Financial institution passing scores. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (FA). Faculty of Economic Security and Risk Analysis

I exist - I am a student who, by the time I was 21, had already tasted 5 universities. You will say that I am crazy, why not settle down in one educational institution and graduate from it? I am a rebel by nature, my character is very complex. I'm simply not able to adapt to something I don't like. Now I’ll tell you about each university, what prompted me to leave it and how things are everywhere.
She graduated from school at the age of 17. I was always an excellent student and didn’t consider the Unified State Exam a big problem. I studied in a very strong gymnasium, so humanities subjects were always held in high esteem and I studied with a special bias.
I decided to take 5 subjects: Russian language, mathematics, German, social studies, history.
I gravitated towards both economics and jurisprudence. Therefore, I immediately set myself a goal - to survive at any cost in two universities at once (one in absentia, of course).
Since I have always been an active Olympiad participant, everything Unified State Exam results, with the exception of Russian and German, were equal to 100 points (and I didn’t pass very well, society 86, history 92, mathematics 80).
I managed to pass Russian at 95, German at 90.
There was only one small thing left to do: choose universities and decide which specialty to study full-time and which to study in absentia.
I ...
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I visited a bunch of preschool educational institutions, so I had an idea about universities. Plus I talked to students, the picture more or less emerged. And what do you think I chose? Yes. I chose the standard list of universities for a student: Moscow State University, MGIMO, St. Petersburg State University, Higher School of Economics and RANEPA. Plus for extramural studies: RUDN University and Moscow State Law Academy.
I decided to go to the correspondence course as a lawyer)
It seems, like any person who visited St. Petersburg, I squeaked that I wanted to study there, but I didn’t even imagine what kind of hell it would be. But more on that later. At first, MSU finally bribed me with its status! And so, I, a student at the Higher School of Civil Engineering, am trying to combine two higher educations. Oh yes, I went to Moscow State Law Academy for extramural studies.
And then the f***ing began.
1. MSU is not cool at all. Lectures, lectures, lectures, lectures. The students are some idiots. Apart from studying, no one talks to anyone about anything. With all this, I came across a terrible hostel, where I literally lived in Spartan conditions. If we compare it with the photographs published, it seems, a few posts below (Gorny was there), then in this Gorny I wouldn’t spare 30 thousand a month to live like them. I had some kind of terrible mattress, as if there were stones in it, a room for 6 people (and I lived with foreigners, we had such “fun”). And within the first month I was so fed up with studying at this stupid university that I came up with an escape plan. But first I’ll tell you more about my studies and teachers.
First, they take bribes here. MSU is not an honest university at all. I will say more, I myself gave a bribe. Not all, but there are such teachers!
The second is a standard day for a GSHA student: woke up - went to the university - the most boring seminars, lectures - the most depressing teacher faces - your boring nerdy fellow students - you go home - you chew the material - it’s already night. Funny? I'm a student, I want to have fun! At least sometimes! Then there was another funny situation at the session. I studied for B grades and then they slapped me with a C grade. Although I passed with a 4 and nothing else. F*ck, I sat there crying to the dean. We went to the teacher together - well, I never gave a 4. But I really answered no lower than 4!!! I freaked out, finished my studies until the end of the year and ran to the highly praised GSOM St. Petersburg State University for management.
Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University are heaven and earth, just like Moscow and St. Petersburg.
It’s very cool to study at St. Petersburg State University! But living in St. Petersburg is not very good for an unadapted person.
They didn’t give me a dorm at VUNK, so I lived in PUNK. If now everyone studies at the estate in Peterhof, then PUNK is located about 15 minutes away. Where was my building? Yes. In another estate. In another city (directly, in the center of St. Petersburg, and not in Peterhof).
First, you have to ride for an hour to the nearest metro station in a smelly, overloaded bus. Then it takes another 30 minutes to get to Vaska. From Vaska it’s still a walk to GSOM. An hour and a half - I was still praying to get it done so quickly. But I know that now it’s even worse for VSM students, since city students have to get to new estate even longer.
Therefore, our studies began at 10. And ended at 8. Even on Saturdays. And I still whined about MSU?
About the state of the dorms: well, here I came across a paradise. Firstly, Peterhof is very quiet and very beautiful, and almost all St. Petersburg State University students live in Punk, so there is a very friendly atmosphere there and everyone becomes really good friends. The rooms have just been renovated, all the furniture is new, and there are rooms for two.
But the main drawback of St. Petersburg State University is the fucking location of the humanities faculties. Almost all humanities faculties are located on Vaska, and students live in Peterhof, although there are also dorms on Vaska! But they are for the elite.
Bitch, but studying here was absolute hell! Of course, it’s interesting here, the teachers make you fall in love with them and most importantly - there are no bribes! And no one even dares to mention it.
Where do we go in our free time? To the promenade along Nevsky and to the Mariinsky Theater. I know that not all St. Petersburg residents are like this, but GSOM students constantly go somewhere to cultural places (I’m closer to padik, oh the front door, honestly).
basically, if we put aside the facts that it’s a very long way to get there, study all day in the literal sense of the word, and even the students pretend to be under-intellectuals, and also the terrible wind (by the way, I lived in Pitet for a year, and there was almost no rain - so these stereotypes are a bluff), then overall everything was bad.
It’s really interesting to study, it’s especially cool that Putin drops by, that the classes are taught by the Minister of Transport, and your director is the President of VTB. That is, such people are like our slaves))) like “Minister of Transport, let’s have some tea.” "Bon appetit, Minister of Transport."
Well, due to the hefty tuition fees (about 500 thousand), the state of GSOM, of course, is impeccable. Especially the new campus, yes.
Well, if I still somehow survived the first semester, then by the session the shit had already begun, when three skins were torn from us, when it hurt your eyes to teach, teach and teach, in the second semester I realized that there to survive, you need to either be fucking motivated, that in the 3rd or 4th year you will go study abroad, or that after GSOM you will definitely become a millionaire, or just be a complete nerd, but I was not inspired by either, neither second nor third. And when I was already dying and crying into my mother’s phone, which was very difficult (don’t forget, I still have a correspondence course!), my mother simply told me to pick up the documents. By the way, cool crap, it’s customary here (in all of St. Petersburg, but as I later realized, in all of Russia) to call GSOM students “elite.” Well, yes, probably only a select few will get along there.
I transferred to HSE. Oh, absolutely everything there infuriated me. Starting from creepy dorms, ending with the fact that it’s fucking boring there. And bribery at HSE is thriving at a good level. But having bought a session, I successfully transferred to Finashka after the first session and here I stayed. More information about HSE:
Studying is easy compared to the two previous universities.
Dorms cal.
Teachers - cal. Boring.
Students - cal. By the way, those who studied with me all said that they were not interested in studying here.
University status? You can't even feel it here. But after Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University, I was a little overzealous.
Exams are expensive. Not relevant. But I was too lazy to teach myself (I delved deeper into jurisprudence), so it was not difficult to find a peasant who managed all the bribes and took them to the teachers.
I got the feeling that all HSE students have cerebral palsy. Somewhat slow and twitchy.
I ran away to FU. And then everything suited me. Finally!!! The hostels are good. Close to school. They don't load. Easy to learn. There are bribes, but few will be able to give them to anyone. The teachers are boring, but they are a good team, and most importantly, they are kind and understanding. No one here imagined that they were studying God knows where. Well, because Finishka is not such a prestigious university when compared with MGIMO, St. Petersburg State University, and Moscow State University. And then I finally decided to stay.
Friends, go to the Federal University under the Government of the Russian Federation if you don’t want to stress too much, but at the same time want to get a high-quality education. Oh yes, I studied in absentia at a very good university, Moscow State Law Academy, and I still study.

Let's summarize.
1. Difficulty of training: 1-GSOM SPbSU, 2-GSGA MSU, 3-HSE, 4-FU.
2. Quality of dormitories: 1-SPBSU, 2-FU, 3-MSU, 4-HSE.
3. Interestingness of training: 1-SPBSU, 2-FU, 3-MSU, 4-HSE
4. Quality of education: 1-St. Petersburg State University, 2-MSU, 3-HSE, 4-FU
5. Free time: 1-FU, 2-HSE, 3-MSU, 4-SPBSU
Peace for everyone!!!

I am studying economics at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

I immediately note that the review will be negative, so if you are from the galaxy of “Finashka is the best university, co-co-co,” then you can stupidly not read and do not waste time insulting me and my arguments in the comments, especially if there is evidence I'm not wrong.

Let me start by saying that everyone
it seems as if the Financial University is such a cool university, because it is under the Government and blah blah blah. In fact, it’s not even difficult to enroll here, especially if you’re not studying economics, but studying State Medical University or management.
The passing scores are very average, there are many budget places, so if you have 240-250, then most likely you will get in. For comparison, to get into other prestigious universities, such as HSE, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO, HSE St. Petersburg, you need to score an order of magnitude more points.
We are the level of RANEPA, VAVT, REU and St. Petersburg State Economic University, that is, the second echelon of the cooler universities mentioned above. And I think such a place is justified, since the level of education here is lower, and at the same time higher, than in a number of other universities such as RGSU, RTA or State University of Medicine.
So I consider this position between cool, top universities and strong average universities to be fair.

I won’t rant too much, I’ll just list the main ones ...
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pros and cons of training.
Among the advantages, we can highlight a rich extracurricular life, a prestigious diploma, very easy training (I graduated from the lyceum, the workload there was 50 times higher), a good team, a good hostel, several excellent teachers (but 80% - ahem, horror).

Cons: just these 80% of weak teachers, frankly speaking, the teaching staff is WEAK, their requirements for students are ZERO, it is clear that many do not know their subject very well and it is not clear how they defended their candidate’s thesis. There are just young girls with round eyes who JUST READ EVERYTHING FROM THE SHEET, without even taking their eyes off it, in practical classes. They can't explain ANYTHING, especially when it comes to solving problems.
Over the years of study, I have not increased my knowledge regarding school course economics and economics in preparation for the Unified State Exam. I really like Professor Yudanov and his books - I have to educate myself.
Another disadvantage is that the university does not help with job placement, as far as I heard from graduates. Everyone then goes on to graduate school at ANOTHER university.
Minus: English is VERY weak, well, really, they teach everything that everyone should have learned at school.

In general, neither the learning process, nor the knowledge gained, nor the teaching staff can save us from giving this university at least a three. In my opinion, a university is not capable of giving anything other than a diploma, even if you are ready to receive something from it and are open to education. Two.

Hate towards the university post. If it can even be called a university. So here it is. I will share my opinion about the Faculty of Public Administration and Financial Control of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2015, I entered the Faculty of State Financial Control at the Federal University. On September 1, it became clear that we were being merged with the State Medical University, but the direction of the economy remains the same. Well, ok, it’s cool, but the dean is Golikova. Well, our dean appeared at the university once a year, giving a lecture. This is where our communication with her ended. Well, that's nothing yet.

Do you know what we did at the seminars? We watched the presentations! Accordingly, there is no knowledge. For one person stupidly reads from a piece of paper, and the rest are sleeping/sitting on VK/busy with their own affairs. It’s also good if it’s not the first time a person sees the text and understands what he’s talking about. Teachers are generally violet. As a result, the entire session was successfully written off, both winter and summer. They watched us only in higher mathematics, but the guys managed to cheat with an earphone here too. As for microeconomics, as a core subject, my knowledge on it tended to 0. I did not know what an indifference curve and a budget constraint were. For the test = 94/100 points. For the exam 96/100. Never ...
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I opened the textbook and didn’t prepare at all. With NG I started learning everything myself, took a problem book and asked our seminarian to help. To which I received an answer - open the manual and look. And since it’s not there, then this is an Olympic level and I can’t help.
Do you know what we did during the introduction to the specialty? We studied the history of the Financial University. I'm still sick of hearing stories about how we study at the best university....
I didn’t remember any other subjects other than presentations.

Do you know how they write abstracts at the best economics university? They stupidly download from the Internet and the norms. Everyone is doing great.

And yes, paid articles. Write an article, pay for its publication and get maximum certification! Publication costs 130-180 rubles/page. As a result, compilation thrives. And these articles are of no use. For details write to PM.

According to my data, not a single person was expelled for poor academic performance. This is the norm for the best university.

And when the dean’s office found out that I wanted to transfer to another university, demands began to be made to expel of my own free will. Or they will expel me for lack of attendance. Like I didn’t go to university in September. What's the point if I transfer? Moreover, I was told that I did not have the right to transfer, since transfers are only allowed in the summer. Thank you very much to the host university for their assistance in this situation.

FU is a bureaucratic, faceless machine that will grind your student offspring and spit them out if, God forbid, he does not fulfill some formal requirements. For example, attendance. For 10 pairs of passes, they are reprimanded. The third reprimand is expulsion. We got into this situation last year. Our student studied for three years on a commercial basis, had no debts, passed the sessions, moved from course to course, and at the end of the 3rd year during the session - the dean announced to him - we are expelling you right in the middle of the session - you have a 3rd reprimand for year. In fact, he received his first reprimand in the 1st semester for 10 pairs of absences, the second - for not passing the intermediate assessment in the first semester (rating in the middle of the semester - he did not get points), and by the end of the second semester he had accumulated another 10 pairs of absences. But what are 10 pairs of passes? This is 3 working days. What is a failed mid-semester assessment? These are uncollected rating points that have already been collected a long time ago, because The 1st semester is closed, all tests and exams have been passed. Thus, it turns out that in 3 years we gave almost a million rubles to the financial institution. for training on a commercial basis. And we are not oligarchs, we are all in loans and debts to pay for this education. And our student, to ...
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who had no debts, consistently moved from course to course, did not drink, did not smoke, did not fight, was expelled for missing 6 days in a YEAR??? Moreover, they did this in the middle of the session; they did not allow him to complete some of the exams purely mechanically, so he did not complete the 3rd year. Well, what is this called??? How can one justify such a disregard for the fate of a person??? And I don’t need to talk about internal rules, absenteeism and responsibility here. I myself am an employee high school , an associate professor at the university, and, frankly, I couldn’t find anything to “unscrew the head” of this unfortunate expulsion for, because I can’t blame him for 6 days of absenteeism in a year. Well, I overslept a couple of times, well, I was sick a couple of times, in Moscow you don’t rush to the clinic, sit in lines there if you feel bad. And, most importantly, to help, to at least think about helping - none of the management even bothered. Dean: “It doesn’t depend on me. Yes, yes, it’s a pity, but I can’t do anything, I’m sending a draft order to the rector, now the rector will decide everything.” Deputy dean: “Of course, expelling, there’s nothing to even talk about this truant.” Rector: “I won’t meet with him. He skipped classes - and so everything is clear with him.” Some supposed Student Council considered this issue in absentia and approved the decision to expel. And now I think - my God, if we knew in advance that this is not a university with a normal human approach, where every student is taken care of, where both the student and his parents are respected, would we have gone to enroll there? For what? We could enroll in absolutely any university, from Moscow State University to Synergy. What kind of rector is this who doesn’t consider it necessary to meet with students when problems arise? What more important things does he have there than to listen and help solve his student’s problems? This means that there was time to take our million from the university, but the rector does not have time to listen and objectively assess the situation and help the student. What kind of Student Council is this that condemns its brothers to expulsion in absentia? And what kind of dean is this who “can’t do anything” except expel a student who has no debt for 6 missed days in a year? Those. There is zero logic in what is happening. And the worst thing is that the only thing that can be done after expulsion is to be reinstated at the same university with a rollback by semester, because no other university in the country can reinstate an expelled student. You can only start studying again from the 1st year. Thus, we were forced to pay them double money again and lose a year of training in order to somehow get this higher education. Think for yourself whether your child should enroll in a university, which, having taken the maximum amount of money from you, will spit you out for nothing and will not choke, and will not torture anyone’s conscience, and will not remember you. They will live on your money and be happy, receive salaries and bonuses, be proud that they are so principled, and the fate of your student will actually be broken.

Most faculties in Finashka are divided into areas. At my faculty (FEF) these are: corporate finance, state and municipal finance, business in social sphere, insurance. It would seem so good that you can choose a direction that is interesting to you specifically, BUT NO. Training in the profile starts from the 2nd year, but it is not a fact that you will get into the desired profile. There is a competition for directions (yes, yes, again), and based on your position in the ranking (depending on your points) you can count on one direction or another. The most popular profile among first-year students is “corporate finance,” with the profile “state and municipal finance” not far behind it. "Insurance" consists mainly ...
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I'm one of the people who don't study very well, so I don't recommend it :))
In general, teachers in core subjects are good, but there are teachers who consider their subject, which is not a core subject, to be the most important and necessary (I say hello to R****** (bzhd), M******* (philosophy ) and some others) For the first months, the dean’s office strictly monitored the visits of the first year, then they stopped. I took only one session, everything was quite simple, because... only 3 exams. The summer session at my department consists of 5 exams + a course. I haven’t encountered corruption and haven’t heard from others, so they won’t require you to pay for the exam))
I won’t say that everything is perfect, but so far I don’t regret my choice.

This point will be relevant for nonresidents. The girl at the reception told me with 100% confidence that they would definitely give me a hostel in August (spoiler: they didn’t give me a hostel in August). At the end of August, I had to look for neighbors to rent an apartment together, we paid a realtor, paid for a month, gave a deposit AND THEN a week later they called me and said that there was a place for me (?¿?) Having moved in, I learned from my neighbors that No one lived here in the summer before me, which is quite strange...maybe they were waiting for some kind of reward? The conditions in the hostel are good, 2-3 people live in a room, I live in a block dorm (there are 2 rooms and a bathroom in a block) Living comfortably

From personal experience I can’t say yet, but my acquaintances from the 2nd-3rd year are getting internships, many are already working from the 3rd year, for example, I have 2 acquaintances, one works at McKinsey, the other at KPMG.
The Student Council often offers excursions to various companies, where you can ask questions to employers.

In general, training in finance is 7/10, a lot of knowledge needs to be gained from self-education (as in other universities), there are often scorers who are ready to break for the opportunity to take a presentation (because of this, conflicts arise in the group), training takes place in a comfortable conditions - buildings, canteen are normal.
I hope my review will help some applicant make a choice) Good luck with your application!

I don’t understand why people are swearing in the comments. Apparently I didn’t want to make any effort during my studies, but now I feel like I’ve wasted time and there’s no result. I will stand up for my university
1. The transition to bachelor’s degrees has actually happened everywhere; everywhere these changes in programs and the university have nothing to do with it. These are reforms from above, study them before swearing that you are “somehow taught wrong”
2. FEF Faculty - it was logical that one day it would appear. Naturally, at first, any department settles on the composition of teachers, the manner of presenting material, looks at what is best, and develops some internal standards. So the first graduates may not have been very savvy. But now everything is definitely fine. A friend of mine studied there - now works in a bank, plans to open her own business, she’s happy
3. Presentations - pfft... not an argument at all! It feels like the review was written to order. We also did presentations at school. Technologies have advanced, now even many professions are changing, and presentation skills will not be superfluous. You can learn to formulate your thoughts correctly into theses, and speak in public, and study the given topic more widely
4. Written exams- I think it’s correct ...
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100% decision. I wouldn’t like to sit and talk with the teacher, it’s extra stress. They’ll ask you more unnecessary questions, you’ll get worried, you’ll get confused. And so the task was clearly set for you, you were given a ticket - that’s it. You sit quietly, write, decide.
5. The point-rating system is a beauty! Prepared - good mark received, your rating has been increased. I went to all the lectures/seminars and got another promotion. There is nothing simpler than this system. It also helps in exams - they can add points, and it improves the relationship with the teacher.

PS I won’t even describe the remaining points. I will say one thing - not for everyone, but overall I’m happy with the university. I miss this time! All the best and objectivity

Student at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Sounds cool, right? But in reality, this is just a facade, under which there is an average education, pathos and show-off. Graduated from the first year of the Faculty of International Economic Relations. I hoped that since only Olympiad winners get into the faculty, I certainly wouldn’t make a mistake. I made a mistake. I forgot about a bunch of stupid payers who can’t do anything and don’t know anything, who got 190 for 4 Unified State Examinations and whom I can’t expel. Yes, you heard right. They cannot be expelled. If you do not pass the exam with the commission, then you are not expelled, but transferred to “individual” syllabus- only 60 k for one item. In fact, nothing changes, you just get an unlimited number of attempts to pass the exam, but one is enough for everyone. Magic. Perhaps my expectations are too high. But then you go to a university with a 95-year history, with the Minister of Finance as a dean, and the average salary of graduates is 90 thousand. But it's not like that. There are smart teachers, or rather, all teachers smart people. Only they really try to teach - only a few, mostly those on which you have an exam. Where the test is, don’t flatter yourself, you can pick your nose and get a machine gun, just be a little smarter ...
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e the rest of the masses, and as you understand, the rest of the masses are not the most literate guys.
I repeat once again - there are no stupid teachers, all are experts in their fields and are well informed about the latest trends in their subjects. But the majority simply do not know how to teach: at lectures you will listen to copy-paste from the textbook, and at seminars you will listen to the presentations of your classmates. And everyone is so fed up with this that jokes about presentations are decals Finishes.
And last but not least, the language base here is disgusting. The bulk are yesterday's graduates of pedagogical universities, who will remind you of the glorious school lessons with memorizing the rules of grammar and line-by-line translation of the text.
You don’t have to attend lectures; you won’t receive punishment from the dean’s office for this. The dean’s office is generally the kind of guy who helps resolve issues. Problems with the student - the dean's office will try to resolve the conflict, and not rabidly make you look guilty.
You are lucky, you are at MEO/MFF/GMU - you are at Leningradka 51, in the newest and most pretentious building.
You're out of luck, you're on Shcherbakovskaya or Kibalchich. Google jokes about chips in Overheard FU.
The university conducts one hundred thousand million lectures and seminars with professionals in finance and business and even with Nobel laureates. But no one goes there because it’s boring. They are trying to force us in, but we are, after all, in a liberal university, so it’s your right to follow us or not.
In general, this university loves scope, if it’s the first of September, then in Crocus, if there’s a lecture, then Nobel laureate, if a gift for the finalists of a local beauty contest is a trip to Spain.
And here's the summary:
If you are not a fool, you know more than average, your parents have at least some connections, you like to party, study little, and generally enjoy student life with an average level of education - then this university is for you.
If you want to get a high-quality education, quoted abroad, and at the same time gain relevant work experience, you are ready to study from morning to evening, and trim your personal life a little. So no, that won't happen here.
And if you are just a fool with a lot of money, then walk by, don’t spoil it general level students' education.

Good day, readers. I would like to tell you about my slightly hated alma mater called “Financial University”. I myself am a 2nd year student. During this time, a certain opinion was formed about the university, about the faculty, about the administration. I’ll start in order: with the faculty and direction, then I’ll move on to buildings, infrastructure, and end with the administration itself.
What can you say about the faculty? Nothing like that. Quite a good building, quite adequate dean's office. Although the cloakroom attendants are rude to everyone. Some girls are called fatties behind their backs, refuse to fulfill their work duties, and because we point out their mistakes to them, they threaten to get us reprimanded. There are 4 in the faculty educational programs: applied mathematics and computer science (PM), applied informatics (PI), business informatics (BI), information security (IS). Honestly, I can’t say anything about PI and IB, because they don’t know people from there, and the guys from these directions themselves are quiet. BI is a simpler topic, but the average scores are almost the highest at the university (slightly more than 81-82 points for 1 subject). What about PM? There are many mathematical disciplines here: ...
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the same linear algebra, there is calculus, complex analysis, discrete mathematics, fuzzy sets and soft computing. An abundance of various kinds of applied mathematical subjects: operations research, optimization methods, actuarial mathematics and statistics, probability theory. There is also programming, but at a very mediocre level (we studied Python, we will study the R language). There are also economic disciplines: macro, micro, mathematical methods risk management, mathematical and instrumental methods for decision support, modeling pricing in financial markets, mathematical methods of financial analysis...and so on.
Here it is worth saying about teaching and about the university itself. With a teacher - depending on your luck. You may come across a very good one, or maybe one that will discourage all desire to learn. Many second ones. This is due to the policy of the university administration itself. Many teachers are fleeing. For example, there was a department of applied mathematics, and the head of the department was a very capable man - Popov. Went to HSE. Oh, it’s worth mentioning the scourge of my university! ABOUT WORK. If the teacher is sick, then you will be assigned WORK, if the curriculum was calculated incorrectly for you, YOU WILL WORK CLASSES. Example: for my year, people from the academic department WRONGLY calculated the number of hours in the semester. It turned out that as a result, we had to start studying on August 25, and not on September 1. And throughout the year we worked through all the pairs that were supposed to be on August 25 and until September 1. Oh yes, you will also have to work off holidays. This concerns not only my department in principle, but the entire university.
Cameras are also installed everywhere in all university buildings. On the one hand, it’s good, but on the other, it’s not. The guys from the main building on Leningradka 49/51 were out of luck. There is such a faculty of FSP. There is a young lady Zurabovna (deputy dean). She keeps a WhatsApp chat with the elders, where she throws photos from CCTV cameras and threatens them with reprimands and expulsions. For example, a person fell asleep during a lecture, then he was called to the dean’s office. I still remember the phrase “Let him come to the dean’s office, I’ll give him a pillow.” And so she photographed each sleeping person.
It’s worth saying a few words about our good-natured rector, who is the chairman of the board of directors of the Moscow Industrial Bank. So get used to it: if Eskindarov issues an order, then he is aimed at obtaining benefits from his bank. Example: Moscow Industrial Bank participates in the social card program. Once you have entered the FU, a card from the Moscow Industrial Bank is immediately issued to you. From a certain point of view, this is even good (no hassle). But just recently an order was issued according to which EVERY FULL-TIME FUTURE STUDENT is required to contact the FU clinic and then undergo a medical examination. Why are we obligated to do this if it contradicts several federal laws? And besides, if a student becomes attached to the FU clinic, then he automatically “gets untied” from his ex. There are quite a lot of nuances, but the essence is precisely around the Moscow Industrial Bank.

Student at this university:
08 November 2015

I entered the university this year, studying at the Faculty of Credit and Economics. However, what I have already managed to understand: 1. You really need to study here. Progress and attendance are monitored, those present even at lectures are noted, homework is regularly checked, there is an intermediate certification between sessions (point system - maximum 20 points per subject for certification). You won’t be able to just sit through most subjects: if you don’t answer, don’t participate in discussions, you don’t earn points. All abstracts and others written works checked for anti-plagiarism. 2. There are not very many pairs, now we study 4 days a week in total, 12-13 pairs per week + 2 physical classes. 3. For physical education, you can choose any section, any day and any time 4. The premises are new (both in the main building and in ours at VDNH), excellent renovation, good equipment and furniture. The same can be said about the sports complex. 5. As for the subjects, mathematics is moderate, but I would like more economics, because too much information is given in one lecture or seminar, and you don’t have time to absorb everything properly. There are a couple of items that, in my opinion, are completely useless. 6. Food: there are many vending machines with food and drinks, a canteen (vro ...
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yes, even two, but I’ve never been to the second one, to be honest). They sell anything you want (fruits, buns, set lunches, chocolates, sushi, etc.), you can pay either in cash or by card. 7. Dormitories: I don’t live there myself, but I know that they are a big problem this year. They were immediately given only to foreigners, beneficiaries and Olympiad participants; the rest are still standing in a huge queue. 8. A lot of people are expelled: for poor academic performance, swearing, absenteeism, fake certificates. 9. Admission: it’s possible to enter my department on a budget. This year they gave 1 point for an essay + 10 for gold medal, which is very good.
I will also add that the university has a huge history, there are many famous people among the teachers and deans (for example, Siluanov and Golikova). A very status and prestigious institution, a large number of successful and famous graduates. It has maintained a high reputation for decades. Provides excellent practice and guarantees employment. If you need real knowledge and good diploma- come here and don’t even doubt it :)

Student at this university:
November 10, 2015

A first-year student in management, I don’t know much about the university yet, but I can already tell you something.
Let's start with admission. You are entering main building on Leningradka and what do you see? That's right, a large banner in front of the entrance (this is important, there are a lot of buildings on Leningradka, it’s quite possible to get lost in them). We entered the building and caught our eye with a table with help and an arrow leading to the auditorium. Compared to RANEPA, it’s not great. There you were led by hand from the entrance to all the counters, then to filling out an application, then you go to the queue. This may not be necessary, but it is helpful. By the way, it is better to fill out the application at home (relevant for all universities where this can be done!).
Dedicated to the first of September in Crocus - it’s gorgeous.
Special attention should be paid to the pre-enrollment list - no nerves during the enrollment process, you clearly know that your name is on the list, you are ranked in a certain place, priorities are taken into account automatically.
I entered with a score of 278, another 10 points were given for an honors certificate (9) and an essay (1). The passing score was 249 points.
I don’t know everything about studying yet, but there are some things I can note. There are hellish seminarians (for us it’s BJD), there are uninteresting lectures (computer science, there in general ...
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unnecessary lectures). And there are teachers who know how to convey the material in a way that interests you and puts the necessary knowledge into your head. It is worth noting that the entire class has problems with mathematics; after all, it is difficult to assimilate information during lectures.
Extracurricular life is in full swing. Especially in management. Because “this is management, baby”) Scientific student. society, asset school, student. council, KVN, choir, vocal studio, dance studio, case club, then purely departmental mafia games, literary club, project management club... There are tons of events, I can’t tell you about everything. There's always something to do.
Separately about physical education. This is a paradise for those who love sports and their types. Sign up for any section (football, boxing, sambo, volleyball, tennis and table tennis, badminton, aerobics and much more) at a convenient time and go. I'm very interested in tennis, for example, although I only held a racket in my hands once before university.
We have already talked about our 20-20-60 rating system. Without the desire to study, this is the only way to fail the session. This is Finashka, you have to study here for the whole semester.
Our dean is wonderful :)
The building on Prospekt Mira is not the most presentable from the outside, but very comfortable and cozy. From next school year The faculty is moving to Dynamo, we'll see what happens there.

Many people strive to obtain an economic and financial education. However for modern universities training of economists and financiers is challenging task. The fact is that a person who has received an education must be more than just a manager or economist. He must be able to manage financial, economic, social and legal processes, solve simple and non-standard problems. Specialists who meet the listed requirements are trained by the Financial University under the Government Russian Federation(address - Leningrad Avenue in the capital of our country, no. 49).

The named educational organization is considered one of the leading in Russia. It has a good teaching staff. The university employs over 1000 teachers, among whom there are many doctors of science and professors. It is important to note that the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation has a developed regional network. Branches offering higher education are located in 18 cities of our country. There are also branch colleges. There are 10 of them.

About the educational institution

A few more years will pass, and the Financial University will celebrate its centenary existence, because it was created in 1919. Over the years of its development and formation, the university has come a long and difficult path. The history of the educational institution began with the creation of a financial and economic institute. There were only 280 people in the first intake.

In subsequent years, the university was closed and later restored as a faculty. He gained independence in 1930. Subsequently, the educational organization changed its name several times, old structural divisions were closed and new ones were created. The Financial University that exists today is a leading financial and economic educational and scientific center.

A modern educational organization consists of divisions. The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation includes faculties in the amount of 13 structural units. It is these departments that organize educational process. Each faculty is worth considering, because all existing structural divisions offer various areas of training and specialties.

Faculty of Economic Security and Risk Analysis

It is not enough to organize some kind of business. It is important that the created company be competitive and have economic stability. To ensure these conditions, appropriate specialists with knowledge in economics, management, and financial engineering are required. Such personnel are produced by the Faculty of Economic Security and Risk Analysis. It was created several years ago by the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The departments of the structural unit offer 2 undergraduate programs - “Economic Security”, “Analysis and Risk Management of the Company” (both programs are included in one direction - “Economics”). Students at the faculty receive a wide range of knowledge in the economic disciplines they study. After completing their studies, they find employment in the financial and credit sector, various enterprises and corporations and are engaged in minimizing risks and ensuring the economic security of operating entities.

Faculty of Financial Control and Public Administration

Public managers are the category of persons on whom the development of the country depends. It is very important that future officials can correctly influence the course of history and make the right decisions. This is why education plays an important role. Without the appropriate knowledge, you can harm the country and the people living in it. The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation has taken care of the training of government managers. He created the Faculty of Financial Control and Public Administration in 2015.

This structural subdivision implements 2 programs at the first stage of higher education. In “Economics” it offers applicants “State Financial Control”. The second program is “Municipal and State Administration”. The faculty produces highly qualified personnel who have good theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and can work as officials in state and municipal bodies and organizations.

Faculty of Economic International Relations

It is impossible to imagine the development of countries without international connections. Russian companies establish contacts with international organizations, our country's banks conduct operations in the field of currency relations and global finance. In connection with the development of international cooperation, the training of qualified personnel becomes relevant. It is handled by the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation ( state university) represented by the Faculty of Economic International Relations.

The structural department offers several economic profiles related to:

  • international business of energy organizations;
  • international business and global economy;
  • global finance.

The Faculty of Economic International Relations opens up a lot of opportunities for its students. Firstly, students are offered double degree programs. Successful completion of them allows you to receive a diploma from the Financial University and a foreign university located in the USA, Great Britain or Holland. Thanks to such programs, many graduates go abroad, find prestigious jobs there, or continue their studies.

The faculty also offers services to improve the level of knowledge of the English language. First year students can use them. Students are offered internships abroad with accommodation in other people's families. The duration of stay is 1 month. After this period, students return to Russia.

Faculty of International Tourism, Hospitality and Sports

In this structural unit, training is conducted in several areas of higher education. The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation offers:

  • “Management” related to sports.
  • “Tourism” (profiles - “Hotel business”, “National and international tourism”).

Education at the faculty is carried out in an interesting way. Innovative technologies are used, open lectures and master classes are held. Students study at the university almost the entire week. They attend lectures and seminars. Friday is considered a day at the faculty practical classes. Students admitted to the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation go to various exhibitions and sporting events (branches conduct classes differently).

Studying at the faculty also includes studying 2 foreign languages. This makes Financial University graduates competitive in the labor market.

Faculty of Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics

At the university, a structural unit related to the field of information technology and applied computer science sees its main task in training specialists in such profiles as:

  • “Security of automated systems in the banking and financial sector.”
  • "IT management in business."
  • “Information analysis and decision making in finance and economics.”
  • “IT technologies and information processing services in finance and economics.”

A variety of areas of training, the use of modern achievements in teaching - this is what allows the faculty to produce qualified specialists who are able to work in the field of economics and finance and apply mathematical methods and modern computer technologies in their activities.

After graduation, graduates get jobs in various financial, banking, insurance institutions, and auditing firms. The knowledge acquired at the university allows them to work in the field of financial analytics, risk management, etc.

Faculty of Political Science and Sociology

When considering the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, special attention should be paid to the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology. This is a non-core division, but it was created due to the fact that in modern life politics and sociology are closely related to the financial and economic sphere.

The faculty in question has the following areas of training and profiles:

  • “Political Science” (“Public Relations in Business and Political Sphere”, “Political Science of Economic Processes”).
  • “Sociology” (“Economic sociology”).

The Faculty of Political Science and Sociology is relatively young. Despite this, he has already created a base of practices for students. It includes the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the National Energy Security Foundation, the Center for Political Information, etc. Some graduates, after completing an internship and completing their studies at the university, remain to work in the listed structures.

Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law is popular among applicants entering the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. At the undergraduate level, he organizes training in the field of “Jurisprudence”. Suggested profiles:

  • "Business and civil law."
  • "Tax and financial law."
  • "International Economic Law".

Faculty students receive in-depth legal knowledge in their chosen profile. After completing their studies, they are in demand on the labor market. A ranking of universities compiled in 2016 and ranked depending on the salaries of young legal professionals showed that the Financial University under the Government of Russia ranks 4th.

Other faculties of the educational institution

The organizational structure does not consist only of the listed structural units. The educational organization also includes the following faculties:

  1. Faculty of Economics and Credit. It trains specialists in one economic profile - “Financial markets and banks”.
  2. Faculty of Taxes and Taxation. This structural unit offers applicants to enroll in “Economics” by choosing the profile “Taxes and Taxation” or “Tax Control and Customs Regulation”.
  3. International Finance Faculty. This structural unit owns one profile in the direction of “Economics” - “International Finance”. Distinctive feature Faculty is that all disciplines are taught in a foreign language.
  4. Faculty of Audit and Accounting. It offers an economic profile such as “Audit, accounting, analysis.”
  5. Faculty of Management. He organizes training in the same direction. Students are given a choice of 3 profiles related to marketing, financial management, and company management. Also, applicants to the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow) are offered such a direction as “Human Resources Management”.
  6. Faculty of Economics and Finance. This structural unit invites you to economic profiles - “Municipal and state finance”, “Insurance”, “Corporate finance”, “Finance and economics of the fuel and energy complex”.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation: passing grade

This educational institution is considered the best educational organization that trains specialists for the financial, economic and management spheres. That is why many applicants strive to enroll here. To assess your chances of admission, you can compare your Unified State Exam results with the average passing grade. Below is the table.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation: reviews

Students leaving reviews note that the university used to have a good reputation. The Financial Academy (this was the name of the educational institution) was famous for the quality of education. She was considered even better Faculty of Economics at Moscow State University. Nowadays, everything has changed, as some students say. The quality of education has decreased significantly. The university attracts applicants with its loud name and only seeks to get money.

Students also write in negative reviews that the dean’s office does not care about the students. Employees cannot answer questions and often lose documents. That is why students do not advise applicants to enter the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. People advise using the scores received for the Unified State Exam, which are quite high, for admission to another university.

The university also has positive reviews, but they are few. Some students thank teachers and the university for the knowledge they have acquired. Students write that the leading departments of the Financial University not only help to collect knowledge in their specialty, but also teach them to cooperate with people in a team, understand the socio-economic situation as a whole, and, if necessary, be responsible for incorrect decisions.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that currently the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is a recognized leading university in training highly qualified personnel for the field of the financial and banking system, the world economy and international finance, accounting and analytical work, risk management and economic security, information and analytical activities in accounting and control.

There are only modern areas of training that meet the requirements of the time and the labor market. If you wish, you can try to enroll here or choose a college at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, which offers no less relevant secondary education programs. vocational education.


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Latest reviews from FinUniversity

Polina Zhizhankova 20:34 06/19/2019

I can say that the Financial University opens up many opportunities for its students to develop and grow in every sense. Here you will definitely make good contacts, improve your soft skills and learn how to find the necessary information. I will not say that I am completely satisfied with the learning process itself, however, I do not regret enrolling here, since while here I managed to develop myself in many areas.

Anonymous review 23:58 06/05/2019

She completed two levels of education at the best faculty.

During the training the atmosphere was very warm and friendly.

Like most of my classmates, I successfully went abroad for exchange training, where, comparing the training program and knowledge with Europeans, I was pleasantly surprised by the level of my preparation thanks to the university.

She completed an internship at the Ministry and got a job at a leading consulting company.

Gallery FinUniversity

general information

Federal State Educational state-financed organization higher education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation"

Branches of FinUniversity

Colleges FinUniversity

  • College Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - in Vladimir
  • College Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - in Ufa
  • College Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - in Vladikavkaz
  • College Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - in St. Petersburg
  • College Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - in Blagoveshchensk
  • College Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - in Buzuluk
  • College Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - in Zvenigorod
  • College Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - in Kanash
  • College Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - in Krasnoyarsk
  • College Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - in Surgut
  • College Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - in Shadrinsk


No. 01495 valid indefinitely from 06/09/2015


No. 01360 valid from 06/29/2015

Previous names FinUniversity

  • Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Moscow Financial Institute

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the Financial University

Index2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)5 6 6 7 7 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study74.03 73.24 74.86 72.65 76.15 79.2
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget88.7 84.26 85.04 86.59 86.17 89.79
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis68.18 67.65 68.79 66.59 67.61 70.56
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students40.8 56.38 51.14 47.92 53.41 55.78
Number of students19337 18485 18798 19201 20390 24167
Full-time department12686 11921 11752 11152 10912 11365
Part-time department249 78 259 508 741 1169
Extramural6402 6486 6787 7541 8737 11633
All data Report Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

The best law schools Russia according to the international information group "Interfax" and the radio station "Echo of Moscow"

The best financial universities in Russia according to the magazine "FINANCE". The rating is based on data on the education of financial directors of large enterprises.

Results of the 2013 admissions campaign for majors economic universities Moscow. Budget places, passing score of the Unified State Exam, cost of training. Profiles of training of economists.

TOP-10 largest universities in Moscow by the number of students from monitoring the effectiveness of educational organizations of higher education by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2016.

About Financial University

The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is one of the best universities in the country, which graduates not only high-quality financiers and bankers, but also managers, financial analysts, political scientists, economic sociologists and IT specialists for financial and banking institutions.

Financial University in numbers

On this moment within the structure of the Financial University there are 12 different areas of bachelor’s training and 11 master’s areas. At the university, students study 9 programs for obtaining secondary vocational education, 10 programs, after which students receive an MBA diploma, and 108 programs professional retraining and advanced training.

In 2014, the graduation rate of specialists with higher education amounted to 19,756 people (bachelor's degree, specialist degree, master's degree, including graduates distance learning), with secondary vocational education - about 4,000 people.

The generally recognized quality of university programs is based on high professional level teaching staff, as of January 1, 2015, 1,648 teachers work at the Moscow University Center alone, of which 1,296 have an academic degree: including 368 Doctors of Science and 928 Candidates of Sciences. 872 teachers have an academic title: including 257 professors, 590 associate professors, 25 senior researchers.

In addition, 1,524 teachers work in the branches of higher education and secondary vocational education of the university, including 960 teachers who train in higher education programs, 564 teachers who train specialists in secondary vocational education programs. 878 teachers have an academic degree: including 160 Doctors of Science and 718 Candidates of Sciences. 502 teachers have an academic title: including 98 professors, 399 associate professors, 5 senior researchers.

The scientific unit of the university has 81 employees, 63 of them have an academic degree: including 31 Doctors of Science and 32 Candidates of Sciences. 19 have the academic title of professor, 13 have the academic title of associate professor, 2 have the academic title of senior researcher.

Every year, about 40% of the teachers of the Financial University undergo mandatory advanced training courses. This is done so that teachers, as well as students, constantly hone their knowledge and increase it.

Principles of the educational process at the Financial University

During its existence, the Financial University has been constantly transformed and modernized. And along with the improvement of the university itself, the principles of the educational process were constantly improved and “Bologna” teaching methods were introduced into it:

  • transition to a modular form of training, which allows you to develop individual plan training for each student;
  • giving lectures not only by the teaching staff of the university, but also by leading specialists from other educational institutions in Russia and abroad;
  • development rating system student assessment, which allows us to understand a clear picture of students’ mastery of a particular discipline;
  • development active forms training, when students not only write down the solution to a problem in a notebook, but also try to act it out on their faces, which allows them to better understand the material;
  • Preparation electronic textbooks And teaching aids, which are recorded on disks or other digital media, so that later at any moment the student can clarify for himself the moment that worries him.

Also at the Financial University they began to use the system distance learning, thanks to which students can study their chosen discipline without coming to lecture classes.

International activities and cooperation of the Financial University

An integral part of the activities of the Financial University is its international activity, which allows for close cooperation with various universities, scientific centers, business schools, enterprises, banks, insurance companies and scientific foundations of various foreign countries.

The university cooperates most closely with institutions in the USA, Italy, Great Britain, Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, France, China and the Netherlands. Over the past 5 years, the university has been visited by about 300 foreign delegations, who highly appreciated the principles of the Financial University and shared their knowledge with students. During the same time, 700 university staff and teachers were sent abroad, who tried to adopt the principles of the educational process there and implement it at the university.

Thanks to the university’s cooperation with universities in the UK and the USA, students can receive a double diploma upon graduation. Such a diploma will become their undeniable advantage over other job applicants.

Employment of Financial University students

In 2000, the Center for Employment and Career Development was founded on the basis of the Financial University. The employees of this Center understand that it is important not only to teach the student well, but also to do everything so that after training he can get a good job, and in the future he can make a brilliant career for himself. Therefore, their main goal is to do everything possible for the interaction of students, university graduates and employers.

The main activities of the Center are:

  • cooperation with various companies that will provide jobs for university graduates;
  • organizing internships for students during their studies, during which they begin to put the acquired knowledge into practice;
  • labor market research, which allows students to have a realistic idea of ​​what they can expect;
  • legal support for students during their employment at a university, so that the employer cannot deceive an inexperienced job seeker;
  • consultations for students that will help them clearly understand their capabilities and correctly plan their future career;
  • holding various events on the territory of the Financial University, where students can talk with their potential employers.

Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
(FA under the Government of the Russian Federation)
Year of foundation
The president Gryaznova A.G. , Doctor of Economics, Professor
Rector Eskindarov M.A. , Doctor of Economics, Professor
Location Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 49

Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation(FA) is a Russian state university specializing in training financiers. Located in Moscow. The rector of the Academy is Mikhail Eskindarov, the president of the Academy is Alla Gryaznova.


The history of the Financial Academy dates back to December 1918, when the People's Commissariat of Finance decided to create the first specialized financial university in the history of Russia - the Moscow Financial and Economic Institute. It was opened on March 2, 1919 and its first rector was D. P. Bogolepov, a graduate of Moscow State University, Deputy People's Commissar of Finance of the RSFSR. In September 1946, MFEI was merged with another higher educational institution - the Moscow Credit and Economic Institute, which had been teaching students since 1931. As a result of the merger of these universities, the Moscow Financial Institute was formed. In 1991, it was transformed into the State Financial Academy, and in 1992, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin, into the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2010, the Financial Academy was awarded the status of a University.

Academy structure


  • Finance and credit
  • Management and Sociology
  • Accounting and audit
  • Taxes and taxation
  • International economic relations
  • International Faculty of Economics
  • International Finance Faculty
  • Law and political science


  • Graduate School of Public Administration
  • Business Administration and Business
  • Short-term programs
  • International Business School
  • Advanced training for teachers
  • Shortened programs
  • Financial and economic research


  • Risk analysis and economic security
  • Audit and control
  • In English
  • Banks and banking management
  • Accounting
  • Military department
  • State, municipal and corporate governance
  • Civil service
  • State legal disciplines
  • Civil law and procedure
  • Monetary relations and monetary policy
  • Investment management
  • Innovative business
  • Innovation management
  • Foreign languages
  • Information technologies
  • Stories
  • Macroeconomics
  • Macroeconomic regulation
  • Mathematicians
  • Mathematical modeling of economic processes
  • International monetary, credit and financial relations
  • Management
  • Microeconomics
  • World economy and international business
  • Taxes and taxation
  • Property valuation and management
  • Political Science
  • Business law, civil and arbitration process
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Applied Psychology
  • Regional Economy
  • Russian language
  • System analysis in economics
  • Sociology
  • Statistics
  • Insurance business
  • Theories and histories of state and law
  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics
  • Physical education
  • Philosophy
  • Finance
  • Financial management
  • Financial control
  • Financial law
  • Securities and financial engineering
  • Economics and crisis management
  • Economic analysis

Military department

The Financial Academy is among the universities that retained military departments after 2008.

Famous graduates

  • A. Borodin - President of the Bank of Moscow, Vice-President of the Association of Russian Banks
  • N. Vrublevsky - Director-Editor-in-Chief of the publishing house "Accounting"
  • V. Chistova - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
  • V. Gerashchenko is a famous banker and political figure
  • A. Gryaznova - President of the Financial Academy, until 2006 - Rector of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • A. Drozdov - Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  • A. Zvonova - Director-Editor-in-Chief of the Publishing House "Finance and Statistics"
  • B. Zlatkis - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia
  • A. Kazmin - ex-CEO of FSUE Russian Post
  • A. Kozlov - former first deputy chairman of Bank Ross
  • L. Kudelina - former Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
  • D. Orlov - Chairman of the Board of Bank Vozrozhdenie, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Financial Academy
  • V. Panskov - former Minister Finance of the Russian Federation and Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
  • M. Prokhorov - President of the ONEXIM group
  • I. Suvorov - Chairman of the Board of Interstate Bank
  • V. S. Pavlov - former Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • A. Khloponin - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northern Military District
  • V. Shenaev - economist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • And Zverev is the long-term Minister of Finance of the USSR
  • K. Shor - Head of the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for Moscow
  • V. Dmitriev - Chairman of the Board of Vnesheconombank
  • Sergey Vadimovich Stepashin - Russian statesman and political figure, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation from May to August 1999, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (since 2000), Doctor of Law, Professor, Colonel General of the Reserve.

see also

  • Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus


  • Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Association of Alumni of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation

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    See what “Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation” is in other dictionaries:

    - (FA under the Government of the Russian Federation) Year of foundation 1918 President Gryaznova A.G., Doctor of Economics, Professor ... Wikipedia FINANCIAL ACADEMY UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION - (FA) higher professional education. Transformed in 1992 (initially in 1991 as the State Financial Academy) from Moscow financial institution, created in 1946 on the basis of the merger of two Moscow universities -... ... Financial and credit encyclopedic dictionary