Anthrax outbreaks in Yanao. Anthrax in Yamal: symptoms and prognosis. Is anthrax a threat to Ukrainians?

20 cases of anthrax have been confirmed, Irina Shestakova, chief freelance infectious disease specialist at the Russian Ministry of Health, just reported. In the evening, the Minister of Health clarified: 23 cases. People were transported from the outbreak of the disease and are in the infectious diseases department in Salekhard.

There are more than two thousand dead deer. This is a small part of the total population. The total number of the Yamal herd ranges from 700 thousand to a million heads on calving days.

One child could not be saved. He had a form of the disease that is almost untreatable. They brought him in on Saturday, and on Sunday morning the boy was gone.
There were rumors that his grandmother had died of anthrax a few days earlier. An infectious disease specialist comments: doctors don’t know why a woman born in 1937 died in the tundra. This happened a few days before the outbreak was identified. Whatever the reason, experts are treating it as if it were anthrax.

Wastewater from the hospital flows into the Ob River through treatment facilities. Can the pathogen get into nature in this way?

This issue is strictly, strictly controlled. All waste products of patients and contacts are destroyed according to the rules. Rospotrebnadzor conducted studies of wastewater at the exit from the hospital and at the exit from the treatment plant.

The disease is almost never transmitted from person to person. The main route of infection is through sick animals and through contaminated soil.

The dead boy ate deer meat with blood. All patients were simply in the contaminated area; they have the skin form, which is more easily tolerated. All contacts, about a hundred of them, were also taken to the Salekhard hospital. They receive chemoprophylaxis.

Information for hunters. It is almost impossible not to notice that an animal is suffering from anthrax: the disease progresses rapidly, sometimes within 3-4 hours. In any case, it is clear that the animal is sick.

There were rumors that it is not recommended to pick berries and mushrooms throughout Yamal. Spores live in the ground for a hundred years - this is confirmed by science. Maybe more. In the infected zone, it is strictly prohibited to collect wild plants and mow grass. And although Salekhard is far from the danger zone, I will refrain from walking in the forest and any collecting.

It is impossible to be a carrier of anthrax. If the spores enter the body, the disease will manifest itself.

Vaccination has begun. From the “clean” zone they move to the source of disease in order to localize it. The outbreak is located in the Yamal region. Every resident of Yamal can get vaccinated. But the infectious disease specialist suggests taking a reasonable approach to vaccination.

It makes sense to vaccinate:
- if you are at risk (work with meat, animal skins);
- if you are planning a trip to a danger zone in the near future.

In other cases, it doesn't make much sense.

Do not buy meat, fish, berries, or mushrooms from others.

Anthrax is characterized by fever, skin ulcers, and enlarged lymph nodes. There are other, less characteristic signs. If a disease is suspected, treatment with antibacterial drugs is immediately started according to a special regimen in accordance with the international protocol.

Even if you have not been to the infection zone, but have discovered the slightest similar signs in yourself, do not self-medicate under any circumstances. Let's run to the doctor!

The outbreak is also localized in herds. Not only the surviving deer from the affected herds were vaccinated, but also in the surrounding area for several tens of kilometers - a kind of safety cushion was created.


The press service of Governor Dmitry Kobylkin clarified with reference to data from Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova, who arrived in the region, that no one is in serious condition, 19 people, including 10 children, are in moderate condition, Interfax reports.

“The health status of all 90 people being treated in Salekhard is stable, with good dynamics; for most of the tundra dwellers, the dangerous diagnosis was not confirmed,” according to the website of the head of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which is currently located in the Yamal region, where the outbreak was identified infections and quarantine was introduced.

A day earlier, local authorities reported that the anthrax pathogen was detected in 20 reindeer herders and members of their families, including eight children hospitalized in the Salekhard district hospital from the Yamal region. Of the 90 people in this hospital, 53 are children. Previously, one infected boy died.

Skvortsova flew to Yamal on August 2 and on the same day held a meeting in Salekhard on the organization of medical care and anti-epidemic measures in connection with the anthrax outbreak in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. On August 3, the minister plans to personally meet with residents of the Yamal region and check the arrangement of safety zones for the population and the specialists involved - doctors, veterinarians, pilots, and military personnel.

The reindeer herder walked for 4 days across the tundra to report the death of animals

Meanwhile, Nikolai Vlasov, deputy head of Rosselkhoznadzor, expressed the opinion that one of the reasons for the anthrax outbreak in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug was late diagnosis.

“Local veterinarians learned about the epidemiology of anthrax about five weeks after the disease began,” TASS quotes him. “The reindeer herders have no means of communication, and one of them walked across the tundra for four days to report the death of animals.”

Quarantine due to anthrax in the Yamal region of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug was introduced on July 25. More than 2.3 thousand deer died there from the infection. According to local authorities, the outbreak of infection was caused by unusually warm weather Far North summer: for a month there was abnormal heat in Yamal, up to 35 degrees, due to which anthrax spores thawed. And local residents became infected after eating unprocessed meat from infected deer.

Currently, the reindeer population from the quarantine zone has been vaccinated, and mortality in the area of ​​the outbreak has stopped, the authorities of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug reassure. The forces of the Russian Ministry of Defense consisting of more than 200 people, equipped with special equipment, their own laboratory, and special means to eliminate infection and disinfect the area, are involved in the elimination of dead animals at the outbreak site.

The previous outbreak of anthrax in Yamal was recorded in 1941.

MOSCOW, August 3 – RIA Novosti, Larisa Zhukova. An anthrax outbreak hit the Yamalo-Nenets District for the first time in 75 years. Recently it became known about the death of a 12-year-old child. Ulcers were found in 20 people. Another 70 remain hospitalized with suspected infection, more than half of them children. RIA Novosti found out why the bacillus is dangerous, how to protect yourself from the disease and what the authorities and local residents think about it.

Causes of the outbreak

Quarantine in the Yamal district of the district was introduced on July 25. Then it became known about the mass death of animals: more than 2 thousand deer died from anthrax. According to local residents, the media and authorities did not report what happened for about a week: “We learned all the information primarily from social networks from relatives of doctors and rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations,” said Salekhard resident Galina (name changed).

“The scale of the epidemic was also influenced by the fact that at first they thought that the hot weather was to blame and the deer were dying from heatstroke. We lost a week or even a little more due to this,”

Told by local resident Ivan (name changed).

Anthrax was found in 20 Nenets. The figures were given by the chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for infectious diseases Irina Shestakova.

Anthrax struck Yamal for the first time in 75 years: one dead, 20 sickIn total, more than 2.3 thousand animals died due to the outbreak of the disease. To eliminate the consequences of an anthrax outbreak in the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region sent military specialists and aviation from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

According to her, all the infected are nomadic reindeer herders who were at the epicenter of the infection outbreak in the tundra. Most of them have the cutaneous form of the disease.

This is not complete data on the number of cases, district governor Dmitry Kobylkin told RIA Novosti. According to him, it takes up to thirty days to establish an accurate diagnosis: today is only the eighth day.

In 2007, mandatory vaccination against infection was canceled: scientists did not find anthrax spores in the soil, the governor said. The situation turned out to be extraordinary: the last time there was an epidemic was in 1941. I had to ask the military for help: “It was difficult to quickly dispose of the fallen deer on my own before they decomposed. And they were scattered on long distance", said Dmitry Kobylkin.

Why is the disease dangerous?

“Anthrax is quite contagious and causes a large number of deaths,” said Vladislav Zhemchugov, doctor medical sciences, specialist in especially dangerous infections. - The spores of the pathogen are stored in the soil for centuries. The infection, which entered the ground along with a dead animal back in the time of Alexander the Great, remains active." According to the doctor, outbreaks of the disease occur after the activation of foci (washing of spores to the surface) during floods, excavations or melting ice, as in Yamal.

The disease occurs in different forms: skin, intestinal and pulmonary. The pulmonary form, for example, was present in the United States when envelopes with spores were sent out - this is the most severe form of infection. Almost 100% fatal without immediate medical intervention: people lose consciousness and die within a few hours of infection.

“It is easier to cure the skin form, because lymph nodes stand in the way of the bacteria: they delay the development of the disease. A sign of infection are carbuncles - ulcers with a black top. The intestinal form of anthrax causes high fever, pain in the intestines and diarrhea. The period from infection to death can amount to several hours or days,” said Vladislav Zhemchugov.

Most often, infection occurs when eating or cutting the meat of a sick animal. This is a real concern for the Nenets, since the main source of meat for many is venison: “We usually buy one or two carcasses for the season,” said local resident Ivan (not his real name). “Now we will not only not be able to buy meat, but we will also be afraid to buy fish.”

Against vaccinations

Anyone can get vaccinated against anthrax: ninety thousand doses of the vaccine have been delivered to the region. However, nomadic reindeer herders refuse to consider anthrax a real threat.

According to local media, the child who died from anthrax not only ate contaminated deer meat, but also drank its blood. "This is traditional food. northern peoples, which live in the tundra and lack food diversity. Fresh blood gives them energy,” said Andrey Podluzhnov, a veterinarian and red deer breeder.

According to him, nomads meet civilization twice a year, when they come to sell deer for meat, and do not trust “people with big land". That is why many reindeer herders hide their livestock from counting, vaccination and slaughter. Despite the fact that, according to the press service of the governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug, they managed to vaccinate 35 thousand reindeer, nomads continue to hide the animals as much as possible and divert them from meeting with rescuers and military:

“For the peoples of the north, the deer is practically a totem animal. The entire life of a reindeer herder is centered around it. For a nomad, losing a deer means losing everything. This is their bread, home, transport. Reindeer herders do not know how to do anything else. The livestock can be reduced greatly: by about three quarters And it will be extremely difficult to restore the population. For the local population, this will be a humanitarian catastrophe,”

Andrey Podluzhnov emphasized.

There is no threat to other regions

The causative agent of anthrax can penetrate through water and dust raised from the surface of the soil from the region that is the source of infection. Despite this, experts note that the likelihood of such an infection is extremely low. In the quarantine zone, doctors recommend drinking bottled water or from underground sources. Yamal authorities also warned local residents that picking berries and mushrooms in the forest is now extremely dangerous.

As for other regions of Russia, the most likely carrier of the infection could be birds. But those birds that are now on nesting grounds in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug will fly to wintering grounds in Southeast Asia, India and Australia, told RIA Novosti Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova Irina Boehme. According to her, the only precedent when birds hypothetically became carriers of the virus was during the bird flu epidemic, but this fact could not be proven one hundred percent.

First messages and first measures

The EDDS point of the Yamal region received a message from the reindeer herder of brigade No. 13 of the Yarsalinskoye municipal enterprise about a single death of reindeer among private reindeer herders. The death began near the mouth of the Nerosaveyakha River in the area of ​​Lake Pisyoto; There are no industrial facilities on the territory. According to reindeer herders, sick animals became lethargic, strayed from the herd and died. There are no ulcers or erosions in visible places. It is recommended not to expose animals physical activity in the daytime, graze animals in wet places, near lakes.

The temperature in the tundra has exceeded +35 degrees since the beginning of July.

Specialists from the veterinary service of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, headed by the head Andrei Listishenko, visited the site; the scale of deaths was clarified, a clinical examination of animals and autopsies were carried out. Pathological material was selected and sent to the Tyumen Regional Veterinary Laboratory.

An autopsy showed the development of cardiac and pulmonary failure. Preliminary diagnosis: death from heatstroke.

Experts' concerns

A visit by veterinarians to the site of private reindeer herders showed that there was a death in the herd - approximately 10 heads. The reindeer herders migrated and were unable to present the dead reindeer for inspection. In brigade No. 17 of the Yarsalinskoye MOP, 1 deer died. While the veterinarians were in brigade No. 17, a message was received that private reindeer herders were continuing to die of reindeer in the area of ​​Lake Pisyoto. An on-site inspection revealed that 20 deer had died. The reindeer herders are planning to move and have already assembled the sledges. The animal clinic is the same one that was identified on July 17. But veterinarians suspected an infection. The health care system of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug has switched to a negative expectation mode; The first doctors were sent to the camps.

Despite the atypical course of the suspected disease, samples of dead animals were again sent to the Tyumen Regional Veterinary Laboratory.

20-23 July

The tension is rising

The loss of livestock in the Yamal region continues. Reindeer herders whose reindeer have died are accompanied by a therapist who monitors the health of the tundra inhabitants . An 8-year-old child with signs of furunculosis was evacuated from the death zone. Subsequently, laboratory tests showed that he did not have anthrax.

Bringing to combat readiness

A message was received from the Tyumen Regional Veterinary Laboratory about the likelihood of the presence of anthrax. Samples were additionally sent to the All-Russian Research Institute of the Russian Agricultural Academy for an official and final diagnosis. A letter was sent to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation about the need for anti-anthrax serum.

Additional veterinarians, Rospotrebnadzor specialists, and doctors arrived at the scene. A vaccine and antibiotics for animals were sent to the place of death. The boundaries of the outbreak were clarified, and explanatory work was carried out with reindeer herders and members of their families about the danger of the disease and the rules of behavior in the outbreak. The movement of animals from the danger zone is prohibited to limit contact with healthy herds.

The governor of Yamal introduced quarantine in the Yamal region

Early in the morning, full laboratory confirmation was received of the presence of the anthrax pathogen in samples taken from several dead deer in herds in the Yamal region.

Governor Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin, at an emergency meeting of the Commission for Emergency Situations (CoES), introduces a quarantine regime in the Yamal region. The head of the Yamal region is conducting work on site Andrey Kugaevsky.

The total number of dead deer was approximately 1,200 heads. There are 63 people in the outbreak, that’s 12 families. There are 34 families with 151 people in the epidemic zone. An agreement has been reached with Gazprom Dobycha Nadym to provide, if necessary, a helicopter to transport people to a safe distance from the source of infection. The population is being notified.

By the decision of the CoES in Salekhard:

A mitigation plan has been adopted,

A ban has been established on the movement and slaughter of animals, the production and export of products and raw materials of animal origin.

A supply of anthrax vaccine and antibiotics for animals and people, disinfectants, a mobile corral, food, personal protective equipment,

All municipal reindeer herding farms and private reindeer herders have been notified of the location of the outbreak and the threatened zone at a distance of 30 km from the borders of the outbreak of infection and the inadmissibility of roaming near the outbreak of infection,

The approximate area of ​​the epidemic focus was determined (22.5 hectares),

Vaccination of deer in the first herd was carried out,

Vaccination of a healthy herd of deer in neighboring territories has begun.

Preparations have been made to move people from the outbreak. The delivery of fuel to the outbreak for the disposal of animal corpses has begun. Patrol squads of the Russian Department of Internal Affairs police for the Yamal region have been organized and brought closer to the quarantine zone for additional control.

Provided daily, continuous monitoring of the situation, collection and transmission of operational information on the emergency situation to the EDDS of the Yamal region and to higher authorities.

The district governor is in constant contact with federal structures: the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and others.

Offensive. WITH sanitary work is carried out around the clock

Ministry specialists arrived in Salekhard Agriculture RF and Rospotrebnadzor. Part of the group (2 people) was sent to the outbreak to provide methodological assistance to medical and veterinary service specialists and to collect material for research. An aerial flyby of the outbreak was carried out.

The tundra dwellers are being withdrawn away from the outbreak, and children and teenagers have begun to be transported to the Yar-Sale boarding school in agreement with the parents. Doctors decide to hospitalize all children from the outbreak to the Salekhard hospital for examination, even without visible signs of the disease.

Notification of reindeer herders about the emergency continues. Signposts are installed along the trail where animal deaths have been observed. More than 20 specialists from different fields work at the outbreak site. The air ambulance service is on constant duty; Yamal Airlines helicopters are additionally involved.

Prompt delivery of tents and tents was organized to accommodate the population being transported from the outbreak.

Dmitry Kobylkin held a working meeting at the Salekhard District Clinical Hospital (SDKB) with the managers and specialists of the hospital and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Department of Health on the implementation of all necessary preventive measures among the indigenous population of the region. I talked with tundra dwellers who were taken to the hospital. In Salekhard, 13 people are already under medical supervision, including 9 children accompanied by adults. Doctors are conducting proactive therapy.

At the meeting of the CoES, a decision was made to allocate medicines and medical equipment free of charge from the emergency reserve fund of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 6 ten-person tents and heating stoves for the needs of residents of the Yamal region.

The outbreak is being localized. Decline has almost stopped

A meeting of the CoES was held in Salekhard, chaired by the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Mechanisms for interaction with departments have been determined Armed Forces Russian Federation, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. 102 thousand doses of anthrax vaccine were purchased to vaccinate the herd.

A medical helicopter delivered 19 people (with signs of furunculosis) to the Special Clinical Hospital. 51 people were evacuated from the 1st camp. There are 8 shepherds left in the outbreak who help vaccinate the deer.

151 people started taking antibiotics. Deer corpses are treated with bleach. 1,260 deer were vaccinated in the outbreak. Work is carried out by specialists around the clock. A special laboratory arrived from Moscow to conduct on-site tests.

The nearest known outbreak of anthrax is 40 kilometers from the supposed location of the current outbreak. Experts have put forward a version that the cause of the spread of the disease could be an old abandoned cemetery. According to tradition, the indigenous northerners do not bury their dead, but bury them in wooden boxes, placing them in an elevated open place.

Residents of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and enterprises in the region joined in collecting aid - basic necessities, water, plagues, food, clothing, first aid kits.

Nomads left without deer are provided with means of fishing.

In the reindeer herding areas of Yamal, control over reindeer herds has been strengthened.

The outbreak is localized

Salekhard received 1,000 doses of anthrax vaccine for people. Arrived Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation Anna Popova, who held a working meeting with colleagues from the regional headquarters, flew to the Yamal region to work. Anna Popova stated that there is no danger of the disease spreading in Yamal and neighboring regions. The outbreak is localized. The diagnosis of anthrax in humans has not yet been laboratory confirmed.

The Russian Ministry of Defense joined in eliminating the infection

Forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation arrived in the district - a unit of radiation, chemical and biological protection(RKhBZ) of the Central Military District (CMD) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (personnel, military equipment, special equipment): 4 Il-76 cargo aircraft, 195 RKhBZ troops, 30 units of various military equipment, four Mi-8 helicopters. Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin thanked the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu for prompt and extremely timely assistance in response to a request for support.

At the initiative of the Yamal residents, a current account for collecting funds and points for receiving in-kind assistance to reindeer herders in the Yamal region who suffered as a result of the anthrax outbreak were opened.

Beginning of the operation to eliminate the outbreak

Troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense are transporting the necessary equipment by the Obskaya – Bovanenkovo ​​railway to the Vladimir Nak railway station. A temporary military camp and a sanitary checkpoint for helicopters and specialists are set up here. Employees are ready to begin reconnaissance of the area and clarify the volume of liquidation. Preliminary number of dead animals – 2 306.

Specialists from the Russian Ministry of Health are flying from Moscow to Salekhard to provide direct assistance to Yamal doctors. Minister Veronica Skvortsova sent the country's chief infectious disease specialist, professor, to the region Irina Shestakova, as well as specialists from the Research Institute of Children's Infections.

Another 8 people were brought to the Special Clinical Hospital from the quarantine zone. There are 46 patients in infectious diseases departments, including 28 children (45 in Salekhard, 1 in Yar-Sale). 15 patients with a preliminary diagnosis of anthrax, including 5 children. Another 41 people were evacuated from the outbreak to a temporary medical examination point in Yar-Sale.

Dmitry Kobylkin appealed to the governors of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Tyumen region with a request to send 20 healthcare specialists and additional veterinary forces to help Yamal doctors.

A camp was discovered where tundra dwellers ate slaughtered sick animals. The number of people at risk is determined. No new facts of deer mortality have been recorded in the Yamal region.

The chief veterinarian of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Andrei Listishenko, flew to Yar-Sale to organize mass vaccinations and other events.

Additional restrictions and prohibitions

In the infectious diseases departments there are 62 patients from anthrax outbreaks, including 37 children. 27 people with a preliminary diagnosis of anthrax. 296 people are receiving chemotherapy. There are 51 people, including 28 children, at the boarding school in the Yamal region, where a temporary stay center has been set up.

Preliminary number of dead animals – 2 306.

RKhBZ troops of the Central Military District of the Russian Defense Ministry began disposal of animal corpses. A decision was made to strengthen the military group. Another Ii-76 arrived in the district with 50 Defense Ministry specialists. The total number of military personnel is 227 people. On the border of the clean and quarantine zone, military personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense will install 40 thousand barrier warning signs.

In parallel with this, specialists from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations from the Center for Rescue Operations “Leader” arrived in Salekhard, as well as three units of special equipment, including a sanitation complex and an express laboratory. The plan is to place seven tent camps in a clear area for 69 families. The first clean camp is being set up.

Preliminary number of dead deer in the outbreaks: 2,349 goals. Disposed of 155 corpses animals. Another 200,000 thousand doses of vaccine for deer were delivered to Yamal.

A decision was made to ban the export of wild plants, antlers, reindeer herding products, and souvenirs from the focal zones.

Accepted decision to vaccinate all deer in the area.

There is a loss. Yamal is mourning

The Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug continues to work in the Yamal region. Together with the military, the scope of work was inspected and the arrangement of the military camp was checked.

On this day, tragic news appeared - the death of a child born in 2004 was recorded in the infectious diseases department of the Special Clinical Hospital. The cause of death was gastric anthrax. The boy ate contaminated raw deer meat and drank raw animal blood - this is traditional for nomadic families. The best doctors Russia and Yamal tried to save the child.

A telephone conversation took place between the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. It was confirmed that all structures are ready to help the region cope with the situation.

Rehabilitation measures in action

A decision was made to restore the traditional way of life and way of life of nomads who were taken out of the quarantine zone and lost all their property: 90 million rubles were allocated from the district budget. About 100 new tents will be equipped with these funds. A safe area in the Yar-Sala tundra has been determined. The governor continues to coordinate the work of the regional headquarters in the Yamal region.

The reindeer population from the quarantine zone has been fully vaccinated; veterinarians note the good condition of the herd. The animals tolerated the vaccinations well.

Work in progress

Dmitry Kobylkin continues to coordinate work on site - in the quarantine zone of the Yamal region. Arrived in Salekhard Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova. She examined patients in the infectious diseases department, held a meeting with health care colleagues in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and flew to Yar-Sale to inspect the places of stay of the reindeer herders’ families and their health status.

There are 96 people in the SOKB. There are no new arrivals. The region received an additional 40 thousand doses of vaccine; distributed among municipalities: Salekhard, Yamalsky, Tazovsky, Nadymsky, Priuralsky districts.

There are 105 people, including 61 children, at the temporary accommodation center (TAP) Yar-Sale. All under the close supervision of doctors.

Rehabilitation has begun

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin holds a meeting of the Government Commission on the issue of eliminating the consequences of emergencies in the Yamal region. The Minister of Health of the Russian Federation has been appointed coordinator of the federal commission.

26 people are preparing for discharge. Including the first girl whose diagnosis was not confirmed. After visiting Yar-Sale, the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation confirms: “There are no threats to the residents of Yamal, all measures, including medical therapy and prevention, were taken on time and correctly!”

Vaccination of deer in 10 herds continues. There are 46 veterinarians from the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Tyumen.


From SOKB 5 people were discharged, including the first child. The rehabilitation department is filled with healthy tundra dwellers. There are no new admissions of patients. There is no death of deer.

To provide support to tundra dwellers, the governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug signed a resolution of the Government of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug “On the provision of an interbudgetary transfer municipality Yamal region". The size of the interbudgetary transfer is 6 million rubles, the funds will be used for targeted assistance to each family member.

Over 600 tundra dwellers and at-risk specialists have been vaccinated.

Chief of the RCBZ troops of the Central Military District, Major General Valery Vasiliev informs: the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops of the Central Military District of the Russian Ministry of Defense destroyed 582 carcasses of dead animals. There are 276 specialists from the Ministry of Defense.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation is setting up tent camps to organize sanitary passes into the clean tundra zone. Fuel and necessary materials are imported.

Hunting is prohibited in the Yamal region.

There are no new admissions of patients from the outbreak

Members of the regional emergency response headquarters in the Yamal region are deciding what to do with the property of tundra dwellers left in the outbreak and taken outside its borders. We are talking, first of all, about sledges, which are passed on by reindeer herders for generations. Rospotrebnadzor is looking for options for disinfecting what can be saved.

The sanitary checkpoints are ready

In total, 60 people from the anthrax outbreak are in infectious diseases departments, including 33 children. 694 people are receiving chemoprophylaxis, including 139 children. 796 people were vaccinated, including 40 children over 14 years of age.

Destroyed 1265 animal corpses.

A working meeting was held with representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation and the main directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug on developing mechanisms for deploying a sanitary checkpoint and a tent camp at the exit point from the “danger zone”.

The life support town of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is completely ready.

Transition to clean camps

In the infectious diseases department of the Regional Clinical Hospital, 57 patients remain under observation, of which 33 are children. There are 34 people in the rehabilitation department awaiting discharge. Their diagnosis was not confirmed, but all of them underwent prophylactic treatment with antibiotics; those over 14 years of age receive the vaccine. Toys for little tundra dwellers were brought to the SOKB department, which were collected the day before as part of the “Yamal for Tundra Children!” campaign.

More than 90 tundra dwellers entered the clean zone through the sanitary checkpoint of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. Families taken from the outbreak and placed in a temporary residence center in Yar-Sale are also preparing to return to their place of traditional residence.

80,000 heads of deer in the Yamal region and adjacent territories have been vaccinated and tested. Vaccination of animals continues. Slaughter of deer in the autumn season 2016 years will pass according to plan. There are no concerns about the quality of the products of the Yamal Deer enterprise.

The governor told about everything

22 tundra residents, including 16 children, were discharged from the Special Clinical Hospital. There are 57 people left in the hospital.

Governor Dmitry Kobylkin returned from the Yamal region and gave an extended press conference, answering all questions from journalists from regional and municipal media.

The main points of Dmitry Kobylkina’s speech:

"Such a thing in Russian Federation there was none - neither in terms of scale nor in the complexity of the operation. All services worked at the highest level.”

“We have never seen a coordinating role like this in Russia. The regional government took on the coordinating role of the federal center. It was very important to take responsibility at that moment.”

“We need to vaccinate deer and, of course, people. In 2007, vaccination was canceled. In 2007, a mistake was made, a very serious one.”

“As always, Yamal people are great! Everyone was so imbued with the misfortune of others... They collected funds, both financial and material, and sent them to help the Yamal region. This misfortune will unite us greatly. It showed that we are all in the same boat and doing the same thing.”

"On regional level It is very difficult to involve so many federal structures. The job was done brilliantly."

“We rallied and won. We are ready to cope with such a threat, one of the most difficult, in my opinion: to defeat the invisible enemy!”

Help from Yamal residents

The Yamal Cooperation Fund collected 27,140 million rubles. Yamal residents collected more than 7 tons of humanitarian aid for tundra dwellers.

Cleaning up the fire and sanitizing continues

From SOKB, 39 tundra dwellers (of which 24 were children) returned to their families. Six more (including 2 children) are waiting to be sent home. 51 people (including 29 children) remain under the supervision of doctors.

Almost all nomads and healthy herds of deer passed through the sanitary checkpoints into the life support tent camps deployed by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. The property was disinfected in agreement with Rospotrebnadzor. 16 people remain at the temporary accommodation center in Yar-Sale.

2 065 animal corpses.

The situation in the Yamal region is stabilizing

New camps are being set up next to temporary tent camps for life support – 53 plagues have been installed. 46 people from SOKB returned home to their families, they are healthy. Remains in the infectious diseases department 49 people.

More than 102 thousand deer have been vaccinated. Veterinary Service specialists continue the vaccination campaign in the Yamal region and neighboring territories.

Mass vaccination underway

IN Tazovsky district more vaccinated 23 thousand heads of deer In total, it is planned to vaccinate 85 thousand animals in the region. Explanatory work with the local population continues. In some herds of the Evaysalinskaya tundra of the Tazovsky district, a quarantine for pasteurellosis has been introduced, and seasonal vaccination is carried out for this disease.

In the Priuralsky region grafted from above 12 thousand heads of deer. Vaccination continues. In total, as of the morning of August 15, the total number of vaccinated animals in Yamal is 121 903 .

Among the indigenous population and specialists at risk, including those involved in rehabilitation activities in the quarantine zone, over 4 thousand people, including about 2 thousand - employees of fuel and energy enterprises.

Specialists from Rospotrebnadzor in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the District Veterinary Services carry out control sampling everywhere.

Destroyed by the Russian Ministry of Defense 2485 dead calves, the disposal sites are disinfected. Control soil samples show the absence of infection.

Elimination of the outbreak is completed

In the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the head of the department Lyudmila Nechepurenko commented on the epidemiological situation: work to eliminate the consequences of the anthrax outbreak in the Yamal region is being carried out comprehensively; vaccination is carried out in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules; “There is no threat.” Oil and gas companies carry out educational work among staff, and vaccinations are carried out for preventive purposes.

The Yar-Sale boarding school is preparing for disinfection. All nomads were transferred to the clean zone of the Yar-Sala tundra.

Military and rescue workers are completing liquidation of the consequences of the emergency in the Yamal region.

Governor Dmitry Kobylkin took part in the workshop General Staff Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which took place via videoconference at the location of the forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation at the railway station named after. V. Naka.

Dmitry Kobylkin, on behalf of all Yamal residents, conveyed words of gratitude to the Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia Vladimir Puchkov and other heads of departments that took Active participation in overcoming the consequences of the anthrax outbreak in Yamal.

Samples are clean

74 nomads from the Salekhard hospital returned to the tundra. Another 22 people are awaiting discharge. With the conclusion “healthy,” the tundra dwellers were transported by helicopter from the district capital to the Yamal region, where they returned to their traditional places of residence in the clean territory of the tundra.

The building of the Yarsalinsky boarding school, where a temporary accommodation center for people was organized, is being sanitized, and the building is being prepared for the start of the school year. Based on the test results, Rospotrebnadzor concludes: there are no risks of infection.

There are also no risks as a result of finding a dead deer in the Tazovsky district. Preventive measures are being taken to vaccinate people and animals.

Explanatory work and preventive vaccination are being carried out among oil and gas workers, especially shift workers.

Vaccination of people and deer in Yamal continues

6 more people were discharged from the Regional Clinical Hospital, brought to the capital of the district from the quarantine zone of the Yamal region with suspected anthrax infection. All of them flew on an air ambulance flight to Yar-Sale, from where they were transported to their traditional place of residence - to a clean camp in the Yamal tundra.

In new, clean camps

Dmitry Kobylkin met with families of reindeer herders organizing their lives in the new territories of the Yamal region. All affected tundra dwellers underwent preventive treatment, were vaccinated and returned to their traditional places of residence on clean pastures.

In the Yamal region, vaccination of animals and the local population at risk is being completed. A preventive vaccination campaign is underway in a number of neighboring territories. As of August 19, the total number of vaccinated deer in the Yamal region was 136,018 heads. In total, 209,236 reindeer were vaccinated in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. A total of about 11,700 people have been vaccinated in the district. 8 people remain in the infectious diseases department of the Special Clinical Hospital, including 6 children. They are expected to be discharged and sent home on Monday.

The Yar-Sala boarding school is fully ready to welcome children for the new school season. The gathering of schoolchildren in the tundra will go according to plan.

More than a third of the total reindeer population in Yamal has been vaccinated

Received anthrax vaccination 12,227 people(Yamalsky, Tazovsky, Nadymsky, Priuralsky districts).

Vaccination of the reindeer herd is carried out as planned. The total number of vaccinated deer in the Yamal region was 150,327 heads; in Tazovsky - 58,768, in Priuralsky - 36,458, in Nadymsky - 1,800 heads. In total, 247,353 reindeer heads were vaccinated against anthrax in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Rehabilitation activities continue.

What does science think?

Dmitry Kobylkin spent work meeting with representatives of the scientific community: Vladimir Melnikov– academician, chairman of Tyumen scientific center SB RAS, Andrey Golovnev– chief researcher at the Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Vladimir Bogdanov- Director of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc. Scientists have expressed a number of hypotheses and versions of the origin of the anthrax outbreak in Yamal, including theories about the excess number of the reindeer herd, about global warming, about changes in the properties of pastures and others. In general, scientists have confirmed that the anthrax outbreak in Yamal will still be deeply scientifically studied.

Report of the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug on anthrax in Yamal to the Government of the Russian Federation

Dmitry Kobylkin informed members of the Government of the Russian Federation about the elimination of the anthrax outbreak at a meeting of the Government Commission on Biological and Chemical Safety of Russia, which took place in Moscow under the chairmanship of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronica Skvortsova.

Veronika Skvortsova on behalf of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin conveyed gratitude to all responsible persons - participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the anthrax outbreak in the Yamal region of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - for their prompt work.

Taking into account the analysis of the results of the work to eliminate the consequences of the emergency, the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug sent a number of proposals to the Government Commission. In particular, Yamal, faced with a direct threat in practice, asks to accelerate the adoption of veterinary rules for the identification and registration of animals according to their contents; to clarify clinical recommendations providing medical care to patients with anthrax. The district also asks to clarify the list of groups subject to vaccination and vaccination schedules for epidemic indications; to resume production of anti-anthrax immunoglobulin in Russia.


The governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug signed a decree on the abolition of restrictive measures (quarantine) in the reindeer grazing area in the Yamal region. At the same time, rehabilitation activities continue on the territory. All tundra areas are located in the clean tundra zone; food and necessary items, essentials, and first aid kits were delivered. Preserved and disinfected wooden products, including sledges, were handed over to the heads of families. Funds have been allocated and options for purchasing deer for the affected tundra communities have been developed. The camps are preparing for something new academic year. In the Yamal region, schoolchildren are being collected for boarding schools; The Yar-Sale boarding school is already accepting children. The buildings are completely disinfected and meet the strictest sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Simultaneously with the adoption of the order to lift the quarantine, the ban on hunting is terminated.

There is 1 child in the Special Clinical Hospital. The girl is healthy, but remains under observation until the traces of the wound on her skin are completely healed. In total, as of the morning of August 31, more than 14 thousand people from the risk group were vaccinated in the district. In total, 354,346 reindeer heads were vaccinated against anthrax in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Work to restore the traditional way of life of the affected reindeer herders continues. On September 1, another cargo of humanitarian aid will be sent to the Yamal region to the tundra dwellers: snowmobiles, winter clothing, household and hygiene products. The amount collected by Yamal residents and enterprises to help their fellow countrymen in the Yamal Cooperation Fund amounted to 40 million rubles.