Pros and cons of school uniforms. Is a school uniform a requirement for attending school? Why do we need a school uniform? article

IN 2014 academic year form has become a mandatory attribute school life. As always, the decision of the Ministry of Education split the public into two camps, because absolutely all citizens of our country were, are, or will be schoolchildren. Involvement in discussion, why it is needed school uniform, massive, and the number of arguments of opponents of the dress code usually outweighs the sentimental memories of their own wonderful school years of supporters of the uniformity of student appearance. But this is due to the inability to participate in the discussion. Let's leave emotions and turn to the facts, rehabilitating the school uniform and even speaking out in its defense.

Form and discipline

Discipline is not a phenomenon where children march in formation and praise the party in chorus, as many people imagine. Discipline is compliance with certain rules adopted in a certain organization, even unspoken ones. A school is first and foremost an educational institution, and talking about complete anarchy of self-expression within school walls is very short-sighted. There are some absolute rules: arrive at a certain time, sit at your desk during class, address the teacher politely, work on assignments. Everyone respects them, and no one thinks of being outraged by such violence.

For some reason, school uniforms fall out of this category in the eyes of the public. As an optional element: it seems that both in uniform and in “civilian clothes” children follow the same rules. This is true, however, a schoolchild who sits in class in the same clothes, plays football, walks the dog, goes to the cinema, in a word, goes about his daily business, ceases to perceive school as a special place. And then the rules established within its walls begin to seem like a burden. A person naturally observes them, but this observance brings internal discomfort.

What happens when a student puts on a uniform? There is a feeling of detachment from life outside of school, studying goes beyond the range of ordinary affairs, entertainment, activities and becomes a special, respectable and responsible matter. And there is a mood to follow the rules, because school is a place where the rules should work without causing internal rebellion.

Here you may come across the opinion that for this it is not necessary to introduce a school uniform, just some general uniformity is enough. In fact, if a child has a more or less strict classic suit “for school” in his wardrobe, it will fulfill its disciplinary function without in any way affecting the child’s sense of taste, the parents’ wallet and the ability of both to express themselves. You can limit the color range and length of skirts, and leave the color, style, cut, and material at the discretion of parents and students themselves. This would be true if the form was intended to work only for the discipline, but its functional purpose is much broader.

Form and social equality

The favorite argument of school uniform supporters is memories of how Soviet time all students were equal, and the children of ministers and cleaners studied in the same class, not formally different from each other. In fact, this, of course, is a myth revealed to us by altered memory. Children of high-ranking officials always studied separately, and even if someone ended up in a regular school, they were still different from the rest. The uniform itself does not socially equalize children, and in this the antagonists are absolutely right: gadgets, accessories, jewelry, cars and cash will do their job, even if the children are dressed the same.

The school uniform only excludes one element from this series of status criteria. Here, a uniform made of one material and a standard model plays into its favor: there is less reason for emotions. True, the optimal solution should still be a choice between externally similar styles, which are designed to fundamentally different types figures. Children are different, just like adults, and forcing them to wear clothes that, for a number of reasons, do not suit them would be stupid.

In addition, identically dressed schoolchildren receive relatively equal opportunities for self-affirmation, feeling the status superiority of their comrades only at the moment of obsessive demonstration of this superiority. Until your desk neighbor gets a new smartphone or game console, he is your equal. When the opportunity arises to demonstrate one’s superiority through appearance, it is exploited as fully as possible: it’s simple, the effect is permanent, and the feeling of equality does not appear at all.

Form and educational process

It seems that the school uniform and the process of acquiring knowledge are in no way connected, and the teacher’s tasks do not include either cultivating taste, or controlling appearance, or monitoring the moral character of the student. The main thing is that children study and do not interfere with others doing the same, and whether they sit at their desks in jeans, tracksuits or classics is a tenth matter.

In fact, wearing bright colors and flashy styles distracts you from your activities. Our visual apparatus is designed in such a way that attention is attracted by something different from the general background, not even necessarily a red sweater among gray jackets. With the same success, the eye will be caught by the calm blue among the green. When attention is involuntarily dispersed between the text, bright spots of clothing, extraneous sounds, it’s quite difficult to hold onto a thought, especially since it tends to fly away on its own. The diversity around and the variety of forms are good for relaxation, but in collective work, uniformity can only be a blessing for the central nervous system and sensory organs: the brain should not be overloaded with information arriving simultaneously and belonging to different categories and categories.

In addition to schoolchildren, educational process The teacher is also involved. Imagine what it’s like: looking at the diversity for many hours every day, trying to concentrate on the lesson. Both your eyes and your head will hurt, and by the end of the day there will be no strength left, because others are constantly being added to the color irritant. What can a constantly tired teacher teach?

In addition to distracting unconditional attention, clothing also distracts conditional attention. A high school girl's deep neckline can make not only her classmates, but also her teacher forget the basics of arithmetic. Discussion of a person’s appearance and related psychological characteristics becomes an important part of school life, especially since teachers sometimes cannot resist making comments. A powerful distraction has a negative impact on the learning process, but what if there are thirty such factors?

To be fair, it is worth saying that not only bright, expensive and revealing outfits disturb the calm of the class, but also those that are simply different and arouse curiosity. Thus, in mixed schools, women's hijabs are the subject of constant attention of both children and adults. Any non-standard clothing can play a similar role, from ripped jeans to grandma’s knitted skirt.

Form and self-expression

It turns out that our schoolchildren express themselves exclusively through clothing. This argument is one of the main ones in the declared opposition. As soon as it comes to school uniforms, parents begin to demand respect for the right to express their own personality. This, of course, is very important during its formation.

But what do we see without rose-colored glasses and theories? Self-expression ends where fashion, supported by the parent's wallet, begins. Some teenagers who consider themselves to be members of informal subcultures are somewhat freer in this regard, but certain trends set the tone in small groups. Someone who expresses something personal through clothing has every chance of becoming a pariah. Brands, price and runway combinations of color and model have nothing to do with self-expression. Most schoolchildren want to look “like everyone else,” and that’s what they look like. Only the details vary. Will a young person want to go to school in a formal suit if everyone around him is wearing jeans and bright, fashionable sweatshirts? Will he want to sit in class in a tracksuit if classics are trendy? Very doubtful.

The mantra of Soviet times “become interesting in uninteresting clothes” has been completely forgotten today, because through “interesting clothes” you can attract attention without making any effort. You don’t need knowledge, hobbies, charisma, you don’t need to build relationships and be able to listen to others. Just looking is enough. Is this what parents want? Children are not children forever, but once in a real, not school world, can break down in a clash of worldviews: personal and professional qualities are valued, self-expression must have a solid basis. The form, having equalized everyone outwardly, allows us to pay attention to other human characteristics (to be fair, they do not always have real value outside of school).

It is also worth saying that taste in clothing can develop over time or not develop at all, so the aesthetics of such self-expression can be very illusory. The inability to dress fashionably or wear certain things (formal suits, for example, dress pants, high-heeled shoes) can make young man the butt of jokes. Mandatory wearing of a uniform eliminates this stress factor: for those who do not understand and are not interested in fashion, life with a uniform is much easier.

Form and family budget

A very interesting point is the dependence of the family budget on school uniforms. What do parents who oppose it usually say? School uniforms are sewn to order, often in Russian fashion - in one designated atelier for a designated amount, which is clearly not comparable to the cost of a set of clothes from a stock store. School is becoming very expensive. There will no longer be a single uniform for everyone (as it used to be - brown dresses, blue jackets), and the school administration is not holy seraphim, and if the opportunity arises, someone will definitely make money on tailoring somehow.

This is fair, but these are problems of the system, not the school uniform itself. It, however, costs much more than what is written on the price tag: it requires two sets of shirts or blouses, a pair of trousers and, very preferably, a replacement jacket. Nobody likes wearing one set for months and putting it on immediately after washing. Moreover, children grow very quickly, sometimes they lose weight or gain weight so much that their shape has to be adjusted. Accordingly, the cost increases.

On the other hand, the thesis “we are not rich enough to buy cheap” is very true in our case. Instead of a uniform made from wearable and durable materials, a growing person will wear casual sweaters, T-shirts, skirts, jeans to school, and after school they will wear them to walk, play, and go about their business. Naturally, children don’t want to wear the same clothes every day, and their clothes deteriorate at the speed of sliding down a hill on their own backside. The cheaper, the less quality material. Schoolchildren do not really want to wear cheap clothes. So, instead of a couple of uniform sets, you will have to purchase non-uniform sets several times a year. Considering that parents are not eager to buy synthetic or cheap knitwear themselves, the difference in cost is reduced: jeans, a shirt and a sweater may turn out to be only slightly cheaper than a school suit, but you can’t get by with just one thing. The savings are doubtful.

Another important point: a school uniform frees parents from the constant desire of their children to dress in something even more fashionable and new. After all, within the walls educational institution the young shoots are present most of the day (at least, this is what I want to believe), so refusing to buy Armani will not lead to the fact that the young lady will feel like Cinderella, or even a pumpkin, for many hours in a row. Enough of these impressions outside of school.

Educational hour on the topic: Why do we need a school uniform?


    fostering a conscious attitude towards appearance.

    development of cognitive interests.


    introduce students to the school’s regulations on school uniforms and students’ appearance;

    introduce students to the history of school uniforms in Russia

    present school uniforms from different countries;

    develop the ability to dress beautifully and correctly, according to certain life situations;

    develop a culture of behavior and a culture of appearance.

Visual aids and materials: various pictures on the topic.

Methods: story, conversation, debate, sociological survey.


Part 1. Why school uniforms are introduced at school.

Everything in a person should be perfect:
and face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts.
A.P. Chekhov

Introductory speech by the teacher. Our school has had a uniform student uniform for several years now. This process is quite painful for us; a group of middle and high school students find it difficult to accept innovations and resist dressing in accordance with the accepted regulations on school uniforms and the appearance of our school.
Today we will try to find out why a school uniform is needed, whether it is good or bad, how students in other schools in our country, as well as abroad, dress, and we will get acquainted with the history of school uniforms in Russia.

First, we will conduct a survey, where I propose the following questions on the topic: “Your attitude towards school uniforms.”

    Continue the sentence. "If I were a school principal, I would allow students to wear..."

    Do you like appearance schoolchildren?

    Is jewelry compatible with business attire?

    Is a school uniform required?

They answered, put your pieces of paper aside, we will turn to them at the end of our teaching hour and see whether your opinion has changed or not on this topic.

Part 2. Why the decision was made to introduce school uniforms.

School uniform - mandatory casual dress for students while at school and at official school events.

Why are school uniforms introduced?

School uniform

    School uniform is a certain indicator of the level of the school.

    A school uniform helps a student feel the difference between the yard where he walks and a serious educational institution.

    The form disciplines, makes you more organized.

    Clothing determines the type of behavior and creates the aesthetics of the workplace.

    A school uniform allows you to avoid competition between children in clothing.

    She saves time spent in front of the closet, in exhausting doubts: “What should I wear to school today?”

Part 3. History of school uniforms in Russia.

School uniforms in the Russian Empire.

Many people ask the question: “Who came up with this form anyway?” Really, who? Peter I. Peter the Great was a very versatile person, and there was probably no area in which he did not carry out reforms.

    1834 - a law was passed approving common system all civilian uniforms in the empire. This system included gymnasium and student uniforms.

    1896 – regulations on gymnasium uniforms for girls were approved.

    1949 - it was decided to return to the former image: boys were dressed in military tunics with a stand-up collar, girls - in brown woolen dresses with a black apron, which almost completely copied the uniform of the Russian pre-revolutionary girls' gymnasium.

    1973 – introduced new form for boys. Blue suit made of wool blend, decorated with an emblem and aluminum buttons. The cut of the jackets was reminiscent of classic denim jackets (the so-called denim fashion was gaining momentum in the world) with shoulder straps and chest pockets with brace-shaped flaps. For high school boys, the jacket was replaced with a jacket.

    1988 - some schools were allowed to experiment with the idea of ​​waiving the compulsory wearing of school uniforms.

School uniforms in different countries.

    In Japan, school uniforms have unexpectedly become the standard of teenage fashion. Now girls outside the school walls wear something that resembles the usual uniform of Japanese schoolgirls: “sailor fuku”, in our opinion - sailor suits, dark blue pleated miniskirts, knee-high knee-high socks and light leather shoes that harmonize with them. Boys wear gakuran: trousers and a dark jacket with a stand-up collar.

    In America, school uniforms are worn by students of prestigious private schools for children of wealthy parents.

    In Africa, schoolgirls are banned from wearing miniskirts.

    Modern students in conservative England still love school uniforms, which are part of the history of their school. For example, in one of the old English schools for boys, students from the 17th century to this day wear uniform ties and vests and, by the way, are proud that their clothes emphasize their corporate affiliation.

    The largest European country in which there is a school uniform is Great Britain. In many of her former colonies The form was not abolished after independence, for example in India, Ireland, Australia, Singapore and South Africa.

    This is interesting. In Japan, they released jackets for students, equipped with a built-in GPS satellite navigation system. It allows parents to track the location of their children through their personal computers. The system has an important addition: if the child is threatened by someone or something, he can send an alarm to the security service by simply pressing a button.

    In the USA and Canada, many private schools have school uniforms. Its main purpose is to serve as a symbol and identification mark that distinguishes students of one educational institution from another. IN public schools There is no uniform uniform, although some schools have introduced dress codes. Too open tops and low-fitting trousers are prohibited.

    In Cuba, uniforms are mandatory for all students in schools and higher education institutions.

Modern Russia.

IN modern Russia there is no single school uniform, as was the case in the USSR, but many lyceums and gymnasiums, especially the most prestigious ones, as well as some schools, have their own uniform, emphasizing the students’ belonging to a particular educational institution. In addition, in educational institutions that do not have a school uniform, there are rules for wearing clothes.

School and fashionable.

School uniform – this is not bad at all: as a sign of belonging to a certain community of people.

Form - an identification mark, a part of symbolism that distinguishes people of one profession, beliefs, from others. More than half of the world's population living in school age, wore, wears and will wear a student uniform.

"Dress code" – a relatively new word, but it has already become fashionable, at least for those who work in an office. Literally means “clothing code,” that is, a system of identification marks, color combinations and shapes that indicate a person’s affiliation with a certain corporation. An employer can set its own rules: for example, women cannot come to work in trousers, or only in business suits, or skirts should be knee-length - neither shorter nor longer, loose uniform on Fridays, etc., etc. Many adult Russians have already joined the corporate spirit, but their children still go to school “in whatever they like.” .

There is an opinion that school uniforms suppress the individuality of the student. However, a student’s self-affirmation at school should mainly occur through his creative and intellectual success.

Part 9. Summing up

School uniform. (pros)

    A strict dress style creates a business atmosphere in the school necessary for classes.

    Form disciplines a person.

    A student in a school uniform thinks about studying, not about clothes.

    There is no problem “What to wear to school.”

    A school uniform helps a child feel like a student and a member of a certain team, and makes it possible to feel involved in this particular school.

    If the child likes the clothes, he will feel proud of his appearance.

    School uniforms save parents money.

School uniform. (minuses)

    Children's reluctance to wear it.

    "Loss of individuality."

    Increased financial costs for a child's education.

    The expenditure of time and effort of parents in connection with the acquisition of uniforms.

Now let’s return to our questions at the beginning of the teaching hour and tell me your opinion has changed towards school uniforms and you realized that everyone wears a school uniform and this is prestigious, relevant, necessary in our interesting modern world in the 21st century.

Conclusions: Drawing conclusions from the above, we note that a modern school uniform is a set of clothes and accessories that can be freely combined while remaining a school uniform. A school uniform accustoms people to a certain order and discipline, smoothes out social inequality, and makes it possible to realize that they belong to a certain group. It should be stylish, beautiful, and not destroy individuality. If a person is a person, then it is impossible to destroy his individuality. Pushkin, being a lyceum student, also wore a uniform.

One of the topics of the essay that is offered to schoolchildren is an argument on the topic “Why is a school uniform needed.” This topic is relevant because there are both supporters of uniform clothing and those who believe that this is an outdated tradition. The student is invited to express his opinion on this matter. The essay “Why do we need a school uniform” allows school management to also determine whether such a reform needs to be introduced in their educational institution, taking into account the opinions of students.

When they wore a uniform

If you look at old films, illustrations from history textbooks, students stood out from the crowd due to the fact that they wore special clothes. "We need a school uniform" it should be noted that in the Soviet era all schoolchildren were required to come to educational institution in a single form.

And if you think about it, in those days, for many, the fact that everyone dressed the same was not perceived in a negative way, as it is with the modern generation. Why? Simply because in Soviet times there was a shortage of good quality clothing, not everyone had the money to purchase it. Therefore, for many this was a way out: in this way, children of different social groups did not differ in appearance. And those who wanted to somehow stand out from the crowd complemented their clothes with jewelry or decorated their clothes (moderately).

Why was uniform uniform for students canceled?

In the discussion on the topic “Why do we need a school uniform”, it is also necessary to give arguments against schoolchildren being dressed the same. One of the most important arguments is that in this way the freedom of expression of schoolchildren is limited. A single form depersonalizes and does not allow the student’s individuality to reveal itself.

Also, most people want to dress according to fashion. A school uniform involves simple elements of clothing with a classic cut. In Soviet times, students' clothes were predominantly dark colors, which for some is wrong, because childhood is all about bright colors. On the one hand, these arguments can be called reasonable. After all, appearance is one of the ways of self-expression. But what arguments do supporters of uniform clothing for students give?

Why do we need a school uniform: arguments for its introduction

The arguments given by supporters of this point of view are also quite weighty and convincing.

  1. A uniform uniform helps maintain discipline in the classroom during lessons.
  2. Democratic.
  3. Allows you to save time getting ready for school.
  4. Practical - usually the uniform is sewn from fabrics of non-marking colors.
  5. Hygienic - natural fabrics are used to create uniforms for schoolchildren.

Some of these arguments are worth considering in more detail in the essay “Why do we need a school uniform?”

How are discipline and clothing related?

One of the arguments of supporters of a single uniform is maintaining order in the classroom during lessons. At first glance, this argument seems strange. Well, how can clothes help maintain discipline?

Everything is explained very simply. Schoolchildren simply do not have the opportunity to discuss in class what their classmates are wearing. After all, for girls, fashion issues are one of the most discussed. The students do not look at each other, trying to find out where they bought some item of clothing, and do not determine its cost.

Also, students should keep their uniform in order - after all, in simple classic styles, sloppiness will be immediately noticeable. And thanks to the fact that children do not have to think about and decide in the morning what to wear to school, the number of lateness to classes becomes less. Thus, a uniform form allows you to maintain discipline in the classroom.

Democracy is a component of a harmonious atmosphere in the classroom

One of the required points in the essay “Why do we need a school uniform” is an explanation of the point about democracy. This implies the availability of school uniforms for families of any income. Thus, through clothing, wealthier students will not show their wealth through their appearance.

IN modern society Wealthy parents dress their children in clothes of expensive brands, although children of primary school do not pay attention to the cost of their outfits. But for other parents, this can cause a negative reaction and prejudice towards such students, which they can pass on to their children.

And in older grades, teenagers are already consciously trying to demonstrate their status through their appearance, showing their superiority over children from less affluent families. And they, in turn, also show their negative attitude towards them. All this does not allow creating a harmonious and healthy atmosphere in the classroom. Therefore, a uniform school uniform avoids these problems, allowing students to stand out due to their talents and academic achievements.

Forming the right attitude towards appearance

But it also happens that parents and children do not understand why they need it. Due to the fact that families do not demonstrate with the help of clothes. social status and children do not try to show their superiority over others in appearance, the correct attitude towards clothing is formed. Children do not make a cult out of her, they do not believe that appearance is the main thing in a person.

They learn to appreciate the personality of the people around them and evaluate them by their actions. Girls have the opportunity to not just follow everyone fashion trends, but also to learn the more subtle art of choosing the right jewelry and accessories to diversify your image so that it does not look provocative. After all, girls often, in their desire to look fashionable, choose things that are not suitable for their age. Or they combine elements of clothing that are incompatible in style. And simple things of a classic cut, which make up the school uniform, have always been considered signs of a good sense of style.

School traditions

But opponents of uniform clothing for students often do not take into account such a holiday as " last call"And on this day everyone tries to come as schoolchildren of Soviet times were dressed. After all, how beautiful white starched aprons with lace, snow-white cuffs, turn-down collars, bows look! And on this day everyone is dressed the same. And this does not bother anyone So why don’t parents like the fact that their child is always dressed neatly, tastefully and in accordance with his age? And all these requirements are met by a uniform uniform for students.

Of course, everyone decides for himself whether he wants the child to stand out from the crowd, or whether all the listed arguments are more important to him (democraticism, developing the right attitude towards appearance, etc.).

In the essay “Why do you need to wear a school uniform”, one of the arguments can be cited as an example of the alumni holiday. After all, it is necessary that the child early years understood that what is more important is not what a person wears, but how he behaves in society.

The difference in the wealth of families will still manifest itself. In addition to the uniform set, there are also shoes, outerwear, telephone and gadgets. Children visit each other and talk about who is vacationing and where. The form is not able to “equalize” these indicators. In addition, there is an opinion among child psychologists that hidden social inequality is not good for the child. It exists in society, and the form is only an attempt to “disguise” it artificially. The task of parents and teachers is to teach children to accept different circumstances with dignity and put them first. human qualities, not the cost of clothing.

Personality Development

To develop taste, style and an individual approach to clothing, much more effort must be made than simply allowing the child to wear whatever he wants. This is a combination of many factors in which daily exemplary clothing plays a far from primary role. It is important to travel with children and develop their sense of beauty. The family should have a desire to at least from time to time organize a cultural program on weekends and go to museums. If clothes for a schoolchild are one of the ways to express yourself and release yourself emotionally, why not do it on the weekend, and in a suitable cultural setting?

School uniforms kill any expression of individuality. From childhood, a person must learn to organize his appearance, master etiquette, and dress comfortably and appropriately. The child should have the opportunity to think and evaluate what best fits the definition of decency, severity and modesty: torn jeans, a T-shirt with a stupid inscription, or something else. Parents should teach children to dress appropriately for the situation, and not just give instructions. And this is a lot of work. If you want to get away from these important family responsibilities, shifting all responsibility for the formation of taste to a “third party” - form is the simplest solution.


The uniform helps the child to better control emotions, behavior, and maintain discipline. In most cases, the school suit for boys and girls includes a jacket or jacket. This type of clothing, its style, in which there is a fixed line of shoulders and lapels on the chest, as they say, “keeps its shape” - sends a signal to the body to straighten its back and make more restrained movements. Such clothing creates a certain psychological mood: the student understands that, having put on the uniform, he is not going to relax, but to study. For the same purposes, companies use a dress code.

The school uniform makes children feel not disciplined, but constrained and in many ways limits their freedom, does not allow important emotions exit. The child spends most of his time in an educational institution, and a business suit often does not create for children a feeling of convenience, comfort and naturalness and relaxedness, which is important at his age, during active movement, communication or games.


Having bought a strict set, you don’t need to think about what to dress your child in. This is definitely a plus for parents. A neat and versatile option is always ready. In addition, it costs the family less than 3-5 options for everyday clothing.

Actually good school uniforms are always expensive. At least taking into account the fact that in a week a child manages to get his clothes dirty several times, sometimes leaving them in a completely unusable condition. Buying several pairs of denim trousers and a dozen jackets/T-shirts/sweaters is much cheaper than buying four uniform sets of clothes. Otherwise, it will have to be washed endlessly. In addition, the clothes you buy (not the uniform) will be suitable for other events, not just school classes.

Business style

A business suit is an important status element of modern society. In childhood, he instills in the child a sense of style, which can be useful to him in his work. The child gets used to Everyday life choose business clothes for yourself.

Your child may not need to wear a formal office suit to work. You shouldn’t decide in advance for him how he should dress in the future and how he should live in general. In addition, it is necessary to remember that a strictly limited style and style of clothing does not suit everyone. The difference in body type, which can be hidden by choosing the right jeans and knitwear for your child, is only emphasized by a uniform suit. Which gives rise to many reasons for ridicule from classmates and the development of complexes.

Corporate spirit

School uniform is the prerogative and hallmark elite educational institutions. Students of prestigious gymnasiums and lyceums always looked neat and intelligent. The famous Oxford and Cambridge have their own form. With the introduction of compulsory school uniforms, the school increases its status.

This is a disguise of the real situation at school. If we exaggerate the situation, it turns out that without a uniform, the school has absolutely nothing to be proud of? It is hardly better to pretend that our standards are the same as in “elite Europe” than to create an atmosphere and environment that students will love and be proud of even without a uniform.


The rules for sewing school uniforms are approved by GOST and undergo very serious testing. This means that parents should have no doubts about the safety and quality of the materials provided and their practicality during daily wear.

To save money, some schools order clothesnot expensiveand, as a result, of inadequate quality. It is a fact. Such things quickly lose their shape and appearance. The fabrics and styles of school uniforms are usually impractical: either they wrinkle or (synthetics) leave puffs and pills. All this requires very delicate care, hand washing and careful ironing, which will take a lot of effort from parents who make sure that their child looks clean and tidy at school.

Debate about positive and negative sides uniformity in the clothing of schoolchildren in our country is just beginning, while in Europe and America they have been going on for decades. Thousands of articles have been written and hundreds of scientific studies have been conducted on this topic. Gazeta.Ru has summarized the main ones so that you can form your own opinion.

Improved academic performance

In 1998 it was held Scientific research, which showed that students in schools that introduced uniforms perform slightly better than those in whose schools it is allowed to wear anything. Experts are confident: the fact is that children are not distracted by discussing clothes, the uniform sets them up for more serious behavior within the walls of the educational institution and reduces the time that the child spends deciding what to wear to class today. And of course, experts think, he spends this saved time on doing his homework.

It turns out that girls who are unlucky enough to “fit” the type of skirt chosen by the school look ugly and must suffer because of it. And in the end, the school uniform, cut from not the most the best materials, most often it is simply inconvenient. Why should your beloved child wear uncomfortable clothes for 11 years?