Sulfur in chemistry designation. The concept of sulfur, the history of the discovery of sulfur, sulfur minerals. General characteristics and differences of chalcogens

When you first see the amazingly beautiful crystals of bright yellow, lemon or honey color, you may mistake them for amber. But this is nothing more than native sulfur.

Native sulfur has existed on Earth since the birth of the planet. We can say that it is of extraterrestrial origin. This mineral is known to be present in large quantities on other planets. Io, a moon of Saturn, covered in erupting volcanoes, looks like a huge egg yolk. A significant part of the surface of Venus is also covered with a layer of yellow sulfur.

People began to use it before our era, but the exact date of its discovery is unknown.

The unpleasant suffocating odor that occurs during combustion has brought this substance a bad reputation. In almost all religions of the world, molten sulfur, emitting an unbearable stench, was associated with the hellish underworld, where sinners suffered terrible torment.

Ancient priests, performing religious rituals, used burning sulfur powder to communicate with underground spirits. It was believed that sulfur was a product of dark forces from the other world.

A description of deadly fumes is found in Homer. And the famous self-igniting “Greek fire”, which plunged the enemy into mystical horror, also contained sulfur.

In the 8th century, the Chinese used the flammable properties of native sulfur in the manufacture of gunpowder.

Arab alchemists called sulfur the “father of all metals” and created the original mercury-sulfur theory. In their opinion, sulfur is present in the composition of any metal.

Later, the French physicist Lavoisier, after conducting a series of experiments on the combustion of sulfur, established its elementary nature.

After the discovery of gunpowder and its spread in Europe, they began to mine native sulfur and developed a method for obtaining the substance from pyrite. However, this method was widely used back in ancient Rus'.

Sulfur is an element periodic table D.I. Mendeleev, its atomic number is sixteen. Has non-metallic properties. It is designated by the Latin letter S. The name presumably has an Indo-European root - “to burn”.

Historical perspective

It is not clear when sulfur was discovered and its mining began. What is known is that ancient people knew about it long before our era. Early priests used it in their cult rituals and included it in fumigation mixtures. The mineral sulfur was considered a product produced by the gods, who mainly lived in the underworld.

For a long time, as evidenced by historical documents, it was used as a component of flammable mixtures that were used for military purposes. Homer also did not ignore the mineral sulfur. In one of his works, he described “vapors” that had a detrimental effect on humans when burned.

Historians suggest that sulfur was an element in the so-called “Greek fire”, which struck fear into enemies.

In the eighth century in China, it began to be used to prepare pyrotechnic mixtures, including flammable substances resembling gunpowder.

In the Middle Ages, it was one of the three main elements of alchemists. They actively used the mineral native sulfur in their research. Often this led to the fact that experiments with it were equated with witchcraft, and this in turn led to persecution by the Inquisition of ancient chemists and their followers. It was from those times, from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, that the smell of burning sulfur and their gases began to be associated with the acts of evil spirits and devilish manifestations.


The native mineral sulfur has a molecular lattice that other similar elements do not have. This leads to the fact that it has low hardness, lacks cleavage, and is a rather brittle material. The specific gravity of sulfur is 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter. The mineral has poor electrical, weak thermal conductivity and a low melting point. Lights up freely when exposed to an open flame, including a match, the color of the flame is blue. It ignites well at temperatures around 248 degrees Celsius. When burned, it releases sulfur dioxide, which has a pungent suffocating odor.

Descriptions of the sulfur mineral are varied. It has shades of light yellow, straw, honey, and greenish. In sulfur, which has in its structure organic matter, there is a brown, gray or black color. The photo shows the mineral sulfur in a solid, clean, crystalline form always attracts the eye and is easily recognizable.

Volcanic sulfur is bright yellow, greenish, orange. In nature you can find it in the form of various masses, dense, earthy, powdery. Crystalline overgrown sulfur crystals are also found in nature, but quite rarely.

Sulfur in nature

Natural sulfur is rarely found in its pure state. But in earth's crust its reserves are very significant. These are mainly ores where sulfur layers are present in large quantities.

Until now, science has not determined the cause of the occurrence of sulfur deposits. Some versions are mutually exclusive. Given that sulfur exhibits high chemical activity, it is assumed that during the formation of the surface of the earth's crust it was repeatedly bound and released. How these reactions proceeded has not been established for certain.

According to one version, it is assumed that sulfur is a consequence of the leaching of sulfates, which have become waste products of individual bacteria. The latter use mineral compounds as food.

Researchers are considering various versions of the processes of sulfur replacement in the earth's crust, which lead to its release and accumulation. But it is not yet possible to clearly understand the nature of its occurrence.

Physical and chemical properties of sulfur

First Scientific research were produced only in the 18th century. A thorough study of the properties of the sulfur mineral was carried out by the French scientist Antoine Lavoisier. Thus, he established that it crystallizes from melts, initially taking on needle-like forms. However, this form is not permanent. As the temperature decreases, sulfur recrystallizes, forming voluminous translucent formations of a lemon-yellow or golden hue.

Deposits, sulfur mining

The main source of extraction of the sulfur mineral is deposits. According to the calculations of geological researchers, it follows that its world reserves amount to about 1.4 billion tons.

Ancient people, as well as the miners of the Middle Ages, extracted sulfur by burying a large clay container to the depths. Another one was placed on it, which had a hole in the bottom. The upper container was filled with rock that contained sulfur. This structure was heated. The sulfur began to melt and flow into the lower vessel.

Currently, mining occurs through open mining, as well as using smelting methods from underground.

There are large deposits of sulfur on the territory of Eurasia in Turkmenistan, the Volga region, and other places. Significant deposits in Russia were discovered on the left banks of the Volga River, which stretch from Samara to Kazan.

When developing sulfur mineral, special attention is paid to safety. This is due to the fact that ore is always accompanied by an accumulation of hydrogen sulfide, which is very harmful to breathing. The mineral itself has the ability to ignite and form explosive compounds.

The most common mining method is open-pit. In this case, the top part of the rocks is removed using mining equipment. Blasting operations crush the ore part. Then the fractions are sent to the enterprise for the enrichment process, and then to smelting plants to obtain pure sulfur.

If the mineral lies deep and its volumes are significant, the Frasch method is used for extraction.

At the end of 1890, engineer Frasch proposed melting sulfur underground, and after turning it into a liquid state, pumping it out. This process is comparable to oil production. Taking into account the rather low idea of ​​the engineer, it was successfully tested and the industrial extraction of this mineral began in this way.

In the second half of the 20th century, the method for extraction through the use of high frequency currents began to be actively used. Their impact also leads to the melting of sulfur. Subsequent injection of compressed hot air allows you to accelerate its rise into liquid state to the surface.

Sulfur is found in large quantities in natural gases. The Klaus method is suitable for its extraction. Special sulfur pits are used in which degassing is carried out. The result is a solid modified product with a high sulfur content.


About half of all mined sulfur is used to produce sulfuric acid. This mineral is also needed for the production of rubber, medicines, and as fungicides in agriculture. Found a use for the mineral and how structural element in the popular sulfur asphalt and Portland cement substitute - sulfur concrete. Actively used in the manufacture of various pyrotechnic compositions, in the production of matches.

Biological role

Sulfur is an important biogenic element. It is part of a significant number of amino acids. A component in the formation of protein structures. In bacterial photosynthesis, the mineral takes part in the redox reactions of the body and is a source of energy. IN human body There are about two grams of sulfur per kilogram of weight.

Sulfur in its pure form is not a toxic substance, unlike volatile gases, which include anhydride, hydrogen sulfide, and so on.

Fire properties

Sulfur is a fire hazardous mineral. Its finely ground fractions are capable of spontaneous combustion in the presence of moisture, in the presence of contact with oxidizing agents, as well as when creating mixtures with coal, fats, and oils. Sulfur is extinguished with sprayed water and air-mechanical foam.

/ mineral Sulfur Native

Native sulfur is a common mineral from the class of native elements. Sulfur is an example of a well-defined enantiomorphic polymorphism. In nature it forms 2 polymorphic modifications: a-orthorhombic sulfur and b-monoclinic sulfur. At atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 95.6°C, a-sulfur transforms into b-sulfur.
Native sulfur is usually represented by a-sulfur. Sulfur, unlike other native elements, has a molecular lattice, which determines its low hardness.

Variety: Vulcanite (selenium sulfur). Orange-red, red-brown color. The origin is volcanic.


Native sulfur is characterized by: a non-metallic luster and the fact that sulfur ignites with a match and burns with a blue flame, releasing sulfur dioxide, which has a sharp suffocating odor. The most characteristic color of native sulfur is light yellow.

Easily soluble in Canada balsam, turpentine and kerosene. Insoluble in water, but soluble in CS2. Insoluble in HCl and H2SO4. HNO3 and aqua regia oxidize sulfur, turning it into H2SO4.

Sulfur is formed during volcanic eruptions, during the weathering of sulfides, during the decomposition of gypsum-bearing sedimentary strata, and also in connection with the activity of bacteria. The main types of native sulfur deposits are volcanogenic and exogenous (chemogenic-sedimentary). Exogenous deposits predominate; they are associated with gypsum anhydrites, which, under the influence of hydrocarbon and hydrogen sulfide emissions, are reduced and replaced by sulfur-calcite ores. All major deposits have such infiltration-metasomatic genesis. Native sulfur is often formed (except in large accumulations) as a result of the oxidation of H2S. The geochemical processes of its formation are significantly activated by microorganisms (sulfate-reducing and thionic bacteria). Among the volcanogenic deposits of native sulfur, the main ones are hydrothermal-metasomatic (for example, in Japan), formed by sulfur-bearing quartzites and opalites, and volcanogenic-sedimentary sulfur-bearing silts of crater lakes. It is also formed during fumarole activity. Formed under conditions earth's surface, native sulfur is still not very stable and, gradually oxidizing, gives rise to sulfates, Ch. like plaster.

Sometimes, during volcanic processes, sulfur is ejected in liquid form. This happens when sulfur, previously deposited on the walls of the craters, melts as the temperature rises. Sulfur is also deposited from hot aqueous solutions as a result of the decay of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur compounds released in one of the later phases of volcanic activity. These phenomena are now observed near the geyser vents of Yellowstone Park (USA) and Iceland. It is found together with gypsum, anhydrite, limestone, dolomite, rock and potassium salts, clays, bituminous deposits (oil, ozokerite, asphalt) and pyrite. It is also found on the walls of volcanic craters, in cracks in lavas and tuffs surrounding the vents of volcanoes, both active and extinct, near sulfur mineral springs.

Place of Birth

On the territory of Eurasia, all industrial deposits of native sulfur are of surface origin. Some of them are located in Turkmenistan, in the Volga region, etc. Rocks containing sulfur stretch along the left bank of the Volga from the city of Samara in a strip several kilometers wide to Kazan. Sulfur was probably formed in lagoons during the Permian period as a result of biochemical processes. Sulfur deposits are located in Razdol (Lviv region, Carpathian region), Yavorovsk (Ukraine) and in the Ural-Embinsky region. In the Urals (Chelyabinsk region) sulfur is found, formed as a result of the oxidation of pyrite. Sulfur of volcanic origin is found in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. The main sulfur reserves of capitalist countries are located in Iraq, the USA (Louisiana and Utah), Mexico, Chile, Japan and Italy (Sicily).

Biogenic sedimentary sulfur:

  • Vodinskoe, Samara Region, Russia
  • Texas and Louisiana, USA
  • Shor-Su, Uzbekistan
  • Guardak, Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan
  • Sicily, Italy-Tarnobrzeg, Poland
  • Yazovskoye field, Lviv, Ukraine

Sulfur of volcanic origin:

  • Kamchatka, Russia
  • Pozzuoli, Italy
  • Hawaiian Islands

Sulfur in sulfide oxidation zones:

  • Rio Tinto, Spain
  • Kostajnike, Serbia


Used in the production of sulfuric acid (about 50% of the extracted amount). In 1890, Hermann Frasch proposed smelting sulfur underground and extracting it to the surface through wells, and currently sulfur deposits are developed mainly by smelting native sulfur from underground layers directly at its location. Sulfur is also found in large quantities in natural gas (in the form of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide); during gas production, it is deposited on the walls of pipes, rendering them inoperable, so it is recovered from the gas as quickly as possible after production.

Sulfur is widely used in the chemical, pulp and paper (production of cellulose sulfate), leather and rubber industries (rubber vulcanization), and in agriculture (production of pesticides).

report an error in the description

Properties of the Mineral

Color Pure sulfur is light yellow, with impurities of selenium - dark brown, arsenic - bright red, bitumen - dark brown and black. Milky white and blue sulfur is known.
Stroke color Straw yellow, white
origin of name The word “sulphur”, known in the Old Russian language since the 15th century, is borrowed from the Old Slavonic “sera” - “sulphur, resin”, generally “flammable substance, fat”. The etymology of the word has not been clarified to date, since the original common Slavic name for the substance has been lost and the word has reached the modern Russian language in a distorted form. According to Vasmer, “sulfur” goes back to lat. sera - “wax” or lat. serum - “serum”. Latin sulfur (derived from the Hellenized spelling of the etymological sulpur) presumably goes back to the Indo-European root *swelp - “to burn”
Opening year known since ancient times
IMA status valid, first described before 1959 (before IMA)
Chemical formula S8
Shine fatty
Transparency transparent
Cleavage imperfect by (001)
imperfect by (110)
imperfect by (111)
Kink conchoidal
Hardness 2
Thermal properties Sulfur has a low melting point - 113°C. Burns easily in air, burns with a blue flame, releasing suffocating vapors of sulfur dioxide (which, when interacting with water, forms sulfuric acid falling as precipitation on the ground).
Typical impurities Se,Te
Strunz (8th edition) 1/0.0-10
Hey"s CIM Ref. 1.51
Dana (7th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Cell Options a = 10.468Å, b = 12.870Å, c = 24.49Å
Attitude a:b:c = 0.813:1:1.903
Number of formula units (Z) 128
Unit cell volume V 3,299.37 Å
Twinning Twins at (101), (011), (110) are quite rare.
Point group mmm (2/m 2/m 2/m) - Dipyramidal
Space group Fddd (F2/d 2/d 2/d)
Separateness separate by (111)
Density (calculated) 2.076
Density (measured) 2.07
Pleochroism visible
Optical axis dispersion relatively weak r
Refractive indices nα = 1.958 nβ = 2.038 nγ = 2.245
Maximum birefringence δ = 0.287
Type biaxial (+)
angle 2V measured: 68°, calculated: 70°
Optical relief very tall
Selection form Forms truncated-bipyramidal, less often bipyramidal, pinacoidal or thick-prismatic crystals, as well as dense cryptocrystalline, confluent, granular, and less often fine-fibrous aggregates. The main forms in crystals: dipyramids (111) and (113), prisms (011) and (101), pinacoid (001). Also intergrowths and druses of crystals, skeletal crystals, pseudostalactites, powdery and earthy masses, deposits and adhesives. Crystals are characterized by multiple parallel intergrowths.
Classes on taxonomy of the USSR Nonmetals
IMA classes Native elements
singonia rhombic
Fragility Yes
combustion Yes
Literature Areis V.Zh. Development of native sulfur deposits by underground smelting. - M., 1973
Volcanic sulfur deposits and some problems of hydrothermal ore formation. - M., 1971
Geochemistry and mineralogy of sulfur, M., 1972

Minerals Catalog

Sulfur is an element of the sixth group of the third period of the main subgroup of the periodic system of chemical elements, with atomic number 16. It exhibits non-metallic properties. Denoted by the symbol S (Latin Sulfur). In hydrogen and oxygen compounds it is found in various ions and forms many acids and salts. Many sulfur-containing salts are poorly soluble in water.

History of discovery

Sulfur (English Sulfur, French Soufre, German Schwefel) in its native state, as well as in the form of sulfur compounds, has been known since ancient times. Man probably became familiar with the smell of burning sulfur, the suffocating effect of sulfur dioxide and the disgusting smell of hydrogen sulfide back in prehistoric times. It was because of these properties that sulfur was used by priests as part of sacred incense during religious rites. Sulfur was considered the work of superhuman beings from the world of spirits or underground gods. A very long time ago, sulfur began to be used as part of various flammable mixtures for military purposes. Homer already described “sulphurous fumes,” the deadly effect of burning sulfur emissions. Sulfur was probably part of the “Greek fire” that terrified opponents. Around the 8th century The Chinese began to use it in pyrotechnic mixtures, in particular, in mixtures such as gunpowder. The flammability of sulfur, the ease with which it combines with metals to form sulfides (for example, on the surface of pieces of metal), explains why it was considered the “principle of flammability” and an essential component of metal ores. Presbyter Theophilus (12th century) describes a method of oxidative roasting of copper sulfide ore, probably known back in ancient Egypt. During the period of Arab alchemy, the mercury-sulfur theory of the composition of metals arose, according to which sulfur was revered as an essential component (father) of all metals. Later it became one of the three principles of alchemists, and later the “principle of flammability” became the basis of the theory of phlogiston. The elemental nature of sulfur was established by Lavoisier in his combustion experiments. With the introduction of gunpowder in Europe, the development of natural sulfur mining began, as well as the development of a method for obtaining it from pyrites; the latter was common in ancient Rus'. It was first described in literature by Agricola. Thus, the exact origin of sulfur has not been established, but, as stated above, this element was used before the birth of Christ, and therefore has been familiar to people since ancient times.

origin of name

The Russian name for sulfur goes back to the Proto-Slavic *sěra, which is associated with Lat. serum "serum".
The Latin sulfur (a Hellenized spelling of the older sulpur) comes from the Indo-European root *swelp, “to burn.”


In ancient times and in the Middle Ages, sulfur was mined by digging a large clay pot into the ground, on which another was placed, with a hole in the bottom. The latter was filled with rock containing sulfur and then heated. The sulfur melted and flowed into the lower pot.
Currently, sulfur is obtained mainly by smelting native sulfur directly in places where it occurs underground. Sulfur ores are mined in different ways, depending on the conditions of occurrence. Sulfur deposits are almost always accompanied by accumulations of toxic gases - sulfur compounds. In addition, we must not forget about the possibility of its spontaneous combustion.
Open pit mining of ore occurs like this. Walking excavators remove layers of rock under which ore lies. The ore layer is crushed by explosions, after which the ore blocks are sent to a sulfur smelter, where sulfur is extracted from the concentrate.
In 1890, Hermann Frasch proposed melting sulfur underground and pumping it to the surface through oil wells. The relatively low (113 °C) melting point of sulfur confirmed the reality of Frasch’s idea. In 1890, tests began that led to success.
There are several known methods for obtaining sulfur from sulfur ores: steam-water, filtration, thermal, centrifugal and extraction.

Physical properties

Sulfur differs significantly from oxygen in its ability to form stable chains and cycles of atoms. The most stable are cyclic S8 molecules, having the shape of a crown, forming orthorhombic and monoclinic sulfur. This is crystalline sulfur - a brittle yellow substance. In addition, molecules with closed (S 4, S 6) chains and open chains are possible. This composition has plastic sulfur, a brown substance, which is obtained by sharp cooling of molten sulfur (plastic sulfur becomes brittle after a few hours, acquires yellow and gradually turns into a rhombic shape). The formula for sulfur is most often written simply S, since, although it has a molecular structure, it is a mixture simple substances with different molecules. Sulfur is insoluble in water; some of its modifications dissolve in organic solvents, such as carbon disulfide and turpentine. The melting of sulfur is accompanied by a noticeable increase in volume (approximately 15%). Molten sulfur is a yellow, easily mobile liquid, which above 160 °C turns into a very viscous dark brown mass. The sulfur melt acquires the highest viscosity at a temperature of 190 °C; a further increase in temperature is accompanied by a decrease in viscosity and above 300 °C the molten sulfur again becomes mobile. This is because when sulfur is heated, it gradually polymerizes, increasing the length of the chain as the temperature increases. When sulfur is heated above 190 °C, the polymer units begin to collapse. Sulfur can serve as the simplest example of an electret. When rubbed, sulfur acquires a strong negative charge.
Sulfur is used for the production of sulfuric acid, rubber vulcanization, as a fungicide in agriculture and as colloidal sulfur - a medicinal product. Also, sulfur in sulfur bitumen compositions is used to produce sulfur asphalt, and as a substitute for Portland cement to produce sulfur concrete.

Natural Sulfur Minerals

Sulfur is the sixteenth most abundant element in the earth's crust. It is found in a free (native) state and bound form.
The most important natural sulfur compounds: FeS 2 - iron pyrite or pyrite, ZnS - zinc blende or sphalerite (wurtzite), PbS - lead luster or galena, HgS - cinnabar, Sb 2 S 3 - stibnite. In addition, sulfur is present in petroleum, natural coal, natural gases and shale. Sulfur is the sixth most abundant element in natural waters, occurs mainly in the form of sulfate ions and causes the “permanent” hardness of fresh water. A vital element for higher organisms, an integral part of many proteins, is concentrated in the hair.

In the VIA group, sulfur is also a widely known and widespread chemical element in nature. In the earth's crust, sulfur is found in the form of a number of minerals that form rich deposits. Native sulfur is often found, i.e. simple substance S (S 8). Sulfur compounds with metals are very common. Many of them are most valuable as ores for the production of metals: lead luster PbS, zinc blende ZnS, copper luster CuS, etc. The mineral pyrite FeS 2 (iron pyrite), which forms cubic crystals of brass color, serves mainly as a raw material for the production of sulfuric acid.

Some sulfates are also widespread. The minerals gypsum and anhydrite (crystalline hydrate CaS0 4 2H 2 0 and anhydrous calcium sulfate) form in some places entire mountains. Magnesium and sodium sulfates are found in sea water. Transparent crystals are formed by strontium sulfate SrS0 4 - celestine. Barite, or heavy spar BaS0 4, is widely used for the production of white and as a filler in the paper and rubber industries. For example, a layer of barite is applied to photographic paper. Coal contains significant amounts of sulfur and, when burned, enters the atmosphere. The oxide cepbi(IV) S0 2 is constantly present in the air. If this sulfur were extracted from coal combustion products, it would be possible to sharply reduce the production of traditional sulfur ores. At the same time it would decrease harmful effects S0 2 on vegetation and fresh water bodies. Sulfur is always present in proteins, since the amino acids cysteine ​​and methionine contain sulfur. The total mass of sulfur in the human body is 120 g.

World sulfur production exceeds 60 million tons. More than half of this amount is used for the production of sulfuric acid, and the rest for the production of sulfites, rubber, and pest control products in agriculture.

Natural sulfur consists of four stable isotopes, with 95% of this mixture being the isotope

By chemical properties sulfur does not show significant similarity to oxygen. The main thing that brings these two elements together is the divalent state in combination with the majority chemical elements. It should be noted that in compounds between oxygen and sulfur, oxygen remains divalent, and sulfur can be four- or six-valent. Higher valence states sulfur are possible due to the presence

free 3

One of the important and characteristic properties of sulfur atoms is the ability to form chains:

If oxygen atoms are combined into chains of more than three atoms (in an ozone molecule), then sulfur under certain conditions gives chains of hundreds of thousands of atoms. Two interconnected sulfur atoms -8-8- often serve as a bridge within a protein molecule.

Sulfur. Simple substances

Sulfur as a simple substance forms several varieties. Common sulfur is a yellow, crystalline, brittle substance called rhombic sulfur. Beautiful crystals of natural sulfur are found in places where volcanic gases emerge (Kamchatka, Kuril Islands). Rhombic sulfur, stable under normal conditions, melts at 112.8°C. But liquid sulfur at 119°C begins to crystallize in the form of dark yellow needle-shaped crystals of a monoclinic system. Thus, sulfur forms two different solid phases, but below 112.8°C orthorhombic sulfur is stable. The boiling point of sulfur is 444.6°C. Sulfur is insoluble in water, but soluble in carbon disulfide and benzene.

Solid sulfur and its solutions consist of molecules 8 8 . These are ring molecules shaped like a crown (Fig. 19.3).

Rice. 19.3.

When writing chemical reactions, the molecular structure of sulfur is usually not taken into account and is written in the form of atoms. Above the melting point, sulfur gradually darkens and at ~250°C turns into a viscous mass of red-brown color, consisting of very long chains of 8 R.

Above 300°C, sulfur again becomes a mobile liquid. Boiling sulfur produces orange-yellow vapors. Sulfur vapor contains molecules B 8, 5 b, 8 4 and $ 2. Molecules 5 2 are close in structure to oxygen molecules 0 2.

If molten sulfur, heated to a boil, is poured into cold water (Fig. 19.4), it turns into a brown, soft, rubbery mass that stretches into threads. This type of sulfur is called plastic gray. It consists of zigzag very long molecules B, where P reaches 100,000 or more. After a short time, plastic sulfur becomes brittle, acquires a yellow color and gradually turns into rhombic sulfur 5 8 .

Rice. 19.4.

Sulfur is extracted directly from natural deposits. The extracted sulfur is distilled for purification in special refining furnaces. First, sulfur vapor enters a large brick chamber. On cold walls, sulfur precipitates in the form of a light yellow powder known as sulfur color. On hot walls at a temperature of about 120°C, the sulfur turns into a liquid, which is released into wooden molds, where it hardens in the form of sticks. The sulfur obtained in this way is called Cherenkova.

There are also many known reactions in which sulfur is released from complex substances. Sulfur is formed by mixing gaseous hydrogen sulfide and seionic gas:

The combustion of hydrogen sulfide in conditions of lack of oxygen also leads to the formation of sulfur (see below).

Oxides of sulfur (IU) and carbon (H) react to release sulfur in the presence of a catalyst:

This reaction is used to purify fuel combustion products from sulfur impurities.

Sulfur can be obtained by reaction in an aqueous solution. When hydrochloric acid is added to a solution of sodium thiosulfate Na 2 5 2 0 3, the liquid becomes cloudy, and light yellow fine sulfur gradually precipitates:

Chemical transformations of sulfur occur mainly during heating. Without the participation of other reagents, sulfur forms a number of different molecules:

Sulfur combines with almost all non-metals and metals. Reaction; hydrogen reversible:

Sulfur reacts with halogens, forming compounds in the di- and tetravalent state. Only with fluorine in its excess does the gaseous stable compound BR 6 form.

In air and oxygen, sulfur burns with a blue flame:

When sulfur burns, the temperature exceeds 800°C, as a result of which the equilibrium of the second reaction is greatly shifted to the left and only ~5% of sulfur is converted into $0 3.

Sulfur reacts with metals with a large release of heat. When a mixture of sulfur and zinc powders is ignited, a bright flash occurs. White zinc sulfide is formed:

Sulfur reacts with some ^-elements of the 5th and 6th periods more easily than oxygen. Silver is resistant to oxygen, but when mixed with sulfur without heating it forms brown sulfide:

Sulfur reacts with oxides, acids and salts that exhibit strong oxidizing properties:

When heated with an alkali solution, sulfur reacts in the same way as halogens, i.e. disorportions:

Sulfur atoms from a simple substance can attach to sulfur in some complex substances:

In the resulting polysulfide sodium contains chains of sulfur atoms with negative charges at the ends:

A solution of sodium sulfite reacts with sulfur when boiled:

The resulting colorless solution contains salt thiosulfur acids - sodium thiosulfate.