Individual route with disabled children. “An approximate individual educational route for the development of a child with disabilities in the NGO “Physical Development. th stage. May - present

Yulia Znamenshchikova
Individual educational route child with disabilities

General information O child

Elizaveta V.

Elizaveta has been attending a boarding school with visual impairment since 2015. According to the ophthalmologist, the girl has mild farsightedness in both eyes, paresis of the abductor muscles of both eyes, clouding of the lens; visual acuity with glasses OD – 0.7; OS – 0.7; According to the otolaryngologist, Lisa has grade II adenoids, hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils, the girl has a nasal tone, often suffers from colds, and has poor hearing; When she walks, Lisa is clubbed and shuffles her feet; the girl’s posture is poor. ZPR. Health group III.

Lisa is brought up in a single-parent family.

Lisa does not perceive and evaluate moving objects well; she has difficulty perceiving the shape, size of an object and space. In this regard, she experiences difficulties with orientation in space; The child’s dynamic perception is difficult, visual-spatial synthesis is also difficult, she does not have a clear vision of objects. Lisa often complains of headaches and discomfort in her eyes. The girl is poorly developed phonemic awareness, she breathes through her mouth, while running and jumping, Lisa finds it difficult to breathe. Not developed enough memory: auditory and visual.

Elizabeth is independent, diligent, friendly, and sociable, but children are not very willing to play with her. Lisa is more sociable with adults, she easily makes contact with them, loves to share her thoughts and experiences. Lisa likes to exercise, but she has difficulty with throwing, flexibility, and balance exercises, which is confirmed by monitoring data. Physical development indicators are low. The girl enjoys playing outdoor games and studies willingly and diligently. individually. Lisa is diligent and efficient, she can play on her own for a long time without disturbing others. She tries to hear and follow the instructions of adults, but she does not always manage to do this well and accurately. It’s difficult for Lisa to show creativity, to bring something of her own, acting, most often, according to sample.

Lisa has well-developed self-care skills, she dresses and undresses quickly, and eats carefully. She experiences failures greatly, cries, but at the same time does not require increased attention. The child is kind, helpful, polite. Lisa is hard of hearing, so instructions and requests must be repeated several times. The school curriculum is difficult for her.

With Lisa regularly individual the form is handled by specialists schools: psychologist, teacher-speech therapist, instructor physical culture, nurse.

Based on the above, it should be noted that it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the correction of secondary violations, taking into account primary violations and individual characteristics of this child.

Individual educational route for a child with disabilities Elizaveta K

For the period from September 2016 until May 2017

Date of completion:. 2016___

1. General information

FULL NAME. child Elizaveta V.

Date of admission to the institution 2016

Family information: from a single-parent family, mother and father are divorced. Low-income family

Mother (FULL NAME, education Mother….

Father (FULL NAME, education, place of work, additional intelligence) Dad…

House. address:


Educators (FULL NAME):


Teacher speech therapist:


Educational psychologist:

Musical director:

Physics instructor education:

Senior medical sister:

Health group III

Group physical activities- Exercise therapy

The mode of stay of the child in the preschool educational institution is Full day, five-day week.

Conclusion PMPC Needs to create conditions for receiving education, correction of disorders, development and social adaptation based on special pedagogical approaches.

Educational program: adapted basic educational program for children with visual impairments of preschool age. Development individual educational route.

Medical conclusion commissions:



Orthopedic surgeon:

Neuropathologist: - mild farsightedness in both eyes, paresis of the abductor muscles of both eyes, clouding of the lens; visual acuity with glasses OD – 0.7; OS – 0.7;

Grade II adenoids, hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils, the girl has a nasal voice, often suffers from colds, has difficulty hearing

Compliance with visual stress regime

Carrying out activities to relieve general and visual fatigue

- Seating during classes: I row 1 desk in the center (closer to the demonstrated material)

Carry out propaedeutics of the main types of movements

Use exercises from a horizontal position

Contraindications: - Do not work in low light areas

Don't work too close

A forced working position that requires a long stay in a bent position with the head tilted down is unacceptable.

Sharp turns/tilts of the head and body are contraindicated

Lifting heavy objects, shaking the body

Speed ​​running, competitive running, acceleration

Long jump, high jump, landing on the whole foot

Back - bridge

Prolonged leg elevation while lying down

Forward/backward somersaults - Birch shoulder stand

Goals for the current period (academic year) Inclusion baby-disabled person into a functioning peer group, to prepare successful learning At school

Target: Diverse development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics by educational area: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development and physical development.


Social and communicative development

Assimilation of moral and moral norms and values ​​accepted in society;

Development of communication and interaction baby with adults and peers;

Formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness;

Formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to the community of children and adults in kindergarten;

Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity;

Formation of substantive and practical actions;

Formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature.

Cognitive development

Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;

Formation of methods of sensory cognition with the help of vision and intact analyzers;

Development imagination and creative activity;

Formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world, about the small Motherland and Fatherland, about the sociocultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about planet Earth as common house people, about the peculiarities of its nature, diversity countries and peoples of the world.

Speech development

Mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;

Enrichment of the active vocabulary;

Development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;

Development of speech creativity;

Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of various genres of children's literature;

Formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Development of prerequisites for holistic semantic perception and understanding of works of art and the natural world;

Formation of real images objects of the surrounding world and mastery of sensory standards;

Formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world;

Formation of elementary ideas about types of art;

Perception of music, fiction, folklore;

Stimulating empathy for characters in works of art;

Implementation of independent creative activity children.

Physical development

Gaining experience in motor activity, including those related to performing exercises aimed at developing coordination, flexibility, balance, large and fine motor skills both hands contributing correct formation musculoskeletal system of the body;

Formation of initial ideas about some sports;

Formation of the need for physical activity and physical improvement, as well as overcoming the deficiencies that arise against the background of visual pathology (stiffness, fear of space);

Mastering outdoor games with rules;

Formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere;

Formation of healthy values lifestyle, mastery of its elementary norms and rules.


Visualization taking into account ophthalmological requirements for the design of didactic material




Forms of work:

Morning exercises;

Individual and subgroup work;

Sports events, entertainment.

Independent activity baby.

These goals and objectives are implemented in various types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical, motor and reading.

In real life, educational programs are mostly aimed at the average level of development of the student, so each child, due to his uniqueness and originality, is not easy to try to reveal his inner potential and achieve full personality development within the narrow framework of average patterns. The contradiction that has arisen confronts teachers with the task of organizing individual route training within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for the realization of the intellectual and creative potential of every preschooler.

Individual educational route for a preschooler as determined by the Federal State Educational Standard

An individual approach to a child’s personality is the basic principle of the Federal State educational standard. The principle of priority of the child’s interests was defined by the researchers as “being on the child’s side.” The reason for the difficulties experienced by a child in development should be sought both in the personality of the child himself and in the adults around him, who are directly responsible for the social environment in which he grows up. small man. In real life, the child is often the only one on his side. At the same time, he often turns out to be helpless and defenseless in the face of circumstances, so it is important in any problematic situation hear the child, understand and help him.

The foundation of the modern standard preschool education the principle of individual approach pedagogy and the developmental concept of education were laid down.

  1. Indicated in the following paragraphs: clause 1. 6. - formulation of tasks that concentrate around the creation of optimal conditions for the formation and development of the child’s personality, as well as the disclosure of his creative potential in accordance with his age, psycho-emotional and physiological characteristics, individual abilities
  2. and inclinations, specifics of the social environment. The child is considered as a valuable subject of relationships with himself, the people around him and the outside world.
  3. clause 1. 4. - contains the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard, the key of which is the provision on the implementation of an individual approach to the educational needs of each child.
  4. paragraph 2. 10. 2. - the methods of organizing and coordinating children's initiative and spontaneous activity in the spirit of creative activity are clarified. clause 3. 2. 1. - professional selection of forms and methods pedagogical work
  5. , relevant to the age and individual needs of the child.
  6. clause 3. 2. 3. - patronage of the child, development of an individual development roadmap, pedagogical and psychological correction of identified problems.

paragraph 3. 2. 5. - a developmental concept of education aimed at the short-term development of the student. An individual approach refers to the management of a child’s development, based on a deep, multifaceted study and understanding of the complexity of his inner world

, and social living conditions.

The principle of individual approach pedagogy is not to change the content of education in the interests of a particular child, but to adapt pedagogical methods and techniques to his personal characteristics. For the educational process to be successful, it is necessary to take into account the difficulties that the child experiences and the pace at which he acquires knowledge, skills and abilities. IN in this case a model of fruitful partnership between a child and a teacher is being implemented, since the child and parents retain the right to choose the most suitable educational methods from those proposed by specialists.

Individual educational route - a personal way to realize the intellectual, emotional, spiritual potential of the student’s personality preschool. The goal is to create favorable conditions, stimulating activity, revealing the creative and intellectual powers of the child. The teacher’s task is to ensure competent professional selection of the content of educational, psychological and physical activity, as well as forms and methods of work that meet the individual needs of the child.

Video: individualization of preschool education

Criteria that determine the objectives of an individual development strategy:

IOM tasks, review and approval procedure

Individual educational routes are designed:

  • for problem children who experience difficulties in the process of mastering the general education program for preschoolers and need correctional assistance from specialists;
  • for pupils with disabilities, disabled children;
  • for gifted children with a level of ability exceeding average regulatory educational standards.

Leading tasks of an individual educational route:

  • provide support and assistance in self-development and mastering the preschool education program;
  • to form in the child an initial level of learning ability, i.e. teach him to understand the learning task, plan his educational activities, concentrate on performing the exercise, develop self-discipline and strong-willed qualities;
  • develop and improve movement coordination skills, development of gross and fine motor skills;
  • to form and consolidate general cultural, everyday, hygienic, communicative foundations of behavior;
  • accustom the child to manipulative-objective, sensory, practical, play activity, develop skills in the productive field (drawing, modeling, appliqué);
  • develop speech - emotional intonation, grammatical structures, speech mechanisms;
  • generate knowledge about natural environment and the world of social relations;
  • form ideas about spatio-temporal and quantitative categories.

Methodological tools that are used in the passage of an individual development trajectory:

  • role-playing and outdoor games, classes in the form of conversation and dialogue, reading and discussion literary works, small sketches-improvisations that enhance the emotional component of information perception;
  • psychological trainings and game exercises that help relaxation, neutralize fears, reduce anxiety and aggression, improve behavioral sphere, as well as social and communication skills;
  • exercises to develop thinking, imagination, speech, memory;
  • use of art therapy techniques (treatment with art, fairy tales, doll making).

Development and adoption of the IOM

To create an individual educational route, it is first necessary to conduct a diagnostic study to find out the level of psycho-emotional, intellectual, communicative, social and physical development of the child.

The diagnostic results are presented to the teachers' council, which subsequently recommends that the children be examined by specialists from the PMPK (psychological, medical and pedagogical council). The council compiles a list of children for whom the development of an individual educational plan


Main stages, structure and content of IOM

A team of educators, in collaboration with specialized specialists, thinks through the content component of the plan. A calendar plan is filled out indicating the elements of pedagogical technology and a list of methodological techniques for achieving the set educational goals. Design Guidelines:

  1. individual plan
  2. Developing a child's learning abilities.
  3. Continuity and consistency. A team of specialists accompanies the child throughout the entire individual route project until the problem is resolved. Refusal of average assessment templates, development of an individual rating scale for each child based on the results of diagnosing the level of his capabilities. IN this means that the teacher tries not to use the practice of straightforward “judgment” or “labeling”, comparing the child’s achievements with the generally accepted “norm”. The very concept of “norm” is not perceived as compliance with the average or standard level obligatory for all children, but is interpreted as best level, which can be shown by a specific child in a specific situation. A result that for one child will be regarded as a success, for another, based on his personal level of ability, will be considered a failure. Such a humane approach will allow you to “save face” and feelings self-esteem, develop faith in your own strength.
  4. The beneficial influence of the children's subculture, the enrichment of the child's inner world with informal traditions of the children's environment, forming and strengthening their own experience of a full-fledged childhood. It is important to create an atmosphere of positive emotions that will help overcome tension, anxiety and wariness.

Educational games are used in individual work by a teacher-defectologist, educators for the purpose of correcting emotional and volitional disorders, developing logic, perception, substitution actions, motor skills and perception of colors, ideas about the surrounding world

Stages of educational activities according to an individual plan

  1. Observation, identification of the level of formation of psychological, social and intellectual qualities of a preschooler’s personality, necessary for his productive activity in any educational field. The observation stage assumes an indifferent approach of the teacher, a position of non-interference when observing the child.
  2. Diagnostics of the starting volume and qualitative characteristics of specific subject knowledge, skills and abilities. Specialists conduct tests during which problem areas and “success zones” are identified.
  3. Building a personal plan for correctional work for the near future (up to 1 year with mandatory intermediate monitoring every 3 months) based on “success zones”, individual selection effective techniques and methods of pedagogical work.
  4. Active activities to implement an individual route: conducting classes, conversations with parents, homework.
  5. Analytical stage - summing up, evaluating the results obtained: demonstrating the results of the student’s work in the form of a presentation or exhibition of crafts, speaking to children and adults. In this way, the feedback mechanism with others is activated, and the problem of socialization of students is solved. The results achieved, whether reproductive knowledge or creative projects, are compared with the planned tasks specified in the individual schedule or general education curricula.

To develop harmonious relationships with people around you and solve socialization problems, the following methods will be useful:

  • didactic and role-playing games which will introduce the child to the traditions of other peoples and will contribute to the formation of a respectful attitude towards people of other nationalities and cultures;
  • reading fairy tales of the peoples of the world, getting acquainted with the folklore (songs, dances, games, holidays) of the peoples of Russia;
  • collective outdoor games, holidays and concerts, exhibitions of crafts;
  • discussion in a confidential conversation of situations that occur in real life and cause children difficulties in understanding or contain a moral context;
  • arbitrary creation of situations that will pose the question of choice and necessity for the child to perform an action;
  • holding photo exhibitions in which there is a place for photographs of each baby.

Predicted result:

  • achieving social comfort and awareness;
  • improving communication skills;
  • decreased level of emotional instability, aggressiveness, increased self-control;
  • development of self-awareness, a sense of significance and value of one’s own personality;
  • formation of self-esteem close to adequate.

Criteria that allow us to assess the degree of success of a preschooler in social and personal growth:

  • the ability for self-esteem is formed, the “little man” tries to speak honestly about himself and admit his shortcomings;
  • ideas about moral and ethical values ​​have been developed, the baby shares and understands “what is good and what is bad”;
  • the conscious need to adhere to moral standards of behavior has strengthened, the child has shown a desire to “be good” and see positive reaction people around you on your behavior;
  • the child is able to communicate easily and naturally with other children or adults;
  • a feeling of empathy and compassion awakens, a sincere desire to help elders, peers or children arises;
  • the pupil builds relationships with other children on the basis of mutual understanding and respect, resolves conflict situations with dignity;
  • ideas about safe behavior in everyday life, on the street, and at play have been formed.
  1. Introductory part in which information is recorded general about the child and his family, reasons for developing an individual plan, goals and objectives of educational work, schedule and form of classes.
  2. Registration of data from a diagnostic study of a preschooler, planned monitoring materials, which allow for an in-depth analysis of the symptoms and causes of developmental disorders, to give an objective assessment of the child’s level of development and to plan correctional activities to overcome difficulties.
  3. Schedule of therapeutic and recreational activities, which includes distribution physical activity, carrying out procedures for hardening the body.
  4. A plan of individual lessons, including mandatory integration with educational activities common to all children.
  5. A report on the implementation of an individual roadmap indicating the topic, content, the result of the lesson and conclusions about the necessary improvements.
  6. An observation sheet is filled out, which reflects the dynamics of the educational process and helps to make timely changes depending on the results of the intermediate control, as well as determine the choice of optimal forms of pedagogical work to increase the effectiveness of the child’s educational activities.
  7. Assessment of student achievements in implementing an individual route. It is recommended to conduct control tests at the end of each thematic block, i.e., at regular intervals of three months.
  8. Recommendations and advisory assistance parents.

General developmental elements of gymnastics, as well as various outdoor games, are very popular with children and contribute to the mental, psychomotor and emotional development of preschoolers

Sections of the educational route

There are several important sections for developing an individual educational route for a preschooler, which will be discussed further.

General information about the child and family

It is indicated where he came from (family or transferred from another preschool), whether he constantly attended the preschool, if there were long breaks, then indicate the reason. Mark the level of adaptation of the pupil in new conditions on a five-point scale.

Family composition: indicate all family members with whom the student lives.

Describe the type of family:

  • prosperous - a stable, strong family with a decent cultural level of upbringing;
  • disadvantaged - possesses low level pedagogical awareness, the baby is deprived of parental care and attention, the conflictual emotional atmosphere in the family traumatizes the child, gives rise to psychological complexes, and physical methods of influence are used on the child.

Which adult is raising the child?

The child’s relationship style with adult family members:

  • authoritarian - strict dictatorship and suppression of freedom, humiliation of the child’s dignity;
  • control and guardianship - restriction of independence, protection from worries and problems, “greenhouse conditions”;
  • connivance - indulging the desires of the child, spoiling the child with the passivity of adults;
  • respect and cooperation - help and support, experiencing difficulties together.

Appearance. It is necessary to note manners, gestures, describe the features of facial expressions, gait and posture, the degree of accuracy and grooming.

“Puppet therapy” is the correction of children’s problems using puppet theater: children perform sketches with dolls according to specially developed scenarios that reflect the individual problems of a particular child

Somatic health

Health group, presence of chronic diseases, appetite characteristics, whether the habit of daytime sleep has been developed, whether the baby suffers from enuresis.

Motor skills:

  • general motor skills correspond to the age norm or there are disturbances in motor coordination;
  • indicates the range of fine motor skills with characteristics of coordination, pace and volume of motor functions of the hand, left-handed or right-handed.

Cognitive skills

Attention - the ability to concentrate and maintain attention, quality characteristics(voluntary, involuntary).

Memory is the speed of memorization, the amount of material that a child is able to reproduce by heart or retell independently from memory, which type of memory (auditory or visual) is dominant.


  • degree of understanding of spatial references (above, below, left, right, etc.);
  • the ability to select a generalizing word for several homogeneous objects (furniture, vegetables, fruits, animals, etc.);
  • the ability to highlight the main thing;
  • skills in identifying the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (summer - hot, snow - winter, etc.);
  • orientation in time parameters (day, night, year, month, etc.).

Scope of knowledge:

  • primary knowledge about yourself and the world around you: knows your name, age, family members, residential address, names the signs of the seasons, has general knowledge about the animal and plant world in accordance with program requirements;
  • development of design, drawing, modeling skills;
  • level of proficiency in elementary mathematical concepts - ordinal counting skills, solving simple examples;
  • skills of identifying and distinguishing shapes and colors.

A problem child especially needs positive emotions, adult support and understanding, and playing with water provides invaluable help in this regard.

Behavior during educational activities

Development of self-control, discipline, organization, determination and awareness of actions in the classroom.

Speech development

Sound characteristics, pronunciation quality, lexicon, grammatical organization and structure of speech.

Characteristics of the child's activities

  • level of self-service skills;
  • interest and personal activity demonstrated in gaming activities.

Features of character and behavior

  • emotional portrait of a child - cheerfulness, depression, tearfulness, positivity, depression, calm or hyperactive, etc.;
  • character traits, temperamental features - activity or passivity, aggressiveness or poise, confidence or timidity, prefers individual or collective forms of work;
  • development of moral guidelines, culture of behavior and communication.

It is necessary to note personal preferences, the scope of the child’s creative or intellectual talent.

Sample for filling out general and diagnostic data in the IOM - table

Full name of the student
Date of Birth
Mother's last name, middle name, age, education
Father's last name, middle name, age, education
IOM start date
Reason for registrationPersistent failure to assimilate OOP of preschool education due to illness
Age at the beginning of correctional and developmental work4 years
IOM goals
  • Opening up new perspectives in mastering pre-school education, enriching the child as an individual;
  • assistance in adaptation to a group of children, development, encouragement and stimulation of individual capabilities in the child;
  • involving parents in the creative process.
  • Identify the child’s special educational needs; provide individual pedagogical assistance to the child;
  • promote the child’s assimilation of the educational program of preschool education;
  • ensure positive changes in the development of the child, his targeted advancement in relation to his own capabilities, stimulation of individual capabilities;
  • provide methodological assistance to parents of children with disabilities.
Number of classes per week5 lessons.
Forms of conductingPlay activities, joint activities, conversations, observations, individual work.
Expected Result
Form of work with parentsConsultations, workshop, interview, exchange of experience.
Diagnosis of child development
Purpose of pedagogical monitoringSummarization and analysis of status information general development to carry out assessments, plan correctional and developmental processes (development of IOM) and predict the final result.
Types and causes of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms)Types of difficulties (pedagogical symptoms):
Reasons for difficulties:
Physical development
Somatic development
Speech development
Features of the development of cognitive processesMemory:
Contents of correctional work (activities of the teacher)

After diagnosing and determining the goals and objectives of the compiled route, the teacher and specialists determine which games, exercises and other activities will be used when working with the baby. This is also reflected in the IOM text.

An example of selecting forms of work with a preschooler according to an individual route - table

Periodicity Recommendations, forms of work with the student Result of work
Daily Pure talk. Finger gymnastics. Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova.
  • Increased slightly general level development.
  • There is a positive dynamic in the development of the integrative quality “Able to manage one’s behavior and plan one’s actions based on primary value concepts, observing basic generally accepted norms and rules of behavior.”
  • I overcame the “barrier of embarrassment” a little.
  • Attention and memory have improved.
In one day
Didactic games of choice.
Drawing with chalk on a blackboard, fingers, foam rubber.
Modeling from clay, plasticine, plastic. masses.
2 times a
a week
Games for overcoming bronchopulmonary diseases “Train”, “Chickens”.
2 times a
a week
Mathematical game “Fold the leaf”, “Dots”, “Dress the doll”, “Assemble a square of 5 parts”, “Pick up the key to the lock”, “Who can go through the labyrinth faster”, “What is extra”, “Fold the square”, “Close door of the house", " Geometric figures", "Cats", "Geom. shapes”, “Assemble a flower”, “Dress up a Christmas tree”, “Pick up a belt for a dress”, “Solving examples”, “Bee counting”, “How much”, “Samples for laying out”, “Guess it”, “Voskobovich square” , “Squirrel counting material.”
2 times a
a week
Throwing exercises (game “Ring Throw”), “Reach the Flag”, “Gymnastic Wall”, etc.
Daily Lego construction.
Daily Outdoor games (“Snowball”, “Sly Fox”).
Situational conversations, conversations speech therapy topics, any group games of your choice.

Productive joint activities of the student and teacher aimed at successful implementation An individual educational route will allow you to achieve positive dynamics in the personal growth of the child. Such work will require a high level of professional competence and efficiency from the teacher, as well as personal interest in obtaining a good result.

teacher speech activity MBDOU
"Kindergarten "Stork"

Individual educational route for a child with disabilities (Down syndrome)


Individual educational route for a child with disabilities

(Down syndrome)

Developed by: Toropova Yulia Nikolaevna, teacher of speech activity at MBDOU "Kindergarten "Aist"

1.1 General information about a child with Down syndrome

Total information

Child's full name: ********

Gender: husband

Date of birth/age 5 years

Social status of the child: prosperous

Family characteristics: complete, financially secure

Lives together: with parents

Family microclimate: favorable

Child's health status: Group V

Daily routine: gentle

Meals: shared table

An adapted individual educational route is developed in accordance with the disease indicated in the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child and the planned activities.

1.2 Explanatory note

Education of persons with disabilities and disabled people (hereinafter referred to as children with disabilities) is one of priority areas activities of the education system of the Russian Federation.

The number of children with disabilities, which include children with hearing, vision, speech, intelligence, musculoskeletal disorders, emotional-volitional disorders and learning difficulties, is increasing every year. The efforts of the Russian Ministry of Education are focused on ensuring that, as part of modernization, Russian education create an educational environment that ensures access to quality education for all persons with disabilities and people with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and health status.

The full development of a child as an inalienable human right and one of the most important tasks of education at the present stage requires a search for the most effective ways to achieve this goal. The protection of human rights, the protection and promotion of health, and free development in accordance with individual capabilities is becoming an area of ​​activity in which the interests of various specialists are closely intertwined.

Supporting a child with Down syndrome is a whole range of problems related to his survival, treatment, education, social adaptation and integration into society.

A targeted system of social and pedagogical activities, the inclusion of a child with Down syndrome in correctional educational process from an early age, increases the level of development, promotes the child’s social activity. A favorable combination of the body’s compensatory capabilities with correctly selected programs at each stage of training, effective forms of its organization can largely and sometimes completely neutralize the effect of the primary defect on the course of psychophysical development. child development.

An individual route for accompanying a child with Down syndrome is drawn up taking into account the educational educational program of the MBDOU "Kindergarten "Aist"" developed on the basis of the exemplary educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.; MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014 and Programs of compensatory preschool educational institutions for children with intellectual disabilities Auth. E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva.

IOM (individual educational route) is designed for one academic year. The content of the material given by the IOM is structured in accordance with the principle of concentricity. This means that familiarization with a certain area of ​​reality becomes more complicated from stage to stage, that is, the topic remains, and the content reveals first mainly the substantive, then the functional, semantic aspects, then the sphere of relationships, cause-and-effect, temporal and other connections between external signs and functional properties. In addition, the route also traces linear, interdisciplinary connections between sections. In some cases this connection is thematic, in others there is a commonality in pedagogical intent. Thus, repetition in the child’s learning is ensured, which will allow him to develop sufficiently strong knowledge and skills.

The IOM defines the goals and objectives of education and training in the module “Speech development” of a child with Down syndrome for the 2017/2018 academic year.

The theoretical basis of the IOM are the provisions developed in Russian psychology by L. S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. Galperin, V. V. Davydov, A. V. Zaporozhets, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin and other scientists, about the generality of the basic patterns of mental development in normal and pathological conditions, about sensitive ages, about the relationship between correction and development, about the actual and potential levels of development (zone of proximal development), about the relationship between learning and development, about the role of preschool childhood in the process of socialization, about the importance of activity in development, about the role of the sign in the “cultural” development of the child, etc. The route is designed taking into account the specific characteristics of the motor-motor, emotional, sensory, mental, speech, aesthetic and social-personal development of a child with Down syndrome; leading motives and needs of a young child; character of the presenter

activities; type of communication and its motives; social situation of child development.

The proposed content of the main directions of pedagogical work, the conditions and forms of its implementation make it possible to solve in unity correctional and developmental tasks, which include the motor-motor, emotional, sensory, mental, social-personal, communicative, speech development of the child.

The practical implementation of these tasks is carried out in the process of forming the mechanisms of object-based and play activities as leading types of activity in early and preschool childhood, productive types of activity (drawing, designing), familiarization with the environment, speech development, and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

All areas of correctional educational work are interconnected and interpenetrating, and the tasks of correctional education are solved comprehensively in all forms of its organization used.

The IOM for a child with Down syndrome is built in accordance with the principles formulated in psychological, neuropsychological, and pedagogical research, taking into account:

  • the nature of the leading activity;
  • structure and severity of the disorder;
  • leading motives and needs of the child;
  • goals of preschool education.

Also, when compiling the IOM, the data of the Individual Rehabilitation Program for a Disabled Child, the conclusion and recommendations of the TMPK, and the individual characteristics of a child with Down syndrome were taken into account.

Work to activate compensatory mechanisms in a child with Down syndrome is based on strengths its development:

  • relative safety of emotions;
  • preservation of visual-motor perception;
  • a fairly high level of imitation abilities;
  • relative preservation of tactile sensitivity;
  • the combination of visual and motor sensations gives the highest level of memorization;
  • preservation of emotional memory.

The construction of correctional and developmental work in accordance with these principles ensures the social orientation of pedagogical

influences and socialization of the child. The work of a speech educator with a child includes three blocks of in-depth diagnostic examination: upon the child’s admission (September), at the end of the first period of study (December) and at the end of the second period of study (May).

The effectiveness of the correctional and developmental work carried out is determined by the data obtained during in-depth diagnostic examinations of specialists and the examination of the child at the TMPK, based on the results of which the child receives recommendations on the further educational route.

A special feature of this program is the active involvement of parents in the work, which helps to increase their psychological and pedagogical competence. Training parents (or mother) and interaction with teachers gives the maximum effect when carrying out corrective measures. The content of the IOM involves the active use of the following forms of work with parents:

  1. Advisory and recommendation.
  2. Information and educational.
  3. Organization of children's matinees and holidays.
  4. Individual lessons with parents and their child.

Volume educational material designed in accordance with age-related physiological standards, which helps to avoid overwork and maladjustment of the child.

An integrated approach ensures a higher rate of dynamics of the general and speech development of children. The implementation of the principle of complexity involves the interaction in the work of a teacher-psychologist, specialized specialists and a teacher.

The basis for long-term and calendar planning of correctional work is the thematic approach (thematic plan). It allows you to organize communicative situations in which the teacher controls the cognitive and speech development of the child. The thematic approach provides concentrated study and repeated repetition of material. Concentrated study of the topic contributes to the successful accumulation speech means and the child’s active use of them for communicative purposes, it is fully consistent with the decision as common tasks comprehensive development of children, as well as special correctional ones. Concentrated study of the material also serves as a means of establishing closer connections between specialists, since all specialists work within the same lexical topic.

1.3 Planned results of mastering an individual educational route. The planned results of a child’s mastery of IOM content take into account the individual characteristics of his development and are determined in accordance with the goals and objectives of the program in the form of target guidelines.

In accordance with the individual developmental characteristics of a child with Down syndrome - R. Lin, this IOM involves focusing on the following targets:

the child is interested in surrounding objects and actively interacts with them; emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, strives to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions.

the child uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoon, comb, pencil, etc.) and tries to use them;

the child masters the simplest self-care skills; strives to demonstrate independence in everyday and play behavior;

the child masters the initial skills of active speech, a passive vocabulary is formed; can express a request using monosyllabic words, using gestures, understands the speech of adults; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys;

the child strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; games appear in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult;

the child shows interest in peers; observes their actions and imitates them;

the child has an interest in poems, songs and fairy tales, looking at pictures, and strives to move to the music; responds emotionally to various works of culture and art;

the child shows positive dynamics in the development of gross motor skills; he strives to master different kinds movements (running, climbing, stepping, etc.).

1.4 Characteristics of individual developmental characteristics of a child with Down syndrome The structure of mental underdevelopment of a child with Down syndrome is unique: speech appears late and remains underdeveloped throughout life, speech understanding is insufficient, vocabulary is poor, and sound pronunciation in the form of dysarthria or dyslalia is often encountered. But, despite the severity of the intellectual defect, the emotional sphere remains practically preserved. Most of them have a good ability to imitate, which helps to develop self-service skills and work processes. The level of skills and abilities that a child with Down syndrome can achieve varies greatly. This is due to genetic and environmental factors.

Thus, supporting a child with Down syndrome is a whole range of problems related to his survival, treatment, education, social adaptation and integration into society.

Social and everyday skills and orientation.

Cultural and hygienic skills are partly not appropriate for age: the child knows how to eat with a spoon, drink from a cup, and attempts to undress (dress) independently appear. Other skills are not developed.

Features of gaming, constructive, visual arts child.

The child does not take part in games, drawing, or design classes; he requires constant support, the help of a teacher, and constant attention. Interest in an activity usually disappears quickly. Initial gaming skills and manipulation of objects are developed.

Mastering the program, difficulties in mastering the program.

Assimilation of the program is significantly difficult due to the low level of speech development, delayed development of general and fine motor skills, and the discrepancy between general development and age.

Emotional and behavioral characteristics of the child.

The child is friendly towards both peers and adults. The boy makes contact, which is mainly manifested by emotions and touches, and individual sounds. Adaptation process after summer holidays was long-lasting, but without any special features.

Participation of parents in the upbringing and development of the child.

The child is raised in a complete family. Parents accept Active participation in the upbringing and development of a child, in his life in kindergarten, they listen to the recommendations of the teacher and specialists.

2.1 Characteristics of educational activities in accordance with the individual needs of the child.

The individual educational route (IEP) determines the relationship of forms and types of activities specific to a given child, an individualized volume and depth of content, special psychological and pedagogical technologies, educational materials And technical means. The IOM is discussed, approved and implemented with the participation of the child’s parents (legal representatives).

The route involves solving a number of problems: diagnostic, correctional and developmental.

In the diagnostic block, the leading task is to organize a comprehensive medical-psychological-pedagogical study of the child’s developmental characteristics, as well as to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the child’s individual development path.

The block of developmental tasks is aimed at developing the most intact functions, socializing the child, increasing his independence and autonomy.

The correctional block is aimed at developing ways of assimilating social experience of interaction with people and objects of the surrounding reality; development of compensatory mechanisms for the development of the child’s psyche and activity; to overcome and prevent secondary deviations in the child’s development of his cognitive sphere, behavior and personality as a whole; the formation of methods of orientation in the surrounding world (trial method, practical trying on, visual orientation), which serve as a means for the child to develop an integral system of knowledge, skills and abilities, and the emergence of psychological new formations.

Organizing the work of specialists in this block also involves training parents in certain psychological and pedagogical techniques that increase the effectiveness of interaction with the child, stimulating his activity in everyday life.

The presented blocks interact closely at every stage of working with the child. The implementation of the tasks of these blocks takes into account the severity of the disorder, the age of the child, and the structure of the defect.

The preservation of the emotional sphere of a child with Down syndrome allows him to demonstrate his abilities and achieve significant results in creative types activities. A child's strength is the ability to imitate. The child willingly imitates simple moves, used in various games.


  1. Develop onomatopoeia skills;
  2. Promote the development of pronunciation and communication skills


  1. Develop skills in simple rhythmic movements;

Final indicators for the child’s mastery of the content of the educational area module “Speech Development” (speech development)

The child will:

- imitate an adult by repeating simple words;

- answer simple questions in monosyllables;

- follow one and two syllable instructions;

Actively express yourself in game situations.


3.1 Provision of special educational programs and methods, special methodological manuals and didactic materials. The program material was selected tentatively and adapted to a specific child. The developmental features of a child with moderate disabilities were taken into account. mental retardation, his capabilities for training and education, the current level of development, the zone of proximal development and the main types of activities in a given age period.

The educational and methodological complex of the individual educational route for a child with Down syndrome includes:

  1. An approximate basic educational program for preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. (basis of teaching materials).
  2. Program of compensatory preschool educational institutions for children with intellectual disabilities E.A. Ekzhanova and E.A. Strebeleva “Correctional and developmental education and upbringing of preschool children with intellectual disabilities.”
  3. Early pedagogical assistance program for children with developmental disabilities “Little Steps”. — Moira Petersi, Robin Treelore, etc.
  4. Program of correctional and developmental work in junior speech therapy group kindergarten Nishchevoy N.V.

Methodical manuals: Teaching materials for the Program “From birth to school”. Basic general education program for preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2010. - 304 p.

Advisory and educational work:

  1. Inclusion of a child with Down syndrome in a preschool educational institution general type. Information and methodological manual. – Novosibirsk, 2010
  2. Zhiyanova P.L., Pole E.V. Baby with Down Syndrome: A Book for

parents. – M.: Charitable Foundation “Downside Up”, 2012

  1. Down syndrome. Data. / Comp. Field E.V. – M.: Charitable Foundation “Downside Up”, 2012
  2. Kirtoki A.E., Rostova N.V. A child was born with Down syndrome: conversations

psychologist. – M.: Charitable Foundation “Downside Up”, 2013

  1. Pietersi M. et al. Little steps: A program of early pedagogical assistance for children with developmental disabilities. Per. from English. M.: Down Syndrome Association, 2001. – Book 1. Introduction to the program.
  2. Maller A. R., Tsikoto G. V. Education and training of children with severe intellectual disability: Textbook. allowance. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2003. - 208 p. (Section “Corrective educational work with preschool children with severe intellectual disabilities" P.100-116)

Educational field "Speech development (Speech development)":

  1. Program of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with intellectual disabilities: Correctional and developmental training and education / E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 2005 – 272 p. SECTIONS “Aesthetic development”, “Formation of activity” 2. Winders Patricia S. Formation of gross motor skills in children

with Down syndrome. – M.: Charitable Foundation “Downside Up”, 2011 3. Bruni M. Formation of fine motor skills in children with the syndrome

Down. – M.: Charitable Foundation “Downside Up”, 2009 4. Pietersi M. et al. Small steps: A program of early pedagogical assistance for children with developmental disabilities. Per. from English. M.: Down Syndrome Association, 2001. – Book 4. Gross motor skills. Book 5: Fine Motor Skills. 5. Arkhipenko G.A. Speech development of younger preschoolers with disabilities

vision // Preschool education. 2005. No5.

6. Beltyukov V.I. Interaction of analyzers in the process of perception and

mastering oral speech. - M., 1977. 7. Bessonova T.P., Gribova O.E. Didactic material by examination

children's speech. - M., 1994 - part 1. 8. Borodich A.M. Methods for developing children's speech. - M., 1974 9. Vlasenko I.T., Chirkina G.V. Methods for examining speech in children. — M.,

  1. 10. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech / Collected works - M., 1982. - T.
  2. 11. Gvozdev A.N. Issues in studying children's speech. - M., 1961. 12. Epifantseva T.B., Kisilenko T.E., Mogileva I.A., Solovyova I.G., Titkova T.V. Handbook for a teacher-defectologist // Series “I give my heart to children”, Rostov-on-Don., 2005. 13. Efimenkova L.N. Formation of speech in preschool children. M., 1990. 14. Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming the common

speech underdevelopment in preschool children. M., 1990. 15. Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M. If your child is developmentally delayed. —

M., 1993. 16. Zeeman M. Speech disorder in childhood. / Per. from Czech; Ed. and with a foreword by V.K. Trutnev and S.S. Lyapidevsky. - M., 1962. 17. Isaev D.N. Mental underdevelopment in children. - L., 1982. 18. Lebedinsky V.V. Mental development disorders in children. - M., 1985

19. Leontyev A.A. Language, speech, speech activity. - M., 1969. 20. Lubovsky V.I. Development of verbal regulation of actions in children (in

normal and pathological). - M., 1978. 21. Development of thinking and speech in abnormal children: scientific notes, v. 256

/ responsible editor M.E. Khvattsev. - L., 1963 22. Sekovets, Razumova, Dyunina, Sitnikova. Correction of speech disorders in

preschoolers. - M., 1999. 23. A series of articles in the journal “Defectology” for 1985 - 1986. T.B.

Filichiva and G.V. Chirkina. 24. Article Hearing, speech and ear inflammation on the Downside Up website. 25. Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A. Speech therapy work in a special

kindergarten. M., 1987. 26. Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina G.V. Basics of speech therapy. M.,

  1. 27. Filicheva T.B., Soboleva A.V. Speech development of a preschooler. —

Ekaterinburg, 1996. 28. Khvattsev M.E. Speech therapy. - M., 1959.

Plan of individually oriented correctional and developmental activities for psychological and pedagogical support of the child area “Speech development” module “Speech development”

Speech teacher:

— diagnostics (input, final); 2 times per year

— individual work in developmental classes on speech development in the 2017/2018 school year. year -; 56 lessons, 2 times a week, 15 minutes each;

— consultations for parents upon request.

The duration of group lessons is 25-30 minutes, individual lessons are 10-15 minutes.

The education of a child with Down syndrome can be divided into two periods:

I period – September, October, November, December.

II period – January, February, March, April, May.

In September, an in-depth examination of the child’s mental functions and speech condition is carried out.

Individual and subgroup classes with baby.

Sheet pedagogical support pupil speech teacher

Last name, first name of the child __________________________________________

Areas of activity of a speech teacher


Main directions of work

Kind of activity

Interaction with family




Preventing negative reactions to the presence of adults and peers in the room.

— observation, guest visits (during group classes and play sessions for children from a preschool group);

– establishing contact with an adult (specialist) during a game session.

Group teachers


November Development of fine motor skills and coordination

– inclusion of the mother in purposeful interaction with the child during the play session;

– teaching the mother how to interact with her child.


“Fold a row” - primary colors

"Catch a Fish"

Practical lesson “Do-it-yourself games”, “Games for Stasik”. Replenishing your home game library

Speech teacher

Group teachers


December Development of fine motor skills and coordination.

Expansion of social contacts Formation of phonetic-phonemic hearing.


"Jumping gallop"

"Give me a flower"


“Who said MEOW?

"Fold the row"

Consultation “Sunny Children”

Speech teacher

Group teachers


Conversation January Development of small


Motor coordination teacher.

"Catch a Fish"


speech solar children"

activities Formation

“Knock-knock” phonetic-phonemic


“Ball” - (raising air jet

"Contour - figure"

Group teachers



February Development of fine motor skills and coordination. Formation of phonetic-phonemic hearing.

Inducement to onomatopoeia.

Development of mental processes.


“Place it in buckets” (primary colors)

"I'll find a couple"


Finger gymnastics

“Blow out the candle” (raising air flow)

Speech teacher

Group teachers


March Development of fine motor skills and coordination. Formation of phonetic-phonemic hearing.

Inducement to onomatopoeia.

Development of mental processes.

Brochure “Solar secrets. Issue 1" (tips)

Speech teacher

Group teachers


April Development of fine motor skills and coordination. Formation of phonetic-phonemic hearing.

Inducement to onomatopoeia.



“One, two, three, repeat after me”

lesson “Games for Stasik”. Replenishment game on one

home plate

game libraries. metallophone

“Who said MEOW?

"Give - on - go"


"After washing" (pairs)

"Look through the window"




Educator "Feature"

speech development

activities of sunny children."

Group teachers Watch videos


“This is what sunny children do”

Development of mental processes.

"Breeze", "Hedgehogs"

May Development of fine motor skills and coordination. Formation of phonetic-phonemic hearing.

Inducement to onomatopoeia.

Development of mental processes.


"Catch a Fish"


"Contour - figure"

“Pebbles” (primary colors)


"Blow out the candle"

Consultation “Summer is a time of change.”

Brochure “Sunny secrets. Issue 2"

Speech teacher

Group teachers→

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 13 in Vyborg"
Veselko S.I.
Individual educational route for a child with disabilities
Date of completion: November 19, 2015
Total information
FULL NAME. child Alekseev Denis Evgenievich
Date of birth: 09/03/2011
Family information:
Mother (full name, education, place of work),
Alekseeva Ekaterina Andreevna
MAO "Favorit" SZK instructor
Father (full name, education, place of work) Alekseev Evgeniy Vladimirovich
Teachers (full name): Veselko Svetlana Ivanovna
Teacher speech therapist:
Educational psychologist:
Musical director:
Older nurse: Ezhova Tatyana Gennadievna
Moiseeva Vera Vadimovna
Bondareva Roza Vasilievna
Lokina Maria Pavlovna
Health group 2
The child’s stay in the preschool educational institution is 7.00-19.00
Conclusion of the PMPK ONR (level 2), due to persistent underdevelopment of the cognitive sphere in a child with dysarthria.
Recommendations of the PMPC Training and education according to the general education program, classes at a speech therapy center in preschool education.
Long-term goals Elimination of speech disorders through special training and education.
Goals for the current period (school year) Development of gross and fine motor skills.
Development of facial expressions and emotions.
Development auditory perception and phonemic hearing.
Development articulatory motor skills, sound pronunciation correction.
Development of impressive speech.
Replenishment of the active dictionary.
Correction logical thinking and grammatical structure of speech.
Correction of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, logical thinking and coherent speech.
Development of mathematical operations, generalizations, selection of unnecessary subject matter.
Psychological and pedagogical support for a child with disabilities
October December
Specialist Educational areas of the basic general education program of preschool education Objectives of correctional and developmental work
Mode and forms of organization of correctional and developmental work Forms for assessing work results (child dynamics, specialist self-analysis)
Educator Social and communicative development
Cognitive development
Speech development
aesthetic development
Physical development Continue to introduce the diversity of animals and flora, with phenomena of inanimate nature.
To form basic ideas about ways of interacting with animals and plants, about the rules of behavior in nature.
Form the concepts: “edible”, “inedible”, “medicinal”
plants". Introduce the names of the streets and streets closest to the kindergarten.
Introduce the rules traffic, rules for the movement of pedestrians and cyclists.
Development of fine motor skills.
Develop the ability to use standards as generally accepted properties
and quality of objects (color, shape, size, weight, etc.); select items based on 1–2 qualities (color, size, material, etc.). Expand children's understanding of some insects, animals, birds, and plants.
Formation of a dictionary. Replenish and activate the vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about the immediate environment. Expand ideas about objects, phenomena, events that did not take place in their own experience.
Sound culture of speech. Reinforce correct pronunciation
vowels and consonants, practice the pronunciation of whistling sounds,
hissing and sonorant (r, l) sounds. Develop the articulatory apparatus.
Continue to work on diction: improve the clear pronunciation of words and phrases.
Develop phonemic awareness: learn to distinguish by ear and name
words starting with a specific sound.
Drawing: Continue to develop drawing skills individual items and create plot compositions, repeating the image of the same objects, adding others to them.
Modeling: improve the ability to sculpt from plasticine; teach pinching with light pulling of all edges of a flattened ball, stretching
removing individual parts from a whole piece, pinching small parts. Learn to smooth the surface with your fingers
sculpted object, figurine.
Application. Develop the ability to hold and use scissors correctly.
In all forms of organizing motor activity, develop organization, independence, initiative, and ability
maintain friendly relationships with peers. Development of fine motor skills.
Game "Special cars"
Game "Red" Yellow green"
Game "Listen carefully"
Game "Say the Word"
Didactic games: “What is a street”, “I am a driver”, “Road signs”.
Reading fiction. Compiling a story about a traffic situation based on a plot picture.
Game "Seasons"
Game "Before, Between, After"
Game "Collect leaves"
Learning proverbs about autumn.
Game "Finish the sentence"
Game "Book of My Desires"
Articulation gymnastics (with elements of breathing and voice) is performed 3-5 times during the day.
Finger gymnastics is performed in combination with articulation exercises 3-5 times a day.
Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands, activation of attention, orientation in space. Corrective work: during routine moments, self-service, household work and work in nature, on a walk, excursion, in games and entertainment.
Game "Pick a Shape"
Game control “Find a house”, “What’s extra”, “Collect a figure”, “Mosaic wonderful bag”, “Lotto”, “Color and shape”
Game "Autumn Words"
Game "Tricky Questions"
Poems about pets
Our favorite fairy tales.
Game "Talking with Pets"
Making and guessing riddles.
Game “Which figure is on the score”
Game "What color"
Game “What doesn't happen? Why"
Game "Pick up the action"
Game "Find out by contour"
Game with pictures.
Game “Say it in one word”
Game “Whose legs or paws are behind the fence”
Game "Who has what?"
Game "Mysterious Animal"
Game "Who are they like"
Game "Clap your hands", "Say a word"
Game "Quiet and Loud"
“Memorize and repeat chains of syllables”
Game "Find the Sound"
Game “Name the first sound in words”, “Come up with words with the sound Ш”, “Be careful”
Game "Artists"
Game "Find out in parts"
Game "Make a snowman"
Ex. "Big and Small"
Game "Say the Word"
Game "Name the Trees"
Didactic games “Nature and mood”, “What time of year”, “Winter pattern”;
- Listening to audio cassettes “Seasons”
Corrective mini-gymnastics for the prevention of posture and foot disorders is performed daily after sleep.
Game "Freeze".
Ex. "Dream in the Forest"
Game "Remember your pose"
Finger game "Autumn leaf"
Game "Caterpillar"
Ex. "Magic Rain"
Game "Getting ready to go"
Ex. "We are walking through snowdrifts"
Game "Snowball"
Interaction with social partners
Organization Areas of interaction Forms of joint activities
organizations of various departments, public organizations, facilities mass media, non-state structures, primarily public associations of disabled people, organizations of parents of children with disabilities
State state-financed organization health Leningrad region"Vyborg Children's city ​​Hospital" (GBUZ LO "Vyborg Children's City Hospital")
Municipal budgetary educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance “Diagnostics and Consulting Center” Examination by all specialists, issuance of medical reports
Diagnostics and consultation
Interaction with family
Directions of interaction Forms of interaction Contents of work Responsible teacher/specialist
Meet the family
Meetings, acquaintances, visiting families, questioning families.
Provide material support correctional and developmental activities. Speech therapist teacher
Informing parents about the progress of the educational process
individual and group consultations, design of information stands, organization of exhibitions of children's creativity, invitation of parents to children's concerts and holidays. Joint presence of the child and parents at events. Follow all the teacher's recommendations. Speech therapist teacher
Parent education Conducting seminars - workshops, master classes, trainings, creating a library (media library). Present at individual lessons with a child Speech therapist
Joint activities Involving parents in organizing themed holidays, competitions, visiting external cultural events (theater, museum, library, walks, excursions). creation in MBDOU necessary conditions to develop responsible and interdependent relationships with families of children with disabilities, ensuring the holistic development of the preschooler’s personality, increasing the competence of parents in the field of education. Speech therapist teacher

Development of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities in educational organization.

Development of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities within an educational organization implementing inclusive practices.

The main goal of the administration and the entire teaching staff educational institution(organizations) as part of the implementation of inclusive practice is the creation of special conditions for the development of educational programs and social adaptation of a child with disabilities. Interaction in an interdisciplinary team of psychological and pedagogical support specialists, teachers and parents is one of the most important conditions.

Under individual educational route for a child with disabilities in an educational institution we understand system of specific joint actions administration, main teachers, interdisciplinary team of specialists supporting the educational institution (PMPk), parents in the process of including a child with disabilities in the educational process.

Individual educational plandocument, reflecting the general strategy and specific steps of the interdisciplinary team and parents in organizing psychological and pedagogical support for the individual educational route of a child with disabilities within the school for a certain period, approved by the director of the educational institution and signed by the child’s parents.

Features of working on an individual educational plan:

1) It is developed collectively within the framework of the activities of the PMPK.

The teacher and parents are full participants in the work on the IEP;

2) Developed for a certain time-limited period (quarter, trimester, half-year);

3) At the end of the period, the child’s achievements are assessed - the dynamics of his development, mastery of the educational program, adaptation to the peer group, school team. An analysis of the dynamics and efficiency of work is also expected. Based on the results of all conclusions, the plan is adjusted;

4) The formulation of goals and objectives, criteria for the achievements of a child with disabilities are

as specific as possible;

5) The responsibility and regulations for the activities of all participants in the joint work are established.

An individual educational route (and, accordingly, an individual educational plan) within an educational institution for a child with disabilities is developed in several stages. Let's list the most important of them.

1.School administration together with the inclusion coordinator defines, which teacher and which class (group) the child is entering. It is also determined which psychological and pedagogical support specialists can join the interdisciplinary team. If the school does not have any specialist, the administrative group is looking for possible options for attracting additional resources (cooperation with the PPMS center, attracting volunteers, etc.). An agreement is concluded with the parents.

2. Planning an individual educational route a child with disabilities upon entering the first grade of school begins with careful collection and analysis of preliminary (initial) information about the child and his family. Such information may include the following areas

Contents of information Possible documentation
Psychological and pedagogical report on the child’s condition at the time of admission to school; A list of special conditions necessary for a child to master the educational program and social adaptation in a given educational institution.
Conclusion of the PMPC The current state of the child’s health, doctor’s recommendations at the time of admission to school.
Medical card of a first-grader Education and psychological and pedagogical support of the child before entering school: did the child attend kindergarten, what group or structural subdivision what specialists worked with him in kindergarten or additionally; Have you attended school preparation groups outside of kindergarten - a PPMS center, another school, additional education institutions, etc.
- Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child; - psychological-educator diary. escort
Information about the family: complete or incomplete, family composition; is there support from other relatives; whether the child has a nanny or a permanent attendant. ! This information is important for understanding the need and scope of assistance to the family of a child with disabilities, as well as for determining the child’s stay at school.
Information about current psychological and pedagogical support: does the child work with any specialists (psychologist, defectologist, speech therapist, etc.) at the time of admission to school; Do parents plan to continue classes with these specialists in parallel with their studies at school? If so, how can they “contact” these specialists to determine the general direction of work?

IMPORTANT: Parents may, but are not required to, inform school staff of the child’s medical diagnoses and whether the child is being seen by a particular doctor. If a relationship of trust and cooperation develops between parents and school specialists, parents of their own free will report anything that may affect the quality of education or require special conditions for the child’s adaptation to the school environment.

At the stage of information collection and goal setting, the main task of the school administration and staff is to agree with parents on one common goal for a certain, “understandable” period of time - for example, one year. In a conversation with parents, it is necessary to set priorities in the development of the child based on his capabilities - in accordance with them, the teacher and the entire interdisciplinary team will solve practical problems in the field of education and social adaptation of the child. At the same time, by signing a cooperation agreement and then taking part in the development of an individual educational plan for their child, the parent must be aware of the extent of their responsibility for the child’s quality of life not only within the family, but also at school.

3. Development of an individual educational route(and – accordingly – IOP) precedes diagnostic stage, during which, during two (maximum - three) weeks of the child’s stay at school, the teacher and psychological and pedagogical support specialists (PMPc) conduct a comprehensive assessment of his condition at the time of admission to school. If school specialists find it difficult to choose certain forms and tactics of diagnosis and interpret the results obtained, you can, through the inclusion coordinator, seek advice from specialists from the PMPC or PPMS center, who are a resource in this area. As a result, at the meeting of the PMPK on the development of the IOP, a conclusion is made on psychological characteristics the child, the development of his educational skills, the specifics of interaction with peers and adults. The main task of complex diagnostics in this case is to determine what educational needs the child has, what capabilities can be relied upon first, and which areas of activity of teachers and specialists are the most relevant.

The actual development of the Individual educational route (and, accordingly, the IEP) at a meeting of the school’s psychological, medical, pedagogical (psychological and pedagogical) council.

5. Joint activities administration, teachers, psychological and pedagogical support specialists, parents as part of the implementation of the child’s individual educational route (Individual educational plan for a certain period of time).

6. Analysis of the results of the activities of teachers and specialists - the dynamics of the child’s mental and physical development, the level of his adaptation in the school environment, mastering the educational program, family involvement in the educational process, as well as identifying the most effective forms and methods of teaching and socializing a child with disabilities, organizing interaction with parents.