another continent, I got this opportunity. Five years ago, as I prepared to begin teaching Russian to bilingual children in a Saturday school, I spent months developing my STEPS. I devote the lion’s share of my free time to “a lightly paid hobby.” And the result, I assure you, meets my expectations.
My dream is to find fellow co-authors, create STEPS with original texts and illustrations and organize their distribution (publication). The forms of participation in the work could be very different: from proofreading, developing ideas on the topics of texts and the nature of tasks, helping in finding sources to writing texts, creating illustrations. If such a team were formed, over time it would be possible to get closer to the ideal: a student, coming to a bilingual class, could find STEPS of his level with texts that meet his interests, and therefore begin to learn the Russian language more successfully, expanding his horizons or knowledge of his future profession .

With hope for creative contacts,
Boris Savchenko (from Russian Saturday School in London, Ontario)[email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

STEP methodology for working with bilinguals

And now I present to your attention the STEPS method, which is a continuation of the idea of ​​the American educator Donald Howard (PACEs, School of Tomorrow) in learning Russian as a second native language. She completed a five-year trial in a class of 15 bilingual children aged 7-13 at the language Saturday school at the Wheable School (Thames Valley District School, London, Ontario).
Dr. Howard's technique is as follows. Content school subject is divided into small topics that the student can independently comprehend, which are printed in separate brochures (PACEs). The student reads the explanation of the new material, performs the exercises, writes a test, INDEPENDENTLY CHECKS the test with the KEY, and gives himself a grade. If the score is below a certain level, a clean STEP is taken and worked on again. What does this give to students? Any child in the class can work at a speed determined by his abilities and interest in the subject.

Why is this convenient for teachers of small schools? In one classroom there can be children of completely different ages and language levels and simultaneously study different subjects in Russian. The teacher, if the child has difficulties, consults individually. Why do I devote a significant portion of our Sabbath School time to STEP (40 minutes out of 2 and a half hours)?

  1. The difference in the level of language proficiency of students, the difference in age.
  2. I see their use as an excellent opportunity to realize a student’s potential.
The basis of creationyour steps I put three ideas:
  1. Teaching a language (native, second native, foreign...) using educational, engaging material (a matter of motivation). For the very first level, I used texts from books purchased during my next trip to my homeland (M.V. Bedenko, A.N. Savelyev “Blitz control of reading speed and text comprehension for grades 2-3”). However, he immediately began to supplement the assignments on the texts with his own. At the second level, I began to expand the tiny texts from these manuals with materials on the same topics from the Children's Encyclopedia and more. I build the steps of the third level on the material from the textbook “History of Ancient Times” Russian school. .
  2. Solving the communication problem.
  3. Using techniques typical of schools in the country of residence. For example, I widely use the so-called WORDSEARCH (invented the neologism POLESLOV).
Over the course of five years, I have created over a hundred STEPS different levels and topics. The task system is original.

The procedure for working with bilinguals using the STEPS method

Using the STEPS in class is as follows. At the designated time (or upon completion of the tasks of the previous segment of the lesson), the student begins work on the next STEP:
  • reads the text silently, goes to the teacher/assistant to read the whole/fragments of the text out loud;
  • completes tasks based on the text;
  • performs a check by checking with the KEY;
  • gives himself a grade (cf. European Language Portfolio);
  • approaches the teacher to approve the assessment and discuss difficult points, obtaining permission to move on to the next STEP.
If the student wants to study during the week or after completing school year, parents can always receive the next STEPS by email.
When writing STEPS, I try to meet the interests of individual students. Somehow I happened to take STEPS about the history of football and mongooses literally the day before class...

The following materials will give you an idea of ​​the content of the texts and the nature of the tasks.

Tags: bilinguals, Savchenko, methodology, STEPS, Howard's methodology, flipped classroom, Federal State Educational Standard, motivation
Boris Savchenko
Certificate of publication No. 1421638 dated June 26, 2017