Telecommunication technologies and networks test questions. Lecture. Unified State Examination tasks. Test. Telecommunication technologies. Criteria for assessing knowledge control tests

Computer network refers to several computers and network devices connected to each other by some kind of data transmission medium (media) for the exchange of information between computers. Data transmission media refers to any physical medium in use that is capable of carrying signals. Maybe cable (several varieties of copper cables or varieties of fiber optic cables) or wireless.


Local computer networks or LAN (LAN, Local Area Network) - networks that are geographically small in size (a room, a floor of a building, a building or several nearby buildings). As environment transfers data are usually used cable. However, in Lately Wireless networks are gaining popularity. The close location of computers is dictated physical laws transmission of signals via the cables used in the LAN or the power of the wireless signal transmitter. LANs can connect from several units to several hundred computers.

The simplest LAN, for example, can consist of two PCs connected by a cable or wireless adapters.

Internets or network complexes are two or more LANs united by special devices to support large LANs. They are, in essence, networks of networks.

Global networks - (WAN, Wide Area Network) LANs connected by means of remote data transfer.

Corporate networks - global networks operated by one organization.

From point of view logical organization there are networks peer-to-peer And hierarchical.

IN peer-to-peer In networks, all computers have equal rights in terms of distribution and use of network resources. An example of a peer-to-peer network would be working group in the operating systemMicrosoft Windows. In such networks each user is responsible for the state and availability of data for other network users and there are no dedicated server computers.

Server called a network computer that provides its resources(data or peripherals) other computers on the network. From this point of view, all computers in a peer-to-peer network can be both servers and clients, that is, computers that use the server's resources.

In addition to the hardware concept of a server, there is also a software concept. A part is called a server software, which implements requests from the client part with which the user works. The software client implements the ability to organize a request to the server and display its results.

In hierarchical networks, there are special server computers whose resources can be accessed by all network users and whose operation is monitored by the network administrator.

For a computer to operate on a network, it must have a network operating system (NOS, Network Operating System) installed. Moreover, the operating systems for the server and for the workstation differ.


The interaction of computers on a network is regulated by protocols, that is sets of formal rules and encodings, which determine how devices on a network exchange data. These protocols describe any moment of interaction - from the characteristics of signals transmitted through the data transmission medium to query languages ​​that allow applications running on different computers to exchange messages. Computers on a network use a set of protocols called a stack, which covers everything from the application's user interface to the physical interface of the network.

TCP/IP protocol stack (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) was developed specifically for the creation of the global Internet. The main requirement for this stack was its ability to communicate with different LANs running different protocol stacks.

It was this versatility and ease of settings that became one of the main reasons why TCP/IP began to be used in LANs. Among the protocols that make up the TCP/IP stack, the two most familiar to the uninitiated are TCP and IP. Of these, the protocolIP organizes work with logical addressing in the network , and the protocol TCP refers to a group of protocols that prepare data for transmission. In some cases instead of TCP used different stack protocol - UDP

(User Datagram Protocol).

These two protocols are responsible for dividing the entire amount of data into small segments to prevent exclusive takeover of the network by two workstations, the type of transmission (reliable or unreliable) and, in the case of reliable transmission, restoring the full amount of data from the segments. different stack protocol - Protocol is protocol transfers data and his task is only Preparation segments data For sending to the network. That's why, works, usually, With multimedia traffic (voice, video).

These two protocols are responsible for dividing the entire amount of data into small segments to prevent exclusive takeover of the network by two workstations, the type of transmission (reliable or unreliable) and, in the case of reliable transmission, restoring the full amount of data from the segments. instead of provides reliable delivery data, requires confirmation receiving data host side, allows transmitting And host parties pick up optimal speed transfers data, changing depending on the network situation (flow control) and a number of other useful functions. Used for transmissionfiles (FTP ), letters electronic mail , Vwork With WWW .

These two protocols are responsible for dividing the entire amount of data into small segments to prevent exclusive takeover of the network by two workstations, the type of transmission (reliable or unreliable) and, in the case of reliable transmission, restoring the full amount of data from the segments. Among the protocols that make up the TCP/IP stack, the two most familiar to the uninitiated are TCP and IP. Of these, the protocol . To identify computers in TCP/IP it is used Among the protocols that make up the TCP/IP stack, the two most familiar to the uninitiated are TCP and IP. Of these, the protocol-addressing. Among the protocols that make up the TCP/IP stack, the two most familiar to the uninitiated are TCP and IP. Of these, the protocol-address definitely defines net and network node, where the data packet should be delivered. This information is contained in every packet that is transmitted over the network. Among the protocols that make up the TCP/IP stack, the two most familiar to the uninitiated are TCP and IP. Of these, the protocol-address is 32 bits long And depicted as four decimal numbers separated by a dot. Each number wears Name octet or quadrant And Maybe change ranging from 0 to 255. Among the protocols that make up the TCP/IP stack, the two most familiar to the uninitiated are TCP and IP. Of these, the protocol-address Always highlights Part bits For identification networks And Part For identification computer . This the quantity is not always the same And depends from quantities nodes networks. For instructions appointments everyone bat IP addresses each TCP/IP -system It has also mask subnets , given Also 32 bits . Positionally the bits correspondAmong the protocols that make up the TCP/IP stack, the two most familiar to the uninitiated are TCP and IP. Of these, the protocol-address, But organized like this, What the value of the first bits is always 1, and the trailing bits are always 0. Moreover alternating 0 and 1 is prohibited. By superimposing the IP address and the subnet mask in binary form, a boundary is drawn between the network address and the address of the host on the network in the IP address. Technically overlayAmong the protocols that make up the TCP/IP stack, the two most familiar to the uninitiated are TCP and IP. Of these, the protocol-addresses per mask are carried out by logical multiplication of binary typesAmong the protocols that make up the TCP/IP stack, the two most familiar to the uninitiated are TCP and IP. Of these, the protocol-addresses on the mask. The bits of the IP address, which correspond to mask bits with a value of 1, determine the network address, the rest - the host address (host bits). It's obvious that within the same network, the subnet mask must match on all nodes and then result works any addresses on mask V within one networks is the same And called more Among the protocols that make up the TCP/IP stack, the two most familiar to the uninitiated are TCP and IP. Of these, the protocol-network.


Internet is a global telecommunications network that unites many local, regional and corporate networks.

From an implementation point of view, global networks differ from local channels communications, allowing data to be transmitted over much longer distances and, as a consequence of changes in communication channels, protocols that take into account the operating features of these channels. An association sets networks became Maybe with the advent stack protocols TCP/IP and IP addressing. On joints networks can stand software or hardware routers, implementing the principle of routing data packets based on the destination IP address. Router accepts from a network directly connected to it plastic bag And automatically forwards it to another directly connected network segment. Thus, after sending plastic bag Maybe get in or V net appointments, or on neighboring router, which Also will forward his further.

Plastic bag data in IP protocol Not takes into account channels communications, i.e. is channel -independent . Thanks to this concept, laid down basis for protocol developmentAmong the protocols that make up the TCP/IP stack, the two most familiar to the uninitiated are TCP and IP. Of these, the protocol, appeared opportunity transmit plastic bag By different physical channels communications.

But most of all in everyday life Internet associated Not With the physical network itself, and with set services, which it implements. The most famous of them is WWW(world wide web) with which many consider it their duty confuse the Internet itself.

Services ( Services ) Internet

WWW (World Wide Web)

WWW - World Wide Web - hypertext information system for searching Internet resources and accessing them.

Hypertext - an information structure that allows you to establish semantic connections between elements of text on a computer screen in such a way that you can easily transition from one element to another. All system contentsWWWcomprisesweb-pages, combined into sites. Are being created They using hypertext markup language HTML(HyperText Markup Language). For work Browser programs are used with WWW(for example, Internet Explorer).

Find page in Internet or do on her link Can by using universal pointer resources (addresses pages ). Universal Resource Locator ( URL - Universal Resource Locator) includes into yourself way access to the document, Name servers, on which the document is located, and also the path to the file(document).

To access a document required indicate used protocol transfers data and put chain characters ":// ". Next is indicated server and the path to the document. For example, to access web pages it is used protocol hypertext transmission - HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol), part of the TCP/IP protocol stack:

The concept of URL is closely related to the domain name system.

Domain system names

Domain name system (DNS - Domain Name System) serves to organize a unique correspondence between the IP address and domain name. All Job V networks Internet coming on basis IP addresses, What is for a large number of users serious inconvenience. To an ordinary person easier communicate with letter strings, how with an abstract set of IP address numbers. This opportunity provided service DNS. At treatment user to resource By his domain name request follows to DNS server, which in response returns Resource IP address and all exchange the data goes By IP address. The DNS server's response time to a request is very short and this has virtually no effect on the speed of access to the resource.

Herself system is yourself distributed base data, stored on many DNS servers, and which periodically updated. That's why, at emergence new resource with a new domain name, He for some time Maybe be not available By domain name, But straightaway available By IP address.

Domain names are registered V Center network information Internet (InterNIC).

The rightmost group of letters represents the top-level domain. Top level domains there are two types: geographical(two-letter) and administrative(three-letter).



commercial organization


Educational organization

International organization

Former USSR

Network organization

Great Britain

Non-profit organization

Second-level domain names of geographical type are registered by national centers.

Electronic mail ( e - mail )

Email (electronic mail, E-mail) is one of the first and most widespread Internet services, providing message transfer between network users (subscribers). It can also be used as a kind of database of documents, records of appointments, news, etc.

To use this service user must have an email address and know the recipient's email address.

E-mail address (email address) - subscriber's address, which Maybe be received from:

  • provider at conclusion with him agreement, stipulating Creation "postal box";
  • administrator networks organizations, in which the user works or generated independently on any of the mail servers, offering this service for free.

Mailbox - allocated to the user Part disk space on a mail server to store email messages. For access the user must access his mailbox indicate his Name and password.

Mail server - computer online, sending, receiving and storing email messages.

Electronic address consists of two parts separated by the @ symbol (commercial at):

username@ hostname. domain, Where username - This network pseudonym user (login ). It can be one or more strings of characters, each of which must consist of English letters, Arabic numerals. Chains are separated by the characters dot, dash, and underscore. There is a separator after the username @ .

hostname - Name hosta (postal servers ).

domain - domain address .

Telecommunication technologies

161. /2.7.1/ The file located on the server is accessed via the http protocol. In the table, fragments of the file address are encoded with letters from A to J. Write down the sequence of these letters that encodes the address of the specified file on the Internet.

162. /2.7.1/ The http.txt file located on the server is accessed via the ftp protocol. In the table, fragments of the file address are encoded with letters from A to J. Write down the sequence of these letters encoding the address of the specified file.

163. /2.7.1/ The file located on the server is accessed via the ftp protocol. In the table, fragments of the file address are encoded with letters from A to J. Write down the sequence of these letters that encodes the address of the specified file on the Internet.

164. /2.7.1/

165. /2.7.3/

sale | printers

service | sale | printers | scanners

(sale | printers) & (service | scanners)

166. /2.7.3/

To indicate logical operation"OR" in the query uses the symbol |, and for the logical operation "AND" - &.

(printers & scanners) | sale

printers & scanners & sales & service

printers & sales

service | printers | scanners

167. /2.7.3/ The table shows queries to the search server. Arrange the query symbols in ascending order of the number of pages that the search engine will find for each query.

The symbol used to denote the logical "OR" operation in a query is |, and the symbol "AND" is used to indicate the logical operation.

168. /2.7.3/ The table shows queries to the search server. Arrange the query symbols in ascending order of the number of pages that the search engine will find for each query.

The logical "OR" operation is represented by the | symbol in a query, and the logical "AND" operation is represented by the & symbol.


ftp :// home . net / www . doc

Which part of this identifier is the name of the server on which the resource is located?

2.27 (DV-2004, UTM)

The identifier of some Internet resource has the following form:

http :// www . ftp . ru / index . html

Which part of this identifier indicates the protocol used to transfer the resource?

1)www 2)ftp 3)http 4)html

2.29 (UTM)

Access to the file located on the server is carried out via the ftp protocol. In the table, fragments of the file address are encoded with letters from A to J. Write down the sequence of these letters encoding the address of the specified file.

2.30 (UTM)

Access to the file located on the server is carried out via the http protocol. In the table, fragments of the file address are encoded with letters from A to J. Write down the sequence of these letters encoding the address of the specified file.

2.31 (OS)

Access to the www.txt file located on the server is carried out via the http protocol. In the table, fragments of the file address are encoded with letters from A to J. Write down the sequence of these letters encoding the address of the specified file.


What condition should be used to search the Internet for information about flowers growing on the islands of Taiwan or Honshu (the logical "OR" operation is represented by the | symbol, and the "AND" symbol is used for the "AND" operation)?

  1. flowers & (Taiwan | Honshu)
  2. flowers & Taiwan & Honshu
  3. flowers | Taiwan | Honshu
  4. flowers & (island | Taiwan | Honshu)

2.33 (UTM)

On the Internet you need to find information about the great white shark (another common name for this shark is Carcharodon). Formulate a query to the search engine, taking into account that the symbol “OR” is used in the query to denote the logical operation “OR”, and the symbol “AND” is used to denote the logical operation “AND”.

2.34 (UTM)

The table shows queries to the search server. Arrange the query symbols in ascending order of the number of pages that the search engine will find for each query.

The symbol used to denote the logical "OR" operation in a query is |, and the symbol "AND" is used to indicate the logical operation.

breeding & keeping & swordtails & catfish

2.35 (OS)

The table shows queries to the search server. Arrange the query designations in descending order of the number of pages that the search engine will find for each query.

To indicate the logical operation "OR" in the query, the symbol is used, and for the logical operation "AND" the symbol & is used.

Tasks To section "Telecommunications technologies"

1 Please indicate what is in your email address [email protected] is the user's alias?

A) prostokvashino B) kot-matroskin C) net D) kot

2. Specify what's in your email address [email protected] is the mail server name?

7 Which of the following character strings could be a valid email address?

8 Which of the following character strings could be a valid email address?

9 Which of the following is the correct IP address?



D) all are correct

10 Which of the following is an incorrect IP address?


D) all are correct

11 Which of the following is an incorrect IP address?


D) all are correct

12 Recover from individual parts of a URL

13 Recover from individual parts of a URL

D) //

14 Recover from individual parts of a URL

15 Recover from individual parts of a URL

16 Recover from individual parts of a URL

A) //my_first_site.

17 Recover from individual parts of a URL

18 Recover from individual parts of a URL

19 Recover from individual parts of a URL

E) .my site.nar

20 (Demo version, 2009)

Petya wrote down the IP address of the school server on a piece of paper and put it in his jacket pocket. Petya's mother accidentally washed her jacket along with the note. After washing, Petya found four pieces of paper in his pocket with fragments of an IP address. These fragments are designated by the letters A, B, C and D. Recover the IP address.

In your answer, provide the sequence of letters representing the fragments in order corresponding to the IP address.

21 The employee was dictated by phone 215628319, he wrote it down, but did not put dividing points. In your answer, write this IP address with dots.

22 The employee was dictated by phone 25218327239, he wrote it down, but did not put dividing points. In your answer, write this IP address with dots.

23 Specify a number that cannot be used in the IP address.

24 Specify a number that cannot be used in the IP address. 231,0,217,282

25 Specify a number that cannot be used in the IP address. 256, 10,2,0

26 How many different addresses can be encoded using an IP address?

A) 4,000,000 B)4*2 30 C) 1024000 D)2 31

27 (Demo version 2008, task B7)


Topic: Answers to the Computer Science test information technology

Type: Test | Size: 20.44K | Downloads: 72 | Added 11/13/13 at 09:00 | Rating: 0 | More Tests


Communication systems and networks with mobile objects

Principles of building telecommunication systems various types and distribution of information in communication networks:

Work principles, specifications and design features of the communication means used;

Discrete Messaging Basics:

Principles of building computer networks; local and global networks;

Multichannel telecommunication systems

Communication networks and switching systems

Digital transmission systems

Basics of building telecommunication systems and networks:

1. Features of the transmission of various signals through channels and paths of telecommunication systems:

1. Specify the characteristics of the telephone signal

A) frequency from 0.3 to 3.4 kHz dynamic range 26…35 dB

B) frequency from 0.05 to 10 kHz dynamic range 20…30 dB

C) frequency from 50Hz to 6MHz dynamic range about 40dB

D) frequency from 10-15 Hz to 10-15 kHz dynamic range 86...96 dB

E) frequency from 1Hz to 4kHz dynamic range 20…35 dB

2. A chain of transmitting and receiving stations located at stable communication distances within the line of sight of antennas is called

A) Tropospheric radio relay link

B) Radio relay line of sight

C) Satellite communication system

D) Cellular communication system

E) Radio navigation system

3. The medium used to transmit the modulated signal from the transmitter to the receiver (wire, waveguide, ether) is

A) communication line

B) object of transfer

C) equipment type

D) receiving object

E) method of transmission

4. The basis of pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) is the transmission of signals in the form

5. Pulse width modulation (PWM) is based on the transmission of signals in the form

A) time modulated pulses

B) phase modulated pulses

C) frequency modulated pulses

D) pulses modulated in amplitude

E) pulses modulated in duration

6. With delta modulation, information about

A) pulse amplitude

B) about the pulse duration

C) change in pulse amplitude relative to the previous one

D) change in the position of the pulse over time

E) pulse arrival time

7. The noise that occurs when an analog signal is digitized is called

A) quantization noise

B) receiver noise

C) white noise

D) isometric noise

E) concentrated noise.

8. Noise immunity of a communication system is -

A) communication stability limit

B) signal-to-noise ratio

C) synchronization stability limit

D) when there is completely no incorrect data at the system input

E) the ability of the system to restore signals with a given reliability

9. What is noise-resistant coding?

A) error detection and fixing

B) data transmission current state equipment

C) error detection and counting

D) error detection and correction coding

E) error detection and reception disabling

10. Why is a zigzag arrangement of stations used when constructing RRL?

A) Georeferencing.

B) Avoiding possible obstacles.

C) Allows reuse of operating frequencies, avoiding additional induction of electromagnetic interference to neighboring stations

D) Link to populated areas.

E) There is no such arrangement.

11. The phenomenon of refraction in radio communications is due to

A) the presence of a gradient of magnetic permeability of the atmosphere

B) the presence of a gradient of dielectric constant of the atmosphere

WITH) magnetic field Earth

D) unevenness of the earth's surface

E) the presence of precipitation

12. Telephone channel capacity (PCM-VRK mode)

A) 100 bps

B) 10 Mbit/s

C) 2 Kbit/s

D) 64 Kbps

E) 256 Kbps

13. The largest international satellite organization, of which the Republic of Kazakhstan is a member

A) Intersputnik

B) Inmarsat

C) Newskays

D) Intelsat

E) Arabsat

Management in telecommunications:

14. What is the procedure for obtaining permits for activities in the telecommunications sector in Kazakhstan?

A)permission to use radio frequency spectrum, license, permission to operate

B) license, permission to use radio frequency spectrum, permission to operate

C) operating permit, license, permission to use radio frequency spectrum

D) permission to operate, permission to use radio frequency spectrum, license

E) permission to use radio frequency spectrum, permission to operate, license

15. The company is a national telecom operator in the Republic of Kazakhstan

A) Nursat

B) Rakhat Telecom

D) Katelko

E) Kazakhtelecom

16. Which government agency in the Republic of Kazakhstan is developing regulatory documents in the field of communications?

A) state committee by radio frequencies

B) licensing department

C) Department of Information Systems of the Ministry of Transport and Communications

D) state communications supervision

E) Transport Control Committee of the Ministry of Transport and Communications

17. What elements are classified as passive elements?

A) Multi-port networks

B) Semiconductor diodes

C) Transistors

D) Amplifiers

E) Extensions

International standards for computer network hardware and software:

19. What is a maintenance-free amplifier point (NUP) used for?

A) To amplify signals

B) For signaling

C) To suppress signals

D) To suppress interference

E) To pass signals

20. What is the lower and upper limit spectrum frequency band of a telephone signal?

B) 0.3¸2.7 kHz

C) 0.3¸3.4 kHz

D) 0.5¸1.5 kHz

E) . 0.5¸3.1 kHz

21. What power corresponds to the absolute level of 0 dB?

22. What voltage corresponds to the absolute level of 0 dB?

23. What is the upper frequency of the telephone signal spectrum?

24. What current corresponds to the absolute level of 0 dB?

25. How is immunity to interference in communication channels determined?

A) Signal power difference and interference

B) Difference between signal voltage and noise

C) The difference between the signal level and interference

D) The ratio of signal level and interference

E) difference in frequency bands between signal and noise

26. What device can be used to reduce the nonlinearity of interference?

A) Amplitude limiter

B) Compander

C) Corrector

D) AGC device

E) Stabilizer

27. How many times does a digital signal attenuate faster than an analog signal?

A) 2 times

B) 3 times

C) 4 times

28. How many times will the transient noise decrease when the duty cycle increases from Q=1 to Q=2?

A) Will not change

B) 1.5 times

C) 2 times

D) 3 times

E) 4 times

29. At what transmission speeds are coaxial cables used (Europe)?

A) > 2 Mbit/s

B) > 4 Mbit/s

C) > 6 Mbit/s

D) > 8 Mbit/s

E) > 10 Mbit/s

30. The main type of interference in coaxial cables.

A) Transient interference from other paths of this cable

B) Interference from reflected signals

C) Pulse noise

D) Thermal interference

E) Near-end crosstalk

31. The duration of the signal is determined

A) Frequency

B) Time interval

C) Speed

D) Period

E) Your option

32. Why is companding needed?

A) To reduce the nonlinearity of the interference

B) To limit the signal amplitude

C) To improve transmission reliability

D) To reduce quantization steps

E) To obtain approximately the same quantization signal-to-noise ratio and reduce the number of bits in the code group

33. What methods can be used to carry out asynchronous input of discrete information into a digital path?

A) Directly

B) Overlays

C) Temporal separation

D) Coding

E) Speed ​​matching

34. Prioritize in descending order the advantages of the linear path of the fiber-optic transmission network (FOTN):

A) Low sensitivity to electromagnetic interference

B) Smaller size and less equipment

C) Low potential equipment cost

D) Wide bandwidth

E) Low energy losses during its propagation

35. What three conditions determine the length of the regeneration section of a fiber-optic transmission network (FOTN)?

A) Number of fibers in the cable

B) Emitter output power

C) Type of code in line

D) Optical cable attenuation

E) Dispersion distortion

36. Indicate the bandwidth of single-mode fibers

A) Up to 50 MHz×km

B) 50…100 MHz×km

C) 100…250 MHz×km

D) 250…500 MHz×km

E) 500 MHz…1 GHz×km

37. In frequency division transmission systems (FDM) behind each channel of a digital line :

A) A specific frequency spectrum is fixed

B) Specific signal phase

C) A specific time interval is fixed

D) A certain signal speed is fixed

E) Your option

38. What are the multiples of what frequency are the frequencies of all carrier oscillations selected in multichannel transmission systems with frequency division of channels (FDM)?

39. What type of telecommunication signals is called digital?

A) Continuous in amplitude and discrete in time

B) Discrete in amplitude and continuous in time

C) Discrete in amplitude and discrete in time

D) Sinusoidal

E) Sound

40. What is the speed of digital stream transmission in an individual digital subscriber line?

A) 0.5 Kbps

B) 32 Kbps

C) 56 Kbps

D) 64 Kbps

41. End users of information systems (IS) are considered...

A) Information consumers (engineers, economists, etc.) and IS personnel

B) Database administrator, system and application programmers

C) Computer scientists

D) Telecommunications specialists

E) Managers

42. Specialist creating a model subject area information system (IS) and setting tasks for application programmers is...

A) IS Staff Member

B) Systems Analyst

C) Database administrator

D) Senior programmer

E) Department director

43. What is the length of the code word (in bits) in one channel of a digital PCM line?

Computer Science and Information Technology:

44. To assess the costs of creating an information system, the following criterion is used:

A) acquisition, supply, development, operation, support

B) capital investments + current costs

C) data processing time (query response time)

D) documentation, verification, quality assurance

E) project management, training

45. What parameter of the information system is determined using the following criterion - volume of input information/volume of output information:

A) degree of completeness of data processing

B) degree of database redundancy

C) degree of completeness of information display

D) degree of speed of information processing

E) degree of extraction of useful information

46. ​​All work to create an information system (IS) in accordance with specified requirements is...

A) IP development

B) verification

C) project management

D) IS modernization

E) exploitation of IP

47. The electronic information market, depending on its content, is divided into sectors...

A) public, commercial and non-commercial information

B) current and historical information

C) business, professional and media information

D) video, audio and multimedia information

E) stock exchange and financial

48. Based on the type of data model, information databases are divided into:

A) network, hierarchical, relational and mixed

B) local, regional, general, distributed

C) documentary, factual, lexicographic

D) brokerage, stock exchange, financial

E) historical, operational, urgent

49. What parameter of the information system is determined using the following criterion - data processing time (request response time) :

A) degree of database redundancy

B) degree of completeness of information display

C) degree of speed of information processing

D) degree of extraction of useful information

E) degree of completeness of data processing

50. Secondary multiplexing is used in digital transmission channels for:

A) reducing channel capacity

B) increasing channel capacity

C) reducing interference in the channel

D) increasing channel security

E) Your option

Answers to the Test

34. - D, E, A, B

please let us know.

Computer science test to take

test on the topic “Telecommunication technologies”.

in group 201 by profession 230103.02 “Master of digital information processing”

Target: establishing the level of formation of subject, meta-subject and personal results students on the topic Telecommunication technologies »

Standard requirements:

    Personal results:

    formation of the student’s readiness and ability for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition.

    Meta-subject results:

    the ability to evaluate the correctness of tasks.

    Subject results:


    Developing the ability to apply learned knowledge to connect a computer to a network on a given topic.

Instructions for performing the work

40 minutes are allotted to complete the entire work.

The work consists of 6 tasks. Among them are 2 tasks with a choice of one and many correct answers from those proposed (tasks 1 – 2), 1 task for matching (task 3), 1 task with a short answer (task 4), 1 task with a free answer (task 5) and 1 task involving creating a presentation using MS Power Point on the topic: “Internet (task 6).

Tasks 1 with alternative answer choice. Each sentence contains 4 answer options, one of which is correct. One point is awarded for each correct answer. Maximum score for the task - 6.

Task 2 with multiple choice answer. From the proposed options, you need to select and tick the correct answers. For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded. The maximum score for the task is 6.

Task 3 to establish correspondence. Students enter the corresponding letter in the table given in the answer under each number. For each correctly indicated pair, 1 point is awarded. The maximum score for the task is 5.

Task 4 with short answer. Students are asked to complete the sentences and write them down. Each answer is awarded 1 point. The maximum score for the task is 7.

Task 5 involves using tags to write a simple web page.

The maximum score for the task is 10.

Task 6 with free answer. Students write down their answers on the form. The maximum score for the task is 6.

Maximum amount points for the entire work – 40

Diagnostic work

on the topic: “Telecommunication technologies”

    Select and circle the correct answer.

    Specify the device to connect your computer to the network:

    The network protocol is:

    network connection agreement

    list of required devices

    rules for transferring information between computers

    conventions about how linked objects interact with each other

    WWW hypertext page viewer:

  • Protocol

    Specify servers located in Russia:

    The provider is:

    computer providing backhaul over a network

    network connection program

    computer network specialist

    network services company

    Which of these programs is not a browser:

    Internet Explorer

    Netscape Communicator

    Select the devices needed to connect your computer to computer network Internet (check the box):

    1. Internal network adapters

      HDMI cable





    1. Network cable

      Modem or router

      External network adapters

    2. Motherboard


Telecommunications is...

controls data transfer at the transport layer.

Routing protocols (IP, ISMP, RIP) - ...

a computer that provides its resources to other computers when working together

Client-server technology is...

long-distance, remote communication and remote transmission of all forms of information, including data, voice, video, etc., between computers over communication lines various types.

Transport protocol TCP - ...

a technology of interaction between computers or programs, which assumes that one of the participants in the interaction requests some information from the other.

process data addressing, determine paths, and ensure data transmission at the network level.

  1. Continue the sentence:

    These two protocols are responsible for dividing the entire amount of data into small segments to prevent exclusive takeover of the network by two workstations, the type of transmission (reliable or unreliable) and, in the case of reliable transmission, restoring the full amount of data from the segments. FTP intended for ….____________________________________________

    Virtual museum – type of website….________________________________________________


    Based on the speed of information transfer, computer networks are divided into: _____________________


    The email address consists of…_______________________________________________


    Computer telecommunications is …________________________________________________

    Local computer network connects computers, …..___________________________


    Compose and write a sample web page using the following tags:

HTML >, HEAD>, TITLE >, <BODY >, </u></p><h1><u>, </u></h1><h2><u>, </u></h2><u> </u><u> </u> <p>______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ </p> <ol><p><i><b>Create a presentation using MS Power Point on the topic: “Internet”</b> </i> </p> </ol><p><b>Evaluation criteria <a href="">test control</a> knowledge</b></p> <p>Excellent rating</p> <p>75 – 100% correct answers</p> <p>30 - 40 points</p> <p>Rated "good"</p> <p>50 – 74% correct answers</p> <p>20 – 29 points</p> <p>Rating "satisfactory"</p> <p>27 – 49% correct answers</p> <p>11 - 19 points</p> <p>Rating "unsatisfactory"</p> <p>27% or less correct answers</p> <p>0 – 10 points</p> <p><b>Levels of activity</b> </p> <p><b>UUD</b> </p> <p><b>Criteria</b></p> <p>№ <b>tasks</b> </p> <p><b>Max. point</b> </p> <p>Emotional-psychol.</p> <p>Personal</p> <p>Choose 1 correct answer from 2 proposed</p> <p>Regulatory</p> <p>Regulatory</p> <p>Social</p> <p>Communication</p> <p>Knowledge of definitions on the topic “Telecommunications Technologies”</p> <p>Analytical</p> <p>Cognitive</p> <p>Ability to answer questions briefly</p> <p>Creative</p> <p>Personal</p> <p>Self-improvement</p> <p>Regulatory</p> <p>Ability to reveal <a href="">this topic</a> and present it in the form of a presentation</p> <p><b>Answers</b></p> <p><b>tasks</b></p> <p><b>Answers</b></p> <p>A: modem,</p> <p>B: rules for transferring information between computers,</p> <p>B: Browser,</p> <p>G:,</p> <p>D: company providing network services</p> <p>E: Outlook Express</p> <p>B, G, F, I, K, L</p> <p>1C, 2E, 3 <span>D, 4A, 5B</p> <p><b>These two protocols are responsible for dividing the entire amount of data into small segments to prevent exclusive takeover of the network by two workstations, the type of transmission (reliable or unreliable) and, in the case of reliable transmission, restoring the full amount of data from the segments.</b><b>FTP</b> designed for transferring files over TCP networks (for example, the Internet). FTP is often used to download web pages and other documents from a private development device to public hosting servers.</p> <p><b>Virtual museum (website museum)</b>- a type of website optimized for the display of museum materials. Submissions can range from art and historical artifacts to virtual collections and family heirlooms.</p> <p><b><span>By information transfer speed</span> </b><i> </i><span>computer networks are divided into: low-speed, medium-speed, high-speed.</p> <p><b>E-mail address</b> </span><span>consists of two elements: the mailbox name and <a href="">Domain name</a> server.</p> <p><b>Computer telecommunications</b>– exchange of information at a distance using a computer.</p> <p><b>Local computer network connects computers</b> installed in one room (for example, a school computer lab) or in one building (for example, in a school building several dozen computers installed in different subject rooms can be combined into a local network)</p> <p>Job No.</p> <p>Criteria for evaluation</p> <ul><p>the website is written correctly,</p><p>no factual errors,</p><p>no mistakes.</p> </ul><ul><p>all conditions are met, but a minor error was made</p> </ul><ul><p>There are errors in the use of tags.</p> </ul><ul><p>other cases.</p> </ul><p><b>Test results</b> </p> <p>Group <u>201 </u></p> <p>Item: <u>computer science and ICT</u></p> <p>Teacher: <u>Gimranova E.Yu.</u></p> <p>The date of the: <u>26.11.2014. </u></p> <p>Goal: to establish the level of development of subject, meta-subject and personal results among students in profession 230103.02 “Master of Digital Information Processing”</p> <p>Activity level</p> <p>Emotion.-</p> <p>psycho.</p> <p>Regulatory</p> <p>Social</p> <p>Analytical</p> <p>Creative</p> <p>Self-improvement</p> <p><b>Total points</b> </p> <p>% completed</p> <p><b>Mark</b> </p> <p>Job number</p> <p>Full name of students</p> <p>/points</p> <p><b>40 </b> </p> <p><b>5 </b> </p> <p>Abduganiev Shahrom</p> <p><b>28 </b> </p> <p><b>4 </b> </p> <p>Anisimova Anastasia</p> <p><b>18 </b> </p> <p><b>3 </b> </p> <p>Arteeva Rita</p> <p><b>23 </b> </p> <p>57,5 </p> <p><b>4 </b> </p> <p>Beard Christina</p> <p><b>28 </b> </p> <p><b>4 </b> </p> <p>Dotsenko Anastasia</p> <p><b>28 </b> </p> <p><b>4 </b> </p> <p>Drozdov Semyon</p> <p><b>17 </b> </p> <p>42,5 </p> <p><b>3 </b> </p> <p>Klyasova Yana</p> <p><b>25 </b> </p> <p><b>4 </b> </p> <p>Kuritsina Elena</p> <p><b>21 </b> </p> <p>52,5 </p> <p><b>4 </b> </p> <p>Merkusheva Ekaterina</p> <p><b>20 </b> </p> <p><b>4 </b> </p> <p>Meshiy Christina</p> <p><b>18 </b> </p> <p><b>3 </b> </p> <p>Tukhliev Shokhrom</p> <p><b>31 </b> </p> <p><b>5 </b> </p> <p>Real. points</p> <p>Max. points</p> <p><b>% achieved.</b> </p> <p><b>56,0 </b> </p> <p><b>53,0 </b> </p> <p><b>69,1 </b> </p> <p><b>54,5 </b> </p> <p><b>54,5 </b> </p> <p><b>66,7 </b> </p> <p><b>57,5 </b> </p> <b>Analytical note on the results of the test work</b> <p><b>on the topic “Telecommunication technologies <i>» </i> </b> </p> <p><b>Target</b>: establishing the level of formation of subject, meta-subject and personal results of students on the topic “Telecommunication technologies” <i>» </i> </p> <p>Group 201</p> <p>Test date: <u>26.11.2014. </u></p> <p>The test work established the level of formation of the following subject, meta-subject and personal results:</p> <ul><p>formation of a responsible attitude towards learning,</p><p>formation of the student’s readiness and ability for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition,</p><p>ability to evaluate the correctness of tasks,</p><p>ability to choose 1 correct answer out of 2 proposed</p><p>development of the ability to write web pages according to given conditions and based on existing knowledge</p> </ul><p>Based on the testing results, the following were obtained: <b>results</b>:</p> <p><i><b>Subject results</b> </i>:</p> <p>On <b>threshold level</b> knowledge formation:</p> <ul><p>Choose 1 correct answer from 2 proposed</p><p>Knowledge of devices necessary to connect a computer to the Internet computer network.</p> </ul><p>On <b>average</b> <b>level</b> formation of skills:</p> <ul><p>The ability to write a web page according to given conditions and based on existing knowledge on the topic.</p><p>the student’s readiness and ability for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition.</p> </ul><p><i><b>Meta-subject results</b> </i>:</p> <p>The most developed components of the activity are:</p> <ul><p>self-improvement, emotional - psychological and social</p> </ul><p>The least developed are the following components of activity:</p> <ul><p>regulatory</p> </ul><p><b>Levels of achievement of activity components</b>:</p> <ul><p>Emotional - psychological <u>56 </u> %</p><p>Regulatory <u>53 </u> %</p><p>Social <u>69,1 </u> %</p><p>Analytical <u>54,5 </u> %</p><p>Creative <u>54,5 </u> %</p><p>Self-improvement <u>66,7 </u> %.</p> </ul><p>Based on the testing results, the average level of theoretical knowledge on the subject was revealed; inability to correctly use tags and find matches.</p> <p><b>Offers</b>:</p> <p>During <a href="">training sessions</a> it is necessary to pay attention to the formation of activity components and universal <a href="">educational activities</a>, mastering subject and personal results: pay more attention to the use of tags for writing a web page, devices for connecting to telecommunication networks, create conditions for students that promote emotional and psychological, <a href="">creative development</a>.</p> <p><b>Date: 11/26/2014. Teacher: Gimranova E.Yu.</b></p> <p><b>Diagnostics of the level of formation of basic and general competencies</b> </p> <p><b>among students</b> ____________________________________________________________________ </p> <p>Goal: to establish the relationship between the level of development of basic and general competencies and the level of formation of educational motivation among students, analysis of the data obtained, drawing up recommendations.</p> <p><b>Motivation structure:</b> </p> <p>Emotional-psychol.</p> <p>External</p> <p>Social</p> <p>Analytical</p> <p>Creative</p> <p>Self-perfect.</p> <p><b>Structure of basic competencies</b>: </p> <p>Emotional-psychol.</p> <p>Regulatory</p> <p>Social</p> <p>Analytical</p> <p>Creative</p> <p>Self-perfect.</p> <p><b>Comparison of the structure of motivation and basic competencies:</b> </p> <p>Rank</p> <p>Motivation</p> <p>Basic competencies</p> <p>Self-improvement</p> <p>Self-improvement</p> <p>Social</p> <p>Social</p> <p>Analytical</p> <p>Analytical</p> <p>External</p> <p>Regulatory</p> <p>Emotional-psychological</p> <p>Emotional-psychological</p> <p>Creative</p> <p>Creative</p> <p><b>Analysis of the results obtained</b>: Analysis of the relationship between types of motivation and competencies shows, in general, the correspondence of the formed competencies to the motivation of students, which develops in <a href="">educational activities</a>: almost all competencies coincide in rank.</p> <p>In this group it was revealed <a href="">low level</a> formation <a href="">creative competencies</a> And <a href="">creative motivation</a>.</p> <p>Date: 27.11. 2014 Teacher: Gimranova E.Yu.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> <div class="info_bar"> <div class="bar_item bi_share"> <div class="share"> <script type="text/javascript" src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> <div class="ya-share2" data-services="vkontakte,facebook,odnoklassniki,moimir,gplus,twitter,viber,whatsapp" data-size="s"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function (){ initTabs('#comments_widget'); } );</script></div> </article> <div class="widget_ajax_wrap" id="widget_pos_left-bottom"><div class="widget"> <div class="title">Related Posts</div> <div class="body"> <div class="widget_content_list tiles-big"> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a style="background-image:url('/uploads/df5c97d9dafe00c5975fe7cd08419752.jpg')" href=""></a> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="title"> <a href="">Experiments to observe diffraction</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a style="background-image:url('/uploads/eaebe4abc8f020c855d5189976712569.jpg')" href=""></a> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="title"> <a href="">Determination of body weight by weighing on scales Laboratory work movement of the body in a circle</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a style="background-image:url('/uploads/56aed2c30ccd698c0409e8b7a0ae0ceb.jpg')" href=""></a> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="title"> <a href="">Deviant behavior: what it is, main manifestations and treatment methods</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image"> <a style="background-image:url('/uploads/2fe799a98ea49264c9bc259de73a7db0.jpg')" href=""></a> </div> <div class="info"> <div class="title"> <a href="">Human material needs - 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