Passing marks for Juurg. South Ural State University. Full-time. Specialty

SUSU University in numbers

  • 30,000 students
  • 4000 types of training simulators, computer simulators and simulators
  • More than 1000 candidates and doctors of science teach

Training format

The university has developed modern forms distance learning- e-learning and b-learning, as well as mass distance courses in MOOC format. Otherwise, SUSU has a classical education system. The university has an approved list of disciplines, which includes compulsory subjects and elective subjects. Each student has the right to create his own individual syllabus with those disciplines to choose from that interest him, but it is necessary to choose disciplines. The academic year is divided into 2 semesters, with mandatory delivery sessions after each. The student demonstrates mastery of the subject in the format of tests or exams in basic, specialized disciplines. Duration of study - 4 years (bachelor's degree), or 5 or more years (specialty degree).

Educational Opportunities

  • There are International programs
  • There is a Double Degree

Military training

Extracurricular activities of SUSU

Organizing creativity and leisure time for students - this is the activity that attracts students the most and this is not surprising: work creative teams, KVN, “Miss E&P” competition, “SUSU Talent”, “Student Spring”, business card competition student groups, photography competition, games “What? Where? When?”, “Initiation as a student,” “Valentine’s Day” - and this is only a small part of the events where students of our faculty can express themselves.


  • There is a Dorm
  • 63 ₽ According to budget (month)
  • 63 ₽ Under contract (monthly)


Famous graduates

  • Leonychev Yuri*IT architect for online retail company Rakuten
  • Golts Olga*Professor University of California USA
  • Vaulin Ruslan*Senior Researcher, Sqrrl Data Inc.

Reception 2016-2017 uch. year

*Attention to applicants at the base school education. Since 2015, admission to full-time and part-time courses is carried out only based on the results of the Unified State Exam. The year you graduated from school does NOT matter. The Unified State Exam must be taken in the school stream. To do this, you need to contact your local education department.

Applicant calendar – 2016




1. For undergraduate programs, specialist programs, Full-time (budget)

1.1. For persons taking SUSU exams (creative, professional orientation)

1.2. For persons taking SUSU exams (general education)

1.3. For persons with Unified State Exam results in required subjects

2. For master's programs(budget)

2.1. Deadline for completing entrance examinations

3. For bachelor's, specialist's, master's programs, full-time, part-time, part-time (contract)

3.1. Full-time, part-time and part-time forms

3.2. End of entrance tests

3.3. Extramural

3.4. End of entrance tests

What, to whom and how to take it when entering our university in2016 year (full-time and part-time study)

List of entrance tests for admission

for bachelor's degree programs, specialist programs in2016 G.

Admissions tests are listed in order of priority for admissions tests when ranking lists of applicants.

Accepted abbreviations:

Inf - computer science;

M - mathematics;

O - social studies;

O.e. - basics of economics;

R - Russian language.

Entrance test form applicants on the basis of vocational education when applying for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, it is interview.

Reception foreign citizens passes into interview form on subjects of entrance examinations;

The entrance test for applicants to master's programs consists of three stages.

When submitting documents, applicants must attach to the application:

1. D educational document (original or copy),

2. P sports

NEWMinimum scores for admission to budget places and places with tuition fees paid

(2016 information)


Minimum scores

Russian language


Social science




Computer science

Foreign language

Entrance tests of creative and (or)

professional orientation


Master's exam

Admission target numbers for the 2016-2017 academic year. year (budget)




Economy without


There. case



Bachelor's degree

  1. 2016-2017 academic year year








Master's degree

  1. 2016-2017 academic year year








Total for the faculty (full-time department)


Accounting for individual achievements of applicants

Excerpt from the Admission Rules

43. Applicants for training have the right to provide information about their individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account when applying for training. The results of individual achievements are taken into account by awarding points for individual achievements and (or) as an advantage in case of equality of the sum of competitive points.

Points awarded for individual achievements are included in the total of competition points.

The applicant submits documents confirming receipt of the results of individual achievements.

44. When admitting students to bachelor’s and specialty programs, the organization awards points for the following individual achievements:

1) 10 points– presence of champion and prize-winner status Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champion, European champion, person who took first place at the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, the presence of a gold insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex " Ready for work and defense" (GTO) and certificates for it of the established form - upon admission to training in specialties and areas of training not related to specialties and areas of training in the field of physical culture and sports (not used to obtain advantages upon admission to training in specific conditions for admission and specific reasons for admission);

2) 10 points– presence of a secondary school certificate general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information about being awarded a gold or silver medal;

3) 10 points– having a high school diploma vocational education Honours;

4) 10 points– carrying out volunteer (volunteer) activities (if no more than four years have passed from the date of completion of the period of implementation of the specified activity to the date of completion of acceptance of documents and entrance examinations);

5) up to 10 points– participation and (or) results of participation of applicants in olympiads (not used to obtain special rights and (or) advantages upon admission to study according to specific conditions for admission and specific grounds for admission) and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical education and sporting events held in order to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities;

6) Final essay NOT is taken into account by the university as the individual achievements of applicants.

45. When admitted to undergraduate or specialty programs, an applicant may be awarded no more than 10 points in total for individual achievements.

46. ​​In accordance with subclause “5” of clause 44 of the Rules, points are awarded if the applicant submits the following documents:

diploma of a winner or prize-winner of Olympiads and competitions held in 2015/2016 academic year on the basis of SUSU (National Research University). The list of such Olympiads and competitions is approved by order of the rector;

diploma of the winner or prize-winner of olympiads and competitions held in the 2015/2016 academic year, the founders of which are the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation or the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region;

diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the Russian and All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren, the list and procedure of which are determined federal authorities state power Russian Federation.

In accordance with this paragraph, points are awarded in the following meaning:

winner's diploma (1st degree diploma) – 10 points;

2nd degree diploma – 8 points;

3rd degree diploma – 6 points;

participation in final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren (upon presentation of an official certificate of participation) – 10 points;

participation in the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren (upon provision of an official certificate of participation) – 5 points.

47. Applicants to master’s programs have the right to provide information about their individual achievements. The individual achievements of the applicant, taken into account by the admissions committee, are (listed in descending order of importance):

a diploma of a winner or prize-winner of a student Olympiad at the All-Russian or international level;

quantity and quality of publications. Articles are evaluated in scientific journals, indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, RSCI, VAK, monographs;

grants, awards, participation in national target programs:

Availability of patents, registration certificates intellectual property, acts of implementation;

availability of awards (prizes, scholarships, diplomas, etc.) for achievements in scientific and innovation activity national and international level;

availability of awards (prizes, scholarships, diplomas, etc.) for achievements in scientific and innovative activities at the university level.

The procedure for taking into account individual achievements of applicants for master's programs is set out in paragraph 113 1 of the Rules.

The Faculty of Economics and Management provides training in the following specialties and areas

List of directions (specialties) and entrance tests

for the 2016 – 2017 academic year.

Department of Economics and Finance

  1. 38.05.01 "Economic security", qualification – specialist


1) Economic and legal support of economic security;

2) Activities of financial and credit institutions for banking services to government bodies ensuring the security of the Russian Federation;

3) Financial accounting and control in law enforcement agencies.

Entrance tests – Unified State Examination results.

  • Mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • Social science.


1) Finance and credit;

2) Economics of the industrial complex;

3) International standards of auditing and financial reporting.


1) Financial management;

2) Innovation management;

3) Marketing and sales management;

4) Personnel management.

Entrance tests in areas – Unified State Examination results:

  • Mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • Social science.

Department of Economics, Management and Investments

Based on general (complete) education. Duration of training 4 years

  1. 03.38.01 “Economics”, qualification – bachelor


1) Accounting, analysis and audit;

2) Economics of enterprises and organizations (construction);

3) Taxes and taxation;

4) Pricing and estimating in construction.

  1. 03.38.02 “Management”, qualification – bachelor


1) Management in the construction industry;

2) Investment management;

3) Logistics and resource management in construction;

4) Financial management.

Entrance tests - Unified State Examination results:

  • Mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • Social science.

Department of Economic Theory, World and Regional Economics

Based on general (complete) education. Duration of training 5 years

  1. 05/38/02 Customs affairs, qualification – customs affairs specialist

Entrance tests for the specialty “Customs Affairs”:

  • Basics of Economics (testing);
  • Russian language (USE);
  • Social studies (USE).

Based on general (complete) education. Duration of training 4 years

  1. 03.38.01 “Economics”, qualification – bachelor


1) World economy

2) Regional and municipal economics

3) Enterprise financial management

  1. 03/38/04. State and municipal administration


1) Municipal government

Entrance tests - Unified State Examination results:

  • Mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • Social science.

Department of Computer Science

Based on general (complete) education. Duration of training 4 years

  1. 09.03.03. Applied Informatics

Profiles : Applied informatics in economics

Entrance tests – Unified State Exam results

  • Mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • Computer science.

Department of Economics and Project Management

Based on general (complete) education. Duration of training 4 years

1. 38.03.01 "Economy" , qualification – bachelor


1) Economics of enterprises and organizations;

2) Project financing, banks and business.

  1. 38.03.02 "Management" , qualification – bachelor


1) Project management;

3. 03.38.04 "State and municipal administration" , qualification – bachelor


1) Public administration programs and projects.

Entrance tests - Unified State Exam results

  • Mathematics
  • Russian language
  • Social science

    Regulations on the additional entrance test for applicants entering the faculty

    "Economics and Management" full-time and correspondence form education

    for the specialty "Customs"

    department " Economic theory, global and regional economy"

    Regulations on the additional entrance test for applicants entering the Faculty of Economics and Management for full-time and part-time studies in the specialty “Customs Affairs” of the Department of “Economic Theory, World and Regional Economics”

    For the purpose of selection for vocational training applicants for the specialty “Customs Affairs” are given additional entrance test professional orientation “Fundamentals of Economics”. The main objective of the test is to identify the professional abilities of applicants.

    An additional entrance test consisting of two blocks: economic and mathematical.

    1 Economic bloc

    Provides questions to identify basic economic knowledge.

    Literature for preparation for the economic block:

    Lipsits, I.V. Economy. Basic course: Textbook for 10 11th grade general education. establishment / I.V. Lipsitz. – M.: VITA-PRESS, 2012.

    Maximum score for the economic block – 100 points.

    2 Math block

    The Unified State Examination in mathematics can be taken as a mathematical block.

    The maximum score for the math block is 100 points.

    The final grade is obtained as the arithmetic average for two blocks, rounded up

    Minimum score for admission – 30 points.

Komsomolskaya Pravda found out the prices for training in specialties at leading South Ural universities

Change text size: A A

Parents of school graduates are now taking sedatives not only because of the Unified State Exam. Leading universities in the region have published new tuition fees for 2017-18. As they say, have your money ready. And considerable ones.

Information that higher education increased in price to 40% appeared in May. The directive was issued by the federal Ministry of Education. It was impossible to get comments from the rectors of universities in Chelyabinsk and the region at that time. The Councils were urgently convened by the rector, and the intense work of calculations took place behind closed doors.

Today the prices are known. We are publishing a selection of the most popular areas of study among applicants for full-time and part-time studies at bachelor's (4 years) and master's (2 years).


There is an announcement on the official website of South Ural State University: “The cost of studying at universities has increased in 2017. In accordance with the law, prices for educational services cannot be lower than the level established in the Russian Federation.”

Promptly responding to these changes, SUSU opened a full-time and part-time course of study, which allows you to get a quality education at last year’s prices:

Management ( graduate School economics and Management. Bachelor's and Master's degrees) RUB 75,700.

Economics (Higher School of Economics and Management. Bachelor's and Master's degrees) RUB 75,700.

Applied mathematics and computer science (Institute of Natural and Exact Sciences. Master's degree) 80,000 rub.

Jurisprudence (Law Institute. Bachelor's and Master's degrees) RUB 75,700.

Part-time and part-time education is practically full-time, but some classes take place in the evening. Much attention is paid to the independent form of studying the material. Of course, with obligatory meetings with teachers,” says executive Secretary admissions committee SUSU Alexander Gubarev.


Full-time. Bachelor's degree:

Missile systems and astronautics, motion control system and navigation, Physical Culture for persons with health problems (adaptive physical education), design RUB 169,040.

Architecture, design of the architectural environment RUB 130,000.

Applied mathematics and physics, metallurgy, journalism, food products from plant and animal raw materials RUB 115,070.

Fundamental computer science and information Technology, advanced mathematics and computer science, hotel management RUB 102,480.

Full-time. Specialty:

Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes RUB 169,040.

Customs affairs, translation and translation studies RUB 102,480.

Full-time. Master's degree

Design, physical education RUB 177,800.

Architecture RUB 130,000

Construction, chemistry, psychology RUB 126,390.

Mathematics, economics, philology RUB 113,790.

By the way, the SUSU website provides a breakdown of payment by month. When you read 16,904 rubles. per month, not 169,040 rubles. for a year in the specialty “Missile systems and astronautics”, somehow it’s not so scary...


Chelyabinsk State University has the following fees:

Full-time education:

Faculty of Physics Bachelor's degree Materials Science and Technology of Materials 100,120 rub.

Faculty of Physics Bachelor's degree Nanoengineering 147,500 rub.

Faculty of Management Bachelor's Degree Management RUB 88,960

Management department. Master's degree. Management. 98.300 rub.

Institute of Economics, Industries, Business and Administration. Master's degree. Finance and credit. RUB 98,300

Institute of Law. Bachelor's degree. Jurisprudence. RUB 88,960

Institute of Law. Master's degree. Jurisprudence. RUB 98,300

Institute of Law. Specialty. Legal support national security. RUB 88,960

Institute of Law. Specialty. Law enforcement. RUB 88,960

Faculty of Eurasia and Oriental Studies. Bachelor's degree. Foreign regional studies (Eurasian studies: Russia and adjacent regions (PRC)). 115,000 rub.

Faculty of Eurasia and Oriental Studies. Bachelor's degree. Foreign regional studies (Eastern countries (PRC, Arab region, Türkiye)). 95,000 rub.

Faculty of History and Philology. Bachelor's degree. Political science. RUB 88,960

Faculty of History and Philology. Bachelor's degree. International relationships. 90,000 rub.

Faculty of History and Philology. Master's degree. Political science. RUB 98,300

Faculty of Journalism. Bachelor's degree. Journalism. 100 120 rub.

Faculty of Journalism. Master's degree. Journalism. RUB 109,470

Faculty of History and Philology. Bachelor's degree. Philology (Domestic philology). RUB 88,960

Faculty of Linguistics and Translation. Bachelor's degree. Linguistics. 90,000 rub.

Faculty of Linguistics and Translation. Master's degree. Linguistics. RUB 98,300

Faculty of Linguistics and Translation. Specialty. Translation and translation studies. 95,000 rub.

Part-time study:

Institute of Economics, Industries, Business and Administration. Faculty of Economics. Bachelor's degree Economy. 55,000 rub.

Institute of Economics, Industries, Business and Administration. Specialty. Customs business. 55,000 rub.

Tuition fees for 1st year students increased by 15-25%. This is less than what was announced in May, when the order of the Federal Ministry of Education was just issued,” says Anastasia Kurenkova, press secretary of ChelSU. - In many areas of preparation of the natural science block, we have a sufficient number of budget places, and everyone will be able to study in mathematics, physics, computer science, chemistry and biology.

- What do applicants choose? Where do most applications get submitted?

Since we are the founders of legal education in the Southern Urals, interest in legal areas of training is stable. Economics, journalism, linguistics - demand has been stable for the last decade. We provide payment in installments. The amount can be divided into four payments per year. An individual payment schedule is also possible. For example, taking into account the financial situation of the student’s family.


The Pedagogical University is a source of personnel for preschool and school education. In each of the areas of training there are targeted places for applicants from the outback. There are budget places - from 5 to 22.

Prices for contract training:

Bachelor's degree. Full-time education. Installments are provided in two stages:

Pedagogical education, linguistics, special (defectological) education, psychological and pedagogical education, vocational education (by industry) RUB 86,740.

Master's degree. Full-time education

Installments are provided in two stages.

Pedagogical education, psychological and pedagogical education, special (defectological) education, vocational training (by industry) RUB 95,850.

South Ural State Medical University

Installments are available by semester. Full-time education.

General medicine, pediatrics, pharmacy. 120,000 rub.

Dentistry. 140,000 rub.

Clinical psychology. RUB 118,500