Polytechnic University on Svetlanovskaya Square

University polytechnic college"Radio Polytechnic"

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University Polytechnic College "Radio Polytechnic".

St. Petersburg College of Information and Management


Full-time, Part-time

Form of study:

State diploma

Certificate of completion:

Order of Rosobrnadzor No. 340 of 02/17/2010 for a period until 02/17/2015


From 10,000 to 35,000 RUR per semester


College characteristics

Budget funding (free training):
Non-state funding (paid training):
Availability of hostel:
Deferment from service:
Military department:
Sport sections:
KVN team:
Number of students1500
Number of teachers99
Number of candidates of sciences10

general information

In the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg, on Svetlanovskaya Square, there is a building of a modern educational and laboratory complex educational institution average vocational education. About 1,500 students here master their chosen specialty, which will determine their future professional career and destiny.

The teaching staff of the college consists of qualified teachers, including honorary workers of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation, candidates of sciences. Their work is aimed at developing a wide range of abilities in students, creative thinking, mastering diverse knowledge, developing skills and abilities, nurturing independence and discipline.

We are talking about one of the oldest educational institutions in the country, the St. Petersburg College of Information and Management, formerly the St. Petersburg engineering school electronics (college), the legendary Radio Polytechnic.

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1 of

  • "Tourism"
  • "Commerce"
  • "Metrology"
  • "Computer systems and complexes"
  • "Programming in computer systems"
  • "Information Systems"

Admissions Committee Contacts

Admission conditions

Reception of documents from applicants

1.1. Admission to the college for training in basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education is carried out upon the personal application of citizens.

An applicant has the right to apply simultaneously for 3 specialties for various forms of education, in which the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education are implemented in college, as well as simultaneously for budget places and places under contracts with payment of tuition fees.

1.2. Acceptance of documents from persons entering the college to study in basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education begins on June 1, 2013 and ends:

If there are free places at the college, the acceptance of documents is extended until December 25 of the current year.

1.3. When applying for training in the basic professional educational program of secondary vocational education, applications are accepted from persons who have a state-issued document on the basic general education, secondary (complete) general education, primary vocational education, secondary vocational education or higher vocational education.

1.4. When submitting an application (in Russian) for admission to the college, the applicant presents at his own discretion the following documents:

1.4.1. Citizens Russian Federation:

-) original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship;

Original or photocopy of a state-issued education document;

6 photos 3x4.

1.4.2. Foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots living abroad, present the documents specified in clause 4.4 of these Admission Rules.

1.5. Applicants must provide the following required information in their application:

Last name, first name, patronymic (last - if available);

Date of Birth;

Details of the document proving his identity, when and by whom it was issued;

Information about the previous level of education and an education document confirming it;

The specialty for which he plans to enroll in college, indicating the conditions of study and the form of education (within the admission target figures, places under contracts with payment of tuition fees);

The need for hostel accommodation.

The application also records the fact of familiarization (including through public information systems) with the license to carry out educational activities, with the presence (absence) of a certificate of state accreditation and annexes to them. The fact of familiarization is certified by the personal signature of the applicant.

The applicant’s signature also confirms the following:

Receiving secondary vocational education for the first time;

Familiarization (including through public information systems) with the date of submission of the original document on education;

Familiarization with the regulations on the procedure for providing hostel accommodation.

If an applicant submits an application that does not contain all the information required by this paragraph and (or) information that does not correspond to reality, the college admissions committee returns the documents to the applicant.

The University transfers, processes and provides personal data received in connection with the admission of citizens to St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University for secondary vocational education programs in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data without obtaining the consent of these persons to process their personal data.

1.6. Applicants have the right to submit an application for admission, as well as Required documents through public postal operators (hereinafter - by mail) in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126- Federal Law “On Communications”. When sending documents by mail, the applicant encloses with the application for admission photocopies of documents proving his identity and citizenship, a photocopy of a state document on education, as well as other documents provided for in paragraph 2.4 of these Rules.

Documents sent by mail are accepted upon their receipt by the college no later than the deadlines established by paragraph 2.2 of these Rules to complete the acceptance of documents.

When submitting the original documents in person, applicants are allowed to have their photocopies certified by the educational institution.

1.7. Documents are sent by mail arriving through public postal operators with a notification and a list of the contents. The notification and inventory of the attachment are the basis for confirming the acceptance of the applicant’s documents.

1.8. A personal file is opened for each applicant, in which all submitted documents are stored. Personal files of those who did not pass the competition are stored in admissions committee college for one month. After the specified period, copies of documents are destroyed, and the original documents on education are transferred to the college archive.

1.9. When submitting documents in person, the applicant is given a document acceptance receipt.

1.10. Upon written application, applicants have the right to pick up the original education document and other documents provided by the applicant. The documents are returned by the college admissions committee within the next working day after submitting the application.

1.11. Applicants who have submitted deliberately false documents to the admissions committee do not participate in the competition and bear responsibility under the legislation of the Russian Federation. If an applicant was enrolled using forged documents, he is subject to expulsion.

  • Sport
  • Medicine
  • Creation
  • Extra

Sport and health

Sports clubs
  • Sports club "Electron"


For the entire period of study at college, students are supported by a clinic.


Club "Youth"

The goal of the club is to create conditions for expanding the cultural space of social interaction among students using various forms and methods of theater pedagogy.

Development Club creativity students "Yunost" operates as a structural unit of the St. Petersburg College of Informatization and Management. The activities of the club are an integral part purposeful activities additional education SPbKIU.

The activities of the club are a means of implementing complex tasks of artistic (aesthetic) and patriotic trends in the college education system.

In the creative teams of the club, college students develop creative and cognitive activity and those abilities that remain unclaimed by basic education.

The club carries out educational activities on the basis of the Regulations on the club for the development of creative abilities of students “Youth”, approved by the College Council, curricula additional education, college work plan, interacting with other structural units in the education system of the educational institution.

Direct management of the activities of the art club is carried out by the head of the club, appointed by order of the director of the college.

Areas of activity of the club:

  • Teaching college students additional programs in groups of various artistic creative direction: acting, vocals, ballroom dancing, vocal and instrumental creativity, etc.
  • Organizing and holding competitions among college students in the field of artistic creativity in various categories.
  • Organization and holding of cultural events: holidays, concerts, festivals, literary and musical compositions, KVNs, etc.
  • Teaching special courses and cycles of disciplines of the relevant artistic orientation.
  • Preparation creative teams students to participate in the city competition of secondary educational institutions “Student Spring” and other regional and city competitions and cultural events.
  • Organizing competitions of congratulatory and thematic posters and newspapers among college students.
  • Decoration of cultural events.
  • Cooperation with orphanage No. 53 of the Vyborg district.
  • Cooperation with college media (newspaper).

Classes in the “Youth” club contribute to the formation of students’ emotional and value-based attitude to the world, to themselves, to people, to goals, to activities and their results, to the experience of generations, to language, culture, national traditions, and the state. Creative activity actualizes the various experiences of students, which is one of the important components of the formation of a system of relationships of a developing personality.

College students and staff Active participation in the activities of the art club and creative achievements are financially encouraged from budgetary and extrabudgetary funds educational institution.

From the student members of the art club, an asset is selected - the Art Club Council - which takes an active part in the planning, organization and implementation of cultural events, and also serves as the club’s link with other structural divisions of the college in the education system.

The club includes:

  • Vocal ensembles “Taming Fork” - led by Lebedeva Marina Aleksandrovna and “Lira” - led by Kuzmina Natalya Sergeevna work in the genre of pop performance.
  • The theater group - director Novozhenina Lyudmila Ivanovna, combines work theatrical productions work in the genre of artistic expression.
  • Vocal and instrumental ensemble - leader Viktor Gennadievich Shafranov
  • Dance group - director, college graduate Dmitry Sergeevich Bocharov conducts ballroom dancing classes.


The College of Informatization and Management, known throughout the country under the name “Radio Polytechnic,” has been a generally recognized leader in the training of specialists in secondary vocational education in the Russian Federation for more than 80 years.

The college trains specialists in grades 9-11, both on a budgetary and contract basis, in the following areas:

· Informatics and computer technology

· automation and control

· service sector

Currently, as part of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, the college provides training in a continuous, shortened, multi-level College-University training program. As part of this program, college graduates continue their studies at the university without passing the uniform state exam(USE).

If they wish to continue their studies at the university in another field of study, college students have the opportunity to simultaneously receive a second secondary vocational education under a shortened program.

The college’s strategic partners provide their production base for students to undergo internships and further labor activity at the enterprise in parallel with studying at the university.

The material and technical base of the college provides ample opportunities for scientific and technical creativity of students, conducting laboratory research, educational practices, allows us to provide a wide range of additional educational services. The college has a multifunctional sports complex, which includes: 2 multi-purpose halls, 10 games and warm-up rooms, and a swimming pool.

Based on the half-century traditions of the Radio Polytechnic, as part of additional education, students of all specialties have the opportunity to study foreign languages ​​in depth, improving their linguistic skills abroad under the international student exchange program.

On the basis of a cooperation agreement, college graduates who speak English and have successfully defended their diploma have the opportunity to continue their education at the University of Applied Sciences in Finland.

Anonymous review 06/21/2019 13:37

Guys, applicants, applicants! Don’t make a fatal mistake for which you will later reproach yourself - don’t act in Humanitarian Institute Polytechnic! This faculty is not even worthy of one star on this site... It’s a pity that when I entered this branch of Hell on Earth there were only positive reviews. I transferred to this university (if you can call it that) in 2015 from a university in another city to major in Linguistics. They wrote correctly in the previous comment: the key to positive grades at this university, unfortunately, is not knowledge, but good relationships with teachers. Didn't like the teacher? Welcome to add. session! For this reason, I was repeatedly retaken because of the same teacher. She endlessly tormented me with more and more new tasks, until I turned to the directorate and asked for a replacement teacher. By the way, I passed the test to the substitute teacher on the first try (isn’t it a miracle?). But at every session it is simply impossible to tolerate such an attitude towards oneself... By the way, they expel us from the GI “for good luck”: there were 6 groups of us in the stream, each of which had 20-25 people, by the fourth year there were only 2 groups left ( “If you have lost money, you can expel it” is the motto of the institute).

In addition, teachers allow themselves to humiliate students, behave very arrogantly towards students (in their opinion, almost all students do not have a sufficient level of language proficiency to study at their excellent university), couples behave haphazardly (For example, in the practice of translation We were asked at home to translate an article from Russian into English, in pairs we simply discussed the translation of each student in the group, pointed out mistakes and corrected them. At the exam, we were given two huge articles, each on a whole A4 sheet, one in Russian, the other in English. English. You need to translate both in an hour. Don’t you think that the tasks in the classes and the exam assignment are slightly different in level? How is it possible to translate such a huge amount of information in the exam in just one hour?)

I hope that after all of the above, you will bypass Polytechnic University so as not to find yourself in my situation, sitting on this site and selecting possible educational institutions for the next transfer... The only good thing that remains from SPbPU is its loud name.

Ulyana Sibyakina 05/13/2019 16:23

My daughter is studying at this university in the direction of "Linguistics", the only thing that upsets me is the lack of a canteen, I have to pack her a lunchbox with her (but maybe this is good, I know what and how the child eats). I am completely satisfied with the education, we study on a contract basis, we don’t spare money, especially since she enjoys going. Sometimes she complains that they ask a lot, but I repeat that learning languages ​​has never been easy. I chose it myself. In general, I want to say that the institute and the teachers are quite satisfied with me, moreover, if you have questions, you can always come to an appointment with the director of the institute or her deputy.

Anonymous review 05/09/2019 13:49

Dear applicants and their parents! Under no circumstances take documents to the Humanities Institute of the Polytechnic University! This is a scam. No one will return your money or health. In order to take the test here you must be in good relations with the teacher. And if you are not pleased with something, then get ready for humiliation and re-exams, while truants and poor students received an automatic test.

My daughter studied for three semesters as a linguistics major, after which she was forced to transfer to another university. After the transfer, it turned out that many of the teachers at the State Institute are absolutely incompetent. Not everything, of course, but no one will let you choose. Some of the young teachers do not even know how to correctly place stress in simple English words.

The grammar was commented on with the word "nonsense".

There is no phonetics as such. Instead, they give a set of useless knowledge that has no direct relation to phonetics. The daughter kept detailed notes. And experts formed their opinion on them.

The conversation is based on textbooks for the “mentally retarded.” That's exactly what they said! And several people.

In addition, all training is conducted in Russian. Compared to students from other universities, students from the Polytechnic look like the unforgettable V. Mutko with his catchphrase “Let me speak from my heart.”

In addition, students are forced to endure the rudeness and arbitrariness of teachers. They have no voting rights. If you try to defend yourself, they will bully and humiliate you with the entire chicken coop.

In pairs, the teacher may appear for half an hour. The rest of the time, students independently solve problems from the printout. Or he just sits silently at his desk. Sorry, but using a textbook, children can study in the library completely free of charge. You don’t need to pay 150 thousand every year for this!

It is useless to complain about the biased attitude and unprofessionalism of Deputy Director Baranova’s teachers. After that it only got worse. The daughters staged a real demonstration “spanking”. They tried to prove that she was a bad student. And she doesn’t miss a single class, she studies constantly.

I am writing not only from the words of my daughter. There are audio recordings of tests and exams. And in the corridor I myself heard the teachers yelling at the students. At work, we get a kick in the ass for such intonations. And here it’s normal!

So, dear parents, don't save money. Miser pays twice. Send your child to a normal university. Don't feed these charlatans!

Grigory Kharitonsky 02/27/2019 15:38

He studied under the bachelor's program at the Humanitarian Institute at the department of Translation and Translation Studies. To be honest, one of the determining factors for me when entering was the low cost of studying in the "Linguistics" field compared to the offers of other universities. However, this did not in any way affect the high quality of education that I received within the walls of the Polytechnic. One would think that in technical university Not enough attention is paid to humanities, but this is not the case. Our department is distinguished by the high professionalism of its teachers and their dedication to their work. I can’t say that studying here is easy without making an effort. But if you are willing to invest time and show perseverance, it will pay off in full, and the knowledge gained at our department will help you become a real specialist and get a well-paid job.

Anonymous review 02/26/2019 17:41

Despite some shortcomings (such as the lack of a canteen in building 6), the education in the field of Linguistics is truly high-quality. All teachers are highly qualified and interested in ensuring that students receive maximum knowledge in their core disciplines. After the 4th year, I definitely want to continue my studies at the Polytechnic Master's program. I definitely wasn’t wrong with my choice of university.

K S 25.02.2019 14:31

Anonymous review 02/21/2019 03:27

Applicants and their parents, never, never connect your lives with Polytechnic University! We will talk about GI. Students here are perceived as weak-willed people who will endure all the bullying of the management, especially for 3rd year students and above. Why? Everything is very simple! The student has nowhere to go (except perhaps transfer to another university), and he decides to stay here, pays ever-increasing amounts per semester (but these are trifles...after all, the Polytechnic University is adding the number of semesters!) and endures the constant rude attitude of the management. I entered the State University for a bachelor's degree, the contract stipulated 4 years of study. In our second year, we were told that we urgently needed to sign an additional agreement that the term of study would be extended to 4.5 years. And two years later, when the topics of theses were agreed upon with our supervisors, we were forced to sign another agreement - this time the duration of study was 5 years! “After all, there is a year left, where will they go - they will stay and pay more!” In my situation, a problem arose with payment (permanent student loans), I had to take out an academic. vacation and recover in a year. I studied without any debt at all, with “good” and “excellent” marks. But I was forced to take 8 (!) extra subjects as an academician. differences: syllabus suddenly changed, and no one cared that I, in fact, knew how and loved to study. “What can you do,” I thought and started taking the exams. After passing all 8 exams, it turned out that I could not be enrolled back into the 5th year. Only on the third! Reason: “You studied French as a second foreign language, and now we are studying German. Well, if you want, come back in another year, maybe something will change.” I knew German from school. And she said that I could hand it over now. They dismissed me dismissively as if I were trash :) And they drove me away. After all, such an answer is not beneficial for them. Thesis: do not spoil your youth by entrusting it and your future knowledge to this place. He has long been an exceptionally big name. They leave from here good teachers and students are expelled en masse - they are simply forced to do it. Half the course followed me. Constant deception, disrespect for your time and a dismissive attitude in exchange for very dubious knowledge - this is what awaits a student of Peter the Great SPbPU. I hope my review will save someone from making a huge mistake.

Alena Istomina 12/17/2018 20:11

For a long time I didn’t think about where I wanted to go. I reviewed and studied information about the Polytechnic University. An important factor for me was the prestige of this educational institution. Very strong teaching staff, friendly students, new audiences. I also became a member of the student council, and this is a separate topic for discussion. Organization of events, weekly meetings, trips. I made many new friends and gained valuable experience and knowledge while studying at this university.

Katya Kruglova 03.12.2018 20:17

After school I entered Polytechnic. They teach both general education and specialized subjects well - the main thing is to do everything on time. The teachers are different, but what is also important, they will always tell you everything and help you, they know their subject well and are attentive to all students. I am happy with my choice and the fact that I will have a diploma from the Polytechnic University!

Vasily Grigorschuk 11/14/2018 02:08

He received an economic education at this university. It's like he never studied. I do not recommend this university in this area. The shell of the university is super, but in fact everything is not so bad. The dormitories are terrible, especially at 30 Grazhdansky Avenue. It would be time to close it long ago... it’s a shame you can’t attach photos here... in terms of the quality of education: most teachers don’t give a damn about everything except their salaries. The only thing is that they don’t take bribes. This is one of the few advantages.

Eugenia Naumova 10.29.2018 10:54

I would like to leave my review about the Department of PR and Public Relations. I graduated two years ago and, thanks to the professionalism and applied knowledge acquired during my studies, I was able to immediately find a job in my specialty. I won’t lie, the search process itself was quite long, but now I’m working in the company of my dreams! Young team, ambitious goals, everyone is passionate about their work. A pleasant bonus is the internships organized by the university itself; in two years I completed internships in 4 large companies and, having come to new job, I already knew all my functions and tasks as a PR specialist. I could easily manage SMM, organize marketing campaigns, send mailings, write official letters. All the subjects that seemed unimportant at university came in handy later.

Ruslan Gumerov 10/14/2018 20:42

Anonymous review 09.24.2018 16:28

Institute of Energy and Transport Systems

I have a polytechnic diploma, which helped me get a job with a salary of 35k. Real knowledge was provided by a pool of 4-5 teachers, three of whom were fired in the third year.

Now about how great it is to study at the Polytechnic University:

1. Psychological violence, rudeness, threats, insults from the administration, teaching staff, security, etc. are guaranteed. One of the members of our group committed suicide while studying at the Polytechnic; several of them suffered from various exacerbations and illnesses due to constant nerves. Many very smart guys dropped out of PSG because they saw no point in breaking their psyche.

2. Quality of education:

The vast majority of faculty will evaluate you based on personal preferences, always having the opportunity to fail you by asking a question outside training course. A small part will simply not care. The remaining 0.5–1% may teach you something, but you will forget it all due to constant mental pressure.

3. Diploma, employer's attitude.

Most likely, no one will look at your diploma except your supervisor. They didn’t even open mine at the defense. Ratings for thesis or the project will be lowered if the teachers don’t like you. They are ready to offer you a job, but for a very long time they will keep an eye on you and trust you with absolutely nothing.

If you are a debtor, then get ready for everything described, such as rudeness and insults in a portion increased several times. Sleepless nights, waiting for teachers for dozens of hours, hints of bribes included. Plus, some teachers allow themselves to smoke in the classroom and come to classes drunk (Serov), and take students to work at their dacha (hello, Guzev). And remember the rule that you should always act by: expect that no one will ever meet you halfway, no matter how trivial your request may be.

Anonymous review 09.22.2018 10:18

I am writing about the Institute of Computer Science and Technology. They recruit smart graduates with high scores, who could shine if the strictness of the teachers were at least slightly compensated by the attentive attitude of the dean. As a result, yesterday's excellent students are routinely given twos and threes, and, without being given a chance to improve, turning them into fools with low self-esteem, they are expelled from the institute from any course, including senior ones. Shchukin A.V., why do you hate your students? Or do you just not care about them?

Anonymous review 05/31/2018 02:17

One can argue for a long time regarding the humanities in universities such as the Polytechnic University. But the fact that this area is actively developing at the above-mentioned university will be quite difficult to refute. GI did not live up to my expectations - he exceeded them. Support intellectual activity students not only within class hours, but also outside the educational institution. Qualified teachers (mostly specialists with extensive experience in the field) not only spend valuable hours in a relevant and interesting way educational program, but they will always help to understand complex issues, contributing in every possible way to the development of students in the profession. areas. On the background specialized universities city, the Polytechnic Institute is distinguished by the fact that it does not stand still and develops, great attention is paid to students, the institute and the department support initiatives and always guide them in the right direction.

Anonymous review 05/30/2018 15:22

And I am grateful to the RSO department for a lot! Of course, those who did nothing are now crying. I can tell you about myself and how I see the situation. Decent knowledge is provided, practical teachers often come, such meetings are very important for us, as future PR specialists. We are often sent to conferences, and now one of my classmates is going to Barcelona for a summer internship, also at the expense of the department. I think this is just a super opportunity and it’s great that the department supports worthy guys in this way. Of course, we also have those who can’t walk well and then whine that they can’t find a job. But I believe that you just need to be able to take the knowledge that is given here to the fullest.

Svetlana Kazaryan 08.08.2017 16:42

I am writing my review so that 2018 applicants, before submitting documents to Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, will think twice or be patient and persevering. The admissions committee is for any applicant, as a person of an educational institution, since any university begins with the admissions committee. This year, when submitting documents to the named university, we encountered an unpleasant situation. My son was unable to fly to St. Petersburg (we are from out of town) to submit documents for admission due to some circumstances. Therefore, we duly issued a notarized power of attorney for his older sister, who lives in St. Petersburg. My girl came to this selection committee, and a wave of rudeness hit her. Unfortunately, this cannot be called in other words. The following comments were made: “Your brother is lying on his belly at home, and you’re worried about him here,” “you won’t pass with those scores, which is what you hope for,” “and if you do pass, you’ll be eliminated in the first session,” etc. . d. And all this came from the lips not of young people, but of a woman of about fifty (unfortunately, the daughter did not notice her last name on the badge). Then I called the phone number of the executive secretary of the admissions committee and asked the name of this ill-mannered person, but he did not give it to me. This is the face of the Prestigious University. Surely this embittered, unknown lady works there as a teacher. And I can imagine how unhappy her students are.

Anonymous review 07/09/2017 12:21

I was not too lazy to register to leave my review here.

DO NOT APPLY TO THE POLYTECH as an ECONOMIST. I entered the trade and economics department, which was annexed to the Polytechnic a couple of years later. And then the bureaucratic chaos began.

To get some kind of certificate, you have to wait a lot of time, we were able to get a diploma a MONTH after defending the thesis, without having time to get to entrance exams for a master's degree at another university.

The teachers, who come from a trading background, are excellent people (with the exception of two twins. As teachers they are smart, as people they are so-so, their behavior solely depends on their mood and personal attitude towards students; in our memory there are situations when really smart children were brought down).

Teachers from the Polytechnic University - dear mother. This is real backhand work. No knowledge, no interesting lectures, nothing. Do you think it’s okay to say in the first class: “Well, there will be a test during the exam, I allow you to use phones.”

Absolutely stupid requirements for registration of VKR on A5 format and so on.

As for admission to the Polytechnic master's program, everyone knows that Polytechnic bachelor's students have answers to tests; all "newcomers" will not even be allowed to write off. economic education definitely not here, believe me.

We regret the dissolution of the University of Trade and Economics.

Arina Nikolaeva 06.28.2017 18:35

A good choice for those who want to learn, and not just attend lectures and receive automatic grades. Yes, there are disadvantages, like everywhere else, the main problem is with the dormitories, not everyone is settled in right away, my friend at first in her 1st year rented an apartment with other guys who were not accommodated, but this matter only lasted a month, then everyone was successfully resettled. I don’t know how it is in other universities, but I can assume that this is a widespread problem:((But the polytechnic has excellent dorms, quite comfortable for life. What can I say about the most important thing - education, I repeat once again, you need to study. I am studying linguistics, I plan to become a translator. Yes, the grades are different, but they are well-deserved, you know, I’ll get a 5. After finishing my bachelor’s degree, I’ll study here, at the master’s level. I’m more than satisfied with the quality of knowledge. Thank you!

Roman Osipov 06.28.2017 14:12

Anonymous review 06/28/2017 11:56

I am studying Linguistics at the State Institute of Art and I am very pleased with my choice! For me, Polytechnic (and the Humanitarian Institute in particular) is a high level of education and highly qualified teachers. I have repeatedly heard stories from my classmates about how they want to finish university as quickly as possible, but for me it’s the opposite. I like to study, and the teachers always present the material in a very interesting way. Yes, homework a lot, but how could it be otherwise, because what is given in class always needs to be reinforced again. I spend my time studying without regret, because it is an investment in my future. Of course, you can do nothing and enjoy freedom, but you always need to think about what will happen next. I am confident in my future that I will be able to find an interesting job to my liking, because specialists with knowledge of the language are now in demand everywhere. Last year I went to Spain for a semester, it was great! By the way, it was our Humanitarian Institute that helped with the trip. Now I’m actively studying Spanish, I want to try and go for an internship later. By the way, a huge THANK YOU to our Spanish teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna Ptitsina for interesting classes and my success in learning the language!

Anonymous review 06/03/2017 16:31

If you want to enroll in the direction of Linguistics, then I do not recommend you do this unless you want to ruin your life. A terrible training program mixed with disciplines that are useless for the profession, there is no choice of language (that is, whatever you come across is what you will study), incompetent teachers who treat students with disdain, do not give lectures at all, and then assign a bunch of assignments self-study, also, you will not be able to choose which department you will study at (translator or teacher), simply no one will ask you what you want. The price rises by 5-7 thousand every year. It is extremely difficult to pass exams with 4 out of 5 if you are not an excellent student. I would especially like to mention the teacher O. Kolonitskaya - I have never met a more unbalanced person. DON'T GO TO POLITICS, DON'T RUIN YOUR LIFE!

Anonymous review 05/03/2017 17:35

I can say with confidence that getting here is not without difficulty. I also study at the Institute of Civil Engineering, the best place according to many magazines and other things... But not when you are a student. The management doesn't care about the students at all; there is no interest in the students. But how much attention is paid to applicants, the more they come in, the more funding, and after expulsion you can even leave a little money. “Students are like grass, the more often you mow it, the better it grows” - this is exactly the motto of ISI. Indeed, if you look at the number of students, then after each test week 10% of the entire stream is expelled, and after the session another 2-5%. A very advanced university in terms of new technologies, which is why students not only study on computers, but also complete 80% of the educational program at home, all certifications and homework are also via the Internet. Is this convenient, you say? Partially. When it comes to oral subjects, the entire study of texts, materials and passing tests takes place remotely, while in various seminars you will understand a small grain of what you should have mastered. In general, the program is compressed 4 times, for example, from 48 hours of lectures on theoretical mechanics There are only 12 left, and there are no lectures on history at all.

For good education You don’t have to study at a polytechnic, it’s just a popular university where not everyone can find a place. I devote all my time to studying, all my expectations of an interesting student life have not been fulfilled... And whoever starts having fun and having fun, gets stuck in debt and falls under the next wave of expulsions.

Anonymous review 03/28/2017 16:02

I study at the Department of Linguodidactics and Translation. I can say with confidence that the university fully met my expectations. Excellent teaching staff, I especially enjoy attending classes by M.N. Sosnina. a true professional in his field! The most important thing for me is that the institute provides the opportunity to practice; it’s great to test your language skills in a work situation. Well, I would also like to separately mention the various international programs, especially for a linguistics student. I hope that next semester I will be able to go to Spain. I recommend our institute and field of study to all applicants) I wish you success and the right choice!

Anonymous review 02/06/2017 12:58

Although I myself am a foreigner, I still wanted to talk a little about the truth about the Department of International Relations at the Humanitarian Institute. I studied here as a student exchange student from my Chinese university for one semester. Eight other people came with me. A separate group with in-depth knowledge of the Russian language was specially organized for us, English language and Russian culture. And at lectures on history and sociology we always went together with Russian students. Basically, the classes were taught by teachers, almost all doctors and candidates of science, they take care of us and often ask how life is in the hostel and what problems we have with our studies, etc. Here we accidentally met some of our guys, who are also from China; they are studying bachelor's and master's degrees in this department. Many of them have been living in Russia for several years, all are very happy with their studies and student life at the Polytechnic University. Just a few days ago we completed our internship, we were awarded certificates, and even given books. I just want to say, everything was wonderful studying in St. Petersburg and at the Polytechnic University! I would recommend this department to those who want to study abroad, especially in Russia.

Anonymous review 12/21/2016 15:35

If I had known when I was admitted that everything was so bad, I would never have entered here!

There is such a department in this “university” called the Humanitarian Institute. So...never go there!!! Department International relationships- this is just a rabble of flawed teachers who agree to small salaries! There are just one or two competent teachers! Even the head of the department himself, S.N. Pogodin, although a fairly good-natured and pleasant person, is a freeloader! There were no classes during the semester due to corporate events! Do you think this is serious? Parents pay 140 thousand every year just like that, but there is almost no knowledge in their heads as such. I would also like to mention the teachers of foreign languages, in particular German. Grades are given for attendance, not for knowledge, and also simply out of bias. Teacher Bogdanova N.V. absolutely discourages the desire to learn the language, and her classes are a waste of time, and therefore there is no point in even coming to her. The most incompetent teacher.

Dear students, think carefully before enrolling here!

Anonymous review 06/28/2016 17:39

All liked it. Entered the specialization: "Technological machines and equipment, IMMiT." We were greeted well, everything was explained, shown, very quickly and uncomplicated. I don’t regret choosing this specialty. There were no problems with work, there were enough offers, I even had to choose. During the training process, we were given mainly the knowledge that is simply necessary now during work. Only pleasant memories remain.

Vasilisa Sudarikova 01/29/2015 17:53

1) The admissions committee and the dean’s office do not know how to fill out grade books correctly.

2) There are a lot of buildings, there’s no way to figure them out, they are all very old, not beautiful, and it’s very cold in them in winter.

3) There are cigarette butts everywhere in the park.

4) Unorganized activities of the admissions committee (we stood in line for 3 hours, as if for bread in the USSR with coupons)

5) In building No. 9 of the metro station, Courage Square, there is a disgusting women’s toilet, there are 3 stalls and you can’t take a shit in peace!!!

6) There are no normal teachers! (ITU IBKS)

There is only one normal lecturer: Popov B.P. (physics).

Anonymous review 03/12/2014 14:34

these are the teachers at this university Ksenya Usanova - http://smages.com/images/12345dxd.jpg

Who is responsible for their morality? and what does it teach? I saw I fell into a stupor, it’s difficult to call her a teacher, completely different expressions come to mind. and just try to giggle, smile, or neigh inadvertently. you will never be able to pass her class. just go off course. and you can't do anything. will be expelled for poor performance.

Anonymous review 07/06/2013 19:14

I just finished school and am now applying. It took me a long time to decide where to apply. I looked on the Internet - polytechnic is considered prestigious. So I took the copies there. At the beginning they accepted me well, but when they found out that I had already given the originals to another university, one teacher who was on the admissions committee was ready to throw me and my documents out to hell. He shouted at me, was furious, and generally showed himself not in the best light. Naturally, I left the documents, although I suggested that he change the laws)) In general, this Platon Karasev was furious) This, of course, was remembered most of all))

From the first impression there was only one plus - the university building itself: old, steeped in history. I love this) Well, it’s not far from the metro)

Anonymous review 06/14/2013 22:56

Unfortunately, I graduated from another university. Then at work I talked a lot with graduates technical specialties Polytechnic and realized how strong and diverse the education they provide. In addition, they excitedly told me about their student life, invited me to skit parties, New Year's parties.... Therefore, when choosing a graduate school, there was only one answer for me - Polytechnic!! I have never regretted this in these three years.

Anonymous review 06/10/2013 14:52

An excellent university, close to the metro and a wonderful park. All classes on one campus - no need to travel across town from lecture to lecture. Walking distance (5-20 min) to hostels, sports town and military department finally confirmed my choice.

Vasily (Norilsk)

Leonid Tsymbulov 06/10/2013 13:48

He graduated from the Polytechnic University with a degree in Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals (FizMet, FTIM, now IMMiT) more than 20 years ago.

He worked at the Kola metallurgical enterprises, now one of the leading specialists at the Gipronickel Institute.

I always had the warmest memories about the University, and the choice of specialty, as it turned out, was very successful. Now the popularity of the specialty is gaining momentum since the State has been educating bankers and lawyers for many years, the result is a shortage of technical intelligentsia both in research institutes And design institutions, and in production. At almost any metallurgical enterprise in the country (Norilsk, the Urals, and our North-West) there is a severe shortage of engineering personnel.

I wish you success!

Evgenia Vasilyeva 06/10/2013 13:23

Since childhood, have you dreamed of the romance of metallurgical production with its sparks, drops of molten metal and temperatures not inferior to the tropics? Or have you always wanted to sit quietly in the laboratory and work on precious alloys? Or maybe you are simply looking for your future specialty, which will not limit you to rigid boundaries, but, on the contrary, will provide the broadest employment opportunities upon completion of your studies? Then you need to come to us! Flower beds! :-)


The main thing is don’t be scared! You are not the first, you are not the last! Is anyone involved in non-ferrous metallurgy in our country? And it’s unlikely that many of them dreamed of this since childhood. And if you have no idea what will be discussed, that’s okay too. This is what they come to us for - to learn a new, perhaps unusual for you, but very, very interesting profession! It’s interesting here even for those who don’t understand a damn thing.))) But if you have a head on your shoulders, it will be even more interesting for you! Forget about school C grades in chemistry and physics - this is not an obstacle, because higher education is a different level and has nothing in common with school (after all, everything is explained almost from the very beginning anyway). I repeat, the main plus is the prospects! Our specialty is broad and has many areas. It is possible to work both in production and in the laboratory, or theoretically - in a cozy office! And note, even during the crisis, non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises still remained afloat and are in need of new personnel. A graduate with a diploma from SUCH a university in SUCH a specialty is in demand in almost any industry and in many private firms, as he has knowledge in all major engineering and technical fields.

Evgenia Pivovarova 05/19/2013 17:25

I entered a university in Kazakhstan (while studying in the 11th grade) using the funds of an on-site admissions committee, having previously passed special training courses. It was possible for everyone to enter: those who did not have enough knowledge were admitted for money, those who had enough knowledge were admitted for a sufficient number of points scored. There were many technical specialties budget places, but for the humanities - one for each specialty and they were immediately bought by parents of children with good financial resources. Therefore, I entered the Faculty of Humanities on a paid basis. In the city of St. Petersburg, the university is quite popular and has a good reputation for getting a job with a diploma from this university.

Today, 30,197 students are studying at the university. I studied in the specialty "Organization Management". There were about 30 students in the group on a paid basis, but in the group on a budget basis there were 10-12 people. When both groups were combined at lectures, it was not always easy to perceive the information due to the large number of people and noise. Groups were not combined at the seminars. It was impossible to transfer from a paid basis to a budget one, even with straight A's a year. The dean of the faculty asked for an incredible amount of money for the transfer....

In general, the organization of the process at the university was normal. The teachers are good, the training was a solid B. I can’t say anything about purchasing tests and exams; I haven’t used it myself. But taking into account the purchase of budget places, I think that it was possible to come to an agreement with certain teachers........

The university has student life - a trade union, labor summer camps etc. I myself only went on excursions from the trade union a couple of times. Leningrad region and to Veliky Novgorod.

Separately, I would like to say about the university dormitories, since I lived in a dormitory: for the period 2001-2006, the dormitories on Lesnoy Prospekt were in terrible condition, I lived in a house built in 1932, on the 5th floor, which I did not reach hot water never, it was only on the second floor, a shower in the dormitory appeared only in 2008. There was constant dirt, which was caused by the students themselves. True, the rooms were large, after renovation and for 3 people. Maybe now in terms of dormitories something has changed for the better.

After graduating from a university in my specialty, I do not work and I don’t think I will work. But the diploma was useful to me business card to get a good job.

I can recommend the university to future students of technical specialties. Since the university is strong in technical specialties. The humanities are just additional income that cannot be obtained from technical specialties. Humanities scholars have a direct route to universities that are completely and initially based on humanities specialties.

Anonymous review 05/12/2013 18:14

IN this moment I study at St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University in the evening department, majoring in State. and municipal government. I am a paid student because there was a very big competition and even with fairly good scores it was difficult to get in. We have 2 groups of 15 people in our stream, but all our couples go through together. Student life is very interesting, they hold various competitions all the time, organize some trips, but due to the fact that I work during the day, I, unfortunately, do not have time for all this entertainment. Teachers are quite tolerant of absences from evening classes; the main thing is to submit all assignments on time. I have never met such teachers who take bribes, although a couple of times I would not mind “paying” for the exam when it was very difficult. Studying, of course, is not entirely easy, you have to make a little effort, but this is in the evening. I know that in the daytime everything is much stricter, many even transfer to us. I don’t know yet whether I will work in my specialty, because so far (I’m finishing my 3rd year) we didn’t even have any particularly specialized subjects.

Nadezhda Borisova 04/27/2013 14:35

I entered after graduating from the Polytechnic Engineering School at St. Petersburg State University of Economics with honors as an accountant. Since I got married and was expecting a baby, it was very important for me what was needed for admission, what exams to take and for how many years. When I came to submit documents, I was very happy: after technical school they accepted me without passing any exams, for a shortened distance learning(3.5 years), although it turned out that a diploma with honors has no meaning at all and does not provide any special admission or benefits. The specialty “Finance and Credit” attracted me. I decided to move into the banking sector. The university is very popular and is considered one of the best. The teachers are competent and friendly, they were cooperative in many ways, the main thing is to submit everything on time or with a slight delay, the main thing is to complete everything before the end of the last course and of course attend classes)) We studied our stream, in it there were 4 groups of about 25-30 people each. We sat in huge auditoriums and a particularly large number of people did not bother us. At the University, the most diverse and interesting things are done and offered to students. These include various concerts, exhibitions, trips, excursions, hikes and trips to nature and abroad, seminars and volunteer movements. Every time I pass by the stands I study them with interest, although I myself am in them I can’t participate due to lack of time with a small child. Fortunately or unfortunately, after the birth of a child, I wanted to pay for at least one session, so as not to go to college, but I was told that there is no such thing and cannot be purchased, although I contacted the person who, in theory, would be responsible for this. I think that is very good. , which means our education is moving towards right side. Now I work at Sberbank, I just returned from maternity leave, I’m finishing my last course. I’m gaining experience, because I can’t live without it. I plan to continue working in my specialty, maybe even more deeply.