Laws of pedagogical innovations. Methodological foundations of pedagogical innovation Questions for discussion and creative tasks

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Levels of innovation in education Improvement is a change in one or more elements of the educational process; adaptation of a known technique to new conditions educational activities(new ways of creating groups) Rationalization - establishing a new rule for using known pedagogical means to solve traditional problems (a different way of creating a schedule) Modernization - changing several elements of the current educational system (instead of 11 years of study, 12 are expected) Heuristic solution - finding a way to solve known pedagogical problems ; creation and use of previously unknown pedagogical forms, methods, means for solving current pedagogical problems (methodology supporting notes Shatalov) Pedagogical invention - a new means, technology or a new combination of pedagogical means for the implementation of education (M.P. Shchetinin’s immersion system) Pedagogical discovery - the formulation and solution of a new pedagogical task leading to a fundamental renewal of the educational system as a whole or a significant improvement of its component element (TRIZ pedagogy, competency-based approach, distance learning)

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Innovations and innovations Pedagogical innovation is an idea, method, means, technology or system. Innovation is the process of introducing and mastering an innovation.

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Problems generated by innovations Differences in the needs of students, their parents, schools; The existence in one school of supporters of different pedagogical concepts and approaches Inconsistency of concepts educational institutions requirements of the surrounding society, educational standards The problem of combining innovative programs with traditional ones Lack of educational and methodological support for working on new concepts Adaptation of innovations to existing conditions Lack vocational training innovative teacher, leader innovation institution Problems of interaction between innovations and administrative bodies, government systems monitoring.

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Types of innovations In the content of education In methods, technologies, methods of the educational process Organization of the educational process In the management system of the school Innovations can be radical or basic (fundamentally new technologies, management methods) Combinatorial (use of various combinations of constructive connections of elements) Modifying (improvement, addition of original designs, principles, forms)

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Scale of innovations Local Modular (a complex of particular, interconnected, related, for example, to one group of objects, one age group students, etc.) Systemic (covering all educational institutions)

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Object and subject of pedagogical innovation Pedagogical innovation considers human education, and not other processes - material, technical, economic, etc. (for example, the number of hours allocated to an academic subject, or the provision of schools with equipment) The object of pedagogical innovation is the innovative process, conditions, methods and the results of its implementation The subject of innovation is the relationship between the effectiveness of innovation processes and the factors that determine it, as well as ways to influence these factors in order to increase the effectiveness of changes (conditions, means, patterns, forms, methods, technologies) Pedagogy deals with educational processes, changing students and teachers.

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Three aspects of innovation processes Socio-economic Psychological and pedagogical Organizational and managerial

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Laws of pedagogical innovation Law of irreversible destabilization of the pedagogical innovation environment Law of the final implementation of the innovation process Law of stereotyping of pedagogical innovations Law of cyclic repetition, return of pedagogical innovations

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5 Meanings of Innovation Change psychological climate V educational institution, which is determined by new goals and values ​​of education Introduction and dissemination of developed pedagogical systems Development of new technologies for design, management and teaching in schools engaged in innovative activities, which are forced to constantly overcome emerging contradictions Drawing new financial, information, socio-cultural structures and mechanisms into their orbit by innovative schools Pedagogical activity becomes sustainable creative activity and has a positive impact on all components of the educational process

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8 ranks of innovation Zero-order innovation - reproduction of the traditional educational system or its element First-order innovation - quantitative changes with its quality unchanged Second-order innovation - regrouping of system elements and organizational changes Third-order innovation - adaptive changes in the educational system in new conditions without going beyond the old models of education Fourth order innovations - the simplest qualitative changes in individual components of the educational system Fifth order innovations - changes in all or most of the initial properties of the system Sixth order innovations - the creation of educational systems of a “new type” with a qualitative change in the functional properties of the system while maintaining the system-forming functional principle Seventh order innovations – a radical change in educational systems, the emergence of a “new kind” of educational systems

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Three components of the innovation process Creation Development Application of innovation

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Structure of the innovation process Creation of innovations: analysis educational activities and identifying the need for change; innovation design; experimental testing of innovations; examination of innovations. Dissemination of innovations: 1. preparation for distribution; 2. informing about innovations; 3. support for the development of innovations; 4. analysis of the dissemination and adoption of innovations

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Mastering innovations: 1. analysis of educational activities and identifying the need for changes: 2. search for innovations; 3. assessment and selection of innovations; 4. designing the desired future of the educational system; 5. introduction of innovations; 6.analysis and evaluation of the results of changes; 7. institutionalization of innovations. Educational activities

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Subjects of innovation Manager Teacher-experimenter Problem solver Researcher Methodologist Designer Constructor Planner Designer

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Technology of innovations Implementation - carried out by the developer himself Engineering - from marketing, pre-project survey, business planning, development to comprehensive supply of equipment, personnel support and subsequent service Consulting - technology of innovations, ensuring the stage of choosing a planning strategy innovation activity Training – stage of preparation of personnel support for innovation Technology transfer – implementation innovative project due to transfer to another subject area or to other territories

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The processes of creating, mastering and applying innovations are increasingly spreading in the education system and pedagogical science. The specific historical situation of the renewal of the world and society, the restructuring of education predetermines the permanence (French permanent - permanent, continuous) and the focus of these processes on the constant essential and holistic renewal of pedagogical theory and practice. In this regard, understanding innovative educational processes requires knowledge of the basic laws of their flow, principles of management, structure and dynamics of their development.

In the theory of pedagogical innovation, there are fundamental laws, the knowledge of which allows one to effectively introduce and manage innovations in the education system. Law is a necessary, essential stable relationship between natural and social phenomena, which tends to repeat itself. The laws of pedagogical innovation express the connection between the concepts of this branch of knowledge, its components, the properties of concepts, as well as between the properties within a specific concept.

The law of irreversible destabilization of the pedagogical innovation environment. Its essence lies in the fact that any innovative educational process inevitably introduces irreversible destructive changes into a stable socio-pedagogical environment. This gives rise to the destruction of holistic ideas about the nature of educational processes and their controllability. Moments of innovation disrupt the usual fluidity of pedagogical thinking and polarize views. Those who, due to psychological, socio-economic and organizational and managerial reasons, do not perceive it, always unite against the new. In addition, the more thorough the pedagogical innovation, the more likely destabilization is likely, which may concern the theoretical, research, communicative or practical innovation environments.

The law of the final implementation of the innovation process. It is connected with the fact that any viable innovation process in educational structure sooner or later, spontaneously or consciously, will be realized.

Even those innovations that at first seem hopeless for mastery by the teaching community, much less for their implementation, make their way for some time and are implemented (we are talking about viable innovations). This was, for example, the introduction of ideas into mass pedagogical practice problem-based learning, programmed training, educational systems. Makarenko, S. Shatsky, V. Sukhomlinsky.

The law of stereotyping pedagogical innovations. The point is that any pedagogical innovation tends to turn over time into a stereotype of thinking and practical action. In this sense, it is doomed to routinization, that is, to the transition to a pedagogical stereotype, which significantly complicates the implementation of new progressive innovative technologies.

However, the history of development teaching practice indicates that not all innovations are doomed to routinization, since they have different innovative potential. Therefore, some of them, flashing brightly, go out or become disorganized educational system, others become traditional or give impetus to the birth of new pedagogical ideas, concepts, theories (the pedagogical heritage of Ya. -A. Komensky, K. Ushinsky, L. Tolstoy, S. Rusova, V. Sukhomlinsky, etc.).

The law of cyclic repetition, recurrence of pedagogical innovations. Its essence boils down to the fact that in pedagogy and the education system it often happens that innovations are revived again in new conditions. We are talking about the so-called “traditional innovations”, or “retro-innovations”. For example, the revival of pedagogical systems (or their elements) by M. Montessori, S. Frenet, national kindergarten S. Rusova and others. Such innovations often cause opposition because they are perceived as something that already existed.

Of course, these laws do not exhaust the general and specific patterns for pedagogical innovation. However, their knowledge contributes to understanding the dynamics of development and contradictions of innovative educational processes, as well as revealing the principles of their management.

A holistic understanding of innovation processes requires the disclosure of leading trends, patterns and contradictions in their development. Among the laws of the flow of innovation processes in the literature, four laws are distinguished: the law of irreversible destabilization of the pedagogical innovation environment, the law of the final implementation of the innovation process, the law of stereotyping of pedagogical innovations, the law of cyclic repetition, i.e. returnability of pedagogical innovations. Let us briefly describe them.

The law of irreversible destabilization of the teaching environment means that any innovative process in the education system inevitably introduces destructive changes into the environment in which it is carried out. This leads to the fact that holistic ideas about any pedagogical processes or phenomena begin to collapse; a split is introduced into the system of assessments and opinions, which leads to polarization of judgments about innovation, its significance and value. As a rule, it subsequently turns out to be impossible to restore these holistic ideas, which leads to inevitable personnel or spiritual costs in the teaching community. The more significant the pedagogical innovation, the more fundamental the destabilization: communicative, theoretical, practical, psychological.

The law of the final implementation of the innovation process means that this process must sooner or later, spontaneously or consciously, be realized. Any viable innovation eventually makes its way, even if at first it appears as completely hopeless for teachers or their students, leaders or parents of students to master.

The law of stereotyping pedagogical innovations is that any pedagogical innovation, even the most revolutionary, over time turns into a banality, into a stereotype of thinking or practical action. Any innovation is doomed to become routinized and become a barrier to other innovations.

Essence law of cyclic repetition of pedagogical innovations consists in the repeated revival of innovation in different conditions. It is no coincidence that they say that everything new is a well-forgotten old ( specialized training and pre-vocational training at the senior level of education).

In pedagogical reality, two types of innovation processes are distinguished. The first type is spontaneous innovations that occur without full awareness of the system of conditions and ways of their implementation. These innovations occur on an empirical basis, influenced by situational demands. Innovations of this type include the activities of innovative teachers, parents, educators, etc.

The second type of innovation is innovation in the education system, which is the product of conscious, purposeful, scientifically cultivated activity. It is precisely such innovations that have a huge systemic effect on all components of the pedagogical process, its structure and the activities of the entire teaching community.

Basic concepts of pedagogical neology: their relationship and interrelation.

The very concept of “innovation” first appeared in the studies of cultural scientists back in the 19th century and meant the introduction of some elements of one culture into another. This meaning is still preserved in ethnography.

It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that technical innovations began to be studied as a way to increase competitiveness in the market. Then the new science - innovation - examines both economic and social innovations in enterprises and organizations. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new field of knowledge took shape - the science of innovation, within which the patterns of technical innovations in the field of material production began to be studied. The science of innovation - innovation - arose as a reflection of the increased need of firms to develop and implement new services and ideas. In the 30s. In the USA, the terms “innovation policy of a company” and “innovation process” have been established. In the 60-70s. In the West, empirical studies of innovations carried out by firms and other organizations are gaining momentum.

Pedagogical innovation processes have been the subject of study since the 50s in the West and since the late 80s in Russia. Programs developed by artists and musicians (B.M. Nemensky, D.B. Kabalevsky), philosophers (V.S. Bibler, G.S. Batishchev), writers and mathematicians (E.N. Ilyin, P.M. Erdniev etc.) were a channel for the penetration of new ideas that forced us to rethink the content of educational and educational programs in relation to the scale of modern culture and the requirements of social reality. In our country, the emergence and development of pedagogical innovation is associated with changes in the socio-political life of the country. Education as a subsystem of society changes along with it. Nowadays innovation is a complex area scientific knowledge, permeating all areas of life. But there is still no common interpretation of the basic concepts, which causes difficulty.

In this regard, the need to understand such concepts as “innovation”, “innovation”, “innovation process”, “innovation”, “innovation activity”, etc. has become apparent.

There are many approaches to both studying and defining innovation. This is explained by the fact that neither in domestic nor in foreign science there is a generally accepted theory of innovation activity, including that a single generally accepted interpretation of the above terms has not yet been developed. The situation is further complicated by the fact that many specialists, when defining the same subject of research, use different terms.

The laws of pedagogical innovations help to understand the dynamics of development and contradictions of innovative processes in the education system.

1) The law of irreversible destabilization of the pedagogical innovation environment. Any innovative process in the education system, when implemented, inevitably introduces irreversible changes into the innovative social and pedagogical environment in which it is carried out. As a result of this, holistic ideas about any pedagogical processes or phenomena begin to collapse. Such an invasion of pedagogical innovation into the social and pedagogical environment leads to polarization of opinions about it, about its significance and value. The more significant the pedagogical innovation, the more fundamental the destabilization that affects the innovative environment different types: theoretical, experimental, communicative and practical.

2) The law of the final implementation of the innovation process. Any innovative process sooner or later, spontaneously or consciously, is implemented and ends its existence as an innovation. The experience of V. A. Shatalov is indicative in this regard.

3) The law of stereotyping pedagogical innovations. Any pedagogical innovation tends to turn into a stereotype of thinking and practical action. In this sense, it is doomed to routinization, it becomes a stereotype, a barrier to the implementation of other innovations.

4) The law of cyclic repetition of pedagogical innovation. Characteristic feature education systems is the repeated revival of a phenomenon or innovation under new conditions. That is why, in pedagogical theory and practice, innovations cause special opposition, since they are perceived by some teachers as “long-forgotten old things.” Examples include the notes of V. A. Shatalov, in which many do not see anything new due to the fact that they have long been used in pedagogy, as well as the communard methodology, restored in new conditions in a number of schools (for example, the school of V. A. Karakovsky).

These laws are not limited to general and specific patterns for pedagogical innovation, which have yet to be explored.

Methods of teaching mathematics and their classification

Traditional learning has a number of disadvantages. Of these, the following should be highlighted:

The predominance of verbal methods of presentation, which contribute to the dispersion of attention and the impossibility of focusing on the essence educational material;

Average pace of learning mathematical material;

A large amount of material that requires memorization;

Lack of differentiated tasks in mathematics, etc. The disadvantages of traditional mathematics teaching can be eliminated by improving the process of teaching it.

Method (from the Greek methodos - path of research) - a way to achieve a goal.

Teaching method- an ordered set of didactic techniques and means with the help of which the goals of training and education are realized. Teaching methods include interconnected, sequentially alternating methods of purposeful activity of the teacher and students.

Any teaching method presupposes a goal, a system of actions, learning tools and an intended result. The object and subject of the teaching method is the student.

Any one teaching method is used in its pure form only for specially planned educational or research purposes. Usually the teacher combines various methods training.

Teaching method is a historical category. Throughout the history of pedagogy, the problem of teaching methods has been resolved from various points of view: through forms of activity; through logical structures and functions of forms of activity; through character cognitive activity. Today there are different approaches to modern theory teaching methods.

Classification of teaching methods is carried out on various grounds.

By the nature of cognitive activity:

Explanatory and illustrative (story, lecture, conversation, demonstration, etc.);

Reproductive (solving problems, repeating experiments, etc.);

Problematic (problematic tasks, cognitive tasks, etc.);

Partially search - heuristic;


By activity components:

Organizational-effective - methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities;

Stimulating - methods of stimulating and motivating educational and cognitive activities;

Control and evaluation - methods of monitoring and self-control of the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities.

By didactic purposes:

Methods for learning new knowledge;

Methods for consolidating knowledge;

Control methods.

By way of presenting educational material:

Monologues - informative (story, lecture, explanation);

Dialogical (problem presentation, conversation, debate). But the forms of organization of educational activities.

According to the levels of independent activity of students. By sources of knowledge transfer:

Verbal (story, lecture, conversation, instruction, discussion);

Visual (demonstration, illustration, diagram, display of material, graph);

Practical (exercise, laboratory work, workshop. Taking into account the personality structure:

Consciousness (story, conversation, instruction, illustration, etc.);

Behavior (exercise, training, etc.);

Feelings - stimulation (approval, praise, blame, control, etc.).

All of these classifications are considered from a didactic aspect; the subject content of mathematics is not sufficiently taken into account here, so it is impossible to reflect the entire range of methods of teaching mathematics. The choice of teaching methods is a creative matter, but it is based on knowledge of learning theory. Teaching methods cannot be divided, universalized or considered in isolation. In addition, the same teaching method may be effective or ineffective depending on the conditions under which it is applied.

New content of education gives rise to new methods in teaching mathematics. Required A complex approach in the application of teaching methods, their flexibility and dynamism. The pedagogical classification of teaching methods separates teaching methods and learning methods. The latter, in turn, are represented by scientific (observation, analysis, synthesis, etc.) and educational (heuristic, learning from models, etc.) methods of studying mathematics.

Teaching methods - means and techniques, methods of information, management and control of students' cognitive activity.

Methods of teaching - means and techniques, ways of mastering educational material, reproductive and productive methods of teaching and self-control.

The main methods of mathematical research are: observation and experience; comparison; analysis and synthesis; generalization and specialization; abstraction and concretization.

Modern methods teaching mathematics: problematic

(prospective), laboratory, programmed training, heuristic, construction mathematical models, axiomatic, etc.

Let's consider the classification of teaching methods (Scheme 1).

Information and developmentmethods are divided into two classes:

1. Transmission of information in finished form (lecture, explanation, demonstration of educational films and videos, listening to tape recordings, etc.);

2. Independent acquisition of knowledge ( independent work with a book, with a training program, with information databases - the use of information technology).

Problem-searchmethods: problematic presentation of educational material (heuristic conversation), educational discussion, laboratory search work (preceding the study of the material), organization of collective mental activity in small groups, organizational activity game, research work.

Reproductivemethods: retelling educational material, performing exercises according to the model, laboratory work according to instructions, exercises on simulators.

Creative-reproductive methods: essay, variable

exercises, analysis of production situations, business games and other types of imitation of professional activities.

An integral part of teaching methods are the methods of educational\activity of the teacher and students. Methodological techniques - actions, methods of work aimed at solving a specific problem. Behind the tricks academic work hidden methods of mental activity (analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, proof, abstraction, concretization, identification of the essential, formulation of conclusions, concepts, techniques of imagination and memorization).

Modern teaching methods are mainly focused on teaching not ready-made knowledge, but activities for independent acquisition of new knowledge, i.e. cognitive activity.

Special methods- these are the basic methods of cognition adapted for teaching, used in mathematics itself, methods of studying reality characteristic of mathematics (construction of mathematical models, methods of abstraction used in the construction of such models, the axiomatic method).

TOPIC 2. The meaning, goals and objectives of innovation in education

1. The essence and tasks of pedagogical innovation

2. Methodological grounds innovations in education

1. The essence and tasks of pedagogical innovation

So, what is pedagogical innovation? Pedagogy deals with educational processes in which students and teachers participate. All other changes are the modernization of education, changes in the duration of secondary or higher education, school access to the Internet, etc. - these are only the means that can lead to the main pedagogical mission - progressive personal changes in students and teachers.

Pedagogical innovation is aimed at fulfilling universal human tasks. The development is determined not only by the order of society and the individual to change the education system, but also by the need to provide pedagogical support for the connection between the past and the future. The connection between times, past and future, is realized by man and his activities, including educational ones. This connection is not a simple transfer of past experience to future generations; the educational process is always accompanied by the introduction of something new. Pedagogical innovation deals with changes in education, thereby performing the function of pedagogical connection of times.

Taking into account the above, we formulate the following definition. Pedagogical innovation- a science that studies the nature, patterns of emergence and development of pedagogical innovations in relation to subjects of education, as well as providing a connection between pedagogical traditions and the design of future education.

From this definition follows the main target pedagogical innovation - to scientifically substantiate and ensure continuous changes in education in the interests of bringing it closer to the realized essence of the emerging person - the bearer and implementer of the cultural connection of times.

In modern education, it is customary to distinguish between two types of innovative phenomena: “innovation in the education system” and “innovative teaching”. The first is associated with the restructuring, modification, improvement, change of the education system or its individual aspects, properties and aspects, for example, with the creation of new legislative acts, models and concepts of education, forms of integration relations, etc. The second - innovative learning - is defined as a special type of learning, a product of purposeful, scientifically based activity of a new type in the educational process.

The unifying concept of pedagogical innovation is the innovative educational process. Others are closely related to this concept: pedagogical innovation, innovative activity, innovative environment in which innovative processes occur.

Innovation processes in education are considered in three main aspects: socio-economic, psychological-pedagogical and organizational-managerial. These aspects depend general climate and the conditions in which innovation processes occur. Existing conditions (environment) can facilitate or hinder the innovation process. The innovation process in the unity of its three components (creation, development and application of innovations) can be either spontaneous or consciously controlled. The introduction of innovations is primarily a function of managing artificial and natural processes of change.

Innovation activity - a set of measures and technologies to ensure the innovation process at a particular level of education. The main functions of innovative activity include changing the components of the pedagogical process: goals, content of education, forms, methods, technologies, teaching aids, management systems, etc.

Innovations in education they represent the promotion or creative elaboration of new ideas, principles, technologies, in some cases bringing them to standard projects containing the conditions for their adaptation and application in mass practice. By type of activity, innovations are distinguished: pedagogical, support and managerial.

Scientists propose the following types of problems of pedagogical innovation:

    Descriptive-explanatory tasks designed to give a picture of what actually exists at the level of theoretical explanation.

    Tasks related to the development of new models of innovative activity, new technologies for its implementation, new forms of its organization.

    Tasks related to the development of ways to develop systems of innovation.

    Tasks related to the study of the system of relationships that arise in innovative educational activities in relation to the personal formation and development of the student and teacher.

    Tasks related to the nature and patterns of emergence, development of pedagogical innovations, their connection with the traditions of the past and future in relation to subjects of education.

Pedagogical innovation has tasks not only internal, but also of a general pedagogical nature. N.R. Yusufbekova calls such tasks of innovation: justification and systematization of new directions of pedagogical research. Among them:

    pedagogical theory of our time as a system of ideas and principles of organization in the conditions of renewal of society, the education system and the formation of a new type of personality; as a strategic direction for the development of pedagogical science;

    creativity pedagogy, which studies issues of formation creative personality in the educational process and outside it;

    educational therapy in the system of preventive and compensatory pedagogy, pedagogy of borderline states and extreme situations;

    peace pedagogy, studying the influence of global problems of humanity on education and aimed at cultivating thinking, new morality and new psychology that meet the realities of the nuclear-space era;

The theory of educational systems, systematizing the integrative processes of teaching and upbringing, the patterns of combining social and pedagogical factors of upbringing.

Based on the principles, laws and technologies of pedagogical innovation, the process of innovative transformations can be subject to:

    target and conceptual block of education;

    organizational structure of the education system, educational institutions, educational authorities, system of advanced training;

    pedagogical technologies (forms, methods and technological means);

    structure and content of education;

    curriculum, textbooks, electronic learning tools;

    scientific and methodological support of the educational process;

    principles of education management, quality of education;

    system of monitoring, diagnostics, control and evaluation of educational results;

    economics of education, state and interstate policy in education.

2. Methodological foundations of innovation in education

In the process of studying innovation processes in education, scientists discovered a number of theoretical and methodological problems: the relationship between traditions and innovations, the content and stages of the innovation cycle, the attitude of different education subjects to innovation, innovation management, personnel training, the basis for criteria for assessing what is new in education, etc. These problems need to be understood at the methodological level.

The activity-based essence of innovations in education and the need to reflect them in the form of teaching put forward a requirement for understanding the methodology of pedagogical innovation as an organic unity of two components: teaching and activity.

Methodology of pedagogical innovationThere is a system of knowledge and activities related to the foundations and structure of the doctrine of the creation, development and application of pedagogical innovations.

What is The task of pedagogical innovation methodology! It is obvious that it is necessary to give a holistic theoretical understanding of pedagogical innovation, its composition, structure, and functions. To do this, it is necessary to identify the main trends, contradictions, principles, laws of development of innovative processes, and to substantiate methodological approaches to their study within the framework of pedagogical innovation.

H.R. Yusufbekova identifies the following trends in the field of education and the corresponding contradictions.

I. The trend towards continuity of education. It evokes the need for structural and substantive renewal.

    Increasing need for new pedagogical knowledge among teachers and other practitioners. The composition and structure of the teaching community is being updated.

    Implementation trend. The use of new things is becoming widespread.

4. The trend towards the creation of educational school systems.

The development of educational systems of schools involves the passage of three main interconnected stages:

1) the emergence of a new pedagogical phenomenon - educational system school and its theoretical understanding in new pedagogical knowledge, which in the form of theories and concepts characterizes this pedagogical innovation in its specifics;

2) mastery of innovation by the teaching community;

3) application, implementation in school practice. Each of the three stages is distinguished by its specific contradictions and features of their resolution.

For the first stage, the contradiction is that the goal of education - the formation of a harmoniously developed personality - cannot be consistently realized in modern society with its education system.

For the second stage, the contradiction between non-systemic scientific and pedagogical thinking and the systemic class of scientific and practical problems that are posed and solved when developing the problem of the school educational system is essential.

For the third stage, the contradiction between the ready-made, existing “sample”, “model” of the educational system and the need for its use and development in the operating conditions of a particular school is significant.

From a methodological point of view, it is necessary to determine the patterns of development of innovative pedagogical systems and processes. The Belarusian scientist I. I. Tsyrkun identified the following patterns of development of the innovation system.

    The system is developing unevenly. The development of an innovation system is dominated by the logic of culture, stochasticity over cumulativeness and rationality.

    The determining grounds for the development of an innovation system are innovations with substantive scientific justification.

    They prevailed until the 70s. XX century

    There is a certain order in development: first, the resources of the subject scientific substantiation are sequentially drawn out, and then a transition is made to deeper sources (didactics, psychology, cybernetics, systems approach, etc.).

    Various didactic innovations have the property of equivalence regarding the expected effects.

    The innovation system is dominated by modifying innovations and innovations that are focused on result values. In the process of developing an innovation system, complexity increases scientific justification

    and the frequency of appearance of modernist innovations increases.

    The development of an innovation system is carried out with evolutionary cycles. Maximum development corresponds to the periods: 1951-1960, 1971-1975, 1981-1985.

    In the innovation system, there are changes in the positions of variables and constant components of education.

N. R. Yusufbekova formulated the following laws of pedagogical innovation.

    The law of irreversible destabilization of the pedagogical innovation environment . Complete ideas about any pedagogical processes or phenomena begin to collapse, and subsequently it turns out to be impossible to restore these ideas. In this regard, costs arise associated with the personnel and spiritual capabilities of the teaching community.

    The law of the final implementation of the innovation process . Any innovative process must sooner or later, spontaneously or consciously, be realized.

    The law of stereotyping pedagogical innovations . Any pedagogical innovation implemented in the innovation process tends to turn into a stereotype of thinking and practical action.

    The law of cyclic repetition, recurrence of pedagogical innovations.

The listed laws are, to a certain extent, characteristic of many innovation processes; in pedagogy, such laws will most likely still be clarified. The task of pedagogical innovation is to establish exactly those laws and patterns that relate to its subject of research. This requires the construction of a theoretical and methodological apparatus, one of the main components of which is the conceptual apparatus.