Four stages of life and death in Ayurveda. Age periods of human life 4 stages of life

There are no two identical people in the world. Even twins are different from each other. Each of us has our own life, our own capabilities and their limits, as well as goals that we would like to achieve in our personal lives and careers. Modern psychologists They claim that our life is divided into 4 stages, at each of which we can realize our capabilities, goals, and desires. Moreover, all these stages require certain thinking and understanding of the situation. Let's look at all these stages.


No person is born omnipotent. We are all helpless from birth and need the support of older and more experienced people. In childhood, for us, these people are our parents. The child will not be able to feed himself, clean himself, carry out hygiene procedures, and even fully voice his desires so that others understand them. But children, unlike smart adults, have a clear advantage that it is advisable to use. This is a huge ability to learn and learn new things. Little children, without exception, are programmed to imitate, learn, parody. How does this happen?

The baby looks at his parents: they move on two limbs, talk, eat on their own and speak at the same time. This means, the child thinks, and I can do this, like mom and dad. In this way, social and behavioral skills are developed. Later the baby goes to kindergarten and school and there he already copies the behavior of his peers. It is not for nothing that they say that it is in preschool age a child can learn to speak if he was previously silent at home, etc. That is, society helps to adapt little man to living conditions.

The first stage, called imitation, should stimulate the child to live in society.

The older generation teaches, teaches to think and, most importantly, to draw conclusions and accept independent decisions, even if they are wrong. You will be surprised, but most adults, that is, those who are already 30, 35, 40 years old and older, have not learned this skill. They constantly pay attention to the opinions of others, and if someone views a choice or action with condemnation, then those who have not gone through the stage of imitation will depend on someone for life.

If you are trying to please others and are not confident in yourself and your abilities, then you need to psychologically return to childhood and learn to make independent decisions.

This is necessary in order not to wake up abruptly at 45 years old and not understand “I never lived for myself and according to my own desire, but only thought and did as others said.”

What does it mean to go through the first stage of “imitation”? This means that you must understand and accept your desires, while not giving up outside opinions. But, contrary to him, do as is considered necessary.

Knowing yourself

Each of us must understand and accept everything that distinguishes us from others.

We are unique individuals, unlike anyone else, and most importantly, we don’t need to try to live someone else’s life. No one will be happier from this. You need to be able to make your mistakes and make right or wrong decisions. At this stage of self-knowledge, the realization will come that some areas of life are easy, while others are not so easy. For example, you will never be able to become an athlete and have a beautiful figure, but at the same time your analytical reports will be studied at every meeting. Some people prefer family and children, while others need to go out and enjoy several partners until they are 40 and only then become serious.

Understand that life is very short and there is no point in trying to do everything.

It is enough to do what you are good at, generates income to support yourself and meet the basic needs of life, and at the same time brings pleasure. Those who have stopped in their life development at the second stage of self-knowledge believe that the world around us is boundless possibilities, and we have a huge amount of time to fully realize ourselves in all endeavors.


At this stage of life growth, a person finally identifies and understands exactly what he needs. For example, at the cognitive stage, you simultaneously tried to engage in sports, cooking, career, and personal life. Now you are only interested in your career and success at work, and only then – family and children. This means that you have taken a certain position, your place in the sun. Naturally, some of your friends or even close people may not like this choice and will criticize it. But, if you have fully gone through the previous 2 stages, then no one can convince you. You will go ahead with firm conviction and confidence towards your goal.

If you dedicate yourself entirely to one specific task, it will help you feel better, at ease and in your place. Soon you will be truly respected for this. As a rule, the third period ends with self-satisfaction and a feeling of peace: I did everything I wanted, now it’s time to teach another generation - children or grandchildren.

Those who are constantly dissatisfied with themselves stop at the third stage and cannot understand whether they have reached the maximum in their development and what else can be done to become a successful person.

But the truth is that there is no end point and no self-satisfaction. As a result, at 70 years old you realize that you have lived your life in pursuit of illusory dreams.


Having lived 50 years and crossed another time line, towards their 60th birthday, people begin to strive to transfer knowledge and experience to the younger generation. These could be work colleagues, children, grandchildren. A person understands that it makes no sense to constantly run, chase after other people’s successes, be disappointed in life and understand that even the next 50 years, if they are spent in health, will not be enough to fulfill plans and dreams. At this stage, you need to finally stop and understand that there is still time to live for yourself and enjoy life. There is an opportunity to make it high quality and unique. After all, by and large, everyone is equal in front of them and no one will leave for another world with their financial or mental capital.

The Aryan society was based, firstly, on the division into classes, or varnas *, and secondly, on the idea of ​​periods (or ashrams) into which the life of each person should be divided. Aryan society consisted of four classes, and the life of each Aryan was divided into four stages.

Higher These varnas were distinguished from the lower ones by the rite of passage (upanayana). It was performed when the boy was 8-12 years old. It was impossible to avoid initiation: without this, the path to varna, and later to the caste and community, was closed. The ritual included several procedures, and the main one among them was the presentation of a sacred cord, which from that moment on was to be worn constantly.

BRAHMACHARIN.Those who passed the initiation ceremony were called “dvija”, i.e. twice born. From this moment the stage of apprenticeship began, the person became a brahmacharin. It was recommended to spend this period of life in the house of a spiritual mentor - a guru. Under his guidance, the student studied sacred texts and learned the rules of good and correct (i.e., prescribed by tradition) behavior. He had to learn the forms of greeting the elders and the forms of responding to greetings accepted in his caste, the forms of addressing elders and younger ones, women of different social classes, relatives, and various officials. It was important to learn everything correctly and not confuse anything: even the simplest question about health contained a catch, because depending on the caste, different expressions had to be chosen for the word “health.”
The student had to perform regular ablutions, pour libations of water to the gods and bring fuel for the fireplace. Brahmins were trained mainly in the performance of priestly duties, kshatriyas - in the use of weapons, vaishyas - in the profession that was considered hereditary in their family.

The duration of training varied; some texts even talk about 48 years. But, as a rule, training was completed by the age of 16.

GRHASTHA. Having completed the period of apprenticeship, the young man returned home (unless he studied at home). By this time he had reached physical and spiritual maturity and was ready to fulfill family responsibilities. The second stage of a householder (grihastha) began in his life. Now he had to worry primarily about procreation, maintaining the family and raising children.
The young man got married. To this day, in India, it is arranged by the parents of the bride and groom after lengthy negotiations and advice with astrologers. In this case, rules must be strictly observed, taking into account the degree of kinship and caste. There were many restrictions that made marriage impossible,
Ancient texts list eight types of marriage, named after gods and other supernatural beings: with the groom paying a bride price and without payment, with kidnapping, marriage for mutual love without any material obligations, etc. The most virtuous a marriage was considered to be entered into by parties equal in varna. It was called by the name of the supreme deity Brahma.
Marriages were sanctified with magnificent, complex and expensive ceremonies, which, in general terms, are preserved to this day. One of the most important marriage ceremonies was the lighting of a sacred fire, with the help of which the householder subsequently had to perform household rituals, make sacrifices and cook food with its help. He was also required to perform five “great sacrifices” every day: to Brahma - by reading the Vedas, to the ancestors - with water and food, to the gods - by pouring refined cow butter on the fire, to the spirits - by scattering leftover food, and, finally, to people - by hospitality.

VANAPRASTHA— Having fulfilled your civic duty, having lived to see your gray hairs and “waited for the children of your children,” i.e. grandchildren, the twice-born could leave worldly life and retire to the forest, becoming a hermit (vanaprastha). During this period of his life, he should have cleansed himself from all filth and sins, indulged in pious thoughts, pacified his mortal flesh and fulfilled religious instructions. He could live in a small hut and live off the offerings of the surrounding villagers. This is how it was prescribed to spend the third period of life.

SANNYASIN. Before death, having renounced everything earthly, the hermit left his forest abode and became a homeless wanderer (sannyasin). He needed nothing but old rags, a staff and a begging bowl. He lived, awaiting death, “like a wage servant.”

The law of four ashramas corresponded to the main life goals. At the first stage (discipleship), the leading goal was dharma - moral duty, obligation, virtue. The householder followed the principles of artha, i.e., activities aimed at achieving material well-being, power, etc., as well as kama - love and pleasure. In the last stages of life, the main goal became moksha - spiritual liberation from samsaric existence.
A preferred reading range was also suggested for each period; for disciples - the Vedas *, for householders - the Brahmins *, for the forest hermits - the Aranyakas, and for the ascetic sannyasins - the Upanishads *. Each ashram corresponded to a certain type of activity and a special type of behavior. The disciple, for example, was required to do everything useful for the guru. The Laws of Manu gave detailed instructions on the rules of behavior: “In the presence of a guru, one should always eat less than him, wear worse clothes and jewelry, get out of bed before him and go to bed later. You cannot answer or talk to him while lying down, sitting, eating, standing or turning away. One must stand when the guru is sitting, approach when he is standing, go towards the approaching one, run after the one running.”
The Quadruple Law was a kind of ideal setting; all members of the higher castes had to follow it. But in real life Deviations from it were also frequent. Most of the twice-born were satisfied with the position of a householder and postponed the attainment of supreme bliss until their next, happier births. At the same time, many hermits and ascetics Ancient India were not old people because they reduced or completely skipped the stage of being a householder.

Ayurveda (“knowledge of life”) is a traditional system of Indian medicine, one of the types of alternative medicine. It is based on the Hindu philosophical system of Samkhya.

According to Ayurveda, a person begins to die 2-3 months after birth. What we are accustomed to consider life, all its years, is considered as the first stage of death.

When the life time is exhausted, the 2nd stage of death begins, which lasts 9 days (hence the tradition of commemorating the deceased on the ninth day).

Most people who die in the first minutes and even hours after death, as a rule, do not see or realize anything. They seem to fall into darkness. However, some are able to observe their body and the place where they died almost immediately. Others gradually come to consciousness, and, remaining in the etheric shell, acquire the previous activity of feelings, mind and intellect. The second stage of death resembles the second stage of birth - the world is collapsing, and it seems that there is no way out. At this time, we realize that everything that was connected with us - our family, home, work, country, accumulated material wealth - we lose along with our physical body, so the soul is filled with fear.

At the same time, someone who has passed into the “other world” can read the thoughts of other people and immediately moves to the one who is thinking about him. Therefore, for the first 9 days, thinking about the “dead”, you can send him good thoughts and thus really support him; his perception of the world during this period will be mixed with the most vivid memories of his past life. The Gita says, “Thoughts at the moment of death determine our future.”

Previously, relatives invited a brahman who read the sacred canons for 9 days, helping the soul overcome the transition period; By reading, they convinced the deceased that his existence was not complete, that he should calm his mind and concentrate on spiritual things and pray to God. IN readable texts the following stages were described transition period that he has to go through.

No later than the third day, the body was cremated and the ashes were scattered over one of the sacred rivers. The cremation ritual helped the deceased to move away from attachment to the physical body and significantly shortened his period of otherworldly suffering. After all, some of the dead, due to their ignorance, even try to re-enter their already decaying physical body.

Those who committed suicide. For example, according to the law of karma, a person was supposed to live 70 years, but committed suicide at the age of 18, which means that he will remain in the etheric shell for “unfinished” 52 years and will not be able to leave it. This brings very great suffering, since the incompatibility of subtle and earthly energies near the surface of the earth is maximum and brings maximum tangible physical suffering. Life is given to us by God to fulfill a specific individual program. If a person kills himself, then he, as it were, jumps off the “train of life.”

Those who committed bloody crimes against humanity, maniacal murderers, cruel dictators who gave orders for the destruction of thousands or millions of people “hang” in the second stage for hundreds and even thousands of years.

Died under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They wander in the etheric shell for as long as suicides, depending on their age. They can be helped a little by holding a special ceremony and ordering a service in the church.

Died in a dream. Sometimes we think that a person dies in his sleep, but most people wake up before they die. Only those who are deeply immersed in tama guna (state of ignorance) and lead an animal way of existence die in a dream.

The third stage of death is associated with the exit of the soul through one of the 350 thousand nadi channels. In accordance with the chosen program, which emerges in the mind, like bubbles on water, we enter a kind of channel in which, in accordance with the level of our consciousness, we can see the appearance of Paramatma, or simply the light emanating from God. Each channel has its own shade - purple, blue, red, green, orange, etc. In Tibetan Book of the Dead"explains the meaning of these shades. Depending on the color, you can understand what form of life and what place in the Universe we are going to.

The third stage of death in earthly chronology is 40 days, although subjectively this may seem like an eternity. Commemorating the deceased on the 40th day is a mistake, because you need to add another 9 days to 40. Only on the 49th day does the deceased end his earthly existence. At this time, the etheric body completely disintegrates and all information is rewritten onto one of the matrices of the Universe.

After 49 days, the soul will feel like a completely free individual, like an actor who has finally played his role in a play. A person will be in a special state when he is shown his future “scenario”, his new “cosmic corridor”. At this time, he will learn what he has to do in the next incarnation, at the next stage of his evolution, he will see his future parents and find out what obstacles and temptations he will encounter on his life’s path.

Read more about various rituals, funeral and memorial traditions, phenomena, unusual facts you can find out in the section

Number of life stages

People often find it difficult to explain unexpected changes in their affairs, sudden ups and downs when everything seems to be going smoothly.

Why does someone suddenly get tired of a job they are doing well and, for no apparent reason, quit it and start doing something completely different? Why does a successful person suddenly fail, and someone else, who has been a failure for a long time, achieves recognition and power?

With the help of numbers, you can predict future events, since prophecy, in essence, is the CALCULATION OF TIME, and time is expressed in numbers.

Life Stages (as well as Challenges) are reflected in the numerological position of the Birth Force. They are like precise road maps because they indicate the main path that an individual should follow during the four main periods of his life. They reflect the direction of thoughts and actions in a certain period of time. This direction should be followed for successful implementation Fate represented in the name given at birth. Life Stages indicate the direction for the productive use of talents and abilities from birth to last days life.

Life Stages are very instructive. No one avoids the events designated by them. They serve as precise road signs for both the enlightened mystic and the ordinary person. However, the mystic welcomes the steps that will have to be taken in the future and makes them part of his glorious achievements. But an ordinary person calls them “fate”, “fate” or “predestination” and does not see the deep meaning of this experience.

First Life Stage falls in the spring of life and is very personal.

Second Life Stage falls on the prime of life, the period of responsibility and starting a family.

Third Life Stage falls on a mature age with a more thoughtful position in life, when consciousness extends its activity to the area of ​​national and international interests. This is the autumn of human life.

Fourth Life Stage falls at the end of life, the so-called old age, and it is associated with the social and spiritual well-being of humanity. Here is a favorable opportunity to successfully use the experience acquired in the past.

Rules for calculating life stages

* First Life Stage: add up the numbers of the day and month of birth.
* Second Life Stage: add up the numbers of the day and year of birth.
* Third Life Stage: sum up the obtained values ​​(first and second Life Stages).
* Fourth Life Stage: add up the numbers of the month and year of birth.

Timing of life stages

You should always start with the number 36 (four times Nine).

1. Subtract the Birth Power value from the number 36. This gives us the duration of the first Life Stage and the age at which it ends. (It is always the value of the Power of Birth that is subtracted from the number 36.)
2. Add Nine years to the time of completion of the first Life Stage. During this period of time, the second Life Stage lasts.
3. Add Nine years to the time of completion of the second Life Stage. During these nine years, the third Life Stage will leave its mark on life.

From the time of completion of the third Life Stage until the end of life, affairs will be controlled by the fourth Life Stage.

These are the rules for determining the time boundaries of Life Stages - for everyone.

Description of life stages

Life Stage 1 (Unit)

This is the number of individuality, leadership and leadership, therefore, appearing in the meaning of the Life Stage, it encourages a person to get on his feet and slowly move forward. In the meaning of the first Life Stage, One often indicates a difficult period, since in youth a person is not yet ready to energetically and enterprisingly follow the path of life and difficulties that contribute to the development of leadership abilities can scare him away. Sometimes, trying to understand the forces operating in the world, a boy or girl can resist the flow, be headstrong, difficult to control, and show selfishness and conceit. Those around them may not understand them until, with the help of a careful analysis of the name, the right direction for the development of their talents is chosen. In the meaning of the second and third Life Stages, Unit indicates the ability to act, dare and use one’s own ideas. In the meaning of any Life Stage, the number 1 encourages a person to boldly walk through life, think and act independently; on the part of women this often comes as a surprise. At the same time, there is an opportunity to move forward and develop your own, often unexpected, talents. In the meaning of the last Life Stage, the Unit also indicates a volitional period and may be a chance to realize ideas or desires that arose at previous Life Stages, for which there was previously not enough time. There is an opportunity to stand out, lead some work or take charge of a project. This is not an easy period in life, for finding your right place in earthly affairs requires courage, willpower and determination.

Life Stage 2 (Two)

This is the number of partnerships, associations and unions. It brings people together to work together and speaks of the individual's participation in the affairs of those around him, both at home and in business. Independence is inappropriate here, since the best results are achieved through harmonious cooperation with others. During this period, the ability to get along with others and work together without undue interference in their lives is tested. Sometimes in a Life Stage with a value of 2, a person has to learn patience, cooperation, complicity and consideration.

In the case of the first Life Stage, a young person may seem overly sensitive and weak-willed. Avoiding a situation will not achieve anything; parents will need to establish appropriate contact with the teenager, give a good education, carefully study his talents and abilities and help him understand life, people and himself. To force a child or not to understand the forces operating at this time means to cause the appearance of complexes, extreme sensitivity, or just the opposite - reckless aggressiveness.

At all Life Stages with Twos, it is best to work in collaboration with a large number of people, touching on social and cultural interests. A penchant for statistics, attention to detail, patient thoroughness, accuracy and precision are often observed. This is true for all Life Stages with a value of 2, since the best results are achieved through friendly and interesting cooperation in work. Complications may arise in partnerships, associations and relationships with friends. The lack of a spirit of genuine cooperation is fraught with such trials as resentment towards others, divorce and separation.

At a Life Stage with a value of 2, the person himself must also be honest in all his affairs and beware of offending others. When an (11) 2 falls on the Life Stage, there may be an unexpected breakdown in cooperation and a lesson to be learned regarding spiritual thinking and faith. Even men, because of grievances received in partnership or love and marriage, turn to religion, philosophical and spiritual thinking.

What seems like a big change in life almost always ends well because it helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the rights of others. Subtle technical or unusual activities provide rewards.

Life Stage 3 (Troika)

Three is the number of inspiration, creativity and artistic taste. It provides an opportunity for greater self-expression in all periods of life.

This is an easy Life Stage because the ventures are not physical in nature but involve the imagination and feelings. Here you can prove yourself as a writer or speaker, in theater, design and illustration, or as an author of creative ideas in both business and art.

This is a time of outpouring of feelings, allowing you to enjoy all the joys of life, since life during this period is more financially attractive and easier. When a Three falls in the first Stage of Life, there is always the possibility of excelling in the field of art, but very often young people show no interest in hard work and want to enjoy life without expending too much practical effort. If, while there is still time, you do not direct your talents in the proper direction, you can mediocrely miss the first Stage of Life and subsequently regret it. Creativity-related education is recommended here, even if it is not ultimately career-defining. In the meaning of the second and third Life Stages, Three can be a blessing, giving greater opportunity than at any other time to develop your talents and your own ideas. However, extravagant and frivolous expression of emotions and feelings can lead to so much trouble that the help of others is required to get the person out of trouble. Often an eternal triangle arises, and friends, although they try to help, can lead astray.

Financial losses are possible due to influence from talkative and emotional petitioners. To maintain well-deserved love, friendship and money, control over emotions is required even in the case of the last Stage of Life. Women in particular often make mistakes and lose money when they get carried away by matters of the heart. During the last Life Stage with a value of 3, a person has the right to the joys and pleasures of life, but a special effort must also be made to benefit by inspiring and creating.

Life Stage 4 (Four)

This is the number of order, system, diligence, practical thinking and effort. Four is a serious worker who wants to achieve specific results.

She always plays the role of manager and builder who places facts and ideas in their proper order and thereby receives the tangible fruits of her labor. When the Four appears in the meaning of the first Life Stage, the young person listens to serious and practical ideas and often, due to the practical need to find a job, begins his working life early. Generally, work done in a Life Stage of 4 lays a good foundation for the future, even if it requires hard work and many economic problems.

Very often, at any Life Stage with a value of 4, a person bears the burden of responsibility for his family and relatives. He is forced to work a lot, manage something and organize something in order to get certain results. But often this time turns out to be a very good period of life, when you can give shape to ideas and plans that have been nurtured for many years. At a Life Stage of 4, any person unwilling to face the practical facts of life will find that economic management is indispensable.

In the case of the fourth Life Stage, this may be the first opportunity to work seriously and in a dignified manner, to organize and get results. However, for someone who has not matured in thoughts and actions during the previous Life Stages, such a fourth period of life will be difficult, including in material terms. Many people have achieved a lot in their twilight years, even if it was just a hobby. The appearance of the Four in the meaning of any Life Stage indicates that the time has come to get down to business. The rewards will come from diligence, the effort to achieve tangible results, and the continuation of work to completion, regardless of practical problems that arise.

Life Stage 5 (Five)

In the meaning of any Life Stage, Five represents activity, social life and surprises. It never means constant conditions, but indicates an interesting, eventful life with the ability to freely change places, make changes and take part in what is happening in the world. On the other hand, depending on the type of individual, a Life Stage with a value of 5 can be a period of anxiety, uncertainty and constant change. In the case of the first Life Stage, the young man is prone to restlessness.

He lacks diligence and switches abruptly from one thing to another without waiting for his work or efforts to be rewarded. However, considerable experience is acquired here, which turns out to be very useful in later life, since it helps to take into account the changing progressive social interests of humanity.

Five, if taken in the proper spirit, means progress and development in the meaning of any Life Stage; but sometimes it represents financial uncertainty - sometimes a constant income, sometimes uncertainty about tomorrow; however, at the right time, when the need for money really arises, it will certainly appear. At any Life Stage, the Five provides the opportunity to engage in public affairs, legal issues, advertising and administration. Family or home life is not typical for her, since desire or necessity pushes her to do something social activities even women.

In the meaning of the second or third Life Stage, it represents a period of great freedom, especially if it follows a Six or Four. This period can be very interesting and happy. Five requires the ability to adapt to new friends, new areas of activity and new contacts. Quarrels and legal issues can cause problems and discontent; In the case of any Life Stage with a value of 5, it is important to ensure that all legal endeavors are undertaken without haste and with full understanding.

At the last Life Stage, the Five again represents freedom and an active life, but does not promise retirement. It requires an effort to participate in progressive enterprises and to help others understand what is happening to them. Even with an active lifestyle, try to maintain some roots. When sudden changes occur or impatience increases, avoid hasty, impulsive actions.

Life Stage 6 (Six)

This number in the meaning of any Life Stage indicates duty and responsibility towards the family. It also provides opportunities to engage in rewarding humanitarian activities, helping those in need, teaching, healing, and giving comfort to many young and old people alike. At any Life Stage with a value of 6, time is used for productive work, since there is an opportunity to earn money and live happy life. It is inappropriate here to deal only with your own thoughts, interests or plans.

In many cases, you have to pay attention to love affairs, household problems and children, and deal with issues of property and inheritance. There is an opportunity to earn good money. Financially demanding problems may arise related to the health of family and friends; but by helping at home and outside, you can achieve a lot and bring benefits in life. In the meaning of the first Life Stage, the Six indicates duty towards the home and often early marriage or responsibility for parents, brothers or sisters. She provides love and protection through a family with a fairly good financial position. Sometimes young man at the first Life Stage with a value of 6, it is worth advising not to get married too early, because the debt of the first Life Stage can last a lifetime if there are no Life Stages with a value of 5 or 7 planned ahead.

During any Life Stage, the Six represents duty and responsibility which, if acknowledged, can bring generous rewards, satisfaction and financial success. For the last Stage of Life, duty can be truly worthwhile, crowning life and bringing recognition for a job well done in the past. If a person has not yet found a life partner, then at the Life Stage with a value of 6 he can find his love and get married.

Six does not at all indicate a lonely or useless old age. If during a previous life a person has not gained wisdom and a true sense of service, he can devote his last days to family, looking after children and caring for people he loves without needing personal freedom. Problems of children, family, money, marriage, divorce and home life color all Life Stages with a value of 6 and are solved through love, devotion and humanitarian service.

Life Stage 7 (Seven)

This number in the meaning of any Life Stage indicates the period of development of the soul. Seven represents a highly individualized force. It symbolizes knowledge and understanding of the deepest vital forces - that which does not lie on the surface. In the case of a Life Stage with a value of 7, it is necessary to engage in one’s own education, science and specialization of talents in order to use them in an extraordinary way and gain recognition.

Seven is the number of perfection and demands the best, but is also proud, selective, and somewhat aloof. When at any Stage of Life a person falls under the influence of a Seven, he begins to worry less about worldly affairs and is more interested in studying the essence of things, he wants to be left alone, and ultimately, in his own development, he is ahead of his old acquaintances.

If a Life Stage 7 is misunderstood, its introverted nature can lead a person to become withdrawn and depressed, causing problems in family and personal relationships with others. Attacks of bad mood appear, complexes develop that make it difficult to understand what life is. Even if at times there is not enough money and not everything turns out the way you want, in the end, knowledge and skills will bring success and wealth.

Often, at a Life Stage with a value of 7, a person is overcome by impatience and it seems to him that “the grass is greener” elsewhere. Change leads to a lack of tangible achievements. Instead, seek knowledge and increase your education. In the case of the first Life Stage, Seven very often means the presence of some kind of limiting factor. This could be a lack of money for education, very strict parents, or poor health. Wise parents will ensure that the child receives a proper education and will take care of his proper nutrition and health, they will approach his upbringing with greater understanding and use less restrictive measures. Seven promotes financial well-being, so you should never lose self-control and faith if you lack money. Patience, thoroughness and knowledge help achieve what is necessary. In the meaning of any Life Stage, Seven requires truth and the right way of life. During such a period there can be no deception or excuses.

Seven knows how to discover the truth about itself and others. She may be cold and aloof, more interested in studying and working than in ordinary worldly affairs, which leads to difficulties and problems in marriage and partnership. But with the development of intelligence, the accumulation of knowledge and the achievement of understanding, a Life Stage with a value of 7 promises a worthy reward and the ability to achieve what you want, even love. During the period of Seven's influence, communicate with people who are interested in the educational, scientific and cultural facets of life.

Life Stage 8 (Eight)

It is the number of strength, courage, ambition, power and enterprise. It symbolizes achievement through effort requiring intelligence, judgment, understanding of people, efficiency and good management. There is an opportunity for diverse activities of a progressive nature and gaining recognition.

In a Life Stage with a value of 8, both men and women find themselves at the head of business enterprises, managing property, or engaging in professional activities whose success depends on sustained and repeated effort. This Life Stage cannot be called easy, because it does not tolerate weakness or attempts to escape the current situation, it requires intelligence and diligence. A Life Stage with a value of 8 promises recognition and power, the acquisition of real estate and property, and the achievement of extraordinary success. However, expenses are also high, so careful organization of affairs and budget planning are necessary. Continuing to run a business often requires large expenses. At the first Life Stage, young people, as in the case of the Four, begin early labor activity and can get a good start in their career, but they are often forced to earn a living for their family or relatives.

At any Life Stage with a value of 8, you should not rely on luck. Judgment and understanding of people are required. Inappropriate trust in others causes many problems and disappointments. Friendship and support are provided by interest in public organizations. Studying philosophy helps you get acquainted with important people. Any Life Stage with a value of 8 provides the opportunity to become a very influential person, you just need to spare no effort. Be guided in your work by your mind, not your feelings.

Life Stage 9 (Nine)

This number represents the drama and color of life, beauty, art and philanthropy. At a Life Stage with a value of 9, a person is required to have great tolerance, compassion and that warm power of love that inspires and elevates more than personal love. As a rule, if you do not have these characteristics of character and thinking, it is not easy to meet the requirements of such a Life Stage. In our modern world Stress and tension make it difficult to constantly show tolerance and love. By the time the Life Stage 9 is completed, the lessons of tolerance and compassion will have been learned, otherwise the person will be greatly disappointed.

Nine is less about the individual and more about civilization, all people and all religions. A good chance to succeed and earn money is provided by activities related to business, art or philanthropy. If you adhere to the principles of Nine, the reward will be travel and a life full of impressions.

When are they persecuted? personal desires and interests, and other people are ignored, a Life Stage with a value of 9 can be very unpleasant, which should not be the case. Aim high, achieve the best and most useful for all humanity.

Within the framework of the first Life Stage, the completion of a love affair, marriage or some type of activity is possible. They are left behind with some sadness or regret. On the other hand, such completion can be a blessing, since it removes from life or brings to its logical conclusion that which is no longer required for the development of the individual. What seems lost must be forgotten, since Nine will always offer something better and with greater impact if the person’s thoughts and feelings are aimed at the brotherhood of man and philanthropy. You can make and lose money and just as easily make it again.

Nine, testing character for empathy, tolerance and warm gratitude higher powers life, at the same time helping the individual in every possible way and rewarding him. In the periods following the first, it provides an excellent opportunity to achieve a lot in the world, engaging in activities related to the use of chosen talents. Life Stage 9 is not a stage of life that can be ignored if you want to overcome disappointments and be rewarded with the best. During the second and third periods, many events of an emotional nature are expected, promoting the development of warmth and idealism. Narrow-mindedness goes unrewarded. Self-interest and the desire for personal love alone are not enough. Forget about yourself and grow spiritually. Bring tolerance into all your endeavors and true love will come to you.

The concept of “age” can be considered from different aspects: from the point of view of the chronology of events, biological processes of the body, social formation and psychological development.

Age covers all life path. It starts from birth and ends with physiological death. Age shows from birth to a specific event in a person's life.

Birth, growing up, development, old age - all human lives, of which the entire earthly path consists. Having been born, a person began his first stage, and then, over time, he will go through all of them sequentially.

Classification of age periods from a biological point of view

There is no single classification, in different time it was compiled differently. The delimitation of periods is associated with a certain age, when significant changes occur in the human body.

A person’s life is the periods between key “points”.

Passport or chronological age may not coincide with biological age. It is by the latter that one can judge how he will perform his work, what loads his body can withstand. Biological age can either lag behind the passport age or be ahead of it.

Let's consider the classification of life periods, which is based on the concept of age based on physiological changes in the body:

Age periods
0-4 weeksnewborn
4 weeks - 1 yearchest
1-3 yearsearly childhood
3-7 yearspreschool
7-10/12 yearsjunior school
girls: 10-17/18 years oldteenage
boys: 12-17/18 years old
young men17-21 years oldyouthful
girls16-20 years old
men21-35 years oldadulthood, 1st period
women20-35 years
men35-60 yearsmature age, 2nd period
women35-55 years
55/60-75 yearselderly age
75-90 old age
90 years or morecentenarians

Scientists' views on the age periods of human life

Depending on the era and country, scientists and philosophers proposed different criteria for grading the main stages of life.

For example:

  • Chinese scientists shared human life for 7 phases. “Desirable,” for example, was the age from 60 to 70 years. This is a period of development of human spirituality and wisdom.
  • The ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras identified the stages of human life with the seasons. Each lasted 20 years.
  • The ideas of Hippocrates became fundamental for the further determination of periods of life. He identified 10, each 7 years long, starting from birth.

Periods of life according to Pythagoras

The ancient philosopher Pythagoras, considering the stages of human existence, identified them with the seasons. He identified four of them:

  • Spring is the beginning and development of life, from birth to 20 years.
  • Summer is youth, from 20 to 40 years.
  • Autumn is the prime time, from 40 to 60 years.
  • Winter - fading, from 60 to 80 years.

Periods according to Pythagoras had a duration of exactly 20 years. Pythagoras believed that everything on Earth is measured by numbers, which he treated not only as mathematical symbols, but also endowed them with a certain magical meaning. Numbers also allowed him to determine the characteristics of the cosmic order.

Pythagoras also applied the concept of “quaternary” to age periods, because he compared them with eternal, unchanging natural phenomena, for example, the elements.

The periods of human life (according to Pythagoras) and their benefits are based on the idea of ​​eternal recurrence. Life is eternal, like seasons changing each other, and man is a part of nature, lives and develops according to its laws.

The concept of “seasons” according to Pythagoras

Identifying the age intervals of a person’s life with the seasons, Pythagoras focused on the fact that:

  • Spring is the time of beginning, the birth of life. The child develops, absorbing new knowledge with pleasure. He is interested in everything around him, but everything is still happening in the form of a game. The child is blossoming.
  • Summer is the period of growing up. A person blossoms, he is attracted by everything new, still unknown. Continuing to blossom, a person does not lose his childish fun.
  • Autumn - a person has become an adult, balanced, the former gaiety has given way to confidence and leisureliness.
  • Winter is a period of reflection and summing up. The man has gone most of the way and is now considering the results of his life.

The main periods of people's earthly journey

Considering the existence of an individual, we can distinguish the main periods of a person’s life:

  • youth;
  • mature age;
  • old age.

At each stage, a person acquires something new, revises his values, and changes his social status in society.

The basis of existence is made up of periods of human life. The characteristics of each of them are associated with growing up, changes in the environment, and state of mind.

Features of the main stages of personality existence

The periods of a person’s life have their own characteristics: each stage complements the previous one, bringing with it something new, something that has not yet happened in life.

Youth is characterized by maximalism: the dawn of mental and creative abilities occurs, the basic physiological processes of growing up are completed, and the appearance, well-being. At this age, a system is established, time is valued, self-control increases, and others are re-evaluated. A person decides on the direction of his life.

Having reached the threshold of maturity, a person has already reached certain heights. IN professional field he occupies a stable position. This period coincides with the strengthening and maximum development social status, decisions are made thoughtfully, a person does not avoid responsibility, appreciates the present day, can forgive himself and others for mistakes he has made, and realistically evaluates himself and others. This is the age of achievement, conquering peaks and obtaining maximum opportunities for your development.

Old age is more associated with losses than with gains. A person ends his working life, his social environment changes, and inevitable physiological changes appear. However, a person can still engage in self-development, in most cases this happens more on a spiritual level, on development inner world.

Critical points

The most important periods of human life are associated with changes in the body. They can also be called critical: hormonal levels change, which causes changes in mood, irritability and nervousness.

Psychologist E. Erikson identifies 8 crisis periods in a person’s life:

  • Teenage years.
  • A person’s entry into adulthood is the thirtieth birthday.
  • Transition to the fourth decade.
  • Fortieth birthday.
  • Midlife - 45 years.
  • Fiftieth anniversary.
  • Fifty-fifth anniversary.
  • Fifty-sixth birthday.

Confidently overcoming “critical points”

Overcoming each of the presented periods, a person moves to a new stage of development, while overcoming the difficulties that arose along the way, and strives to conquer new heights of his life.

The child breaks away from his parents and tries to independently find his own direction in life.

In the third decade, a person reconsiders his principles and changes his views on the environment.

Approaching their thirties, people try to gain a foothold in life, climb the career ladder, and begin to think more rationally.

In the middle of life, a person begins to wonder whether he is living correctly. There is a desire to do something that will leave a memory of him. Frustration and fear for your life appear.

At the age of 50, a slowdown in physiological processes affects health; age-related changes occur. However, the person has already correctly set his life priorities, his nervous system works stably.

At 55 years old wisdom appears and a person enjoys life.

At 56 years old, a person thinks more about the spiritual side of his life and develops his inner world.

Doctors say that if you are prepared and know about the critical periods of life, then overcoming them will happen calmly and painlessly.


A person decides for himself by what criteria he divides his life periods, and what he means by the concept of “age”. It could be:

  • Purely external attractiveness, which a person strives to extend with all accessible ways. And he considers himself young as long as his appearance allows it.
  • The division of life into “youth” and “the end of youth.” The first period lasts as long as there is an opportunity to live without obligations, problems, responsibility, the second - when problems and life difficulties appear.
  • Physiological changes in the body. A person clearly follows changes and identifies his age with them.
  • The concept of age is associated with the state of the soul and consciousness. A person measures his age by his state of mind and inner freedom.

As long as a person’s life is filled with meaning, a desire to learn something new, and all this is organically combined with the wisdom and spiritual wealth of the inner world, a person will be forever young, despite the weakening of the physical capabilities of his body.