They are included in the southwestern part. Territories in the southwestern part of the city. Districts Cheryomushki, Academichesky, Kotlovka

If the salary is issued from the cash register, then personal income tax must be paid to the budget no later than the day the cash is received from the bank for its issuance, i.e. on the same day that cash is withdrawn from the check. But what should an accountant do if an employee fails to show up to collect his salary?? In this case, is it not necessary to write any applications to the INFS for a personal income tax refund, and subsequently pay it again (on the day the employee receives the money)?

This general rule for personal income tax from salary (clause 6). At the moment when the salary is accrued, there is no need to withhold tax and transfer it to the budget. There was no payment of income (clause 4 of Article 226 of the Tax Code). The tax must be transferred to the budget only the next day after the employee receives the money. When an organization withdraws money from a bank account to pay salaries, it needs to transfer personal income tax withheld from employee income. If one of the employees cannot receive a salary from the cash register within the time period established by the organization - for example, due to illness, it is deposited (that is, it is considered received with a deferment). At the same time, there is no need to return personal income tax from the budget - it does not contain such a procedure. Upon returning to work after illness, the employee will receive the amount of salary minus personal income tax from the cash register.

Therefore, the fact that the employee received his salary later does not in any way affect the organization’s calculations with the budget. Transfer the tax on the day following the date of actual payment of your salary.

If the deadline for paying personal income tax on deposited wages is not important for the organization, it does not need to be postponed until the employee receives the money.

It is more convenient for an accountant to transfer taxes for all employees in one payment order. Therefore, an organization can pay personal income tax on the entire salary - both paid and deposited - in one payment. This option can be justified by the fact that the deposited salary has already been accrued. You withhold and pay personal income tax at the expense of the employee’s income, and not at the expense of the tax agent, which is prohibited (clause 9 of Article 226 of the Tax Code).

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When to transfer personal income tax?

When should a tax agent transfer personal income tax?

When calculating salaries, bonuses, benefits. It contains tips on real examples when to pay.


Who listsIncome optionsPayment deadlinePlace of payment
Tax agent
When paying benefits for temporary disability (including benefits for caring for a sick child)
No later than the last day of the month in which such payments were made (paragraph 2, paragraph 6)
Paid to the inspectorate where the tax agent is registered
(paragraph 1, clause 7, article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
Entrepreneurs on UTII (patent) transfer tax to the inspectorate at the place of business (paragraph 4, paragraph 7, article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
When paying vacation pay
Based on income from the sale of securities
No later than one month from the earliest of the following dates:
– end date of the corresponding tax period;
– the date of expiration of the last agreement based on the start date of the agreement on the basis of which the tax agent paid the income;
– date of payment of money (transfer of securities).
This is stated in paragraph 9 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
In other cases (regardless of the method of payment of income)
No later than the day following the day of payment of income (paragraph 1, clause 6, article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
Taxpayer who is not an entrepreneur
For income declared in the declaration in form 3-NDFL
Until July 15 of the year following the expired tax period (calendar year)
(clause 4)
Paid at the taxpayer’s place of residence
(clause 4 of article 228 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
For income on which tax was not withheld by the tax agent
For income declared in the declaration in form 4-NDFL:

Paid to the residence inspectorate
(clause 6, clause 1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
– the first half of the current tax period (year);
No later than July 15 of the current year
(Subclause 1, Clause 9, Article 227 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
– III quarter of the current year;
No later than October 15 of the current year
(Subclause 2, Clause 9, Article 227 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
– IV quarter of this year
No later than January 15 of the following year
(Subclause 3, Clause 9, Article 227 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
Payment of tax on the amount of income actually received in the tax period minus advance payments paid in the current year
No later than July 15 of the year following the expired tax period
(clause 6 of article 227 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

Note: If the total amount of tax withheld is less than RUB 100, it is added to the tax due next month. This cannot be done only with tax accrued in December ().

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Payment terms: salary, advance, bonuses, benefits, compensation

When calculating salaries, bonuses, benefits. It provides tips using real examples on when to pay. If you are late with the calculation and pay the money later, the organization faces administrative and financial liability (parts 6 and 7). And the head of the organization faces criminal liability (Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Personal income tax on bonuses, tax payment deadlines for monthly payments

When paying bonuses based on the results of work for the month, which are part of the salary, the date of actual receipt of income is recognized as the last day of the month for which the bonus was accrued. In this case, personal income tax on premiums paid after the end of the month must be transferred no later than the date following the day the income was paid. Such clarifications are contained in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 26, 2018 No. 03-04-06/18932.

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What act can establish the terms of payment of wages?

The salary payment day can be established by one of three documents: internal labor regulations, a collective agreement or an employment contract. There is no need to specify payment terms in all of these documents at once. This is stated in the letter of the Ministry of Labor dated September 23, 2016 No. 14-1/OOG-8532.

In addition, you can complain about delayed payments to. Yours. He'll tell you correct solution.

In the article, we will consider the new procedure for settlements with employees, and analyze the possible liability of organizations for violation of payment deadlines. Should an employer, in the event of a delay in payment of wages, pay it taking into account monetary compensation...

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Date of actual receipt of income for personal income tax payment from 2020

In order to transfer personal income tax to the budget on time, you need to determine:

  • income date();
  • day on which the organization must withhold personal income tax ();
  • deadline for payment of personal income tax (depending on the method of payment of income) (clause 6 of article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Date of receipt of income– this is the day when the object of personal income tax taxation arises. Determine it depending on the type of income. Conventionally, income from which personal income tax must be withheld by tax agents can be divided into two groups:

  1. income related to wages;
  2. income not related to wages.

The first type of income, in particular, includes:

  • salary;
  • bonuses;
  • remuneration based on the results of work for the year;
  • additional payments for performing work of various qualifications, when combining professions, when working overtime (night), in holidays etc.

A complete list of payments that can be classified as wage-related income is given in Labor Code RF.

The second type includes all other income, for example:

  • dividends;
  • income by ;
  • material benefit;
  • financial assistance, etc.

The dates of receipt of income for personal income tax purposes are shown in the table below.

Type of incomeIncome formDate of actual receipt of incomeBase
Income in the form of wages In cash or in kind The last day of the month for which the employee is paid
If the employee is fired before the end of the calendar month - the last working day for which the employee was paid
Non-salary income Cash income 1. Day of payment of money from the cash register
2. The day the money is transferred to the bank account
3. Day of transfer of money on behalf of the recipient of income to third party accounts
subp. 1 clause 1 art. 223 Tax Code of the Russian Federation
Income in kind 1. Day of transfer of inventory items
2. The day of completion of work (services) in the interests of a person
3. The day of payment (in whole or in part) per person for goods, works, services or property rights
subp. 2 p. 1 art. 223 Tax Code of the Russian Federation
Income in the form of material benefits 1. When using borrowed funds:
the last day of each month during the period for which the loan (credit) was provided, if the interest rate on it is less than:
– 2/3 of the refinancing rate when receiving money in rubles;
– 9 percent per annum when receiving money in foreign currency
2. When purchasing securities:
– or the day of acquisition of securities at prices below market prices;
– or the day of receipt of securities free of charge;
– or the day of payment for securities (if payment occurs after the transfer of ownership of securities)
3. When purchasing goods (works, services) from interdependent persons:
day of purchase of goods (works, services)
subp. 3 and 7 paragraph 1 art. 223 Tax Code of the Russian Federation
Income arising from the offset of similar counterclaims Day of offset of counter homogeneous claims subp. 4 paragraphs 1 art. 223 Tax Code of the Russian Federation
Income as a result of writing off a citizen’s bad debt from the organization’s balance sheet The day this debt is written off subp. 5 p. 1 art. 223 Tax Code of the Russian Federation
Income arising in connection with reimbursement of travel expenses (for example, if expenses are not confirmed or are reimbursed in excess of current standards) The last day of the month in which the advance report is approved after the employee returns from a business trip subp. 6 clause 1 art. 223 Tax Code of the Russian Federation
Income in the form of budget funds received for the implementation of activities related to reducing tensions in the labor market 1. Date of recognition of expenses for the implementation of measures related to reducing tensions in the labor market (in terms of income spent in accordance with their intended purpose during three tax periods (starting from the tax period in which the income was received))
2. The last day of the tax period in which the conditions for disbursing income were violated (if such a violation was committed)
3. Last day of the third tax period (in terms of income that was not used in accordance with its intended purpose)

Personal income tax is withheld from wages at the time of the final calculation of the employee’s income at the end of the month, and not on the last day of the month

The tax agent withholds and transfers personal income tax to the budget from wages once a month. This is done when the income is actually paid after the end of the month for which this tax amount was calculated. Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated July 10, 2014 No. 03-04-06/33737.

Paid personal income tax in advance - you will have to remit the tax again

The Ministry of Finance reminds: transfer of personal income tax in advance, that is, before the date of actual receipt of income by an individual, is not allowed.

As is known, for personal income tax purposes, the date of receipt by an employee of income in the form of wages is the last day of the month for which the wages were accrued.

If the employer transferred the “salary” personal income tax to the budget ahead of schedule, i.e. in violation of the established procedure, he can apply to the Federal Tax Service with an application for the return of the overpaid amount as erroneously transferred. In this case, you will need to pay personal income tax again, but this time in accordance with all the rules. This will have to be done regardless of whether the initial payment has been returned from the budget to the employer’s account or not.

note that there is one exception to this procedure: personal income tax on the December salary, which is paid ahead of schedule due to the New Year holidays.

But the Federal Tax Service says that personal income tax on employees’ income in the form of vacation pay must be transferred strictly on the day they are paid

Because in their opinion, vacation pay does not relate to income in the form of wages.

Moreover, this department notes that if tax officials discover during an audit that the tax was not transferred simultaneously with vacation pay, then they have the right to impose a fine of 20 percent of the tax amount (). It will most likely not be possible to cancel it either in a higher tax department or in court, since the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation has adopted an unequivocal position

Can an organization transfer personal income tax to the budget in advance, before issuing salaries to staff?

It cannot, because according to the general rule, personal income tax can only be withheld from the employee’s income at the time of payment (clause 4 of Article 226 of the Tax Code). Income in the form of wages arises on the last day of the month for which it was accrued (the last working day of employees dismissed before the end of the month). This is stated in paragraph 2 of Article 223 of the Tax Code.

The tax agent has the obligation to transfer personal income tax to the budget only after the tax has been withheld. And the tax amount can be withheld only when the salary is actually issued from the cash register or when it is transferred to the employee’s bank account. Before income is paid, it is impossible to transfer personal income tax to the budget. This is confirmed by letters from the Ministry of Finance dated 02/01/2016 No. 03-04-06/4321, dated 07/10/2014 No. 03-04-06/33737, Federal Tax Service dated 07/25/2014 No. BS-4-11/14507.

The amount that the tax agent paid in advance cannot be offset against employee tax debt. Explanation: pay tax on account own funds tax agents are prohibited (clause 9 of Article 226 of the Tax Code). The amount transferred by the tax agent in advance cannot be recognized as tax. Inspectors consider it as paid by mistake, which can only be returned to the current account. Regardless of whether you returned the erroneous payment or not, you will have to transfer the full amount of tax to the budget after the actual payment of the salary (letter of the Ministry of Finance dated December 15, 2017 No. 03-04-06/84250).

However, in the situation under consideration there is no reason to fine tax agent under Article 123 of the Tax Code. There is no offense for which liability is provided for in this article. The tax amount has been received by the budget and there is no arrears due to the tax agent. Based on the conclusions made by the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court in Resolution No. 784/13 dated July 23, 2013, the Federal Tax Service warns tax inspectorates: it is illegal to fine organizations that pay personal income tax ahead of schedule (letter No. BS-4-11/19716 dated September 29, 2014).

In court, you can prove the legality of early payment of personal income tax if you have reflected the amount of tax in your accounts and there are supporting primary documents

According to tax law, you have the right to pay taxes early. This right applies not only to taxpayers, but also to tax agents (clauses 1 and 8). The main thing is that by the time the tax is paid, the tax agent has such an obligation.

The tax agent has an obligation to transfer personal income tax if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

  • the head of the organization approved the payroll for the payment of salaries;
  • for the amount of personal income tax that must be withheld from the income of each employee, there is an entry in the credit of account 68 subaccount “Personal income tax settlements”.

Under such conditions, the organization can transfer the withheld amount of personal income tax to the budget ahead of schedule. The inspectors will have no reason to recognize this amount as paid at the expense of the tax agent. The legal position allowing such a conclusion is formulated in the resolutions of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court dated July 27, 2011 No. 2105/11, dated December 17, 2002 No. 2257/02. In district arbitration practice there are examples of court decisions taken taking into account this position (see, for example, the FAS resolution Northwestern district dated December 10, 2013 No. A56-16143/2013).

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If an employer transfers personal income tax before paying wages, the tax will not be considered paid, and will there be a fine?

The obligation to transfer personal income tax to the budget arises from the tax agent only after the tax has actually been withheld from the funds paid to the taxpayer. Therefore, if an employer paid personal income tax before paying wages, he will have to pay the tax again, despite the presence of an overpayment. This conclusion follows from the decision of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 05/05/16, the last day of work of an employee in the company if he quits before the end of the month.

Until one of these dates has arrived, the company cannot determine the amount of income subject to personal income tax. Therefore, when paying an advance, personal income tax is not withheld.

What if you hold it? Tax authorities believe that amounts withheld prematurely are not taxable. This means that it must be paid again - on the day the employee receives income in the form of salary.

If the company did not do this, it means that it underpaid personal income tax to the budget. The fine for this violation is 20 percent of the underpaid amount. True, the tax withheld from the advance payment can be returned from the budget as an erroneous payment.

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The court decided that personal income tax can be transferred before the salary is paid!

The fact that personal income tax was transferred before the employee received wages does not mean that the tax was not paid, and, accordingly, is not the basis for a fine under Article 123 of the Tax Code for non-payment of personal income tax. This conclusion was reached by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District in its resolution dated December 10, 2013 No. A56-16143/2013.

Personal income tax can be transferred to the budget even before the payment of wages!!!

Paying personal income tax before paying employees salaries does not indicate the presence of arrears for this tax. Therefore, in the case of early tax transfer, inspectors do not have the right to fine the tax agent on the basis of Article 123 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This conclusion, favorable for companies, follows from the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 29, 2014 No. BS-4-11/19716. Thus, officials revised their position on this issue, which is given above.

New position of the tax department

In a new letter, tax officials came to the opposite conclusion. Federal Tax Service specialists reminded that the fine provided for is levied in case of failure to withhold or transfer the tax amount within the prescribed period.

At the same time, payment of tax before the date of payment of income does not indicate non-transfer of personal income tax and the presence of arrears. Consequently, it is impossible to fine under Article 123 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in case of early payment of tax.

At the same time, to support their position, the authors of the letter referred to the resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court dated July 23, 2013 No. 784/13. It explains: the duty of the tax agent to transfer the tax is considered fulfilled from the moment of presentation to the bank of an order to transfer funds from the bank account to the appropriate Federal Treasury account if there is a sufficient cash balance on it on the day of payment. Let us note that this resolution dealt with the transfer of personal income tax through an erroneous OKATO. However, the main tax department believes that in case of payment of tax before the date of payment of income, inspectors should take into account precisely this resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court. Thus, if the payment slip indicates the correct account of the Federal Treasury and the money went to the budget, then, based on the meaning, the tax is considered paid, and the enterprise has no personal income tax debt. Accordingly, there are no grounds for a fine.

Examples of court decisions that are positive for companies are also contained in the decisions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated 12/10/13 No. A56-16143/2013, dated 02/04/14 No. A26-3109/2013.

The courts justify their position as follows. Despite the fact that tax legislation indeed prohibits paying personal income tax at the expense of tax agents, Article 45 of the Tax Code allows the taxpayer to fulfill the obligation to pay tax ahead of schedule. The rule on early payment of taxes also applies to tax agents (clause 8, article 45, clause 2).

The Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court dated July 27, 2011 No. 2105/11 clarifies that early payment means the transfer of tax if there is such an obligation after the end of the tax (reporting) period, when the tax base is formed and the amount of tax is determined, but before the payment deadline.

There is another letter from the Federal Tax Service from the same date (Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 29, 2014 N BS-4-11/19714@), in which the Tax Service directly states that the transfer of personal income tax by an organization in advance is prohibited.

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Personal income tax can be transferred to the budget a few days before the payment of salaries

Tax officials assessed additional personal income tax and penalties in the amount of 1.5 million rubles to the company, and also held them accountable on the basis of. The reason was that personal income tax was transferred to the budget one or two days before salaries were paid. And according to the law, personal income tax must be withheld directly from the taxpayer’s income upon their actual payment (clause 4). In addition, payment of tax at the expense of tax agents is not allowed (clause 9). Since the company transfers tax before the payment of wages, it turns out that personal income tax is not withheld from the employee’s income, but is paid from the organization’s funds.

The court's decision

The courts decided that there were no grounds to hold the company liable. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the determination dated January 22, 2004 No. 41-O, he explained: the independence of tax agents in fulfilling the obligation to transfer taxes withheld by them consists in paying taxes on their own behalf and at the expense of the funds that they withheld from the amounts of payments made. In the situation under consideration, the company calculated and withheld personal income tax from the income of employees. The amount of tax transferred to the budget corresponds to the amount withheld as personal income tax. This means that the organization has fulfilled its obligation to withhold tax from funds paid to the taxpayer and transfer the tax to the budget. The fact that an enterprise transferred tax in advance (one or two days before the payment of wages) cannot be a reason either to bring it to justice on the basis of Article 123 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, or to re-collect the amount of tax and accrue penalties (resolution of the AS North Western District from 09/17/14

Every quarter (submission deadline no later than April 30, July 31 and October 31, annual calculation must be submitted no later than April 1 of the following year);

A new type of liability was established for the provision by a tax agent of documents that contain dubious information in the amount of 500 rubles for each document provided with such information (Article 1261 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Added the ability to block the ability to carry out transactions on the tax agent's current account for submitting a calculation not on time;

Fines have been introduced for tax agents for failure to submit calculations within the specified time frame in the amount of 1,000 rubles. (Clause 1.2 of Article 126 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Federal Law No. 382-FZ dated November 29, 2014 (applies to real estate assets that were acquired later than January 1, 2016).

Since 2016, the period for which real estate is owned by a taxpayer has been changed, after which income from its sale will not be taxed. Before 2016, this period was 3 years, but now the taxpayer is not required to pay tax when selling real estate that has been in his ownership for more than 5 years.

Moreover, this rule does not apply to those objects that were received through privatization, inheritance and donation from close relatives, in addition, under a lifelong maintenance agreement with dependents.

In addition, since 2016, 2NDFL introduced new rules for determining the amount of taxable income when selling real estate at a price that is much less than the market price.

When the taxpayer’s income from the sale of real estate was less than the cadastral value of this object as of 1.01 of the year in which the state was produced. registration of the transfer of ownership, multiplied by a reduction factor of 0.7; for tax purposes, the taxpayer’s income from the sale of the specified object is taken equal to the cadastral value of this object, multiplied by a reduction factor of 0.7.

Federal Law dated April 6, 2015 No. 85-FZ.

Since 2016, individuals can receive social benefits. deductions for treatment and training from your employer. For this purpose, the employee must provide a written application confirming the right to receive social deductions, which is issued by the tax authority.

Federal Law No. 317-FZ dated November 23, 2015.

From January 1, 2016 to 12 thousand rubles. The standard personal income tax deduction for a disabled child was increased.

Tax deduction in the amount of 12 thousand rubles. can be issued by parents, spouse of a parent and adoptive parents in relation to:

A disabled child under 18 years of age;

To the student full-time training, graduate student, resident, intern, student under 24 years of age, if he is a disabled person of group I or II.

Guardians, trustees, adoptive parents and their spouses who support such children can receive a deduction in the amount of 6,000 rubles.

The amount of income has also been changed, upon reaching (on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year) standard tax deductions can no longer be issued - from 280,000 to 350,000 rubles.

Federal Law of November 23, 2015 No. 320-FZ.

Since January 2016, income in the form of amounts of legal expenses that were reimbursed to the taxpayer based on a court decision is not subject to personal income tax;

In addition, Art. 214.2 and 214.2.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which provide for a unified approach to personal income tax taxation of income of individuals received from placing funds on deposit in banks located within Russian Federation, as well as in credit consumer cooperatives and agricultural credit consumer cooperatives.

Changes in 2-NDFL since 2016 - title of the 2-NDFL certificate.

The new certificate on form 2-NDFL now contains the “Adjustment number” field. In this field you must indicate the appropriate numbers:

  • 00 - if the certificate is drawn up in the first copy;
  • 01, 02, etc. - the corresponding number of the corrective certificate is entered;
  • 99 - when a 2-NDFL cancellation certificate is submitted.

Changes to 2-NFDL since 2016 - section 2 “Data about the individual - recipient of income.”

The new certificate on form 2-NDFL now contains the field “TIN in the country of citizenship”, in which the taxpayer must enter information about the TIN of foreign employees. In addition to old statuses:

  • 1 - residents;
  • 2 - non-residents;
  • 3 - highly qualified specialists.

Also, in form 2NDFL since 2016, additional tax has been included. taxpayer status codes:

  • 4 - for employees who are participants state program voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad;
  • 5 - for foreign employees who have refugee status or have received temporary asylum in Russia;
  • 6 - for foreign employees working on the basis of a patent.

In addition, regarding foreign employees, in the “Residence address in the Russian Federation” field, you must indicate the address at which the foreign employee is registered in Russia at his place of residence or place of residence.

Changes to 2-NFDL since 2016 - Section 4 “Standard, social, investment and property tax deductions.”

In the new certificate on form 2-NDFL in section 4 the following changes:

  • in addition to property and social deductions, section 4 contains information about investment deductions;
  • There is a field for notification details for receiving social deductions.

Changes to 2-NFDL since 2016 - Section 5 “Total amounts of income and tax.”

Section 5 of the new certificate on form 2-NDFL now has a field for entering information about fixed advance payments. A field has also been added for notification details, which confirms the right to a tax reduction by the amount of fixed payments.

Changes to 2-NFDL since 2016 - directories of document codes and regions.

Directory “Document Codes” (Appendix 1 to the order). The code for the certificate of temporary asylum has been changed. Since 2016, it is necessary to indicate code 19, instead of code 18.

Directory “Region Codes” (Appendix 2 to the order). Added codes for Crimea and Sevastopol: 91 and 92, respectively.

Now by new form certificate 2-NDFL, if the tax agent accrued and paid to an individual during the tax period income that is taxed at different rates, then sections 3, 4 and 5 of the certificate must be completed for each tax rate. That is, all employee income, regardless of the type of income, must be included in one 2NDFL certificate. In this case, sections 3, 4 and 5 must be completed separately at different rates.

Note: The last name and first name of foreign citizens can be entered using letters of the English alphabet.

In the field for entering the address of a foreign citizen, it is necessary to indicate the full address at which he is registered in the Russian Federation at the place of residence or registration.

From January 1, 2016 (clause 6 of Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), personal income tax that was withheld from sick leave and vacation benefits will need to be transferred to the budget no later than the day of the month in which they were paid.

Note: In the accrued tax, pennies must be rounded up.

Significant territorial resources have been identified in the west of the city. Partially, these are territories free from development and planning restrictions, partially - territories freed up in the event of the removal of a number of objects (pretrial detention center, Federal Penitentiary Service) from the eastern part of the Western industrial zone as envisaged by the general plan.

Development on these sites is expected to be of two types: multi-storey (5-9 floors) and individual. Multi-storey buildings are located on the street. Moskovskaya and is a logical continuation of residential multi-storey blocks in the area of ​​the street. Angarsky Boulevard.

A feature of the layout of new multi-storey residential areas is their greater dispersion in relation to the areas currently being built. Boulevards are laid in inter-block gaps, connecting with urban green areas surrounding new development, which increases the level of living comfort in such areas.

Individual development is expected to be located along the highway, currently the southern bypass of M-54, in the free corridor between the Western industrial zone and the airport territory.

Territories in the southern part of the city

In the south of the city, the general plan proposes to use territorial reserves in the area of ​​the village. Satellite. Here it is possible to develop residential areas only in the southern direction, in areas free from planning restrictions. Individual development with large plots of land is planned for this area.

Territories in the central part of the city

One of priority areas placement of new residential development - reconstruction of the central part of the city. Here, in the existing development zone, it is planned to selectively reconstruct low-value stock, represented mainly by dilapidated individual housing.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the blocks adjacent directly to the center area, forming architectural appearance cities. Coastal areas are also very valuable in terms of urban planning.

Development in the central part of the city is of all types, with a greater share of low-rise (3-4 floors), which is most typical for the existing urban environment of the center.

Territories in the western part of the city

A significant part of the population currently lives in a holiday village on the left bank at the western border of the urban district. The master plan provides for the conversion of these territories into housing. This will provide the population living there with the necessary social services and utilities.

Table 7.1

Indicators of new housing construction

(right and left banks)

Type of development Right Bank Left Coast
ha thousand m 2 thousand inhabitants ha thousand m 2 thousand inhabitants
Multi-storey and mid-rise 130-140 27-29 160-170 35-37
Manor 30-35
TOTAL 200-210 30-32 990-1000 68-70
Reserves, thousand hectares 0,1 0,5

The problem of placing garages

The problem of placing garages for storing personal vehicles in residential areas deserves special attention. On this moment they are grouped into large garage areas and occupy significant territories, which are, in fact, alienated from residential neighborhoods. Such proximity negatively affects the level of comfort and safety of living near such areas, and the fabric of residential development is torn.

In addition, this storage method has proven to be ineffective, since garages are located at a considerable distance from the place of residence of their owners. In fact, they are not used and are duplicated by temporary parking spaces in residential courtyards and on intra-block driveways.

The master plan proposes the placement of multi-level guarded parking complexes in new residential areas, evenly distributed throughout the development area and located within a 5-10 minute walking distance from residential buildings. Such compact placement of garages will allow for more efficient use of urban land and increase the safety of living in residential areas.

In existing territories, a policy should be pursued for a systematic transition to the same system of garage placement. However, since it is quite difficult to identify sites for new construction in built-up areas, this task remains for the future and requires careful long-term collaboration between the city and private investors.

Industrial zones

Three main industrial zones have formed in the city:

· Western industrial zone (contains the main production potential of the city; construction industry enterprises are located here, Food Industry and etc.);

· Central industrial zone (does not contain hazardous industries; mainly wood processing and furniture industry enterprises are located here, as well as utility and storage facilities);

· Eastern industrial zone (represented by the Kyzyl Thermal Power Plant and the Fish Factory);

There are enterprises that are not included in the structure of industrial complexes, but are located individually among residential buildings, complicating living conditions in the neighboring residential areas. There is also a counter trend - in established industrial zones there are often inclusions of individual housing.

The industrial zones that have developed in the city generally retain their location, but they require reconstructive measures, a list of which cannot be established within the framework of the city’s general plan due to the lack of the necessary amount of information and the specifics of the analytical work.

However, from the perspective of citywide interests, some planning decisions can be formulated:

1) It seems advisable to place new residential buildings by reducing inefficiently used large industrial areas. In particular, the project proposes reducing the territories of the western industrial zone from the center by removing the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Pre-trial Detention Center and placing a residential area in these territories.

2) It is necessary to remove a number of industrial facilities from the central part of the city, where the relative urban value of the territory is beyond doubt. We are talking, first of all, about such objects as the Asphalt Concrete Plant, the Tannery and Rolling Plant, the Brick Factory, etc. (the full list of removed objects is presented in the table below).

The relocation of industrial and municipal facilities is expected to be carried out, first of all, by compacting the territories of existing industrial zones. Also, for the relocation of facilities and the location of new enterprises, territorial reserves are provided: in the western part of the city - for the development of the western industrial zone and in the southern part - for the development of the central industrial zone.

Table 7.2

List of relocated (repurposed) objects

Name of the enterprise (facility) Event Proposed future location
According to sanitary and environmental reasons
Asphalt concrete plant relocation In the area of ​​the Western industrial zone
Concrete concrete products "Zhilstroy" relocation
Brick factory LLC "Zhilye" relocation In the area of ​​the Western industrial zone
ATP GAAO No. 2 repurposing for social and business functions
Production base of Sibtekhmontazh LLC relocation
Leather and leather factory relocation
Auto repair shop relocation
Cemetery closure with the organization of a memorial walking park
Septic tanks in the area of ​​the street. 7th Line south
Agrokhim mineral fertilizer warehouses (over 500 tons) closure with disinfection and reclamation of the territory - for housing functions
Garages on the street Northern relocation – to green areas for public use
For planning reasons
"Tyvakhleboproduct" liquidation - under general administration. functions
Market (central)
Small wholesale and agricultural markets relocation - for residential development and public green areas In the southern part of the city on the street. Bay-Khaakskaya
Car market In the southern part of the city on the street. Bay-Khaakskaya
Pre-trial detention center in the central part of the city relocation - for residential development To the area of ​​the Western industrial zone

Continuation of Table 7.2

Pre-trial detention center in the western part of the city relocation - for residential development In the area of ​​the Western industrial zone
UFSIN relocation - for residential development In the area of ​​the Western industrial zone
Colony No. 1 relocation - for development of the city center In the area of ​​the Western industrial zone
LLC "Sui-Belek" relocation - for residential development In the area of ​​the Western industrial zone next to the garment factory
Garages on the street Proletarskaya – Ka-Khem relocation - under general landscaped territ.
Garages on the street Unnamed relocation - for residential development
Garages in the alignment lane. Seserlig (to the west) relocation - for residential development
PMK-5 relocation - for residential development
LLC Management Company "Zhilservice" on the street. Mountain relocation - for residential development
Municipal Unitary Enterprise for City Improvement relocation - for residential development
NPK NPK (production of plastic windows) relocation - for public green areas In the area of ​​the Central industrial zone

3) The project proposes a gradual elimination of individual residential developments currently located within the boundaries of the territories of established industrial zones. In the western industrial zone, about 19 hectares of residential development are proposed to be destroyed, in the central industrial zone - about 11 hectares.

4) The project proposes the placement of new and reconstruction of a number of existing production facilities. The placement of new facilities is planned due to the compaction of industrial zones, as well as in territories vacated in the process of clearing out the housing stock located in industrial areas. The list of new and reconstructed facilities is presented in the table below.

Table 7.3

List of new and reconstructed production facilities

Continued from Table 7.3

State Unitary Enterprise "Baby Food" In the area of ​​the Western industrial zone
Mini-plant for processing milk and meat In the area of ​​the Central industrial zone
Chips production plant In the area of ​​the Central industrial zone
Mineral water bottling plant In the area of ​​the Central industrial zone
Ceramic brick factory In the area of ​​the Western industrial zone
Foam-glass-crystalline porous filler plant In the area of ​​the Western industrial zone
Workshop for the production of structures and parts of reinforced concrete products In the area of ​​the Western industrial zone
Modular brick factory In the area of ​​the Western industrial zone
Workshop for large-panel housing construction (DSK) In the area of ​​the Western industrial zone
Waste recycling plant In the south-eastern part of the city, next to the solid waste dump
Reconstructed production facilities
State Unitary Enterprise "Kyzyl Garment Factory" In the area of ​​the Central industrial zone
JSC "Sayan Carpets" In the area of ​​the Central industrial zone
Fish factory In the area of ​​the Eastern industrial zone

5) As part of the project for implementing the master plan, after its approval, the issues of locating the production function in the city of Kyzyl should be worked out in detail. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out the following analytical work for each production facility:

· draw up a passport of the enterprise with justification for the composition of buildings and structures and indicators of the use of the territory;

· based on the project of the sanitary protection zone and data on the amount of housing stock falling within the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise, make an informed decision on its removal, repurposing, reconstruction or on the removal of the housing stock outside its sanitary protection zone;

· study the feasibility of operating existing railway access roads, based on the volume of cargo turnover of the enterprise.

Recreational areas

The composition of recreational zones includes the entire set of green urban areas of public use, limited use, urban and forest reserves, as well as open floodplain areas of the Yenisei River, which are located on urban lands.

The master plan proposes the following measures to improve the recreational structure of the city:

· preservation of the system of existing green areas,

· creation of a system of boulevards and squares in the planning structure of new residential formations,

· creation and improvement of green embankments on both banks of the Yenisei River,

· creation of a second city park in the right bank part of the city,

· landscaping and organizing a recreation area in the floodplain of the Tonmas-Sug stream.

· Creation of summer recreation areas (beaches, swimming areas) within the boundaries of the urban district.

Replenishing the deficit of recreational zones in both built-up and newly built-up areas is achieved by involving floodplain territories in the recreational function through their appropriate improvement.

Along the Yenisei River near the city there are picturesque islands that can be used as seasonal vacation spots. An additional factor for the development of recreation on the islands can be the development of a shipping company in Kyzyl.

8. Transport infrastructure

8.1. External transport

Transport and economic relations between the city of Kyzyl and the regions of Russia are carried out by air and road transport. River transport does not participate in external economic relations Republic due to the lack of a ship lift that would allow river vessels to pass the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP dam. There is no railway transport. The main role in external transportation of Kyzyl belongs to road transport.

Car roads

One of the main federal highways of the Siberian federal district– highway M-54 (Krasnoyarsk–Abakan–Kyzyl–state border). In addition to the federal highway section, the supporting transport network is formed by roads connecting settlements Republic of Tyva.

The current traffic intensity on the main highways of the region is from 150 to 1000 cars per day. There are no problems with the passage of vehicles on the roads of the region.

Characteristics of roads on the approaches to the city of Kyzyl are presented in the table:

Table 8.1

Characteristics of roads within the boundaries of the Kyzyl kozhuun

Table 8.1 continued

Proposals for the development of the road network on the approaches to the city of Kyzyl are related to improving the quality of external roads in connection with the main city highways and project bypass roads.

Automobile transport

Intercity and suburban bus routes are organized along external roads, connecting the city of Kyzyl with the cities of Krasnoyarsk, Abakan, Shushenskoye, Ermakovskoye, Ak-Dovurak, Saryg-Sep, Erzin, Khandagayty, Teeli and others. The total length of intercity and suburban routes is 4,780 km. Intercity transportation is carried out by the Kyzyl Motor Transport Enterprise (MUP "KATP") and private carriers. The volume of transportation (by departure) by municipal transport in 2008 amounted to 40.6 thousand passengers. Private carriers account for more than 30% of intercity transportation – 17.4 thousand passengers.

The characteristics of the operation of bus transport on suburban and intercity routes of the municipal unitary enterprise "KATP" for 2008 are given in the table.

Table 8.2

Characteristics of bus transport

MUP "KATP" for 2008

From the presented table it can be seen that the mobility of the population in intercity and suburban traffic is low (less than one trip per resident per year, taking into account trips by personal vehicle). The low mobility of the city's population in these types of transportation is explained:

Large distances between points of attraction;

High cost of travel;

Low technical condition of the rolling stock (as a result, low speed).

For the planned period, the project proposes:

To provide the municipal enterprise MUP "KATP" with the latest rolling stock suitable for operation in difficult mountain conditions;

Separate out-of-town transportation into a separate convoy;

Allow private carriers to enter the non-urban passenger transportation market with municipal control over the quality and safety of passenger transportation.

River transport

The use of river transport in the transportation of goods and passengers on the territory of the Republic of Tyva is limited to the waterway of the city of Kyzyl-s. Toora-Khem. This waterway is used to deliver technical cargo, fuel and food to settlements where there are no other modes of transport.

The waterway from Kyzyl to the site of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station along the reservoir is not used, since the hydroelectric power station dam is not equipped with a ship-lifting device. Previously, it was planned to create a deep-sea route connecting Tyva with areas in the upper reaches of the river. Yenisei, including the railway junction of Abakan. The length of the waterway from Kyzyl to Abakan is 594 km. The construction of a ship lift at the site of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station was supposed to ensure the use of river transport for external transport of the republic. The analysis shows that delivery of goods by river transport to Kyzyl and Shakhnar with subsequent reloading onto vehicles and delivery to regional centers in the west and north of the republic is more efficient than by road transport. The plans were not implemented.

Currently, passenger and freight transport by water transport of the Republic is carried out by CJSC Tuva Shipping Company (CJSC TSK). Over the past four years, the participation of water transport in the transportation of goods and passengers has been reduced to almost zero.

In 2007, the volume of passenger transportation by water transport amounted to 1,695 people (3.8 times lower than in 2004). The volume of freight traffic in 2007 was 900 tons (1.5 times lower than in 2004).

CJSC "TSK" owns a full range of necessary industrial buildings and areas, including a cargo berth, a landing stage and a repair and settling point. On the balance sheet of CJSC TSK there are 6 motor ships (1 passenger and 5 towing ships), 3 tugboats, 9 barges (not self-propelled), 1 tuyer.

Navigation period on the river. The Yenisei lasts from May to September, with an average of 149 days. During navigation, you can transport more than 7,000 passengers and more than 1,500 tons of cargo.

The project provides for the preservation of all devices and structures in the city (ZAO "TSK"), and their further development, taking into account new trends in the development of river transport, namely river tourism.

In connection with the restoration work currently being carried out at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station, it would be advisable to return to the issue of building a ship-lifting device to create a deep-sea route connecting Tyva with the areas located in the upper reaches of the river. Yenisei.

Air Transport

The city's need for air transportation is provided by the airline enterprises FSUE Tuvaavia and the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Tatarstan Kyzyl Airport.

The airport is located within the boundaries of the city of Kyzyl. The sanitary gap along the standard routes for takeoff and landing of aircraft in contours of equal maximum normalized sound levels during takeoff and landing day and night limits the territorial development of the city.

The airport's airfield has an artificial runway with a concrete surface - 2700x45 m. The terminal capacity is 250 people/hour. Currently, the airport terminal is being reconstructed to accommodate international traffic.

SUPRT "Kyzyl Airport" carries out cargo and passenger transportation by Yak-40 aircraft (9 units), An-2 (10 units), Mi-8 helicopters (3 units). The aircraft fleet is in the stage of bankruptcy proceedings of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Tuvaavia". The Republic of Tyva owns the Yak-42D aircraft.

Flights are carried out at an intensity of 3-4 departures per week. The annual volume of passenger traffic in 2008 amounted to 18.1 thousand people. (1.7 times lower than in 2000), the volume of freight traffic amounted to 103 tons (1.5 times lower than in 2000).

In accordance with the Federal Target Program “Modernization of the Russian transport system 2010-2015” in the subprogram “ civil Aviation» funds are provided for the modernization of the Kyzyl airport complex, which will make it possible to:

Reconstruct the runway and air terminal complex;

Expand the geography of flights to socially significant destinations (Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk);

Expand the geography of flights within the republic;

Receive and refuel transit aircraft flying in the direction of East and Southeast Asia.

Railway transport

Currently railway transport is absent in the Republic of Tyva. However, in connection with the development of the Elegest coal deposit, it becomes possible to include the republic in the all-Russian railway transport system.

The master plan takes into account the work of the Yenisei Industrial Company CJSC to develop the Elegest coal deposit in the Republic of Tyva. The development project provides for the construction of a railway line from Kyzyl to the city. Kuragino with a length of 460 km, with the construction of an access road to the city of Kyzyl with a length of 38.0 km. Iron the road will pass along the northern border of the western part of Kyzyl. The Kyzyl-Passenger station is planned to be located on the right bank in the area of ​​the new road bridge across the river. Upper Yenisei, a reserve is also provided for the placement of the Kyzyl-Gruzovaya railway station.

8.2. Backbone network and urban transport

City streets and roads

Current state

The main road network of the city of Kyzyl has a clear rectangular system and is represented by highways of citywide, district, local significance, city streets, driveways and freight roads. Characteristic street and road network cities is given in the table.

Table 8.3

Characteristics of the city's road network

Note: * in the denominator with advanced coverage

From the presented table it follows that the total length of the road network in the city as a whole is quite high, but only 45.2% of roads have improved surfaces.

The main grid of the road network consists of city streets; their characteristics are given in the table.

Table 8.4

Characteristics of the main streets of the city

Street names Street and road parameters
Length (km) Roadway (m) Protective greens (m) Sidewalk (m)
st. Abakanskaya 1,7 - -
st. Bay-Khaakskaya 1,6 - -
st. Bukhtueva 0,7 - 3,5
st. Friendship 5,4 2x4.5 2x2.25
st. Kalinina 6,7 13.5 1x40 1x3.6
st. Kechil-oola 2,1 2x3 2x2
st. Kolkhoznaya 3,3 - -
st. Kochetova 3,5 2x3 2x3
st. Lenin 2,5 2x3 2x6
st. Magistralnaya
st. Rivne. 2,9 2x2 2x2
st. Salchak Toka 1,7 2x3 2x2
st. Mechanization 0,4 - -
st. Moscow 2,2 4,5 2x3
st. Lopsanchapa 1,38 2x2 2x3.5
st. Oyuna Kursedi 3,6 - -
st. Shchetinkina-Kravchenko. 1,9 2x3

Main frame transport infrastructure The city consists of two longitudinal highways of citywide importance: st. Kochetova-st. Friendship and st. Kalinina-st. Magistralnaya, and three transverse streets. Bai-Khaakskaya – st. Chuldum, st. – Salchaka Toka – st. Moskovskaya, st. Kaa-Khem. Longitudinal highways provide transport connections to all districts of the city located on the left bank of the river. Yenisei between themselves, including the central part of the city and the industrial and communal zone.

Transverse highways connect areas of the city located on the left and right banks of the river along the existing bridge across the river. Upper Yenisei.

The main disadvantages of the city's main road network are as follows:

Low density of paved roads;

Freight transport passes through almost all the main streets of the city, including through the center, which creates inconvenience for traffic public transport and has a negative impact on environment;

Limited opportunity according to the capacity of the existing bridge across the river. The Upper Yenisei (roadway – 7 m) hinders the territorial development of the right bank part of the city.

Design solution

Design solutions for the further development of the road network and urban transport are aimed at improving the proposals of the master plan for the city of Kyzyl, developed by the Giprogor Institute, Moscow in 1991.

The planning structure of the promising main road network is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

Allowing freight transport to pass through the streets, bypassing residential and central regions cities;

Creation of new transport connections that provide transport services to the right-bank and left-bank parts of the city;

Increase in paved roads.

The main role in the construction of the road network and its classification was played by the expected motorization of the city's population and the settlement structure.

The classification of the road network was adopted in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01-89* and is shown in the “Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme”. Main streets of citywide importance serve transport links between residential, industrial areas and the city center, and have access to external roads:

For longitudinal highways, exit to Shagonar, Erzin, Saryg-Sep;

For transverse highways, exit to Abakan, Cherbi, Bey-Khaak.

All external highways are interconnected by city bypass roads, through which traffic flows are redistributed along the city's road network.

Table 8.5

Design balance of the main road network

The existing bridge crossing over the river. Yenisei, along the federal highway M-54, has limited capacity and hinders the territorial development of the city on the right bank of the river.

This project provides for mass housing construction in the right bank part of the city. The expected traffic flow during rush hour in the direction of the left bank and back will be about 3.5-4.0 thousand cars, which will require 7 to 8 lanes.

In connection with this project, it is proposed, first of all, to reconstruct the existing bridge with replacement of the span and simultaneous expansion of the roadway from 7.0 to 15 m.

A special commission must assess the condition of the bridge supports and give its conclusion, according to which the option of widening the roadway will be chosen. There can be two of them:

If the supports are in good condition, the size of the span is replaced by 15 m,

If the supports are in poor condition, a bridge 11 m in size is built nearby.

To organize a pedestrian connection between the right and left banks of the river. Yenisei there is a pedestrian bridge in the alignment of the street. Chuldum (G-7 m).

To organize a bypass of the city from the eastern side and accept part of the traffic flow, the project proposes the construction of a bypass road with the construction of bridges across the Maly and Upper Yenisei (G-1x7.5 + 2x1.5) x 2 (see “Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme”).

The “Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme” shows the existing cross-sections of the main streets of the city. For the planned period, it is recommended to preserve the existing cross-sections of the streets: st. Lenina, st. Krasnykh Partizan, st. Friendship, st. Chuldum, st. Salchaka Toka, st. Moskovskaya, st. Kochetova, st. Shchetinkina-Kravchenko.

For city-wide highways recommended for construction, the proposed clearance is 26-31 m, for district highways - 26-29 m, for residential streets - 16-19 m.

To serve industrial and municipal warehouse areas, a network of industrial streets and freight roads is provided. It includes the streets of an industrial zone, the exits from which are oriented towards the bypass road. Driveways along separately located communal areas, as a rule, connect to the network of city-wide highways, bypassing residential buildings. City bypass roads are used to redistribute freight transport flows.

By the planned date, it is proposed to build at least 57.5 km of main roads, including a bypass road.

In the southwest Pacific

The next operation of the fast aircraft carriers was a series of attacks on Japanese airfields in the Caroline Islands to eliminate any attempt to resist the landing at the port of Hollandia on New Guinea, located 700 miles south of the archipelago. In this operation, Lexington again entered the battle. He completed repairs to damage sustained when he was hit by a torpedo in the Gilbert Islands. The aircraft carrier, on its way to the south Pacific Ocean, along with 2 high-speed battleships and 4 destroyers, attacked Mili Atoll in the Marshall Islands on March 18. It was good training for the Lexington and the other ships, but the Japanese fought back, and the battleship Iowa was hit by 2 - 152 mm shells.

Following Mili's attack, the Lexington joined Task Force 58 at its forward base at Majuro Lagoon. On March 22, Task Force 58 left Majuro under the command of now Vice Admiral Mitscher. He headed for the Palau Islands, located in the western part of the Caroline Islands. Mitscher had 11 aircraft carriers with strong cover. After the American carrier raid on Truk, part of the Combined Fleet forces were based in Palau. It was this, as well as the American landing in Holland, that forced American aircraft carriers to go much further west than they had previously done. Since heavy fighting was expected, the carriers had 6 fast battleships and many more cruisers and destroyers as cover than ever before. Several groups of tankers with escort ships were deployed at sea to refuel the ships of Task Force 58.

Japanese planes discovered the American fleet 3 days after leaving, and during the night several torpedo bombers attacked it. Not a single American ship was damaged, but some of the enemy aircraft were shot down. While carrier-based fighters cleared the airspace over Palau, 3 torpedo bomber squadrons laid 78 mines on the approaches to the main harbor. (This was the first time mines were laid by carrier aircraft.) Thirty-six Japanese ships in Palau harbor were sunk by American dive bombers and torpedo bombers. An old destroyer and a repair ship standing outside the harbor were also destroyed. In just a day and a half of air attacks, 2 old destroyers, 4 submarine hunters, and two dozen merchant ships were sunk. 157 Japanese aircraft were destroyed in the air and on the ground. American losses amounted to 25 aircraft. Carrier aircraft also attacked the nearby islands of Yap and Woleai, but found few targets worth attention there. Low cloud cover helped Task Force 58 avoid enemy detection when returning to Majuro after the Palau attack.

The Japanese Combined Fleet left Palau on the eve of the attack, fearing just such a raid. However, the strike achieved its goal, reducing resistance to Allied amphibious operations in New Guinea. Task Force 58 then became involved in direct support of the landings conducted by the US Army. On April 13, Vice Admiral Mitscher withdrew 5 squadron and 7 light aircraft carriers from Majuro: Task Force 58.2 - Bunker Hill, Yorktown, Cabot and Monterey; Task Force 58.3 - Enterprise, Lexington, Langley and Princeton; Task Force 58.1 - Hornet, Bello Wood, Cowpens and Bataan (CVL-29), for which this was the first combat tour. Beginning on April 21, for 4 days, Task Force 58 aircraft bombed and escort ships fired at Japanese bases in the New Guinea area. Army bombers had already dealt a number of heavy blows to the Japanese, so not a single fighter took off to meet the carrier aircraft. Only individual planes occasionally tried to attack the aircraft carriers, but they were easily driven away, and more often they were shot down. Japanese anti-aircraft fire and operational losses cost Mitscher 21 aircraft and 12 pilots killed in those 4 days. Direct support for troops and anti-aircraft defense of military transports was provided by 8 escort aircraft carriers: Shenango, Coral Sea, Corregidor, Manila Bay, Netoma Bay, Sangamon, Santy, Sunee.

Upon returning to Majuro, the ships of Task Force 58 struck new blow along Truk. In 2 days, carrier aircraft destroyed 59 Japanese aircraft in the air and 34 on the ground. The Americans lost 27 aircraft in battles and 9 in accidents. Again, most of the downed pilots were rescued by seaplanes from cruisers and battleships. Submarines that were deployed around the atoll in advance also took part in the rescue efforts. The Tang submarine was especially distinguished, saving 22 people, including the crew of a seaplane that capsized on a strong wave.

Aircraft from the light aircraft carrier Monterey and 2 destroyers sank a Japanese submarine. In addition, several small ships were sunk on Truk.

After the attack on Truk, the fast carriers received 6 weeks of rest, at least most of them. The old "Saratoga" operated for the first 2 months of 1944 in the center of the Pacific Ocean as part of Task Force 58. After that, "Sara" separated from Mitscher's armada and, together with 3 destroyers, headed to Australia. 4 ships circumnavigated the Australian continent and arrived in Perth on March 20. After a one-day stop they went out into the Indian Ocean. There, on March 27, Saratoga and her destroyers met with Sir James Somerville's British Eastern Fleet. On March 31, Saratoga and its escort ships arrived in Trincomalee.

During the first 4.5 years of the war, the British used their aircraft carriers solely as defensive weapons. They supported the actions of troops on the shore, hunted for submarines, and covered the most important convoys. Even the attack of the Italian fleet at Taranto was a strategically defensive attempt to create favorable conditions for British ships operating in the Mediterranean. Now, finally, the British aircraft carrier fleet went on the offensive. The Eastern Fleet had only one aircraft carrier, the Illustrious. For various reasons, both political and military, the Allied High Command wanted the British to launch offensive operations against the Japanese. Therefore, Saratoga was transferred to the Eastern Fleet.

Before starting active operations, Illustrious had to undergo long, intense training. Although the British aircraft carrier performed well in the Mediterranean, it was not enough for the Pacific. His air group (about 50 aircraft) was very small by American standards. It consisted of F4U Corsair fighters and Barracuda bombers. Saratoga's fighter squadrons had flown Corsairs before switching to F6F Hellcats, so the Saratoga pilots worked well with the British. However, the Barracuda was a poor partner for American bomber squadrons flying SBD Dountlesses and TBM Avengers (an improved version of the TBF). The Barracuda plane not only looked awkward, it was awkward. When the first Barracuda boarded the Saratoga, one American officer involuntarily exclaimed: “My God! Soon the limes will start building airplanes!”

Training of the two aircraft carriers continued until mid-April 1944. Finally, on April 16, Admiral Somerville took Task Force 70 to sea. It was probably the most international force in history. The flag of St. George, in addition to Illustrious, flew on 2 battleships, 1 battlecruiser, 4 cruisers and 7 destroyers. The formation included 1 French battleship, a Dutch light cruiser and destroyer, a New Zealand light cruiser, and 4 Australian destroyers. Saratoga and 3 destroyers carried the Stars and Stripes. In total, Somerville commanded 27 ships from 6 nations.

Task Force 70 was to strike the port of Sabang on the northwestern tip of Sumatra. The port had magnificent docks and a large oil storage facility. It was a key link in the fuel supply system for the Japanese fleet and aviation. Before dawn on April 19, Task Force 70 arrived at its takeoff point, 115 miles from Sabang. At 5.30 the aircraft carriers began to scramble aircraft. 13 Corsairs took off from Illustrious, and 24 Hellcats from Saratoga. Then the bombers took off: 17 Barracudas, 18 Dountlesses, 11 Avengers. At approximately 0700 these 83 aircraft were over the target. The Japanese were taken by surprise, and the bomb explosions were their first warning of an attack. 8 Hellcats flew over Sumatra to bombard the identified airfields and destroyed 3 Japanese aircraft on the ground. Another 21 aircraft were destroyed at Sabang airfield. More importantly, the planes destroyed 3 of the 4 large oil tanks and severely damaged the docks. There were very few ships in the harbour, but one small transport was sunk by bombs and another washed ashore. The only Allied loss was the downing of a fighter from the Saratoga. The pilot jumped out of the burning plane with a parachute and sank into the sea. The remaining Hellcats remained to provide air cover, and several aircraft flew in search of a British submarine specially assigned for rescue work. The submarine's radio operated on a different frequency than the fighters' radios, so the pilots directed the submarine toward the downed pilot, signaling with their hands. As she approached the inflatable raft, she was fired upon by Japanese shore batteries. However, the fighters quickly silenced them with machine-gun fire, and the submarine picked up the pilot.

The only attempt by the Japanese to counter the raid was weak anti-aircraft fire. During Day 3, the Keiths attempted to attack the carriers but were quickly destroyed by the air patrol's Hellcats.

Saratoga had already been ordered to return to the United States, but the attack was so successful that the US Navy Chief of Staff suggested another raid en route.

Multinational Task Force 70 is back at sea. In the time since Sabang's attack, one important change has occurred. Illustrious replaced its Barracudas with American-built TBF Avengers.

This time the target of the operation was Surabaya, located on the northeast coast of Java. Again the formation approached the take-off point, unnoticed by the Japanese. On May 17 at 6.30, when the ships were 130 miles from Surabaya (and 90 miles from the southern coast of Java), 40 Hellcats and Corsairs, as well as 45 Avengers and Dauntlesses, took off from the aircraft carriers. The main target of the raid was the only oil refinery in Java. It was also planned to attack an engineering plant that produced aircraft parts and port facilities. Once again the raid was successful. All targets received serious damage, and there was no resistance in the air. The attackers lost 1 Avenger from the Saratoga (3 crew members were captured by the Japanese). 2 Japanese planes were shot down in the air and 21 were destroyed on the ground. 1 small merchant ship was sunk.

Task Force 70 received all its aircraft, with the exception of the ill-fated VM, and left without obstacles. The next day, Saratoga and 3 escorting destroyers parted ways with the Allies and headed for Pearl Harbor. The Eastern Fleet returned to Ceylon.

Two raids by Saratoga and Illustrious awakened the Japanese, who were peacefully dozing in the East Indies. Japan's oil supply system was struck. At the same time, these attacks diverted enemy attention from the central part of the Pacific Ocean, where a new campaign began - in the Mariana Islands.

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From the book Aircraft Carriers, volume 1 [with illustrations] by Polmar Norman

1. Program for the Pacific Fleet The battleship "Tsesarevich" was built according to the shipbuilding program adopted in 1898 "for the needs Far East" - the most labor-intensive and, as events have shown, the most responsible of the programs in the entire history of the Russian armored fleet.

From the book Semi-armored frigate “Memory of Azov” (1885-1925) author Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich

Aircraft Carriers in the Southwest Pacific When the Japanese appeared on the Bismarck Archipelago, the American high command decided to attack Rabaul, which they captured on January 23. This mission was given to Task Force 11 by Vice Admiral Wilson Brown. Except for the aircraft carrier

From the book Cruiser I rank "Rurik" (1889-1904) author Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich

Master Sentinel of the Pacific

From the book Armadillos of the United States of America "Maine", "Texas", "Indiana", "Massachusetts", "Oregon" and "Iowa" author Belov Alexander Anatolievich

Russian cruisers of the Pacific Ocean The entire history of the development of the Russian Far East, all the most important events that contributed to the establishment of Russian statehood on its shores, are connected with cruisers. Without these ships, which could make long autonomous

From book Warships Japanese fleet. Battleships and aircraft carriers 10.1918 – 8.1945 Directory author Apalkov Yuri Valentinovich

From the author's book

Transition of the battleship "Oregon" from the Pacific Ocean to Key West (From the magazine "Sea Collection" No. 8 for 1898) "Army and Navy Journal" borrows from a private letter from the senior assistant mechanical engineer on the North American battleship "Oregon", Mr. Ofley details of what was done below

From the author's book

2. Operations to capture the southern regions of the Pacific Ocean To carry out operations to capture the southern regions of the Pacific Ocean, the ships of the Second and Third Fleets were temporarily combined into the United Expeditionary Fleet. This fleet was divided into the following formations: Main forces,

From the author's book

2.3. Operation to capture islands in the central Pacific Ocean. According to the Japanese command, the capture of these islands was of strategic importance, since the airfields available on them allowed the American Air Force to strike at the KON, coming from the Metropolis to

This term has other meanings, see South West (meanings). South West JSC "South West" Country ... Wikipedia

Coat of arms ... Wikipedia

Moscow. I. General information. Population of M. is the capital of the USSR and the RSFSR, the center of the Moscow region. The largest in the country and one of the most important political, scientific, industrial and cultural centers, city hero. M. is one of the largest in number...

STC "TV channel "Russia" TPO Moscow 24 ... Wikipedia

The capital of the USSR and the RSFSR, the largest transport hub, port, the main political, scientific, cultural and industrial center of the USSR. Mentioned in chronicles since 1147. The most ancient part of Moscow is the Kremlin ensemble (see Moscow Kremlin) from ... ... Art encyclopedia

Map 1. Lithuanian Russian state after the death of Vytautas in 1430. “Southwestern Russian lands” (or “Southwestern Rus'”) is a term that has different meanings depending on the historical period being described. During times Kievan Rus(X XII... ... Wikipedia

Coordinates: 55°39′49″ N. w. 37°28′58″ E. d. / 55.663611° n. w. 37.482778° E. d... Wikipedia

I Moscow river in Moskovskaya and partly in Smolensk region RSFSR, left tributary of the Oka (Volga basin). Length 502 km, basin area 17,600 km2. It originates on the Moscow Upland. Food is snow (61%), ground (27%) and rain... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Coordinates: 55°39′49″ N. w... Wikipedia

TV channel “Moscow. Trust" OJSC "GTK "TV Stolitsa" ... Wikipedia


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