Why India is a country of contrasts. India. Blitz tournament “Calling card of the country”

There are ATMs and currency exchange centers at the airport. When exchanging, it is important to clarify that there is no commission.

I will provide a local SIM card, a call to Russia costs 0.2 $ per minute.

Upon arrival, so that the body can easily adapt, it is better to eat simple, light food.

It is best to carry documents and money with you under a T-shirt in a neck bag, and upon arrival at the hotel, lock it in a safe.

It is advisable to bring shoes that have been ground into your feet from Russia to avoid calluses.

Monkeys are cute, but it's best to stay away from them.

The sun is shining, cover your head. Use sunscreen.

Why is the cow considered a sacred animal in India?

First of all, I want to say that this is true. Yes. In India, cows, like dogs, often live on the streets. Moreover, they can stand carefree in the middle of the road. People treat them calmly. The nature of Hindus is such that they understand that everything in nature can and should exist together. Still, there are a billion people, after all.

According to the Vedas, a person has 7 mothers:

1. Birth mother.

2. Mother-nurse.

3. The wife of the spiritual teacher.

4. The wife of a brahmana is also a mother.

5. Mother Earth, because we receive a body consisting of her elements.

6. Mother cow - who gives milk and is also a wet nurse.

7. The ruler's wife.

The status of parents is sacred. It is said that if you put your father on one shoulder and your mother on the other and carry them all your life, the person will still be in debt to them. Therefore, in many Indian families, children bow to their parents every morning as a sign of respect. It was approximately the same in Rus': “Accept my deep bow, father.” So the cow is the mother and nurse and therefore Hindus treat her with respect. The bull is considered the personification of Dharma - religion.


At first glance, the creatures are cute and fluffy. But not always. There are many of them here in India. Different types- langurs and macaques. They are like street dogs here - stray dogs. And as we know, street dogs can be kind and not so good. Same here with monkeys. You can feed them, but you need to be careful. As people say, they feel fear. And if you are afraid of them, it is better not to come close and feed them through the car window or from afar.

A little personal experience. Just recently driving through Vrindavan with a group. We stopped for a few minutes to feed our little brothers. I consider myself an expert on this tribe. A guide in India after all!)). I went forward and saw a small, cute, perhaps six-month-old macaque. And he just looked at her. After a couple of seconds, five or six males were already jumping around me, making incomprehensible cough-cough and oo-oo sounds. Before I had time to step back, one of them grabbed me by the arm. They were obviously protecting her.

The conclusions are this: be careful with them. After all, if they bite, then it means injections, pills and wasted rest time. Glasses, hats, food and anything shiny is their main target. They take everything stolen to the market and exchange it with traders for bananas. Keep an eye on things, and if you don’t want to watch, then take yourself a 30-40 cm STICK. Miraculously, when they see the stick, the monkeys will bypass you and treat you with respect.

India is a land of contrasts

India is an incredibly beautiful, friendly and open country. Taking advantage of some of the achievements of Western civilization, it has invariably honored its traditions for many centuries. But why is India called a land of contrasts?

Indian culture is something. The incredible color of the local population, their originality, motley colors along with some dullness, a festive atmosphere next to depressing poverty. This is only part of what can be said about this unusual state.

"Western" and "Eastern" cultures

Compared to Europeans, Indians have completely different ideas about etiquette, personal space and other things. However, every tourist will notice that people in India are very cheerful and friendly despite the fact that their living conditions are often quite difficult. They are happy in their own way, because they know how to enjoy simple things.

Indeed, we can say that India is a country of contrasts. This is manifested in everything: multinationality, diversity of languages ​​and religions. And what can we say about the rich flora and fauna! High mountain meadows give way to dense tropical thickets and endless fields. Fresh greenery blooms in the valleys of the Ganges, Indus and Brahmaputra rivers.

And what kind of strange animals you won’t see here! Different types birds and felines, elephants, rhinoceroses, primates, snakes, reptiles. Moving a little away from the densely populated Indian cities, you can see all this splendor with your own eyes. The main thing is to be careful and not go into places where it could be dangerous. Wildlife after all.

And even the climate in India is incredibly diverse.

"Colorful" population of India

Indian diversity is evident even in the appearance of the locals. In different parts of the country, people's skin color can vary significantly. For example, closer to the extreme south, people with very dark, almost black skin are more common. But the inhabitants of the north-west have light skin, which makes them somewhat similar to Europeans.

This can be explained by the territorial and historical settlement of people in India. Most of the population of the modern state of India are descendants of immigrants from Southeast Europe, as well as Asia. The inhabitants of South India mostly belong to the Dravidian race, while those in the northeast and the foothills of the Himalayas belong to the Mongoloid race.

Plurality of languages, religions and nationalities

India is a multicultural country that welcomes different religions and languages. According to the country's constitution, English and Hindi are official languages, and another 18 languages ​​have “registered” status. Indeed, an incredibly “motley” population, no matter how you look at it. Again, this diversity is explained by the historical mixing of nationalities and natural migration processes.

The languages ​​of the Indo-Aryan group (Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Urdu, etc.) are spoken by about 70% of the population. The other part of the population is incredibly diverse: Telugu, Tamil, Kashmiri, Sanskrit and many more.

But the largest group is the languages ​​of local settlements. These are the so-called “unregistered” languages, of which there are approximately 500. There are also several hundred dialects.

Impressive diversity is also evident in writing. In India, books and newspapers are published, as well as television and radio broadcasts in 24 officially registered languages.

Indians are very tolerant people in terms of religion. And although Hinduism is most widespread here, religious followers of Buddhism, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and other directions have found a place for themselves in India. India is the most multi-religious country.

One of the advantages is low prices

For a foreigner, it may seem surprising how cheaply you can have lunch, travel on public transport or rent a hotel room.

It is relatively convenient to travel around India by train. You can travel about 600 km in one night. In addition, it will also be inexpensive, especially if you choose economy class. Accommodation in cheap hotels also costs ridiculous amounts of money.


Let’s say you are planning to go on a trip to India and seem to be mentally prepared for the fact that these places are significantly different from the well-groomed and neat environment of many European countries. But, as practice shows, even such readiness does not guarantee that a foreign tourist will not experience shock in the first days after arrival.

The variety of smells (not always the most pleasant), the bustle of the locals, the constant movement of traffic, the continuous hum, slums and palaces - all this can make your head spin at first. But over time, getting used to this crazy rhythm of life, you begin to look closely at amazing things, with which this extraordinary country is filled.

Only in contrast can one fully understand the different sides and facets of life and rethink it. Only in comparison do you begin to appreciate small joys and understand that a person does not need so much to be happy.

India will give you many incredible emotions, reward you with vivid impressions and enrich your inner world. This happens to everyone who first visited this magical country of India. On one condition. If you have the mentality of a bee, that is, you collect nectar.

Official name: Republic of India
Original name: Bharatiya Ganarajya
Square: 3,287,600 km2
Capital: Delhi
Big cities: Mumbai (Bombay), Kolkata (Calcutta), Chennai (Madras), Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad
Head of State: President Ram Nath Kovind (since 2017)
Head of the government: Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Political system: union republic
Export: clothing and cotton fabrics, jute products, precious stones, machine tools, vehicles, leather goods, spices, tea, bauxite, iron, magnesium and chrome ores.
Currency unit: Indian rupee
Population: 1.2 billion
Ethnic composition: Hindus, Biharis, Bengalis, Telugus, Marathas, Gujaratis, Malayalams, etc.
Average life expectancy: women - 63 years old, men - 65 years old
Natural population growth: 1,65%
Languages: Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Urdu, Tamil, English
Religion: Hinduism 83%, Islam 11%, Christianity 2.4%, Sikhism 2%, Buddhism and Jainism 1.6%
Illiteracy rate: 48%
GDP:$1081 per capita

India is the largest country in South Asia. This is a country of contrasts, both in terms of natural conditions, and the socio-economic situation. Due to rapid natural population growth, the state has to overcome great difficulties.

More than half of the territory India located on the Hindustan Peninsula and the Deccan Plateau. This region is a hill stretching to the southern borders, crossed by river valleys consisting of crystalline rocks of the Precambrian period. From the ocean central part The peninsulas are separated by mountains - the Western and Eastern Ghats. The Deccan Plateau in the northern direction passes into the Gangetic Plain, which was once a sea bay, covered with sedimentary rocks carried by rivers.

In North-west The Hindustan Plain begins. The lands through which the Ganges and its Himalayan tributaries flow are very fertile, as is the valley of the Brahmaputra River, located in northeast India (the so-called Assam Lowland). In the south, this plain extends to the Vindhya Mountains, bordering the Deccan Plateau.

In the north, the flat area abruptly turns into the highest mountains in the world - the Himalayas. The Himalayas stretch into westward and pass into two other mountain ranges - the Karakoram and the Trans-Himalayas. The Karakoram is the world's second highest mountain range with the country's highest peak K-2 (Chogori, 8611 m above sea level). The eastern borders of India are closed by the Patkai, Manipur and Naga mountains. The foothills of the mountains in West Bengal are covered with lush vegetation, and in the vicinity of Darjeeling there are world-famous tea plantations.


The main part of India is located in the tropical monsoon zone. The climate here is hot. High air humidity is created by the rains brought by the monsoons and the evaporation of the Himalayan rivers. On the western coast of the Hindustan Peninsula, in the lower reaches of the Ganges and Brahmaputra, as well as on the southern slopes of the Himalayas, mountainous subtropical climate, and the amount of precipitation here exceeds 2000 mm per year. A drier climate is typical for the central part of the Deccan Plateau (300-1000 mm of precipitation per year). Here the mountains (Western and Eastern Ghats) block the path of the humid summer monsoons, and therefore in the central part of the peninsula there is little rainfall and very high air temperatures prevail. It does not fall below 15 °C, and in the southern part - below 20 °C.

The average air temperature in summer is 27-30 °C. In winter, the cold northeast monsoon brings with it dry weather. Rains at this time fall only in the far southeastern regions. The summer monsoon brings the greatest amount of precipitation. The Himalayas and Karakoram are dominated by a mountain climate with low air temperatures, non-melting snow and eternal high-mountain glaciers.


Typical representatives of the local flora are palm trees, bamboo, as well as fig, mulberry, clove, camphor and sandalwood trees. They are found on the southwestern coast, in the Brahmaputra valley and the eastern part of the Ganges valley. In the flat part of the Deccan Plateau there are savannas, and in its center dry thorny plants grow. Most of the peninsula is covered with monsoon forest. India is home to many species of animals that are rarely found in other regions of the world: the Indian antelope - the garna, the Indian buffalo - the arnie, or the small thunderstorm of snakes - the Indian mongoose.

They live in India different kinds monkeys, snakes (tiger python, Indian cobra) and bears (sloth bear, Himalayan bear, red panda). The picture of a rich fauna is complemented by the Indian porcupine, gecko lizard, wild Himalayan goat, musk rat, hornbill, as well as the yak, a relative of the bison and bison. Protected species include the Bengal tiger, Indian elephant, rhinoceros, clouded leopard and snow leopard.


More than 1 billion people live in India. Human. In some areas the population density reaches 700 people per km2. 27% of the population lives in cities. The biggest is Mumbai, it has 13 million inhabitants (with suburbs - about 17 million). Kolkata has a population of 4.5 million (with a suburb of about 13 million), and Delhi has a population of 7.2 million (with a suburb of about 13.8 million). Agricultural areas are the most densely populated. The residents are dominated by young and middle-aged people. Only 4% of India's population is over 65 years of age.

Primary education is compulsory in the country, but many children do not attend school. The level of education is very low. Schools are poor and often lack textbooks. Due to this, illiterates make up 48% of the population. India is a multi-ethnic country with different religious, linguistic and ethnic composition. Approximately 800 languages ​​are spoken here. English is predominantly used for legal matters, but Hindi is the official language.

About 83% of India's population professes Hinduism, 11% Islam. Political and religious conflicts often break out between Hindus and Muslims. Starting from the second half of the XVIII V. had a great influence on Indian politics; India was called the main jewel in the crown British Empire. At the end of World War II, the state gained independence and split into two parts. Muslims formed a new state - Pakistan.


Two thirds of India's population is employed in agriculture, but the peasants are not the owners of the land, but rent it. Such a system leads to dire poverty in the villages, since peasants cannot fully control their harvest and invest little in farm development. More than 200 million people live below the poverty line. Cows and oxen play a huge role in agriculture, however, they are considered sacred animals whose killing is prohibited.

As a rule, animals are poorly fed and produce little milk, and therefore they are used for agricultural work, mainly as draft power. Cow dung is dried and used as fuel since wood is a difficult and expensive material. The villages also raise sheep, goats, camels and elephants.

A third of arable land is cultivated using artificial irrigation. Most of them are located in the Punjab Plain in the northeast, in the lower reaches of the Ganges and Brahmaputra, as well as in river deltas and on the coast. In other areas, the harvest depends on the amount of precipitation. The most popular crop in India is rice. Wheat is grown in the north and west of the country, and sorghum, corn, barley and millet are grown on the Deccan Plateau. The cultivation of vegetables and fruits is widespread. Of the industrial crops, the most significant are jute, peanuts, rapeseed, sugar cane, and, of course, tea. Vast tea plantations are located in the Assam lowlands.


In cities, artisans or traders settle mainly near their workshops or stalls, forming professional workshops. The buildings are usually low, the streets are narrow, and the population density is enormous. Cows, goats and even monkeys roam the streets. The urban poor build shacks out of mud, tin and wood, illegally connecting them to electricity grids. A big problem is sewage disposal. Typically, waste flows down drains, causing a terrible stench.


Modernization of the country has begun Jawaharlal Nehru, who served as prime minister of the country in 1947-64. India exports bauxite, iron, magnesium and chrome ore. Deposits of coal, oil and gas account for about 2% of world reserves. However, along with modern industrial enterprises(For example, nuclear power plants) are outdated and ineffective. Traditional industries are the fiber (cotton and jute) industry, clothing and food production (sugar and oil industries).

After the declaration of independence, the metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, the chemical industry and machine tool industry developed in the country. Crafts and handicrafts play an important role. The industry is developing most dynamically in Kolkata, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, as well as in areas adjacent to the Damodar River.


The Taj Mahal mausoleum was built in the 17th century. Indian ruler Shah Jahan as a tomb for his wife Mumtaz Mahal

First, you can visit the city of Agra, located 200 kilometers south of the Indian capital. You will be amazed by the beauty Taj Mahal, you will see the huge and majestic where the loving emperor who built the Taj Mahal was imprisoned by his own son, you will visit the room from the window of which he admired his masterpiece.

From here the road leads travelers to Fatihpur Sikri. The brilliant Mughal palaces evoke memories of the wonderful mysteries of the past - the golden age of tragedy and love, harems with beautiful wives, powerful emperors, indestructible magic spells.

The Indian state of Goa attracts tourists from all over the world like a magnet. This - a vibrant, modern resort with stunning beaches, luxury hotels and plenty of Western-style entertainment. Old Goa was once the capital of the eastern colony of the Portuguese Empire, and today is a delightful resort surrounded by Christian monasteries and churches.

In turn, the Indian state of Kerala is the country of the Gods, or, as it is also called, the Indian Venice is considered the health resort of the country. Kerala is the birthplace of healing Ayurveda, which means “science of life”. This - ancient knowledge, a system of medicine about methods of maintaining and restoring health, as well as effective prevention of many diseases. considers man as a cosmic being living in constant dynamic interaction with the Universe and environment

. For healing in Ayurveda, natural medicines of plant, animal or mineral origin, diets and unique procedures are used.

EVERY DAY IS A HOLIDAY New Year In India they do not celebrate lavishly, and celebrations with a Christmas tree and fireworks are held only at the request of visiting tourists.

On January 1, Kerala and Goa celebrate the meeting of West and East. On January 26, in Delhi, in honor of the national holiday - the Day of the Establishment of the Republic - a large military parade is held, with dancers performing a procession. Traditionally in January Pattadakkale and Karnataka host a dance festival, and in Kerala at this time you can see a procession of elephants and kite boat races. And on the last full moon of March a holiday is celebrated Holi – Spring Festival of Colors, symbolizing the arrival of spring. Holi is celebrated most wildly and colorfully in the north of the country, as well as in central regions, in the south - the festivities are much more modest. During this festival, it is best to go to Punjab, where Holi will appear in all its splendor.

On the second day of Holi, a real “color madness” begins. People of all ages, castes and classes take to the streets with bowls and cans containing dye powders and colored pastes. Passers-by, friends and acquaintances are smeared with this hellish mixture. Just run out of the house for five minutes and you can find yourself painted from head to toe. Nowadays, unfortunately, powders and pastes increasingly consist of artificial colors that are not at all healthy, but they are cheap and sold in abundance on every corner. They are used both in pure form and mixed with water. The resulting solution is used to water everyone around from water guns, cans and buckets, and not forgetting to douse the livestock with the slurry.

The Himalayas are the highest and youngest mountains in the world. The highest point of the Himalayas in India is Nanga Parbat - 8126 m above sea level. Hinduism is the most widespread religion in India. Islam also has many adherents. The remaining population consists of Christians, Sikhs and Buddhists. The Bengal tiger is one of the protected species of animals living in India. India has the largest livestock population in the world (198 million cows and 77 million oxen), but for religious reasons, killing these animals is prohibited. Various castes divide Hinduism into approximately 10,000 groups. Although castes are prohibited by the constitution, they have a strong influence on the life of society. The lowest caste are the pariahs, who are called "untouchables", they engage in the most menial and humiliating work. Since the 20s. XX century Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi fought for the complete independence of India. Because he helped the poor population, actively supported the ideas of equal rights for women, universal education and religious tolerance, people began to call him Mahatma - “Great Soul”. Many Indians make money by training cobras by hypnotizing them with the sounds of a flute. India is home to one of the wettest points on earth - the Shillong Plateau. The annual rainfall here is 11,000 mm.

India is an incredibly beautiful, friendly and open country. Taking advantage of some of the achievements of Western civilization, it has invariably honored its traditions for many centuries. But why is India called a land of contrasts?

"Cradle" of human civilization

Compared to Europeans, Indians have completely different ideas about etiquette, personal space and other things. However, every tourist will notice that people in India are very cheerful and friendly despite the fact that their living conditions are often quite difficult. They are happy in their own way, because they know how to enjoy simple things. To Western man, satiated with a comfortable life and accustomed to comfort, sometimes this is not so easy to understand. You can learn about table etiquette from.

In the 7th-6th millennia BC. Primitive tribes settled on the territory of modern India and began to engage in cattle breeding and agriculture. And already in the 3rd millennium BC. The highly developed Harappan culture appeared.

Ancient cities had well-developed sewerage and water supply systems, and the layout itself settlements amazes with its thoughtfulness. A thousand years later, this culture ended its existence. Tribes gradually mixed, moved from place to place and created new communities.

Indeed, we can say that India is a country of contrasts . This is manifested in everything: multinationality, diversity of languages ​​and religions. And what can we say about the rich flora and fauna! High mountain meadows give way to dense tropical thickets and endless fields. Fresh greenery blooms in the valleys of the Ganges, Indus and Brahmaputra rivers.

And what kind of strange animals you won’t see here! Different species of birds and cats, elephants, rhinoceroses, primates, snakes, reptiles. Moving a little away from the densely populated Indian cities, you can see all this splendor with your own eyes. The main thing is to be careful and not go into places where it could be dangerous. Wildlife after all.

"Colorful" population of India

Indian diversity is evident even in the appearance of the locals. In different parts of the country, people's skin color can vary significantly. For example, closer to the extreme south, people with very dark, almost black skin are more common. But the inhabitants of the north-west have light skin, which makes them somewhat similar to Europeans.

Plurality of languages, religions and nationalities

India is a multicultural country that welcomes different religions and languages. According to the country's constitution, English and Hindi are the official languages, and another 18 languages ​​have the status of “registered”. Indeed, an incredibly “motley” population, no matter how you look at it. Again, this diversity is explained by the historical mixing of nationalities and natural migration processes. .

The languages ​​of the Indo-Aryan group (Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Urdu, etc.) are spoken by about 70% of the population. The other part of the population is incredibly diverse: Telugu, Tamil, Sanskrit and many more.

But the largest group is the languages ​​of local settlements. These are the so-called "unregistered" languages, of which there are approximately 500. There are also several hundred dialects.

Impressive diversity is also evident in writing. In India, books and newspapers are published, as well as television and radio broadcasts in 24 officially registered languages, except Sanskrit. However, you cannot argue with the fact that there remains a very large percentage of illiterate people in this country.

Indians are very tolerant people in terms of religion. And although Hinduism is most widespread here, religious followers of Christianity, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and other directions have found a place for themselves in India.

Double impressions of the trip

Let's say you are planning to go on a trip to India and seem to be mentally prepared for the fact that These places differ significantly from the well-groomed and neat environment of many European countries. But, as practice shows, even such readiness does not guarantee that a foreign tourist will not experience shock in the first days after arrival.

The variety of smells (not always the most pleasant), the bustle of the locals, the constant movement of traffic, the continuous hum, slums and palaces - all this can make your head spin at first. But over time, getting used to this crazy rhythm of life, you begin to take a closer look at the amazing things that this extraordinary country is filled with.

One of the advantages is low prices. For a foreigner, it may seem surprising how cheaply you can have lunch, travel on public transport or rent a hotel room.

It is relatively convenient to travel around India by train. Thanks to the British, who at one time built an excellent railway, you can travel about 600 km in one night. In addition, it will also be inexpensive, especially if you choose economy class.

Next to you can see the lower ones

Accommodation in cheap hotels also costs ridiculous amounts of money, however, you need to be prepared for the fact that the environment and service can become a test of strength for tourists. And even the climate in India is incredibly diverse.

For the south and center of the country, the best time to visit will be November to mid-February. This is the dry season, which is most favorable to tourists.

Only in contrast can one fully understand the different sides and facets of life and rethink it.

Only in comparison do you begin to appreciate small joys and understand that a person does not need so much to be happy... India will give you many incredible emotions, reward you with vivid impressions and will definitely change your mind.

5 minutes to read.

They are not particularly clean, but they are not poisoned. They eat a lot of spicy foods, but their bodies are healthy, and what’s more, they have the lowest percentage of heart disease. They don't follow the rules traffic,

They are not particularly clean, but they are not poisoned. They eat a lot of spicy foods, but their bodies are healthy, and what’s more, they have the lowest percentage of heart disease. They don't follow traffic rules, but I haven't noticed a single accident. Outwardly you can see complete chaos and chaos, poverty and need. Outwardly, it sometimes looks repulsive, and sometimes it simply defies description. But at the same time, a feeling of delight and surprise runs through everything like a thin thread. How?! How can they live like this? How do they do it?

India is a land of contrasts and mysticism. There, behind the external routine and chaotic rhythm of life, unencumbered by unnecessary rules, lies subtle magic, harmony and beauty. Not everyone will be able to feel their influence. Only those who know how to “see” with their hearts and feel the deep Essence.

It was here that I very clearly understood - everything is not what it seems. This phrase has accompanied me through life for a long time, but its obviousness has become clear just now. Nowhere was reality as plastic as here. And these are not just words - this is magic, experienced for yourself.

Not afraid of flowers, India itself is color. Women are dressed in saris of bright purple, orange, yellow, pink, blue or green shades, multi-colored dupattas (scarves) decorated with numerous sparkles. Wrists, hands, ankles, fingers - everything is decorated with a variety of bracelets and rings. Women never wear black, gray or dark blue. Here even men dress in bright shirts. Maybe in a country with a population of 1.6 billion people, this is a unique way to stand out, the colors are perfect for this.
There is no more pleasant sight than contemplating a group of walking women dressed in outfits that shimmer in all the colors of the rainbow. This brings life to the drab, monochromatic streets. The corner of the sari blows in the wind as a woman rides, sitting on the side seat of a motorcycle. It feels like you've actually landed on a rainbow. And everyone around is swarming around in search of a pot of gold (an old legend, the meaning of which is that whoever finds the place where the rainbow touches the ground will find a pot of gold there - approx. per.). The contrast is visible in every element of the overall picture: garbage piled in a heap in the middle of the sidewalk, very close to a small open-air restaurant, sometimes these garbage heaps are set on fire, and sometimes they simply go out in the sun. Dogs and cows are constantly poking around in these heaps in search of food, and if only they would, the poor people would also not hesitate to tinker in the garbage heap. If you just walk along the streets of one of the cities in India, very soon you will find that you are covered with a thick layer of dust. Now imagine yourself as women dressed in colorful sarees, walking through dusty streets littered with garbage, how they manage to maintain this sweet little piece of joy is a real mystery.

Prosperity and poverty
This is probably the most striking contrast in India. India is the second most populous country with billionaires. However, almost 75% of the population lives on less than $2 a day. Add to this the caste system and the philosophy of karma. If you are poor, then that is your lot in life, that is how it should be, this in no way means that someone is doing something wrong (at least in this life).
The Western world has become accustomed to viewing the poor as lazy people. Like people who are unable to get any kind of job or just hold on to it. Generally, we think that they should try harder, work harder, to become a functional part of society. This complicates the process of understanding poverty and misery as social phenomenon. IN major cities so many highways- interchanges, almost every such bridge has a whole colony living under it. In principle, what’s so surprising about this, probably in every country you can find tramps under a bridge, but still not in such numbers. After all, it's not a terrible place to live - at least there is shade and a green lawn.
Another interesting detail: if you move around Delhi, you can see a number of government offices, right behind which the slums begin. In general, it’s difficult to find a “bad quarter” in the city; everything is mixed up here. One theory to explain this mix is ​​that people living in the slums are employed as servants in the mansions of wealthy Hindus, where everyone does their own thing: there are laundresses, garbage collectors, cooks, drivers, ironers and gardeners. These people cannot afford to live somewhere further away, they are not able to pay the cost of travel to their place of work, which is why they are forced to settle somewhere nearby. And since poverty is perceived calmly here, no one looks down on the poor, there is nothing terrible that two different communities mixed so closely.

Scents of the streets
India is a real test of your senses. As you pass by the market, you are immersed in the aroma of masala (spice mixture). Boys are scurrying around everywhere, carrying glasses of hot tea (the Indian drink “tea” is not what Europeans understand by this concept; Indians brew tea in boiling milk). The aroma of flowers sometimes permeates the hot air of the city if you pass near a temple decorated with colorful living garlands. Next to the temples there are people making these same garlands of orange flowers.
However, mixed with this whole mixture of aromas is another, rather unpleasant one - the smell of urine. What to do: there are too many people and too few toilets, as a result people relieve themselves wherever they have to. Men urinate everywhere. This is not considered indecent; everyone from the poor to fairly wealthy people does this. Add to this the fact that cows relieve themselves everywhere, a huge number of cars emit black exhaust fumes.

Attitude towards foreigners
In India, people like to openly stare at tourists. You may be under the impression that there is something wrong with you, but they are simply being overly interested in you. In the capital, people are more or less accustomed to seeing white tourists and you will attract less attention, but as soon as you get to the suburbs, you are automatically transported “under the spotlight.” There is no social barrier here, so don’t be surprised if people come up to you and want to touch you, touch your clothes, follow you around just to listen to your speech, watch the expression on your face.

India is one of the centers information technologies
Today, India is considered one of the world's electronics hubs; Indian companies have partnerships with many global companies. That is, in other words, the world of information technology has looked here too. Somewhere in India there are towering buildings teeming with programmers working on the latest generation of computers. It’s a pity that the average tourist will never see them, but he sees numerous Internet cafes with scary old and slow computers.
However, after you've spent a few weeks in India, nothing will surprise you. Elephants on the streets - no problem, power failures three times a day - you won’t even blink an eye. When traveling around India, just accept everything: both good and bad. You will definitely remember the local people, their cordiality and hospitality, their smiles, their curious faces and even their curious glances, ready to burn a hole in you.