How to recover from stress. Restoring the nervous system after stress How to restore mental energy after stress

Anything can happen in life, and from time to time we all face difficult events that literally throw us into a deep emotional and energetic hole. In this pit, everything is seen in a gloomy color, a mental mixer with a cycle of “what would have happened if I did it differently then,” “why did this happen to me,” and the like spins around full program. When a dream collapses, a loved one leaves, or someone close to you dies, it seems that nothing good will ever happen, and there is no strength for any action. After a very severe stress we can feel the consequences even on a physical level, when the heart begins to ache, nausea, dizziness, a lush bouquet blooms psychosomatic diseases. Some begin to experience sluggish depression, others seek relief in alcohol, meaningless hours of surfing on social networks, which help brighten up dull evenings. If you are going through something similar, then this article is for you.

How to get out of an emotional hole, cope with pain, for example, survive a breakup?

A step-by-step system of restoring yourself step by step will help here. Simple small steps that will get you out of this state. If you go through them without expecting quick results, then life will sparkle with colors again, everything will change. Gradually, desires and goals will return, the strength and energy to achieve them will appear, and by overcoming yourself, changing yourself, you will change everything around you. And, as if as a reward, be sure to achieve everything you want, be it a love relationship, a favorite job, health, whatever.

Preparatory stage. Bright goal

People who have experienced severe stress are in such emotional devastation that they don’t really want anything. Yes, there is no energy to achieve something, there is no energy even to want something.

A bright goal serves as a beacon, focusing on which you can do everything else, you can get out.
There is no need to think now how you will achieve it. Just create an intention of how you want your life to be, what exactly you need, even if at this stage it’s just a fantasy.

Suppose you want a happy relationship, family, children? Great goal. Restore yourself and you can achieve it.

Are you devastated by a job you don’t like that is destroying you, stuck in traffic jams every day, and conflicts with colleagues? Make it your goal to realize yourself in what you love, earning a decent income.

Does your health leave much to be desired? Do you feel like you're falling apart? Create an image of your bright, rich life, where you are filled with strength, energy and health.

Stage 1. Recovery at the physical level

The main step to restoring yourself is to establish a proper sleep schedule. It sounds banal and incomprehensible. For people who have experienced severe stress, some kind of regime will seem absolute nonsense. In fact, the regime is the first step of the ladder that will lead you out of the pit.

If you want to feel better physically, start restoring your body, and increase your personal energy level, then you definitely need to get enough sleep, but not just like that, but get enough sleep correctly. What does it mean?

You need to sleep on average 7-8 hours, but no more. Only on very difficult days, for example, during illness, can you afford more hours. Once upon a time I also thought that the more you sleep, the better, and my favorite saying was “lie down, sleep, and everything will pass.” But in the normal rhythm of life, long sleep takes energy away, rather than adding it!

You need to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night, preferably at 21-22 o'clock. I wrote in detail what this approach gives in the article How I learned to get up early and I will note once again the main thing: when you go to bed at 21-22 hours, your body will produce the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for youth, beauty, energy, helps to get rid of from depression.

In addition, this way you will save yourself from pointless obsessing over TV shows and social networks, or, even better, from drinking a couple of beers or a glass of wine in the evening.

Of course, if you are used to going to bed late, you won’t be able to fall asleep so early at first. But by getting up an hour or two earlier, the body will begin to readjust. I have checked it myself many times: proper sleep for 6-7 hours gives much more strength than falling asleep and waking up late. If you manage to organize yourself and make it a habit, very soon your body will rest, recover and soon ask for physical activity, you will be surprised to find that you want to run in the morning or dance.

I have already conducted several streams of the energy marathon “Let's change your life in a hundred days. Detox of body and consciousness” and I observe an unambiguous relationship: those participants who already live according to the regime, go to bed early and get up early, are more cheerful, more active, healthier, they have more strength and a better mood, and from report to report I see that in general in life they have much more organization in a variety of areas.

Okay, maybe I didn't convince you.

Maybe the story of one of our participants will inspire you more (slightly abridged):

BUT there is something more: order in the brain, internal dialogues with everything necessary and unnecessary in the world have decreased by at least 90 percent, a clear system of classes (exercises, practices) has appeared. I stopped scattering myself and doing everything in a row, but built consistency, time, and strictly follow my self-discipline. The daily routine became like normal person: I go to bed at 22:00 and wake up at 4:00, do practices (at this time, as it is written in the Vedas, everything a person does is multiplied hundreds of times, because from 4 to 7 in the morning a powerful flow of pure energy comes to the Earth ). I used to sit until 2-3 o’clock in the morning, and then sleep until one o’clock in the afternoon, waking up as if a cow was chewing me and spitting me out. And now an invigoration for the whole day.
The following: the brain began to work the way it worked for me from 24 to 36 years old. Those. At that time I had a very good, responsible, very well-paid position, which, precisely because of my clear mind, I received, beating EIGHTY other competing applicants.
So, thanks to the fact that the brain stopped processing a bunch of crap and calmed down, there was a colossal shift in work better side. A lot of agreements were reached, cooperation with partners was interrupted, who were not always obligatory and several times missed the deadlines promised to clients. It’s just that at that time it seemed to me that these were the only people in the world, and I depended on them. IN THE MOMENT I found a replacement and only won in terms of location, timing and cost of services.
Further. My plans for life and my vision of many situations changed dramatically, which influenced many decisions in what turned out to be a good way.
My husband and father-in-law were amazed at my grip, at the way I defended my (our) interests in business and in general at what I started doing! In general, they gave the reins, so to speak, of the government into my hands and on Thursday (May 11) they registered with the relevant authorities, where the father-in-law will officially sign the documents transferring the business to ME, and not to his own son or grandson.
I have calmed down so internally that even the silence doesn’t ring a bell, but answer after answer just quietly comes, sometimes even to questions that I had several years ago.
I stopped freaking out and panicking, and it seems that I knew everything even before and was internally getting ready.
Quarrels stop around me, no matter where I go, the atmosphere seems to change, people are very polite, let me go forward, open doors for me... I don’t know how to explain, but everyone is trying to listen, help, do something nice, say compliment... The kids began to come to my husband and me often, although they had come before, but only out of politeness, but now it’s as if they are drawn to us. My husband’s son began to come often, calls, we have breakfast together, and we go hunting together. And before that, in three years, I saw him, maybe five or six times, no more.

Periods of crisis are an excellent time to reboot the body in terms of diet. Lean less on fast food, eat more simple, high-quality food. It would be good to fast, introduce healthy supplements, and drink herbal teas. Read more about restoring the body with useful supplements.

If you don’t have the strength to review your diet, then start taking vitamins. Any vitamin complexes that your doctor recommends. A lack of any potassium or magnesium can greatly affect our well-being, and you can meditate as much as you like, do any practices you like, but if you lack some components at the chemical level, then all this will have a secondary effect.

And pay special attention to vitamin C. Start with it at least! Take regular vitamins from the pharmacy or eat foods that contain it: rosehip infusion, lemon, pomegranate juice (pomegranate juice will also support hemoglobin levels), bell pepper, spinach.

But most of all, probably, rose hips contain the most vitamin C! He holds the record for its content. Rosehip strengthens the immune system and maintains vigor.

If you are faced with the question of recovery (strength, health, physical activity, recovery from stress) - drink rosehip decoction every day!

Rosehip infusion(recipe from the marathon “Let’s change your life in a hundred days. Detox of body and mind”)

The value of fruits increases due to the significant content of vitamin P in them and the presence of a number of vitamins: A, B, E, K and others, contained not only in the fruits, but also in the leaves. Flower petals and plant roots also have medicinal properties. Vitamin C in rosehips can be from 0.5 to 4.5 grams per 100 grams of dried berries. This is a lot, about 10 times more than in black currants, 50 times more than in lemons and 100 times more than in apples.

How to cook:
Take about 30 rose hips per liter of water. Rinse thoroughly, put in a thermos and fill hot water(not boiling water).

If you do this in the evening, the drink will be ready in the morning.

Stage 2. Emotional recovery

At the same time as establishing a routine and detoxing the body, I highly recommend starting the Morning Pages. I’ve told you many times what it is, if you don’t know. Let me just say that, in my opinion, this is the best tool for putting your thoughts and feelings in order, freeing yourself from pain, severe emotional dependencies, and even discovering your creative abilities.

And again I’ll give you the story of a site visitor who started writing Morning Pages (there are a lot of reviews, they really work as psychotherapy, but this girl also writes about the regime, so this review is “two-in-one”):

I have been using the Morning Page practice for thirty-two days now. What did this give me, and what noticeable changes did I get?

The main thing is that I wake up every morning around 6-00. Usually it's somewhere around 5-54 / 5-58. This is incredible!

I always had great difficulty getting up in the morning. I really loved to sleep. The days when I could afford to relax in bed were the most long-awaited. The most optimal wakefulness schedule for me was to wake up somewhere at 10-00 or even 11-00 in the morning, but I could go to bed at 1, 2, or 3 in the morning. Moreover, I also enjoyed taking a nap during the day. It’s clear that I could only afford such a daily routine on vacation. As a result, for as long as I can remember, starting from my school years, my eternal desire was to get enough sleep. And not just get enough sleep, but, for example, sleep the whole day. Naturally, this desire was impossible to fulfill.

I got up for work in the morning with great difficulty and set three alarms at 10-minute intervals. The motivation to get out of bed was a promise to myself that I would come home and go to bed (this was always the case when I managed to return from work in the middle of the day). Then I swayed for a long time and got ready for work like a sleepy fly.

And it has always been like this! Until I started writing Morning Pages! I still find it hard to believe! First we had to get up 30 minutes early. If I usually got up (this is after switching alarms three times) at 7:00 and barely had time to get ready, now I started getting up at 6:30 with an alarm and without delay. What drove me was the realization that the page needed to be written. But this motivation was there in the very first days. Then some kind of latent desire arose to get up and go write a page. It's just like when you get up and feel the need to rinse your face with clean water.

Then I began to put my morning in order. I started doing exercises. There was not enough time, and most importantly, there was a desire to make the bed. I started waking up a few minutes before the alarm. As a result, I moved the wake-up time to 6-00 and set the alarm just in case. But I wake up 5-6 minutes before the bell rings, even on weekends. Of course, in the evening I started going to bed earlier. By 21-00 I try to finish all my work and start getting ready for bed, so that I can be asleep by 22-00. It happens that I don’t have time to calm down by 22-00, but in any case it is no later than 23-00. If I go to bed closer to 23-00, then in the morning I feel some sleepiness (as if I didn’t get enough sleep), but I still wake up on my own before the alarm clock and get up without problems.
Now I'm happy to start the day. My morning starts with a good mood. I not only have time to write the Morning Page, do exercises and make the bed, but also have a calm breakfast, get ready and slowly get to work. And I also have enough time in the morning to plan my day and make a to-do list.
I thank the Universe for this opportunity to change my life for the better!

Listening to music also helps a lot. A properly composed playlist can help better than an expensive therapist. You just need to select compositions thoughtfully; the music should energize or soothe, but not depress. No songs about unrequited love, no suffering. If you like mantras or church chants, this is a great choice. Maybe melodies for meditation, maybe, on the contrary, energetic music for the dance floor.

Play your playlist while walking, cleaning the house, or whenever. Music can get you out of very difficult situations.

For the first month or even two, these steps will be enough.

But then you will have the strength to do more.

It's time to start clearing the space!

I also relate this point to emotional recovery. A mess in clothes, files, affairs leads to a mess in thoughts and is a hole where your energy drains. If you are not inclined to periodically clear your space of trash, then you are broadcasting to the Universe that you prefer a lifestyle in chaos, trash, and chaos. And she creates additional circumstances for you to do this.

You can give yourself a wonderful gift: take the time and start throwing out unnecessary things, old books, unworn clothes, broken toasters, CDs, etc. If possible, make repairs. After all this, consecrate your house. You will not only feel better, changes in your life will begin immediately.

I think at this stage, if you really listen to me and do everything, your body itself will ask for the load. You will want to commit long walks, and maybe even go jogging, maybe you sign up for dancing or do yoga (yoga is generally ideal for restoring physical and mental balance; if you want to do it, then changes in your condition, inner and outer world are guaranteed).

Any activity of this kind will not only help restore health and mood. If you can organize yourself and exercise regularly, you will look much better in appearance, your posture will straighten, excess weight will go away, you will become more graceful, more confident, the hormones that are released when playing sports will make you happier, you will feel your own inner strength. There are so many bonuses that it’s surprising why so few people take part.

Stage 3. Movement towards goals

At this stage, you should already have the energy to move towards your goals.

Look around, you will constantly come across information on where to move next. For example, you still can’t get over the breakup with your loved one - go study. Let your head switch, your thoughts will be occupied with other things. A university degree is not necessary; a variety of courses are also suitable. It's important that you invest in yourself.
Expand your social circle. The easiest way to do this is through new hobbies. How to get carried away when you are not very interested?
And so. Watch yourself for a few days. Everyone has something that is at least a little interesting. Growing home flowers, cooking, breeding ferrets, anything as long as it doesn’t cause obvious disgust. Try to dive into it, get involved deeper, learn more. Start communicating with people who are interested in the same thing. This is generally a very effective way to expand your social circle, make new friends and often find a family.

If you are interested in moving to a new material level, then start mentally concentrating on what you can earn from. If you constantly think about it, while reading inspiring stories of other people (and now there are a huge number of them), then ideas will definitely appear.

A new business, a new circle of friends, new hobbies, any movement forward will give an energy boost.

If you have the strength to do this now, without waiting for a crisis and severe stress, then invest in yourself, in your development now.

Open up to the world, meet people, learn.

And don’t forget about proper sleep mode)

It's no secret that strong emotional experiences affect our general condition. Facial skin is no exception. Doctors around the world have long argued that stress is a risk factor for many diseases. Our internal state is reflected externally. First of all - on the face. In women, stress often disrupts hormonal balance, hence skin rashes or disruption of the menstrual cycle.

In general, we can conclude that stress is bad for the skin. Just calm down and return inner harmony It’s not always possible, but a woman wants to look dazzling every day. There are several ways to restore skin after stress.

Mechanisms of stress affecting the skin

First, let's look at what it is. Stress is a strong emotional shock. In response to such a “blow” the body responds chemical reactions, adaptation to dramatically changed conditions occurs. Any quarrel, unpleasant conversation with a person or minor failure is stress.

It affects the skin through a chain of hormonal reactions. Emotional experiences stimulate the release of corticosteroids from the adrenal glands. These hormones are necessary for activity, to run or attack. This is what nature intended, but modern man does not always get into fights or hide from negative people. Therefore, the urgently generated energy is not wasted and begins to corrode the body from the inside:

  • The production of sex hormones responsible for youthful skin is suppressed.
  • Stress stimulates the release of the enzyme hyaluronidase. It breaks down hyaluronic acid, which is involved in the formation of skin elasticity. It becomes dehydrated and takes on a dull color.
  • Then the work of metalloproteinases starts. These enzymes destroy collagen and elastin - the framework of the dermis. Wrinkles appear.
  • During stress, peripheral capillaries narrow. As a result, blood circulation in the skin deteriorates, which disrupts its nutrition.
  • Regular stress reduces the body's immune defense. Inflammations, including local ones, in the form of pimples, become more frequent.
  • Corticosteroids directly stimulate sebum production. The shine on the face and acne are clear proof of this.
  • The nervous system is tense, and skin sensitivity increases. As a result, even minor temperature changes can damage the epithelium and cause peeling, itching or rashes on the skin of the face.

You can suppress the manifestations of stress with the help of cosmetic procedures.

Aesthetic medicine can work wonders in eliminating the effects of mental and physical fatigue. However, the best thing for the skin and the body as a whole is to get rid of the stress factor or survive it calmly. There are several ways to calm down nervous system:

  • Yoga and meditation.
  • Sanitary resort holiday or travel. In extreme cases, take a vacation and relax.
  • Taking a warm bath. Possibly in conjunction with aromatherapy.
  • Regular moderate physical activity. Spend at least 30 minutes a day walking in the fresh air.
  • Daily facial skin care.
  • Consultation with a psychologist.

All of these methods are effective when performed regularly. But women always want to look good, so signs of fatigue need to be eliminated as much as possible. short time. Aesthetic medicine comes to the rescue.

Cosmetological anti-stress procedures

IN in this case inappropriate. Cosmetologists have long noticed that in women under stress the results do not last as long as in those without stress. The effect often does not live up to expectations, which negatively affects the reputation of clinics, although doctors have absolutely nothing to do with it - this individual characteristics organism, about which clients are warned in advance.

Cosmetology centers suggest focusing on the following anti-stress procedures:

  • Spa massage. A pleasant way to relax and forget about the negative. Blood supply to the skin improves, it returns to tone and takes on a healthy, rested appearance.
  • Mesotherapy. An individually selected cocktail is injected under the skin. Their composition is varied. Most often it includes vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The skin is nourished and protected from the aggressive effects of stress.
  • . The method effectively eliminates signs of stress. The cellular composition of the skin is renewed, which gives the effect of rejuvenation.
  • Masks. Provide nutrition and hydration to facial skin.

Completely eliminate the effects of stress only external influences impossible. For more effective recovery, it is first necessary to calm the nervous system.

Minor stress mobilizes the body and activates defenses; in small doses, such emotional stress does not harm a person. But a prolonged and strong traumatic factor has serious consequences. Health suffers, adaptation mechanisms and resources decrease, and stress increases. How to recover after a difficult experience? What to do when emotional shock does not allow you to live fully?

Causes and signs of severe stress

Severe emotional distress can affect anyone. Psychologists have developed a stress scale that includes the main traumatic categories. The first places on the scale are the death of a relative or friend, divorce and loneliness. In last place are family quarrels, promotions and weddings. Even positive life events can cause increased stress.

The main symptoms of severe stress:

  1. A person becomes fixated on negative events. His thoughts are occupied with disturbing experiences, the shock he has experienced cannot be relieved in simple ways, for example, physical activity.
  2. The expression of emotions is impaired. A person is irritated, prone to outbursts of anger and rage, symptoms of stress indicate a weakened nervous system. Some symptoms indicate dulling of feelings, the inability to experience joy, orgasm, or enjoy life.
  3. Interpersonal communication is destroyed. After suffering a trauma, an individual breaks off friendships, avoids communication, and strives for loneliness.
  4. Severe intensity of stress provokes the development mental illness. People at risk include survivors of childhood violence, victims of violent crimes and others. In this case, the symptoms are associated with adaptation disorders. A severe shock is reflected in dreams and becomes a deep inner experience.
  5. Abuse of alcohol, toxic and narcotic substances.
  6. Suicidal thoughts.

Symptoms of severe stress are more acute in women and older people. In childhood, on the contrary, boys experience emotional trauma more painfully than girls.

How does extreme stress affect the body?

The consequences of acute experiences also affect health. It can be difficult to relieve symptoms after stress, since a person turns to specialized specialists, but does not treat the main cause - anxiety. Basic for the body:

  1. Increased blood pressure, headache, tachycardia.
  2. After experiencing a shock, the functioning of the immune system is disrupted and the body’s protective functions are reduced.
  3. The consequences of stress manifest themselves in the form of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Heartburn, gastritis, stool disorders, constipation - this is an incomplete list of stomach diseases due to severe anxiety.
  4. Women experience symptoms of thrush, dryness and burning during sexual intercourse. Some women experience menstrual irregularities.
  5. The skin suffers. Eczema, itching, rash of unknown origin are consequences after experiencing stress.

Symptoms may indicate deep trauma, such as pain during intercourse after abuse. In most cases, people who have experienced tragedy need psychotherapeutic treatment.

Stress Relief Methods

What to do in a situation of strong emotion?

  • First option - .
  • The second option is to consult a doctor.

What methods can be used to relieve severe tension? Let's look at a few techniques.

  1. Doctor Vetoz's method. To organize emotional condition and cope with anxiety, you can use imaginary generation. Close your eyes and begin to mentally draw an infinity sign - a horizontal figure eight. Imagine the sign on a black board, draw it with chalk.
  2. Breathing techniques. Doing the exercises is easy, just understand the essence of proper breathing. For example, if you have severe anxiety, start listening to your breathing, tracking your inhalation and exhalation.
  3. Affirmative formulas. You can relieve fear and nervousness using special formulas in the form of a positive phrase. It’s worth saying it to yourself in a situation of unexpected shock. Example: “Stop. I'm calm" or "Stop. The fear goes away."
  4. Switching from the problem. You can get away from negative thoughts after experiencing trauma by switching to another activity. Exercise stress, singing out loud, active dancing, running in the morning, breeding ornamental birds. Any active work will help relieve tension. Self-absorption is dangerous; negative thoughts will interfere with life.
  5. Meditative techniques. Teaching Eastern practices is effective. Meditation is pleasant, it calms, relaxes, and relieves anxiety.
  6. Massage, acupuncture, leech treatment. You can relieve stress using unconventional methods in combination with additional treatment.

What to do if the above methods do not help? Try resorting to prayer; faith saves you in many difficult situations.

Video:"How to deal with stress properly"

Treatment options

The severe effects of stress must be relieved with the help of a specialist. The doctor will assess your general condition, select treatment, help you recover from strong experiences, and relieve symptoms. Basic treatment includes a combination of psychotherapeutic techniques and medications. The approximate program includes the following procedures:

  1. Doctors' examinations. Therapist, physiotherapist, cardiologist and others.
  2. Consultation with a psychotherapist, designation of a course of work.
  3. Prescribing tests according to indications.
  4. To relieve the effects of stress, you should regularly attend classes with a psychotherapist. Work can be done individually or in a group.
  5. Therapeutic relaxation exercises. It should be done regularly, then the effect will be long-lasting.
  6. IN drug treatment includes prescribing medications to relieve anxiety. This could be a herbal-based sedative, for example, Persen, or a chemical-based sedative, for example, Afobazol. Potent drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, based on the patient’s condition.
  7. Therapists must include in their maintenance therapy proper nutrition, vitamin complexes, adherence to the daily routine.

It takes a lot of work to remove the consequences of an emotional shock. Treatment can be supplemented with comprehensive programs, which include herbal medicine, pine baths, shower massage and other methods.

It is possible to cope with the consequences of severe stress; modern techniques allow you to relieve anxiety efficiently and in a short time. But work on treating tension should be done regularly, without abandoning the proposed methods.

It is difficult to find a person who has not found himself in a stressful situation. Each body functions differently. Therefore, know how to restore the nervous system after long-term stress necessary for everyone.

Stress manifests itself as apathetic behavior and loss of interest in what is happening. A long-term nervous breakdown can provoke dangerous diseases. Stroke, heart attack, stomach ulcer, loss of immunity - the consequences of stress. You need to be able to cope with stress and restore body functions. Ignoring the symptoms of long-term stress leads to failure of many organs.

Causes of long-term stress

A chronic type of long-term nervous breakdown of the entire system occurs under the following circumstances:

  1. great mental or physical stress;
  2. constant conflicts (home, work);
  3. lack of life purpose;
  4. loss of interest in what is happening around;
  5. insufficient time to solve everyday or urgent problems;
  6. loss of job (or threat of loss);
  7. long-term illnesses.

Knowing the causes of stress, you can learn to restore the nervous system after stress to its original form.

Chronic stress is dangerous due to the gradual destruction that occurs in the body. If you don't immediately pay attention to stress, it will be more difficult to restore strength over time.

The primary way to bring the nervous system back to normal

If you have suffered a prolonged breakdown, to restore your psyche after stress, follow these steps:

  1. pour a glass of water, drink in small portions;
  2. clean water will prevent strokes and restore normal blood clotting;
  3. try to quickly perform any physical action (move a chair, table, lift something, walk).

This is first aid for long-term failure of the nervous system. Try to limit alcoholic drinks - you will only do harm (at first it will become easier), and will not restore the body and nervous system. Other methods will help to properly restore nerves.

List of products that help support and fully restore the body during prolonged stress or system failure:

  • milk, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese;
  • vegetable oil (any);
  • nuts;
  • dark chocolate with high content cocoa beans;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • seaweed;
  • vegetables fruits.

Consume the listed products, follow medical prescriptions, and restoration of the nervous system will be more effective and easier.

Restoring breastfeeding during prolonged stress

It happens that a young mother gets nervous, and then her breast milk disappears. For the future health of the baby, restoration of lactation has great importance. Reasons why milk disappears:

  • fright;
  • nervous tension;
  • fatigue;
  • severe pain;
  • the consequences of a hard day;
  • the baby refuses to take the breast;
  • unhealthy family atmosphere;
  • loss of contact with the baby even for a short time.

Due to any of the above circumstances, the milk “burns out.” It is possible to restore breast milk lactation after surviving a long-term nervous system failure. Consider the process of milk production:

  • a child is born, the amount of progesterone decreases, prolactin (the female hormone of reproductive function) increases;
  • thanks to prolactin, breast milk begins to be produced;
  • a special gland (hypothalamus) activates the hormone oxytocin - milk flows through the ducts (arrives);
  • It’s simple: there is a hypothalamus, you can solve the problem of how to restore lactation after a nervous breakdown.

Milk does not disappear completely; its production stops. The reason is adrenaline (stress hormone). With prolonged nervous overstrain, the mother receives a large amount of adrenaline, the production of oxytocin (responsible for milk) is suspended. What to do, how to restore breast milk lactation?

You need to know what helps increase the amount of oxytocin, try to do the following:

  1. throw away negative, anxious thoughts, tune into a positive mood;
  2. drown out adrenaline with positive emotions (chocolates, shops, new clothes). Take a bubble bath, do some cleaning;
  3. even with a temporary absence of milk, put the baby to the breast - it provokes the production of oxytocin;
  4. continue to express the remaining (droplets) of milk to restore lactation.

During the recovery period, a young mother needs peace and support from loved ones. If anyone doubts whether it is possible to restore lactation after a nervous strain, treat such people calmly, follow the doctor’s instructions - the milk will return.

Return of strength after long-term stress

It is not easy to survive a nervous shock. It is difficult to get out of the state and return to normal life. Do not try to bring yourself back to normal on your own - consult your doctor. Based on medical prescriptions, you can effectively restore memory after stress.

There is an opinion that a long-term stressful situation develops into depression. This is wrong. There is no need to prescribe antidepressants or tranquilizers on your own. It is advisable to start with gentle medications, to know how to restore the psyche after a nervous breakdown.

Try this:

  1. try to move more, take walks, go to work, go shopping;
  2. watch a positive film instead of the daily news - there is a lot of negativity;
  3. get a dog or a cat (any animal);
  4. If possible, change the environment (visit friends, spend weekends in nature, make a small rearrangement at home);
  5. find something interesting to do and free time dedicate to him;
  6. try to go to bed and get up in the morning according to the schedule;
  7. clean up, sort out your closet, get rid of unnecessary clothes;
  8. smile at your mirror image.

To train your memory and restore your nervous system, try the following exercise:

  1. draw emotions, everything that comes to mind, with colored pencils;
  2. look at the drawing, then tear or burn it.

Even if the doctor prescribes taking medications, still combine them with simple tips helping to restore the nervous system. The main thing is to try to find out the cause of the nervous system disorder so that you know how to restore memory and return to normal.

Traditional methods against nervous system breakdown

Folk remedies relieve many problems. There are practically no contraindications, but you need to consult a doctor. Try a few homemade recipes that can restore your body:

Components Preparation
Valerian root, motherwort, fennel, caraway (in equal parts) Brew the collection with boiling water, let it sit for 2 hours;
divide into 3 parts;
drink a day (course a month);
soothing infusion used as a prophylactic
St. John's wort tea, you can add honey Brew a teaspoon of herbs;
drink 2 times a day
Coriander (seeds) Prepare a spoonful of seeds (water bath for 15 minutes);
drink 4 times a day, 40 ml;
An excellent remedy for increased irritability
Mint leaves, honey, lemon Brew mint, drink, eat lemon along with zest
Motherwort grass Fill with medical alcohol (ratio 1:5);
take 20 drops 3 times a day;
eliminates anxiety
Aromatic oils (orange, lavender, pine) and aroma lamp Add 1 drop of oil
Bath, add pine needles (pharmaceutical) Take a bath for 15 minutes for 10 days

Appetite and nervous system

Nutrition in a post-stress situation occupies an important place during the recovery stage. What to do when you don’t feel like eating, how to regain your appetite after severe stress, and restore your body? If a person stops receiving the necessary nutrition, other diseases will develop. Try natural remedies that will not affect your weight and will help you return to a normal diet:

  • Ginger root stimulates salivation, making you want to eat. Peel the root, chop it, add lemon juice and finely chopped mint leaves. Take the resulting mixture for two weeks, a teaspoon 3 times a day;
  • mint promotes the development of appetite, eliminates discomfort in the stomach and nausea. Brew a few mint leaves and drink every day until complete recovery;
  • Dandelion roots provoke a good appetite. Finely chop the roots (2 tablespoons), add half a liter of water, and boil. Drink ½ cup 3 times a day for two weeks.

In addition to the suggested recipes, to achieve faster recovery of the body from stress, combine taking herbal infusions with simple physical exercise. Eliminate the reasons that led to prolonged system failure.

Taking herbal decoctions can be combined with tinctures of valerian and motherwort. How to restore the nervous system after prolonged stress - take vitamin C (increases immunity). The main thing is not to lose normal weight, it will be difficult to return to normal.

Medications for a nervous breakdown

In a stressful situation, you feel increased irritability and nervousness. Consult a pharmacist at your pharmacy network on how to quickly recover from stress with the help of over-the-counter medications.

Before purchasing a medicine, read the instructions, do not exceed the dosage. To help your body calm down after stress, choose the following medications in tablets or drops:

  • Valerian (extract);
  • Glycine;
  • Valocardine (calms the heart);
  • Deprim;
  • Adaptol;
  • Homeostress;
  • Peony tincture;
  • Relaxozan;
  • Motherwort tincture;
  • Negrustin;
  • Neuroplant.

Other drugs are also available. The pharmacist will tell you what is better and how to treat the upset nervous system.

Sleep is an important part of recovery

Sleep helps during recovery periods in many long-term illnesses. If the nervous system is weakened, the first thing the doctor will advise is to get a good night's sleep. But, if nervous tension develops into insomnia, how can you restore sleep after the experience?

Try a relaxation method:

  1. Repeat relaxing activities in the evenings. Sit on the sofa or sit in a cozy chair;
  2. try to completely relax your muscles;
  3. with your eyes closed, feel your strength returning;
  4. try to feel yourself after relaxing on the seashore, or walking in a pine forest;
  5. if desired, speak out loud when discussing your problems;
  6. think that you need to completely relax, get away from problems.

At the end of the home procedure, be sure to yawn to set yourself up for a long, healthy sleep. During relaxation therapy, you can light an aroma lamp, as it will be faster to recover from stress in combination with several techniques at the same time.

To get a good night's sleep, remember to keep your bedroom at a cool temperature. If it's hot, sleep will be restless and interrupted. Do not turn on bright lighting, choose a comfortable pillow, a cozy blanket. It is possible that the mattress on the bed is uncomfortable - replace it. A surface that is too soft is not suitable for good sleep.

When a doctor gives recommendations on how to recover from severe stress, the first thing people pay attention to is whether they suffer from insomnia. In a dream, all life processes return to normal. A good night's rest helps normalize brain activity. If you sleep well, in the morning you feel a surge of vitality, and the situation that happened the day before seems easier.

To get back to normal faster, you need to know how to restore peace of mind and nervous system after experiencing a breakdown. The doctor will select an individual technique, or a combination of several options for solving the current problem caused by prolonged stress.

Video: How to quickly restore vitality after stress?

Stress is a constant companion modern man. Even the most stress-resistant person can feel this state. A strong emotional outburst, troubles at work, illness - all this is a blow to the nervous system and, as a result, stress.

If avoided stress state If it didn’t work out, then it is very important to know how to properly recover from stress, what you should pay attention to first of all, how to restore “calmness” to the nervous system, overcome heart pain and stomach discomfort.

There are no uniform postulates on how to behave during the post-stress period. It all depends on the intensity of the shock experienced, on the person’s nervous system and other characteristics of the body. Some people have severe heart pain, others have trouble sleeping, others rapidly lose weight and then manage to gain 5 kilos more.

  • Increased physical activity;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Rest and relaxation.

Physical training

It’s not for nothing that they say that sport is life. But in this case we do not mean professional sports, frantic workouts in a fitness club or a 10 km cross-country race. Such heavy loads do not help to calm down, but only increase pressure on the heart. To begin with, you should take walks in the fresh air every day for an hour. It is also worth doing simple exercises in the morning. Fresh air, in this case, has a good effect on the general condition of the body and restores a damaged psyche. Walking helps restore the nervous system and allows you to put your thoughts in order.

As an additional burden, you can stop using the elevator or get off it 3-4 floors earlier than necessary. Physical activity will help you lose or not gain excess weight and activate metabolic processes in the body. But here it is important not to overdo it; if, after suffering from stress, the general condition is general weakness, the heart and head hurt - just start with a 15-minute walk near your home.

Swimming is a great way to calm your nerves. 2-3 visits to the pool per week will strengthen the body. Firstly, swimming perfectly synchronizes the work of muscles, which allows you to raise their tone, strengthen the nervous system, relieve residual tension, lose weight, train the heart and the entire circulatory system.

An excellent option after severe stress would be to go out into nature. A trip to the mountains, forest or river promotes relaxation, calmness, distraction, and will help you gain the positive energy of nature. In moments of unity with nature, the damaged nervous system is restored thanks to “active meditation.” This is a type of meditation when calm and restoration of vitality occurs in movement, in a state of full consciousness.


Healthy and proper nutrition is an axiom for any person. Nutrition plays a key role in improving your condition during the post-stress period. The fact is that during stressful experiences a person rapidly loses weight. Nervous exhaustion, loss of appetite, indigestion - all this negatively affects the body, a person “melts” before our eyes. Sometimes, of course, it happens that at a moment of strong emotional stress, appetite increases sharply; nutritionists talk about “stress eating.” But this is less common, most often the weight falls, and the process of “eating” begins after experiencing stress. This is natural, since the body is exhausted and gains all the substances necessary for life through consumed food. In this case, a person rapidly gains excess weight, because in stressful situations he prefers fatty, fried, spicy foods. But how to recover from stress with the help of nutrition and not harm the body?

To dial your normal weight and not to add extra pounds to it, you need to:

  • Eat foods containing vitamins. First of all, you need to pay attention to products containing B vitamins. The diet must contain nuts, grains, beans (B1 vitamins), liver, poultry, hard cheese, eggs, seaweed (B2 vitamins), offal, red meat (vitamins B3); yeast, cereals, green vegetables (vitamins B5); beef, veal, milk, green pepper (vitamins B6); mushrooms, cauliflower, carrots, onions, parsley, soy, seafood (vitamins B9, B12).

In addition, vitamins of group C have a positive effect on the body after stressful situations: orange, lemon, parsley, broccoli, radish.

  • Be sure to eat foods containing Omega 3 acids: fatty sea fish, cod liver, flax seeds, walnuts. Eating these products will help you regain lost weight, improve metabolic processes in the body and increase brain activity.
  • To regain lost kilograms you need to eat at least 4 times a day, at the same time. At one meal you need to eat everything that was planned, but not overeat. An overloaded stomach hurts, and this will not help you gain weight, but will only create additional discomfort.
  • It should be remembered that you need to gain back what you lost gradually (1.5 - 2 kg per month), while the calorie content of the entire daily diet should be distributed as follows: breakfast - 30%, snack - 10%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 20% .

Sleep and rest

Healthy sleep is the basis of normal well-being. It is a well-known fact that a person should sleep 7-8 hours a day. And in order to restore your nerves and psyche after stress, you need to get enough sleep. During the first days of recovery, you should sleep as much as possible. Sound, healthy sleep helps restore vitality, as if “restarting” the body and all metabolic processes in it. Unfortunately, after stress, sleep is disturbed: your head hurts, your heart aches, your blood pressure rises. Hence the inability to calm down, which is extremely necessary for sound sleep.

To normalize sleep, you need to:

  • Seek help from medicinal herbs.

You can calm down and relax thanks to this infusion: mint and mint leaves (2 tablespoons each) mixed with hop cones and crushed valerian root (1 tablespoon each). Pour boiling water (1-1.5 liters) over the mixture and leave until completely cooled. Then strain and use to wash your hair. This procedure calms the nervous system, the heart and its rhythm.

If stressful situations are constant companions in life, you can prepare restorative and soothing tinctures in advance. Pour cinquefoil root (100 grams) with alcohol or vodka (0.5 liters) and leave in a glass container in a dark place for 20 days. Then add crushed valerian root (1 tablespoon), pine cones (3 pieces), 4 tablespoons of sugar to 1 tablespoon of this infusion and pour vodka or alcohol (0.5 liters) over everything. Leave in a tightly closed glass container for 10 days. Then strain and consume 1 tablespoon at night. This tincture strengthens and normalizes sleep.

You can normalize sleep immediately after experiencing stress like this: St. John's wort (5 g) pour 250 ml. boiled milk, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 4-5 minutes. Cool and drink 20 minutes before bedtime. Sleep, after such medicine, will be calm and deeper.

  • Carry out bath procedures.

Bath - relaxes muscles, has a calming effect on the heart and psyche. With the help of a bath, not only toxins are removed from the body, but also stress hormones accumulated during the critical period, excess weight disappears, and memory improves. For restorative bath procedures, it is better to choose a juniper broom, and after the bath you need to drink herbal tea with the addition of mint and honey. But, if your heart hurts badly or there is dizziness and headaches caused by vascular spasms, then going to the bathhouse should be postponed.

You can recover from shock by breathing: inhale for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 5 seconds, exhale for 10 seconds. And so on for 3 minutes. This method allows you to return your breathing and heart to a normal synchronous rhythm.

A simple exercise to relieve negativity: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Inhale air for five seconds, exhale sharply through your mouth and lower your arms at the same time. Repeat 2-3 times.