They were accepted to go to college. Stop thinking college is for losers! Preparing for entrance exams

After 9th grade, every student is faced with a choice: continue studying at school or go to college. Most people hesitate for a long time to make a decision, since it directly determines them future fate. However, today many graduates prefer college, since this form of education makes it possible to obtain secondary vocational education in just three years. In addition, college graduates can enter universities and study there under an accelerated program. So how to go to college after 9th grade and what is needed for this?

Exams for admission

Admission to college after 9th grade requires passing certain exams. Since 2004, new examination tests have been introduced in all schools in the form of the State Final Attestation (SFA). This exam is mandatory for all ninth-graders and serves as the main criterion for passing to the 10th grade or for admission to colleges and technical schools. Since 2014, the certification has been renamed the main one State exam(), but the essence of the test remained the same.

Admission to college without the OGE is impossible. The certification consists of four exams, including two compulsory subjects, such as mathematics and Russian language, and two disciplines at the discretion of the student. Pupils of 9th grade whose annual grades in all disciplines have a mark of at least three are allowed to take the OGE. If a student has a bad grade in one of the disciplines, he also has the right to take the exam on the condition that he will take this particular subject. In addition, students from previous years who did not receive a certificate are allowed to take the OGE.

Is it possible to go to college with unsatisfactory scores? OGE results? This is not possible, but if you received negative marks on the exam, you have the opportunity replay certification within a certain time frame. If you fail to retake the exams, you will be asked to retake the test only for the next year.

Some colleges may require additional entrance tests to be taken at the educational institution itself. Therefore, when choosing a future place of study, be sure to check all the information on exams.

What documents are needed

Any applicant must take a responsible approach to the preparation of basic documentation for submitting an application, since untimely submission of documents admissions committee may ruin any chance of admission. So, what do you need to get into college:

As a rule, graduates receive a medical certificate while still at school when undergoing medical examination. Such a document can also be issued in special medical institutions after conducting the necessary examination and identifying the absence of contraindications in the chosen specialty.

It is worth considering that some educational institutions may require additional documents for admission to college. Therefore, check all the documentation information in advance with the help desk of the institution you have chosen.

Applying to Multiple Colleges

How to get into college for sure? To do this, it is recommended to submit an application to several institutions at once. To date, there are no restrictions on the number of applications submitted. And this gives applicants additional advantages. First, the chances of being accepted into one of the educational institutions increase; secondly, if the results are successful, future students have the opportunity to choose between best colleges cities.

There are cases when an applicant cannot decide on future profession and applies to multiple majors. As a rule, the decisive choice here is the direction in which the applicant shows his best results. The absence of restrictions on the number of applications is an excellent safety net for future students. By submitting documents simultaneously to several admissions committees, the applicant can be calm about his future.

If you decide to apply to a variety of institutions, check in advance what is required for admission to the college, also find out the opening dates of the admissions committees and prepare several identical documentation folders. Often the application deadlines for different colleges are the same, and in order to have time to apply to all educational institutions, be prepared from start to finish.

Duration of training

Duration educational process at colleges may vary depending on your preferred major. Thus, economic students undergo training for three years, technical students from three to four years, and humanitarian students for up to five years.

Moreover, the duration of training often depends on the training levels you choose. If you decide to gain basic knowledge in your specialty, then the duration of training will not be more than 2-3 years. If you intend to undergo a more in-depth program, then the period of study is increased by at least a year.

A clear advantage of studying in college is the possibility of subsequent admission to a university in your specialty. At the same time, you do not have to go through the first year: having assessed your knowledge and experience, the commission may enroll you directly in the second or even third year of the university. Thus, when you graduate from university, you will have two diplomas at once, and this is a very worthy advantage that will allow you to find a more prestigious job.

Admission to technical school and vocational school

These may be a good alternative to college: educational institutions, as a technical school and vocational school. Admission to these institutions is also possible after 9th grade.

What is the difference between a technical school and a vocational school? The technical school provides secondary technical education, which differs best level preparation. Vocational school - educational institution, which involves vocational education and offers a choice of simple working specialties.

Employers give preference to people who have graduated from technical schools rather than from vocational schools. However, the advantages of schools are the low cost of training and the rapid development of a particular profession. Technical schools provide their students with broad theoretical knowledge, while vocational schools emphasize practice. The conditions for admission to both institutions are no different.

If you want to enroll in a technical school or vocational school, then you need to present the same documents to the admissions committee as when applying to college. You may need to take an additional test in a core subject, but this practice is quite a rare event. After release from data educational institutions students have a chance to enter a university and master their profession more deeply.

Most high school students strive to enter universities. However this is not the only way continue their education after school: graduates of grades 9 and 11 are also welcome in colleges and technical schools. In addition, not for every graduate higher education- this is the best choice. Here are some tips for those planning to go to college but don't know where to start.

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1. Decide on a specialty

Perhaps this is the most difficult thing - to decide on your future specialty and profession. If you can’t do this on your own, you rush from one option to another, then seek advice from adults or friends. However, you should not blindly follow the recommendations of others; first of all, listen to yourself. Besides, good way check which profession is right for you - this is.

2. Find the right college

Let's assume the specialty is decided. All that remains is where it can be mastered. Here it is worth keeping in mind that some specialties are accepted only on the basis of 11 classes. In addition, in colleges you will not find such specialties as “Law”, “Economics”, “Management”, “Psychology” or “Linguistics”. But you will find many other equally interesting specialties and professions.

3. Submit an application and documents

Unlike university applicants, who can submit 3 applications to 5 different universities, college and technical school applicants do not have any legislative restrictions. They can be limited only by their own desire, capabilities and energy. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance several identical sets of documents that are required for admission.

To avoid missing deadlines for submitting documents, please read with the main dates of the admission campaign in college. Acceptance of documents to colleges begins on the twentieth of June.

4. Documents for admission to college

To enroll in college, you must bring copies or originals of your passport, certificate, and 4 3x4 cm photographs to the admissions office. You may also be required to undergo a medical examination and provide the appropriate certificate. If a college applicant has limited opportunities health or disability, it would also be a good idea to provide the relevant documents. Applicants in this category can enter the college without competition.

5. Exams for admission

There are about 40 secondary specialties vocational education, for admission to which you must pass tests of a creative or professional orientation.

The results of the OGE (GVE) are not considered for admission to colleges; the selection of students for the first year of the budget department is made based on the average score of the certificate. However, other things being equal, the admissions committee will pay attention to the OGE scores in specialized subjects. Therefore, passing the OGE in suitable disciplines will still not be superfluous. For example, OGE in biology for admission to Medical College, in physics - for admission to technical specialties, in social studies - for admission to humanitarian or pedagogical specialties.

6. Accommodation in a student dormitory

If you are going to college in another city, you will most likely need a place in a student dormitory. This must be reported at the stage of admission to the college by submitting an appropriate application.

During the period of passing entrance examinations, the college can also provide applicants with a dormitory.

7. Don’t miss the moment of enrollment

When all the exams have been passed and the application has been submitted, all that remains is to wait for the day of enrollment. You should look for your last name in the lists of those enrolled on the college website or at the stands of the admissions committee. Some colleges send emails or SMSs to their applicants informing them that they have been recommended for admission. After this, you must bring the original documents to the college or technical school (if you brought copies) and sign Required documents.

Those admitted to commercial departments must pay tuition fees.

Every ninth-grader faces the question: should he go to college after 9th grade or continue his studies at school? In order to decide and make a decision, we recommend the following.

Weigh all the pros and cons

Someone divides a piece of paper in two and writes down all the pros and cons. Others, when choosing a college or 10th grade, weigh the arguments in their minds. A great many arguments can accumulate, and everyone has their own. We will touch only on the most significant ones.

You have nothing to lose!

When answering the question whether it is worth leaving school after 9th grade, we will immediately make a disclaimer: you do not quit studying! Having decided to enroll in a college or technical school, you only complete your studies directly within the walls of the school in order to continue it in a professionally oriented educational institution.

You have the opportunity to start an independent life and career before your peers!

You will have a diploma of secondary vocational education in your hands when your peers have just completed their first year at the institute. You will be a certified specialist, while your classmates will be students! This means that you have a real chance to start a professional career much earlier than those who continued their studies at school after 9th grade.

More chances to get into university!

When choosing a college or 10th grade, many schoolchildren are confident that having received a certificate of secondary (complete) education, they will most likely enter universities. Unfortunately, 11th grade does not guarantee admission to higher education institutions. Moreover, given equal conditions, the admissions committee is more likely to give preference to someone who enters the institute after college.

...and get a higher education in just 3 years!

Those who decide to go to college after 9th grade and then get a higher education have the opportunity to graduate from university in a shortened time. Thus, graduates of the Law College of the Russian state university justice receive higher economic or legal education in a shortened time - in just 3 years! Upon completion of your studies, you will have two diplomas in your hands: secondary vocational education and higher education. And if, in parallel with your main studies, you completed a correspondence program at the University of London, then you are a real world-class specialist with diplomas from prestigious Russian and famous Western universities! This is your competitive advantage.

You can combine work and study

Perhaps many will now argue that every student can combine work and study. And we will agree with you. But for now some are studying in law school and earn extra money, for example, as waiters in a restaurant (we in no way diminish the importance of this profession, pointing out only to its non-core nature for a future lawyer or economist), others, who have a college diploma in hand, are already beginning to build a professional career. Our college graduates successfully work in government agencies state power, the legal profession, well-known Russian and even global companies.

The Most Ridiculous Reasons to Not Go to College

When considering whether to go to college after 9th grade, schoolchildren often justify their categorical “no, it’s not worth it” with completely ridiculous excuses, including the following:

“College or 10th grade? Of course, school! But what about the prom, which should be remembered for a lifetime?!

Firstly, graduation is held after 9th grade. Secondly, college graduation is no less bright and memorable! And thirdly, there can be as many graduations as you like in your life. After graduating from college, many will also have to graduate from a university after receiving higher education.

“After 9th grade, only those whose performance in school is poor go to college.”

Just a far-fetched stereotype! Today, a huge number of excellent and good students enter colleges and technical schools who have been able to appreciate the promise of secondary vocational education. Nowadays, those who started mastering a profession earlier are in demand on the labor market.

“Completing 11th grade is prestigious! After all, then you can immediately enter a university.”

The issue of such prestige is highly controversial. Colleges train specialists in specific (and quite in-demand) fields, while schools provide only secondary, non-vocational education. And you can get a higher education after college in a shorter period of time.

Are you still wondering after what grade is it better to leave school? Come for the Day open doors College of the Russian State University of Justice and learn even more about the benefits!

In anticipation passing the Unified State Exam in schools, applicants are beginning to actively choose a college or technical school for further admission.

The main question that arises is: “How to enter a college or technical school in Moscow, St. Petersburg and others major cities Russia?

It is worth noting that all the rules for admission to institutions of secondary vocational education are established by a document called “Procedure for admission to secondary educational institutions of the Russian Federation.”

So, Step#1: Which college should I go to in Moscow or any other city?

You need one that suits you in all respects. There can be a great variety of such parameters: the opportunity to study on a budgetary basis, entrance examinations, specialties and others.

Step No. 2: Familiarization with the admission rules

Each college draws up its own admission rules in accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Education. However, the rules for admission to one college may differ significantly from the rules for admission to another college or technical school.

In this regard, when choosing an educational institution, you should always carefully read the admission rules, where you can clarify the deadlines for submitting documents, the deadlines for entrance examinations, the deadlines for announcing results, the deadlines for enrollment, etc.

Step No. 3: Prepare documents for submission to the admissions committee

After reading the admission rules, prepare everything. Take care of this in advance, because... this process tends to drag on.

Step No. 4: Preparing for entrance examinations

All kinds of and other preparation methods can be an assistant here.

Step No. 5: Submitting documents to the admissions committee of a college or technical school

When submitting documents, please note that you must be given a “receipt”. A receipt is evidence that the educational institution has accepted the necessary documents from you and they are stored in this educational institution.

Please note that some colleges require the presence of an official representative of the applicant when submitting documents.

Step #6: Entrance exams for admission to college or technical school

According to the admission procedure, colleges and technical schools have the right to enroll students on the basis of entrance tests in established subjects with a positive result, the results of the State Final Certification conducted at the school, and the results if the student passed one. For some specialties creative direction, institutions of secondary vocational education conduct additional entrance tests (for example, “Drawing”)

IN Lately, admission to college without exams is increasingly being promoted.

Step #7: Waiting for the results to be announced and enrollment

After passing the entrance examination(if they were carried out) we expect the results to be announced. Whenobtaining a positive result on entrance examinations, you must wait for the release of the order to enroll in the number of students of the educational institution.

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