We solve psychological problems ourselves. Deprogramming the subconscious. Freud is resting! Elimination of shocks and unpleasant episodes

Psychological technique,

which will solve your problems

All problems are within us
Their solution is right there

(Zivorad Slavinsky. Creator of the PEAT technique)

Created by a Serbian psychologist Zivorad Slavinsky. The full name of the technique is Primary Energy Activation and Transcendence, the predecessors of this technique are TAT, E.F.T. And BSFF, Slavinsky reworked, supplemented, and created his own technique.

Basic and Deep PEAT
divide by Basic PEAT And Deep PEAT. The difference between the techniques is in the duration and depth of development. Basic PEAT allows you to remove one negative emotion/state, well suited for independent work. This method is convenient if you need to get in shape quickly and don’t have time to work out. Disadvantage Basic PEAT its action is considered to be superficial, since it cannot completely solve the problem, and it often happens that having removed one layer of the problem, another layer comes to the surface, another emotion with which you need to continue working. Having mastered Basic PEAT you can quickly get in shape before an important meeting, a meeting, a speech, or simply when you don’t feel well. Unlike Basic, Deep PEAT allows you to dig deeper. Deep PEAT works through the problem like an onion, removing layers (emotions, pictures, bodily sensations, thoughts - everything that makes up the problem) going to its core. On one's own Deep It is quite difficult to do, since you need to be able to switch between 2 roles of processor (master) and client (slave). But if you have set such a goal for yourself, then I recommend taking 1-2 sessions in order to fully experience working as a client.

can be worked out emotional, somatic, spiritual problems, the time of their occurrence does not matter. Sometimes a problem, especially if it has been with you for a long time, has several roots, then it will take 3 or more sessions to eliminate it. But the result of the work should be felt already at the end of the first session.

Energy and PEAT
PEAT processing referred to as energy therapy, it works by unblocking your energy, so you gradually have more strength that previously went into maintaining the problem. PEAT processor(as the session leader is called) helps you clear your inner space from negativity, from past failures and defeats that you still carry with you in order not to make similar mistakes again. It’s illogical to do this, but our subconscious protects us in its own ways. It remembers negative experiences and tries to make sure that we do not repeat them, putting psychological barriers in the form of unpleasant feelings, beliefs, and illnesses.

PEAT book
Several books about PAET, here are some of them:
AND. Slavinsky: Return to Unity
AND. Slavinsky: We solve psychological problems ourselves
AND. Slavinsky: PEAT. New ways. Special course on Alchemy of Abundance
Oleg Matveev: Upgrade your problems now

PEAT and neutralization of primary polarities
In his books Zivorad Slavinsky talks in detail about duality, about the polarity of our consciousness. According to J. Slavinsky, at the heart of any problem is a pair of primary polarities that supports its existence. (Example of polarities: I - not I; weakness - strength; freedom - lack of freedom). Primary polarities he names the primary human codes that determine human behavior in life. A person can switch between them: back and forth for several hours, days, months or years, playing an endless game. Deep PEAT allows you to neutralize primary polarities, that is, merge them, feel the unity between them. You will be in this state of unity for some time; this experience, if you use it correctly, will allow you to become a more harmonious and holistic person.

PEAT technique allowing you to solve psychological problems, increases a person’s awareness. Its internal boundaries expand, allowing a person to independently make choices in life, and not under the pressure of his “problems.”

PEAT download you can from my website below. This Slavinsky session with his wife Alda.
Can also be found on the Internet demo sessions with the host Oleg Matveev. (Oleg PEAT) If you wish, you can watch PEAT video, see how the process goes, but of course only yours personal experience will allow you to decide how much it helps Deep PEAT to you personally. On this moment payment after the session, so you can evaluate my work and effectiveness without risk to yourself.

not the only technique Zivorada. GP 4 Slavinsky- another technique worthy of your attention. This technique works through problems by neutralizing two states.
By using GP 4 you will be able to merge (mix) two opposite states in order to remove automatic switching and have the ability to choose. This does not mean that there will be no difference for you, for example, being alone or with people, traveling by car/subway, etc., you will just make a choice consciously, based on your needs and requirements, and not under influence of emotions.

Examples of polarities:
I feel smart - I feel stupid
A lot of money - little money
I want to work, I don’t want to work
Etc. Accordingly, you will work through what is relevant to you.

GP 4 you can learn to do it yourself and after some practice you will be able to remove unnecessary conditions on your own. First, I also recommend going through 1 session with the processor for a better understanding of the process.

Having the opportunity to choose, you do not get stuck in one state, you have inner freedom, you grow internally in the direction you need. There are several more effective techniques for internal growth and problem solving, such as Symbolic Modeling, RPT, Spiritual Choice, ICAN. Spiritual Choice- by the way, this is a technique son Zivorada Slavinsky, Philip Mikhailovich For achieving goals in harmony with yourself and the world. Each of these techniques is suitable for its own purposes, each technique is unique and each has its own creator. They have one thing in common - they will all help solve your problems and achieve your goals. WITH

Start solving your problems today

Session with Slavinsky

In Backmology, due attention is paid to the techniques of NLP, programming and deprogramming of consciousness. In this article we provide a brief overview of deprogramming techniques that have gained popularity in Lately great popularity.

What is subconscious deprogramming?

The human psyche consists of two parts that differ significantly in “volume” - conscious and unconscious, also called the subconscious. And if we know how to handle the first one at the very least, the second one, until recently, was an absolute terra incognita and did not attract any practical interest. And completely in vain.

As practice shows, the capabilities of our psyche are many times greater than those with which we are accustomed to consciously handle. A person consciously uses only 3-10% of the resources of his brain, while the rest are by no means inactive, but are used in the work of the subconscious. "So what?" - someone will ask. - “What do I care about some kind of subconscious if I don’t feel it and can’t use it in any way?” It turns out that this is not the case at all. The subconscious plays a vital role in a person’s life, and working with it is not only possible, but also extremely useful for solving many practical problems and for one’s own well-being in general.

The fact is that the subconscious, in fact, is our powerful servant and faithful assistant, regardless of whether we work with it specifically or not (and whether we suspect its existence at all). Thanks to the huge number of automatisms that it contains and implements, we do not need to think about a whole bunch of different things, from the sequence of movements when walking to analyzing text when reading (having learned to read, we perceive the meaning of what is written automatically, without thinking). All these things happen as if “by themselves,” although in fact, they are all a manifestation of our intention, “written” in the subconscious and implemented by it independently of our conscious will. And the examples given above are just the tip of the iceberg! Our subconscious, or rather, the programs contained in it, in fact, completely define us as a person, determine who we are, since personality (as what sets us apart, distinguishes us from others) is simply a set of reactions, the vast majority of which are programmed in the subconscious.

The problem is that, along with useful and harmless automatisms, the subconscious also contains a huge number of useless and harmful reactions. The subconscious mind doesn’t care what to remember and implement. You can “immerse” positive goals and intentions into it, or you can “immerse” negative, harmful, destructive ones, and unfortunately, education in our society, based on fear, suppression and violence, often instills the latter. From birth, the child’s psyche begins to be crippled, denying him understanding, affection and love, insulting and humiliating him, squeezing him into rigid frameworks of behavior and thinking patterns, imposing on him goals and aspirations encouraged by society, pouring into him false beliefs, postulates, attitudes and principles and in a host of different ways reproducing in it one’s own and the public mentality. Due to his unawareness, the child takes all this at face value, and when at least some awareness could appear, “the train has already left” - the “bumminess” is already so total that the pile of rubbish in the “subcortex” actually controls the person, and for the rest of his life he does nothing but reproduce it in himself and in others. The average person in our society is a mentally disabled person, torn apart by a bunch of conflicts, a neurotic, with extremely developed feelings of guilt, shame, self-hatred and fear, because of which he sabotages 90% of his attempts to achieve something and does not allow himself to live to the fullest And happy life. Moreover, it is almost impossible to do anything here with a simple effort of will - the subconscious part of the personality, formed over decades, is much stronger than the conscious one, which is why attempts to confront oneself, as a rule, only end in frustration and a surge of self-hatred. You can change yourself, but only by influencing the subconscious in order to eliminate the roots of mental phenomena contained in it, and this is precisely the subject of subconscious deprogramming techniques.

Deprogramming is the most natural and environmentally friendly way to control the subconscious. Deprogramming the subconscious consists of eliminating mental energy from the subconscious roots of the problem being processed, giving them commanding power. That is, if programming can be called “bookmarking” into the subconscious of some postulate, program, goal, etc., along with the mental energy for their implementation, then deprogramming consists of releasing this energy. We remove energy from the “mental material” - and it turns into an empty glitch that has no power over a person. Of course, this material is not erased from memory; it simply no longer evokes any automatic reaction in a person.

Why is working with the subconscious so important and what is the value of deprogramming techniques? Let's start with the fact that a person is aware of only a small part of his psyche. A well-known metaphor compares the human psyche as a whole to an iceberg, and its conscious part to its tip. What is there, “under water”, in the unconscious? The practice of deprogramming shows that the subconscious mind remembers almost everything that has ever happened to a person, and is “charged” with this past simply incredibly. Until you start digging into your own brains, you can’t even imagine the scale of the deposits of “garbage” in the head of the average person. Traces of traumatic episodes in the past (many of which a person has long “forgotten” about, but they have not lost their influence on him), complexes, neuroses, obsessive thoughts, “false” ideas about the world and about oneself (especially about one’s own limitations, worthlessness and weakness!), goals and programs introduced by society - and this is not all that “pollutes” the mind of an ordinary person. And this whole conglomerate in the subconscious is so large and “cemented” that it is it that, in fact, determines the life of a person and himself, and not the person himself. "The tail wags the dog."

Programming – “re” versus “de”?
In principle, all approaches to working with the “brain” can be simplified into two options – reprogramming and deprogramming.

Reprogramming is any kind of attempt to change a person by instilling new patterns of behavior. There are affirmations, hypnosis, any kind of “subliminal audio programs”, etc. In one way or another, a new behavior model is built in. However, there are some nuances here. Reprogramming often does not remove the causes and roots of the original problem. Figuratively speaking, we are trying to paint over the old cracked, peeling painted and repainted walls with new paint. Yes, for a while it will be beautiful and look pretty decent - but think about what will happen when the paint starts to peel off. And when it wears out - the old horror comes out in all its glory and declares itself loudly - why did you try to hide me? But it doesn’t work out - that’s how beautiful I am.

This is one of the reasons why the affirmations that are so fashionable these days are often not effective in the long term - because the problem itself does not go away, and after you stop feeding the affirmations with repetition, old behavior patterns can (and often do) return. You can, of course, “rape” yourself and your subconscious with constant hammering, and it will take pity on you and accept the behavior patterns implanted in it - but one day the time may come when you have to pay for it in full. The problem has not gone away and has not been solved! She just moved away and disguised herself, and one day she will remind herself with full force so that it would be discouraging to rape yourself in the future.

There is also a different kind of approach - deprogramming. This is real work on solving your problems, not masking them or “learning to live with it.” You meet the problem face to face and simply solve it - and that’s it, there is no problem, you move on. Moreover, solving a problem is not “overpowering yourself” or applying some kind of “willpower” to yourself. Statements like “I must be stronger than this problem” or “men should not succumb to problems” are precisely from the area of ​​reprogramming, and more specifically, raping oneself instead of a specific solution to the problem. Also, solving a problem is not sucking it in from all sides, not admiring it, and not any other kind of reflection on the topic of the problem, passing off as real work.

In the case of deprogramming, it is simply a specific workflow for looking at a problem, finding its causes and eliminating them in one way or another. An example of the “deprogramming” approach is BSFF, EFT, Dianetic auditing, as well as any psychological systems in which a person actually eliminates the cause, and does not mask it from above with “new behavior patterns.” Now, after the garbage that was the problem is cleared from the “brains”, you can think about new models of behavior, but before that it will be a continuous incessant war in the head between the old and the new (and the old will win in most cases - after all, it stronger).

With the help of deprogramming techniques, you can solve almost any psychological or psychologically rooted problem. In a matter of minutes and even seconds, the impact of traumatic episodes in the past (even such as loss) is often eliminated loved one, rape, etc.). Introduced feelings of shame, guilt, self-rejection, hatred of oneself and the world, etc., go away from infancy. Apathy, depression, melancholy, despair, sacrifice, a sense of hopelessness and similar negative emotional states are overcome. Many limiting postulates and beliefs are removed, which allows a person to be more flexible, active and happy. Unrequited love is guaranteed to be cured (but only if the person wants to be cured!). You can get rid of almost any psychological addiction (however, these techniques are not intended to treat severe physical addictions such as alcoholism or drug addiction, please note). In particular, “cleansing your brain” on the topic of money, a very trashy topic, often turns out to be useful. This does not mean that you will immediately become rich, and it does not mean that you will become rich at all. However, your attitude towards money will become healthier, which will help you earn money and manage it easily. Let us also note that although these techniques are not intended to treat any diseases, as they work, many sores go away, because "the fish rots from the head".

All deprogramming techniques are united and distinguished from other areas and schools of “self-development” (such as cognitive and Gestalt psychotherapy, NLP, reprogramming, Norbekov’s techniques, etc.) by their focus on eliminating the roots of psychological problems in the subconscious. Moreover, it is precisely to eliminate (“discharge”), and not to install some new programs on top of deeply rooted old ones (“reprogramming”) or pushing the problem deeper, so that it does not make itself felt (for the time being, of course ).

The subject of deprogramming techniques is the “charges” of mental energy in the subconscious. The simplest example of a mental charge is a charge on some episode in the past. Everyone has had many difficult episodes in their life, memories of which cause negative emotions or sensations. These emotions and sensations can be muffled or even suppressed to the point of imperceptibility, but if you immerse yourself in such an episode “headlong,” especially taking some “fatter” episode from childhood, then they will overwhelm you almost more than when this the episode actually happened. This automatic emotional reaction is a sign of a charge - a “quantum” of mental energy stored in the subconscious, thanks to which it can create this reaction. Charges occur in public (for example, it is difficult to remember a departed person without pain and melancholy), in places (fear of walking along the street where you were attacked, although this street is no more dangerous than others) and in many other places. The deprogramming procedure removes energy charges from the subconscious, so that the carriers of these charges, be they episodes, people, places, etc., no longer cause any automatic reaction in a person. It must be added that “discharged” memories, of course, are not erased, but they are perceived in a completely different way - neutrally, like archival records.

Activation of primary energies – PEAT


PEAT was created at the turn of the current and last centuries or millennia, by the famous Serbian master Zivorad Mikhailovich (Slavinsky). Zivorad Slavinsky, a clinical psychologist by training, has currently devoted about 50 years of his adult life to researching the areas of Spiritual development and personal self-improvement and has made many discoveries and improvements in these areas.

Several key factors influenced the creation of PEAT. Familiarity with energy, meridian therapies (in particular TFT, created by Roger Callahan and EFT, created by Callahan's student, Gary Craig) and their practical application was one of the key moments in the creation of PEAT. This story, which influenced the creation of PEAT, was told by Zivorad Slavinsky at one of his seminars. One day, his faithful companion and wife Alda (Jadranka) was suffering from a headache and asked Zivorad to treat her with one of the energy therapy methods. Zhivorad enthusiastically took it up and after several cycles of tapping on acupuncture points, the headache disappeared! But this time I couldn’t rejoice for long, because after a few seconds, Alda complained of pain in the stomach area. After working through the pain in her stomach, to everyone's surprise, Alda released several more contents that arose in her body and mind. This became the key point, which subsequently significantly influenced the creation of Deep PEAT.

Thus, the ancestors of PEAT are energy meridian therapies, which directly work with the universal life energy (aura), affecting the invisible energetic basis of psychological and emotional disorders, through acupuncture points. According to energy meridian therapies, at the moment of a traumatic experience, the natural flow of energy in our subtle energy bodies (aura) is disrupted, a distortion (attractor) arises, which changes the intensity and direction of the “healthy” flow of energy in the meridians of the aura. Acupuncture points are located on energy meridians; through the meridians, energy is exchanged and distributed between various organs of our body, as well as energy exchange between the microcosm (human) and the macrocosm (external source of energy, space). By pressing or tapping on acupuncture points, focusing on psychological or emotional trauma, we gain access to energy distortions in the corresponding meridian passages, influence the components of the injury, stimulating the intensity of movement of energy flows, which helps restore an even “healthy” distribution of energy in the corresponding “problem” aura zones. This and many other knowledge accumulated through long-term research and practice led to an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of energy meridian therapies, which led to a quantum leap in Zivorad's research and the birth of PEAT.

PEAT has gone much further than all existing energy meridian therapies (TFT, EFT, BSSF and others) in terms of effectiveness and stability of results. True, this applies to Deep PEAT. Basic PEAT is similar in application to TFT, EFT and also applies only to the initial trauma or aspect of trauma, ignoring all the other "raw" contents of the body and mind that emerge during the process. Deep PEAT, instead of stopping at a single symptom to process it, it goes further down the chain of once repressed contents of the body and mind, straight to the root cause, which has a pair of polarities at its base. Deep PEAT penetrates into the deepest layers of the mind, the so-called “metastructures” and works through the roots and negative beliefs that lie at the root of problems.

Let us briefly consider the theoretical aspects of PEAT.

Charge. PEAT is based on the idea of ​​emotional charge. This very charge arises at the moment when a person is defeated. It doesn’t matter which one, in what form, but he lost. At this moment, the energy of intention plus the energy of resentment, frustration and the inability to contradict united into one charge, which took its place in our aura. This charge contains very unpleasant emotions, and you don’t want to experience them. And then the mechanism turns on psychological protection. It actually releases some energy to encapsulate the charge. And we get such a “kinder surprise”, the shell of which must be constantly maintained intact. And this requires constant energy consumption. Sometimes events occur that are reminiscent of that charge, and then it sharply activates, disrupting the protection and begins to broadcast its content. At that moment we feel terrible, and we strive to suppress these feelings by any means necessary. And we spend even more energy maintaining the “status quo.” Where does all this extra energy come from? This is the energy that is produced by the body and spent for other purposes.

Polarities– these are “opposite” concepts, concepts, names, identifications and labels with which our mind operates. In general, polarities are the basis of the entire worldview of an ordinary person, and determine his life to a very large extent. Polarities serve as the basis for evaluating perception and dividing the world into parts. Instead of perceiving the world as one, as it is, a person divides it into parts using polarities. For example, “good - evil”, “beauty - ugliness”, “danger - safety”, “freedom - unfreedom” and others.

Polarities in themselves are neither good nor bad. They just are. Interesting phenomena begin at the moment when a person decides that one pole is good and the other is bad. That is, a person introduced a charge into the polarity. For some time he believes that this is so. And he tries to get out of the “bad” pole to the “good” one. And he even succeeds! For some time a person is blissful in a “good” state, but then gradually the poles change places. A good pole becomes disgusting. And a new journey begins from new bad to new good. And everything repeats itself. Some poles manage to change sign in a matter of seconds. Some – over several years. And this game goes on constantly, in the life of any person. On the one hand, it brings a feeling of drive - something is constantly happening, but on the other hand, it is a waste of life hesitating back and forth.

Let's explain in simple language what constitutes an injury. Let us imagine the moment of formation of trauma and the polarities at its base with a simple example. A little girl is walking down the street and sees a “charming” dog running towards her. Until this moment, the girl’s experience of communicating with dogs is limited to only pleasant memories or absent altogether. She joyfully runs towards the dog, with the goal of stroking and caressing it, as well as experiencing the corresponding pleasant sensations from this process. The dog responds by suddenly baring its teeth and rushing at the girl. The girl gets very scared and goes into shock. There is an injury. Subsequently, whenever the girl sees a dog, even the most harmless one, she experiences discomfort and fear. She may even forget this moment, squeezing it out of the “active” part of her consciousness. A dog in itself is not good or bad, kind or evil. It can manifest itself in different ways, depending on external and internal factors. Now all the girl’s dogs are “evil”. In the girl’s mind there was a division of the whole (any possible manifestations of the dog) into two polarities, and in the mind the dominant and obsessive (“the only correct”) polarity is the “negative” polarity, determined by the strongest emotional resonance, which left an unpleasant “charge” in the girl’s mental universe . One polarity (for example, “good”) is positive, which consists of the girl’s joyful desire (goal) to pet the dog and get positive feelings, which was not realized. The other polarity (for example, “evil”) is negative, consisting of the dog’s “inappropriate” behavior and the girl’s reaction to this behavior. These polarities are separated in the girl's mind by a strong charge - a core of trauma, which consists of an image of a charging dog, a strong spasm in the chest or abdomen, negative emotion fear and decision to defeat - “Dogs are dangerous and evil!”

Any injury undergoes some evolution over time. The core or root of the trauma remains unchanged all the time, but in life, one way or another, situations occur that activate this gestalt, trauma. An adult woman often experiences unpleasant sensations in some situations when a dog appears somewhere on the “horizon” and does not realize the reasons for its strange behavior. She doesn’t like it, she tries to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and suppresses the “negative” thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations that pop up. Thus, around the “core” of the trauma, a certain layer of suppressed “raw” material (thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, thoughts) or a chain of “intermediate” contents is formed.

Holographicity of time. The third pillar of energy therapies, which includes PEAT, is the concept of holographic time. A hologram is a three-dimensional image. If the hologram is broken, then on each fragment you will again see the entire object! True with lower quality. Our brains are designed in a similar way. Any situation, no matter how long it has been, is accessible through any moment of this situation. And removing the charge from a single moment eliminates it from the whole situation! This is quite simple to explain from the point of view of neurology. Any situation causes the construction of a certain network of neurons in the brain. If there is a charge in the situation, then the network is in an excited state and suppresses neighboring areas of the brain. By choosing a situation, taking a freeze frame from it (a moment of the past frozen in time) and erasing the charge from this freeze frame, we destroy the mechanism of self-maintenance of charge in the neural network. And it collapses, removing the pain from the situation. At the same time, the situation itself remains as a memory, but in it already as in old photograph there are no colors, emotions, sensations. Just an old photo.

Processing cycle. Any work with a charge occurs through several fixed stages: acceptance, reproduction, release.

Adoption- this is a magical action that removes the protective shell from the charge. Accepting means admitting that such a situation existed. At the same time, starting to reproach yourself for the fact that it happened is precisely a sign of rejection.

Playback. The charge released from captivity (after acceptance) evokes in us the feelings that are recorded in it. These are emotions, bodily sensations, and thoughts. And they are extremely unpleasant! For the charge to disappear, it must be used for its intended purpose. Just relive everything that is written in it. And as soon as you begin to diligently strengthen your emotions, bodily sensations and thoughts, they disappear.

Letting go. Children master it perfectly. You've probably seen how quickly a 3-4 year old child switches from bitter grief to joyful laughter. Sometimes less than a minute passes, and the tears have dried, the grief is forgotten, and life is beautiful. How often can an adult boast of this? Hardly. Grief, resentment, jealousy, revenge make the lives of many people meaningful. There is something to strive for (revenge). Justifies one's own inaction (I'm so sad). But once we begin to engage with our psyche, we need to learn to let go. This process can be accompanied by bodily sensations, and always causes a change emotional state. To capture the state, you can imagine that Current state the thing you want to let go looks like a lump of dirt. Imagine that this lump is lying on a hill smeared with oil. And he rolls down completely, without leaving even a trace on the slide.

Based on this processing cycle, various systems of working with oneself have been built. They focus on different parts of the cycle. For example, acceptance is based on “ Radical Forgiveness" On acceptance and reproduction - “Emotional Freedom Technique” (EFT). On release - the “Sedona method”.

Energy therapies originated from the symbiosis of psychoanalysis and acupressure (treatment using pressure on points of the body). As it turned out, if you concentrate on the sensation and at the same time close the meridian points with your fingers, the charge leaves the energy body much more easily. When this effect was discovered, an attempt was made to compile an atlas of points for various mental and psychological ailments. The attempt was successful and the TFT system was created. Her training took three years. Then the idea arose to standardize the set of points by including one point from each meridian. And this approach worked. Later, it was empirically found that it is enough to use only 4 points. Three of them are on the face, near the eye, and one is on the sternum. Traditionally, points are named by numbers. And the point on the chest is called the chest point.

Location of points:
1 – in the corner of the eyebrow, closer to the bridge of the nose, on the edge of the eye socket. You can feel a depression in the bone of the orbit in this place. Often quite a painful point.

2 – slightly below the outer corner of the eye, on the orbit. There is also a notch.

3 - right under the pupil, on the eye socket. There is also a notch.

Chest point. For men - the intersection of the sternum line and the line connecting the nipples. It is easier for women to find this point by finding the place where the depression on the sternum begins and moving down from it by the width of two fingers.

Circular processing. You live among people. And you know what to expect from this or that person. And your expectations act on those around you as commands. If you expect reproaches, everyone tries to reproach you. As soon as your perception of a person changes, the person himself changes. In order to change the attitude towards a person, we do a tricky action. We place 2 fingers on our chest and say “I’m not me anymore, I’m ____” (that person). And then we work on his behalf. Upon completion of the work, again place 2 fingers on the chest and say “I’m no longer ____, I’m me again.” In the process of such work, it often happened that the person being processed began to see the places in which the person for whom they were working was currently located. I experienced similar states and behaved like that person. If we turn to metaphysics, we can argue that at the deepest level, all people are one being. And such a substitution completely switches one person into the role of another. And immediately a seditious thought arises - let me conduct the trial for someone. I’ll stop my husband from drinking, cure my mother-in-law of chronic depression, etc. Such substitution, work for someone, can only be done if you are a direct participant in the situation being worked on with this person, or the person is unconscious, or is a child under 12 years old, or is a pet. This kind of processing with conscious adults can greatly affect your life in not the best ways.

Circular processing, also called holistic, is processing on behalf of another person related to your problem. After all, as a rule, in any situation or event there are several characters. It's quite rare that a problem is limited to just one person.

Surrogate processing is processing for the person we want to help solve his problem. It is used if it is not possible to carry out processing in person with the required person for some reason. For example, this is work with addictions, when an addicted person does not want to participate in any kind of therapy.

Primes (primary polarities). Primary are those polarities that were discharged (integrated, merged) in the client first, and after that no new material arrived. The first integration often produces an incomparable state. And this state can last from several minutes to several days. If your primary polarities are not integrated, then you yourself will not be able to do the Deep PEAT process for yourself. You will simply fall asleep in the process. Find yourself a PEAT processor to walk you through the process 2-3 times. And then you can continue the process yourself. Often the fusion of primary polarities is for a person the most vivid spiritual experience in his life. People with a developed emotional sphere can experience this state for several days. For more emotionally stable people, the process is completed quite quickly. 20-30 minutes, and they are already back in their usual state of consciousness. But in any case, the merger of primes is difficult to forget.

PEAT combines a therapeutic method and a system of spiritual development. As a healing method, it is a transpersonal, energetic therapy that effectively removes chains of trauma without the accompanying emotional disruptions. By releasing blocked energy flows in the aura of a being, peat makes conscious and neutralizes opposites (polarities) from various layers of time. PEAT helps accelerate spiritual evolution and the discovery of higher dimensions of consciousness. Transforms the level of spiritual development to a higher level.

The effectiveness and progressiveness of PEAT techniques also lies in a holistic or comprehensive approach to the development of current psychological problems. After the main PEAT process, including all levels of PEAT, the opposition (resistance to solving the problem) is always checked, which is another hidden part of the “charge” of the problem, which can have a key role in the consistency of the achieved result. The same applies to checking the “In the future” position, when the person being processed is asked the appropriate question, checking for the presence of a “charge” in this position. And if a person has a feeling that this problem may return in the future without his will, then the PEAT process is launched in a new way with this feeling. If the person being processed has a need to forgive someone, then the appropriate procedure is carried out.

By practicing the PEAT technique, in addition to the results obtained, liberation from mental traps, negative charges of the past, freedom of behavior in various areas of life, a person also receives Spiritual liberation and immunity to stress. Also, by learning to accept and fully experience the “negative” content of the past, thereby freeing oneself from its intrusive and destructive influence in the present, the subject develops the skill to perceive what is happening to him in life, at a higher quality level of perception of reality, constantly developing and spiritually evolving.

Processing and processor. Let's look at the concepts of processing and the role of the processor in it.

Spiritual or therapeutic processing– a type of concentrated self-examination, deep dive into unbalanced conscious and unconscious personality structures, burdened with harmful and destructive emotional load. The purpose of such immersion is to re-experience the “true” experience and get rid of the obsessive influence of negatively charged elements of past experience.

Enlightenment of a person takes place not through awareness of the bright side, but through comprehension of the dark, unconscious side of our personality (C. G. Jung). It can also be noted that processing is a concentrated, conscious movement from ignorance to gnosis, that is, to liberating knowledge, to freedom and independence from reactive thoughts, emotions and incorrect beliefs, compulsive actions.

Any effective therapeutic activity or process usually consists of two people. For example, therapist and patient. In Spiritual Processing, the person being processed directs his energy to a deep immersion in the process of exploring his mind in order to re-experience various problematic moments and study past experiences, often unpleasant ones. The processor plays the role of a kind of conductor that manages and controls the process at the time of its correctness and efficiency.

In Spiritual Processing, CPU– a person who leads and controls the process according to a certain algorithm, maintains its correctness, and observes certain conditions in order to achieve a favorable result for the person being processed, the purpose of processing.

During processing, a certain energy circuit is created between processor and client. For the process to be efficient and, accordingly, to obtain the desired result, it is necessary that the loop be closed. It depends on many factors. From the openness, sincerity of the processor and the client, the degree of trust in each other. But the most important factor that significantly influences the process of energy therapy is intention. Moreover, both the client’s true intention to resolve his problem and the processor’s corresponding intention to help the client. All these factors, directed in one coordinated flow towards achieving the desired, significantly increase the chances of a successful result.

An experiment was conducted in which the energy exchange between the acupuncture points of the healer and the patient was measured. The discharge of energy was much more intense when working in a healer-patient pair than when the client independently engaged in the same energy therapy. This experiment shows the importance of the therapist's role as his intention is synchronized with the client's intention towards achieving a common goal of healing. Intention is defined as a direct volitional effort aimed at achieving a specific goal. This also explains the significant difference observed between cases when the client focused entirely on his problem during processing, and cases when the client worked with the problem dissociated. So, the aspect of the influence of intention on the course of processing is very important, when positive psychic energy The processor resonates with the client's energy as both focus on a specific end goal in processing.

Zivorad Slavinsky repeatedly draws attention to this fact: “The first and most important thing is the importance of focusing attention and creating intention on the client when conducting individual processing. Success critically depends on whether the processor directs maximum attention to the client and whether he has the intention to help him, or whether the processor does this only partially or even automatically, without truly being involved in the process.”

So, from the processor, if he is truly invested in the process, sincere and open, you will definitely feel the corresponding vibrations of his intention. And the opposite is true if the processor is sluggish and only smiles artificially while processing. This therapy is not like psychoanalysis, where the therapist maintains a neutral “zero” position. Here, in the process of work, everyone plays their role, but in a mutually active way! And this is the fundamental value for creating favorable conditions processing.

When choosing “your” processor, you need to use your intuition so as not to be deceived in your expectations. A search based only on logic and mental analysis quite often brings the opposite result to the desired one. Here, as in everything, a golden mean between analysis and intuition is desirable. Know that the most expensive and hyped processor is not necessarily the best. If you feel that for some reason or sensation you are uncomfortable working with the processor, change it without hesitation.

PEAT techniques. There are Basic PEAT (superficial) and Deep PEAT. Deep PEAT is divided into levels. Deep PEAT (DP), GP-2, GP-4 (identical to GP-3, the difference is in the use of acupuncture points that activate energy meridians, the use of both hemispheres of the brain).

Basic PEAT used to study current problems, both long-term and recently emerged. While maintaining attention on a problem or injury, an undesirable psychological state, a person closes acupuncture points in a certain algorithm, breathes deeply, significantly reducing or eliminating the impact of the problem. Simple and effective method for independent use.

Deep PEAT– the only technique at the moment that allows you to naturally identify and neutralize the primary polarities (primes) of a person. PEAT solves the problem by identifying and integrating the basic pair of polarities that underlie it. In Deep PEAT, a person focuses on repressed unconscious content that rises to the surface of his consciousness. Without dwelling on the emerging “raw” material (undesirable psychological states, destructive thoughts and beliefs, uncomfortable physical sensations and defeatist decisions), which a person processes according to a certain algorithm, he moves deeper and deeper, along the chain of “raw” material, until he reaches the “root” of the problem, where the pair of polarities is located. By identifying and neutralizing this pair of polarities underlying the problem, we solve the problem itself. Unlike all other energy therapies that focus on reducing and eliminating the symptoms of disorders, Deep PEAT focuses solely on eliminating the underlying cause.

Deep PEAT level 2. This method is used in some cases. When a person cannot perform the classic Deep PEAT for various reasons and when working with “intellectuals” who find it difficult to separate their emotions from their thoughts. This level helps you understand and feel the difference between thoughts and emotions.

Deep PEAT level 4 (GP-4). Unlike Deep PEAT, GP-4 allows you to consciously and intentionally select and neutralize any pair of polarities. GP-4 works both with practical problems Everyday life, and with “philosophical problems”. GP-4 has a huge range of applications - integration of current polarities according to the list, improvement of relationships with other people, liberation from the past and future, correction, strengthening and integration of behavioral characteristics and character traits. Creation and integration of identities. This is the main tool within the framework of “Spiritual Engineering”. There is an opinion that this method The easiest and most effective for independent (solo) use.

At the beginning of its creation, Zhivorad used PEAT only to resolve problems of a psychological nature, and for the first time he encountered primary polarities while processing his daughter Ivana. Instead of the usual, fairly quick resolution of the problem, the process got bogged down, and Ivana was in a critical state of mind close to hysteria. Zhivorad was about to complete the process, and then the unexpected happened, Ivana’s primary polarities suddenly appeared, became realized and merged - “ Spiritual world" And " Physical world" Thus, another important component facet of PEAT, the Spiritual, was revealed. Therefore, Deep PEAT is not only an excellent therapeutic tool, but also helps to accelerate our Spiritual Evolution and, as a healing method, is a transpersonal energy therapy with a valuable spiritual component.

A basic level of PEAT or Basic PEAT is similar to EFT in application and results obtained. Basic PEAT is used to work through and eliminate psychological problems and conditions that do not have deep roots and are not in some way chronic and “multi-layered.” Basic PEAT applies to both current and newly emerging problems. Basically, they work through fear, headaches, some phobias, physical pain, various aspects of some problem, blockages, shocks and failures. Basic PEAT is especially relevant for eliminating unwanted emotions and psychological states that bother a person in the present time, such as grief or loss, fresh “mental” trauma, and is a kind of first aid that very quickly reduces the emotional level to zero, or even completely eliminates problem. In general, you can apply Basic PEAT to anything that needs treatment. But we must realize that what we apply it to may be just one aspect of a larger problem, and the results of Basic PEAT may not be permanent, although they may last for the rest of our lives. It may not work because the problem lies in deeper layers that Basic PEAT cannot reach. It may also not work on everyday or vague problems and it may take many separate sessions on different problems for Deep PEAT to work through and resolve over several times. That is why, when, during the application of Basic PEAT, new raw content emerges (for example, you started by working through hatred and suddenly felt resentment or fear), it is necessary to move on to Deep PEAT, as this indicates the “multi-layered” and structural complexity of the problem being processed. Basic PEAT currently uses only 4 acupuncture points (3 eye and chest point of acceptance of “I”), like Deep PEAT, and also works in some applications with still “snapshots” of peak moments of traumatic experiences, similar to Deep PEAT level 4 ( GP-4) and involves both hemispheres of the brain. Previously, different numbers and combinations of acupuncture points were used, and in Small PEAT (the previous version of Basic PEAT), 7 acupuncture points were processed. Basic PEAT is the most simple technique for independent use (solo) and with proper use gives good results.

The next level is PEAT, PEAT level two (GP-2). This technique is somewhat different from Deep PEAT. GP-2 is not a common technique and is sometimes used when a person cannot successfully perform the classic Deep PEAT and when working with very “smart” people. Such people find it difficult to separate their emotions from their thoughts. They don't feel their problems, they voice their thoughts about them. GP-2 in some cases helps to separate thoughts from emotions.

We start GP-2 with a specific problem, and then the person alternately reproduces the thoughts (mental image) that arise in him regarding the problem and the emotion (bodily sensations) that follows this thought. It is accepted if the individual produces only one of two elements (for example, only an emotion), in other words, if he reproduces only a thought and misses a mental image, or only an emotion and allows a bodily sensation. If polarization of the contents occurs and two clearly defined polarities are formed in the consciousness, the processor moves from GP-2 to Deep PEAT. Therefore, in order to use GP-2, you must first master Deep PEAT.

The most universal is Deep PEAT level 4 (GP-4). The scope of application of this simple but very effective technique is very wide and, after mastering the basic technical aspects, depends on the imagination and imagination of the practitioner. The previous analogue of this version of PEAT, Deep PEAT level 3 (GP-3). GP-3 and GP-4 are completely identical in the basic principles and methods of application, and the difference between them is that in GP-4 both hemispheres of the brain are involved, through alternating effects on the first eye point under the left and right eyebrow, which allows significantly reduce process time. The main essence of the GP-4 method is the conscious and intentional achievement of neutralization of the selected pair of polarities. This method can both uncreate unwanted states, phobias, fears, various traumatic experiences, and create certain positive states, abilities, predispositions to something, identities, etc. This is a kind of Spiritual Engineering.

The essence of the GP-4 method is based on the fact that at the deepest level, absolutely everything is interconnected and stems from one primary source and, in fact, is one and the same. The difference is created in our consciousness, our mental universe, and the unity is separated by “charges” only in our consciousness. For example, good and evil are completely subjective concepts and for each subject, they are their own and are determined by specific life experiences. In fact, these two parts are parts of the same thing and are determined by each other; they can only exist relative to each other. In GP-4, we competently select two specific “polar” experiences and, using a certain algorithm, bring their content to homogeneity, removing the charge that separated them in our consciousness. A merging of polarities occurs as two opposing contents exhibiting polarities become one. We are freed from the negative “mental” plaque or “excessive charge” that obsessively “forced” us to remain in a negative, “polar” state, and we gain freedom of choice. Freedom of choice lies in the fact that in the future, we will be able to consciously choose what and how we experience in certain situations without the compulsive and obsessive manifestation of one of the polarities (usually “negative”). Naturally, we live in a dual universe and after some time, the polarities diverge again, but already freed from excess charge from traumatic experiences. We get the freedom to choose how to behave and feel in a particular situation associated with these polarities.

In GP-4, work is carried out using so-called terminals. The terminal is the position in which mental material (certain experiences) are processed using certain manipulations. GP-4 processing always uses two terminals, alternating transition from terminal to terminal and processing the contents of the terminals using the “duplication” method, according to a certain algorithm. For efficient and correct operation of the GP-4 technology, it is necessary that the terminals, or rather their contents, be polar with respect to each other, or at least one of the terminals must be neutral with respect to the other. As a “neutral” terminal, GP-4 uses the position “I am here and now.” In GP-4, a terminal with a large emotional charge (a negative experience during dis-creation or a positive one, desired when using a technique in Spiritual Engineering) is always processed through the left, first eye point, associated with the right “emotional” hemisphere of the brain. At the beginning of the GP-4 process, you always need to correctly select certain life experiences, in which desirable and undesirable states or opposite polarities were clearly manifested. Then you need to completely identify with the experience, find the brightest, most indicative or peak moment there and record it by taking a “snapshot” of this moment in your consciousness. Then 4 elements are noted (emotion, picture, bodily sensation, thought) that the practitioner experiences at this “peak” moment. Similarly, we move on to another experiment and repeat the procedure, not forgetting to change the position of the fingers on the eye points. Thus, we move from terminal to terminal, testing elements that will gradually disappear until we bring the contents of both terminals to complete homogeneity. Despite the simplicity of the GP-4 technique, there are a lot of important and significant technical nuances of this technique, which significantly affect the quality and consistency of the results obtained. Therefore, certain knowledge and relevant experience in practicing GP-4 are needed for this technique to bring the desired results.

Consider briefly the GP-4 technique.

A person should try to feel the polarities as they work through the sensations. A person should not resist negative polarity. Resistance leads to preservation.

From all his experience, a person selects one single moment, the most characteristic or vivid “snapshot”, and during the entire process he holds it motionless or “frozen” in time.

Only the first two points (“insight points”) are used: left and right.

Place two fingers of the left hand on the first left point. Place two fingers of your right hand on the first right point.

We work alternately with the left and right points in the same way as we work with two “terminals”.

There are two options for choosing terminals. The most commonly used are: The first terminal is “I am here and now.” The second is a snapshot of a problematic situation (for example, “I am in an attack of phobia” or “I am in a moment of depression”).

The fingers of the right hand work with the right point (this is the left brain, logical, rational, “the point here and now”). You ask the client to feel “here and now” and describe the 4 elements to you.

Place the fingers of your left hand on the first left point, ask him to feel himself in a problematic situation and describe 4 elements to you.

You work alternately between two situations and two points. They will very quickly empty out, merge, or become one and the same thing (for example, the same light on both terminals).

The second option for choosing terminals is this: The client takes a photo of himself in a positive situation (positive terminal) and a photo of himself in a negative situation (negative terminal), and works alternately with them. Feeling himself in the negative terminal, he places the fingers of his left hand on the left point.

Feeling himself in the positive terminal, he places the fingers of his right hand on the right point.

General principle like this: A terminal with a large charge or great emotions should be processed through the left point (connected with the right brain - emotions, intuition, and so on).

Creating a desired identity or state, “I am here and now” - on the right, the desired situation is worked out on the left.

Become Free Fast – BSFF

Like all deprogramming techniques, BSFF (Be Set Free Fast) aims to eliminate the roots of the problem being processed in the subconscious. The principle of BSFF is based on the concept of the subconscious as our “servant”, which we can turn to and ask it to do this or that work for us. Indeed, we undoubtedly possess enormous mental resources, on which all our emotional and other reactions “work,” so why not put them at our service? Use them, so to speak, “for peaceful purposes”? It turned out that this is quite possible. The main element of BSFF is the processor - an instruction to the subconscious in which we explain to it how it should process the problem that we want to work through. Then we simply call this handler by saying a single keyword, pointing it to the problem we want to fix, and our subconscious mind “goes” and processes this problem without any of our conscious participation.

However, it is usually possible to process only very small problems like this, at a time, “in one motion,” which is why decomposing the problem into aspects plays a key role in working with BSFF. The fact is that often a problem (what we call a problem and want to eliminate), even a small one, consists of many “elementary problems”, each of which has its own “charge” in the subconscious. Take, for example, the problem “The rain makes me sad.” And we begin to write down everything we think about this:

I'm sick of this rain, it's been going on for a week without a break.
And this Peter got tired of the fact that it rains there so often
Everything is gray in the rain
I don't want to go outside in the rain
Everything is wet, dirty, splashes fly from the cars
They can also douse a puddle, like they doused me once.
I'm tired of fighting with my umbrella
I can’t stand being cold, it makes you sniffle and catch a cold.

and so on. We write down everything that arises in our heads about this problem, without any logic. The carrier of the “charge” can be anything - an event, phenomenon, thought, statement, image, place, thing, emotion, etc. The challenge here is to identify all the components of the problem, and to do this as accurately and honestly as possible. Therefore, do not be shy and do not reject anything, no matter how paradoxical or “unrelated” to the problem something may seem to you. When your stream of consciousness runs out, that is, there is nothing left in your mind that relates to the problem, you will have a set of aspects that can be “fed” to BSFF to process and solve the problem. Next, each problem is discussed with keyword at the end.

BSFF is a truly remarkable technique that can be used to effectively solve a wide range of problems. Working through one aspect, which with EFT takes 5-10 minutes of tapping points on the body, in BSFF requires only pronouncing the aspect with a keyword that triggers the processing process in the subconscious. With BSFF it is already possible to solve relatively large and complex problems in a reasonable amount of time (a few hours), such as complicated relationships with loved ones, confusion regarding business or work, etc.

However, it turns out that we can go even further in “taming” that huge “biocomputer” that is our subconscious, which is what was done in the Turbo-Suslik system. If BSFF is only a relatively “timid” step in the use of the subconscious for processing “mental material”, then in Turbo-Suslik this use is put “on an industrial basis”, as a result of which this system works many times, and often tens of times, faster and more efficiently than BSFF.

The spiritual invades our lives. Once a person becomes free enough from getting food, he begins to want to improve his life. Someone begins to earn money for this and change the world, someone strives to change their reaction to the world and become happier and more balanced. The truth, as usual, is in the middle - in actively changing both yourself and your world in the direction of a better and harmonious life for yourself and your environment.

If you start working on yourself, it is very important to understand generic scenarios.

A free webinar by Konstantin Dovlatov will help you do this “ How to stop walking in circles of generic scenarios and take life into your own hands«.

When you begin to understand new technologies of spiritual development, you find yourself in a world of new words, concepts, ideas, which are extremely difficult to understand at a glance. I decided to help and do short description Technician is a mini glossary.

Currently, the following systems have become widespread in Russia and are presented on this website:

PEAT | Deep PEAT— permission system internal conflicts. Even very difficult situations are resolved in short time. Sometimes very short. Regular use allows you to make your life free from negativity within about six months of hard work. (Author - Zivorad Slavinsky)

GP4 | DP4— Deep PEAT 4 variety. A technique for eliminating emotional charge between 2 points in time. Sounds clever. The list of applications is impressive:

  • elimination of phobias
  • change in attitude towards a person
  • shadow integration
  • return of the soul
  • installation of someone else's abilities

One of the most powerful modern techniques is metaphorical cards.

In our free webinar " How to Solve Problems Using Metaphorical Maps"Elmira Dovlatova will teach you how to use them.

Symbolic modeling (SIM) - spiritual technology based on the system of studying internal models that create your world and changing them. Allows you to build your world by combining conscious and subconscious efforts. Clean Language- the heart of symbolic modeling. (by David Grove)

Spiritual Choice | Spiritual Option- system for achieving goals. Eliminates internal obstacles on the path to the goal and adjusts the conscious and subconscious mind in unison with respect to the goal. Then all that remains is to honestly carry out the planned actions every day. Author - Philip Mikhailovich (Son of Zhivorad)

Achieving goals without struggle— my compilation of methods of Spiritual choice with methods of Kundalini yoga

Memento- technique for studying past lives. Past lives themselves do not have much influence on the current one. But posthumous decisions directly affect the current one. Memento allows you to eliminate the consequences of such decisions.

Aspectics spiritual technology of working with subpersonalities. Each subpersonality strives for its own goals in the process of life. Some goals are highly destructive for the person as a whole. Aspectics invites the subpersonality (aspect) to realize its goals in virtual space (the client’s mind) and integrate into the whole. (Slavinsky)

Great mind- a meditative technique that allows you to work with subpersonalities. Aspectics are simpler in some ways, more complex in others (genpo Merzel Dennis)

E.F.T.- Also known as EFT - emotional freedom technique. The idea of ​​meridian therapies is used. This is the idea that any problem is represented in the energy body, and focusing on the problem combined with tapping on acupuncture points relieves the problem. Helps with almost any problem, both mental and somatic nature. The good thing about EFT is that I have never seen a case where it didn't work. (Harry Craig)

TAT— spiritual technology of acupressure Tapas. Just as versatile as EFT, but focuses primarily on intention. There are examples of healing from cancer. (Tapas Fleming)

Sedona— The simplest and most effective technique in everyday life. Just let go of any thought, emotion, condition. That's all. Once you have mastered the skill, letting go is an exceptionally strong technique. It takes virtually no time, it can even be done in the background. (Lester Levinson)

Transcendence-Uses the alchemical power of the symbol to transform experience. At the Zivorad Slavinsky seminar, it is used as a life healing technique.

Gnostic intensive- a way to get a little local enlightenment. On the topic of experiencing your true essence. The seminar is short. Only 6 hours. (Slavinsky)

Shunyata- divine emptiness. The state of emptiness of mind is one of the correct states into which, in theory, any serious spiritual practitioner should be able to enter. (Slavinsky)

Spinner- a mega-simple technique for eliminating emotions from any past situations. In reality it takes 20-30 seconds. (Slavinsky)

Clean space— Development of symbolic modeling of relationships with space. Somewhat reminiscent of the Helinger arrangement. But the client himself interrogates all points in space, builds his own metaphors of these places and their interactions, and as a result, solves his problem. A side effect is that if you spend it in your apartment, then some places receive magical properties 🙂 (Grove)

Strength 6— A superbly simple, crystal clear technique that expands the consciousness of the participants. Suitable for any cognitive questions. (Grove)

Time rundown- a process that removes all conscious emotional charges from a person’s life. Then new ones emerge, but for a couple of weeks a person lives without the burden of the past. (Slavinsky)

Rundown space- a strange process. I saw a couple of descriptions of the results. I did it myself. Suitable for lovers of spiritual extremes. (Slavinsky)

Energy rundown- I did it for myself. I haven't tried it on others. The feeling of possibility or impossibility of some things was eliminated. “Chronic fatigue” has passed (Slavinsky)

Lucid dreaming - There’s nothing about it on my website, but spiritual technology is popular. Practices are divided into 2 large groups. Some say it’s cool and list hundreds of ways to use the OS in life. For example, you can take training from Socrates or Buddha in the OS. The second category of citizens assures that the OS has many pitfalls and ambushes. And they know how to avoid these ambushes.

Shavasana- the most difficult exercise in yoga. with outward simplicity. Lie like a corpse and that's it. Just don't sleep. Relax. Shavasana ends any yoga practice. Shavasana should be done an hour before bedtime - then the sleep will be sound and refreshing. Shavasana can be done instead of sleep. But I don’t recommend experimenting for a long time. A dream should be a dream :)

Vipassana - Buddhist technique of working with the mind, which has recently gained enormous popularity. In form, it is a 10-day meditation in a special retreat center.

Kundalini yoga- a system of practices that allows you to live in society and develop yourself physically, energetically, morally and spiritually. I am a Kundalini yoga instructor. I often use it in combination with other practices. The results are encouraging.

Yoga Nidra— advanced shavasana 🙂 Relieves deep tension, normalizes psychic, mental and emotional activity, adds strength, restores abilities, etc. According to the form, you lie on your back for 40-50 minutes, relax, remain conscious and imagine what the instructor is talking about.

Vivation- my favorite breathing technique. Eliminates problems at the level of their origin, clears old emotional baggage, transforming a problematic state into pure joy and ecstatic experiences. Can be practiced anytime, anywhere (but not during heavy physical activity). (Jim Leonard)

Turbo gopher- a brilliant marketing ploy that promises enlightenment and freedom from all restrictions on freebies. That is, without effort on the part of the practitioner. (Dmitry Leushkin)

Surely you have heard the phrase “I feel bad” more than once from others. It's about state of mind. It seems like, from the outside, everything is fine with the person: healthy, good family, job. And my heart is heavy...

And now he (s) stands in front of you, the white light is not nice, he sighs heavily, you can’t get out more words. You would be happy to help, but how? Talking is an option. But what often happens is that a person spends an hour talking about his problems, and you see that he is not getting any easier. It’s awkward to cut off a conversation, but you don’t know what to say. I will tell you what to do in a situation when yourself or another person feels bad.

An indefinite state of depression occurs in almost everyone - you stew in it, waste your time and attention on it, a piece of your life passes by... Thinking about how bad you feel, or chewing on the same thing is no use. Any business, including human psychology, loves specifics.

What to do when “everything is bad”?

The next time you hear from someone “I feel bad, what should I do?”, ask:

  • what emotion are you feeling right now? “Unpleasant” means thoughts scattering through the tree again. Each human emotion has a specific name: anger, fear, grief, apathy and others.
  • What do you feel in your body now when you feel bad? “Discomfort” is the answer about nothing. “Lump in the throat”, “squeezing in the chest”, “heavy head”, “somehow cold” and similar ones are much closer to the point and to the body.
  • what's the thought in your head? What are you thinking about right now? “About nothing” is an example of the desire to brush aside a problem and not solve it. Then let him not fool his head that he or she is feeling bad. “Everything is meaningless”, “life is wasted”, “nobody needs me” - there are usually many similar conclusions.
  • When you feel bad, what image appears before your eyes? What picture do you see? “You asked and for some reason my mother came to me”, “I remember how good it was in childhood”... let him tell you what comes to mind first. A thoughtless answer is the most correct.
  • What is your problem? “I feel bad”, “I’m sick of everything” - this is not a difficulty. “I’m unworthy”, “I don’t like myself”, “resentment towards my parents”. The more specific the problem statement, the better.

You can use these steps on your own too. Usually, as the condition is clarified, the person begins to feel better. This is noticeable in facial expression, eyes, improved mood, and posture. Now that we have identified the four main components of the problem: emotion, sensation, thought, image and what it actually consists of, we need to work it out. There is a simple and effective method of psychology - PEAT.

PEAT. We solve psychological problems ourselves

PEAT uses four points on the body:

  • chest – the point of one’s “I”, the point of acceptance. Located in the middle of the sternum,
  • first ophthalmic – the inner corner of the eye, closer to the bridge of the nose,
  • the second and third eye - respectively, the outer corner of the eye, and the point under the eye in the middle.

It is better to carry out this method together:

  • The presenter asks the person to place two fingers (index and middle) on the chest point and say the phrase:

“Although I…(problem statement), I completely love and accept myself, my body and my personality, and…(problem statement).”

This is a phrase of acceptance: no matter what a person is, he accepts himself as he is. This approach already changes the problem itself and the attitude towards it.

For example: “Although I am offended by my parents, there is a tightness in my chest, and there is an image of my father who is screaming at me, I completely love and accept myself, my body and my personality, and my resentment towards my parents, the pressure in my chest and the image of a screaming father.” .

The most important of the four components is sensation. Only this can be included in the acceptance phrase.

  • Place your fingers on the 1st eye point. Let the person feel his problem as deeply as possible, in its entirety, without resisting it. At the peak of the sensation, take a deep breath. Then ask: “What appeared as you exhaled?”

Usually a new sensation in the body, or emotion, any of the four components comes. If a picture or image arrives (for example, native home, some objects), ask: “How does this make you feel?” For example, home is sadness. And with these new components we go again to the chest point.

If nothing comes while exhaling, we invite the person to deeply feel once again the previous components on the 2nd and 3rd eye points (in our case, resentment towards parents), at each of which take a deep breath. Having received new content, we go with it to the chest point.

So, going through the points, the negative emotional charge and unpleasant feelings will gradually be removed from the problem, layer by layer. They can come out with tears, irritation, yawning, drowsiness and other manifestations. In the end - there will be main reason situations.

Usually PEAT is carried out for no more than 40-45 minutes. Fatigue may then take its toll. It is better to end the process with a pleasant feeling.

  • When finished, ask: “What about the primary problem?” Usually its strength noticeably decreases, or it actually ceases to exist. The person will ask again, “What’s the problem?” or laugh at something he thought was important at the beginning of the process.
  • “Is there anything against solving this problem?” If there is resistance (opposition), then we carry out a new PEAT cycle with it.

Example: “Although I don’t believe that the resentment towards my parents has gone away, I completely love and accept myself...”

  • At the end of the PEAT process, Forgiveness is carried out. Have him/her repeat the phrases out loud:

“I forgive God, the Universe, Higher power(let a person choose from these words what he believes in) for creating a world in which people suffer from ... (statement of the problem).”

“I forgive all people and beings who took part in creating... (the problem).”

“I forgive myself for having (the problem) and for staying with it for so long.”

  • After forgiveness, let the person imagine the sun above him, and with each breath fill sunlight your body and your universe.

PEAT can be performed daily. A kind of useful psychology for every day. Drinking water during the process helps make the process go better.

*PEAT video*

What does the PEAT technique solve?

This method of psychology is effective for problems of any kind:

  • resentment, guilt,
  • depression,
  • grief of losing loved ones,
  • psychological trauma after divorce, operations, car accidents,
  • treason
  • allergies, bad habits,
  • panic attacks, phobias,
  • diffidence
  • family conflicts
  • low self-esteem.

PEAT gives quick and long-term results and helps to achieve peace of mind and peace. For a more complete study, I suggest downloading the books for free "

Zhivorad Mikhailovich (pseudonym Slavinsky) is a Serbian psychologist and spiritual teacher. Born in Belgrade, Serbia in 1937. There he studied medicine, law and psychology. Graduated from the University of Belgrade with a degree in clinical psychology. From the early age he was interested in alternative teachings, eastern and mystical systems of self-development. Gained experience in almost all known systems of mystical and occult movements. I practiced many methods of self-development such as: yoga, Zen, different kinds meditation, gnosticism and mystical folklore.

Zivorad published his first book, The Spiritual Teachings of Yoga, in 1970 and has since written and published 22 more books, most recently Return to Unity: The Principles and Practice of Spiritual Technology. His most significant books have been translated into English, Slovenian, Turkish, Russian, Italian and Portuguese. Since 1990, he began developing many of the systems that are now known as Spiritual Technology. Among them are such well-known and popular systems and technologies as Deep PEAT - Primary Energy Activation and Transcendence, GP-4 - Deep PEAT 4, Aspectics, Transcendence, Gnostic Intensive, Shunyata, Inner Magic of Words, Psychokinetics. Zivorad is known and popular all over the world. He conducts seminars on his technologies in Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, England, Turkey, USA, Canada, Austria, Hungary, Russia and Ukraine.

We also recommend purchasing paper books by Slavinsky - he good language writes concisely, briefly, to the point and without water. The books describe dozens of techniques and explanations for them, but we took only the basic ones and collected the practical part.

Further development Slavinsky’s technique and multiple acceleration of the work were done in the practice of Turbo-Suslik, and then in our alternative to Turbo-Suslik.

Technologies of Zivorad Slavinsky are included in the group of so-called “energy therapy”. The predecessors to these technologies are the TAT, EFT and BSFF you may know. However, Slavinsky took only the essence from them - as a result, his techniques turned out to be little similar to their predecessors. They use multiple acupuncture points and work on energy and charge levels, but that's where the similarities end.

Zivorad Slavinsky has developed more than a dozen effective techniques. Today there are three of the most effective of them, which, with targeted work, show incredible but absolutely real results - Aspectics, Deep PEAT, GP4.


This system is unique in that it teaches you an instant and powerful process for changing your worst conditions, fears, phobias and self-destructive behaviors - into your best allies. Imagine every thing you dislike most about yourself becoming an alchemically transformed gift from God. This is Aspectics!


Deep PEAT resolves emotional, psychological and spiritual problems by finding and integrating the polarities that lie at its core. Deep PEAT successfully removes resistance to solving the problem, the possibility of its return in the future, and neutralizes the contribution of other people to its existence. Deep PEAT can also be done from other people's perspectives.

Deep PEAT is the main technique in the arsenal of Zivorad Slavinsky, as it allows you to solve emotional, psychological and spiritual problems at the deepest level: it finds and neutralizes the pair of polarities that underlie it.

The main principle of Deep PEAT is that in the process of work it does not dwell on the material found from the subconscious (as classical psychotherapy does), but digs “deeper” and draws out a charge that is even deeper. And so on - until we find the deepest roots of the problem - a pair of polarities.


GP4 (Deep PEAT 4) unlike the previous technology, GP4 allows you to integrate any two polarities to choose from. GP4 has a huge range of applications - integration of current polarities according to the list, improvement of relationships with other people, liberation from the past and future, integration of positive character traits. GP4 removes all the charge that is between the polarities in the subconscious. Any charge consists of only four elements: pictures, emotions, sensations in the body and thoughts (in the subconscious there is really nothing else other than these four). As a result of the GP4 process, there remains no difference between the polarities at the subjective level. At all.

Probably, GP4 is the most effective technique for independent work. One GP-4 session lasts from 10 to 60 minutes, the time decreases in proportion to your experience.

Please note that Slavinsky's technologies are not medical procedures, and they are also completely different from psychotherapy. During the processes, the mind with its associations, reasoning, assumptions and desire to understand is not used at all. These are rather technical procedures for eliminating the charge from the subconscious, which, when correct use show the expected results.

All techniques work ideally in pairs (client-processor), but you can also work with them in solo mode. I would like to draw your attention: the most difficult technique to work on independently is the Deep PEAT technique, since it requires a certain level of concentration and self-awareness.