What harm does electromagnetic radiation cause? The influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans. Sources, properties of electromagnetic radiation. Refrigerator with “No Frost” function

The effect of radiation depends on the wavelength. If we imagine it in the form of a scale, then we first see short waves, which include x-rays and cosmic rays, as well as gamma rays. They all have enough energy to free an electron from the atom of which it was a part. As a result, ions are formed (which is why these types of radiation are called ionizing). The influence of these ions is responsible for further changes in irradiated cells.

Non-ionizing radiation is not capable of releasing electrons and forming ions, but they can cause thermal damage to tissues and destroy cellular structures.

Wave range scale

From short to long:

Cosmic radiation

Gamma radiation

X-ray radiation



(non-ionizing radiation):



Radio waves

Radiation from power lines

Harmful sockets

Scientists are confident that the influence of non-ionizing radiation is now a much more serious problem than radiation.

Radiation is a local phenomenon,” says the head of the laboratory of radiobiology and hygiene of non-ionizing radiation of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA), Candidate of Biological Sciences Oleg Grigoriev, “there is no danger to humans outside the radiation zone. In addition, radiation contamination still belongs to the category of disasters, and not to everyday events. Meanwhile, we are exposed to radiation created by electromagnetic fields every second.

In the kitchen the kettle is boiling and the refrigerator and microwave oven are working. The room has a TV, a computer, and possibly the Internet. Almost everyone has a telephone: both landline and mobile. Everything that works from an outlet emits this radiation. “A separate electrical appliance may not be dangerous at all,” says Oleg Grigoriev. 

Back in the 19th century, biological effects from the influence of electromagnetic fields were established, and on this basis a lot of devices and instruments were developed. At the same time, N. Tesla created a device, the effects of which significantly improved digestion. Until now, many types of physiotherapy are based precisely on the interaction of internal and external electrical magnetic field.

The difficulty is that their impact has not been fully studied. If the level of radiation can be measured with a dosimeter, then with non-ionizing radiation a huge number of factors play a role: from physical ones - wave frequency and radiation intensity to purely individual ones - predisposition to diseases, age. And it is impossible to construct a simple dose-effect relationship, as in the case of radiation. Currents can travel through the skin or deeper into the subcutaneous fatty tissue, or even through blood vessels. The results will depend on localization and efficiency.

Imagine the situation,” continues Oleg Grigoriev. 

- There is a transformer station behind your wall, but you don’t know about it. Along this wall is your bed, where you sleep every night. And after 3-4 years you begin to develop cardiovascular diseases, you run to doctors, you are treated symptomatically, without removing the cause. And the reason is that every night you are in the zone of an industrial electromagnetic field.

Do cell phones cause cancer?

Between 1996 and 2003, New Zealand physicist Dr Neil Cherry studied the effects of electromagnetic fields on volunteers from around the world. Studies have shown that electromagnetic radiation causes damage to DNA and chromosomes, changes brain activity and blood pressure. This radiation affects the pineal gland in the brain, which leads to a decrease in the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for important biochemical processes in the body, including chronobiological ones. At the same time, Cherry suggested that radiation increases the activity of oncogenes.

Since the brain is the first to be affected by electromagnetic influence, this results in impaired attention and memory, chronic fatigue, and subsequently pathological processes in the central nervous system. That is why such close attention is now paid to a mobile handset - because in this case the head acts as a kind of antenna for receiving electrical signals. And there is nothing good about it.

How to avoid harmful effects

It is clear that in order to avoid electromagnetic radiation, we will have to abandon all the gains of technological progress. It is impossible to do this, and it is not necessary. However, it is possible to reduce negative effects to a minimum. To do this, it is necessary to observe electromagnetic hygiene.

Try to reduce the number of electrical appliances in the bedroom. Do not place beds and sofas against a wall behind which a refrigerator or TV is operating. After all, radiation passes perfectly through our walls, which are often slightly thicker than cardboard. The barrier requires reinforced concrete material.

The most intense radiation occurs when, for example, a microwave oven is heating up. Just don't stand nearby at this time.

To protect yourself from the radiation of mobile phones, make it a rule not to bring it to your head while dialing a number and establishing a connection, as well as when recharging. These are the periods of the most intense radiation.

Don't be lazy about unplugging electrical appliances when you're not using them. After all, even in standby mode, the device is a source of powerful radiation.

The hand-free function almost completely reduces the risk.

And it is very important to limit the use of mobile phones by schoolchildren and expectant mothers.

Off the field

A couple of decades ago, scientists found out that a person must be in conditions of a natural electromagnetic field, that is, the field that the earth creates. If you pull him out of these conditions, he begins to hurt - and even worse than with radiation.

The most obvious way to deprive a person of this field is to send him into space. In everyday life, the electromagnetic field of the earth is weakened on the highest floors of high-rise buildings and, conversely, in the basement, as well as in metal bulletproof bunkers, like those where cashiers sit. All these shielded structures (by the way, mobile phones do not receive signals here) create very difficult conditions for health.

Should you be afraid of x-rays?

Often people refuse an X-ray examination, explaining that they already did one 3 months ago. “So you can get irradiated!” - many people think.

You can’t get irradiated like that! - Natalia Nadezhina, leading researcher at the Laboratory of Local Radiation Injuries and Acute Radiation Sickness at FMB, is confident. - The simplest test is a chest x-ray. A direct and lateral photo is 500 microsieverts, which is one millionth of a sievert, or 0.05 roentgens. The maximum permissible rate is 2 roentgens (20 millisieverts) per year for people working with ionizing radiation, for diagnostic procedures - no more than 5 millisieverts per year, for people undergoing regular examinations - no more than 1 millisievert per year for 5 consecutive years .

Infrared radiation is a natural type of radiation. Every person is exposed to it every day. A huge part of the sun's energy reaches our planet in the form of infrared rays. However, in modern world There are many devices that use infrared radiation. It can affect the human body in various ways. This largely depends on the type and purpose of use of these same devices.

What it is

Infrared radiation, or IR rays, is a type of electromagnetic radiation that occupies spectral region from red visible light (which has a wavelength of 0.74 microns) to short-wave radio emission (with a wavelength of 1-2 mm). This is a fairly broad region of the spectrum, so it is further divided into three regions:

  • near (0.74 - 2.5 µm);
  • medium (2.5 - 50 microns);
  • long-range (50-2000 µm).

History of discovery

In 1800, a scientist from England, W. Herschel, made the observation that in the invisible part of the solar spectrum (beyond red light) the temperature of the thermometer increases. Subsequently, the subordination of infrared radiation to the laws of optics was proven and a conclusion was made about its relationship with visible light.

Thanks to the works of the Soviet physicist A. A. Glagoleva-Arkadyeva, who in 1923 received radio waves with λ = 80 microns (IR range), the existence of a continuous transition from visible radiation to IR radiation and radio waves was experimentally proven. Thus, a conclusion was made about their common electromagnetic nature.

Almost everything in nature is capable of emitting wavelengths corresponding to the infrared spectrum, which means the human body is no exception. We all know that everything around us consists of atoms and ions, even humans. And these excited particles are capable of emitting. They can go into an excited state under the influence of various factors, such as electrical discharges or heating. Thus, in the emission spectrum of a gas stove flame there is a band with λ=2.7 µm from water molecules and with λ=4.2 µm from carbon dioxide.

IR waves in everyday life, science and industry

Using certain devices at home and at work, we rarely ask ourselves about the effect of infrared radiation on the human body. Meanwhile, IR heaters are quite popular today. What fundamentally distinguishes them from oil radiators and convectors is their ability to heat not the air itself directly, but all objects located in the room. That is, first the furniture, floors and walls heat up, and then they release their heat into the atmosphere. At the same time, infrared radiation also affects organisms - humans and their pets.

IR rays are also widely used in data transmission and remote control. Many mobile phones have infrared ports for sharing files between them. And all remote controls for air conditioners, stereo systems, televisions, and some controlled children's toys also use electromagnetic rays in the infrared range.

The use of IR rays in the army and astronautics

Infrared rays are most important for the aerospace and military industries. Various binoculars, sights, etc. are created on the basis of photocathodes with sensitivity to infrared radiation (up to 1.3 microns). They allow, while simultaneously irradiating objects with infrared radiation, aiming or observation in absolute darkness.

Thanks to the created highly sensitive receivers of infrared rays, the production of homing missiles became possible. Sensors in their head react to the infrared radiation of the target, whose temperature is usually higher than the environment, and direct the missile towards the target. The detection of heated parts of ships, aircraft, and tanks using heat direction finders is based on the same principle.

IR locators and rangefinders can detect various objects in complete darkness and measure the distance to them. Special devices that emit in the infrared region are used for space and long-distance ground communications.

Infrared radiation in scientific activities

One of the most common is the study of emission and absorption spectra in the IR region. It is used in the study of the characteristics of the electronic shells of atoms, to determine the structures of all kinds of molecules, and in addition, in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of mixtures of various substances.

Due to differences in the scattering, transmittance and reflection coefficients of bodies in visible and infrared rays, photographs taken in different conditions, are somewhat different. Photos taken in infrared often show more detail. Such images are widely used in astronomy.

Studying the effect of IR rays on the body

The first scientific data on the effects of infrared radiation on the human body date back to the 1960s. The author of the research is Japanese doctor Tadashi Ishikawa. During his experiments, he was able to establish that infrared rays tend to penetrate deep inside the human body. In this case, thermoregulation processes occur, similar to the reaction to being in a sauna. However, sweating begins at a lower ambient temperature (it is about 50 ° C), and the heating of the internal organs occurs much deeper.

During such warming, blood circulation increases, the vessels of the respiratory organs, subcutaneous tissue and skin dilate. However, prolonged exposure to infrared radiation on a person can cause heat stroke, and strong infrared radiation leads to burns of varying degrees.

IR protection

There is a small list of measures aimed at reducing the danger of exposure to infrared radiation on the human body:

  1. Reducing radiation intensity. This is achieved through the selection of appropriate technological equipment, timely replacement of outdated ones, as well as its rational layout.
  2. Removing workers from the radiation source. If the production line allows, remote control of it should be preferred.
  3. Installation of protective screens at the source or workplace. Such fences can be arranged in two ways to reduce the impact of infrared radiation on the human body. In the first case, they must reflect electromagnetic waves, and in the second, they must delay them and convert the radiation energy into thermal energy and then remove it. Due to the fact that protective screens should not deprive specialists of the opportunity to monitor processes occurring in production, they can be made transparent or translucent. For this purpose, the materials chosen are silicate or quartz glass, as well as metal mesh and chains.
  4. Thermal insulation or cooling of hot surfaces. The main purpose of thermal insulation is to reduce the risk of workers receiving various burns.
  5. Individual protection means(various special clothing, glasses with built-in filters, shields).
  6. Preventive actions. If during the above actions the level of exposure to infrared radiation on the body remains sufficiently high, then an appropriate work and rest regime should be selected.

Benefits for the human body

Infrared radiation affecting the human body leads to improved blood circulation due to vasodilation, better saturation of organs and tissues with oxygen. In addition, an increase in body temperature has an analgesic effect due to the effect of rays on the nerve endings in the skin.

It was noted that surgical operations performed under the influence of infrared radiation have a number of advantages:

  • Pain after surgery is somewhat easier to bear;
  • Cell regeneration occurs faster;
  • the influence of infrared radiation on a person allows one to avoid cooling of internal organs when performing surgery on open cavities, which reduces the risk of shock.

In patients with burns, infrared radiation makes it possible to remove necrosis, as well as perform autoplasty at an earlier stage. In addition, the duration of fever is reduced, anemia and hypoproteinemia are less pronounced, and the frequency of complications is reduced.

It has been proven that IR radiation can weaken the effect of some pesticides by increasing nonspecific immunity. Many of us know about the treatment of rhinitis and some other manifestations of colds with blue IR lamps.

Harm to humans

It is worth noting that the harm from infrared radiation to the human body can also be very significant. The most obvious and common cases are skin burns and dermatitis. They can occur either when exposed to weak waves of the infrared spectrum for too long, or during intense irradiation. If we talk about medical procedures, it is rare, but still, heat strokes, asthenia and exacerbation of pain occur if not treated correctly.

One of modern problems are eye burns. The most dangerous for them are IR rays with wavelengths in the range of 0.76-1.5 microns. Under their influence, the lens and aqueous humor heat up, which can lead to various disorders. One of the most common consequences is photophobia. Children who play with laser pointers and welders who neglect personal protective equipment should remember this.

IR rays in medicine

Treatment with infrared radiation can be local or general. In the first case, a local effect is carried out on a specific area of ​​the body, and in the second, the entire body is exposed to the rays. The course of treatment depends on the disease and can range from 5 to 20 sessions of 15-30 minutes each. During procedures prerequisite is the use of protective equipment. To maintain eye health, special cardboard covers or glasses are used.

After the first procedure, redness with unclear boundaries appears on the surface of the skin, which goes away after about an hour.

Action of IR emitters

With the availability of many medical devices, people purchase them for individual use. However, it must be remembered that such devices must meet special requirements and be used in compliance with safety regulations. But the main thing is that it is important to understand that, like any medical device, infrared wave emitters cannot be used for a number of diseases.

The influence of infrared radiation on the human body
Wavelength, µm Useful action
9.5 µm Immunocorrective effect in immunodeficiency states caused by fasting, carbon tetrachloride poisoning, and the use of immunosuppressants. Leads to the restoration of normal levels of cellular immunity.
16.25 µm Antioxidant action. It is carried out due to the formation of free radicals from superoxides and hydroperoxides, and their recombination.
8.2 and 6.4 µm Antibacterial effect and normalization of intestinal microflora due to the influence on the process of synthesis of prostaglandin hormones, leading to an immunomodeling effect.
22.5 µm Leads to the transfer of many insoluble compounds, such as blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques, into a soluble state, allowing them to be removed from the body.

Therefore, a qualified specialist, an experienced doctor, should select a course of therapy. Depending on the length of the emitted infrared waves, the devices can be used for different purposes.

Mechanism of influence of EMR

The human body, like any organism on Earth, has its own electromagnetic field, thanks to which all systems, organs and cells of the body work harmoniously. Human electromagnetic radiation is also called the biofield. The visual representation of the biofield, which some people see, and which can be constructed by a computer using special devices, is also called an aura.

This field is the main protective shell of our body from the influence of external electromagnetic fields. When it is destroyed, the organs and systems of our body become easy prey for any pathogenic factors.

If our natural electromagnetic field is affected by other sources of radiation, much more powerful than the radiation of our body, then it is distorted or even begins to collapse. And chaos begins in the body. This leads to disruption of the functioning of various organs and systems—diseases.

That is, it is obvious to any person that, for example, a humming transformer box or a powerful electric generator poses a danger because they create a strong electromagnetic field around them. Standards for safe time and distance when staying near such devices have been calculated for workers. But here's what is NOT obvious to most people:

The same effect of destruction of the biofield occurs when exposed to weak electromagnetic radiation, if the body is under its influence regularly and for long periods of time.

That is, the most common sources of danger are household appliances that surround us every day. Things we can no longer imagine our lives without: household appliances, computers, laptops, mobile phones, transport and other attributes of modern civilization.

In addition, we are significantly influenced by large crowds of people, a person’s mood and his attitude towards us, geopathogenic zones on the planet, magnetic storms etc. (for more details see page ).

There is still debate among scientists about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. Some say that it is dangerous, others, on the contrary, do not see any harm. I would like to clarify.

The most dangerous thing is not the electromagnetic waves themselves, without which no device could really work, but their information component, which cannot be detected by conventional oscilloscopes.

It has been experimentally established that electromagnetic radiation has a torsion (information) component. According to research by specialists from France, Russia, Ukraine and Switzerland, it is torsion fields, and not electromagnetic ones, that are the main factor in the negative impact on human health. Since it is the torsion field that transmits to a person all the negative information that causes headaches, irritation, insomnia, etc.

How strong is the impact of the technology around us? We offer several videos for viewing:

How dangerous is the radiation that surrounds us? Visual demonstration:

Of course, these are not all the dangerous items that we use every day. More information about radiation sources can be found on the page:

The influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health

Weak high-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) with a power of hundredths and even thousandths of a watt are dangerous for humans because the intensity of such fields coincides with the intensity of radiation from the human body during the normal functioning of all systems and organs in his body. As a result of this interaction, a person’s own field is distorted, which contributes to the development of various diseases, especially in the most weakened areas of the body.

The most dangerous property of such effects is that they accumulate over time in the body. As they say: “a drop of water wears away a stone.” In people who, due to their occupation, use a lot of various equipment - computers, phones - a decrease in immunity, frequent stress, decreased sexual activity, and increased fatigue were found.

And if we take into account the development of wireless technologies and the miniaturization of gadgets that allow us not to part with them around the clock... Today, almost every resident of a metropolis falls into the risk zone, one way or another exposed to round-the-clock exposure to mobile and Wi-Fi networks, power lines, electric transport, etc. .

The problem is that the danger is invisible and intangible, and begins to manifest itself only in the form of various diseases. However, the cause of these diseases remains outside the scope of medical attention. With rare exceptions. And while you are healing your symptoms with the achievements of modern medicine, our invisible enemy stubbornly continues to undermine your health.

The circulatory system, brain, eyes, immune and reproductive systems are most susceptible to the influence of electromagnetic fields. Someone will say: “So what? Surely this impact is not so strong - otherwise international organizations would have sounded the alarm long ago.”


Did you know that just 15 minutes after starting to work on the computer, a 9-10 year old child’s blood and urine changes almost coincide with the changes in the blood of a person with cancer? Similar changes appear in a 16-year-old teenager after half an hour, in an adult – after 2 hours of working at the monitor.

(we are talking about cathode-ray monitors, which are gradually disappearing from use, but are still found)

US researchers have found:

  • in most women who worked on computers during pregnancy, the fetus developed abnormally, and the probability of miscarriage approached 80%;
  • Electricians develop brain cancer 13 times more often than workers in other professions;

Effect of electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system:

The level of electromagnetic radiation, even without causing thermal effects, can affect the most important functional systems body. Most experts consider the nervous system to be the most vulnerable. The mechanism of action is very simple - it has been established that electromagnetic fields disrupt the permeability of cell membranes to calcium ions. As a result, the nervous system begins to function improperly. In addition, the alternating electromagnetic field induces weak currents in the electrolytes, which are the liquid components of the tissues. The range of deviations caused by these processes is very wide - during the experiments, changes in the EEG of the brain, slowed reactions, memory impairment, depressive symptoms, etc. were recorded.

Effect of EMR on the immune system:

The immune system is also affected. Experimental studies in this direction have shown that in animals irradiated with EMF, the nature of the infectious process changes - the course of the infectious process is aggravated. There is reason to believe that when exposed to EMR, the processes of immunogenesis are disrupted, more often in the direction of their inhibition. This process is associated with the occurrence of autoimmunity. According to this concept, the basis of all autoimmune conditions is primarily immunodeficiency in the thymus-dependent cell population of lymphocytes. The influence of high-intensity EMF on the body’s immune system is manifested in a suppressive effect on the T-system of cellular immunity.

Effect of EMR on the endocrine system:

The endocrine system is also a target for EMR. Studies have shown that under the influence of EMF, as a rule, stimulation of the pituitary-adrenaline system occurred, which was accompanied by an increase in the content of adrenaline in the blood and activation of blood coagulation processes. It was recognized that one of the systems that is early and naturally involved in the body's response to the influence of various environmental factors is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cortex system.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the cardiovascular system:

Disorders of the cardiovascular system may also be noted. It manifests itself in the form of lability of pulse and blood pressure. Phase changes in the composition of peripheral blood are noted.

The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the reproductive system:

  1. There is a suppression of spermakinesis, an increase in the birth rate of girls, and an increase in the number of congenital defects and deformities. The ovaries are more sensitive to the influence of electromagnetic radiation.
  2. The female genital area is more susceptible to the effects of electromagnetic fields created by computers and other office and household equipment than the male genital area.
  3. The vessels of the head, the thyroid gland, the liver, and the genital area are critical areas of exposure. These are only the main and most obvious consequences of exposure to EMR. The picture of the real impact on each individual person is very individual. But to one degree or another, these systems are affected by all users of household appliances at different times.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation on pregnant women and children:

A child’s body has some features compared to an adult’s, for example, it has a larger ratio of head to body length and greater conductivity of the brain matter.

Due to the smaller size and volume of a child’s head, the specific absorbed power is greater compared to an adult, and the radiation penetrates deeper into those parts of the brain that, as a rule, are not irradiated in adults. As the head grows and the bones of the skull thicken, the content of water and ions decreases, and hence conductivity.

It has been proven that growing and developing tissues are most susceptible to the adverse effects of the electromagnetic field, and active human growth occurs from the moment of conception until approximately 16 years of age.

Pregnant women also fall into this risk group, since EMF is biologically active in relation to embryos. When a pregnant woman talks on a cell phone, virtually her entire body is exposed to EMFs, including the developing fetus.

The sensitivity of the embryo to damaging factors is much higher than the sensitivity of the mother's body. It has been established that intrauterine damage to the fetus by EMF can occur at any stage of its development: during fertilization, cleavage, implantation, and organogenesis. However, the periods of maximum sensitivity to EMF are the early stages of embryo development - implantation and early organogenesis.


In Neurodiagnostic scientific institute in Spain in 2001 they found that in 11-13 year old children who talked on a cell phone for two minutes, changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain persisted for another two hours after they hung up.

A study completed at the University of Bristol in the UK last year showed a significant increase in reaction time in 10-11 year old children using a GSM mobile phone. Similar results were obtained by Finns at the University of Turku, who observed a group of children aged 10-14 years.

A large number of studies were carried out in the USSR until the 90s biological action EMF on the developing organism of animals.

It has been established that even low intensities of EMF affect the embryonic development of offspring. The offspring of irradiated animals are less viable; developmental anomalies, deformities, weight loss, dysfunction of the higher parts of the central nervous system are observed. nervous system(slow production and decreased ability to preserve defensive and motor-nutritional conditioned reflexes), shift in the pace of postnatal development.

Adult animals irradiated by EMF are characterized by a decrease in the number of offspring born, changes in the genital organs of females, disturbances in fetal development, a decrease in the percentage of crossbreeding, and statistically more frequent cases of stillbirth.

Study of the effect of EMF on the offspring of rats exposed to electromagnetic influence according to parameters similar to what a human embryo receives when its mother talks on a cell phone, it showed that compared with the control, embryonic mortality of offspring was statistically significantly increased, the mass of the thymus gland was reduced, the number of anomalies in the development of internal organs was increased, and mortality in the first 4 weeks of the postnatal period offspring of rats of all experimental groups was 2.5 - 3 times higher than in the control, and body weight was lower. The development of rat pups was also worse: the formation of sensory-motor reflexes and the timing of incisor eruption were delayed; in female rat pups, development was impaired.


Body system Impact
Nervous “Weakened cognition” syndrome (memory problems, difficulties in perceiving information, insomnia, depression, headaches)
“Partial ataxia” syndrome (disorders of the vestibular apparatus: problems with balance, disorientation in space, dizziness)
“Artomio-neuropathy” syndrome (muscle pain and muscle fatigue, discomfort when lifting heavy objects)
Cardiovascular Neurocirculatory dystonia, pulse lability, pressure lability
Tendency to hypotension, pain in the heart, lability of blood parameters
Immune EMFs can act as an inducer of autoimmunization in the body
EMFs contribute to the suppression of T-lymphocytes
The dependence of immune reactions on the type of EMF modulation is shown
Endocrine Increased adrenaline in the blood
Activation of the blood clotting process
Decompensating effect of EMF on the body through reactions of the endocrine system
Energy Pathogenic change in the body's energy
Defects and imbalances in the body's energy
Sexual (embryogenesis) Decreased spermatogenesis function
Slowdown embryonic development, decreased lactation. Congenital deformities of the fetus, complications of pregnancy and childbirth

IN last years Due to the development of technology, the human body is exposed to a high level of exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which could not but cause serious concern throughout the world.

What is the effect on living organisms? Their consequences depend on which category of radiation - ionizing or not - they belong to. The first type has a high energy potential, which acts on atoms in cells and leads to a change in their natural state. It can be deadly as it causes cancer and other diseases. Non-ionizing radiation includes electromagnetic radiation in the form of radio waves, microwave radiation and electrical vibrations. Although it cannot change the structure of the atom, its impact can lead to irreversible consequences.

Invisible danger

Publications in the scientific literature have raised the issue of the adverse effects on individuals and society as a whole of non-ionizing EMF radiation emanating from power, electrical and wireless devices in the home, at work, in educational and public institutions. Despite numerous problems in establishing conclusive evidence scientific evidence harm and gaps in understanding the exact mechanisms of its occurrence, epidemiological analysis increasingly suggests a significant potential for traumatic effects produced by non-ionizing radiation. Protection against electromagnetic radiation is becoming increasingly important.

Due to medical education does not focus on environmental conditions, some physicians are not fully aware of the potential health problems associated with EMR, and as a result, manifestations of non-ionizing radiation may be misdiagnosed and treated ineffectively.

While the possibility of damage to tissues and cells associated with exposure to X-ray radiation is beyond doubt, the impact of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms, when it comes from power lines, mobile phones, electrical appliances and some machines, has only recently begun to attract attention as a potential threat. health.

Electromagnetic spectrum

Refers to a type of energy that emanates or radiates far beyond its source. Electromagnetic radiation energy exists in various forms, each of which has different physical properties. They can be measured and expressed using frequency or wavelength. Some waves have a high frequency, others have a medium frequency, and others have a low frequency. The range of electromagnetic radiation includes many different forms of energy coming from different sources. Their name is used to classify types of EMR.

The short wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, corresponding to high frequency, is a characteristic of gamma rays, X-rays and ultraviolet radiation. More spectrum includes microwave radiation and radio waves. Light radiation belongs to the middle part of the EMR spectrum; it provides normal vision and is the light that we perceive. Infrared energy is responsible for human perception of heat.

Most forms of energy, such as X-rays, ultraviolet and radio waves, are invisible and undetectable to humans. Their detection requires measuring electromagnetic radiation using special instruments, and, as a result, people cannot assess the extent of exposure to energy fields in these ranges.

Despite the lack of perception, exposure to high-frequency energy, including X-rays, called ionizing radiation, is potentially harmful to human cells. By changing the atomic composition of cellular structures, breaking down chemical bonds and by inducing the formation of free radicals, sufficient exposure to ionizing radiation can damage genetic code in DNA or provoke mutations, thereby increasing the risk of malignancy or cell death.

Anthropogenic EMP

The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the body, especially non-ionizing radiation, which refers to forms of energy with lower frequencies, has been underestimated by many scientists. It was believed that it did not produce an adverse effect when normal levels impact. IN Lately However, growing evidence suggests that some frequencies of non-ionizing radiation may potentially cause biological harm. Most studies of their health effects have focused on the following three main types of anthropogenic EMR:

  • lower scale of electromagnetic radiation from power lines, electrical appliances and electronic equipment;
  • microwave and radio emissions from wireless communications devices such as cell phones, cell towers, antennas, and television and radio towers;
  • electrical pollution due to the operation of certain types of equipment (for example, plasma televisions, some energy-saving appliances, variable speed motors, etc.) that produce signals whose frequency of electromagnetic radiation is in the range of 3-150 kHz (propagated and re-radiated by wiring).

Currents in the ground, which are sometimes called stray currents, are not limited by wires. The current moves along the path least resistance and can pass through any available paths, including ground, wires and various objects. Respectively, electrical voltage is also transmitted through the ground and along building structures through metal water or sewer pipes, resulting in non-ionizing radiation entering the nearest environment.

EMR and human health

While studies examining the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation have sometimes produced conflicting results, findings of reproductive dysfunction and cancer susceptibility appear to support suspicions that EMF exposure may pose a threat to human health. Adverse pregnancy outcomes, including miscarriages, stillbirths, preterm births, altered sex ratios, and congenital anomalies have all been associated with maternal exposure to EMR.

A large prospective study published in the journal Epidemiology, for example, reported peak EMR exposure in 1,063 pregnant women in the San Francisco area. Participants in the experiment wore magnetic field detectors, and the scientists found a significant increase in fetal mortality as the level of maximum EMF exposure increased.

EMR and cancer

Claims that intense exposure to certain EMR frequencies may be carcinogenic have been studied. For example, " International magazine cancer" recently published important research a case-control study on the association between childhood leukemia and magnetic fields in Japan. By assessing levels of electromagnetic radiation in bedrooms, scientists confirmed that high levels of exposure lead to a significantly greater risk of childhood leukemia.

Physical and psychological impact

People with electromagnetic hypersensitivity often suffer from exhaustion, which can affect any part of the body, including the central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system. These symptoms often lead to constant psychological stress and fear of being affected by EMP. Many patients become incapacitated by the mere thought that an invisible wireless signal at any time and anywhere can provoke painful sensations in their body. Constant fear and concern about health problems affect well-being up to the development of phobia and fear of electricity, which in some people makes them want to leave civilization.

Mobile phones and telecommunications

Cell phones transmit and receive signals using EMFs, which are partially absorbed by their users. Since these sources of electromagnetic radiation are usually in close proximity to the head, this feature has led to concerns about the possible adverse effects of their use on human health.

One of the problems in extrapolating the results of their application in experimental studies in rodents is that the frequency of maximum absorption of RF energy depends on body size, shape, orientation and position.

Resonant absorption in rats is in the microwave range and the operating frequencies of mobile phones used in experiments (from 0.5 to 3 GHz), but on a scale human body it occurs at 100 MHz. This factor can be taken into account when calculating absorbed dose rate, but poses a problem for those studies in which only the external field strength is used to determine the level of exposure.

The relative depth of penetration in laboratory animals compared to the size of the human head is greater, and the tissue parameters and the mechanism of heat redistribution differ. Another potential source of inaccuracy in exposure levels is the effect of radiofrequency radiation on the cell.

The effect of high-voltage radiation on people and the environment

Power lines with voltages above 100 kV are the most powerful sources of electromagnetic radiation. Research into radiation effects on technical personnel began with the start of construction of the first 220 kV power lines, when cases of deteriorating health of workers appeared. The commissioning of 400 kV power lines led to the publication of numerous works in this area, which subsequently became the basis for the adoption of the first regulations limiting the effect of 50-Hz electric field.

Power lines with a voltage of more than 500 kV have an impact on the environment in the form of:

  • electric field with a frequency of 50 Hz;
  • radiation;
  • magnetic field of industrial frequency.

EMF and the nervous system

The mammalian blood-brain barrier consists of endothelial cells associated with the zona septa, as well as adjacent pericytes and extracellular matrix. Helps maintain a highly stable extracellular environment necessary for accurate synaptic transmission and protects neural tissue from damage. Increasing its low permeability to hydrophilic and charged molecules can be harmful to health.

Ambient temperatures that exceed the limits of mammalian thermoregulation increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier to macromolecules. Neuronal uptake of albumin in various areas of the brain depends on its temperature and appears when it increases by 1 °C or higher. Since sufficiently strong radiofrequency fields can lead to tissue heating, it is logical to assume that the influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans results in increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier.

EMF and sleep

The upper scale of electromagnetic radiation has some effect on sleep. This topic has become relevant for several reasons. Among other symptoms, complaints of sleep disturbances have been mentioned in anecdotal reports of people believing that they are being affected by EMR. This has led to speculation that electromagnetic fields may interfere with normal sleep patterns, with attendant health consequences. The potential risk of sleep disturbance must be considered in light of the fact that it is a very complex biological process controlled by the central nervous system. Although the exact neurobiological mechanisms have not yet been established, regular alternation between waking and resting states is a necessary requirement for proper brain function, metabolic homeostasis and the immune system.

In addition, sleep appears to be precisely the physiological system whose study will make it possible to clarify the influence of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on humans, since in this biological state the body reacts sensitively to external stimuli. There is evidence that weak EMFs, the intensity of which is well below that which would cause a rise in temperature, can also cause biological effects.

Currently, research into the effects of non-ionizing high-frequency EMR is clearly focused on the risk of cancer, due to concerns about the carcinogenic properties of ionizing radiation.

Negative manifestations

Thus, the influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans, even non-ionizing ones, occurs, especially in the case of high-voltage power lines and the corona effect. Microwave radiation affects the nervous, cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems, including causing damage to the nervous system, changing its reaction, electroencephalogram, blood-brain barrier, causing disturbances (wakefulness - sleep) by interfering with the functioning of the pineal gland and creating hormonal imbalance , changes in heart rate and blood pressure, impairing immunity to pathogens, causing weakness, exhaustion, growth problems, DNA damage and cancer.

It is recommended to construct buildings away from EMI sources, and protection from electromagnetic radiation of high-voltage power lines must be mandatory. In cities, cables must be laid underground, and equipment that neutralizes the effects of EMR must be used.

Based on the results of a correlation analysis based on experimental data, it was concluded that the influence of electromagnetic radiation from power lines on humans can be significantly reduced by reducing the distance of wire sag, which will lead to an increase in the distance between the conductive line and the measurement point. In addition, this distance is also influenced by the terrain under the power line.

Precautionary measures

Electricity is an integral part of life modern society. This means that EMP will always be around us. And in order for EMFs to make our lives easier, not shorter, we should take some precautions:

  • Children should not be allowed to play near power lines, transformers, satellite transmitters, or microwave sources.
  • Places where the density exceeds 1 mG should be avoided. It is necessary to measure the EMF level of devices in the off and operating state.
  • It is necessary to rearrange the office or home in such a way as not to be exposed to the field of electrical appliances and computers.
  • You should not sit too close in front of the computer. Monitors vary greatly in the strength of their EMR. Do not stand near a running microwave oven.
  • Move electrical appliances at least 2 m from the bed. Wiring should not be allowed under the bed. Remove dimmers and 3-way switches.
  • Precautions should be taken when using cordless devices such as electric toothbrushes and razors.
  • It is also recommended to wear as little jewelry as possible and remove it at night.
  • It is also necessary to remember that EMR passes through walls, and take into account sources in the next room or behind the walls of the room.

Electricity has firmly entered our lives and has become an integral part of it. But technological progress is associated with an increase in the level of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which has an adverse effect on all living organisms. Electromagnetic radiation is an oscillation of electric and magnetic fields that travels through space at the speed of light. A person does not see or feel it, and therefore is not able to assess how it affects health. Meanwhile, doctors all over the world are sounding the alarm that EMR acts on the body like radiation. Let's figure out how electromagnetic waves affect a person, whether there are ways to protect against adverse effects.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation

Throughout our lives, humans are exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). If the influence of electromagnetic radiation from natural sources(Sun, magnetic and electric fields of the Earth) people are not able to change, then reduce the impact from artificial sources they can do it.

But actively using achievements scientific progress, a person, on the contrary, is increasingly experiencing side effects on the body caused by the operation of various devices and mechanisms - electromagnetic waves from artificial radiation sources that surround us everywhere:

  • transformers;
  • cell phones;
  • medical equipment;
  • computers;
  • antennas;
  • elevators;
  • household appliances;
  • power lines.

Energy coming from sources varies in frequency and wavelength– these are the main characteristics of EMF. Scientists have discovered and studied electromagnetic waves of all possible ranges that are used in science or technology. The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation is formed from the totality of all waves.

Spectral range of EMF radiation

The light that is perceived by the human eye is part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, but only a small one. During its study, other waves were discovered. Electromagnetic waves include:

  1. X-rays and gamma rays are high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (3 – 300 MHz).
  2. Infrared radiation, light visible to the human eye, as well as ultraviolet - mid-frequency radiation (0.3 - 3 MHz).
  3. Radio radiation and microwaves are low-frequency radiation (3 – 300 kHz).

All electromagnetic waves are used by humans and have an impact on both living organisms and the environment. The biological activity of waves increases as their length decreases.

Radiation emanating from low-frequency and mid-frequency sources is non-ionizing. It means that harm to health at an acceptable level of exposure to EMR is minimal.

Medical equipment - sources of high-frequency irradiation and ionizing electromagnetic radiation: X-ray machines and computed tomography machines - has a strong biological effect on the human body. MRI and ultrasound are not dangerous to the body because X-rays are not used in diagnosis.

The full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation by wavelength is divided into ranges:

  • radio waves (100 km - 1 mm) - used in the field of television and radio broadcasting, in radar;
  • microwaves (300 – 1 mm) – used in industry and in everyday life: satellite and cellular communications, microwave ovens;
  • infrared radiation (2000 microns - 740 nm) is widely used in forensics, physiotherapy, and for drying products or products;
  • optical radiation – 740 – 400 nm – human visible light;
  • ultraviolet radiation (400 - 10 nm) has become widespread in medicine and industry: bactericidal and quartz lamps;
  • X-rays (0.1 – 1.01 nm) are widely used in medical diagnostics;
  • Gamma radiation (less than 0.01 nm) is used in the treatment of cancer.

The boundaries between spectrum ranges are considered very arbitrary.

Electromagnetic radiation level

Outgoing electromagnetic radiation from artificial EMF sources can be low-level and high-level. The power level of the source affects the intensity of electromagnetic radiation.

High level sources include:

  • high-voltage power lines;
  • electric transport;
  • towers for television and radio broadcasting, satellite and cellular communications;
  • transformers;
  • electric lifting installations (elevators, funiculars).

Low-level sources include all types of household appliances, devices with CRT displays and in-house wiring, sockets and switches.

To determine the EMR level, a special device is used - a flux meter.. It records the value of the electric field strength indicator, according to which protective measures are taken if the standards are exceeded.

The maximum permissible level of exposure of the population is the value of EMR intensity at which there is no harmful effect on the human body.

To calculate the radiation dose depending on the source, distance to it and size, there are special tables and formulas. A safe dose of electromagnetic radiation is 0.2 - 0.3 µT.

How does electromagnetic radiation affect living organisms?

Numerous scientific studies have led to the conclusion that the impact of electromagnetic fields on the human and animal body is negative, its consequences are disruption of the functioning of internal organs and the development of various diseases.

The influence of electromagnetic waves on a person depends on many factors:

  • field intensity (level);
  • their lengths and frequencies;
  • time period of exposure;
  • state of human health.

Sources with high levels of EMF have a greater impact on human health. The depth of penetration into the body depends on the wavelength: long-wave fields act on the internal organs, head and spinal cord, short waves - only on the skin and lead to a thermal effect.

EMFs increase the risk to the health of children and weakened bodies, as well as people susceptible to allergic diseases.

Adverse electromagnetic radiation and interference with constant exposure disrupt the functioning of all body systems and can lead to radio wave disease, the symptoms of which many people experience:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • state of apathy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • constant headaches;
  • sleep and attention disorders;
  • frequent depression.

If we take into account that the average city dweller is constantly exposed to the influence of an electromagnetic field throughout his life, then radio wave disease can be diagnosed in almost every city dweller and the symptoms that arise can be explained precisely by its development. If you do not take measures to protect yourself from harmful EMFs, the risk of developing chronic diseases (cardiac arrhythmia, diabetes mellitus) and persistent viral respiratory diseases increases.

After short-term exposure to electromagnetic waves, a healthy body is able to fully recover and eliminate the changes that occurred while in the zone of increased EMR.

With prolonged exposure to electromagnetic rays, the bioenergetic balance of the body is disrupted, changes accumulate and become stable.

What harm do EMRs cause to the human body?

The harm to health from sources of ionizing radiation has been proven for a long time, and there is probably not a person who does not know about the negative consequences of exposure to X-rays or gamma rays. The impact of EMF from non-ionizing sources on human health is still poorly understood, but scientists around the world have already proven its negative impact.

Main types of anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation:

  • high-voltage power lines;
  • microwave and radio emissions from wireless communication devices and household appliances.

Electromagnetic fields and radiation pose a threat to almost all systems of the human body
. Under their influence:

  • the passage of nerve signals from the brain to other organs deteriorates, which affects the activity of the whole organism: brain coordination is disrupted, reflexes are dulled;
  • Negative changes in the mental state are detected: impaired memory and attention, in severe cases the appearance of suicidal thoughts, delusions, hallucinations;
  • there is an adverse effect on the circulatory system: EMR can provoke the clumping of blood cells, which will lead to blockage of blood vessels, arrhythmia, and increased blood pressure;
  • there is a decrease in the permeability of cell membranes, due to which the body experiences oxygen starvation and insufficient supply of nutrients;
  • the production of hormones is disrupted, since under the influence of electromagnetic fields there is constant stimulation of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • immunity decreases (frequent acute respiratory viral infections, sore throats), and immune cells begin to attack their own cells (the occurrence of allergic reactions) due to a drop in the level of lymphocytes.
  • the risk of cancer increases - there is evidence that intense exposure to certain frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum can have a carcinogenic effect;
  • sexual function is suppressed in men (decreased potency) and women (menstrual cycle irregularities, infertility).

Electromagnetic radiation has a particularly harmful effect on the fetus in the womb.

Constantly exceeding the permissible dose of EMR during pregnancy leads to a negative impact on the mother and to pathologies in the child’s development at different stages, especially in the first trimester:

  • the formation of defects of various organs;
  • slow development of the most important systems of the body;
  • stillbirth;
  • premature birth.

One study of the effects of electromagnetic waves on pregnant women found a high likelihood of stillbirth and spontaneous abortion when the maximum permissible EMR level was increased. Those participants in the experiment who constantly wore an electromagnetic emitter had twice the risk of miscarriage. If a child is born, he has a high probability of developmental pathologies, since EMR affects the DNA structure, damaging it.

The conclusion is disappointing - the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body is negative and negatively affects the activity of almost all of its systems. To avoid its destructive effects on health, it is necessary to take care of life safety (LHS) and methods of protection against electromagnetic radiation.

Methods of protection against the influence of electromagnetic fields

Electricity permeates every corner of our lives: from a simple incandescent lamp to complex industrial installations. Modern man no longer imagines how he will manage without household appliances, communications and telecommunications. Completely stop using electric current and the benefits of civilization are not possible for most of us, but following some recommendations will minimize the devastating health consequences of harmful effects EMF.

At enterprises where people are constantly forced to deal with the effects of high-level EMR, they are required to install protective screens and strictly comply with all sanitary and epidemiological requirements and safety regulations.

It is important to know that the level of EMF intensity decreases as you move some distance away from it. So, in order to protect yourself from the harmful effects of high-voltage lines on human health, you need to move a safe distance of 25 meters from power lines or other high-level sources.

Under no circumstances should residential buildings be built closer than 30 meters from sources with high levels of electromagnetic radiation
and do not allow children to play near transformer boxes or towers.

In order for electrical equipment to make a person’s life easier, and not shorten it, it is necessary to adhere to the following tips and rules.

  1. Find out the degree of danger that comes from various sources of electromagnetic radiation at home and at work using a special dosimeter.
  2. In accordance with the indicators, arrange electrical household appliances in such a way that they are located as far as possible from the seating area and dining table (at least 2 meters).
  3. The distance from the CRT monitor or TV should be at least 30 cm.
  4. If possible, remove all electrical appliances from the bedroom and children's room.
  5. Place electronic watches with alarms no closer than 10 cm from the pillow.
  6. Do not be near a working microwave oven, oven or heater.
  7. It is not recommended to bring cell phones closer to your head than 2.5 cm. It is a good idea to talk through the speakerphone, and keep the phone as far away from you as possible.
  8. You shouldn’t constantly carry cellular communications in your pockets - the best place for them is in a purse or purse.
  9. Always turn off electrical devices that are not in use, as even in sleep mode they emit a certain dose of radiation.
  10. Using a hairdryer before bed is harmful: EMR slows down the production of melatonin and disrupts sleep cycles. You should not use a computer or tablet less than 2 hours before going to bed.
  11. In sockets for connecting electrical appliances, it is necessary to check for grounding.

You should know that the steel casing of electrical appliances well shields the radiation emanating from them, and electromagnetic waves can penetrate through walls: electrical appliances located in the next room or with neighbors can also have an effect on the body.

All recommendations must be strictly observed by expectant mothers if they want to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Excessive use of the computer or talking on a cell phone during pregnancy poses a threat to the health of the unborn child.

Technological progress has made life much easier for people and has given us a wide variety of equipment and electronics, medical devices that help us be healthy, electric transport and elevators. But the negative impact on humans of electromagnetic radiation from electrical appliances and devices, power lines and communication towers cannot but worry specialists and scientists.

Numerous studies lead to disappointing conclusions that without the use of protective measures against EMF, human health is in danger. Therefore, if there is no opportunity or desire to get rid of all the benefits of civilization and move to live in the forest, it is necessary to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of EMR by following the simple rules of the Belarusian Railways for working with electrical appliances and following the recommendations given above.