Physicist-ufologist, comprehended the principle of operation of the UFO engine. How does a UFO work? Types of UFOs and their appearance

Design and structure of the Flying

Plates (LT) - separate units

In the diagram of each device one can see

identical components and assemblies:

1. Reactor

2. Energy storage

3. Mover

4. LSS protection blocks

5. Power winding

6. Other components and assemblies

1. Reactor

The energy source of the alien aircraft, hereinafter referred to as LT, is a compact reactor based on the radioactive decay of element 115 and the release of antimatter. The reactor is a sphere with a diameter of 30 - 40 cm. As can be seen from the figure, the reactor consists of several shells surrounding an internal cavity. These shells most likely represent a cooling and protection system for the reactor. The first (inner) shell may contain generators of a protective field, the purpose of which is to prevent decay products from reaching the walls of the chamber.

The second (middle) shell is a set of cavities through which coolant circulates. The need for cooling is probably due to the fact that some of the decay products are a stream of photons passing through a field that traps other particles. Finally, the third shell is a durable reactor vessel. The dark-colored rods are emitters of neutrons necessary to support the decay reaction of element 115 and the release of antimatter.

2. Energy storage

After the decay of element 115, when it is irradiated with neutrons, a certain amount of antimatter is formed, which is transported through a pipe channel into a special chamber, where annihilation occurs in a gaseous medium, and the released energy in the form of a stream of photons is absorbed by a “refractory crystal-energy collector,” which apparently represents is a photo-thermoelectric converter with an efficiency close to 100%. The terrestrial analogue of this device is an isotope generator.

3. Mover

This device is the source of LT movement. Based on the available data, it can be assumed that it is an amplifier + emitter of gravitational waves. According to an article by physicist B. Lazar, the source of weak gravitational waves is the same element 115, and the rest of the equipment picks up and amplifies these waves, like earthly radio receivers. The LT has three emitters (under 1200 in the horizontal plane), operating independently of each other. This is due to the flight mode:

Movement near the surface of the planet - 1 emitter is turned on. Omicron mode.

Movement in the stratosphere - 2 emitters are turned on.

Exit and movement in space - 3 emitters included. Delta mode.

It is not difficult to see that additional emitters come into operation as the external gravitational field weakens (for example, the field of a massive cosmic body). The effect of the emitters is the “collapse” of the space near the LT. There is not enough data to more accurately explain the principle of movement of the LT. The question remains unclear: how is the direction of movement realized? It can be assumed that the emitters rotate in their mounts (spherical chamber).

In the LT of this design, the emitters are implemented in one piece - rotating.

Probably, when the emitter is rotated, the LT is “pushed out” in the direction opposite to the rotation. The disadvantage of the emitter system is strong electromagnetic radiation (in the microwave range), which spreads down and to the sides from the LT, affecting the environment. Its effect can be judged by the following facts: cessation of operation of the internal combustion engine (except for diesel engines), disruption of the operation of electrical appliances when passing nearby LT, “burns” on trees and grass, and, worst of all, radiation burns that people get when they get into the field effects of radiation. That. To ensure the normal functioning of the aircraft and the work of the crew, protection from electromagnetic radiation is necessary.

4. LSS protection blocks

Life support system.

The LSS blocks form a ring consisting of parallelepipeds and located under the pilot cabin or under the living volume of the LT. The task of the life support units is to protect the crew and some LT components from microwave radiation, as well as from accelerations during LT evolutions. According to a large number of observations, LTs are capable of gaining supersonic speed from a hovering position in a very short period of time (on the order of a few seconds), stopping instantly or making sharp turns (for example, at right angles) at high speed. With such evolutions, gigantic accelerations arise, therefore, without protection from them, the crew and passengers of the aircraft will have to be “scraped from the walls” of the device.

There is not enough data to explain the principle of operation and design of LSS units.

5. Power winding

On one of the LT diagrams, the power winding is designated as “transmission and power winding of cable channels.” It is difficult to say anything definite about the purpose of this device. This could be a unit for controlling the flight of the LT (flight direction, change in altitude, rotation), a unit for creating a plasma shell around the LT, a unit for creating a protective field, or part of the cooling system of the reactor and various LT components. The design of the cables is not clear: power cables, hollow tubes.

6. Other components and assemblies

These include: control panel, crew seats, viewing screens, photon emitters, neutralizers in the caisson chamber, signal light, landing supports.

6.1. Remote Control

Control panel with complex liquid crystal indicators. LT control is thought-sensory from the helmet and body sensors.

Now on 5th generation aircraft, the method of displaying information on built-in computer monitors, cathode ray or liquid crystal, is widely used.

The transmission of commands from the pilot to the aircraft can be carried out using the method of directed thought. This method is already feasible: a technique has been developed in which a sensor is implanted into a person’s skull, equipped with a piece of brain tissue, a gold electrode and recording the electrical potentials of the brain. The data is processed by a computer, which sends human commands to the actuators.

Feedback (from external sensors and from viewing screens to the pilot) can be carried out in 2 ways: either directly to the pilot’s brain (i.e., it is as if he himself becomes the apparatus and senses the surrounding space with the help of external sensors installed on the body of the aircraft), or information about the state of the LT and the surrounding space is supplied to the console screens, and visual information is supplied to the review screens.

6.2. Crew seats

Anti-g load isomorphic seat for the pilot.

It is little understood what overloads can be in a LT protected from gravity surges. It is likely that the chair automatically changes height and adapts to the shape of the creature in it.

6.3. Overview Screens

The screens are monitors (probably liquid crystal), to which an image of the surrounding space is transmitted from external “cameras”. LT does not have portholes as such.

6.4. Photon emitters

A belt of photon emitters around the LT body (auxiliary engines). I believe that emitters, depending on the operating mode, can serve as additional engines (for example, to support maneuvers) or as a combat system.

6.5. Neutralizers

The neutralizers are located in the caisson chamber (airlock) and most likely serve to clean the air from harmful bacteria, etc., that enter the caisson with the planet’s atmosphere. This operation can be carried out either by radiation, which is harmless to aliens and fatal to bacteria and viruses, or by filling the caisson with neutralizing gas.

6.6. Signal light

Flashing light and spotlight. The first serves as an identification light, the second as a searchlight to illuminate the area.

6.7. Landing supports

Automatically adjustable landing support depending on the terrain. The support container is recessed into the housing. The scheme is three-supported, forming an equilateral triangle.

Accumulated information about UFOs

A comprehensive study of the properties of the “behavior” and size of UFOs, regardless of their shape, allows us to conditionally divide them into four main types.

First : Very small objects, which are balls or disks with a diameter of 20-100 cm, which fly at low altitudes, sometimes fly out of larger objects and return to them. There is a known case that took place in October 1948 in the area of ​​the Fargo airbase (North Dakota), when the pilot Gormon unsuccessfully pursued a round luminous object with a diameter of 30 cm, which very skillfully maneuvered, evading pursuit, and sometimes itself quickly moved towards the plane, forcing Hormon to avoid the collision.

Second : Small UFOs that are ovoid or disc-shaped and have a diameter of 2-3 m. They usually fly at low altitude and most often land. Small UFOs have also been repeatedly seen detaching from and returning to the main objects.

Third : Basic UFOs, most often disks with a diameter of 9-40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1/5-1/10 of their diameter. The main UFOs fly independently in any layer of the atmosphere and sometimes land. Smaller objects can be separated from them.

Fourth : Large UFOs, usually shaped like cigars or cylinders, 100-800 meters or more in length. They appear mainly in the upper layers of the atmosphere, do not perform complex maneuvers, and sometimes hover at high altitudes. There have been no recorded cases of them landing on the ground, but small objects have been observed repeatedly being separated from them. There is speculation that large UFOs can fly in space. There are also isolated cases of observation of giant disks with a diameter of 100-200 m.

Such an object was observed during a test flight of the French Concorde aircraft at an altitude of 17,000 m above the Republic of Chad during a solar eclipse on June 30, 1973. The crew and a group of scientists on the plane filmed a movie and took a series of color photographs of a luminous object in the shape of a mushroom cap with a diameter of 200 m and a height of 80 m, which followed an intersecting course. At the same time, the contours of the object were unclear, since it was apparently surrounded by an ionized plasma cloud. On February 2, 1974, the film was shown on French television. The results of the study of this object were not published.

Commonly encountered forms of UFOs have variations. For example, disks with one or two convex sides, spheres with or without rings surrounding them, as well as oblate and elongated spheres were observed. Objects of rectangular and triangular shape are much less common. According to the French group for the study of aerospace phenomena, approximately 80% of all observed UFOs were round in the shape of disks, balls or spheres, and only 20% were elongated in the shape of cigars or cylinders. UFOs in the form of discs, spheres and cigars have been observed in most countries on all continents.

Examples of rarely seen UFOs are given below. For example, UFOs with rings surrounding them, similar to the planet Saturn, were recorded in 1954 over Essex County (England) and over the city of Cincinnati (Ohio), in 1955 in Venezuela and in 1976 over the Canary Islands .

A UFO in the shape of a parallelepiped was observed in July 1977 in the Tatar Strait by members of the crew of the motor ship Nikolai Ostrovsky. This object flew next to the ship for 30 minutes at an altitude of 300-400 m, and then disappeared.

Since the end of 1989, triangular-shaped UFOs began to systematically appear over Belgium. According to the description of many eyewitnesses, their dimensions were approximately 30 by 40 m, with three or four luminous circles located on their lower part. The objects moved completely silently, hovered and took off at enormous speeds. On March 31, 1990, southeast of Brussels, three credible eyewitnesses observed how such a triangular-shaped object, six times larger than the visible disk of the moon, silently flew over their heads at an altitude of 300-400 m. Four luminous circles were clearly visible on the underside of the object.

On the same day, engineer Alferlan filmed such an object flying over Brussels with a video camera for two minutes. Before Alferlan's eyes, the object made a turn and three luminous circles and a red light between them became visible on its lower part. At the top of the object, Alferlan noticed a glowing lattice dome. This video was shown on central television on April 15, 1990.

Along with the main forms of UFOs, there are many more different varieties. The table, shown at a meeting of the US Congress Committee on Science and Astronautics in 1968, depicted 52 UFOs of different shapes.

According to the international ufological organization "Contact international", the following forms of UFOs have been observed:

1) round: disc-shaped (with and without domes); in the form of an inverted plate, bowl, saucer or rugby ball (with or without a dome); in the form of two plates folded together (with and without two bulges); hat-shaped (with and without domes); bell-like; in the shape of a sphere or ball (with or without a dome); similar to the planet Saturn; ovoid or pear-shaped; barrel-shaped; similar to an onion or a top;

2) oblong: rocket-like (with and without stabilizers); torpedo-shaped; cigar-shaped (without domes, with one or two domes); cylindrical; rod-shaped; fusiform;

3) pointed: pyramidal; in the shape of a regular or truncated cone; funnel-like; arrow-shaped; in the form of a flat triangle (with and without a dome); diamond-shaped;

4) rectangular: bar-like; in the shape of a cube or parallelepiped; in the shape of a flat square and rectangle;

5) unusual: mushroom-shaped, toroidal with a hole in the center, wheel-shaped (with and without spokes), cross-shaped, deltoid, V-shaped.

Generalized NIKAP data on observations of UFOs of various shapes in the USA for 1942-1963. are given in the following table:

Object shape, (number of cases/percentage of total cases)

1. Disc-shaped 149 / 26

2. Spheres, ovals, ellipses 173 / 30

3. Type of rockets or cigars 46/8

4. Triangular 11/2

5. Luminous points 140 / 25

6. Others 33 / 6

7.Radar (non-visual) observations 19 / 3

Total : 571 / 100


1. Objects, by their nature classified in this list as spheres, ovals and ellipses, may in fact be disks inclined at an angle to the horizon.

2. The luminous points in this list include small brightly luminous objects, the shape of which could not be determined due to the great distance.

It should be borne in mind that in many cases, observers' readings may not reflect the true shape of objects, since a disk-shaped object may look like a ball from below, like an ellipse from below, and like a spindle or mushroom cap from the side; an object shaped like a cigar or an elongated sphere may appear like a ball from the front and back; a cylindrical object may look like a parallelepiped from below and from the side, and like a ball from the front and back. In turn, an object in the shape of a parallelepiped from the front and back may look like a cube.

Data on the linear dimensions of a UFO reported by eyewitnesses are in some cases very relative, since with visual observation only the angular dimensions of the object can be determined with sufficient accuracy.

Linear dimensions can only be determined if the distance from the observer to the object is known. But determining the distance in itself presents great difficulties, because human eyes, due to stereoscopic vision, can correctly determine the distance only within a range of up to 100 m. Therefore, the linear dimensions of a UFO can only be determined very approximately.

In our country, UFOs with “portholes” were observed in 1976 in the village of Sosenki near Moscow, in 1981 near Michurinsk, in 1985 near Geok-Tepe in the Ashgabat region. On some UFOs, rods similar to antennas or periscopes were clearly visible.

In February 1963, in the state of Victoria (Australia), a disk 8 m in diameter with a rod similar to an antenna hovered at an altitude of 300 m above a tree.

In July 1978, members of the crew of the motor ship Yargora, sailing along the Mediterranean Sea, observed a spherical object flying over North Africa, in the lower part of which three antenna-like structures were visible.

There have also been cases when these rods moved or rotated. Below are two such examples. In August 1976, Muscovite A.M. Troitsky and six other witnesses saw a silvery metal object over the Pirogovsky reservoir, 8 times the size of the lunar disk, slowly moving at an altitude of several tens of meters. Two rotating stripes were visible on its side surface. When the object was above the witnesses, a black hatch opened in its lower part, from which a thin cylinder extended. The lower part of this cylinder began to describe circles, while the upper part remained attached to the object.

In July 1978, passengers on the Sevastopol-Leningrad train near Kharkov watched for several minutes as a rod with three brightly luminous points emerged from the top of a motionlessly hanging elliptical UFO. This rod was deflected to the right three times and returned to its previous position. Then a rod with one luminous point extended from the bottom of the UFO.

Inside the lower part of the UFO there are sometimes three or four landing legs, which extend during landing and retract inward during takeoff. Here are three examples of such observations.

In November 1957, Senior Lieutenant N., returning from Stead Air Force Base (Las Vegas), saw four disk-shaped UFOs with a diameter of 15 m on the field, each of which stood on three landing supports. As they took off, these supports retracted inward before his eyes.

In July 1970, a young Frenchman, Erien J., near the village of Jabrelles-les-Bords, clearly saw four metal supports ending in rectangles gradually retracting into the air of a round UFO with a diameter of 6 m that had taken off.

In the USSR, in June 1979, in the city of Zolochev, Kharkov region, witness Starchenko observed how a UFO in the shape of an overturned saucer with a row of portholes and a dome landed 50 m from him. When the object dropped to a height of 5-6 m, three landing supports about 1 m long, ending in the likeness of blades, telescopically extended from its bottom. After standing on the ground for about 20 minutes, the object took off, and it was visible how the supports were retracted into its body.

At night, UFOs usually glow, sometimes their color and intensity of the glow change with changes in speed. When flying rapidly, they have a color similar to that produced by arc welding; at a slower rate - a bluish color. When falling or braking, they turn red or orange. But it happens that objects hovering motionless glow with bright light, although it is possible that it is not the objects themselves that glow, but the air around them under the influence of some radiation emanating from these objects.

Sometimes some lights are visible on a UFO: on elongated objects - on the bow and stern, and on disks - on the periphery and on the bottom. There are also reports of rotating objects with red, white or green lights.

In October 1989, in Cheboksary, six UFOs in the form of two saucers folded together hovered over the territory of the Industrial Tractor Plant production association. Then a seventh object joined them. On each of them yellow, green and red lights were visible. Objects rotated and moved up and down. Half an hour later, six objects soared up at great speed and disappeared, but one remained for some time. Sometimes these lights come on and off in a specific sequence.

In September 1965, two police officers in Exeter (New York) observed the flight of a UFO with a diameter of about 27 m, on which there were five red lights that flashed on and off in the sequence: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st. The duration of each cycle was 2 seconds.

A similar incident occurred in July 1967 in Newton, New Hampshire, where two former radar operators observed through a telescope a luminous object with a series of lights flashing on and off in the same sequence as at the Exeter site.

The most important characteristic feature of UFOs is the manifestation of unusual properties that are not found either in natural phenomena known to us or in technical means created by man. Moreover, it seems that certain properties of these objects clearly contradict the laws of physics known to us.

based on materials from the site:

Today, the question of the existence of aliens remains open, since the current technological level of humanity limits our ability to search for extraterrestrial life. However, ufologists have somehow advanced in this matter and even began to publish reference books on the topic “What does an alien spaceship consist of?”

UFO structure

Ufologist Leonard Stringfield presented to the public an analysis of documents that came to him, allegedly related to American government services. The documents contain a report on the inspection of a mysterious object called a “flying disc” back in 1947. The cover letter contains the opinion of experts that the device is not a creation of human hands. The object looks like a disk-shaped platform; no external propulsion system has been detected, as well as a power plant, propellers or jet engines. During an inspection of the interior, something similar to a nuclear engine was found. Experts have suggested that the disk itself is a propulsion system, with heat exchange processes occurring in the reactor.

A round tube made of a material similar to plastic, but not plastic, was also found. The disk reached eleven meters in length. The above-mentioned tube was inserted into the copper coil, which passed along its body. Perhaps this process was used to provide reactive control, or the device played the role of a storage battery.

It is believed that the object had a camouflage system that allowed it to appear “out of nowhere.” Perhaps the disk simply moved at great speed from one point to another, so the effect of disappearing and appearing was created. There is also an assumption that a special shield was installed on the plate, preventing it from being noticed by the naked eye. This explains those cases when people detected objects in photographs of the sky, but the eye could not detect them there. It is worth noting that there is no evidence that this was not a camera glitch.

Types of unidentified flying objects

Having studied numerous testimonies of people who happened to see a UFO, we can combine their diversity into several groups.

The first group includes small spherical or disk-shaped objects with a radius of 10 to 50 cm; such objects, as a rule, fly low (or they are simply difficult to notice when they fly high). The first evidence of the existence of such an object came from North Dakota.

The second group includes egg-shaped or disk-shaped objects, but with a larger radius - 1-1.5 meters, they also do not fly too high, and often land on the surface.

The third group includes huge disks with a radius of 5-20 meters, which move in all atmospheric layers. There have not been any recorded cases of such objects landing; they may serve as transport for transporting smaller UFOs.

Impact of unidentified flying objects on equipment and people

UFOs have different effects on earthly technology. Ufologists have observed various cases: sometimes the proximity of a UFO simply causes a strange rotation of the compass needle, sometimes a plane crash. It is assumed that such an impact is associated with the UFO force field. Because of it, the mechanisms of electronic and mechanical watches are disrupted, radio equipment fails, engines stop, etc.

There is evidence of the impact of UFOs on people. In 1979, a UFO came close to a Polish fishing boat. Then the captain of the ship rarely felt ill, he became numb and almost blind, and pain in his heart began. He was seized with severe panic, which was not typical for the captain. It is believed that this effect is caused by the special radiation of the high-frequency electromagnetic field of the UFO. Often a person began to experience increasing excitement, which gradually turned into a disorder of the mental system.

It is worth noting that the above facts were obtained from the words of ufologists and UFO eyewitnesses and are not confirmed information.

Since 1955, the Canadian company Avro Aircraft began conducting research on a jet vertical take-off vehicle with a round disc-shaped body and a device for forming an air cushion during takeoff, and only recently representatives of the relevant US intelligence services decided to remove the secrecy stamp from the archival project.

It was assumed that such a VTOL design, with lifting fans driven from turbojet engines, proposed in 1947 by the English designer John Frost, due to the use of an air cushion, would require less power during takeoff than for conventional jet VTOL aircraft.

In addition, the air flow thrown off by the fan, mixed with the gases of the turbojet engine and used to form an air cushion, will have a significantly lower speed and temperature than that of the turbojet engine, which should simplify the operation of such a high-pressure aircraft. Therefore, the development of the AVVP of the Avro Aircraft company became interested in the US Air Force and the US Army, which took part in financing the research. It should be noted that the AVVP design with a disk-shaped load-bearing body and a fan located in it was proposed by Ak. B. N. Yuryev back in 1921, the diagram is given in the section “Russia. Research on propeller-driven VTOL aircraft."

In 1959, under a joint contract between the US Army and the US Air Force, the construction of an experimental AVVP with a disk-shaped hull was completed, officially designated VZ-9V and called "Avrocar" and better known as the "Flying Saucer". The first tethered tests of the AVVP VZ-9V began on December 5, 1959, making short flights, and was soon transferred for testing to the Air Force Base. Edwards. The first takeoff with the transition to horizontal flight was made on May 17, 1961.

Frost decided to use jet propulsion, which was already familiar at that time, in combination with the so-called. Coanda effect. The essence of this phenomenon lies in the fact that a stream of liquid or gas, moving next to any object, tends to get closer to it or even “stick”. According to Frost's idea, this behavior of the air should have made it easier to maneuver the device. First, Avro Canada engineers made a small device to demonstrate their ideas. The model, with a diameter of only 11 centimeters, could rise into the air to a small height, but any mechanisms for maneuvering did not fit into it. However, the Canadian military department became interested in the idea and allocated about 400 thousand US dollars to continue the work. Soon after this, the project received the Y2 index.

At this stage, the future Avrocar became the subject of a spy drama. Beginning in 1952, the CIA tried to find out whether any countries had new aircraft designs. In 1953, intelligence officers learned about the existence of the Y2 project and reported it to their superiors. Soon after the documents were transferred “up,” gentlemen from the Pentagon contacted the Canadian military and invited them to continue the creation of Y2 through joint efforts. Canada accepted the offer. Among other things, this had pleasant financial consequences. The head of the US Air Force research department, Lieutenant General D. Patt, knocked out funding of two million dollars a year. Very bold for a revolutionary new project. However, the money was allocated and Avro continued research. By the middle of the decade, the VZ-9 project was ready, which, in fact, became the “swan song” of the Y2 program. The development of the VZ-9V AVVP under the leadership of John Frost and its testing were carried out in an atmosphere of great secrecy, so extremely limited information was published on it. Probably, the unusual form of the AVVP and the lack of official information about the tests carried out in 1961 - 1962 caused intensive publications during this period about the flights of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the form of “flying saucers”.

A fifteen-meter disk with six turbojet engines, which ejected gases through their own nozzles and also drove a large turbine, could theoretically rise to any height and fly in any direction. The customer, represented by the American and Canadian military, approved the project, but demanded that the new technology be first tested on a smaller manned vehicle. Because of this, the “plate” was shrunk to a diameter of about six meters. The power plant was also changed accordingly: now only three engines were placed around the central turbine. The flight control system is interesting. To ascend or descend, it was supposed to change the thrust of all engines at once, which affected the speed of the lifting turbine. To tilt in one direction or another, Avrocar had a special system that changed the thrust of individual engines so that the body of the vehicle tilted in the desired direction due to its difference. We had to tinker a lot with this system: it was necessary to take into account the engine response, the stability of the entire device and a lot of other parameters.

In mid-1959, the first prototype of the Avrocar was ready. It's time for testing. The first weeks were spent working out the interaction of the engines and their control system. The matter was not easy, but the Canadians and Americans coped with it. By November of the same year, the VZ-9 was ready for its first flight. On November 12, the “flying saucer” took off from the ground and hovered at a low altitude. Over time, they began to increase thrust and take the device to slightly higher altitudes. At a distance of about a meter from the ground, the Avrocar hung freely, maneuvered and could move in any direction. But when it came to raising it to a height of at least a few meters, one very unpleasant feature of the project suddenly became clear. The prototype's relatively weak power plant could provide satisfactory stability and controllability only at a height of up to one and a half meters. With further ascent, Avrokar had to rely only on the Coanda effect. The screen effect, in turn, disappeared and the aircraft lost its former stability. After a series of test flights, Avro Canada engineers had to return to the drawing boards. Meanwhile, the Canadian military, dissatisfied with the results, came to the conclusion that the project was useless and refused to continue issuing money.

Over the next months, the design team led by J. Frost tried to find a solution to the discovered problem and ensure proper stability. At this stage of work, several more models were assembled, on which new ideas were tested. However, none of the models was able to rise to a tolerable height without tipping over. Among the reasons for this behavior of the devices were the lack of additional air support (the same screen effect), the design’s requirement for careful and precise balancing, and the need to synchronize the operation of the engines. All this could be corrected only with the help of a radical design change. At the end of 1960, Frost began reworking the project in accordance with the accumulated experience. Since 1959, funding for the Y2 project has been provided exclusively by the United States. Over time, the American officials responsible for the program also began to doubt its feasibility. Therefore, soon after the start of radical modernization, funding for Avrocar ceased. Pentagon officials were tough and taciturn. The termination document indicated the futility of the project, as well as the absence of any satisfactory result at a cost of about twelve million dollars. In 1962, the development of the VZ-9V AVVP was discontinued.

The latest tests of the VZ-9V Avrocar AVVP showed that it does not have sufficient stability, in addition, constant problems with the operation of its power plant and control system caused the termination of its tests, despite the advertised prospects for its use.

The fundamental difference between the experimental AVVP VZ-9V "Avrocar" was that it could not only fly like an airplane at high altitude, but also move close to the ground on an air cushion. The device had a round disc-shaped body with a fan installed in the center. The air it sucked through a system of channels was directed to a single-circuit annular nozzle passing along the periphery of the apparatus.

The lifting force when hovering or moving the VZ-9V AVVP near the ground was created, firstly, due to the air cushion formed during the outflow of air from the annular nozzle, and secondly, as a result of the so-called Coanda effect, which usually manifests itself when air outflows from nozzles above the profiled surface: the vacuum created leads to the appearance of lifting force. In the VZ-9V AVVP, when air flowed through the nozzle due to ejection, air was sucked from the upper surface of the apparatus body, which led to a vacuum on it and the creation of additional lift. Air was ejected through an annular slot on the upper surface of the apparatus body. The central fan with a diameter of 1.52 m was driven by a low-speed turbine driven by a flow of gases flowing from the nozzles of three Continental J69-T9 turbojet engines with a thrust of 420 kgf or an equivalent power of 1000 hp. To create a horizontal thrust force, the annular air curtain can be deflected using rotating rudders in the annular nozzle.

The transition of the AVVP from moving on an air cushion above the ground to free flight occurred as follows: the AVVP was accelerated above the ground on a cushion of air to such a speed that its disk-shaped body created a lifting force sufficient to maintain it in the air, and then to lift it. In this case, the annular jet, curling up, turned into a flat sheet, and the air flowing out of the annular nozzle created horizontal thrust.

The experimental AVVP VZ-9V "Avrocar" was built for flights at subsonic speeds, so it had a rounded toe of a round wing and an annular air intake along the perimeter of the wing for the entrance of the ejected air flow. The round disc-shaped body with a diameter of 5.5 m had an elliptical profile with a relative thickness of 20% and a curvature of 2%. The characteristics of the VZ-9V AVVP have not been published, although it was indicated that it could have a maximum speed of 480 km/h.


As the famous ufologist Vadim Chernobrov notes in his study on the design of a UFO, the first thing that caught the eye of eyewitnesses who were on board the UFO was a large interior room, the entire furnishings of which most often consist of several chairs, a control panel, a viewing screen and a star map .

Here are just a few of the descriptions quoted of such witnesses claiming to have been "kidnapped" by flying saucer pilots.

Vladimir Kharitonov reports (Pskov region, 1978):

“...Behind a pile of logs stood their unit the size of a large passenger car. They gestured me towards this unit. The machine had a transparent dome on top with a diameter of about 2 meters and a height of 1.5 meters. We entered the car from both sides, where there were no doors (as in buses that carry passengers at airports), and sat down on soft, comfortable seats with a backrest. It's very spacious inside. The leader who invited me leaned down and silently manually closed the door. A white-yellowish (as from an incandescent lamp) remote control consisting of transparent keys, about 15 millimeters high and 30 millimeters long each, glowed in front of him. I managed to count that there were 9 rows of buttons vertically and 25 horizontally. I didn’t notice any steering wheel, levers or pedals. I also didn’t notice how the second door was closed, but I felt that we were closed off from the outside space. The leader put his hand on the remote control and began to press something. The car began to slowly rise up, simultaneously turning around a vertical axis...”

An employee of the military academy testifies (Moscow, August 1989):

“...I again began to ask them to take me home and again lost consciousness. I woke up when they flew up to a ship that was hovering in the air a short distance from the ground. It looked like an upside-down frying pan, dark gray in color, with many small lights arranged symmetrically around the ship. I woke up inside, in a round hall, sitting in a red chair without armrests. The hall was equipped in such a way that a control panel was installed on all sides (in a circle) with flashing red lights...”

Oleg K. (Arkhangelsk region, November 1989) adds his testimony to the general list:

“...I grabbed the handrail and found myself in the corridor. It was wider than the opening, the smooth floor was made of some kind of metal, there were no doors, the walls and ceiling on top formed an oval, and some reinforcements and fastenings were visible on the back side of the casing. Along a 7-8-meter corridor, I found myself in a large white hall with a diameter of about 20 meters; along its perimeter there were five more similar entrances, between which there were 5-6 racks with flickering light. The dome of the ceiling emitted a soft, diffused blue light. There was an information screen on one of the walls. Near the other wall stood a remote control, which had a large number of switches with black knobs and rectangular glowing buttons with painted symbols. The same flashing buttons were on the stands. I didn't notice any instruments or scales. Nearby was a long straight sofa. There was a gap running along all the walls in a circle; apparently, the central part of the room with the remote control and the sofa could rotate and stop near any counter...”

These observations are interesting in themselves. However, special attention should be paid to the fact that UFOs, when viewed from the inside and outside, appear to be different in volume!

Not all objects have this property. For example, in small UFOs designed for one or two pilots, such a strange discrepancy is not observed.

As for those cases when this difference became downright glaring, it was not a difference of several meters, but a difference of several times and even orders of magnitude!!! This mysterious feature of the UFO cannot be explained by any optical or psychological effects, and therefore the hypothesis arises that the metric and topology of space change inside the UFO. By the way, this can also explain the amazing flexibility that UFOs exhibit, arbitrarily changing their shape.

If the aliens really have such technology, then it is not surprising that they were able to overcome vast interstellar distances to reach Earth.


Most of those who were “captured” on a flying saucer testify that they became the subject of some kind of experiment. This is understandable, because one of the aliens’ tasks was to study life forms on Earth, including people and domestic animals.

In this regard, eyewitnesses talk about a large number of different equipment on board the UFO.

“One of the most sensational alien experiments was the abduction of the Hill spouses. On the night of September 20, 1961, the spouses Barney and Betty Hill, driving in their car in New Hampshire, noticed that they were being pursued by some strange flying object in the shape of a “gingerbread” "with two rows of windows and a strong spotlight. Then they heard strange sounds of beep-beep, and they did not remember what happened next. They woke up in a moving car only two hours later and drove on."

Upon arrival home, they began to suffer from nightmares, and they were forced to consult a doctor. They did not tell anyone about what had happened, but their health deteriorated, and two years later they turned to the famous psychiatrist Symop, who decided to treat them with regressive hypnosis. And then the most amazing thing happened.

“In a state of hypnosis, each of the spouses separately said in exceptional detail that after the sounds of beep-beep, the engine of their car stopped. The UFO landed not far from the car, and six unknown creatures came out of it, similar to people and dressed in black suits and pointed helmets "These creatures took the Hills inside the UFO and placed them in different rooms, where they subjected them to various medical tests: they ran bundles of needles over the body, gave injections, scraped the skin, and so on and so forth."

Much more advanced equipment was used in the case of the abduction of American workers Hickson and Parker, which ufologist German Kolchin told the Russian reader about.

"This happened in October 1973 in the town of Pascagoula (Mississippi). While fishing, two submarine shipyard workers, Hickson and Parker, saw a strange egg-shaped object approaching them, glowing blue and making a buzzing sound. The object was about 5 in size at 2.5 meters. A door opened in the UFO, and out of it appeared three strange creatures with heads located directly on their bodies (without a neck), and arms that looked like paws with pincers. They had large elephant-like legs without feet. which did not move, but remained pressed against each other all the time. The creatures had strange pointed semblances of noses and ears, and instead of mouths there were motionless slits.

Sliding through the air, the creatures approached the workers, who were very scared, and Parker even lost consciousness. Two creatures grabbed Hixon by the arms, lifted him into the air and seemed to float with him into the object. At the same time, Hickson felt that some force completely paralyzed his will; he could not move a single part of his body, although he clearly perceived everything that was happening.

“No seats or any equipment were visible inside the object, but it was very light. Hickson says that he seemed to float there in a state of weightlessness. The aliens gave him a horizontal position with his stomach down, after which some unusual thing emerged from the wall a device the size of a basketball, similar to an eye, and hovered over Hickson. This device began to move back and forth along Hickson’s body, apparently carefully examining him. Then the aliens turned Hickson face up and gave him an angle of 45 degrees, and the device continued it. examine."

Sometimes alien "research equipment" can cause serious inconvenience to abductees.

Thus, the case of Travis Walton, which began in front of five eyewitnesses and was shown in detail in the American popular science film “UFO's are real,” became widely known in the United States. It happened in November 1975 in Snowflake (Arizona), where six lumberjacks , riding in the car, saw a strange aircraft in the form of two “frying pans” with a diameter of 6 meters put together. Having stopped the car, they heard a “beep-beep” sound. One of the woodcutters, Travis Walton, jumped off the car and came closer to the object, but there was a greenish flash. - a blue beam from the object knocked him down. The rest of the woodcutters got scared and drove away, but after driving a quarter of a mile, they saw that some kind of bright spot had risen up at this place. Returning back, they did not find either Walton or the UFO, and searched. woodcuttering, which lasted for several days, was ineffective.

Walton showed up only five days later. He was pale and several pounds underweight, and there were some needle marks on his arm. He said that he was then hit by something like a discharge, and darkness fell. He woke up lying on a table in a large room with bright light. His coat was unbuttoned, and on his chest there was some object made of an unknown metal, from which the woodcutter experienced severe pain. There were three figures in the room wearing tight-fitting brown suits.

Alien research experiments can cause not only pain, but also cause various chronic diseases in the “abductees”. However, this is a topic for another discussion.


According to some ufologists, the secret services of the Earth have long had at their disposal UFO debris collected at the crash site of these objects.

On the evening of July 2, 1947, an unknown disk-shaped luminous object flew at high speed over the city of Roswell in a northwest direction. It was caught in a severe thunderstorm northwest of Roswell, and 75 miles from the city it was apparently struck by lightning, causing a partial explosion and causing a large amount of light debris to fall near Brazel's farm. After the explosion, the damaged object apparently changed its flight direction to the west, flew another 150 miles and fell to the ground in the San Agustin plateau area west of the city of Soccoro, where it was discovered on the morning of July 3 by engineer Barnett and a group of archaeological students.

Bodies of humanoid creatures were also found in the same area. According to Barnett, the fallen object was a round metal aircraft with a diameter of about 9 meters, one edge of which was severely damaged, and the navigation equipment and propulsion system were completely destroyed by the explosion. The military cordoned off the UFO crash site and ordered everyone to leave it, forbidding them to talk about what they saw there.

"The UFO debris found in the Brazel farm area was flown to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for examination. The 509th Bomb Group intelligence officer, Major Marcell, who collected the debris in 1947, later stated that it was scattered by the explosion over an area around 3 square kilometers and included: a large number of pieces of very thin and light material, reminiscent of aluminum foil, which did not burn and was so strong that it could not be bent, torn or cut

The current location of these items is unknown. However, indirect evidence suggests that earthly scientists have not been able to make any progress in their study. A particular problem was the UFO's propulsion system, which was destroyed by the explosion.


Very little is known about the engines used by UFOs to move over land, in water and in space. But what is known speaks of the overwhelming superiority of alien technology over earthly technology. Human civilization has never had anything like this before and, most likely, will not appear in the foreseeable future.

An interesting incident that lifts the veil of secrecy over the principles of operation of UFO engines occurred in August 1975 near Hallman Air Force Base (New Mexico) with Air Force Sergeant Charles Moody.

When Moody drove his car into the desert at night, a disk-shaped object with a diameter of about 15 meters and a height of 6 meters with three spheres on the bottom suddenly appeared in front of him. A frightened Moody jumped into his car and tried to start it, but the engine wouldn't work. And the UFO approached the car and stopped 15 meters from it. Then Moody heard someone's high-pitched voice, and an illuminated rectangle appeared on the object, in which some foggy figures were visible.

Moody subsequently said the following:

“When the car was surrounded by radiance, two UFO creatures glided towards it. They put their hands on the car door, as if wanting to open it. Although I was scared to death, I threw open the door with all my strength, which knocked one of the creatures down. And I got out of the car and hit another creature in the face with my hand, after which it fell, and the light in my eyes faded.

When I woke up, I saw that I was lying on a hard table, and an alien creature was studying me. His skull was a third larger than a human's, and there was no hair or eyebrows on it. The eyes were round and the gaze was very piercing. The ears, nose and mouth were smaller than those of humans, and the lips were very thin. The creature was 1.5 meters tall and looked very fragile. He was wearing a tight-fitting white suit.

Then this creature asked me in clear English, without moving his lips, if I was feeling well and would I fight? And when I assured that I would not, it touched me with a metal stick, after which I immediately gained control over my body and stopped being afraid. Then this creature helped me get off the table.

I was in a round clean room, similar to an operating room, which had three shell-shaped doors. Wanting to know how this ship flies, I asked to see its propulsion system. To my surprise, consent was given, and we went into another room, which was the same size as the entire ship. It seemed like it was bigger on the inside than on the outside.

In the second room there were three more creatures, and a flat panel with levers was visible, and in front of it two chairs for crew members. Then we descended into the room located underneath. In it, the upper parts of the transparent spheres that I saw under the bottom of the ship protruded from the floor. Inside them, large crystals were visible, with a rod on each face.

When I asked for an explanation of how this engine works, the answer I was given was:

Don't try to understand. If you think a little, your people can invent this too. They further explained to me that this was a patrol ship that had arrived from the main ship, which was much larger and was now in space. It was then said that at first they planned to have only limited contact with humanity in order to study it further. At the same time, the aliens fear for their lives, because their ship could be destroyed by nuclear missiles.

The creature then hugged me and told me that it would never harm me and that I would lose my memory for a while, after which my vision went dark again. And then I found myself in my car, watching the ship fly away.”

The answer given by the alien regarding the UFO's engine is very evasive. However, based on such answers and his own experience gained from studying UFO debris, the American physicist Bob Lazar prepared a memorandum in which he gave a general description of the design of the propulsion system of flying saucers.

This is what Lazar had to say. The UFO's energy is supplied by a compact reactor based on the radioactive decay of element 115 of the periodic table and the release of antimatter. The reactor is a sphere with a diameter of 30 to 40 centimeters. It consists of several shells surrounding an internal cavity. These shells most likely represent a cooling and protection system for the reactor. The first (inner) shell may contain generators of a protective field, the purpose of which is to prevent decay products from reaching the walls of the chamber. The second (middle) shell is a set of cavities through which coolant circulates. The need for cooling is probably due to the fact that some of the decay products are a stream of photons passing through a field that traps other particles. Finally, the third shell is the pressure vessel of the reactor.

After the decay of element 115, when it is irradiated with neutrons, a certain amount of antimatter is formed, which is transported through a pipe channel into a special chamber, where annihilation occurs in a gaseous medium, and the released energy in the form of a stream of photons is absorbed by a “refractory crystal-energy collector,” which apparently represents is a photo-thermoelectric converter with an efficiency close to 100%.

The UFO engine is a combination of an amplifier and a gravitational wave emitter. According to Lazar's article, the source of weak gravity waves is the same element 115, and the rest of the equipment picks up and amplifies these waves, like earthly radio receivers. UFOs are usually equipped with three emitters that operate independently of each other depending on the flight mode: near the surface of the planet, in the stratosphere, in space.

"The effect of the emitters is the collapse of space near the UFO."

The disadvantage of the emitter system is the strong electromagnetic radiation that spreads down and to the sides from the UFO, affecting the environment. Its effect can be judged by such well-known facts as: the cessation of operation of internal combustion engines, disruption of the operation of electrical appliances during the passage of a UFO, charred prints on trees and grass, and, worst of all, radiation burns that people who fall into the field of action receive radiation.

Despite the fact that we already know a lot about the design and properties of UFOs, their technology remains a closely guarded secret. In any case, it is clear that if humanity manages to penetrate this secret, our lives will change most radically.

UFO and antigravity. The operating principle of the UFO engine. Scientific rationale for the operation of the UFO engine

Vladimir Zabelyshensky

UFO and antigravity.

The current level of science allows us to conclude that there are three main forces at work in the Universe: gravity, magnetism and electricity. This statement was the result of the work of a number of outstanding scientists, who, first of all, include Faraday, Maxwell, Planck and Einstein. In 1923, their followers - American scientists Brown and Biefield, California Institute of Special Research, studying the connection between electricity and gravity, came to the discovery of the effect of electrogravity. This discovery marked the beginning of the development of a completely new scientific direction. Brown showed that for every electromagnetic phenomenon there is an electrogravitational analogue, in particular, the movement of a charged body under the influence of the interaction between electric and gravitational fields in the direction of the positive electrode. In 1939, Brown created the theory of electrogravity and then developed it into the field of electrohydrodynamics.

It is noteworthy that the Brown effect was not predicted, even to any first approximation, either by the Theory of Relativity or by modern theories of electromagnetism. As soon as Brown's theory of electrogravity became available to scientists and technical specialists at aerospace centers, it amazed with its ease of implementation and the highest degree of experimental evidence of all provisions of the theory. However, even at the end of the 20th century, despite the practical implementation of the Brown effect in the creation of fundamentally new aircraft, many, due to their ignorance, consider the gravitational engine to be an obscure exotic thing.

The essence of electrogravity is that a flat capacitor charged with high DC voltage tends to move towards the positive pole due to a decrease in its weight /1/. The change in the weight of the capacitor depending on the polarity of the voltage applied to it is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig.1. Changes in the weight of a capacitor depending on the polarity of the voltage applied to it.

The experiments revealed fundamental features:

The dielectric material between the two plates of the capacitor must have the ability to store electrical energy in the form of an “elastic” voltage without corona discharge and subsequent breakdown at the edges of the capacitor, for example, in the form of a disk. A measure of this ability is the “k” coefficient of the material. The higher the value of this coefficient, the greater the effect of electrogravity;

The effect of movement of a freely suspended capacitor is directly proportional to the area of ​​the capacitor plates and the magnitude of the voltage applied to the plates;

The effect of electrogravity becomes more pronounced as the mass of dielectric material between the plates increases. (Patent T. T. Brown, 3,187,206 dated June 1, 1965, USA).

The distribution of an electric charge of a certain polarity over sectors of the upper and lower surface of a flat capacitor allows you to control the direction of movement of the capacitor. Figures 2 and 3 show the principle of changing the direction of flight of objects according to the theory of electrogravity.

Fig.3. The principle of changing the direction of flight of objects.

In his experiments, Brown used object models in the form of a triangle, a square, a square with edges truncated at the corners, and a saucer. He ultimately concluded that the saucer shape was the most effective shape. An analysis of the flight of the saucer in Brown's experiments showed that during the flight of the model in the air, none of the known aerodynamic principles of the wing is used.

When considering electrogravity in relation to a UFO, we must keep in mind some features of its flight. As is known, the Earth is surrounded by a gravitational field, the magnitude of which decreases with distance from the Earth and ultimately becomes equal to zero. A UFO, creating an area of ​​its own gravitational field, changes (deforms) the gravitational field of the Earth. This area acts like a wave with a negative pole at the top of the wave and a positive pole at the base. The flight of a UFO is similar to a surfer sliding on a wave. Thus, by changing the orientation and sign (polarity) of the electric field on the upper and lower surfaces of the body, the UFO is able to move inertia-free in any direction. As is known, there are some consistently observed features of UFO flight. So, before starting from a hovering position, the UFO leans forward, and before stopping in horizontal flight, it leans back. The descent of a UFO, as a rule, occurs using the “falling leaf” method, reminiscent of the movement of a pendulum. Paul Hill, who studied these flight characteristics at NASA's Langley Research Center, came to the conclusion that such evolutions of UFO flight are contrary to aerodynamic requirements, but are fully compatible with the fundamental differences in the operation of a field anti-gravity system.

Experimenting with various forms of his flying models, Brown describes the process by which the driving force is generated to achieve controlled flight. In accordance with the theory of electrogravity, the upper part of the dome-shaped disk is an anode, under a positive charge of 100-200 kV. The cathode, to which a negative charge is applied, is the central lower part of the housing, the diameter of which is approximately 3 times smaller than the upper, dome-shaped part of the disk. The dome is mechanically connected to the small anode part by an electrode located vertically in the center of the disk.

Ion plasma moving at high speed in the direction of the concave part of the dome creates pressure along the entire profile of the anode, which leads, in a particular case, to vertical movement of the disk. The plasma that escapes the dome accelerates back to the cathode. Its own gravitational field is created both inside the volume of the disk and in the peripheral region outside the disk. The electrical model of Brown's disk is shown in Figure 4./2/.

Fig.4. Electrical model of Brown's disk.

The main conclusion following from Brown's theory, confirmed in experiment, is that there is an electromagnetic correlation factor between gravitational mass and inertial mass, which, under certain electromagnetic conditions, can be reduced, canceled, inverted or increased.

Demonstration flights of Brown disks, 1 m in diameter. and more, around a high mast with power supply through wires, showed that a low pressure area is created in front of the leading edge of the disk. This area, like a buffer wing, displaces air in front of the flying disk, which eliminates the formation of a supersonic barrier and heating of the disk body. Speaking to scientists and representatives of the aviation industry, Brown already noted that the electromagnetic processes accompanying flight cause not only the glow of the disk, but also a negative effect on animals and plants.

Observations of low-flying or hovering UFOs at low altitude, as well as the detection of the so-called. step voltage on the surface of the earth during their landings confirm the presence of an electric field around the UFO. The strength of this field, according to indirect estimates, is 1 – 1.5 million volts per square meter. see UFO surfaces, which corresponds to the calculated values ​​​​obtained in Brown's experiments.

In 1953, Brown held a demonstration for senior military officials. It showed the flight of two disks 3 feet in diameter. They reached speeds of several hundred miles/hour. Soon, work in this direction was classified.

During Project Winterhaven, Brown sent a proposal to the Pentagon to develop a disc-shaped electrogravitational combat aircraft such as the Mach-3. It was a significantly improved version of his test discs shown earlier. Using large vacuum chambers, Brown showed that his disks could fly more efficiently in an airless environment. This made a due impression on US military specialists.

Once Brown's discoveries became known, some scientists began to talk openly about UFO flight technology. None other than Professor Hermann Oberg, considered the father of the space age, who later worked with Wernher von Braun for the US Army Ballistic Missile Agency and NASA, stated the following in 1954: “It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and are spaceships.” from another solar system. They fly using artificial gravity fields... They produce high voltage electrical charges in order to push air out of their path, and the air begins to glow in strong electromagnetic fields as a result of the ionization of molecules of various gases in the air.

Firstly, this can explain the glow... Secondly, this can explain the noiselessness of the UFO flight..." /3/. We now know that he was essentially correct in his assessment. - Advisor to the Physical Society of Russia, examining Brown's developments, notes that the active force acting in electrogravity is the result of the asymmetry of the orbital motion of electrons in dielectric atoms located in an electric field. The asymmetry creates a centrifugal force gradient and a nonzero linear component of that force. If we take the surface area of ​​the dome equal to 100 sq. m. the electrical capacitance will be about 1 µF. The use of special ceramics as a dielectric allows you to increase the dielectric constant (specific capacitance) to 80. At a potential of 100 kV. the gradient of the acting force will be equal to 80 tons. Since the magnitude of the force increases as a quadratic function of the applied potential, it is advisable to increase the potential, and not the surface of the dome or the object as a whole. So the essence of electrogravitational propulsion is to use a very strong positive charge on one side of the vehicle and a negative charge on the other. The ability of a capacitor to hold a charge (factor K) is a comparative technical characteristic. If the K coefficient for conventional dielectrics is 6-8, then the use of barium titanate oxide (sintered ceramics) gives a coefficient of 6,000 with the prospect of increasing to 30,000, which is quite sufficient for supersonic flight.” /4/ Calculation of the gradient of the acting force is shown in figure 1.


ε1=1 ε2=80 (ceramics)

area S=100m2

capacity C0=10-6F; C= ε2C0=8×10-5F

potential φ=105 V

charge q=CU=8K

field strength E=105 i/m

F=8×105(79/80)=7.9×105 (N)


Fig.1. Calculation of the gradient of the acting force.

In one of their conclusions, based on Brown’s work, experts note the following: “Electrostatic energy sufficient to implement the Mak-3 apparatus is possible using megavolt voltages and a K coefficient of more than 10,000″ /5/.

Despite Brown's solid research, they further point out that: “One of the major difficulties in 1954 and 1955 was the effort to convince aviators of the seriousness of electrogravity experiments /6/. Report of the British company Gravity Rand Ltd. in 1956 is consistent with this assessment /7/.

Aviation Report magazine made multiple references to antigravity projects and cited many of the companies involved in research in this area. Quotations from this magazine, given in a report by Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. /8/ hint at what is happening behind the scenes.

In 1954, company specialists noted that: “... progress was slow. But there are indications that the Pentagon is willing to sponsor a number of devices to help further progress."... "Testing of experimental devices predicts completion of the first drive before 1960 and the 1960s will be entirely spent developing it to perfection, although some combat capabilities will be available ten years from now.” (Aviation Report, No.12, October 1954) /9/.

During this time period, many of the major companies in the military-industrial complex were cited as leading research projects and testing in the field. For example: “Companies named in the new statement exploring the use of gravity include Glenn Martin, Convear, Sperry-Rand, Sikorsky, Bell, Lear Inc. and Clark Electronics.” Among other companies that showed interest earlier, we note Lockheed. Other reports cited point to AT&T, General Electric, as well as Curtis-Wright, Boeing and North American as having electrogravity research groups. During the same period of time, a report from the Gravity Rand company notes that: “Companies are already specializing in the development of individual components of the electrogravity disk” /11/. However, in the area of ​​predictions, Aviation Report states the following based on extrapolation of technological advances: “Thus, this century will be divided into two parts - almost to the present day. The first part belongs to the Wright brothers, who anticipated almost all the fundamental laws in which gravity was a difficult opponent. In the second part, gravity will be the great provider.

Electrical energy, practically unusable for movement in the first part, becomes a kind of catalyst for movement in the second part of the century.” (Aviation Report, No.7, September 1954) /12/.

Looking back in history, it is easy to say that they lost the point of division. Did they really lose her for half a century? After reading the mentioned reports, it becomes quite obvious that there was a lot of interest in anti-gravity among a number of very well-known companies, as well as in the Ministry of Defense. What happened to this interest and why did it fade over the next four-plus decades? After all, T. Brown showed that there was a provable connection between high-voltage fields and gravity. Why was this topic kept from the scientific community and publications in the open literature until the 90s? A review of recent statements by former military and civilian employees working on classified projects sheds light on research activity in these areas during the second half of the century. And it turns out that during this period significant breakthroughs were made, but they were hidden from the eyes of scientists and the public.

Latest scientific developments.

In this section we will look at developments in the field of anti-gravity since the late 80's, as well as scientific research and testimony from witnesses associated with military and secret groups that indicate that a solution to gravity has been found with the possibility of its application in technology. Although general relativity has been unable to explain Brown's Electrogravitational Theory, as well as any other antigravity phenomena, recent findings by physicists using the methodology of quantum electrodynamics suggest a theoretical framework with which to explain electrogravity.

Recent work by employees of the Institute for Advanced Study of the Alpha Foundation provides a solid theoretical foundation for anti-gravity effects within the framework of the theory of electrodynamics and includes reports by Evans /13/, Anastasotsky /14/ and others.

Previously, in his revolutionary work in 1994, Alcubière showed

that space travel at superluminal speeds is, in principle, physically possible and will not contradict the fundamentals of the theory of relativity /15/. Puthoff later analyzed these definitions in light of existing SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) paradigms, which argue that we cannot be visited by extraterrestrial civilizations due to the speed of light limitations imposed by general relativity. On the contrary, he believes that traveling at the speed of light is undoubtedly possible /16/. This leads to a reduction in the time required for interstellar travel and the possibility of visits from extraterrestrial civilizations. Our limited understanding of physics and scientific arrogance kept it all taboo in some areas for most of the 20th century. While Brown's Theory of Electrogravity has found its way into US aerospace projects, there are alternative theoretical approaches to creating artificial, controlled gravity.

In 1999 Fran Di Aquino, Doctor of Physics at the University of Sao Luis, Brazil, has published a number of papers on the theory of aircraft using the anti-gravity principle. In the work “Gravity and electromagnetism; correlation and grand unification”/17/ he showed that gravitational and inertial masses are correlated taking into account the electromagnetic coefficient (multiplier). The consequences of this correlation make it possible to transform the Mach Principle into the Theory of Gravitation, obtaining a new relativistic expression for mass. In addition, it became possible to generalize Newton's second law of motion, to calculate the differential equation for entropy (the second law of Thermodynamics) directly from the Theory of Gravity. Another fundamental consequence of the correlation under consideration is that, in specific ultra-high energy states, gravitational and electromagnetic fields can be described by the same Hamilton function.

Attempts to establish a correlation between gravitational and inertial masses have been made since Newton. However, only recently it was established that a gravitational particle decreases its mass with increasing temperature and that only at absolute zero (T = 0) are the gravitational and inertial masses equivalent.Fran Di Aquino showed that the long-held assumption about the correlation between gravity and electromagnetism turned out to be correct. Initially, using formal methods, it was shown that there is a so-called electromagnetic coefficient (multiplier), which relates to gravitational and inertial masses. Now it is possible to theoretically substantiate the process of gravitational mass control.

As has been shown, the inertial effects of a material body can be reduced and even canceled out if its gravitational mass can be reduced or canceled accordingly. A particle with no gravitational mass is not subject to relativistic effects. Its gravitational mass does not increase with increasing particle speed. It's interesting to note that, according to Di Aquino, this means that a particle with no gravitational mass can reach or even exceed the speed of light. Such a particle is characterized by two fundamental parameters: it becomes a particle with momentum P=0 and energy E=0. These “ghost” neutrinos are so named because, lacking momentum and energy, they cannot be detected. Even so, their presence can be confirmed by an existing wave function that describes their presence.

Inertial forces in the modern version are expressed as Fi=miai, while the equivalent gravitational forces, Fg=mgag. In this case, the equivalence ai=ag is satisfied. Therefore, the equations of General Relativity will be preserved. It is known that photons do not have inertial mass, do not absorb other photons, and do not have gravitational mass. If we consider a certain source of electromagnetic radiation with a certain power, frequency and radiation density, then in accordance with Aquino’s theory, it is possible to create a so-called “shield” of photons around this source, which will prevent the exchange of gravitons between particles in the “shield” and the rest of space ( Universe). Region shield” begins at a distance from the source, where the radiation density reaches a value at which photons will counteract each graviton in the region of the electromagnetic field of the source. Moreover, these interactions are instantaneous, since the speed of photons in this case should be infinite, because they are quanta of electromagnetic interaction. This is exactly the speed of photons that will be in shield."

If we imagine a spaceship with a positive gravitational mass equal to X kg, and a negative gravitational mass equal to, for example, 0.001 kg, then this condition is sufficient to create a “shield” by photons emanating from the surface of the spacecraft. In this case, the gravitational mass of the ship will be equal to 0.001 kg. If the ship's propulsion system creates only F=10N, the spacecraft will acquire an acceleration equal to 104 m/s.Thus, due to the photon “shield” around the spacecraft, its gravitational interaction with the Universe will be absent. Consequently, there will also be no inertial forces on the spacecraft, in other words, the ship will lose its inertial properties. In addition, a spacecraft can not only reach the speed of light, but also exceed it, because, as has been shown, a particle with missing gravitational mass will not be subject to relativistic effects. The key issue of today is the creation of a compact source of electrical energy that makes it possible to obtain voltages of more than 1 MV and electric fields of 1-1.5 MV per square meter. see aircraft surfaces. There are several solutions to this issue, including the conversion of nuclear energy or the use of vacuum state energy.

Energy of the vacuum state.

The most revolutionary physics discoveries have been made in zero-point energy, or vacuum state energy, which is illustrated by the Casimir effect, whereby two metal plates placed together attract each other due to an imbalance of quantum vibrations. The prospects for using the energy of zero-point oscillations or the energy of the vacuum state are enormous. Einstein’s student John Wheeler once said: “Figuratively speaking, the vacuum energy contained in the volume of a coffee cup would be enough to evaporate all the oceans of the Earth.” The theoretical foundations of the energy of the vacuum state were described in several works by Puthoff, starting from the late 80s. /18,19/.

Physicist Stephen Greer, commenting on the research and practical achievements of scientists at the University of New Hampshire at a radio briefing on January 30, 2003, noted that, judging by the amazing devices that he saw in work, by mid-2004 the United States will be able to create industrial designs converters of vibration energy of subatomic particles of free vacuum into electrical energy. “These are extremely compact, lightweight devices and have no moving parts. I want to tell you that the UFO mystery has been a mystery for decades for one, most important reason - we needed to have time to exclusively study the source of energy in UFOs."

Various technological methods for extracting this energy have been described - recent work by Anastasotsky et al. /20/. Bearden's book on the theory of zero-point energy will appear soon /21/. There is significant evidence that scientists since Tesla have known about this energy, but its existence and potential uses have been hidden for more than half a century /22/.

The connection between observations of electrogravitational phenomena and the discovery of zero-point energy leads to a new, expanded understanding of the nature of matter and gravity. We turn to the following question: what keeps the universe in perpetual motion? Or, more specifically, where do electrons get energy to maintain rotation around atoms? The simplistic answer is that it comes from a vacuum state. Puthoff /23/ describes the process as follows: “I discovered that we can consider the electron to be continuously emitting its energy, as classical theory says, but at the same time absorbing a compensating amount of energy from the omnipresent ocean of zero-point energy in which the atom is immersed. Equilibrium between these two processes leads to the correct values ​​of the parameters that determine the minimum energy or orbit of the ground state.

Thus, there is a dynamic equilibrium in which the energy of zero-point vibrations stabilizes the electron in the orbit of the ground state. It turns out that the stability of matter itself depends on the ocean of electromagnetic energy of zero-point oscillations that supports it.”

Moreover, it turns out that the rotation of electrons provides inertia and mass for atoms. These theories, relating electron spin, zero-point energy, mass and inertia, have been presented in a number of recent scientific reports, notably Heisch and colleagues who have provided a possible explanation for the Biefeld-Brown effect. It turns out that the high voltage field creates an electromagnetic barrier that blocks the atomic structure of the atom from interacting with the zero-point vibration field. This slows down the electrons, reducing their gyroscopic effect and thus mass and inertia, making them easier to move.

This inexhaustible source of energy will allow us to abandon the use of all types of fuel and transfer any transport, industrial and social facilities to electricity consumption thanks to vacuum energy.

Searle's gravitational disks.

In 1946, prof. John Searle, UK, made a fundamental discovery in the field of the nature of magnetism. Working in Mortimer, Borkshire, he discovered that when making permanent magnets based on ferrites, adding a small alternating current component to the magnetizing field, within 100 mA, with a frequency of 10 MHz, the magnets acquire completely new properties /24/. Searle's experiments showed that if magnets in the form of rollers, made using the new technology, are placed around the outer side of a ring magnet, then with a certain number of rollers, they begin to move independently around the ring magnet. Once in motion, the rollers increase speed until dynamic equilibrium is achieved. It was also discovered that when the magnetic rollers rotate, the device creates an electrostatic potential difference, the vector of which is directed radially from the rollers to the ring magnet. In this case, the stationary ring is charged positively, and the rollers – negatively. The interaction of centrifugal force and magnets creates a constant gap between the moving rollers and the ring, as a result of which there is no mechanical and galvanic contact between the ring and the rollers.

By adding a stationary electromagnet to the design, Searle received a current generator with a power of about 500 watts. The appearance of the simplest design of the Searle electric generator is shown in Figure 5.

In 1952, Searle made a device with several concentrically arranged rings, between which rollers were placed. This 1m diameter device developed a potential of 1,000,000 volts, accompanied by a crackling sound and the smell of ozone. The design of this generator is shown in Figure 6.

There are 10 rollers around the first (small) ring, 25 around the next ring and 35 around the outer ring. On the outer ring, above the ends of the rollers, electromagnetic converters of static potential to DC voltage are installed. Such a generator produces 15 kW of power during stable operation. Research into the Searle effect shows that when magnetic rollers are near a magnetic ring, the resonant state of the magnetic field pulls away electrons and ions and, accelerating them in the gap between the rollers and the ring, creates a high static voltage with opposite charges on the stationary ring and the rollers rotating around it. Greater power at the output of such a generator is obtained by doping the magnetic material with neodymium, a rare earth metal that provides excess electrons. In 1999, SISRC Ltd, which includes subsidiaries in Germany, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand, announced the completion of an extensive program to modernize the Searle generator, which simplified the design. Company specialists noted that a key role in the effect of obtaining electrical energy using the Searle Generator is played by discoveries in the field of energy conversion of the vacuum state /24/.

However, the main discovery was that when the specified potential difference and the maximum speed of the rollers in dynamic equilibrium mode are reached, the device rises up. An analysis of electromagnetic phenomena in Searle’s device showed that the interaction of a high-intensity electric field, the vector of which, in a particular case, is directed radially to the pulsating magnetic field, creates its own gravitational field that compensates for the weight of the device itself. In addition, Searle generators can be used as high voltage sources in Brown disks.

Since 1952, Searle began manufacturing devices in the form of disks with a diameter of 10 m. In the 1950s, publications of Searle's further work ceased. However, in 1970, an important feature of Searle magnets became known: the characteristics of magnets can temporarily change when exposed to an external constant magnetic field. When the external field is removed, the characteristics of the magnets are restored. In addition, it became known that experiments were carried out to replace ferrite with magnetic ceramics. Thus, in the early 70s, as a result of numerous experiments and technical upgrades, it became obvious that Searle disks could be used as a source of electrical energy, the main unit of a gravity engine for aircraft, or a combination of these technical directions.

Studies of the Searle effect conducted in Russia /25/ showed:

The mechanical energy of rotating permanent magnets is converted into electrical energy in accordance with the magnitude of the gravitational potential created by all the masses in a local volume of space.

The movement of magnetic rollers in the transducer's own electric field leads to the formation of a secondary gravitational field in accordance with the magnitude of the electric potential.

As the speed of rotation of the rotor (magnetic roller system) increases, the electric field strength increases and, as a result, the secondary gravitational field increases, which can reduce or eliminate the weight of the structure.

If the energy of the electric field is not spent on electrical discharges or heating the structure by induced currents, then a significant part of the mechanical energy manifests itself in the form of an anti-gravity effect.

Spontaneous acceleration of the magnetic system is associated with the simultaneous presence of electric, magnetic and gravitational fields in a local region of space.

From the side of the magnetic field, the Lorentz force acts on both moving electric charges and gravitational charged bodies.

Since the structure itself is electrically neutral, the Lorentz force acts only on gravitationally charged rollers. The direction of the Lorentz force is perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of movement of the magnetic rollers. If the cylindrical rollers rotated in one place, then the Lorentz force would be directed towards the axis of rotation and would not impart additional acceleration to them.

Magnetic rollers, in addition to rotational motion, also perform translational motion around a magnetic ring, so that each point on their surface moves along a cycloid, therefore the Lorentz force has two components: towards the center of the cylindrical roller and along the direction of their movement.

The magnitude of the Lorentz force depends on the electric potential, magnetic field strength, mass of the rollers and the speed of their movement.

The electric potential, in turn, depends on the speed of rotation of the roller system around the stationary ring. Thus, as a result, the Lorentz force depends on the speed according to a quadratic law.

Electrons, accelerated by a high-intensity toroidal electric field, ionize the gas in the surrounding space, causing it to glow /25/.

Currently, work is underway to use composite materials and multilayer magnetic structures to significantly increase the output power of Searle generators. It should be noted that the achieved high voltage level obtained using the Searle generator is sufficient for its use as a voltage source in Brown's flying disks.

Electrogravity and unified field theory.

Bales, US Institute of Physics, studying the interactions of UFOs with the environment, man-made and biological objects, came to the conclusion that Brown's theory can be significantly supplemented. Taking into account the results of the practical implementation of Brown's theory of electrogravity, Bales proposed a theory of the interaction of strong electromagnetic and electric fields, as a result of which a controlled vector of gravitational force is created. Although this approach is not new, Bayles' theory differs in its treatment of the problem from the point of view of unified field theory and quantum mechanics. His theory was presented by him to NASA at a conference in February 2003 /26/.

Without considering the mathematical apparatus for studying quantum interactions of fields and states of elementary particles, we will limit ourselves to the basic principles of the theory that explain the principle of UFO movement. These provisions are a consequence of considering quantum and electrodynamic conditions in which the entire structure of the UFO and its energy field are both a gravitational engine and a means of movement in space. A UFO surrounded by a microwave field represents a single quantum potential similar to the energy potential of an electron. If there are conditions of external energy influence, under which a difference in energy levels is created, the electron can “tunnel” through the energy barrier to another point in space. This movement is instantaneous. This feature of the electron's quantum state was discovered by David Bohm after he solved the Schrödinger wave equation for the quantum energy potential, which represents the energy of the electron itself.

The physics associated with the quantum potential of David Bohm has expanded the concept of quantum energy and the mechanics of gravity. One of the main provisions of Bayles' theory is the definition that energy space is the source of Bohm's quantum potential. Bales' Unified Field Theory allowed him to formulate a new gravitational equation that expresses the mechanics of vector magnetic potential. The equation presented in Figure 2 includes the vector magnetic potential and a new quantum interaction constant.

The assertion that a quantum particle such as an electron is inherently a standing wave formed the basis for considering the system of motion of a UFO from the standpoint of wave theory, taking into account the design features and parameters of the electromagnetic radiation of the UFO obtained in direct measurements. Based on the fact that quantum and macroelectronic equations are similar, it becomes possible to move a macroquantum object by changing the phase or wave function of a quantum standing wave relative to a coupled electric standing wave in the strong electric field of the object.

Thus, a UFO, in a quantum sense, is similar to an electron, which gives it the ability to carry out instantaneous movements (jumps) in space, as an electron does when passing through an energy barrier using the “tunneling” method. The range of a UFO jump from its energy space to any point in ordinary (surrounding) space is determined by the magnitude of the instantaneous phase transformation between the two indicated standing waves, which leads to a sharp, but controlled, change in the energy of the electromagnetic field. Speaking about the energy space of a UFO, we must keep in mind that the source of energy can be the energy of vibrations of vacuum particles, converted into another, more convenient form of electrical energy. In a stationary position, the force field around the UFO disk is symmetrical and has the shape of a torus. When a local field asymmetry is created, the UFO moves in the direction of its disturbance. Figure 7 shows a diagram of the UFO, which shows the functional elements of the structure.

Fig.7. Functional elements of the UFO design.

1. Section of the system for phase and group generation of standing waves.

2. Flat waveguides.

3. Living and functional compartments.

4. Corona removal device.

5. High dielectric ring.

6. Waveguide outputs.

Microwave radiation emanating from waveguides -6 creates a force field that counteracts the external toroidal field, keeping it at some distance from the UFO body, thereby creating a vacuum area around the body. Group switching of energy along flat waveguides creates an adjustable asymmetry of the force field to change the spatial position of the UFO. Since the electric field strength in the upper part of the dome is maximum, there is a high probability of the formation of a corona discharge, which could lead to disruptions in the standing wave generation system. The corona discharge is removed using a device in the form of a “spike” of variable cross-section located at the top point of the dome.

Considering the real possibilities of copying UFO-type devices, Jerry Bales proposed using a hydrogen nuclear reactor as an energy source. In 1998, such a solution, from a technological point of view, could well have been implemented.

Information beyond the threshold of secrecy.

In the USA, the B-2 aircraft became the first production aircraft to use anti-gravity technology. A special feature of the B-2 bomber is the large horizontal surface area of ​​the aircraft, which has the shape of a triangle. This feature provides maximum anti-gravity lift. At one time, Brown showed that although the disk shape is the most optimal, it is not necessary. Triangular, square or diamond-shaped devices fly with the same high efficiency. Further development of anti-gravity technology depends on progress in the development of newer dielectrics than the high-density cermets of RAM. From sources close to the Northrop corporation, a manufacturer of anti-gravity devices, as well as from a publication in “Aviation Week” dated March 9, 1992, it is known that at present there is already a new dielectric capable of operating at a voltage of 15 million. volt.

In 1993, Dr. La Violette prepared a report /27,28,29/ in which the B-2 bomber is discussed from the point of view of its use of an electrogravitational system. It turns out that this plane uses an advanced form of anti-gravity principles first described by T. Brown. Confirmation of this thesis is available in the journal Aviation Week and Space Technology (March 1992), which reported that the B-2 bomber electrostatically charges the leading edge of the wing and the exhaust stream. The information was confirmed by Bob Ischsler, a NASA specialist. In flight, a positively charged area moves in front of the aircraft, while at the same time, the ionized jet exhaust stream creates a negatively charged area behind the aircraft. In this case, a certain modification of the Brown effect is realized, which has undeniable advantages in comparison with the usual flight pattern of a jet aircraft.

B. Ischsler publicly made a similar statement in 1990. This information complements the information that there are major developments in the field of anti-gravity, which are used in military aviation. The appearance of a US Air Force B-2 aircraft is shown in Figure 8.

Fig.8. Exterior view of the B-2 aircraft.

From the final part of La Violetta's report: “The commercial airline industry could benefit enormously from such technology. It will not only significantly increase the fuel efficiency of jet airliners, significantly increase flight speed, but most importantly, reduce flight time” /30/.

On May 9, 2001, the public organization Project Disclosure /31/ held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington. She presented more than two dozen witnesses, including retired Army, Navy and Air Force officials, a senior FAA official, and employees of various intelligence organizations, including the CIA. All of them either witnessed events related to UFOs, or were aware of the activities of the government and industrial corporations in this area. They also released a white paper /32/ for journalists and congressmen, as well as a book /33/ that contains dozens of testimonies from such people. Many of them talked about secret programs dealing with anti-gravity technologies, zero-point energy and the development of reproductions of alien vehicles (UFOs) as part of American “black projects”.

Dan Morris /34/, worked in the Air Force, now retired. For many years he participated in “extraterrestrial projects”. After leaving the Air Force, he was hired by the super-secret National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO), where he worked on UFO-related operations.

He had the highest level of top-secret clearance.

“There are UFOs, both of alien origin and those made by humans. Townsend Brown was almost at the very top along with German scientists. So we had a problem. Our task was to protect Townsend Brown, to protect his work on the secrets of anti-gravity electromagnetic propulsion.” Next, he describes the type of zero-point energy device.

“If you have one of these devices, about sixteen inches long, eight inches high, ten inches wide, you may no longer be connected to the local power grid.” These devices do not burn anything. No pollution. They will never break because they have no moving parts. Only electrons move in gravitational and electromagnetic fields. At the same time, they rotate in opposite directions.”

“Dr. B.” /35/ (name hidden because he still works in this field) is a scientist-engineer who has worked in top-secret projects almost his entire life. For many years he worked directly with or was involved in secret projects related to anti-gravity, ultra-high energy space laser systems and electromagnetic pulse technologies.

“In fact, I took the opportunity to go to Hughes in Malibu. They had very thorough anti-gravity projects there. I am well acquainted with the details of these works. The flying disc has a small plutonium reactor inside, which through conversion produces enormous electrical energy. We also have an even more advanced propulsion technology, it's called a "virtual field", which causes hydrodynamic waves..."

Captain Bill Euhaus /36/ served 10 years in the Marine Corps as a pilot.

fighter and four years in civilian service in the Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base as an exotic experimental vehicle test pilot. Then, for the next 30 years, he worked for Department of Defense contractors as an engineer on anti-gravity propulsion systems: on flight simulators of exotic vehicles and on real flying disks. “I think that the first flying disc simulator was put into operation no earlier than the early 60s. Possibly in 1962 or 1963

year. The reason I say this is because the simulator was actually not functional until sometime in 1958. The simulator they used was for an alien ship they had, this 30-meter object that crashed in Kingman, Arizona in 1953 or 1952.”

“We controlled it with six huge capacitors, each

they were charged with a million volts, so there were six million volts in these capacitors.”… “Over the last 40 years or so, not counting the simulators, I'm talking about real machines, there have been probably two or three dozen of them, and various sizes of devices we built.”

"A. X." /37/ works for Boeing Airspace, has collected various information from secret groups working on projects related to UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations in the government, the Ministry of Defense and civilian companies. He has friends in the NSA, CIA, NASA, JPL, Office of Naval Intelligence, NRA, Area 51, Air Force, Northrup, Boeing and others.

“Most of the apparatus operates on the principles of antigravity and electrogravity. We have already reached the final stage regarding antigravity. I think within another 15 years we'll have cars that hover above the ground using this type of technology. We're working on this right now in Area 51. This is one of the things that a friend of mine is working on in Area 51 with the Northrup company, he lives now in Pahrump, PC. Nevada. We're flying anti-gravity vehicles right now in Area 51 and in Utah."

Colonel Williams /38/ joined the Air Force in 1964 and was a rescue helicopter pilot in Vietnam. He has a degree in electrical engineering and has led design projects for the Defense Air Command. During his military service, he knew about the existence of a top-secret structure at Norton Air Force Base in California.

“At Norton Air Force Base there was a building that was closed from prying eyes. Even the command did not know what was happening there. Then there were rumors among the pilots that it was a secret storage facility for one device - a UFO.”

Mark McCandlish /39/ is a professional aerospace illustrator who has worked for many of the leading aerospace corporations in the United States. His colleague was inside a structure at Norton Air Force Base where he saw reproductions of unearthly craft that were fully functional and could fly. He claims that the United States not only has working anti-gravity devices now. The United States had them for many, many years. They were developed during research, in particular, into extraterrestrial vehicles over the last fifty years. Close friend Brad Sorensen told him about the large hangar he was in during the air show at Norton Air Force Base on November 12, 1988.

In this hangar he saw flying saucers. “There were three flying saucers hovering above the floor. No wires connecting to the ceiling, no landing supports. They just hovered, hovering above the floor. He said that the smallest object was somewhat bell-shaped. They were all identical in shape and proportions, only all three were different sizes. Video footage was shown showing the smallest of the three craft standing on the ground in a desert area, presumably at the bottom of a dry lake, some kind of Area 51 type location.

This device made three small but quick, jumping jerks, then flew straight up, quickly picking up speed, and within seconds completely disappeared from sight. There was no sound, no sonic boom, nothing.”

“This craft was what they called a “reproduction of an alien craft,” and they also gave it the nickname “Flux Liner.” This anti-gravity propulsion system - this flying saucer - was one of three located in a hangar at Norton Air Force Base. Its artificial vision system used the same type of technology as the machine gun guidance system on the Apache helicopter: if the pilot wanted to see what was behind him, he could turn on the view in that direction, and the cameras worked in pairs. The pilot has a small screen in the face of his helmet, giving him an alternate view. He also puts on special glasses - in fact, you can actually buy a 3D vision system for your video camera now and it will do the same thing - and when the pilot looks around, he gets an excellent 3D view of everything that is outside , and there are no windows. Why are there no windows? Most likely because the high voltages we're talking about are somewhere between half a million and a million volts." Brad Sorensen said that at a demonstration of reproductions, “a three-star general said that these devices are capable of reaching the speed of light and even exceeding it.”

Nick Cook's new book, The Hunt for the Zero Point, contains some of the strongest evidence of serious effort and success in anti-gravity technology. The author has been an editor for Aviation magazine for the past 15 years and an aerospace consultant for Jane's Defense Weekly, and he has spent the last 10 years gathering information for his book. It includes research into Nazi Germany's archives on anti-gravity technology, interviews with high officials at NASA, the Pentagon and secret defense facilities. He proves that America has “cracked” the gravity code and has kept information at the highest level of secrecy. The reason is that anti-gravity and related zero-oscillation energy technologies offer the world the potential to have an inexhaustible and non-polluting source of energy in the future, so the information is being withheld due to the “giant economic threat.” His findings support the above-mentioned reports from Project Disclosure witnesses.

While Brown reported most of his discoveries about half a century ago, other experimentalists have only recently begun to replicate his work and report results in the open literature and on the Internet. For example, Davenport /41/ published the results of his work in 1995, confirming the discoveries of T. Brown. Even later, the company Transdimental Technologies /42/ in the USA and the laboratories of J. Nodine /43/ in France published on the Internet diagrams, videos and experimental data of their versions of anti-gravity “elevators”, based on the development of Brown’s work. The obvious fact is that big science still needs to demonstrate principles that were already demonstrated more than fifty years ago.

A number of other demonstrations of “anti-gravity” phenomena were carried out by scientists from many countries around the world. They include the work of Brazilian physics professor Fran de Aquino, as well as demonstrations of some devices: Searle's electrogravitational disk, Woodward's piezoelectric force field experiments.

All of them are described in more detail by Greer and Lowder /44/. Analysis of various theoretical approaches to the study of the anti-gravity effect, which does not follow from Faraday’s law and is not fully understood within the framework of Maxwell’s theory of electrodynamics, leads to a simple, at first glance, postulate:

When an electric and magnetic field interacts, provided that the vectors of the interacting fields are perpendicular to each other, a third force vector arises, manifesting itself in the form of an anti-gravity effect.

The use of various methods for obtaining active fields does not change the essence of the effect, and certain engineering solutions make it possible, with varying degrees of efficiency, to regulate the magnitude and direction of the gravitational force.

Consequences of antigravity research.

Research on antigravity and zero-point energy and their application has finally earned the attention of scientists in big science. This means that textbooks in this area will soon be rewritten and a new generation of students will be able to apply the “new knowledge”. Its application will lead to huge breakthroughs in transportation technologies in space and on earth. As a result, we have the potential for human exploration of the solar system and space beyond during our lifetime, if we have the desire. It also implies that much of 20th century technology will become useless, and in fact perhaps already has.

Based on an analysis of trends in antigravity research over the past half century and information from numerous witnesses, it turns out that we have both good and bad news. /1/. The good news is that we (as part of secret projects) have already developed the theory of antigravity, and, in addition, we have built a working spaceship on its principles. The bad news is that these technologies have been developed for decades at public expense, and that humanity has been deprived of these technologies, continuing to waste energy using inefficient and dirty technologies.

In the early 90s, the largest scientific centers joined anti-gravity projects, including:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Scientific and technical base for antigravity research in Boston,

Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton,

Princeton University Radiation Laboratory,

University of North Carolina,

Glen Martin Institute for Advanced Gravity Research.

An extensive research program is underway in the UK to develop technology for producing special dielectrics for the implementation of electrogravitational projects in aviation. Revolutionary successes in the theory of antigravity and its practical implementation do not mean the absence of problems in this area. There are still some problems with creating a more flexible system for spatial control of powerful (50,000 kVA) electric and electromagnetic fields. There are significant gaps in human protection from electromagnetic radiation. Advances in technical solutions to security problems are the main subject of competition and secrecy nowadays. Meanwhile, specialists from leading aerospace companies, mastering new technologies as part of anti-gravity projects, believe that these problems are not as great as they seem at first glance /45/.

List of sources used:

/1/ Lowder at the 40th Aerospace Sciences Conference, American Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Reno, NY. Nevada, 2002. Translation from English. IN . Romanchenko.

/2/ Brown, T. T. 1929. How I control gravity. Science and Information Magazine, Aug. 1929. Reprinted in Psychic Observer

/3/ Oberth, Hermann: “Flying Saucers Come from a Distant World,” The American Weekly, October 24, 1954.

/4/ Frolov A. V. “Reactionless Propulsion and Active Force”, St. Petersburg, 1998.

/5/ Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. 1956. Electro-gravitics Systems: An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary and barycentric control. p. 14. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.

/6/. Ibid., p. 27.

/7/. Ibid.p.19.

/8/ Gravity Rand Ltd. 1956. The Gravitics Situation. p. 54. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.

/9/ Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. 1956. Electrogravitics Systems: An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary and barycentric control. p. 11. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.

/10/ Ibid., p. 34.

/11/ Ibid., p. 41.

/12/ Gravity Rand Ltd. 1956. The Gravitics Situation. p. 47. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.

/13/ Aviation Studies (International) Ltd. 1956. Electrogravitics Systems: An examination of electrostatic motion, dynamic counterbary and barycentric control. p. 32. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.

/14/ Evans, M. W. 2002. The link between the Sachs and O(3) theories of electrodynamics. In Evans, M. W. (ed.), Modern Nonlinear Physics.

/15/ Anastasovski, P. K., T. E. Bearden, C. Ciubotariu, W. T. Coffey, L. B. Crowell, G. J. Evans, M. W. Evans, R. Flower, A. Labounsky, B. Lehnert, M. M And sz A ros, P. R. Moln A r, S. Roy, and J.-P. Vigier. (In Press). Anti gravity effects in the Sachs theory of electrodynamics Foundations of Physics Letters.

/16/ Alcubierre, M. 1994. The Warp Drive: Hyper-fast travel within general relativity. Classical and Quantum Gravity.

/17/ Fran De Aguino: Gravitation and Electromagnetism; Correlation and Grand Unification, S. Luis, Brazil, 1999.

/18/ Puthoff, H. E. 1996. SETI, The Velocity-of-Light Limitation, and the Alcubierre Warp Drive: An Integrating Overview, Physics Essays.

/19/ Puthoff, H. 1989. “Gravity as a Zero-Point Fluctuation Force.” Phys. Rev A., 39(5):. Puthoff, H. 1989. “Source of Electromagnetic Zero-Point Energy.” Phys. Rev A, 40(9):.

/20/ Anastasovski, P. K., T. E. Bearden, C. Ciubotariu, W. T. Coffey, L. B. Crowell, G. J. Evans, M. W. Evans, R. Flower, A. Labounsky, B. Lehnert, M. M And sz A ros, P. R. Moln A r, J. K. Moscicki, S. Roy, and J. P. Vigier. 2001. Explanation of the motionless elect romagnetic generator with 0(3) Electrodynamics. Foundations of Physics Letters, 14(1):87-93

/21/ See the Tom Bearden website for an extensive listing and copies of his papers at: www. cheniere. org.

/22/ Bearden, T. 2002. Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles. World Scientific (In Press).

/24/Consortium searl international, www. /e. htm

/25/ “Searle Magnetogravitational Converter”, Sci Tec, 2002.

/26/ J. E. Bayles, Electrogravitation as a unified field theory, http://www. /gravbook/ (APPENDIX).

/27,28/ LaViolette, P. 1993. The U.S. Antigravity Squadron. In Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005.

/29/ LaViolette, P. A. 1992. Electrogravitics: Back to the future. LaViolette, P. A. 1993. A theory of electrogravitics. Electric Spacecraft, Issue 8.

/30/ LaViolette, P. A. 2000. Moving Beyond the First Law and Advanced Field Propulsion Technologies. in T. Loder (ed.). “Outside-the-Box” Technologies, Their Critical Role Concerning Environmental Trends, and the Unnecessary Energy Crisis. Report prepared for The U.S.

/31/ Information available at: www. disclosureproject. org.

/32/ Greer, S. M. and T. C. Loder III. 2001. Disclosure Project Briefing Document, 492 pp. Available on CD from: The Disclosure Project, P. O. Box 2365, Charlottesville, VA 22902.

/33/ Greer, S. M. 2001. Disclosure: Military and government witnesses reveal the greatest secrets in modern history. Crossing Point, Inc. Crozet, Va.

/34/ Ibid., pp. 357-366.

/35/ Ibid., pp. 262-270.

/36/ Ibid., pp. 384-387.

/37/ Ibid., pp. 391-403.

/38/ Ibid., pp. 388-389.

/39/ Ibid., pp. 497-510.

/40/ Cook, N. 2001. The Hunt for Zero Point.

/41/ Deavenport, L. 1995. “T. T. Brown Experiment replicated. Electric Spacecraft Journal. Issue 16. Oct. 1995. (Reprinted in: Valone, T. (ed.), 1994. Electro-gravitics Systems: Reports on a new propulsion methodology. Integrity Research Institute, Washington, DC 20005)