Program of work with a child with visual impairment. Prospective planning of remedial classes for the development of visual perception for children with visual impairment of the preparatory group. Organization of correctional and pedagogical work

forward planning remedial classes on the development of visual perception for children with visual impairment preparatory group.

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"Prospective planning of remedial classes for the development of visual perception for children with visual impairment of the preparatory group."


Head of MBDOU No. 5 "Alenka" _______________ G. G. Vorontsova

"_____" ________________2014

Prospective planning of remedial classes for the development of visual perception for children with visual impairment of the preparatory group of the teacher-defectologist Ismagilova S.S.

Program Sections


lessons per year

Lesson Topics

1. Formation of ideas about the system of measurement standards.

Formation of the ability to visually analyze the width, length, height of objects;

Formation of the ability to establish relationships between objects in size;

Formation of the ability to select objects by decreasing and increasing value; (7-8)

Formation of the ability to place objects on a f / g, table in decreasing, increasing size;

Formation of the ability to take measurements using conditional measures;

Formation of the ability to compare the sizes of different objects;

Formation of the ability to notice the size of real objects;

Formation of the ability to name close and distant, high and low, wide and narrow objects in the process of observation;

2. Formation of ideas about the system of form standards.

Formation of the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, pentagon) in different spatial positions;

An exercise in discrimination geometric shapes(circle, square, oval, rectangle, triangle) and three-dimensional bodies (ball, ellipsoid, cone, cube, prism);

Teaching children to analyze the shape of objects according to standards;

Teaching the analysis of the shape of objects according to standards, in terms of concepts;

Strengthening the ability to analyze complex shape objects by inscribing sensory form standards for analyzing the structure of the shape of objects;

Formation of skills in the use of patterns, stencils for the image and drawing objects;

Formation of skills in creating patterns from geometric shapes, subject images, etc .;

3. Formation of a system of color standards.

Consolidation of skills in naming primary colors and shades (by saturation, lightness);

Consolidation of the ability to focus on color, as a constant sign of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;

Consolidation of the ability to find objects of a given color, shade in the world around;

Formation of the ability to correctly use color standards when describing the classification of a group of objects;

Formation of skills in creating patterns, color compositions on f / g, magnetic board, mosaic;

Formation of the ability to distinguish the color of a moving object and several objects;

4. Development of sensory operations and research action systems.

Expansion of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality;

Formation of interest and positive attitude to observation, search, analysis of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;

Development of speed and completeness of visual examination of objects;

Consolidation of the ability to highlight the main (essential) features;

Exercise in finding objects certain form, colors, sizes and spatial position in the surrounding world;

An exercise in grouping objects according to individual characteristics (shape, color, size or spatial position);

Exercise in distinguishing moving objects, naming the speed qualities of movement;

Exercise in performing movements at a different pace;

Development of skills to use optical means (loupes, lenses, binoculars) when examining objects;

5. Development of perception of subject images.

Development of skills for comparing contour, silhouette, real images and their correlation with real objects:

Learn to describe objects and find them by description

Find where the details are, where the whole object is, compose and supplement the whole object, plot image from parts;

Development of skills in the arrangement of objects in the picture:

Name objects that are closer or further;

To learn to understand the obscuration of one object by another in the image and in reality.

Correctional and pedagogical work is understood as a system of activities, means, forms and methods of training and education aimed at developing compensation processes, overcoming, eliminating shortcomings cognitive activity, personality traits, physical development and motor abilities of children with visual impairments.

The initial theoretical provisions on the issues of compensation and correction of impaired functions, the study of the leading role of education and upbringing in the development of an abnormal child were developed by L.S. Vygotsky, T.A. Vlasova and others.

When examining children entering specialized groups, as well as in the course of observations and conversations with medical personnel, it turns out that most children have posture disorders, all children have weakened cognitive processes(perception, imagination, visual-figurative thinking), the mastery of social experience is limited. Based on this, classes are built differently, according to the age of children, the composition of impaired functions, and the characteristics of perception. educational material. And along with common tasks special (correctional) are put.

AT junior group- the accumulation of knowledge and the formation of techniques for clear ideas about standards (color, shape, size, spatial arrangement); enrichment of the dictionary and the development of figurative speech based on the subject correlation of the word.

AT middle group- formation of methods of purposeful perception (algorithmization according to the plan-symbol); Teaching children on a polysensory basis using preserved analyzers to recognize and distinguish objects from others, to determine their properties and purpose:

■ by essential features;

■ on the basis of mastering the method of comparison;
training in grouping techniques for imitation; training
transfer of knowledge, concepts to the level of external speech,
into independent practice.

Corrective tasks in older groups: "the formation of methods of purposeful perception according to the plan (in senior group), possession of the plan (in the preparatory group);

■ the formation of the skill of recognizing and highlighting pre
meth among others using saved ana
lysators, determining their properties and assigning them to
the basis of mastering the method of comparison;

■ mastering grouping techniques (in the senior group
ne), classification (in the preparatory group);

■ learning to generalize knowledge about objects and phenomena
the surrounding world in order to form concepts.
Mandatory content of special classes

is not a mechanical training of the visual functions of the eye, but work related to the general educational program for the development of all types of cognitive activity of the child. For example, the weaving of rugs is played out in the creative games “Shop” or “Guests”, in which a successful combination of colors and sizes is discussed with children, independence and creativity are stimulated.

Sensory and physical education is the basis of correctional work, therefore didactic and mobile

Special games with the definition of corrective tasks are planned much more often than in ordinary groups. An effective means of corrective work is a walk, where didactic and outdoor games should be held to develop the eye, the accuracy of movements, and orientation. For this, bright, colorful materials are selected that contribute to the development of visual attention and perception.

The corrective orientation of classes is also determined by the choice of methods and techniques, taking into account not only age and individual capabilities, but also the state of visual function, the level of development of visual perception. The rapid fatigue of children requires a change in activities in the classroom, the introduction of physical education as an obligatory part of any lesson. Narrowed sensory experience obliges to pay attention to the correct way of activity, and not only to its result. For example, it is very important that the child, when drawing up a pattern, does not randomly perform actions, but mentally and consistently fills in the sheet, starting from the center, then using the corners, right, left sides, top, bottom, between, etc., correctly reproduces the direction, spatial arrangement of figures. It is important to use the shaping movements of the hand when examining and reproducing the object, as they contribute to the development of oculomotor functions.

The corrective orientation of classes is determined by the use of an individual and differentiated approach.

In individual work, it is necessary to take into account the child's capabilities depending on visual acuity, his contact in the learning process, and the stability of attention. A differentiated approach to educational work requires the allocation of subgroups

children, which may include children with low visual acuity, with visual impairment in combination with reduced intelligence, with low visual acuity in combination with mental retardation. The number of such subgroups, as a rule, is 1-2 children. When working with a subgroup, you need to speak more slowly, put questions clearly, briefly, specifically, so that children can understand them, think about the content. If the child cannot answer, further clarification should be given. You can be allowed not to get up when answering, to approach the object during the lesson, to use additional material in speech development classes: contour, silhouette, drawing, small pictures, toys. More attention should be paid to the teacher's hands when examining the subject, tracing, etc., the hands should move slowly, each movement should be accompanied by a word, a show. Mandatory individual assessment of the child after each completed task, underlining positive aspects his activity, independence.

In physical education classes, it is important to use the approximation of a horizontal, vertical target, its large size, additional insurance in climbing, jumping; restriction of certain types of movements in agreement with an ophthalmologist, slow motion display so that children have time to see it. The dosage of exercises with downward bends, jumps, flips from the back to the stomach, exercises on the stomach should be reduced. With some types of exercises (climbing, balance), the occlusion is removed so that the child feels the movement of his body without fear of falling, getting hurt, since the adhesive restricts freedom of movement.

In art activity, samples for display should be 2-2.5 times larger than children's work, small details should be

appear additionally in large size. For visually impaired children, drawing sheets are used 2 times smaller than for the rest of the size. For drawing, you can use both general and individual nature, as well as additional for 3-4 of the most visually impaired children. At music lessons, holidays, so that the child has a feeling of freedom of movement in space, its beauty, sometimes it is possible to remove occlusion. In physical education and music classes, children with low visual acuity are placed behind children with higher visual acuity, equal to them in terms of the pace of movement, so that there is a guide for movement in space.

An obligatory component of corrective work with children with visual impairments is visual gymnastics, which is carried out several times during the day for 3-5 minutes. We show the object for visual gymnastics at a slow pace so that the child can follow the movement of the object to the end. The object is shown just above eye level in front of the sitting children. It should not merge in color with the clothes of the teacher and the environment. When performing visual gymnastics, children with low visual acuity stand in front of the teacher, the rest are located further. For gymnastics it is necessary to use small objects. Gymnastics is carried out according to verbal instructions, using poems, nursery rhymes. It is necessary to note the diligence, desire and results of the work of children.

The organization of the workplace of a child with visual impairment in the classroom also has a corrective focus. Since the correction of the child's vision at the first stage of his treatment consists in stimulating the worse seeing eye by occlusion of the better seeing eye, a child with amblyopia and strabismus gets

into the category of the visually impaired. Therefore, children are seated relative to the teacher as follows: in front - children with low visual acuity (0.4), then with visual acuity 0,4-0,6 and at the third table - children with visual acuity 0,6-1,0. If the child has occlusion of the left eye, then he should be seated to the right of the teacher, if the occlusion of the right eye, then to the left, children with divergent strabismus - in the center. When working at a table, the light should fall from the left and from above.

For children with low visual acuity, the demonstration material is presented no further than 1 m from the eyes. An additional individual display of the item is also required. The most favorable display of the subject on a black and white background, or on green (soothing), brown (calm, contrast) or orange (stimulating). Items are taken large, bright in color, accurate in shape and detail. You need to place objects on the board so that they do not merge into a single line, a spot, but stand out well separately.

In mathematics classes, the size of objects is up to 15 cm, the size of the nature used is 20-25 cm, handouts are 2-5 cm.

All display material should be natural-sized, i.e. the car should be smaller than the house, the tomato should be smaller than the cabbage, etc.

conditions for a complete and accurate perception of the displayed object are:

■ selection of an adequate background;

■ choosing an adequate color because the color combined
and can change at a distance (for example, the color
next to yellow is often seen as orange, blue
ny - purple, purple with brown -
black, red - burgundy);

■ constant use of a pointer for display;

■ finding a child when showing an object at the board with
side of the open eye (closed right eye - next
wa, the left eye is closed - on the right);

■ finding a teacher at the blackboard on the right, is it necessary
tsom to children;

“feeding some objects in the picture under consideration with a clear outline (outlined in black along the outline).

The corrective orientation of upbringing and educational activities in combination with treatment creates favorable conditions for the development of defective vision, correction of secondary disorders, for general development child.

Similar information.

Having been born, the child enters the bright world of colors, sounds, smells, movements and tactile impressions. All these sensations become the basis of its development. Hearing is the basis for the development of speech, and visual information, together with others, is the basis of thinking. Children receive basic information about the world around them up to three years old, and more than 90% of this information is through vision. However, not all children have normal vision.

The most common form of visual impairment isamblyopia and strabismus , myopia (myopia), farsightedness (hypermetropia),nearsighted and farsighted astigmatism , nystagmus . In the vast majority of children, these disorders are congenital.

Even a slight decrease in visual acuity delays the child's development of the ability to distinguish and remember the shape, size and colors of surrounding objects, assess their location and consider moving objects. An adult, having taken off his glasses, will still distinguish one object from another by outlines - he has experience and knowledge. The child has little visual experience, knowledge, and visual impairment prevents him from acquiring them. That is why it is difficult for a preschooler with visual impairment without special classes and vision correction to determine whether what is in front of him is an object or is it just a color spot. Only by repeatedly perceiving objects does the child begin to single them out.

A characteristic feature of visual impairment aresecondary deviations in the mental and physical development of children . A child receiving fuzzy visual information about the world around him is not confident in his movements, his motor activity decreases, speed, accuracy, coordination, pace of movements are disturbed, posture disorders are possible. Cognitive processes (perception, imagination, visual-figurative thinking) can be weakened, the mastery of social experience is limited, the emotional perception of reality and others is disturbed.

Therefore, such children early age need extra classes on the development of visual perception, skills of orientation in space, on social orientation.

These correctional and developmental classes in kindergarten for children with visual impairment are conducted by a teacher-defectologist (typhlopedagogue).

All correctional and developmental work with children is built on a diagnostic basis. The typhlopedagogue determines the level of neuropsychic development of each child, draws up a plan for individual support of the child for a certain period, conducts individual and subgroup classes with children, advises group teachers, parents on the upbringing and education of children with visual impairment.

If a child, especially with myopia or strabismus , discharged glasses then they must be worn. You may have to spend a lot of effort and patience, but it's worth it.

Here are some tips on how to teach your child to wear glasses:

Glasses should be comfortable and fit the shape and size of the face;

Glasses should not put pressure on the temples and bridge of the nose, otherwise the child may have headache;

To keep the glasses well, the temples must be rounded;

Attach an elastic band to the temples, then the child will not be able to drop the glasses on the floor.

Wearing glasses - necessary condition correction of visual impairment in children. Strictly follow the prescription of an ophthalmologist.

Be interested in how your child's individual support plan is being implemented. Be an active participant - follow the recommendations of the teacher-defectologist (typhlopedagogue) on the organization of correctional and developmental work in a family environment.

I.V. Bagramyan, Moscow

The path of growing up a person is quite thorny. For a child, the first school of life is his family, which represents the whole world. In the family, the child learns to love, endure, rejoice, sympathize and many other important feelings. In the conditions of the family, an emotional and moral experience inherent only to it develops: beliefs and ideals, assessments and value orientations, attitudes towards people around them and activities. The priority in raising a child belongs to the family (M.I. Rosenova, 2011, 2015) .


Much has been written about how important it is to be able to let go, to complete the old, obsolete. Otherwise, they say, the new will not come (the place is occupied), and there will be no energy. Why do we nod when we read such cleaning-motivating articles, but everything still remains in place? We find thousands of reasons to postpone what is deferred for throwing away. Or not to start sorting out rubble and storerooms at all. And we already habitually scold ourselves: “I’m completely cluttered up, we need to pull ourselves together.”
To be able to easily and confidently throw away unnecessary things becomes a mandatory program of a “good housewife”. And often - a source of another neurosis for those who for some reason cannot do this. After all, the less we do “the right way” - and the better we can hear ourselves, the happier we live. And the more right it is for us. So, let's see if it's really necessary for you personally to declutter.

The art of communicating with parents

Parents often like to teach their children, even when they are old enough. They interfere in their personal lives, advise, condemn ... It comes to the point that children do not want to see their parents, because they are tired of their moralizing.

What to do?

Acceptance of shortcomings. Children must understand that it will not be possible to re-educate their parents, they will not change, no matter how much you would like it. When you come to terms with their shortcomings, it will be easier for you to communicate with them. You just stop expecting a different relationship than before.

How to prevent change

When people create a family, no one, with rare exceptions, even thinks about starting relationships on the side. And yet, according to statistics, families most often break up precisely because of infidelity. Approximately half of men and women cheat on their partners in a legal relationship. In a word, the number of faithful and unfaithful people is distributed 50 to 50.

Before talking about how to save a marriage from cheating, it is important to understand

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on the topic: " Correctional work with visually impaired children

Section 1. Preschool age - a sensitive period in the development of perception

Topic 1. Perception in ontogeny

Topic 2. Visual perception in visual impairment

Section 2. Development of visual perception as an important area of ​​correctional work with children with visual impairments

Topic 1. Psychological foundations for managing the development of visual perception

Topic 2. Pedagogical foundations for managing the development of visual perception

Topic 3. Forms and methods of organization psychological help for the development of visual perception

Topic 4. Planning work on the development of visual perception


Section 1.Preschool age - sensitiveny period of development of perception

Topic 1.Perception in ontogeny

A feature of the activities of the central nervous system child after birth is the prevalence of subcortical formations. The brain of a newborn is still underdeveloped, the cortex and pyramidal pathways do not have complete differentiation. As a result, there is a tendency to diffuse reactions, to their generalization and irradiation, and such reflexes are caused that adults have only in pathology.

This feature of the central nervous system of the newborn significantly affects the activity of sensory systems, in particular visual. With a sharp and sudden illumination of the eyes, generalized protective reflexes may occur - a general shudder of the body and the Peiper phenomenon, which is expressed in the narrowing of the pupil, the closing of the eyelids and the strong tilting of the child's head back. Eye reflexes also appear when other receptors are stimulated, in particular tactile. So, with intense scratching of the skin, the pupils dilate, with a light tap on the nose, the eyelids close. There is also the phenomenon of puppet eyes, in which the eyeballs move in the opposite direction to the passive movement of the head.

In conditions of illumination of the eyes with bright light, a blinking reflex and abduction of the eyeballs upward occur. Already at the birth of a child, there are a number of unconditioned visual reflexes - a direct and friendly reaction of the pupils to light, a short-term orienting reflex of turning both eyes and head to a light source, an attempt to track a moving object. On the 2-3rd week, the formation and improvement of the functions of object, color and spatial vision.

Already in the first months of a child's life, the retinal optomotor reflex of direction and the fixation reflex develop. At birth, a child does not have conscious vision. Under the influence of bright light, his pupil constricts, his eyelids close, his head jerkily leans back, but his eyes wander aimlessly independently of each other.

In 2-5 weeks after birth, strong lighting encourages the child to keep his eyes relatively still and stare at a light surface. By the end of the first month of life, optical stimulation of the periphery of the retina causes a reflex movement in aza, which brings the center of the retina under the action of optical stimulation. This central fixation is at first fleeting and only on one side, but gradually, through repetition, it becomes stable and bilateral. During the 2nd month of life, the child begins to master the near space. At first, close objects are visible in two dimensions (in height and width). At the 4th month, a grasping reflex develops in children. From the second half of life. Visual representations of distance are created, this function develops later than others. It provides a three-dimensional perception of space and is compatible only with the complete coordination of the movements of the eyeballs and with symmetry in their position.

Thus, already at the age of 2 months, a child develops a functional relationship between both halves of the visual analyzer and between the optical and motor apparatus of the eyes, i.e., primitive binocular vision. The formation and development of perfect binocular vision occurs at the age of 2-6 years.

Topic 2visualcoping with visual impairment

Modern scientific research has proven that a decrease in the functions of vision, which inevitably leads to a decrease in the speed and accuracy of perception, causes fragmentation, distortion in the perception of single objects and group compositions, makes it difficult to establish cause-and-effect relationships between objects and phenomena, slowness and fuzziness of their identification, violates simultaneity, perception distance. In addition, in children experiencing visual deprivation, there is a weakening of some properties of perception. Thus, the selectivity of perception is expressed in narrowing the range of interests, reducing the activity of reflective activity, which in turn leads to a decrease in the quantity and quality of ideas about the phenomena and objects of the surrounding world. Children with visual impairments are also characterized by a weaker level of emotional perception of objects in the outside world, as compared to normally seeing children, etc. sensitive period perception visual impairment

An analysis of scientific data and the results of observations of the practical activities of children in this category suggests that children with visual impairments experience serious difficulties in determining the color, shape, size and spatial arrangement of objects, in mastering practical skills, in performing practical actions, in orienting themselves on their bodies. , working surface, in space.

In addition, the shortcomings of visual perception, causing the formation of fuzzy, undifferentiated images of representations, adversely affect the development mental operations(analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.) of preschoolers, which greatly complicates their cognitive activity.

In the course of cognitive activity, children with visual impairments experience difficulties associated with both the pace of work and the quality of tasks. For this category of children are characteristic:

Low level of ability to holistically, in detail and consistently perceive the content of the plot picture, composition, including a large number of characters, details; highlight the first, second plans;

Low level of ability to recognize objects depicted in various versions (contour, silhouette, model);

Low level of development of hand-eye coordination, which underlies the acquisition of writing and reading skills;

Poor memorization of letters;

The impossibility of distinguishing between the configuration of letters, numbers and their elements similar in spelling;

Formation of fuzzy, incomplete or inadequate visual images;

Skipping or the appearance of new (extra) elements in a series of homogeneous objects;

Low level of mastery of writing and reading skills;

The presence of serious difficulties in copying letters;

The appearance of mirror writing of letters, which is persistent, etc.

The presence of these difficulties in preschool children with visual impairments inevitably leads to a decrease in academic performance. The constant situation of failure, becoming a source of negative emotions, often turns into negative ones. emotional states, which reduces the positive motivation of cognitive activity and may be the reason for the formation negative qualities the personality of these children.

Thus, a child with visual impairment during the period preschool education, being in the role of the subject of the educational process, is experiencing significant difficulties, which, in turn, requires teachers to educational institution special support for this category of children. The provision of such support will not only make it possible to largely level the difficulties that arise in this category of children in practical and cognitive activities, but also, in accordance with modern scientific data, will help to have a positive effect on the cerebral cortex and thereby reduce the dependence of the formation of visual functions on visual defect.

Section 2The development of visual perception as an important area of ​​correctional work with childrenwe have visual impairments

Topic 1.Psychological basis of RA management

The psychological foundations for managing the development of visual perception of preschoolers with visual impairments include, firstly, the leading provisions of psychology on the sensory development of a child and, secondly, experimental data that reveal the features of visual perception of children with a visual defect.

Domestic psychologists (B.G. Ananiev, L.A. Venger, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.A. Lyublinskaya, A.P. Usova and others) developed a theory of human sensory organization, in which the place of sensory development of the child was determined. Highlighting the leading ideas of this theory in the light of the tasks of special education for children with visual impairment allows us to use the provisions general psychology to substantiate the direction, choice of methods and techniques of the correctional and pedagogical process for the development of visual perception of children with different degrees and nature of the visual defect.

When solving the problems of developing the visual perception of children with functional visual impairment, it is necessary to proceed, first of all, from the position of psychology that the sensory-perceptual organization of the child is “a single system of analyzers of all modalities without exception, included, in turn, in the general structure of human development” (B.G. Ananiev, 1982). This unity ensures the integrity of the reflection of objective reality. Therefore, the process of controlling the development of visual perception in children with visual impairments cannot be considered outside the tasks of the development of other analyzer systems and outside the tasks of the holistic psychophysical development of the child. This approach determines the implementation of corrective pedagogical work on the development of visual perception as an integral part of the entire process of sensory education of the child. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the visual system is designed to integrate systems of any modality. This allows the child to visualize all sensory experience already at preschool age. However, in cases of visual impairment, the process of visualization of sensory experience occurs at a slower pace.

The choice of ways for the development of visual perception is connected with the position of psychology that perception as a process of formation and functioning of a sensory image of reality is a complex combination of various formations: functional, operational and motivational. It is this trinity that provides a qualitative perception of the environment. In addition, if we conditionally divide the single structure of the perceptual process into functional, operational and motivational mechanisms, then we can talk not only about their interdependence and interdependence, but also about the independent influence of each formation on the level of visual perception.

It is important to note the intravital nature of the occurrence of these formations. It is in the process of accumulation and generalization of the individual experience of the child in the course of education that they develop. Even genetic conditioning, which forms the basis of the functional mechanisms of perceptual processes, “really exists only in conjunction with the accumulation of individual experience through the formation, differentiation and generalization of conditional connections, in which the training of functions is carried out” (B.G. Ananiev, 1982);

The emergence and improvement of conditional connections are provided by operational mechanisms, which include various perceptual actions. It is essential that perceptual actions are formed in the process of practical operation with objects of observation and, therefore, are not set by the very organization of analyzers. Operating mechanisms are mediated by sensory standards - the means of perceptual actions. However, mastering sensory standards requires not only time, but also a certain level of functional development, at which only it is possible to operate with them. It must be borne in mind that operational mechanisms, acting as a factor in stabilizing functions, have a positive effect on the ways of perceiving the environment, which in turn has a positive effect on the preservation, and in some cases, on the development of visual functions.

The quality of reflection of the environment depends on the direction, selectivity and intensity of perceptual processes. The selected properties of perception are determined by the motivational side. Perceptual motivation is also a factor individual development in teaching conditions. When managing the development of visual perception of children with visual impairments, the teacher first of all needs to form the motivation for perception in the gnostic direction: from elementary orienting-exploratory reactions to complex types curiosity and learning interests. At the same time, it is important to remember that the need for vision, the cognitive interests of the child have a positive regulatory effect on both functional and operational mechanisms.

Thus, the work of a typhlopedagogue on the development of visual perception of preschool children with visual impairment, first of all, should involve a targeted impact on all perceptual mechanisms.

The volume and quality of children's mastery of sensory standards are one of the indicators of the characteristics of visual perception, since sensory standards are defined by psychologists as a means of implementing the perceptual process. Therefore, the teacher, determining the level of development of visual perception of children who entered the first grade, first of all, must identify the level of formation of their ideas about visual sensory standards, which in turn determines the child's sensory readiness for learning.

Difficulties in children with visual impairments mainly arise in the process of recognition, localization, correlation of previously learned forms, especially if the object of perception is offered in a new spatial arrangement. This fact indicates that visual impairments in visually impaired children manifest themselves not only at the level of image formation, but also at the level of using existing images.

The difficulties in mastering space by schoolchildren with visual impairments are associated with the inability of most children to correctly assess mutual arrangement objects, localize set value, correlate objects by size when perceiving space and estimate the distance between objects.

The low level of formation of sensory standards and the ability to operate in such children leads to persistent secondary deviations in their visual perception: distortion, diffuseness, fragmentation, non-differentiation, which in turn leads to a decrease in the success of educational activities.

Thus, it becomes obvious that the effectiveness of work on the development of visual perception in children with visual impairments is largely determined by the knowledge of the psychological foundations of managing the process of visual perception.

Topic 2Pedagogical foundations of ra managementdevelopment of visual perception

The pedagogical foundations for the development of visual perception of children with visual impairments include the leading provisions of pedagogy that determine approaches to managing the development of a child. school age.

The conclusions of tiflopsychology about the general patterns of development of cognitive activity in children with normal and impaired vision make it possible to base the correctional and pedagogical process for the development of visual perception on the general principles of managing the development of a preschooler. However, the effectiveness general principles is determined by the originality of their content and implementation, taking into account the peculiarities of visual perception of preschoolers with visual impairments. This, in turn, makes it possible to observe a certain ratio of general and special in correctional and pedagogical work aimed at developing visual perception as mental process.

One of the leading principles of domestic pedagogy is a comprehensive approach to raising a child. The peculiarity of its implementation in educational process is determined by the need for purposefulness, simultaneity and interconnectedness of the processes of medical rehabilitation and correctional and developmental work. This allows the teacher to purposefully and specifically influence each of the components that determine the high level of development of visual perception: functional, operational, motivational, and at the same time develop visual perception as a single, integral mental process.

The implementation of the principle of an integrated approach in this aspect involves a significant expansion of the content of education through the inclusion in the curriculum of remedial classes for the development of visual perception, conducting frontal and individual lessons for the development of visual perception in the afternoon and the implementation of various exercises for the development of vision at home. A complex approach involves conducting studies of the initial level of development of visual perception and visual functions using medical, psychological and pedagogical methods, as well as correction of the content, methods and forms of correctional work in accordance with the results of the current comprehensive diagnostics of the level of development of visual perception, the state and level of development of visual functions.

Dynamic principle of education and upbringing junior schoolchildren is common to children with normal development and children with developmental problems. The peculiarity of the implementation of the dynamic principle involves not only taking into account age-related changes in the development of the child, but also the dynamics of the degree and nature of visual impairment and secondary deviations. The current diagnostics of the level of development of visual perception and visual forms, allowing you to make the necessary adjustments to the content, forms and methods of work, ensures the personality-oriented nature of treatment, rehabilitation and correctional and pedagogical activities in relation to each child with visual impairments.

It is necessary to refer the principle of developmental education to the main principles of managing the development of visual perception. In the conditions of special pedagogical work, its implementation involves purposeful management of the development of visual perception of younger students, determines the organization of visual activity of children on different levels(from elementary actions to broad cognitive activity). At the same time, anticipatory learning is manifested in setting such educational tasks for the child, the productivity of solving which is determined not only by the real, but also by the necessary level of development of visual perception. Thus, the visual activity of children is activated.

The principle of systematicity and consistency in the process of working on the development of visual perception lies in the fact that the logical order of learning is determined not only by the general patterns of the course of this process, but also by the state of vision, the stages of medical and rehabilitation work, and the tasks of correctional and pedagogical activities. The heterogeneity of the contingent of younger schoolchildren entering the first grade, according to the level of development of their visual perception and the degree and nature of the visual defect, suggests specific means of achieving a systematic and consistent educational process: increasing the level of sensory readiness for learning, developing visual-motor coordination, visual- spatial orientation, etc.

The principle of accessibility of education in pedagogical work on the development of visual perception means that younger students with visual impairments (especially those who have not attended special preschool institutions) should be specially trained in what children with normal vision comprehend on their own. Only in such conditions, children with visual impairments will be able to achieve a certain level of learning in a general education school.

In addition, speaking of pedagogical foundations management of the development of visual perception, it is necessary to rely on the principle of comprehensiveness, the implementation of which determines the implementation of work on the development of visual perception in children with visual impairments in various activities (educational, leisure, creative).

The principle of consciousness and activity implies the constant and creative participation of children in the assimilation and application of knowledge and allows the teacher to purposefully manage the motivational side of visual perception, which is an important factor in the high level of its development. The means of implementing this principle in special pedagogical work is the selection of such teaching material that would be significant for the child's knowledge of the world around him. this moment. This contributes to the activity of operating with the knowledge and skills of children, which is necessary for a solid assimilation of the acquired knowledge.

The implementation of the principle of continuity, that is, constant multi-stage learning, not only contributes to the enrichment of the sensory experience of children, but also ensures the continuity of work on the development of visual perception in preschool and school stages child's life.

At present, science has accumulated experimental data indicating that the degree and nature of the primary defect, the age of children, the conditions for accumulating their previous sensory experience and upbringing unevenly affect the development of visual perception in children with visual impairments. This determines the need and importance of using the principles of differentiated and personal oriented learning. The application of these principles in the system of pedagogical work on the development of visual perception of younger students with visual impairments involves a deep and comprehensive study of each child. It is the analysis of the results of diagnostic studies that should be the basis for the creation and use of correctional programs.

The implementation of the above pedagogical principles creates conditions that ensure the leveling of difficulties in mastering learning activities younger students with visual impairments.

Topic 3.Forms and methods of organizing psychological assistance fordevelopment of visual perception

The main means of managing the development of visual perception of a child with visual impairments is teaching him how to see. In the process of special education, the teacher uses all general didactic methods: visual, practical, verbal. The choice of the leading method depends on the stage of learning, and the nature of the use of additional ones (at this stage of learning) depends on the specific didactic tasks and on how (visual, practical, from words) children can learn the program material.

The specificity of the use of general didactic methods in the process of purposeful development of visual perception lies in the fact that an obligatory component of each didactic method is one or another technique of the practical method.

In the classroom in the process of solving a specific didactic task the teacher uses one or more methods of leading or additional methods. At the same time, the didactic techniques of different methods are closely intertwined and correlate with the technique of the practical method.

In the visual method, a number of techniques can be distinguished aimed at forming a holistic image and teaching how to operate it.

Techniques for demonstrating the object of perception:

Demonstration of the object of perception in order to familiarize with the subject;

Consistent outline of the object of perception in order to train both the holistic perception of the object and the selection of its characteristic parts;

Selection of the object of perception from the set or its part from the whole with the help of a pointer, graphic tools, contrast of the background of the demonstration for the maximum concentration of the child's attention on the object and keeping this object in sight for a long time.

Techniques of a visual method aimed at forming a way of perceiving objects of one generic group, their specific properties and qualities:

Showing the sequence of viewing an object according to the scheme: holistic perception, details of the object, their spatial arrangement, repeated holistic perception;

Show external action and operations when comparing objects (applying one to another, superimposing one on another and comparing them, smooth sequential selection of details of objects of comparison);

Highlighting (showing with a pointer, graphic means, verbal clarification) in the object of perception informative features by which it is most quickly recognizable;

Familiarization of children with the algorithm of perception. In his work, the teacher uses a visual didactic material, which helps him to more fully solve the tasks of the program for the development of visual perception.

The methods of verbal visualization aimed at illustrating the program material for the development of visual perception should include the reading by the teacher of poems, nursery rhymes, descriptive riddles, etc. before or during the children's tasks. In addition, the methods of verbal visualization include a sample description of an object, its properties and qualities.

Quite often, in the classroom for the development of visual perception, the teacher uses the instruction as a method of the verbal method. The instruction is used when children basically represent the content of their activities.

To form ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, especially when a teacher identifies and clarifies existing knowledge, communicates new information, teaches simple reasoning, one of the main methods of the verbal method is used - conversation. Questions to children are also widely used as teaching methods. They test the knowledge of children. Questions should be asked in such a way that they involve reflection: children should compare objects of perception with each other, establish cause-and-effect relationships.

In the course of completing the task, the teacher gives instructions, directing the mental, visual or external practical activity of children in separate words or phrases. “Instructions include the following remarks: “prove”, “think”, “compare this”, “consider”, “look more closely”, “follow the pointer with your eyes”, etc.

In the learning process, such a methodological technique as verbal dictation is often used.

To practical method should also include the organization of various types of visual, mental, external practical activities children. The content of these tasks are tasks that impose strict requirements on perception. Psychologists refer to such tasks, firstly, practical tasks that require specific consideration of certain properties and relations of objects, and, secondly, cognitive tasks, providing for the need for qualitative and quantitative characteristics these properties and relationships. The main tasks of perception are the search, detection, discrimination, identification and reflection of the objective nature, external properties and relations of objects. Such tasks constitute the main content of tasks in the process of development of visual perception.

Depending on the stage and tasks of training, the teacher selects tasks, focusing not only on their content, but also on the possible nature of their solution by the child. Moreover, the nature of the solution of the problem should be laid down in the task itself.

Topic 4.Development work planningvisual perception

The development of children's visual perception is realized in the course of frontal and individual work carried out in remedial classes provided for by the curriculum.

The content of the frontal work on the development of visual perception is determined by the presence of specific difficulties that arise in children of this category in the process of their practical and cognitive activities. The program content of each lesson is determined by its type, that is, a certain focus of tasks that ultimately allow realizing the main goal of the lesson. The classification of the difficulties that arise in this category of children makes it possible to distinguish the following types of special classes for the development of visual perception:

Classes to improve sensory standards;

Classes on expanding and automating methods for examining objects;

Classes to expand and correct subject ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;

Classes to improve the perception of the depth of space;

Classes to improve the ability to perceive the plot image;

Classes for the development of hand-eye coordination.

The program content of work on the development of visual perception in each age group includes all of the listed types of classes. However, the proportion of each type of occupation varies depending on age-related changes in visual perception and the results of a diagnostic study of the level of its development.

The program content of classes aimed at improving sensory standards for preschoolers with visual impairments is the implementation of the following tasks: expanding knowledge about sensory standards, consolidating ideas about the system of sensory standards; expanding the ability to use sensory standards at the level of naming, recognition, and operation; formation and automation of skills to use sensory standards in the analysis of the properties and qualities of objects; development of sensory operations as part of exploratory perceptual actions; expansion of ideas about the properties and qualities of objects real world.

The program content of classes aimed at improving and automating the methods of examining objects in children with visual impairments is the implementation of the following tasks: strengthening the ability to recognize objects offered for perception in different modalities (a natural object, a three-dimensional model, a silhouette or contour image); improvement and enrichment of subject representations; improving and automating the skills of a complete and consistent visual examination of objects; strengthening the skill of poly-sensory examination of objects.

The program content of classes aimed at expanding and correcting ideas about objects in the real world in children with visual impairments is the implementation of the following tasks: expanding the range of ideas about objects (objects and details) that are difficult for distant perception, as well as objects that are inaccessible to visual perception of children with visual impairments. visual impairment; items that have complex structure; the use of compensatory techniques for the perception of objects on a poly-sensor basis; the use of purposeful perception with the help of algorithmization; consolidation of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world by including them in new activities; correction and replenishment of subject representations through the use of visibility and the leading role of the word in the perception of objects.

The program content of classes aimed at improving the depth of space in children with visual impairments is the implementation of the following tasks: the development of spatial perception through the formation of non-stereoscopic methods of perception of the depth of space (the use of overlapping techniques, chiaroscuro, etc.); formation of the ability to apply the mastered methods of perception of the depth of space in educational, cognitive and practical activities; development of deep vision, eye, oculomotor functions; activation of operating with ideas about an object with spatial orientation in the surrounding reality; improving the ways of perceiving objects at different distances; the formation of the skill of using existing knowledge and skills in a free (new) space and in activities with new objects.

The program content of classes aimed at improving the ability to perceive a plot image is the implementation of the following tasks: the formation and consolidation of the ability to perceive a plot image in detail, consistently and holistically; automation of the ability to correlate the existing subject representations with the images (objects) depicted in the picture; the formation of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and relationships in the perception of a plot image based on the identification of informative features of objects and phenomena depicted in the picture.

The program content of classes aimed at improving visual-motor coordination is the implementation of the following tasks: improving the ways of perceiving moving objects; development of the skill of following the action of the hand with the eyes; development of the ability to keep a visual stimulus in the field of view when performing a visual task; development of the sense of touch and fine motor skills; automation of the ability to use a pen, pencil; development of the ability to draw lines (straight, oblique, curved) from a given beginning to a given end, between boundaries, according to a model; development of the ability to connect points with a straight line; development of the ability to write letters, numbers according to the model and independently; development of the ability to choose a rational mode of action when performing graphic tasks.

In addition, it is advisable to expand the program content of remedial classes for the development of visual perception through the implementation, along with the allocated additional tasks related to the development of attention, memory, imagination, and speech of schoolchildren with visual impairments.

Specification of the program content of individual lessons on the development of visual perception should be carried out in accordance with:

With anamnestic data (degree of visual impairment, condition of binocular vision, leading eye disease);

With knowledge of visual functional reserves of the child;

Taking into account the form of occurrence of the violation;

With prospects and stage of treatment;

With the type and severity of concomitant disorders;

With the results of a diagnostic examination of the level of visual perception of each child;

With the general level of development of the child.

The effectiveness of classes for the development of visual perception depends on the fulfillment by the teacher of a number of organizational requirements. Work on the development of visual perception should begin with a comprehensive study of all the pupils of the group, with the identification of the level of development, visual perception of both the entire group (average indicators) and each individual child. As a result of the work carried out, the teacher should single out those children who require individual lessons along with frontal ones. The next step in the activity of the teacher is the compilation perspective plan, which should include all types of classes. Drawing up a long-term plan should not only be based on general didactic principles (the principle of consistency, systematicity, etc.), but also take into account the level of development of visual perception of each individual child, the conditions of preschool education, the psychological, pedagogical and ophthalmological characteristics of children, age characteristics visual perception, general level group development, etc. Next, the teacher needs to clarify the program content of each type of lesson with both basic and additional tasks.

During the next stage, the teacher must focus primarily on the need to combine two types of loads (mental and visual) when performing any task, which ensures the prevention of mechanical training of vision, on the one hand, and insufficient visual activity, on the other. The mental load of preschoolers can be achieved by imparting new knowledge, deepening existing knowledge, including mental operations (analysis, synthesis of classification, comparison, generalization), activation of arbitrariness of attention, memory when solving tasks for visual perception, increasing the completeness, accuracy, arbitrariness of perception, using the opportunity to provide the child with an independent setting of an accessible task for perception, etc.

Knowledge of the level of development of all components of visual perception in each preschooler makes it possible to determine the type special lesson and its content to use a student-centered approach.


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