Presentation on the topic of what physics studies. Presentation “What physics studies. Physical phenomena. Observations and experiments. Connection of physics with other sciences. water. He thought that now

Every schoolchild is now familiar with the truths for which Archimedes would give his life.

Joseph Ernest Renan

What does physics study?


(384 BC – 322 BC)

Physics got its name from...

from the Greek word physis - nature.

First time I used it

ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle.

guess a riddle

He will tell everyone

Although without a tongue,

When it's clear

And when there are clouds.

Two sisters were rocking

They sought the truth

And when we achieved it,

Then they stopped.

What can't you pick up from the ground?

Nobody saw him

And to hear - everyone has heard,

Without a body, but it lives,

Without a tongue, he screams.

First - shine

Behind the shine is a crackling sound,

Behind the crackling is a splash.



Scientists - physicists

  • Natural phenomena Physics problem
The study of simple phenomena allows us to discover general laws according to which various physical phenomena occur.
  • Substance and matter Observations and experiments
  • Most physical knowledge is obtained by people from their own observations. To study a phenomenon, it is necessary to observe it, and, if possible, more than once.
  • To study such a phenomenon as the fall of bodies to the Earth, it is not enough to see how a particular body falls once. It is necessary to find out whether there will be a difference in the fall of a light and heavy body, whether bodies of different sizes fall equally from different heights. This can be learned by observing various cases of falling bodies many times.
To do this, they take different bodies and make them fall. Thus, they cause the phenomenon of falling bodies, in other words, they conduct an experiment. During experiments, measurements are usually performed.


GALILEO Galileo (1564-1642), Italian

scientist, one of the founders of precision

natural sciences. Fought against scholasticism, considered experience to be the basis of knowledge. He laid the foundations of modern mechanics: he put forward the idea of ​​the relativity of motion, established the laws of inertia, free fall and the movement of bodies along, addition movements; discovered the isochronism of pendulum oscillations; was the first to study the strength of beams. Built a telescope with 32x magnification. He actively defended the heliocentric system of the world, for which he was subjected to trial by the Inquisition (1633), which forced him to renounce the teachings of N. Copernicus.


ARCHIMEDES (about 287 BC - 212 BC),

ancient Greek scientist, mathematician and

mechanic, founder of theoretical

mechanics and hydrostatics. Archimedes owns many technical inventions(Archimedes screw, determination of the composition of alloys by weighing in water, systems for lifting large weights, military throwing machines).

In physics, Archimedes introduced the concept of the center of gravity, established scientific principles statics and hydrostatics. The famous law is formulated in the treatise “On Floating Bodies”.

Workbook for a 7________ grade student to study the topic “Introduction.”

Lesson No. 1 “What physics studies. Observations and experiments."

Physics is a science _________________________________________________

biology _______________ ______________ _____________




Give an example:

What substances do the following physical bodies consist of:

Ruler _________________, dew drop ____________________,

Cup __________________.

Physical phenomena-_____________________________________________

Examples of phenomena:

Name the word for the physical body.

A. Notebook. B. Paper. To the air. G. Water.

Name a word that denotes a physical phenomenon.

A. Aluminum. B. Spoon. V. Second. G. Boiling

How are phenomena studied?

Measurements hypothesis conclusions

Frontal experience

Transferring liquid from one container to another.

Purpose of experience : find a way to transfer liquid from one vessel to another without touching these vessels.

Devices and materials: a vessel with water, an empty vessel (with a smaller capacity) and a glass tube.

Exercise : transfer water from one vessel to another without touching them.

Lesson No. 2 “Physical quantities. Measurement physical quantities. Accuracy and error of measurements."

What does it mean to measure a physical quantity?_________________________________


height weight ____________ ______________

International System of Units SI

Basic units

Length - __________ (1 m)

Time -_____________ (1 s)

Weight - ______________ (1 kg)

Physical device_____________________________________________


In order to determine the division price, you must:





Determine the division price of the following devices:

CD=____________________ CD=________________________________

CD=_____________________ CD= ______________________________


Determine the division price:

1. ___________________________

1. 2. ___________________________



In physics, the inaccuracy allowed in a measurement is called ________________________________________________________________

The __________ the division value, the ___________ accuracy of measurement.

Record the side length taking into account the measurement error._____________________________________________

Lesson No. 3 Laboratory work No. 1 “Determination of the division price of a measuring instrument.”

Goals : learn to handle physical equipment and measure the volume of liquid.

Devices and materials: beaker, glass, flask, colored water



Conclusions: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Additional task

  1. What multiplier do the prefixes mega-, centi-, deci- mean?


  1. Write in standard form: 100; 6400000; 0.00032.





M.V. Lomonosov

What does physics study?

special words used in physics for brevity, specificity and convenience. Physical body Substance Matter Physical phenomena Physical quantity Physical device Physical terms

Matter is everything that exists in the Universe regardless of our consciousness ( celestial bodies, plants, animals, etc.) Physical phenomena are changes that occur with physical bodies. The physical body is every object around us. Matter is everything that physical bodies are made of. Physical quantities are measurable properties of bodies or phenomena. Physical instruments are special devices that are designed to measure physical quantities and conduct experiments.

MATTER means everything that exists in the Universe. Substance is what the surrounding bodies are made of. Field - special kind matter other than matter

Mechanical phenomena Electrical phenomena Magnetic phenomena Optical phenomena Acoustic phenomena Thermal phenomena Atomic phenomena Physical phenomena

A physical body is any of the surrounding bodies: a drop of water, a notebook, a school, a bird, a grain of sand, etc. Physical bodies can have a certain form and occupy a certain volume of a body of the same shape, but different volumes. Bodies of different shapes, but the same volume

Sources of physical knowledge observations experiments

Match phenomenon substance body movement Sound of telephone Candle burning glass Spruce Iron toy Planet

1. What does physics study? 2. Why does physics help man take a dominant position among living organisms? 3. How do physics and technology interact? 4. Is the statement true: “Physics is the foundation, the basis of all natural sciences?” 5. Which are the most common? physical concepts did you meet in this lesson? Answer the questions:

Homework §§ 1–3 L: No. 12 bring notebooks 12 or 18 sheets: for tests in physics for laboratory work in physics

1 . A.V. Peryshkin “Physics 7th grade” Bustard, 2010 2. Lukashik V.I. Collection of questions and tasks M. Prosveshchenie 2009 Pictures Portraits of scientists Video Literature and Internet resources


« What physics studies. Physical phenomena. Observations and experiments. Connection of physics with other sciences »

7th grade

Altukhova Valentina Nikolaevna

Physics teacherSchool No. 3

Kirovskoe, 2017

Lesson 1 / 1What does physics study? . Physical phenomena. Observations and experiments. Connection of physics with other sciences.

Learning Objective: will be of interestAndfor children, a new science for them - physics; talk about its origin and development; V general outline familiarize students with what physics studies and with some physical concepts: physical body, matter, phenomenon, begin the formation of skillsIcarry out physical experiments.

Developmental goal: create conditions for the development of cognitive interest in the subject, analytical skills educational material, to develop students’ ability to work in small groups,

Educational purpose: introduce students to the structure of a physics textbook; hold a conversation about caring for the book, draw students’ attention to strict adherence to safety rules in the physics classroom to preserve both their own health and the health of those around them.

Technical means training, visual aids

New concepts

1. Computer, projector, screen,presentationI"Physics - the science of nature"

Students should give examples : physical phenomena and processes

Students should formulate: definitions of physics, matter, physical body

Students must adhere to: safety rules in the physical office

New concepts: physical body, substance, physical phenomenon

Interdisciplinary connections

Educational literature

Natural history, geography, zoology, mathematics, history

Tasks for independent work

Examples of physical phenomena: a ball rolling down an inclined plane, an electric spark

Magnetic attraction of iron filings

Attraction and repulsion of magnets

Demonstration of the hysteresis loop

Electrification of bodies by friction, paper plumes.

Rotation of a paper snake in hot air streams



Electrophore machine

Presentation “Physics - the science of nature”

2 magnets, a sheet of cardboard, glue, a paper figurine.

Compass, 2 circular magnets, paper plumes.

Tripod, gutter, ball.

Perfume, water,

Lesson plan


Teaching method

The content of the work

Visual aids, TSO

1 min

2 minutes

7 min

15 minutes

8 min

7 min

3 min

2 minutes




Work in small groups

Frontal survey



Organizing time.

Greeting students

Familiarizing students with the requirements for studying physics

Motivation to learn new material.

Learning new material

Short story the formation of physics as a science.

Physics is the science of nature.

Physical bodies, phenomena, the concept of matter.

Consolidating new material

Solution quality tasks, tests, etc.

Summing up the lesson




Learn § 1.2,

answer the questions at the end of the paragraphs,physics


Structural element lesson

Teacher activities

Student activities

Criteria for a person-centered approach at each stage


Organizing time

1. Stimulating student activity, ensuring the overall readiness of the class, ensuring the timely start of the lesson.

2. The teacher formulates the requirements for the lesson, the number of notebooks, the number of technical equipment, etc.

1. Focus on learning activities

2. Students, as directed by the teacher, become familiar with the structure of the textbook

Creating a positive emotional mood for students’ work during the lesson.


Familiarizing students with textbooks and teaching aids that they will use when studying physics, as well as the structure of these teaching aids.

Introducing students to popular science literature.

The teacher guides cognitive activity students, paying attention to the structure of textbooks and additional literature

Students become familiar with the structure of the textbook and popular scientific literature on the subject.

Development of cognitive interest in the subject, motivation to read popular science literature on the subject.


Explanation of new material

1) A brief history of the development of physics as a science

2) Physics - the science of nature

The teacher presents the educational material in the form of a heuristic conversation of the lecture, accompanying the lecture with a demonstration of experiments,

Students take notes on the explanation material in their workbooks and take part in the discussion.

Developing the ability to briefly present what you hear in the form of notes


Primary consolidation of a new material

The teacher offers students various interactive tasks

Students complete experimental and interactive tasks

Students’ experimental skills are being formed


Explanation of new material

Physical bodies, phenomena, concept of matter

The teacher introduces concepts new to students: physical body, substance, physical phenomenon

Students learn new information and make the necessary notes in their notebooks.

The ability to analyze develops educational information


Testing students' knowledge

The teacher organizes the work of students to solve quality problems, with the help of leading questions, leads students to the correct answer, shows how to analyze the educational problem and find the correct answer

Students learn to analyze the condition of a problem and find the desired answer using theoretical knowledge.

Stimulating students to make statements, not having the fear of making mistakes or giving the wrong answer, self-assessing their knowledge


Organizing work at home

The teacher allocates for studying and practicing at home the material that was covered in the lesson, determines the known working methods of students that they will use, and allocates the amount of work required for each student.

Students receive instructions on how to perform homework, realize the purpose of the fulfilled homework, make an entry in the diary.

In d.z. not only the topic and scope of homework is named, but it is also explained how to rationally organize your educational activities while doing homework.

Lesson objectives:

introduce students to a new subject school course,

explain the connection between physics and other sciences,

introduce physical terms: physical phenomena, physical body, matter, substance, field,

identify sources of physical knowledge,

awaken students' interest in studying physics.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, presentation “What physics studies”,devicesfor conducting experiments.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The topic of the lesson is written on the board in the form: “What does ……. study?”

Students are invited to restore the missing word and find out its correct spelling by solving the following riddles(Slides 1 and 2) (the teacher writes the answers into the crossword puzzle on the board):

1. This eye is a special eye.

He will quickly look at you,

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you.

2. I dropped the curls into the river







And I was sad about something,

What is she sad about?

Doesn't tell anyone.

3. If you roll it up, it’s a wedge,

If you unfold it, damn it.

4. I am short,

Thin and sharp.

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I'm dragging my tail behind me.

5. Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but a storyteller.

6. Day and night I stand on the roof,

There are no ears, but I hear everything,

I look into the distance, although without eyes,

My story is on the screen.

In this way, the topic of the lesson is formulated and its objectives are then communicated.

2. Study of new theoretical material. (Teacher explanation followed by presentation)

Nature is everything that surrounds us; this is earth and water, air and plants, animals and people, and all the objects around us. It is nature and its laws that physics studies.

This is what this science was called back inIVV. BC. ancient Greek scientist Aristotle. Can you imagine what an ancient science this is? The word "physics" is translated from Greek as "nature".(Slide 5)

The word “physics” was introduced into the Russian language byXVIIIcenturyRussianscientist M.V. Lomonosov.(Slide 6)

But physics is not the only science that studies nature. Geography, biology, astronomy, chemistry and other sciences also study nature.

Natural sciences originated a very long time ago. People gained their first knowledge through their observations: daily sunrise and sunset, river flows, rain, wind, starry sky. IN Ancient Greece people involved in science were called philosophers. Then gradually the division of sciences occurred.

Examples(Slide 6) :

Geography studies climate, and physics explains the reason for the occurrence of precisely such climatic conditions, the origin of cyclones, etc.

Biology studies plants and animal world, physics explains, for example, how water from the soil flows to the branches and leaves of trees (capillaries), and why perch and flounder have different skeletal structures.

Astronomy studies the stars, the Sun, the planets, and physics explains why the planets move around the Sun and do not fly away from it, etc.

But the most main science about inanimate nature - physics(Slide7)

Happens often on our planet natural disasters which are called cataclysms. They cause destruction and human casualties and influence the formation of the planet's topography. Previously, these phenomena caused superstitious fear in people. Now, in many cases, we have learned to predict formidable natural phenomena; geodesy, meteorology, and seismology do this. But only physics can describe and explain the reason for their occurrence.

Physics is one of ancient sciences, which allows us to understand the forces of nature and put them at the service of man, makes it possible to understand modern technology and develop it further. Physics is the science of nature and the changes that occur in it.

Changes that occur in nature are calledphysical phenomena. (Slide 7)

Among the wide variety of phenomena in nature, physical phenomena occupy a special place. These include:mmechanical, electrical, magnetic, thermal,hsound, light.(Slides 8-10)

Physics allows us to derive general laws based on the study of simple phenomena. Having established the fundamental laws of nature, man uses them in the process of his life. This is the main task of physics:discover laws that connect various physical phenomena occurring in nature, find connections and causes of phenomena.(Slide 11)

Any science uses special words - scientific terms. And you need to understand and master the basic physical terms. Let's start with terms likematterAndphysical body. (Slide 12)

There are around us various items: tables, chairs, books, pencils. In physics, every object is called a physical body. On the screen you see examples of physical bodies.(Slide 13)

All objects and physical bodies are matter.

The whole world is matter, my friend,

Not the one for pants or dresses,

And everything that is around

Materially. I should know.

And remember.

But the world of matter, it’s such a pity

We will soon be deprived of illusions.

There is matter and there are fields.

The fields, of course, are not filled with potatoes:

Magnetic is carried by the Earth

And a little gravity.

And from substances - both you and me,

A car, and a house, and a cat.

Everything that surrounds us materially. The fact of their existence does not depend on our consciousness. Matter is an objective reality given to us in sensation. Matter in our world exists in the form of matter and field. What physical bodies are made of is called matter

A nail is a physical body, iron is a substance.

A table is a physical body, a tree is a substance.

A drop water - physical body, water - substance.

Another type of matter - a field - exists independently of us. The field cannot always be detected with the help of human senses, but it is easily detected by its influence on some physical bodies.

Relaxation (Slide15)

Think about how you can study physics, where does a person’s knowledge come from?(Slide 16)

Student answers: from observations, experiments.

Indeed, much primary knowledge emerges from everyday observations. This is where physics began. Philosophers and scientists of Ancient Greece - Aristotle, Heron, Archimedes, Ptolemy - mainly made observations.

Only in the Middle Ages did scientists such as Galileo Galilei, Rene Descartes, Evangelista Torricelli, Blaise Pascal and others begin to conduct experiments - special experiments carried out for a specific purpose

Now let’s summarize all the information received and answer the question: “What does physics study?” (Students, with the help of leading questions from the teacher, draw up a diagram and sketch it innotebooks

So what is special about physics?(Slide19)

Physics studies and explains all phenomena that occur in nature: thunderstorms, wind, freezing and thawing of rivers, northern lights, magnetic storms, sunny and lunar eclipse. How are snow and ice formed? Why does precipitation sometimes fall in the form of rain, sometimes in the form of snow, sometimes in the form of hail?

Physics explains many phenomena in our lives:

Why do we slide on ice, but the car skids on a slippery or wet road?

Why does a sandwich always fall butter side down?

Why does oil float in water?

What needs to be done to prevent the glass from bursting from boiling water.

Why do windows freeze in winter?

Why you can't weld in the rain.

Why is it warmer in a wooden house than in a stone one?

How much does a body weigh when it falls?

The special thing about physics is that it studies everything!

Fixing the material.


Fill the table(Slide22)

Game "Who Am I"

1. Which of the following is a physical body?





2. Which word denotes a substance?

Water drop




3. Divide into three groups of concepts the following words: chair, wood, rain, iron, star, air, oxygen, wind, lightning, earthquake, oil, compass Wood











Interesting to know…

You accidentally hid a chocolate bar in your pocket and it melted there. Can what happened be called a phenomenon?(Yes)

A kind wizard appeared to you in a dream, gave you a lot of ice cream, and you treated all your friends to it. It's just a pity that it was a dream. Can the appearance of a good wizard be considered a physical phenomenon?(No.)

Kolya caught the girls, dipped them into a puddle and carefully measured the depth of each girl’s dive. Tolya just stood nearby and watched the girls flounder. How do Kolya’s actions differ from Tolin’s, and what do physicists call such actions (Both physicists and other scientists will call actions hooliganism. But from the point of view of science, Tolya conducted observations, and Kolya conducted experiments).

4. Homework. (Slide 23)

§ 1,2 answer the questions at the end of the paragraphswrite a poem or story aboutphysics

Thanks for the lesson (Slide 24)

5. Demonstration of experiments: “Tricks that you can easily explain by studying physics.”

1. "Potatoes that don't fall apart." On the table in front of the students, cut a potato, then connect both halves, they will hold together. - Why they “stick together”, you can explain from the point of view of physics already in the 3rd quarter.

2. “Weightless water.” Cover the glass of water tightly with a sheet of paper and quickly turn it upside down. Water will not spill out of the glass.

3. I have 2 eggs in my hands. One is already cooked, the other is not. How to determine which egg is which? Of course, you can break them down and check them! What if without breaking them? (You need to rotate them. A boiled egg will rotate faster. Check by peeling the boiled egg.)

4. “The Amazing Egg.” I have an empty bottle. Is it possible to place a peeled hard-boiled chicken egg in this bottle so that it remains intact?(Light the paper and throw it into the bottle. Place an egg on the neck. The fire will go out and the egg will fall into the bottle.)