Introduction to military professions in the preparatory group. Military professions lesson plan on the world around us (senior group) on the topic. Additional types of visual activities that can be used when creating works, implementation

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna, teacher, Central Children's Educational Institution No. 1 "Bear Cub", Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region.
creation of creative, exhibition or competition work

- introduce children to women who participated in the Great Patriotic War and their military professions
- cultivate patriotism
- teach primas how to work with gouache
- consolidate the ability to observe facial proportions when drawing portraits
- develop curiosity
- improve compositional skills

- Whatman paper, A 3 format, gouache, palette, brushes No. 1-5

Age audience:
Preschoolers, primary schoolchildren

During war, not only men stand up to defend their native country.
When the Nazis attacked us in 1941, women also fought alongside the men. Who were they?

Women pilots defended our skies. The Nazis were very afraid of the “night witches” who bombed their airfields.
Radio operators ensured uninterrupted communication between commanders and subordinates and transmitted orders from headquarters to the front.

Surgeons, nurses, and orderlies rescued wounded soldiers and treated them in hospitals.

Tankers, snipers, and scouts fought equally with men. There were women in the navy too.

Here's just one figure: 90 women deserved the title of Hero Soviet Union for exploits performed during the Great Patriotic War.
Today we will try to draw one of these heroines.

Progress of the lesson:
Compose the flesh color. Let's use the palette. Mix white, ocher and a drop of scarlet or red on it. Each child's colors are slightly different.

We draw immediately with brush No. 1 or 2, without a preliminary pencil sketch. It gives you confidence. So that some children do not get lost on the sheet, the teacher can draw an oval of the face. With further work, everyone usually takes it upon themselves. To the oval of the face we add a neck, ears, and draw eyes.

Paint over the entire face except the eyes with a brush number 4 or 5.

Draw a slightly sloping shoulder line. We also paint over the green tunic with a wide brush.

Our heroine (depending on her military profession) may have a helmet, cap or beret on her head. You don't have to draw the headdress. In many wartime photographs, women took them for the sake of photographing them in the newspaper. But in real life, in the reports of war correspondents, hats were always present.
The helmet and beret are easier to depict. The pilot is more difficult. It looks like a triangle, but a little irregular shape. Here the teacher can help a little the children who have expressed a desire to draw a cap. Children draw helmets and berets themselves.

We paint over the cap. Add a stand-up collar to the tunic.

Children choose their hair color at will. They can be light brown, red, black. You can create any color on the palette. Often children do not imagine an abstract person, but draw someone familiar who really exists.
Our hair will be warm brown. During the war, girls rarely wore long hair. Most often they cut their braids short. And we have short hair. We first draw smooth lines from the cap to the collar, and then go back. Please note that these are not ponytails and we do not leave any space between the hair and neck.

We paint over the hair. Using the same color with brush No. 1, draw the eyebrows and pupils. To make the eye “alive” we leave a small highlight in it. We draw the pupil itself, touching the upper and lower eyelids.

Having added ocher to the original flesh color, we outline the line of the chin and separate it from the neck. Emphasize eyelids and ears

Next we draw the nose and outline the mouth.

Using a clean, damp brush, carefully blur the too clear lines of the face.

Using rich green (with the addition of emerald) we draw the folds on the cap, seams and shoulder straps on the tunic.

The children come up with the sky (background of the portrait) themselves. It can be any time of day, any weather, any mood. For us it’s morning, dawn.

Draw strands of hair with dark brown color. We draw eyebrows and eyelashes very carefully, with a thin brush. Add a black dot in the pupil. Lightly tint the lips with pink.

Finally, we draw a red star on the cap. The portrait is ready.

We don't draw awards. (Maybe they don't exist yet). But the young participant in the Great Patriotic War looks at us sternly and seriously from afar, from the past. And we know: there were many such girls...
Now they have become grandmothers.

Literary application:

"Vovka's grandmother"

There was a simple grandmother
At Vovka Cheremnykh's.
Didn't stand out at all
She is among others.
Baked shanezhka for Vova,
Pies with carrots,
I washed his panties
And darned my socks...
But then one day he came
Some general.
He's holding tight to grandma
He kissed me in front of everyone.
So that's what grandma is like!
But Vovka didn’t even know:
Saved from death by grandmother
This is the general.
And everyone in the squad knew
Wall of the Cheremnykhs.
A brave scout
She had a reputation among them.
Now for Vova some leeway
It tastes a hundred times better.
And all that grandma says is
Like a military order!

Children's works
(preparatory group)

Military professions

Target: Continue to shape children's ideas about the army


Educational objectives:Continue to form children's ideas about the branches of the military, about the features of military service (soldiers train to be strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles, etc.); learn how to make a postcard for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Developmental tasks:Develop logical thinking, memory, attention; stimulate children's speech activity, hand motor skills, and teamwork skills.

Educational tasks:Foster patriotic feelings.

Material used:Illustrations and pictures depicting various branches of the military, Equipment: subject and subject pictures on the topic.

Vocabulary work: duty, defender, service, Fatherland, army, border, pilots, sailors, artillerymen, infantrymen, missilemen, submariners, military equipment.

Progress of the lesson:

Conversation about the army

Educator: Guys, February 23 is a very important holiday for our country - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Who are the defenders of the Fatherland? (Children's assumptions.) Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who defend their people, their homeland from enemies. This is an army. Every nation, every country has its own army. Russia also has an army. And she more than once defended her people from invaders.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddles

Pilots protect the sky; infantrymen - land; sailors - sea.

I'll grow up and follow my brother

I will also be a soldier

I will help him

Protect your... (country)

You can become a sailor

To guard the border

And serve not on earth,

And on a military... (ship)

The plane soars like a bird

There is an air border there.

On duty both day and night

Our soldier is a military man... (pilot)

The car is rushing into battle again,

Caterpillars are cutting the ground,

That car in the open field

Operated by... (tanker)

Can you become a soldier

Swim, ride and fly,

And I want to walk in formation -

Waiting for you, soldier, ... (infantry)

Any military profession

You definitely need to study

To be a support for the country,

So that there is no... (war) in the world

Look at these pictures. (Illustrations depicting various types of troops are exhibited.) Who do you see here? (Children's answers).

That's right, these are tank crews, sailors, artillerymen, pilots, border guards, etc.

You named everyone correctly - these are different types of troops.

The game “Who Serves Where?”

Educator: Let's remember what military professions exist. I'll start the sentence and you finish it.

Sailors serve at sea

In the sky, the Motherland is pilots

At the border, the Motherland is border guards

Paratroopers serve in the airborne forces

In the tank forces, the Motherland is defended by...tankers

In the artillery they serve...gunners (loads, fires cannons)

The cavalry consists of... cavalrymen (they fight on horses)

The infantry serves...infantrymen

Physical education minute......

One-two - aty-baty,

Three or four - we are soldiers.

We march like infantry.

One-two – turns.

We got into the cockpit of the plane,

Three or four - we are pilots.

Down - up, down - up,

Our wings are the best.

And now on the ships,

We are rocking in the waves.

Let's look into the distance through binoculars -

It's not easy to serve in the navy.

A physical training session “Soldiers” is being held.

We are soldiers, we are soldiers

We are walking with a brisk step. (children are marching)

To our army, guys,

You can’t just hit it like that (lean forward, back straight, don’t bend your knees, swinging your index finger).

You need to be skillful

Strong and courageous (arms parallel to the floor, bend at the elbows towards the shoulder).

Game "Who does what?"

Educator: Let's remember what the military does, what they do. I name a profession, and you say what this person does.

The pilot controls the plane, holds the helm, and conducts tests.

Border guard guards the border, talks on a walkie-talkie, looks through binoculars.

The captain of a warship stands on the bridge, looks through binoculars, and gives commands.

Tank driver - controls the tank, switches levers, looks through the sight.

Game "Who do I want to become?"

Educator: Now let's name who you would like to become. The child chooses a picture depicting a person in the military profession and names who he wants to be

“I will be a border guard...paratrooper, pilot, tank driver, etc.”

Game "What troops?"

Educator: There are different kinds troops. For example, pilots serve in the flying forces.

And what kind of tankers? tank forces

And the border the border troops

And the paratroopers... in the airborne troops

And the the infantry troops artillery troops

Game "Who needs what?"

Educator: Now I will show you pictures of military equipment, and you tell me who needs it.

Who needs a tank... a tank driver

Someone needs a gun... an artilleryman

Someone needs a machine infantryman

Who needs binoculars...border guard

Who needs a parachute...a paratrooper

Someone needs a plane... a pilot


Hands flew apart - it turned out to be an airplane

Swing a wing back and forth,

Do it once and do it twice.

Keep your arms at your sides.

And look at your friend.

Get down quickly

Sit down to board.

The game "Third Wheel" is played

Rocketman, helicopter pilot, football player.

Airplane, tank, parachutist.

Automatic, pistol, tanker

Submariner, artilleryman, ship.

Educator: And now, guys, we will make a postcard for Defender of the Fatherland Day for your dads, grandfathers, brothers.

Educator: Well done boys. Let's remember again what holiday is coming soon? (Children: February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day). Who is this holiday dedicated to? (Children: military: sailors, border guards, tank crews, pilots...) What do you need to do to become like them? (Children: serve in the army, train a lot, be brave, strong, fast, accurate, fearless).

The teacher summarizes:“The border guards, pilots, sailors and other military personnel we talked about today are servicemen of the Russian army. Our army does not attack, but protects, and the Russian military is rightly called defenders. The most worthy, strong, courageous and courageous serve in the army. Military service is an honorable duty for every Russian man.”

He is on duty in the snow and heat,

Protects our peace.

A man who is faithful to his oath,

Called... (military)

Summary of the organized educational activities V preparatory group

"Military professions"

Target : to form children's ideas about military professions Russian Army.


Educational: deepen knowledge about the Russian army, give basic ideas about the branches of the military and military equipment.

Educational: cultivate a sense of pride in one’s Motherland and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

Educational: develop speech, memory, thinking, attention.

Preliminary work:

Conversations and viewing illustrations about military equipment and military professions;

Reading fiction: Y. Koval “On the Border”, A. Barto “At the Outpost”, “Why is the Army Dear”, Z. Aleksandrova “Watch”, L. Kassil from the book “Your Defenders”;

Riddles about military equipment, about military professions;

Learning poems about the Army.

Methods: Verbal, visual, practical.

Vocabulary work:

shoulder straps, honor, tank - tanker - armor, border - border guard, artillery - artilleryman, aviation - aircraft - crew - pilot, paratrooper, ship - sailor - ship's cook - cook.

Progress of activities:

Children listen to a military march.

Educator: Guys, who can tell me what you listened to?

(children's answers).

Educator: That's right, this is a march. What do you imagine when you hear a march? (children's answers)

Educator: I also imagine the square and the soldiers and officers marching on it. They walk, striking a step, fit and beautiful (SLIDE 2). The military profession is very responsible and complex. The military is the defenders of the Fatherland. In peacetime, they study military equipment and conduct mock battles.

Educator: Armed forces can be divided into three groups: ground (or ground) troops (SLIDE 3), air forces (SLIDE 4) and naval forces(SLIDE 5).

Educator: What kind of military personnel do you think serve in the ground forces? (children's answers).

Educator: K ground forces include: border guards, tank crews, as well as artillerymen, rocket men, signalmen, sappers, etc.

Educator: Guys, what is a tank? (SLIDE 6)

Children: Tanks are special vehicles; they do not have wheels; they move using caterpillar tracks.

Educator: What are caterpillars needed for? (children's answers)

Educator: With the help of tracks, the tank can drive along bad roads and ravines. Tanks are equipped with armor, cannons and machine guns. The tank is controlled by the military. What are their names?

Children: These are tankers.

Educator: Border guards guard the borders of the Motherland and serve at border outposts. What do you think is their main task? (SLIDE 7)

Children: Their main task is not to let spies cross the border.

Educator: Who helps the border guards carry out their difficult service?

Children: Specially trained dogs - shepherds.

Educator: Guys, listen to the riddle:

The plane soars like a bird,

There is an air border there.

On duty day and night

Our soldier - military. (pilot).

Educator: Our Army has aviation - these are combat aircraft and helicopters. They are ready to defend our Fatherland from the air (SLIDE 8).

Educator: Who flies the plane?

Children: Pilot.

Educator: The plane is controlled by a crew of pilots: pilot; navigator - he charts the course of the plane in the sky; radio operator - maintains contact with the airfield; mechanic - responsible for the serviceability of the aircraft. The pilots wear a beautiful blue uniform, matching the color of the sky. In flight they have special high-altitude helmets (SLIDE 9).

Educator: B special group stand out landing troops. The military are passing there special training. They train a lot, are physically strong, know fighting techniques, and descend to the ground with a parachute (SLIDE 10).

Educator: The sea spaces of our Motherland are protected by warships and submarines. All together is Navy, what do they call the military who serve on ships and submarines?

Children: Military sailors. (SLIDE 11).

Educator: Guys, who do you think is responsible for the whole ship?

Children: Captain.

Educator: Well done. Everyone on the ship has their own responsibilities:

boatswain - keeps order; radio operator - maintains contact with the ground. Who cooks the food on the ship?

Children: Ship's cook - cook.

Educator: Big ships equipped with guns and machine guns. What is shown on this slide? (SLIDE 12)

Children: Submarine.

Educator: She moves underwater and can hit an enemy ship with a projectile called a torpedo.

Educator: What is the name of the profession of a military man who serves on a submarine?

Children: Submariner. (SLIDE 13)

Educator: Military personnel of other professions also serve in the Army, for example: missilemen, artillerymen, radio operators.(SLIDE 14).

From ancient times to the present day there has been such an honorable, but difficult and dangerous profession– military. Our peaceful life and peace are protected and protected by Russian soldiers. They perform their service day and night, in snowstorms and heat, on earth, in heaven and at sea.

Educator: What qualities do you think our military, our defenders, should have?

Game exercise:“Choose an adjective for the word “military” .

    Guys, choose an adjective for the word"military" and pass the checkbox to the next one. Words should not be repeated.

(Children stand on the carpet in a circle and pass the flag to each other, calling out adjectives for the word "military" , the teacher asks a question “Which military man?” )

(X brave, courageous, strong, patient, honest, courageous, seasoned, hardy, disciplined, accurate, intelligent, resourceful, athletic, etc.)

Educator: Well done guys, and nowCome on out, we'll have a little exercise to stay strong and healthy.

A musical physical education session is held:

We're still guys(squats).
When we grow up, we'll become soldiers
We will serve our Motherland (
To live under a peaceful sky (
tilt left-right).
For now we are guys
Naughty preschoolers
We love to run and play (
running in place).
Jump, (jumping in place)
climb (imitate)
Squat ( squats).
Soon, soon we will grow up (
pull themselves up)
Let's join the army together (
are marching).


Educator : Guys, do you have military equipment toys?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Do you like to play war?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Do you like war?

Children: No. We need peace. We play to become defenders of the Fatherland in the future.

Educator: Guys, of course, we really want you, when you become adults, to love, protect and defend your Motherland, your Fatherland.

What troops, boys, would you like to serve in?

What military profession would you like to get?
(Children's answers:pilots, sailors, border guards, tank crews, etc.)

Educator: Well done! You will grow up, go to serve in the Army, and we will be proud of you and congratulate you on the “Defender of the Fatherland” holiday.

Gryzlova Marina Zurabovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 183 "Ryabinka"
Locality: Krasnodar city
Name of material: lesson notes
Subject: Summary of the lesson "military professions" in the preparatory group
Publication date: 23.06.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Summary of the lesson “military professions” in preparatory school


Compiled by Gryzlova Marina Zurabovna.
Objectives: 1).Introduce children to military professions. To form ideas about civic duty, courage, and heroism. 2).Cultivate respect for people in military professions. 3).Acquaintance with aphorisms, the concept of meaning. Equipment: demonstration material “Military professions. 1 . Introduction to the topic. Educator: Today we will talk about professions, but about special professions. These are the professions of people who vigilantly protect our state, our Motherland and the entire Russian people. These are military professions. What military professions are you familiar with? (answers from class participants). There are many military professions. This is a military medic, border guard, pilot, submariner, tanker, military intelligence officer, signalman, military builder, military translator. The military makes decisions or carries out orders on necessary military activities and operations, participates in various local actions and “hot spots.” Each military personnel is assigned a military rank. In my own way
official position And by contract. 2. Messages “Military professions”. The teacher reads the riddle: He will lift the metal bird into the clouds. Now the air border will be reliable and strong. (profession pilot) Pilots are ready to defend our Fatherland from the air. The plane is controlled by a crew of pilots - the first and second pilots, the navigator, who plots the course of the plane in the sky. Radio operator in contact with the airfield. A mechanic responsible for the maintenance of an aircraft. The pilots wear a beautiful blue uniform to match the color of the sky. In addition, during the flight they wear special high-altitude helmets. These military personnel must have excellent health, self-control, instantly assess the situation and make a decision, courage and determination. (showing demo material).
A young man who dreams of becoming a pilot undergoes a medical examination, then studies at a flight school, after graduating from which he can continue his studies at a military academy. Profession - sailor At the match, our tricolor flag, A sailor stands on the deck. And he knows that the seas of the country, the boundaries of the oceans, both day and night, must be under vigilant guard! Military personnel who serve in the navy are called sailors. They protect our sea spaces. These are sailors who serve on ships and submarines. The surface ship's crew numbers 500-700 people. The head of the ship is the captain. He is responsible for the entire ship. He is assisted by the captain's assistant and the navigator, who plots a course at sea. The boatswain keeps order on the ship. The radio operator maintains contact with the ground and other ships. A ship's cook is called a cook. Each sailor on the team has his own responsibilities. Profession - submariner Here is a wonderful picture - Coming out of the depths
Steel submarine, Like a dolphin! Submariners serve in it - They circle here and there under the surface of the water, guarding the border! Submariners stand reliably in defense of the national interests of our Fatherland. Submarines go on long voyages for several months and carry out military missions. Submarine commanders are a special category of military personnel. The commander of a submarine can independently start a war, conduct fighting with the use of nuclear weapons. The crew of the boat is one big family, and the lives of all its members depend on each one. Profession - border guard There is such a profession - To protect your country, So that no evil spirits can step over the border strip, Harm good people. Military personnel of the border troops serve at border outposts. Their main task is not to miss
spies, terrorists, armed enemy groups across the border; people transporting drugs. Specially trained dogs help border guards carry out this difficult service. 3). Aphorisms of “Suvorov” - The soldier who answers “I can’t know” is unfit. - Shoot rarely, but accurately. -Discipline is the mother of victory. -Whoever is scared is half beaten. -Hatred clouds reason. The teacher asks a question, the children answer. -What military professions did you learn about today? -Which profession did you like best? -Which profession did you find most difficult? Why? -Who is in charge on the ship? -What is the responsibility of an aircraft mechanic? -What disciplines do future military personnel study? -What character traits should a military man have? Well done, you did a great job. Thank you for participating in the lesson. In the next lesson you will get acquainted with the branches of the Russian army.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

municipal formation city of Krasnodar

"Center - kindergarten No. 171 “Scarlet Sails”

Direct educational activities in drawing in secondary age group theme "Tank"

Prepared by the teacher

Kandalova Tatyana Alexandrovna

Krasnodar 2018

GCD "Artistic Creativity" (Drawing) in middle group

Subject: "Tank"

Target: consolidate the ability to draw using the poking method.



To develop interest in visual arts through playful moments;

Clarify children's knowledge about the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day"


Develop coherent speech, attention, dexterity;

Develop technical skills to properly hold a drawing tool;

Educational: cultivate positive aesthetic feelings and emotions, love for the Motherland.

Preliminary work.

Conversation about military professions;

Examination of military illustrations;

Material: landscape sheet with pencil outlines of an oval tank, gouache, object pictures - military equipment, brushes, cotton swabs, paper napkins, glasses - sippy cups with water.

GCD move

Children are sitting at work places. There's a knock on the door. The teacher opens the door. The group includes a field postman.

Postman: - Hello guys!

Children:- Hello!

Postman: - I came to you from Moscow - the capital of our Motherland Russia. I have a very important letter for you! In February, our country celebrates a holiday....wait...what kind of holiday, by the time I got to you I forgot everything in the world. Do you remember what kind of holiday this is?

Children: - Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Postman:- That's right, guys, Defender of the Fatherland Day! So this letter was sent to you by soldiers of the Russian Army. Do you know who the soldiers of the Russian Army are?

Children's answers.

Educator:- Today, you guys and the postman, we will also talk about our army and the soldiers who guard our Motherland!

Postman, but we really want to know what’s in the letter...

Postman: - I walked and drove and flew to you for so long that I won’t give you the letter so easily. If you guess my riddles, then I’ll give them back. Do you agree?

Children: - Yes!

Postman: - Listen to the riddles:

Who serves on the tank? (Children: tank crews).

Who serves on the border? (Children: border guards).

Who flies a helicopter? (Children: helicopter pilots).

Who serves in the missile forces? (Children: rocket scientists).

Who serves on submarines? (Children: submariners).

Who serves in military aviation? (Children: military pilots).

What do you call a soldier who has no military equipment? (Children: infantryman).

Postman: - You know everything, guys! Keep your letter! (Hands the letter to the teacher)

Educator: - Let's thank the postman guys! Thank you, dear comrade, postman!

Let's open our letter! " Dear Guys! Soldiers of the Russian Army are writing to you! In honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day, we want to organize a parade of military equipment. But there is so much to do, serious preparations are underway. We are afraid that we cannot cope alone. So we turn to guys from different cities for help. It's the turn of the guys from the city of Krasnodar to help us organize the parade. We don't have enough combat vehicles, and which ones you should guess by unraveling our encrypted message. You will find it in an envelope.

Didactic game “Find pairs”. In the envelope there are pictures with images of a SAILOR, TANKER, PILOT, PLANE, SHIP.....

Educator:- Guys, does anyone know how to unravel this encrypted message?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, each soldier has his own transport. And one soldier was left without a combat vehicle. What kind of soldier is this?

Children: - Tankman.

Educator:-What kind of combat vehicle does he have?

Children: - Tank.

Educator: - What suggestions will there be? How can we guys help the soldiers of the Russian Army?

Children: Draw tanks!

Educator: But before we get to work, let's first do a warm-up, like all soldiers before an important task.

Physical education minute.

Stand up straight, guys.

We walked like soldiers.

Lean left, right,

Stretch on your toes.

One - jerk,

Two - jerk,

Have you rested, my friend?

Wave your brushes together

Now we need to draw.

Educator: Great! Now let's get started!

The teacher reminds and shows the children how to hold a brush correctly (like a pencil, above its metal part); invite them to perform various hand movements in the air (up, down, right, left, circular); show how to hold a brush for painting (at an angle); Make a few strokes with the brush on the paper without paint.

Invite the children to trace the contours of the ovals, first with a finger 2 times, then with a brush without paint; take green paint, paint the ovals inside with a regular brush, green watercolors. Then, we decorate along the contour of the tank tracks, making pokes with cotton swabs, after dipping them in green gouache paint.

Independent work of children. Creative activity The song “Three Tankers” is accompanied by musical accompaniment.

Educator: - Well done boys! Good job! I think that we will collect all our works and send them to the soldiers by mail. And the parade will be saved!

Together with the children, admire it, note that everyone tried very hard, drew carefully, correctly, with love.

Educator: (Reflection)

What holiday is coming soon?

What new did you learn today?

What did you like most?