What is most important in the education of a modern person. Education and its role in human life. Essay on the topic The role of education in human life

I think we certainly do. IN modern world There is competition in all areas of activity, education is no exception. Nowadays it is very difficult to get into prestigious universities; there is a strict selection of applicants. This happens due to people's desire to have a well-paid job. And it can only be obtained by a specialist who has high professional qualities, which are acquired during study at a university and then improved in practice.

Currently, many people in our country have higher education, which means general level The level of education of Russians should be quite high. But is it? Statistics confirm that the level of education is declining. Increasingly, on city streets, on signs, in advertisements, you can see banal spelling errors, and most people don’t even notice it. The thresholds for passing Unified State Exam scores in a number of subjects are being lowered, since school graduates simply cannot complete tasks with satisfactory grades. The following example makes one think: sociologists recently conducted a literacy test of Russians. For this they distributed KIMS Unified State Examination in the Russian language for people who graduated from school ten years ago. They were given Part A tasks to complete. When their results were compared with the results of current graduates, it turned out that people who graduated from school ten years ago scored more points for Part A than current graduates for the entire work. But they were preparing! From this it follows that we, the younger generation, need education, and its quality needs to be improved. And this is possible only when schoolchildren and students realize personal responsibility for the quality of their knowledge. After all, studying is not easy work, therefore, when entering a classroom or student audience, you always need to remember this.

But, despite these disappointing facts, Russian Federation is one of the most educated countries in the world. Our government is interested in ensuring that young people, who will be building the Russia of the future, constantly replenish their knowledge. After all, without diverse knowledge it is impossible to keep up with the times: to fully master all modern technologies. It is no secret that there is now an information war going on in the world, and whoever masters the information faster will be the winner. That is why our country annually allocates funds for various competitions, Olympiads, grants and other events to support young people in their creative and scientific activity. Also organized summer camps and schools with study foreign languages, which is also in modern conditions important. Even in a small town like ours, there is a significant change in attitude local authorities to education. Thus, at the end of May this year, the winners of the city competition for grant support for gifted students were awarded, who received certificates worth twenty thousand rubles. I was lucky to be among them. I became the winner in the “Intellectual” category. Naturally, when such attention is felt, there is a desire to study even better and participate more actively in various creative competitions.

This means that the government is creating all the conditions for the education of the younger generation. But conditions and encouragement alone are not enough; diligence and zeal for learning on the part of each of us is needed. For many young people, sitting in front of textbooks seems boring. Modern children are surrounded by gadgets, games, and the virtual world, but this did not appear by magic. Both mobile phones and computers - everything was created by people who mastered scientific knowledge. Therefore, every schoolchild needs to think about what he wants to achieve in this life, who he will become in the future, what benefit he can bring to his Fatherland...

Education has always been one of the most important parts public policy, since the future of the country depends on its quality. That's why it is constantly being improved. We, schoolchildren, also need to strive for new things. We have all the capabilities for this. In particular, the Internet is an assistant for acquiring knowledge and expanding one’s horizons, if, of course, it is used not only for games. Although we are all different, we are united by one thing - the desire to find our place in life. And only modern education, which allows us to believe that there are no limits to our capabilities.

The answer to the question “Is education necessary?” depends on what meaning a person puts into this word. If we are talking about a document confirming graduation from an educational institution, then in some cases you can do without it. The diploma itself does not give anything and should not be an end in itself. But if by education we mean the acquisition and improvement of knowledge, expansion of one’s horizons and professional skills, then it is necessary for the development of a person as an individual.

General education

Education is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that a person acquires at different periods of his life. The educational process begins in childhood and can continue throughout life. You can acquire knowledge in educational institutions with the help of teachers or engage in self-education. The right to education is enshrined in the Constitution, the European Convention on Human Rights and other legal acts.

TO general education programs relate:

  1. Programs up to school education. small children, if it is not mandatory? Preschool education lays the foundation for intellectual and physical development child. If parents for some reason cannot or do not want to take their child to the nursery preschool, they must engage in its education on their own.
  2. General education programs. General education also called school or secondary education. Without a certificate of secondary education, it is impossible to continue studying in technical or higher education. educational institution, therefore, get a specialty. besides receiving the document? The school not only provides basic knowledge on various subjects, but teaches discipline, adaptation in society, and develops character.
  3. Higher education programs. everyone? Of course not, since not every person aspires to become a civil servant, office worker or manager. Many build their lives differently, and for this they only need the knowledge gained at school, or after completing specialized courses, in the process of self-education. Although for a person with a higher education diploma, more prospects and opportunities open up.


Self-education is a kind of superstructure over the foundation of basic knowledge acquired at school or institute. The self-study program consists of only the necessary material in accordance with the interests and needs of a particular person.

Independent acquisition of additional knowledge, mastery of skills and abilities provides complete freedom to choose sources of information, as well as the amount of time spent. This is the beauty of this type of education.

Functions of education and its value for society

Education as part social culture performs several interrelated functions:

  1. Reproduction function. It consists of the reproduction of culture in new generations on the basis of professional experience, achievements of science and art, spiritual and cultural values. Education creates a sense of responsibility to future generations for the preservation and enrichment of cultural heritage.
  2. Development function. Implies the development of individual human personalities and society as a whole. Education helps young people to join the life of society and integrate into social system, become a full-fledged citizen of the country, achieve success in society. Education influences social status human, provides mobility, promotes self-affirmation.

The potential of any state and the prospects for its further development directly depend on the level of moral, economic and cultural spheres. Education is a fundamental factor in interaction between members of society and the attractiveness of the country as a whole.

The importance of education for a person

Speaking about the benefits of education for society, it is impossible to underestimate its importance directly for each individual. In the modern world, education is one of the main value orientations in society. Education does not only mean obtaining professional knowledge and skills, but also personal development. Educated person has a number of advantages:

  • freedom and independence;
  • stability of existence;
  • universalism (the need for harmony, justice, tolerance);
  • success in society, social approval;
  • power, respectful attitude of others.

Currently, education is not a priority for a select few, but is available to everyone. Therefore, each of us is the arbiter of our own destiny.

It seems to me that the degree of manifestation of “good and evil” in each person is directly dependent on the level of his development.

At the moment of birth, it cannot be said that this person will be the bearer of only good or only evil. Based on heredity, one can only assume some individual differences in a particular person and presumably speak out about his mental abilities. The development of individual qualities in the process of acquiring knowledge by each individual occurs absolutely spontaneously, if we assume that he is left to himself. Therefore, whether he will direct his innate qualities towards evil or good, in relation to himself and others, depends on his ability to determine the direction of his actions. Thus, we can conclude that there are no born villains, just as there are no born altruists who sow only good.

I consider the main purpose of education to be the development of a form of education that would make it possible to instill in people knowledge and ways of thinking that contribute to a person’s choice of actions that lead primarily to good, minimizing actions that are harmful to the person himself and to society.

What I want to say here is that a person leads himself through life, starting from knowledge and himself - his goals in life, his understanding of what a person is. Thus, I see the main meaning of education in the education of a person’s mind, his willpower in determining the right path in life.

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You touch on, in my opinion, an important question - how a person’s life principles are formed. Here you touch on the topic of what role consciousness and will play in human activity. I will try to briefly express my thoughts. Consciousness, will, purposefulness are special categories in human activity that are formed in the family, at school, in work collectives and in society as a whole under active participation the person himself with his inherent individual qualities.

When we talk about the influence of will and consciousness on a person’s actions, it is not entirely correct to assume that a person only follows the “prescribed path” or deviates from it. I believe that there is no destined path at all.

I completely agree with you. In Buddhism this is called “destiny” (“shukugo”), in other religions it is called “fate”. Often we are talking about something supposedly destined. In Buddhism, “predestination” means something partial (limited). Buddhism teaches that "destiny" can be changed through reason and effort, and explains that the most precious thing in a person is his power to change "destiny."

The conditions in which people live determine a certain range of possibilities in their activities. In some, usually extreme cases, a person may indeed find himself in a situation where the possibility of choice is sharply limited. But this, in my opinion, a rare event. It's not typical.

In most cases, people, classes, states have an alternative. And the choice of one path or another is directly related to consciousness, will, and ideals.

The conditions surrounding a person are not something constant, independent of people.

In Buddhism, everything around a person is called the “shell” (“echo”), and a person’s actions aimed at learning the “truth” are called “shoho”. But the categories “human action” and “truth” are not equivalent (“esho funi”). Simply put, a person who strives for “truth” receives a certain amount of what he can achieve by being molded by his environment. In the human mind and his will lies the power that can transform the environment.

We inherit the results of the activities of previous generations. And this legacy is especially noticeable today, in the age active development means of mass communication, when the objective conditions of human activity are determined by the life of not only his compatriots, but also of all humanity.

Problems of war and peace, hunger and poverty, pollution environment and exhaustion natural resources are important not only for individual countries, but also for the whole world as a whole, for each person individually.

Here, I think, it is appropriate to note that progress in both the material and spiritual spheres of society’s life is ultimately determined by the extent to which society allows the inner potential of a person to be revealed and gives him freedom in solving the tasks facing him for the benefit of society.

We are contemporaries and participants in the historical competition of different socio-economic systems. I am convinced that the future belongs to a system that provides to the fullest extent all people and each individual favorable conditions for life and the development of his abilities.

I think it is as you say. We must not lose sight of the fact that it is not man who exists for society, but society that exists for man.

It is a society that brings happiness to a person, that is, a society in which optimal conditions for human life are created, a society that strives for each person to fully demonstrate their talents and abilities, such a society can receive the reciprocal selfless contribution of many people, and this society will achieve even greater prosperity thanks to the efforts of each of its members aimed at the benefit of this society.

In his actions a person relies on complex system values, which significantly depends on his psychological characteristics, level of education, social affiliation. Today, in addition, values ​​that are significant not only for one person or even a state, but for all of humanity, come to the fore. Moreover, it seems to me that we should not just fight for these kinds of values, but strive to create objective conditions to implement them, strive to ensure that these values ​​are transmitted by certain social institutions.

Each person must consciously be guided not only by a certain set of ethical standards, but also take into account the extent to which the results of his activities will become socially significant and allow subsequent generations to develop.

Education, no matter what methods it is expressed in, has a direct impact on the development of the civic position of each individual, gives a clear idea of ​​the history and culture of his country, affecting a person’s patriotic feelings.

What is a person’s education expressed in?

Together with education, the multifaceted experience accumulated over centuries based on the example of previous generations is adopted, and thanks to this, in turn, the road to tomorrow opens. Thus, the role of education in a person’s life simply cannot be overestimated; it is a kind of crossroads - living in the present, the wisdom of the past is used for achievements in the future.

According to experts, among people who received a good education in youth, sufferers are much less common mental retardation, mental disorders and Alzheimer's disease in old age.

Certificate of completion high school and a diploma confirming graduation from a university are weak arguments in favor of the education of their bearer. Of course, in the modern world you cannot do without this; having educational documents gives certain advantages, formally, when finding a job, for example, in moral terms, it does not give superiority over others. Why? A certificate or diploma not supported by knowledge is the worst form of ignorance, but knowledge school subject“excellent” does not make a person educated. This concept implies a multifaceted set:

  • basic and higher education;
  • compliance with standards of behavior and moral principles;
  • personal development;
  • gaining life experience;
  • realizing one's own potential for the benefit of the whole society;
  • desire to grow and improve, regardless of the heights achieved;
  • always remain a bearer of culture, no matter what it is expressed in.

Main stages of human education

Every person goes through a long journey throughout his life, from birth to old age. educational process- first acquires certain knowledge and skills, and then consolidates them and does not stop developing and learning new things for himself. People receive knowledge and education not only at school; it will be enough to pay attention to what has already become catchphrase“the science of life” is one of the most intelligent teachers one encounters. And all stages of human education look like this:

  • The beginnings of education - a person receives it in infancy, when he learns everything, so to speak, from scratch. Learning the world, he absorbs everything on which more complex science will be built in the future;
  • Elementary education - home or kindergarten education, when the child is instilled with the first rules of behavior, the simplest concepts, the ground is prepared for learning writing and counting, in a form understandable to him;
  • School education – laying the foundations of education, generating a thirst for knowledge, arousing his interest. In the process of school education, the child gets acquainted with other cultures, history, comprehends the true dimensions of the world and the knowledge accumulated in it;
  • Higher education - continues school, but only within a slightly different framework: training takes on a narrow profile, with an emphasis on choice future profession. At this stage, young people are preparing to face adulthood;
  • Practical education - this is work, almost the same thing happens here as at a university, only the place is practical, people acquire practical knowledge and skills, which soon turn into experience;
  • Self-education - this is the process of improving the knowledge acquired before, using a variety of materials and sources, from books and the Internet, to science, which is presented by everyday situations.

Benefits of Higher Education

The most important thing in the life of every person is higher education. Higher education provides opportunities to obtain a prestigious position in a reputable company. Main advantages:

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  • Many areas are closed to people without higher education. This applies to medical, legal, educational and scientific government agencies. Likewise, private companies do not want to see people without a diploma among their employees;
  • While studying at a university, they call it a time of experimentation, when you have the opportunity to try yourself in different fields of activity. Such an experiment does not threaten anything, but you can find something really worthwhile;
  • Higher education is a kind of intellectual investment in the future; having a diploma opens many doors, and with it you can find a job with decent pay, compensating not only material, but also moral costs;
  • Without exception, all universities are open structures that cooperate with each other and with financial companies and public organizations. This opens up a lot of opportunities, such as receiving grants, scholarships, internships, which means learning something new and gaining more chances to realize oneself in the future.

According to statistics, the unemployed among people with higher education 40% less than among people with average.

What have we learned?

The role and importance of education in the life of a person and the society into which he then joins is very great and should not be neglected. The learning process is multifaceted, it can be difficult and thorny, but for their efforts, everyone receives an appropriate reward. From a young age to a very old age, we continue to learn, often without realizing it ourselves. And knowledge is also important because once it has been acquired, it can no longer be lost, unlike one’s position in society and material values. The lack of education of citizens is one of the main problems of modern society.

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