Scenario of a literary musical composition for May 9. Scenario for Victory Day.docx - Literary and musical lounge "Victory Day". The poem “Wait for me” by K. Simonov is heard

The script for the literary and musical lounge was developed by a teacher
on vocals Danchenko S.V. SCENARIO
Host: Good afternoon, dear veterans!
Hello, dear friends and guests!
Victory Day is a bright spring holiday, a holiday of military glory
a heroic people, a victorious people.
This event entered our lives, into many volumes of history, forever.
frozen in stone and in bronze monuments, memorials of glory.
Victory Day excites human souls with the words of songs, poems and
memories. It is forever in the grateful memory of posterity.
Let the peaceful cities sleep.
Let the sirens howl piercingly
Doesn't sound over my head.
Let no shell explode,
Not a single one is making a machine gun.
Let our forests ring out
Only birds and children's voices.
And may the years pass peacefully,
Let there never be war!
1.Song “I wish it didn’t happen” more war»
Vedas: Victory Day, it was and remains a sacred day for everyone
people of our country. Eyewitnesses of those events remain with everyone
less and less every year, but from generation to generation

conveys the gratitude and enthusiastic attitude of our people
to those who, at the cost of their lives, liberated their native land.

2. Dance “My Motherland!”
A word to dear, respected veterans! We are proud of you
we bow before your courage and let us be holy
keep in your hearts the memory of your great feat in
years of war. Good health to you. We really want
so that today you feel good in your soul, in your heart -
With all our hearts we wish you good spirits, good and
a worthy life. Let nothing darken your everyday life and
holidays. Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt
congratulations on the great and bright holiday - Day
3.Song “Victory Day”
Presenter: On May 9th, we all celebrate this great holiday -
it's Victory Day. May 9 is celebrated almost all over the world, showing
solidarity with the Russian people, for our great feat. This
The holiday is carefully and reverently passed on from generation to generation.
Today we want to congratulate everyone on this great holiday,
and I would like to wish everyone that never again, in our world,
there were no such terrible wars that no one else would ever
did not hear the explosions of bombs so that all the peoples of the world would live in friendship
and consent.
Today the smallest artists came to congratulate us on
Great Victory Day!
4. Dance “You are a sailor, I am a sailor!”
Azure bays, pearl mountains,
The tall, distant light of the lighthouse.
Eh! Black Sea, wide sea,
Native Sevastopol, the love of a sailor.
Wounded but majestic

You will enter the chronicle of centuries
Immortal city of our glory,
Shrine of Russian sailors.
5. Song “Sevastopol - wave after wave”
6. Dance "Victory"
It seemed cold to the flowers
And they faded slightly from the dew,
The dawn that walked through the grass and bushes,
We searched through German binoculars.

Everything breathed such silence,
It seemed that the whole earth was asleep.
Who knew that between peace and war
Just five minutes left!
The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
He gave us a common misfortune
For everyone, for all four years.

Sunny early morning in June,
At the hour when the country awakened,
Sounded everywhere to the young
This is a terrible word “war”.
To reach you, forty-fifth,
Through hardships, pain and misfortune,
The boys left their childhood
In the forty-first war year.
Planes rushed skyward
The tank formation moved
Infantry companies singing
Let's fight for our Motherland!

7. Song “Our 10th Airborne Battalion”

8.Verse with the musical composition “Do you remember
Alyosha roads of Smolensk region"

9. Song “Oh, these clouds in blue”
How long ago the last volleys died down,
This was back in '45,
But you remember everything as if it were recently,
And you shed another tear unnoticed.
And nothing can be returned, but nothing is forgotten,
Memory takes us back to our youth.
The heart also keeps what has been blurred for years,
Front-line friends - it’s a pity that YOU are not around.
Those years will never be returned, and there is no need to.
They were too harsh and difficult.
But for you the best reward in the world
Will clear sky and peaceful days.
10.Russian folk dance
So that again earthly planet
That disaster did not happen again
We need,
So that our children
They remembered this
Like us!
I have no reason to worry

So that that war is not forgotten:
After all, this memory is our conscience
We need her as strength...
11. Song “Cuckoo”
We are endlessly proud of you,
Faithful defenders of the country,
The pain of loss will endure over the years.
If only there wouldn't be a war again!
We will preserve your memory forever,
We will save our land for our children;
May Crimea be our native land,
becomes more beautiful, richer, brighter!.
Crimea is the coast of ancient times;
Crimea is the shore of a glorious victory;
Crimea, Sevastopol in smoke and fire;
Crimea is the children's heart of the planet
12. Song “This is Crimea!”
How many years have passed since the Victory Day?
How many peaceful and happy years?!
We are grateful to you, fathers and grandfathers,
What did you say “no” to the fascists!
Thank you for standing up
You bring your homeland at a high price,
To make children's smiles shine
You went to your death, sacrificing yourself.
Sevastopol is a famous hero city,
On the waves is the legendary handsome sea man.
Our Black Sea city braved for the Motherland,
Combat Sevastopol defeated its enemies!

The sons of Russia held the defense,
Stronger than steel! We have become strong!
Our brave city is beautiful and smart,
Rus' is with Sevastopol, that’s why it is strong!

13. Song "Sevastopol"
Sevastopol survived the siege twice.
In two wars he fought to the death,
For this he earned the title of Hero City.
It was destroyed, but was reborn from the ashes.
Sevastopol remained Russian forever!
And no matter what happens, it will be Russian!
Russia will never leave Sevastopol,
The merits of the City Hero will not be forgotten.
14. Dance “Russia - forward!”
We celebrate Victory Day,
He comes with flowers and banners.
We are all heroes today
We call by name.
We know: it’s not at all easy
He came to us - Victory Day.
This day has been conquered
Our dads, our grandfathers.
We will dedicate many songs to them
Glory, glory on Victory Day!
Together with Motherland Russia
Let's celebrate the Victory!
15. Songwriter “Russia - come on!”
Today the holiday enters every home,

And joy comes to people with him.
We congratulate you on your great day,
Happy day of our glory!
Happy Victory Day!

Frontline concert

Children come under the march.

Ved. Good afternoon, guests, veterans, adults and children! 9th May! Happy and joyful day! 72 years ago the Soviet people won a great victory over Nazi Germany. Grandfathers remember this day, grandchildren know, and every person is proud of our victory.

I know from my dad, I know from my grandfather

Even then we were not in the world,

When fireworks thundered from one end to another.

Soldiers, you gave to the planet

Great May, victorious May!

May holiday -

Victory Day

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on

Military orders.

Frontline songs,

Military awards,

Red tulips,

Veterans' meetings

And fireworks in half the sky,

Huge as Victory.

Song “This holiday is big - Victory Day”

Ved. 1. In the early morning of June 22, 1941, peaceful life was stopped with only one short but terrible word - war!

Music "Holy war"

Get up people! Hearing the cry of the earth,

The soldiers of the Motherland went to the front

Their sons were with their fathers.

And the children walked the roads of war.

The children march and sit down.

Soldiers went into battle across the Dnieper and Volga.

They fought for their beloved native land.

For every city, every village.

For everything that grew on my land.

For a child's smile, bright class.

For Peace, for the happiness of each of us!

Ved. A song helped to defend one’s homeland, not to lose heart, not to lose faith in oneself.

Let the young soldiers know

Like one day, in the pre-dawn hour,

The songs were picked up by machine guns.

No awards were hung on their chests,

Their portraits were not in the newspaper,

But their difficult path is glorified,

And the people who sang these songs!

I would start my story with a song,

From that simple secret song,

What, as a symbol of joy, rushed

Over Sofia, Budapest, Vienna.

On foot and in a truck,

On a hot day and winter powder,

We carried it in a duffel bag,

The most valuable, lightest burden.

Composition"In the forest near the front"

Dance "Song of the Frontline Driver"

Oh, you song, a song of fire,

Let your enemies tremble.

You sound, sound, don’t stop,

Help us win quickly.

And the shells fly into the thick darkness,

And the sky is painted with fire.

We are defending our native country.

And “Katyusha” sings to us in battle!

Song "Katyusha"

Presenter. In the days of war, the song was a weapon, an oath, a password and a dream. A dream of meeting with family and friends, of meeting the places where they lived. The soldiers sang about the beauty of nature, about birches, about the river, and everyone remembered their native land. It was as if some magic word transported him to his native land.

Composition"Blue handkerchief"

Dance "Bullseye"

Leading: This day became special for the residents of Leningrad, who survived the terrible 900-day siege of the city.

Days and months and years pass, but it will always remain in memory

The war that brought hardships, hardships, and took away your childhood.

Sitting on a bench in the park, where you can hear the laughter of children,

You will remember the difficult childhood of the distant blockade.

May the sun shine tenderly on you and the nightingales sing loudly.

And children on our planet will never know war.

Song (Adults)

Song “The victory was not easy”

For the native country people

Gave their lives

We will never forget

Those who fell in valiant battle.

Ved. Let's stand up and be silent. Let us honor the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. All whose lives were lost in the harshest hour of war.


The wind of victory was just around the corner

He rushed towards us through smoke, fire and squall

And every person in the rear, at the front

I was looking forward to her arrival!

Song "Road to Berlin"

The war ended in victory,

Those years are behind us.

Medals and orders are burning

On many people's chests.

2nd child:

The sun is shining on Victory Day

And it will always shine for us.

Our grandfathers were in fierce battles

They managed to defeat the enemy.


Where the guns don't thunder,

The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

We need peace for all the guys.

We need peace on the entire planet!

Song "About the World"

1st child

There is a sun that will wake up with a song

And a cheerful song rushes around the world.

2nd child

The sun has freckles, the sun has toys,

He doesn't need machine guns and guns.

3rd child

It dreams of happiness and dances,

Paints smiles of flowers on the asphalt.

Dance "I paint this world"

1st child

The sun shines so beautifully

The sun is shining brightly on us!

Children need a happy world,

We need peace for dads and moms!

2nd child

Adults, children are asking you,

So that you take care of the world,

So that the sun shines on the children

In every corner of the earth.

Presenter We congratulate all veterans and guests on this great holiday. Happiness to you, kindness and peaceful skies above your head (Children give

flowers for veterans.)

Song "Victory Day"

They leave the hall to the music.

Publications on the topic:

Literary and musical composition “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” for the holiday of May 9 for senior preschool age Purpose of the holiday: 1. Acquaintance with the national holiday Victory Day. 2. Introduction to cultural heritage people, education of children.

Literary and musical composition "O Him whose commandment is love!" Goal: the formation of the Orthodox culture of preschool children as a means.

Scenario for the literary and artistic composition “My Favorite Land” (preparatory group) Children enter the hall to the music, forming round dances, and stop at the central wall. Ved. Almost in the very center of the Murmansk region.

Script for the literary and play composition “To Be Remembered” for May 9th Day Literary and play composition “To be remembered” for the open day (04/21/15) for children of 2nd grade A, MBOUNOSH No. 5, Tula. GPD teacher

Scenario of the literary and musical lounge “White Cranes” in memory of soldiers killed on the fronts of various wars Block 1. History of the holiday “White Cranes” (Sorrowful music against the background of the leader’s words) Presenter: From unknown to famous, Conquer.

Flowers are blooming again

On a May day I really want to believe,

What beautiful and bright dreams

Like the sun's light will burst through the doors.

Sink into the soft grass

Remember those who are no longer with us,

But they live in your soul,

Warming with the eternal word “memory”!

It was many years ago

But the earth preserves the madness of battle,

Remembers the explosions of tank grenades,

Remembers those who died standing!

The skies have long been clear,

Life goes on and the sun still shines,

But they put flowers on the parapet

Children with trepidation and embarrassment.

And we will be on par with them,

Because we haven't seen much,

After all, we didn’t die in the war,

They gave their lives for the sake of Life!

Just for a moment, leave everything behind,

Remember, and the world will become brighter!

Time erases everything, but it must

The memory remains in our souls!

The scenes open. Creative production.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon!

Presenter 2: We are glad to welcome everyone who has gathered in this hall!

Presenter 3: May 9 is Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War. This is a day of joy and celebration, a day of immortal glory and of blessed memory heroes.

Presenter 4: The day of June 22, 1941 is remembered by us as one of the most tragic days in the history of the country. On this day, Nazi Germany attacked the USSR without declaring war. A mortal danger looms over our Motherland.

Presenter 1: The Red Army bravely met the enemy. Thousands of soldiers and commanders at the cost own life tried to hold back the onslaught of the Nazis. But the forces were unequal.

Presenter 2: The Red Army did not have enough new types of equipment in service: tanks, airplanes, artillery pieces, machine guns. Soviet Union has just begun to rearm our army and navy. For these and some other reasons Soviet troops suffered huge, unjustified losses.

Presenter 3: According to the plan of Hitler’s generals, the war was supposed to last only two to three months. Before the attack on the USSR, Germany captured all the tanks, planes, guns, factories and labor of conquered Europe. The enemy was cruel and strong.

Presenter 4. The entire Soviet people stood up to defend the Motherland. Thousands of volunteers went to the Red Army, partisan detachments, civil uprising. The country became one battle camp; the efforts of the front and rear merged together.

Performance by Ekaterina Bosnak and Marina Zakharova, song “We haven’t been home for a long time...”

Presenter 1: Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland! Everlasting memory to all the heroic deeds that Russian liberator soldiers performed in the name of freedom and independence of our Motherland! No wonder their exploits are sung in poetry and songs!

Presenter 2:

There are many events in our history,
Where it was necessary to defend Peace;
This is the lot of adults, but not forgotten
Children - going to battle, instead of games.

Presenter 3:

How many of them are small, disturbed by the forest?
Secretly rushing along well-trodden paths:
It must have been scary to go
It is important to press the note to your chest.

Presenter 4:

On the head instead of caps there are hats,
Instead of panama hats - tight scarves,
And gymnasts - not shirts,
The shoes were changed to boots.

Presenter 1:

The child's heart was boiling with anger,
Instead of smiles, they - again and again
They risked their lives so that
Peace and Love reigned on Earth!

Presenter 2: For military merits - in mortal combat with enemies -
Many pioneers were awarded Orders!

Presenter 3:

In the name of the Fatherland, I trampled doubts,

so that evil enemy win,
You gave your life without ever knowing

How wonderful it is to live!

Presenter 4:

We will remember you and keep you in our hearts

Their heroes' names.
You lived, fought, were able to win,

May the Country be proud of you!

Song about pioneer heroes. Boys' Choir primary school.

Presenter 1:

Uncompressed rye swings,

The soldiers are walking along it.

We too, girls, are walking,

Look like guys.

Presenter 2:

No, it's not the hills that are burning -

My youth is on fire.

Guys are going to war

They are walking through their native land.

The song “Oh, roads...” Students of grade 3B perform.

Presenter 1: The Great War lasted for four and a half years Patriotic War. Our soldiers fought bravely in the battles, those who remained in the rear also worked together with all their might to forge victory. They worked in factories and factories, making weapons: tanks, machine guns, airplanes, mortars and cannons.

Presenter 2: Military echelons carried weapons, medicines and clothing, and food for the soldiers to the front. Finally the enemy was broken! The soldiers liberated not only our Fatherland, but also many European countries from fascist invaders. They reached Berlin and hoisted a red flag on the Reichstag.

Presenter 3:

Through blood and sweat, through fire and water,

through the smoke of fires, through the stench of corpses,

defending the right to freedom,

Russia, your soldier, walked towards victory!

Presenter 4:

And she didn’t break, she didn’t ruin her heart,

And the war did not corrupt our souls.

Apparently superhuman strength

It was given to him, a Russian soldier.

Song “Ballad of a Soldier” 2nd grade students perform.

Presenter 3: Our people achieved victory at a high price. The war claimed almost 27 million Soviet lives. But the Soviet Union not only survived such a brutal war, but also defeated fascism because the war was a nationwide one.

Presenter 4: Everyone rose up to defend the Motherland: men, women, old people, youth, all nations and nationalities of the country. Unprecedented fortitude and heroism on the battlefields, the courageous struggle of partisans and underground fighters behind the front line, almost round-the-clock tireless work in the rear - this is how this victory was won.

Movie. Requiem.

Presenter 1. A minute of silence is announced. (Metronome sound.)

Presenter 1: On May 9, on the Victory Day of our people in the Great Patriotic War, thousands of people took to the streets and squares of cities. Everyone's eyes were filled with tears of joy and sadness at the same time. People rejoiced at the Great Victory and were sad about the loss of loved ones.

Presenter 2:

Today the holiday enters every home,

and joy comes to people with it.

We congratulate you on the Great Day!

Happy Day of Our Glory!

All: Happy Victory Day!

Song “Victory” Students of 3rd and 4th grades perform.

Literary and musical composition "On the roads of war." Primary School

Kharlamova Yulia Sergeevna, teacher primary classes MAOU "School No. 26" G.O.Balashikha.
Target: Forming in children an idea of ​​the feat of the people who stood up to defend their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War.
- expand children’s knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, show the life of a long-suffering people.
- to cultivate respect for the defenders of the Motherland, love for the Motherland, pride in one’s people, the desire to defend one’s country.
-to form patriotic feelings.
Progress of the event:
Against the background of a slow melody, children stage the poem "If they say the word Motherland"

If they say the word “Motherland”,
Immediately comes to mind
2nd student:
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate.
3rd student:
A modest birch tree by the river
And a chamomile hillock...
4 student:
And others will probably remember
Your native Moscow courtyard...
1 student:
The first boats are in the puddles,
The clatter of feet above the jump rope
2nd student:
And a large neighboring factory
Loud joyful horn.
3rd student:
Or the steppe is red with poppies,
Virgin gold…
4 student:
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!
The hum of the serena and Levitan's voice sound about the beginning of the war.
All children sing the song "Holy War".
1 student:(In military uniform)
Forties, fatal,
Lead, powder,
The war is sweeping across Russia,
And we are so young!
2nd student:
Goodbye, cities and houses!
The long road is calling us!
Young, brave guys
At dawn we are leaving for the front!
1 student:(Staging the first poem)
Get up people! Hearing the cry of the earth.
The soldiers of the Motherland have gone to the front.
2nd student:
Soldiers went into battle beyond the Dnieper and beyond the Volga.
They fought for their beloved native land.
3rd student:
For every city, every village.
For everything that grew on my land.
4 student:
For a child's smile, bright class,
For peace,
For the happiness of each of us!

“Farewell of the Slavic Woman” sounds. Children in uniform line up to the music. The rest wave their scarves as they stand. They are seated.

The girl reads the poem "Goodbye, boys." Yu. Okudzhava.
Oh, war, what have you done, vile one:
Our yards have become quiet,
Our boys raised their heads -
They have matured for the time being
They barely loomed on the threshold
And they left, following the soldier - the soldier...
Goodbye boys!

No, don't hide, be tall,
Spare no bullets or grenades
And don't spare yourself
And still
Try to go back.
Oh, war, what have you done, vile one?
Instead of weddings - separation and smoke,
Our girls' dresses are white
They gave it to their sisters.
Boots - well, where can you get away from them?
Yes, green wings...
Don't give a damn about the gossipers, girls.
We'll settle the score with them later.
Let them chatter that you have nothing to believe in,
Why are you going to war at random...
Goodbye girls!
Try to go back.
1 presenter:
On June 22, at 3:15 a.m., German troops crossed the borders of the Soviet Union. That was the name of our country. And everyone, young and old, stood up to defend the Fatherland.
2 presenter:
Your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers went to war. They were very young then. Yesterday's schoolchildren put on their tunics and also went to the front.

The song "Sons of the Regiments" is performed. Music: Yakov Dubravin Lyrics: Volt Suslov.

A student reads "The Tankman's Tale." A. Tvardovsky.

What’s his name, I forgot to ask him.
About ten or twelve years old. Bedovy,
Of those who are the leaders of children,
From those in the front-line towns
They greet us like dear guests.
The car is surrounded in parking lots,
Carrying water to them in buckets is not work,
Bring soap and towel to the tank
And unripe plums are put in...
There was a battle going on outside. The enemy fire was terrible,
We made our way forward to the square.
And he nails - you can’t look out of the towers, -
And the devil will understand where he’s hitting from.
Here, guess which house is behind
He settled down - there were so many holes,
And suddenly a boy ran up to the car:
- Comrade commander, comrade commander!
I know where their gun is. I scouted...
I crawled up, they were over there in the garden...
- But where, where?.. - Let me go
On the tank with you. I'll give it straight away.
Well, no fight awaits. - Get in here, buddy! -
And so the four of us roll to the place.
The boy is standing - mines, bullets whistling,
And only the shirt has a bubble.
We've arrived. - Here. - And from a turn
We go to the rear and give full throttle.
And this gun, along with the crew,
We sank into loose, greasy black soil.
I wiped off the sweat. Smothered by fumes and soot:
There was a big fire going from house to house.
And I remember I said: “Thank you, lad!” -
And he shook hands like a comrade...
It was a difficult fight. Everything now is as if from sleep,
And I just can’t forgive myself:
From thousands of faces I would recognize the boy,
But what’s his name, I forgot to ask him.

1 student:
Who said you have to quit?
Songs at war?
After the battle the heart asks
Double the music!
2nd student:
No wonder they sang about the path to Berlin
About how difficult and slow it was
The songs have aged with them,
And they still remain in the country!

A dance is performed to the song "Darkie".Music: Anatoly Novikov.
Words: Yakova Shvedova.

1 presenter:
The soldiers were marching to the west,
On the roads of war.
Fell out among the volleys,
Maybe an hour of silence.
2 presenter:
And then at a halt,
Down in the trench,
People wrote letters
To those who were so far away.

1 student: (soldier)
Hello, dear Maxim!
Hello, my beloved son!
I am writing from the front line. Tomorrow morning - back into battle!
We will drive out the fascists.
Take care, son, mother.
Forget sadness and sadness -
I will return victorious!
I will finally hug you.
Your father.
2 student: (soldier)
Mom, I will return from the war,
We, dear, will meet you,
I will snuggle in the midst of peaceful silence,
Like a child, cheek to your cheek.
I’ll snuggle up to your gentle hands
Hot, rough lips.
I will dispel the sadness in your soul
With kind words and deeds.
Believe me, mom, it will come, our time,
We will win the holy and right war.
And the world that saved us will give us
And an unfading crown and glory!
3rd student: (soldier)
My dear brothers and sisters,
Tomorrow I go into battle again.
For your Fatherland, for Russia,
That I got into a lot of trouble.
I will gather my courage and strength.
I will begin to smash our enemies.
So that nothing threatens you,
So that you can study and live!

Presenter 1:
The path to victory was long and difficult. Every millimeter of the military route was soaked in the blood and sweat of soldiers, women, old people and children.
Presenter 2:
Childhood scorched by war
Unfortunately, many people got it.
Didn't fly by
It ended quickly, in an instant.

Presenter 1: Childhood scorched by war
But despite all the troubles and troubles
Children fought along with the country
For joyful moments, before victory.

Children dramatize the poem "Children of War" Laura Tassi

She consoled the tattered bear
Girl in a mutilated hut:
"Don't cry, don't cry. I was malnourished myself,
I left half a cracker for you.
The shells flew and exploded,
Black earth mixed with blood.
There was a family, there was a home. Now they remain
All alone in the world - you and me."

And behind the village the grove was smoking,
Struck by monstrous fire,
And Death flew around like an angry bird,
An unexpected misfortune came to the house.
“Do you hear, Mish, I’m strong, I don’t cry,
And they will give me a machine gun at the front.
I will take revenge for hiding my tears,
Because our pines are burning..."
But in the silence the bullets whistled loudly,
An ominous reflection flashed in the window...
And the girl ran out of the house:
“Oh, Mishka, Mishka, how scared I am!”

...Silence. Not a voice is heard.
The country is celebrating the victory today...
And how many of them, girls and boys,
Orphaned by a vile war?!..

1 presenter:
The most terrible milestone of that war was the siege of Leningrad. 900 days of heroic resistance. Hunger, cold, illness; thousands of dead...
2 presenter:
In winter, an ice track was built across Lake Ladoga - the legendary “Road of Life”.
1 student:

In the days of siege
We never found out:
Between youth and childhood
Where is the line?.. We are in forty-three
Medals were given out
And only in forty-fifth
2nd student:
And there is no problem in that.
But for adults
Having already lived for many years,
Suddenly it's scary
That we won't
Neither older nor more mature,
Than then."

On the screen is the video "Children of War".

1 presenter:
Through blood and sweat
Through fire and water,
Through the smoke of the fires,
Through the stench of corpses.
Defending the right to freedom
Russia was moving towards victory,
Your soldier!
2 presenter:
The fire is burning at the obelisk,
Birches are sad in silence
And we bowed low, low -
An unknown soldier is sleeping here.

Dance "Cranes". words by R. Gamzatov, music by Y. Frenkel

1 presenter:
In the Great Patriotic War, our country lost more than 20 million lives.
2 presenter:
The memory of generations is unquenchable,
And the memory of those whom we sacredly honor.
Come on, people, let's stand for a moment,
And we will stand in sorrow and be silent.

A minute of silence to the sound of a metronome.

1 student:
And suddenly the sky became brighter,
Under the battle of a joyful wave,
The news came to us: “Victory! »
And there are no battles and no war!
2nd student:
The old grandfather cried on the stove,
Without hiding my tears, like a little boy.
And even my mother smiled
A smile of happiness at last.
3rd student:
The war is over and the wounds are healing,
And on Victory Day in an enthusiastic country,
Veterans march, shining with awards,
Front-line soldiers, heroes, the conscience of our days.
4 student:
We will be brave like our grandfathers,
Let's protect our native land!
And the bright sun of Victory
We won't give it to anyone!

There is a memory that will never end


Remember how the guns thundered,

How soldiers died in the fire

In forty-one

Forty-fifth -

The soldiers went to battle for the truth.

Remember how the earth shook and went blind,

As the dawn rose from the ashes,

Thunder of guns

Let's not forget

We are with you.

Remember: a menacing tornado above the earth in the blue sky -

It's the Black Death in Hiroshima

In Hiroshima,

In the blue sky -

Black ash in our hearts forever.

Remember, don’t forget the burned faces -

This could happen again.

Let's not forget

This, people,

Remember, both thunderstorms and wind are in our power,

We are responsible for happiness and tears,

On the planet

Our children -

The younger generation lives...

Remember that the spring shoots rustle, -

Don't forget these terrible years!

Our path is difficult

Stand up people

Life is calling!

Presenter 1: There are events that, after decades, are erased from people’s memories and become the property of archives. But there are such events, the significance of which not only does not decrease with time, but, on the contrary, increasingly acquires special significance and becomes immortal.

Presenter2: Such events include the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War, the 70th anniversary of which we are celebrating today. The victory is great, incomparable. Experienced in many ways by the heart, it has become part of our consciousness, inseparable from a sense of duty to the creators of victory.

Presenter1: This war is the most popular and truly the most sacred of all wars on Earth, it will forever remain a great lesson in human courage.

Presenter2: Of course, historians can meticulously count the number of divisions that took part in a particular battle, the number of burned villages, destroyed cities...

Presenter1: But they cannot tell what a 7-year-old girl felt, before whose eyes her sister and brother were torn apart by a bomb.

Presenter2: Or what the 10-year-old boy was thinking about besieged Leningrad, boiling a leather shoe in water, looking at the corpses of his relatives.

Presenter1: They can tell about it themselves.

Presenter2: Those who saw this war

Presenter1: Those who survived that war
Presenter2: Those who are still alive
Presenter1: Those who were 70 years old were not yet sixteen
Presenter2: Those whose childhood was scorched by the fire of the Great Patriotic War

(musical number “Don’t take the sun away from the children”)

Presenter1: On May 9, victory fireworks will go off for the seventieth time. And the immortal sufferings of the war years and the immeasurable courage of the people are still alive in the people's memory.

Presenter2: Year 1941. June. The country lived a peaceful life, hoping that the fire of war that broke out in Europe would not affect our country.

(sounds “School Waltz”) 2 girls and 2 boys

Girl1: What a great thing our director said today!
Young man1: Yes...(imitating male voice) Today is your wonderful day! Today we see you off on your final journey...


Young man2: Look - the sun is rising! What a morning! What a dawn! I wish our last night at school would never end.
Girl2: Everything ends someday, but that’s not bad - there will be more to come real life. A new day begins!
Young man1: Day of our new life. We are no longer schoolchildren.
Girl1: Yes... But it seemed so far away!
Young man1: And now prom behind…
Girl1: I can’t even believe that this is the last time we’ll all be together.
Young man2: Goodbye, school! Goodbye teachers! What awaits us ahead?! Unknown...
Girl2: Why “unknown”? So who do you want to become?
Young man2: And I’ll probably go to the taiga, I want to become a geologist... I dream of traveling around the country, sitting by the fire with a guitar.
Girl2(to others): And you?
Young man1: And I will become a famous football player. I have already been invited to Dynamo. I will defend the honor of the country in international competitions.

Girl 2:
But now I don’t know what to do. This C in chemistry is bothering me so much!
Youth 2:
Oh, come on, stop being upset. Well, just think, one C in chemistry. I have five of them, so why shouldn’t I live now?
Girl 2:
It’s good for you to reason, you are going to work in the taiga, but I need to go to college. And where do I go now with this three?
Girl 1:
Are you really planning to go to the taiga?
Youth 2:
Is it true. I want to see life in other places. Come with me!
Girl 1:
Here’s another thing I came up with, I’m from my hometown, nowhere. I will study here at the pedagogical school, and then I will return to my native school... Imagine, in about 10 years you will become an honored geologist, you will return to your native place, you will bring your children to our school, and I will teach them!
Youth 1:
Guys, let's take a photo for memory!

(everyone says “Let’s go” and starts to line up for photography)

Youth 2:
Attention! Historical moment, remember June 21, 1941. School 204 in Moscow, our 10 “A”!
Girl 1:
There are 35 of us: 17 girls, 18 boys.
Youth 1:
We are young and happy...
Girl 2:
We dream of exploits, of glory, we believe in our high destiny on this earth...
Girl 1:
We dream of becoming geologists, teachers, doctors in five years...
Youth 2:
I dream of bringing good to people.
Girl 2:
I dream of love.
Youth 1:
I'm dreaming…
Girl 2:
I'm dreaming…
Youth 2:

Presenter1: (behind the scenes)
dreamed, dreamed, dreamed...

They were still laughing that day,
Loved the greenery and lights.
Neither the voice of violins nor pianos
No war was predicted for them.

Everything breathed such silence,
It seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.
Who knew that between peace and war
Just five minutes left!

(graduates come forward)

Young man1:
June... The sunset was approaching evening
And the sea overflowed into the white night.
And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,
Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.
June...We didn’t know then
Walking from school evenings,
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in the 45th, in May...
I put on my first adult dress,
First high heel shoes.
Oh, I wanted to dance this waltz so much!
Beads and ribbons, hand in hand!
Young man2:
The prom ball made you and I spin...
Here comes the dawn in the window opening!
No, not the dawn, this is the glow of battle!
This is June - the 22nd,
Year 41 - war!

The growing roar of planes, explosions, shooting. The graduates are scared, the boys hug the girls.
Levitan's voice about the beginning of the war
Song "Goodbye, boys"

Young man1:
We had a presentiment of the blaze
This tragic day
He came. This is my life
Motherland! Take them from me!
I love you with a new love,
Bitter, all-forgiving, alive,
My homeland is crowned with thorns,
With a dark rainbow overhead.
But our time has come, and what does it mean?
Only You and I can know.
I love you - and I can’t do otherwise
You and I are still one.
Oh, war, what have you done, vile:
Our yards have become quiet,
Our boys raised their heads -
They have matured for the time being
They barely loomed on the threshold
And they went after the soldier - soldier...
Goodbye boys!
Boys, try to go back!

Graduates leave

Early, sunny morning in June,
At the hour when the country awakened.
Sounded for the first time for young people
This is a terrible word “war”.

To reach you, forty-fifth,
Through hardship, pain and misfortune,
The boys left their childhood
In the distant forty-first year.

Girls and boys of grades 7-8 come out

Girl 1:
It seemed like only yesterday:
And songs by the fire,
And school waltzes in the evening,
And see you until the morning.
Girl 2:
And at the age of seventeen
I'm getting into soldier ranks.
All overcoats are gray,
They all have the same cut.

Girl 3:
We left behind
Leaving the school rapids
And the mother, frozen in sadness
On a dusty and empty road.
Girl 1:
The girls did not greet us with delight
We were driven home by a hoarse military commissar...
This was the case in 1941, and the medals
And other regalia later...

Boy 1:
What we experienced, the historian will tell,
Our sleep was troubled, and our bread was bitter.
What is there! There will never be a comparison,
To describe the path where we had to go.
Young man 2:
No, we didn't think about awards,
About your medals, orders,
We understood that we had to fight,
Defending the Fatherland in battles.
Boy 1:
And whatever measure you take of us,
Don't rate us
Here we looked death in the eye,
And we didn't take our eyes off!
Girl 2:
And in a leaden blizzard and blizzard,
Reflecting enemy attacks,
At that harsh time they wanted
So that there will never be wars!

Young man 2:
We threw ourselves under tanks with grenades,
Everyone did what they could conscientiously
'Cause we're just soldiers
They fulfilled their duty as soldiers.
Girl 3:
Oh, how many attacks there were during the war,
Successful, and sometimes repulsed by the enemy,
On fields scorched by fire,
And those fields are watered with our blood.
Boy 1:
No, Motherland, you didn’t order me,
But I understood your choice from your eyes,
There, by the poster, in the twilight of the station,
I volunteered to undertake the feat myself
Girl 1:
The military registration and enlistment office doors did not lock,
People did not leave the loudspeakers
And we never lost faith
That it will be May and forty-fifth year.

(musical number “And the sunsets are scarlet”)

Presenter1: War...From Brest to Moscow is 1000 kilometers. From Moscow to Berlin – 1600. Total 2600 kilometers.

Presenter1: War...This is the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest. These are 900 days of besieged Leningrad. This is the Panfilov Oath: “Not a step back! Moscow is behind us!”

Presenter2: This is a victory won by fire and blood at Stalingrad. This is a feat of the heroes of the Kursk Bulge. This is the assault on Berlin. This is the memory of the hearts of the entire people.

Presenter1: To forget the past means to betray the memory of people who died for the happiness of other people, for the freedom of the Motherland.

Presenter2: No. Neither we nor our children should forget about this! We must not forget those men and women, boys and girls who, without sparing themselves, stood up to defend the world!

Presenter 1: In the first days of the war, those who served active duty in the 30s went to the front. Almost at the same time, there were also boys of military age. Long lines of volunteers lined up at the military registration and enlistment offices. Piles of applications were placed on the tables of mobilization points with requests to immediately send them to the front.

(Mobilization footage. On stage there is a table at which a military commissar is sorting through a stack of statements.)

VOENCOMM: (taking a break from work) These were sheets of paper, postcards and institutional forms hastily torn from student notebooks, notepads, notebooks. The statements were written in different handwriting and different people. Next to the statements of fathers and mothers were statements from their children, often written in still unsteady, half-childish handwriting. Parents and children, gray-haired old men and teenagers wrote about their readiness to join the ranks of the defenders of the Motherland.
(A young man hesitantly enters the military commissar’s office.)
VOENCOMM: (noticing the young man) You again! I already told you my no!
YOUTH: (tugging at the cap in his hands, shifting from foot to foot) But why? Why not? I'm turning 18 soon, so what a month is missing. I am Voroshilovsky shooter (holds out his ID). Doesn't the front need Voroshilov's riflemen? I’m not complaining about my health, here’s the certificate... (readily hands over another document).
VOENCOMM: For you - yes. What about your mother? Don’t you understand that you have a disabled mother in your arms, that you are her only hope and support? Do you really want her to live without you...
YOUTH: (interrupting) Look. (Hands out a piece of paper). I beg you, take a look.
VOENCOMM: (silently unfolds the paper, reads it aloud a little later)“I, 3. G. Gedz, ask to enroll my son, Peter Gedz, as a volunteer in the ranks of the Red Army. And if necessary, I will also go, despite the fact that I am disabled. I have not yet forgotten the whip of the German interventionists.”

(Mobilization footage is on the screen, voiced by a military commissar.)

: In Moscow alone, during the first week of the war, military registration and enlistment offices received 170 thousand applications demanding immediate dispatch to the front. The chronicle of all wars did not know such courageous unity and resilience as our people showed from the very first hours of the war. Train stations and stations became like a stopped camp. There are people, carts, cars everywhere. Photography works quickly. Filmed by families. Heartfelt farewell words. Crying, songs, accordion, abrupt, short dances...

YOUTH: Then people were sure that this war would not last long. And if then someone had said that it would last 1418 days, no one would have believed it! Everyone was sure that our state was ready for this test. In the meantime...

VOENCOMM: By railway Trains with troops and military equipment rolled and rolled to the west, meeting them with the wounded. The reports from the Sovinformburo were not reassuring...

(musical number “I will return as a winner”)

Presenter1: The war swirled and scattered human destinies, crippled young shoots, broke the bonds of friendship and love. She descended like a black raven on Russian villages and cities. Grief, hopeless grief, women's tears and cries, the last look of their beloved eyes... And they, still very young boys, left, went to the front, left here, in the rear, the same young girls, kissed their beloved eyes and said in a young voice: “I I'll be back." But it was not true, a cruel, insane lie. After all, most of them will never, ever return.

Presenter2: They were expected, but they did not come. And then their girls, their beautiful, sweet girls, cheerful and cheerful girls of the pre-war era, having matured during these four terrible years, became widows before they even had time to get married.

Presenter1: They, mothers and wives, brides and sisters, knew how to wait. Wait, hope, love. And instill hope in those who are at the front, on the front line. Who's at war? But they couldn’t just wait and hope. Mothers, wives, sisters, brides - everyone who is not at the front is the rear. The rear must work for the front: after all, victory was forged not only at the front, but also in the rear.


...Can you really tell me about this?
What years did you live in?
What an immeasurable burden
It fell on women's shoulders!..

Reader: That morning I said goodbye to you
Your husband, or brother, or son,
And you and your destiny
Left alone...

Reader: You walked, hiding your grief,
The harsh way of labor.
The entire front, from sea to sea,
You fed me with your bread.

Reader: In cold winters, in snowstorms,
At the one at the distant line
The soldiers were warmed by their greatcoats,
What you sewed with care.

Reader: They rushed in the noise, in the smoke
Soviet soldiers to battle,
And the enemy's strongholds collapsed
From bombs filled with you...

(Musical number “Lullaby”)

Presenter1:: “While the front lived with the idea of ​​quickly expelling the fascists from native land, the rear was guided by the state slogan “Everything for the front” and the unceasing thought “It’s even more difficult at the front,” because these sleepless fronts needed a lot: weapons, ammunition, medicine, clothing, food. The country worked with inhuman tension. Of course, men, specialists who were given reservations, also worked at aviation, tank and other defense factories. But most of the men in the city, and especially in the village, were replaced by their wives, sisters, and daughters. They launched production lines in the most difficult conditions of evacuation from the wheels, in the rain, and in the bitter cold. We mastered the production of new types and brands of equipment and weapons in record time. Our Army received combat vehicles, in basic parameters superior to enemy systems.

(Film “Home Front During the War”)
(There is a group of women on stage, they are hastily having lunch.)
1 WOMAN: Oh, I'm tired, ladies! I can't feel my legs! (Takes off his shoes.)
2 WOMAN: Yes, we girls have become worn out in 4 years. The men will come and won’t find out. They will say: “Where have our women gone?” (Laughs).
3 WOMAN: Yes, just let them return, we will find them ourselves. (winks). I suppose special signs everyone knows their own, huh? (General laughter).
4 WOMAN: Well, Lyubka, give it to me! (Anxious). Ladies, what if the German turns upside down again?
1 WOMAN: Not allowed! This will be enough for me for the rest of my life. All my life I will remember logging, mines, and bonds.
2 WOMAN (agreeing): Yes, you got it right, you didn’t miss a single logging operation. Do you remember how they took the last potatoes to sell in the spring, just to pay off what they signed up for?
3 WOMAN: And yet it’s more difficult for our men. Every day they go into battle, under fire, but what about us?
4 WOMAN: What about us? Yes, we beat the damned German with bread! Here are our guns! (Points to bread). Just count, Lyuba, how many Germans our brigade has killed. I think we knocked down a dozen of them?!
1 WOMAN: What about a dozen, we dumped a thousand of them.
2 WOMAN: Right! Here they are, our Katyushas! (Points to hands).
1.WOMAN: You are my dear little ladies, we have done everything, we have completely paid off with the state, we have exceeded all our plans, but it will be necessary - we will cut off a piece from our loaf, just to exterminate this nit forever! (Rises). Well, have you rested? Then rise. You can’t finish off a German with words; he doesn’t understand that. (To the second). Yours, Katerina, where is tomorrow? On alfalfa?
2 WOMAN: And on alfalfa, and on potatoes, and on beets. (Joyfully). We are advancing on all fronts.

(musical number “Ditties”)

Presenter1: At the front, soldiers fought for every inch of their native land, for their father’s house, for their relatives and friends! And she walked between the front and the rear field mail, with triangles of letters, as if with racing threads connecting what was torn apart by a ruthless war.


Return address - field mail...

(That’s what my father once wrote to me.)

According to letters from the front -

No matter how much you read them -

We are unlikely to know everything about the war.

In them you can often hear

You will understand for yourself

The native echo of our batteries.

About the worst

They didn’t write in the letters,

So as not to disturb mothers.

When the fighters retreat in a fierce battle,

The soldier will write, holding back a groan:

"Don't worry, mom,

Everything is fine.

The battalion is going on the attack again..."

And they wound - and in some Sarapul

They will bring the soldier: he is no longer fit for duty.

“Don’t be afraid, mom, it’s just scratched,”

He will write with only one hand.

He will write how brave his comrade was,

And how the company died - not a word.

And only after:

If he survives, he will tell

What are they silent about, front-line soldiers.

They divided everything themselves a long time ago

In its cool

In your holy destiny:

Everything bright and joyful - to mom,

And the bitter and terrible - for yourself.

According to letters from the front -

You re-read them

And you yourself will become stricter and stronger!

You will learn everything about our warrior.

And this will be the truth about the war.

Emilia Boyarshinova.


Front letter, don’t be silent, tell me
About the cruel war and about the time
How the soldier fought, how he lived in the trenches,
How he suffered and dreamed, how he loved his father’s house.

(musical number "Front-line letters" )

Presenter2: And the enemy went on a rampage. On the front line, every inch of the Earth was damaged by explosions of shells and bombs. But again and again the fighters rose to attack.

Presenter1: The Germans did not expect that, having encountered grief and death, the Russian people would be able to live, love, and rejoice. Poems and songs heard at the front in the intervals between battles gave strength to the soldiers and made them forget for a short time that there was a war going on.
Sometimes sad, sometimes free, like the wind,
It’s formidable, calling for battle,
Girlfriend - song! Nowhere in the world
Another such dear friend.

Presenter2: What helped people endure hunger and cold, hard long hours of work in the name of Victory? Song..., song of the war years. It was the song that shared with the warrior both sorrows and joys, encouraged them with a cheerful and mischievous joke, and was sad with them about their abandoned relatives and loved ones.

The flashes in the stormy sky were just fading,

And the cannonade of the battle died away.

A waltz was heard in the forest near the front,

Giving the soldiers a short moment of peace.

Bayan sighed about the girl's eyes,

About the forgotten nightingale trills

And a soldier's tear fell,

Frozen like dewdrops on overcoats.

(musical number "Clouds in Blue")

Presenter1: How many different roads
How many destinies
Came across his way
The soldier walked through the lights, through the bullets
I knew one thing - I needed to move on!

Scene “Soldier and Mother”
The soldier walks across the stage, Mother comes towards him.

Mother: Alyosha! Alyosha! Son!
Soldier: I'm not Alyosha.
Mother: Sorry little soldier, I misspoke... my son is the same in height and age. How much would you like?
Soldier: Eighteen.
Mother: And my Alyosha is eighteen. And you didn’t meet my son there, at the front? Alexei
Soldier: No, I haven't.
Mother: If you meet him, tell him, let him give you news. I was yearning. I have one.
Soldier: I'll pass.

Mother leaves. The continuation of the melody sounds. Against the background of music.

Soldier: And I could tell this woman:
I saw my son, yes, I saw my dear one,
But I couldn’t lie...
Mom, if I forget the song,
The one that you sang at the cradle
In the middle of the night under showers and snowstorms,
Bowing your head above me,
Forgive me!
Let the motif of a war song ring within me,
The song of the heart, this song of the sky.

The soldier leaves the stage.

Reader: Soldiers went missing
And the share of wives and mothers:
Footsteps of acquaintances at the door.

Everyone has their own luck
Although they walked in the same formation.
Lord, you would give them salvation -
Missing in action in battle.

He gave them strength not to lose heart,
And before death, do not suffer.
And I didn’t let the rumors be believed
That they can sell their homeland.

They left and never returned
But there is no funeral.
And they turned around in anticipation,
It's been seven decades already.

Their life is just a moment for us,
But everyone knows, old and young,
What we owe to this generation
All those who have gone missing.

Soldiers went missing
And the share of wives and mothers:
Wait, from dawn to dusk,
Footsteps of acquaintances at the door.

(Musical number “Only he did not return from the battle”)

Presenter1: The war fell not only on adults, but also on children - with the same bombings, cold, hunger, separation. The war unceremoniously invaded their childhood. Heroic and tragic times simultaneously minted their characters. Many of them found themselves in circumstances of choice between life and death.

Presenter2: War and youth... War and mothers... and widows... But the worst, the most inhumane is War and children. Children of war...They were children of war, toiling at the machines, burying their loved ones, freezing, dying of hunger in besieged Leningrad

(primary school students leave)

Reader1:Children of war - and the cold blows.
Children of war - and the smell of hunger
Children of war - and their hair stands on end:
There are gray stripes on children's bangs.

Reader 2: The eyes of a seven-year-old girl,
Like two dimmed lights.
More noticeable on a child's face
Great, heavy melancholy.

Reader 3: She is silent, no matter what you ask,
You joke with her - she’s silent in response,
It's like she's not seven, not eight,
And many, many bitter years.

(musical number “Children of War”)

Presenter1: Children encountered the war at different ages. Some are very young, some are teenagers. Someone was on the threshold of adolescence. The war found them in capital cities and small villages, at home and visiting their grandmothers, in a country camp, on the front line and in the rear. They became front and rear guards: they were on duty on the roofs of houses, preventing attacks by enemy aircraft, helping to build defensive lines, extinguishing fires from incendiary bombs, providing medical assistance to the injured, helping workers forge weapons and produce ammunition. They became messengers and scouts, miners and military pilots.

Reader. (wheels clatter)

Taking a boy to the front

Comrade military doctor...

“My mom, mommy,

Don't pet me and don't cry!

on me military uniform,

Don't pet me in front of others!

I'm wearing a military uniform

I'm wearing your boots.

Do not Cry!

I'm already twelve

I'm almost an adult...

Double, double, double

Rail tracks...

There are documents in my pocket,

The military seal is strict.

There are documents in my pocket,

According to which I am the son of the regiment.

Illustrious, guards,

Tested in fire...

I'm going to the front, I hope

That the Browning will be given to me.

That I won’t be afraid when attacking,

That my time has come...

Seeing me, old women

They groan heavily:

“Son, little soldier...

The days have come..."

My mother, my mother!

Explain everything to them quickly!

Tell me what this is for

Are they yelling at me?

Why are they petting me?

Why do they call me son?

And they whisper something indistinctly,

And they put in a warm roll...

My Russia, no need!

Don't pet me! And don't cry!

Don't pet me!

I'm just the future son of the regiment,

And no heroism

I haven't done it yet!

And even you don't understand

What's ahead of me..."

Double, double, double

Rail tracks.

The train moves smoothly

Swaying absurdly

Long and very slow

Like a line for bread.

R. Rozhdestvensky. "In forty-three."

Presenter1:: Moving east, the Germans announced the so-called mobilization of the population to work in Germany. Whole trains of teenagers were taken abroad. In July 1944 alone, more than 40 thousand children were deported to Germany.
Presenter2:: It is difficult to talk about the war. It’s difficult because it shakes you to the core, and your hands reach out to all the books and letters at once, and the pages seem not just squares of paper with typographical marks imprinted on them, but those sheets of paper torn from school notebooks, those pages from Komsomol tickets, those camp bunk boards and even rough bricks on which the heroes left their last words, addressed to those who will live.

A girl comes out and reads a letter.

Young woman:: March 12, Liozno, 1943.
Dear good daddy!
I am writing you a letter from German captivity. When you, daddy, read this letter, I will not be alive. And my request to you, father: punish the German bloodsuckers. This is a will for your dying daughter.
A few words about my mother. When you return, don't look for your mother. The Germans shot her. When they asked about you, the officer hit her in the face with a whip. Mom couldn’t stand it and said proudly, these are her last words: “You won’t intimidate me by beating me. I’m sure my husband will come back and throw you vile invaders out of here.” And the officer shot mom in the mouth...
Dad, I turned 15 today, and if you met me now, you wouldn’t recognize your daughter.
I became very thin, my eyes were sunken, my pigtails were cut bald, my hands were dry and looked like a rake. When I cough out of my mouth there's blood coming out- My lungs were knocked out.
Do you remember, dad, two years ago, when I turned 13? How good my name day was! You, dad, then told me: “Grow up, daughter, to great joy!”
The gramophone was playing, my friends wished me a happy birthday, and we sang our favorite pioneer song.
And now, dad, when I look at myself in the mirror - my dress is torn, in shreds, my number is on my neck, like a criminal’s, I’m as thin as a skeleton - and salty tears flow from my eyes. What good is it that I turned 15 years old? Nobody needs me. Here many people are not needed by anyone. They wander hungry, hunted by shepherds. Every day they are taken away and killed.
Yes, dad, and I am a slave of a German baron, I work for the German Charlain as a laundress, I wash clothes, wash floors. I work a lot, but I eat twice a day in a trough with “Rose” and “Clara” - that’s the name of the owner’s pigs. The baron ordered so. “Russ was and will be a pig,” he said. I'm very afraid of "Clara". This is a big and greedy pig. She almost bit off my finger once when I was taking potatoes out of the trough.
I live in a woodshed: I can’t go into the room. One time, Yuzefa’s Polish maid gave me a piece of bread, and the mistress saw and beat Yuzefa on the head and back for a long time with a whip.
Twice I ran away from my owners, but their janitor found me. Then the baron himself tore off my dress and kicked me. I was losing consciousness. Then they poured a bucket of water on me and threw me into the basement.
Today I learned the news: Yuzefa said that the gentlemen were leaving for Germany with a large batch of male and female slaves from the Vitebsk region. Now they take me with them. No, I will not go to this thrice-damned Germany. I decided it was better to die on my native side than to be trampled into the damned German soil. Only death will save me from a cruel beating.
I don’t want to suffer anymore as a slave to the damned, cruel Germans who didn’t let me live!..
I bequeath, dad: avenge mom and me. Goodbye, good daddy, I'm leaving to die. Katya Susanina.
My heart believes: the letter will arrive.

Presenter2:: A selection process was held in Germany. Those who are stronger go to the labor exchange, those who are weak and sick go to a concentration camp for experiments.

Presenter1:: The most sinister symbol of the brutal face of fascism has become concentration camps of death. In Buchenwald, 56 thousand people were killed, in Dachau - 70 thousand people, in Mauthausen - more than 112 thousand, in Majdanek - the number of victims was about one and a half million people, in Auschwitz over 4 million people died.


M. Jalil "Barbarism".
They drove the mothers with their children
And they forced me to dig a hole, but they themselves
They stood there, a bunch of savages,
And they laughed in hoarse voices.
Lined up at the edge of the abyss
Powerless women, skinny guys.
A drunken major came with copper eyes
He looked around the doomed... Muddy rain
Hummed through the foliage of neighboring groves
And on the fields, clothed in darkness,
And the clouds descended over the earth,
Chasing each other furiously...
No, I won't forget this day,
I will never forget, forever!
I saw rivers crying like children,
And Mother Earth wept in rage.
I saw with my own eyes,
Like the mournful sun, washed with tears,
Through the cloud it came out into the fields,
The children were kissed for the last time,
Last time...
Noisy autumn forest. It seemed that now
He went crazy. raged angrily
Its foliage. The darkness was thickening all around.
I heard: a powerful oak suddenly fell,
He fell, letting out a heavy sigh.
The children were suddenly seized with fear, -
They huddled close to their mothers, clinging to their hems.
And there was a sharp sound of a shot,
Breaking the curse
What came out of the woman alone,
Child, sick little boy,
He hid his head in the folds of his dress
Not an old woman yet. She
I looked, full of horror.
How can she not lose her mind?
I understood everything, little one understood everything.
- Hide me, mommy! Do not die! -
He cries and, like a leaf, cannot stop trembling.
The child that is dearest to her,
Bending down, she lifted her mother with both hands,
She pressed it to her heart, directly against the muzzle...
- I, mom, want to live. No need, mom!
Let me go, let me go! What are you waiting for?-
And the child wants to escape from his arms,
And the crying is terrible, and the voice is thin,
And it pierces your heart like a knife.
- Don't be afraid, my boy. Now
you will breathe freely.
Close your eyes, but don't hide your head,
So that the executioner doesn't bury you alive.
Be patient, son, be patient. It won't hurt now. -
And he closed his eyes. And the blood ran red,
A red ribbon snakes around the neck.
Two lives fall to the ground, merging,
Two lives and one love!
Thunder struck. The wind whistled through the clouds.
The earth began to cry in deaf anguish.
Oh, how many tears, hot and flammable!
My land, tell me, what's wrong with you?
You have often seen human grief,
You have bloomed for us for millions of years,
But have you experienced at least once
Such a shame and such barbarity?
My country, your enemies threaten you,
But raise the banner of great truth higher,
Wash its lands with bloody tears,
And let its rays pierce
Let them destroy mercilessly
Those barbarians, those savages,
That the blood of children is swallowed greedily,
The blood of our mothers...

Presenter2:: Fighting raged for 1418 days and nights. The Soviet people waged a liberation war for 1418 days and nights. The path to victory was long and difficult.


Do you remember, soldier, many springs ago
Was the sky ablaze with sunsets?
You walked through the pain and repeated it like a password,
Like a sacred oath: “Victory.”
Do you remember, soldier, the burnt Reichstag,
A scarlet banner that lit up half the sky?
Do you remember friends?
Visit them for a few days
Victory came late in Berlin.
The world remembers, soldier, many springs ago
Your firm word: "Victory!"

(musical number “The Last Battle”)

Presenter1:: Time has its own memory - history. And therefore the world never forgets about the tragedies that shook the planet in different eras, including brutal wars, which claimed millions of lives, threw back civilizations, and destroyed the great values ​​created by man.
Presenter2:: More than half a century has passed since the Great Patriotic War ended, but its echo still does not subside in people's souls. Yes, and time has its own memory.
Presenter1:: We do not have the right to forget the horrors of this war so that it does not happen again. We have no right to forget those soldiers who died so that we could live now. We must remember everything...


The mother has aged for many years,

But there is no news from my son.

But she still keeps waiting

Because she believes, because she is a mother.

And what does she hope for?

Many years since the war ended.

Many years since everyone came back,

Except for the dead that lie in the ground.

How many of them are there in that distant village,

There were no boys without mustaches.


Once they sent me to the village in the spring

Documentary film about the war,

Everyone came to the cinema - both old and young,

Who knew war, and who did not know

Before the bitter memory of people

Hatred flowed like a river.

It was hard to remember.

Suddenly the son looked at his mother from the screen.

The mother recognized her son at that very moment,

And a mother’s cry rang out:

As if the son could hear it.

He rushed out of the trench into battle.

The mother stood up to cover him with herself.

I was always afraid that he might fall,

But through the years the son rushed forward.

Alexei! - the fellow countrymen shouted.

Alexei! - they asked, - run!..


The frame changed. The son remained to live.

He asks the mother to repeat about her son.

And again he runs to the attack.

Alive and healthy, not wounded, not killed.

Alexei! Alyoshenka! Son! -

As if her son could hear her...

At home everything seemed like a movie to her...

I've been waiting for everything, now it's out the window

In the midst of alarming silence

Her son will come knocking from the war.

(musical number “Prayer”)

Presenter1: And yet the war came crucial moment and the liberation of the occupied territories began. Having cleared the territory of our country from fascists, our soldiers liberated the peoples of Europe from the fascist yoke.

Reader: And we went to liberate Europe.
Our soldiers are in dugouts, in trenches,
In dugouts, tanks, pillboxes, bunkers,
On ships and on planes...

Reader: The fascist occupiers were defeated.
The Germans were driven all the way to Berlin.
Berlin was taken and the Reichstag
Our flag was proudly hoisted.

Reader: You went and attacked tirelessly
Berlin was burning, every house was smoking,
And May covered the chestnuts with candles
In a dug-up park where thunder rolled.

Reader: There was a hot battle for every house and ledge,
Towers in broken crosses fell,
How you longed to rush into attack,
Make your way to the center where the Reichstag was burning.

Reader: Before the arches of the charred vault
In some pristine silence,
Soldiers of the greatest campaign
They signed it right on the wall.

Reader: Everyone wrote their name openly,
So that people of future times know,
That this feat, accomplished by all of them,
Done in the name of humanity.

War newsreel "Berlin 1945"

Presenter2: Victory in war means rejoicing and sorrow. Time does not dull them. And you and I must pass on this memory of the most terrible war that affected every family from generation to generation. Victory Day was, is and must remain the holiest holiday. After all, those who paid for it with their lives gave us the opportunity to live now. We must always remember this.

Presenter1:: During the Second World War by the Soviets armed forces 6 gigantic battles and about 40 offensive operations were carried out, which ended in the defeat of enemy groups and formations, thereby increasing the heroism and feat of the soldier and home front workers. Every 8th died. There are more than 27 million of them who died. There is not a person left among the living who did not know the bitterness of loss.
27 million went into immortality so that we could live.


A minute of silence...

Bow down, both young and old.

In honor of those who are for happiness,

Who gave his life for the sake of life.


Summer sky above us.

Wormwood smells bitter.

Black bells

The bottomless blue groans.

Moans with earthly sorrow

Those whose hearts don't beat.

Even in a moment of silence

The bells are not silent.


A minute of silence...

Bow down, both young and old.

In honor of those who are for happiness,

Who gave his life for the sake of life.


I see a bell in silence,

In the light of a bitter day:

Old peasant child

Silently carries from the fire.

He won't get down on his knees

This silent old man.

Listen - on a pedestal

There is a cry sculptured in the stone.


A minute of silence...

Bow down, both young and old.

In honor of those who are for happiness,

Who gave his life for the sake of life.

Presenter1:— Those who bravely went into battle for their Motherland died, but did not break

Presenter2:-- To those who were burned in the Buchenwald ovens

Presenter1:- To those who walked at river crossings like a stone to the bottom,

Presenter2:-- To those who have sunk forever, nameless, sunk in fascist captivity,

Presenter1:- To those who gave their hearts for a just cause

Presenter2:-- To those who lay under cars instead of pontoon bridges

Presenter1:- To those who went into immortality and won

Let's honor their memory with a minute of silence

A minute of silence is announced

Presenter1: Today we celebrate a great day - the 70th anniversary of the Victory Soviet people over Nazi Germany. 70 years have passed! Children born after the war have already become grandparents... The war is gradually becoming a thing of the past, becoming just a page of history. But the grateful memory of descendants should not fade away... Today, throughout our vast country, at every monument, large and small, rural and urban, people gather to worship the living and the dead, the immortal and the fearless. And to those who took the first battle at dawn on June 22, 1941 near the walls Brest Fortress, and to those who, having gone through the whole war - such a war! – finished off the enemy where it began – in defeated Berlin!

Presenter2: Victory Day! The memory of each of those days when the war imposed on us by Nazi Germany bubbled in roar and fire! Memory of each and everyone who forged victory! Memory of those who fell on the battlefield for the glory of our Motherland, in the name of its freedom!

(musical number “Victory Day”)

Presenter 1, 2:

I don’t want the famine of Leningrad to touch them with the hand of the siege.
I don’t want pillboxes to be exposed like a cancerous tumor of the earth,
I don’t want them to come to life again and take someone’s life with them!
Let people raise a million palms and protect beautiful sun face
From the burning ashes and from the Khatyn pain. Forever! Forever! And not for a moment!
I don’t want my child to hear the voice of cannon fire. Mine and yours!
Let the world explode with a cry:
Children:"No! No need!"
Presenter1: We need a peaceful arch above our heads!!!

(children read poetry)

Reader: We need peace - you and me, and all the children in the world,
And the dawn that we will see tomorrow must be peaceful.

Reader: We need peace, grass in dew, smiling childhood,
We need peace, a beautiful world that we have inherited.

Reader: "No!" - we declare to the war, to all evil and black forces...
The grass should be green and the sky should be blue!..

Reader: Do you hear, friend, the streams are ringing, the birds are singing on the branches.
We happened to be born on a wonderful land.

Reader: So let it always bloom, let the gardens make noise.
Let people look at her with loving eyes!

Presenter2: So that again on the earthly planet
That disaster did not happen again.
We need,
So that our children
They remembered this
Like us!
I have no reason to worry
So that that war is not forgotten:
After all, this memory is our conscience
How much strength we need...

Presenter1: (against the background of music)
Congratulations today to the heroic fathers,
To all military personnel and home front workers!
Congratulations to those who shed blood for their Motherland,
And gave their last strength!
Our condolences to the fallen, they will be remembered forever,
And for all time in our hearts!
Congratulations on the Victory today and those
Who is among the missing without news!
Congratulations to the living, those who are with us now,
Let them surround you with worries
Your great-grandchildren, grandchildren and sons,
And all those who love and know you.


Today the holiday enters every home.
And joy comes to people with him.
We congratulate you on your great day,
Happy day of our glory!
Happy Victory Day!

Song "Victory Day", phonogram