The position of a paramedic in the army. The army lacks paramedics and doctors. Paramedic in the army under contract: necessary personal qualities

Advice from lawyers:

1. What kind of military service can I be assigned as a paramedic while serving in the army? Thank you.

1.1. upon completion medical college a military ID is issued. For a paramedic, the rank is private. It is with this rank that he enlists in the army; then the assignment of the rank depends on the order in the army.

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Not really

2. I have a civilian specialty as a veterinary paramedic (technical school, 4 years). Question: can I be assigned to a military position as a paramedic in the army (service in a first-aid post with people)

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2.1. No. Since all candidates have certain requirements, including the level and direction of education.
3. (1) question: Please tell me, in 2018 I graduated from Med College. He worked in rural areas as a paramedic. I was drafted into the army. If my mother is a disabled person of the second group, does she have the opportunity to receive any benefits? (2) question:

After service, I would like to receive a million under the zemstvo paramedic support program. In which regions can I realistically count on these payments in 2020?
3.1. 1. unfortunately no.

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2. Hello, you can find it on the website min. healthcare.

4. My son is graduating from a medical and social college with a degree in paramedic. Wants to join the army in his specialty. Health category B. Is it possible to serve in the army as a paramedic with this health category?

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4.1. Category B) limited fitness) obliges the military registration and enlistment office to enroll him in the reserve. Alternatively, you need to change the suitability category. You can contact me by email and I will try to help you legally resolve your issue.

5.1. According to the Regulations on the procedure for calculating length of service for assigning pensions for length of service to education and healthcare workers, which is an annex to the Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of December 17, 1959 N 1397 (as amended on August 3, 1972, as amended on April 12, 1984) “On pensions for length of service years of education, health and Agriculture", for teachers, doctors and other educational and healthcare workers, service in the Armed Forces of the USSR is counted as length of service in their specialty, except for work in institutions, organizations and positions in which work gives the right to a pension for long service.
Thus, your work experience, which gives the right to an early pension, must include the period of military service, and if this period is not included in the insurance period by the Pension Fund, you can appeal the decision of the Pension Fund in court.

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6. I am an emergency medical technician.
Can I get a job at the Federal Penitentiary Service as a paramedic and have any rank?
Didn't serve in the army.
Category A
Thank you!

6.1. This issue is within the exclusive competence of the employer. Lawyers/lawyers do not resolve personnel issues.
By the way, without military service, people are now not accepted into either government agencies or the security forces.
All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

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7. Clarify who is right. My husband worked at one company as a paramedic for 3 years. He was dismissed due to joining the army. 7 days after the service, I got my old job again. Only payment for length of service is not included in the calculation; they claim that the length of service was interrupted because he served as an ordinary soldier and not in a medical company. They are right?

7.1. Unknown. Continuity is not taken into account by law. Accordingly, the rules for determining continuity are established by the one who needs it for something. In your case - an enterprise.

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8. Tell me, if I go to contract service in the army as a paramedic and study for 6 months, I myself can choose a unit in Russia or where I will be sent.

8.1. can be sent to any HF.

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9. Please tell me before the army he worked as an ambulance paramedic in a regional village after being called up for military service where he served as a rank instructor after the army on 7 05 93 he returned to his previous place of work whether the court legally decided to include the army period in the mixed length of service for assigning a preferential pension.

9.1. NO, it's not legal. APPEAL THE DECISION


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10. Question: Does my preferential length of service under List 2 increase if I prove that I worked in an ambulance for 25 years, earning more than 1.5 monthly wages? And will I be able to apply for a pension from the age of 50 with benefits, working in an area equivalent to the Far North + 25 years as a traveling emergency doctor (of which in the resuscitation and intensive care group) and 5 years as a paramedic there + 2 years of military service as a medical instructor .

10.1. It’s not very clear, but specifically from 50 - only if you declare northern experience. According to the text, you can already apply for medical experience, it simply requires 30 years of such experience.

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11. They were not accepted into the army because of their eyesight. Profession paramedic. Can I get a job at Ufsin on a contract basis?

11.1. it is at the discretion of the employer

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12. After graduating from medical school in 1984, he worked as a nurse for 3 months, from there he was drafted into the army. After the army, from 1986 to this day I have been working as an ambulance paramedic. Is military service included when applying for a preferential pension based on length of service (30 years)?

12.1. Vyacheslav, come in.

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13. I graduated from a medical college by profession, paramedic, as well as a correspondence institute, trainer, teacher, now I’m going into the army, can I count on receiving the rank of sergeant major, and serving in a hospital!?

13.1. Sergeant major? why not a warrant officer? No.
You may end up in the hospital.
You should tell your fortune on the coffee grounds.

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Consultation on your issue

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14. I work in an ambulance, as a paramedic of a mobile team, 20 years of work experience, plus 2 years of service in the army as a medical instructor, out of 20 years, 14 years as a paramedic of an intensive care team. Can I submit a package of documents for a preferential pension?

14.1. you can submit a package of documents - why not? apply to the Pension Fund in writing, no matter what they tell you - get the Pension Fund’s decision - evaluate it with a lawyer - if you don’t agree, you have the right to go to court

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15. I served in the army for 2 years, 28 years in the ambulance, as a paramedic, am I entitled to a preferential medical pension? Is service in the SA taken into account or not?

15.1. Military service does not count towards preferential medical experience.

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16. From June 6, 1990 to April 15, 1992, he served in the SA, the conclusion of the command of the unit was paramedic VUS 879 code 879_962 A. before that he worked as a paramedic at a first aid station (pr. No. 10-a), after the army I worked as a paramedic for a mobile ambulance team, Will military service be included in the preferential length of service?

16.1. ---should enter. if contributions were made to the Pension Fund.

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17. My son, after 9th grade, is in his 4th year of medical college. Year of graduation 2016. Turned 20 years old. They want to enlist in the army. The son is not against serving, he even planned to upgrade his qualifications to paramedic, remaining for long-term service. Is it possible to get a deferment for education?

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18. I am an ambulance paramedic and by law I have the right to a preferential pension. Will service in the army in 1988-1990 be counted towards preferential medical experience? I served as an instructor as a disinfectant, about which there is a record in my work book. Sincerely, Alexander.

18.1. Until October 1, 1993, Resolution of the Council of Ministers of December 17, 1959 N 1397 was in force, according to which service in the Armed Forces of the USSR was counted as length of service, provided that at least 2/3 of the length of service required to assign a pension was spent working in institutions , organizations and positions in which work gives the right to this pension.: sm_bs:

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19. Is service in the army as a medical orderly (although all the functions of a paramedic were performed, but a medical orderly was written down on the military ID) included in the special medical experience? And does it provide the right to early retirement? PF claims that it is not included, is it realistic to challenge this in court? Called up in 1981. Thank you!

19.1. not included, you served in the army and did not work. Included only in general experience.

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20. I served military service in the ranks Soviet army as a paramedic, now I work in the same position at an ambulance station. Will service be included in my medical experience?

20.1. According to the legislation of the USSR, pedagogical and medical experience included service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and stay in partisan detachments, service in the troops and bodies of the Cheka, OGPU, NKVD, NKGB, MGB, the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and bodies police.

Of course, it must be recognized that military service is not the main thing for a teacher or doctor. Therefore, Soviet legislation provided for a restriction according to which at least 2/3 of the preferential length of service (25 years for teachers and 30 years for doctors) must be spent working in institutions, organizations and positions, work in which provides the right to an early pedagogical or medical pension . However, this condition does not apply to medical workers who worked in their specialty within the Armed Forces of the USSR and other bodies indicated above.

However, it must be remembered that such legal regulation is applicable to periods of service before October 1, 1993.

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21. I work as a doctor in a village. He served in the army as a paramedic from 1991 to 1992. Is service in a specialty counted when applying for a long-service pension in a preferential calculation (1: 1.3)?

21.1. At certain conditions Maybe. If you joined the army and returned from the army, you went back to work with special working conditions.

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21.2. Inclusion in the service was previously guaranteed. Therefore, perhaps through the court, the period will be counted towards the medical period. Additional condition, village or surgery, this is already an addition for working conditions. There were no special conditions during the service, so the credit will only be taken one year at a time. There is no reason to use 1 x 1.3 for you and 1 x 1.5 for others.

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22. I work as a doctor, I’m applying for a preferential pension, I’m missing 2 years, I worked in the army as a paramedic at a primary care unit/regimental medical center/at the military registration and enlistment office they didn’t write on the certificate that I worked as a doctor, where can I get the proper certificate. Thank you.

22.1. Contact the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence - they should help you

Best regards, Sergey Danilov

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23. Worked as a paramedic in an ambulance from 07/15/2009 to 10/18/2009.
Then served in the army from 10/19/2009 to 10/18/2010 (of which from 02/04/2010 to 10/18/2010 as a medical instructor).
From 11/01/2010 to the present I have been working as an ambulance paramedic.
Does military service count towards medical work experience? And if so, how is it calculated? (full service or only in a medical position? Count a year as a year or a year as two?).
When do I reach (or have reached) 3 years of medical experience?

23.1. The period of military service upon conscription is not included in medical experience.

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24. My name is Dmitry. On November 13, 2011 I will turn 18 years old.
After 11th grade, I entered the full-time department of medical college. Now I am a 2nd year student. The duration of study at the college for the specialty of Ambulance Paramedic is 4 years.
Am I entitled to a deferment from military service? If so, what article of the law can I refer to?


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24.2. If you study full-time at a state college. accreditation and entered there after 11th grade, then a deferment is granted if you reach conscription age in the last year of study.
In accordance with paragraph. 4 pp. "a" clause 2 art. 24 Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" citizens studying for military service have the right to a deferment from conscription full-time training in existing state accreditation in relevant areas of training (specialties) in educational institutions for secondary programs vocational education, if they are before entering the specified educational institutions RECEIVED AVERAGE (full) GENERAL education AND REACH CONTRACT AGE IN THE FINAL YEAR OF STUDY - for the duration of their studies, but not beyond the standard time limits for mastering basic educational programs.

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25. Dear lawyers, I have been working as a paramedic at a first-aid post in a village since March 1991, from September 1, 1986 to December 10, 86, I studied at a medical school and at the same time worked as an orderly in a maternity hospital, from December 18, 1986 to December 12, 88, I served in the army. , then studying at medical school until March 1991.
When am I entitled to a long service pension? Is the army included in the length of service? Thank you.

25.1. Service in the army is counted in the general length of service; if the service was carried out with an increased danger to life and health, it is also included in the special length of service when establishing a pension for long service according to the list approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. In any case, the decision will be made by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

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26. I want to get a contract service in the army. Can this be hindered by the fact that: 1) my husband is a military man; 2) I am a nurse by training, 4 years of work experience in medicine by profession, now I am just retraining to become a paramedic, I will receive my diploma only in a year (I want to get a job as a paramedic). Thank you in advance!

26.1. Julia, lack of a paramedic diploma. if we are talking about a contract with a paramedic.

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26.2. Try it in your specialty for now, and when you receive your diploma - Forward! And the other is not an obstacle.

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27. You will forgive me, of course, but I don’t even know who to turn to.
I work in an ambulance and emergency care in the city of Moscow since 1978, then served in the army at a medical center as a paramedic, also then again in an ambulance until now.
The total length of service was considered by the Central Archive of Moscow Medical Workers and the Ambulance Pension Fund, everything was fine, that is, 30 years, even our pension fund calculated it and it turned out that 8 days were missing, then they told me to go to court and there a representative of the Balashikha Pension Fund said that it turns out that it was mine The experience is only 2 years 10 months. and the rest is not included in the experience, so what do I need for 2 years 10 months. The Moscow City Hall gave me a medal for my work; the pension fund is silent.
Moreover, the judge was given information from the chief emergency physician saying that my specialty corresponds to a preferential profession for receiving a pension upon reaching 30 years of experience, and the pension fund lawyer says that this is not a decree for her and I don’t know where to turn, I don’t know anyone of the law, can you tell me what to look for in order to respond to such attacks and still don’t tell me how much it costs to hire a lawyer, maybe it will be better (otherwise it turns out not to be fair, it means I can work in an ambulance but I don’t have a pension, although especially those who live in Moscow receive it without problems and We have such difficulties)

27.1. In your case, you can only contact a lawyer. no one else will help. It’s difficult to answer in essence, since you described everything very chaotically. Consult a lawyer. I don’t know how much it costs to hire a lawyer from you in Balashikha. If you want to know the prices, go to the lawyers' profiles on this site. I can help you in absentia by e-mail, it will cost you much less. If you want, please contact me by e-mail.

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Good luck!

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28. I am by education nurse, I have two diplomas (the 2nd of them higher level in resuscitation and anesthesiology), a corresponding certificate and 4 years of work experience in the intensive care unit, in this moment I perform the duties of a paramedic in the Military Commissariat Department. The production characteristics are excellent. Now I am recovering for retraining (retraining) to become a paramedic. Can I, without having yet received the appropriate diploma, have a certificate from educational institution(that in a year I will receive such an education) get a contract service in the ranks Russian army for the position of paramedic?

28.1. Yulia, if they sign a contract with you, then you can.

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29. Now my husband works at an ambulance station as a paramedic in the resuscitation team. But him work activity It developed as follows: work in the intensive care unit, then military service, then work in the ambulance, then transfer to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then again transfer to the ambulance station. In total, the total work experience is 29 years and 5 months. Please tell me whether he has the right to a preferential pension as a medical worker upon reaching 30 years of service? Thank you in advance. Olga.

Not really

29.3. In order for your husband to be granted an early pension, he must have 30 years of medical experience.
Sincerely, Shmelev K.E., t.8 967 173 49 77

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29.4. To answer this question, the following data is needed: about the area in which the spouse worked (rural doctors go on a preferential pension at 25 years old, urban doctors at 30 years old); what medical jobs he worked in (there is a list of preferential jobs); worked full-time or part-time in medical work (full-time working hours are required for a preferential pension). All this data is confirmed by the work book, certificates from the place of work, documents on payroll, etc. documents. Medical experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also included in the preferential length of service.

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30. After graduating from medical school in 1989, he got a job in a rural hospital. From this hospital he was called up for military service and returned there after the army; for 2 years (1989-1991) he served in the army as a medical assistant in a military unit in a rural area. According to current legislation, a health worker who has worked in rural areas for 25 years has the right to early retirement. Question: Is military service included in the medical experience of a health worker who has worked in rural areas? Thanks in advance. Komi Republic.

30.1. Alexander, good evening! Employees of healthcare institutions have various pension benefits in terms of early retirement. Before reaching the generally established retirement age (60 years for men and 55 years for women), an old-age labor pension is assigned for long work experience in healthcare institutions (30 years in the city, 25 years in rural areas), as well as when performing work with special working conditions – according to List No. 1 (harmful working conditions), according to List No. 2 (difficult working conditions).
A pension according to List No. 1 is established for men upon reaching 50 years of age and for women upon reaching 45 years of age, if they have worked for at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months in jobs with hazardous working conditions and have an insurance period of at least 20 and 15 years, respectively. According to List No. 2, a pension is assigned to men upon reaching 55 years of age and women upon reaching 50 years of age if they have worked in jobs with difficult working conditions for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years and have an insurance period of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively. In the media It was once heard that a draft law was being prepared on deferment from military service until completion of studies at any educational institution.

I came across the archives of military paramedic Vladimir Georgievich Snyatkov.
And using scattered documents I tried to trace the life of this man.

From the award sheet that I found on the website Feat of the people , it became known that Snyatkov V.G. was drafted by the Primorsky RVK of Leningrad on August 22, 1941 and took part in the battles on the Leningrad Front.
January 16, 1942 Sergeant Snyatkov V.G. was injured. Diagnosis: blind shrapnel wound of soft tissue of the lower third of the right leg.

After being wounded, Vladimir Georgievich entered the Leningrad Military Medical School named after N.A. Shchors (which was evacuated to Omsk in August 1941), which he graduated on February 17, 1944 with 1st category. All grades are excellent, only for physical training - good (due to injury).

After graduating from the Leningrad Military Medical School, he was assigned to the 4th Separate Medical and Sanitary Battalion, which was part of 32 Upper Dnieper Red Banner Division.

The photograph shows the personnel of the 4th Separate Medical and Sanitary Battalion, July 1944, near the village of Petrygi ( Smolensk region). Ensign Snyatkov V.G. in the top row on the right.

Top row from left to right - senior officer m/s Demiman(?), senior officer m/s Borshchev, senior officer m/s Romanov, junior officer m/s Snyatkov V.G.

Bottom row from left to right - cap.m/s Slavin Moisei Abramovich, m/s Dubinin Dmitry Filippovich, cap.m/s(?) Vovk, officer m/s Kolyaskina Maria Mikhailovna (the photo is overexposed in this place).

After the war, medical service lieutenant V.G. Snyatkov. served in military unit 29209 (topographic and geodetic detachment) in the regions Far North on the Chukotka Peninsula

Interesting information - Lieutenant m/sl Snyatkov V.G. while carrying out a task while crossing a mountain river, he stained his identity card, as a result of which the photograph came off and was lost. I wonder where they could ask for such a certificate?

After Chukotka Snyatkov V.G. serves in military unit 06014, in the Chita region, railway crossing No. 76. It’s difficult to serve there, and I wanted to transfer or quit. But V.G. Snyatkov was not fired. They weren’t allowed to go into the reserves or go to school.

I still saw those times when, for example, from the navy, people were fired for only two reasons - cadaveric spots or uterine prolapse.

Apparently out of despair he wrote a letter to the deputy Supreme Council USSR to Marshal Soviet Union Comrade Malinovsky. The authorities were alarmed and scared!

Snyatkov V.G. serves as a senior paramedic of the Medical Department of the Higher Attestation Academy (?), where he received a service reference for admission to the academy. I thought that we were talking about the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy.

But for some reason Snyatkov V.G. ended up at the Leningrad Military Academy of Communications. Where he received a medal for impeccable service, 2nd degree.

And now at the Military Academy of Communications Snyatkov V.G. receives another rank - captain, but for some reason his military specialty is not medical. Apparently, there were no captain positions in the medical service in the VAS.

Today we will talk about how the system of military medical care of the Red Army was structured during the years

During the four years of war, military doctors returned more than 17 million wounded and sick to duty. To imagine the scale of this feat, it is enough to say that the average strength of the Red Army in 1941-1945 was about 5 million people, which means that, thanks to the efforts of military medicine, three Red Armies returned to the troops! These efforts did not go unnoticed: during the war years, 44 medical workers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and 285 doctors were awarded the Order of Lenin. And in total during the Great Patriotic War Over 115 thousand employees of the military medical care system of the Red Army, which was quite complex in its structure, were awarded orders and medals.

Nurses prepare a wounded man for a blood transfusion in a mobile field hospital


Help, sister!

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the system of field medical care of the Red Army had undergone several transformations, determined by the experience of those wars and military conflicts that it fought after the end. For example, the same medical battalion, or medical battalion, appeared only in 1935, replacing the three detachments of different medical profiles that existed in the divisions. Or, for example, mobile divisional hospitals - they did not exist during the conflict on, they appeared during.

In fact, the entire medical care system of the Red Army during the war can be divided into four elements: the primary medical base in units and formations, the hospital base of the army rear, the hospital base of the front rear and the hospital base of the country's rear. And the medical battalions, like the sanitary instructors, belonged to the primary medical base. But primary does not mean helpless! As the best military doctors have repeatedly noted, it was these units that had the main task of the Red Army medical service - sorting the wounded coming from the battlefield and providing them with first aid.


The wounded Red Army soldier received the very first aid from the soldiers of the medical department. There were five of them out of eight dozen soldiers and officers of an ordinary rifle company. Initially, the staff of the medical department relied on only one pistol, which was used by the squad commander, usually with the rank of sergeant. Only during the war did all orderlies and nurses (the share of women in this level of the medical service was 40%) receive personal weapons.

But the medical department could provide only the most necessary and simple first aid to wounded comrades, since the only medical equipment at its disposal was the bags of the medical instructor (also the squad commander) and orderlies, more often than not, nurses. However, nothing more was required from the company medics: their main task was to organize the evacuation of the wounded. Having discovered wounded soldiers, the Red Army soldiers of the medical company were obliged to assess the type of injury and the degree of its severity, provide first aid and pull them from the front line to the rear of the company, where, according to the regulations, the so-called “nests of the wounded” were to be prepared. And after this, the medical department had to call porters and ambulance transport so that the wounded would be transported to the battalion medical center as quickly as possible.


The responsibilities of the battalion's medical platoon, which consisted of seven soldiers - three medical instructors and four orderlies - under the command of a military paramedic officer, were approximately the same. Their medical equipment was wider than that of the medical department, but not by much, since the task remained the same: as quickly as possible to send the wounded to the nearest rear, where they could provide him with first aid. And this was done by the regimental medical station (RPM), which was deployed at a distance of two to five kilometers from the forward medical company of the regiment. There were already real doctors here - four officers (including the senior regiment doctor), as well as eleven paramedics and four dozen medical instructors and orderlies.

We are being taken to the medical battalion...

It was at the regimental medical posts that the primary sorting of the wounded took place according to the severity of the wounds and their type. The further path of the Red Army soldiers and officers who ended up here depended on this. Those who received the lightest wounds did not have to go even deeper to the rear; they received first aid and returned to their units. Those who required qualified medical care, most often surgical, had to travel further, to the same medical battalion - the last and most probably the main link of the primary medical base of the Red Army.

Personnel of a military ambulance train load the wounded for transport to rear evacuation hospitals, 1945


It was no coincidence that the medical battalions were called the “main surgical”: it was here, in the divisional rear (and the regular medical battalion was part of the division), at the divisional medical station, that the wounded received qualified surgical care. According to post-war general data, almost three-quarters of all wounded were operated on at divisional medical posts!

However, the doctors of the medical battalion did not always have the opportunity to operate in the field. Often during an offensive, in which sanitary losses are always higher, only every sixth or seventh wounded of those who needed urgent surgical care was brought to the table. And the rest had to be sent further at the first opportunity, to the army rear, where mobile surgical field hospitals operated. And here, at the divisional medical post, 6-10 kilometers from the front line, only those who received minor injuries requiring hospital treatment within 10-12 days were detained for a short time. Such fighters ended up in teams of recovering lightly wounded people formed at each medical battalion, each of which numbered up to 100 people, and within half a month they returned to their units.

Evacuation of the wounded using a specially modified U-2 aircraft


The special role of regimental medical posts and divisional medical battalions in the medical care system of the Red Army is also evidenced by the following fact: the effectiveness and organization of the army medical service was assessed by the time that passed from the moment of injury until the wounded person was admitted to the first aid station and to the medical battalion. In the first, the fighter was required to be delivered no later than six hours after being wounded, and in the second - within twelve hours. Within this time frame, all the wounded, without exception, had to reach the regimental and divisional doctors, and if this did not happen, then this was considered evidence of shortcomings in the system of organizing medical care on the battlefield. In general, military doctors believed that the best prognosis was provided by assistance provided to a wounded person in a medical battalion within six to eight hours after injury.

... And further to the rear

But the medical battalion was not and could not be a real hospital: its tasks did not include treating the wounded - only qualified assistance to them and triage, on which it depended on which hospital the soldiers would end up in in the end. And there could be many options here: if the doctors of the medical battalions had to deal with all types of injuries and diseases, then hospital care was provided according to medical specialization. And this was clearly manifested already at the second - army stage of the Red Army medical care system, that is, in field mobile hospitals.

A medical instructor of the medical department of a rifle company bandages a wounded soldier

For four long years, doctors, nurses, paramedics and medical instructors worked for days, often without sleep or food, to save as many people as possible. Risking their lives, they carried the wounded out from under fire; died, shielding other soldiers. Therefore, the stories discussed here are only a drop in the ocean of the daily, hourly feat of medical workers accomplished during the war.

Mikhailov Fedor Mikhailovich (May 30, 1898 - August 5, 1942)

Fyodor Mikhailov did not manage to be anything before the Great Patriotic War - as a farm laborer, as a cabin boy, as a deputy in the Kronstadt Soviet, and as a soldier during Civil War, and a radiologist, and the chief physician of the maternity hospital.

In 1941, he found himself surrounded, tried to cross the front line, but was unable to get over to the Soviet troops, so he returned to the city of Slavuta, where he had worked before, headed the regional hospital there and organized an underground organization to fight the fascists. The underground spread news about the progress of the fighting among the local population, printed leaflets, and organized sabotage. Wounded Soviet soldiers were hiding and being treated in the hospital.

Mikhailov was arrested in July 1942, following a denunciation. The doctor was interrogated for a long time, demanding to hand over the remaining participants in the anti-fascist resistance, but he remained steadfastly silent. Fyodor Mikhailovich was executed on the territory of his hospital. For his courage and heroism, he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Buyko Petr Mikhailovich (October 19, 1895 - October 15, 1943)

Pyotr Buiko began to master the profession of a doctor back in the First World War - he was a military paramedic at the front. In 1922 he graduated from Kiev medical school, by 1938 he was already a professor.

When the war began, he immediately volunteered and worked as a surgeon. After being seriously wounded, he was captured by the Germans, but released during a prisoner-of-war riot. Having recovered, he began working in the regional hospital in the city of Fastov, which by that time was occupied by enemies. Pretending to collaborate with the Nazis, he sabotaged the sending of people to forced labor in Germany, treated partisans, supplied them with medicine, and participated in underground work.

In June 1943, his activities were discovered, but Buiko, along with a group of other doctors, managed to escape, taking medicine and instruments from the hospital. By joining partisan detachment, he continued to treat the wounded, often making his way into villages if information came that someone needed medical help somewhere.

Pyotr Mikhailovich was arrested on October 13, severely tortured, trying to obtain information about the partisans and their contacts. The doctor was silent. Peasants from the village of Yaroshevka, where Buiko was kept, tried to organize his escape, but he refused, realizing that the Germans would carry out reprisals for this. The doctor and several other captured partisans were doused with gasoline and burned a day after their arrest.

Uspensky Vasily Vasilievich (December 20, 1881 - August 21, 1952)

As if striving to live in accordance with his surname, Vasily Uspensky managed to do a lot in his life. Having not yet formally completed his medical education, he had already visited Persia, where he fought an epidemic of cholera and typhoid, and Paris, where he worked at the Pasteur Institute. One of the first in the country, back in the early 20s, began to practice blood transfusions; operated on the heart and brain, performed oncological operations. He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1935 even without defending a dissertation.

He could not become a military doctor and save soldiers on the battlefield when the war began - back in 1937 he lost his leg due to an accident. But this could not stop the active doctor. Until November 1943, he was the chief physician at the regional hospital in the city of Kashin. Then he returned to Kalinin, where he had to leave due to the occupation, and again began to manage his surgical department. True, at first the hospital itself had to be restored almost from scratch - the Germans destroyed it, destroyed the entire medical library, and valuable surgical material.

But this was not enough for the doctor. In parallel with his main work, he organized and headed a children's hospital. More than three thousand sick, wounded, and crippled children, whom the partisans had taken from the German rear, were saved there. The work of the Russian doctor was known even abroad - representatives of the American Red Cross came to the Uspensky Children's Hospital, and the wife of the British Prime Minister Clementine Churchill spoke about it on the radio.

In 1944, Vasily Uspensky was awarded the title of Honored Doctor of the RSFSR and awarded the Order of Lenin.

Georgy Fedorovich Sinyakov (April 6, 1903 - February 7, 1978)

Having gone to the front on the second day of the war, surgeon Georgy Sinyakov was captured during the battles for Kyiv - he provided medical assistance to the surrounded soldiers until the last, and then it was too late to retreat.

Ended up in a concentration camp in Koustrin, Poland. Here he showed the Germans what a Russian man was capable of - exhausted, hungry, Sinyakov performed a complex, hours-long operation, standing barefoot on the cold ground. Even the Germans themselves began to secretly turn to the doctor for medical help.

Using his position, he saved many prisoners by faking their deaths. The surgeon announced that his patient had died; he was thrown into a ditch with other bodies, from where the soldier was already moving to his own. Among those who fled from the camp in this way was the pilot Anna Egorova, whom Sinyakov was leaving after being seriously wounded and then declared dead.

When a Jewish young man came to see him, the doctor hid his documents, called the patient a Russian name, cured him, and then imitated a sudden infection, from which the soldier “died.” After the war, Ilya Ehrenburg wrote to his savior that he replaced him as a father, brother and friend in the most terrible days.

When the Nazis abandoned the concentration camp due to the approach of Russian troops and wanted to shoot all the remaining prisoners, it was Georgy Fedorovich who managed to convince them not to do this. The doctor did not receive the title of hero because he was captured and collaborated with the Germans, but this does not detract from his work or the value of the lives he saved.

Ermolyeva Zinaida Vissarionovna (October 24, 1898 - December 2, 1974)

Fate battle of Stalingrad was largely determined by Zinaida Ermolyeva, the woman who stopped the cholera epidemic among Soviet soldiers. Reports that cholera had broken out in German units near Stalingrad began to arrive in the summer of 1942. The disease could easily have affected both our troops and the evacuated residents, and through them spread to other regions of the country. There was no way this could be allowed to happen, so a recognized expert on cholera, professor-microbiologist Zinaida Ermolyeva, was urgently sent to Stalingrad.

The bacteriophage she brought was not enough, and an additional batch of medicine could not be delivered to the combat zone. Then Zinaida Vissarionovna set up a laboratory for its production right in the besieged city - in one of the basements. She and her assistants vaccinated soldiers and civilians, serving thousands of people a day, went around houses looking for sick people, carried out sanitation work, took water samples, and examined people at evacuation centers. All this time, the professor remained in Stalingrad, around which the ring of encirclement was closing more and more tightly.

By the end of 1942, thanks to Ermolyeva’s efforts, the threat of the epidemic had passed, which she reported to Stalin. Only after this did the offensive begin Soviet troops, which ended in victory, turning the tide of the entire war.

For her invaluable contribution to the success of the decisive battle, Zinaida Vissarionovna was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Stalin Prize. The professor donated all the money she received to build a fighter plane.