Tenacious 3 closed worlds. Konstantin Ants - closed worlds. Konstantin Muravyov. Closed worlds

The third book sucks, the author apparently had a mini-stroke, and then atherosclerosis began to progress.... His GG is like super cool, but doesn’t use his abilities, constant tediousness on 8 pages out of 10, like GG’s thoughts: here’s the air, I’ll tell him I’m breathing, which means I have something to breathe, and that kind of nonsense. Everyone around is surprised, these are the ambiguous people, and such surprises on every page from the same people. As a result, it turns out that everyone was surprised by the human a hundred times over 3 days, and the author made sure to write it down. Around the hero are elves, magicians who have lived for more than a thousand years, and they are all stupid, and the GG explains to them, like children, obvious things about the world where they have lived for these thousand years, look at the air, and if you breathe it, then this air is safe for you. The stupidity is off the charts. GG has a lot of abilities and more, but he doesn’t use them, he goes to war with an enemy that is obviously weak for him and says to his stupid friends: I most likely won’t survive. And then immediately a bunch of snot from stupid friends for a couple of pages. In short: I do not recommend reading the third book. Save your nerves.

If you find yourself in a world from which no one has yet been able to get out, this does not mean that there is no way out, it only means that no one has found it yet. And if you find yourself in a situation where you have hit a wall and there is no path leading forward, look back, perhaps you just chose the wrong direction. And you now have an entire eternity to find exactly your path, leading beyond the boundaries of this incomprehensible Closed World. But we must not forget that eternity and immortality are two different things. And in order to live it, you also need to survive. But it’s not for nothing that you were once called Tenacious. True, you may not know that such a world may not be the only one.

Closed Worlds (SI) - description and summary, author Konstantin Nikolaevich Muravyov, read for free online on the website electronic library website


Alexander wrote a review of the book Closed Worlds (SI)

The third book sucks, the author apparently had a mini-stroke, and then atherosclerosis began to progress.... His GG is like super cool, but doesn’t use his abilities, constant tediousness on 8 pages out of 10, like GG’s thoughts: here’s the air, I’ll tell him I’m breathing, which means I have something to breathe, and that kind of nonsense. Everyone around is surprised, these are the ambiguous people, and such surprises on every page from the same people. As a result, it turns out that everyone was surprised by the human a hundred times over 3 days, and the author made sure to write it down. Around the hero are elves, magicians who have lived for more than a thousand years, and they are all stupid, and the GG explains to them, like children, obvious things about the world where they have lived for these thousand years, look at the air, and if you breathe it, then this air is safe for you. The stupidity is off the charts. GG has a lot of abilities and more, but he doesn’t use them, he goes to war with an enemy that is obviously weak for him and says to his stupid friends: I most likely won’t survive. And then immediately a bunch of snot from stupid friends for a couple of pages. In short: I do not recommend reading the third book. Save your nerves.

Step into the abyss

You remain a stranger in this world of high technology.

You seem wild in the eyes of some and a seasoned businessman in the eyes of others. But if you find yourself in such a situation that there is almost no chance to win and survive... You have to act in a place where even all possible abilities will not be enough to be able to save yourself and those you love... Then you only have one chance.

Take this step, a leap into the abyss of the unknown. A step that will turn you into a disciple of the god of death.

The enemy is behind you

Dim is no longer someone who only recently found himself on space station Rekura-4.

In order to try to protect the newly organized corporation and its little-known head from any attacks, he must again become an ordinary and inconspicuous scavenger for everyone.

True, this time Dim understands that somewhere, behind his back, lurks a powerful and very insidious enemy, whom he has already encountered more than once. An enemy who can always suddenly attack and deliver the final blow. And to meet him main character prepared.

Will he be able to stay on the sidelines in such a situation, or will he have to solve the problem himself again?


To find and neutralize the enemy, you don’t always have to go straight ahead.

Sometimes, even though you understand that your enemy is somewhere nearby, you can find the way to him only if you yourself are able to get out of the small world you are in and can see everything from the outside.

And if to achieve this you have to destroy a blockade organized by pirates or hack their station, you will do it. In addition, this will not only help you escape, but will also allow your new allies and comrades that you have found in this world to survive too. This will be an opportunity not only to declare oneself in a new role, but also to put together a clan, which in the future everyone in the Commonwealth will talk about...


You have an opponent. An ancient and very insidious enemy. He is powerful and has great capabilities. And this enemy is so cunning that even one of the most mysterious and private states in the Commonwealth cannot cope with it.

But it so happens that you have already begun the battle with this dangerous and powerful enemy. You were able to meet him face to face and even win. And it turns out that only you and your knowledge are able to defeat him.

It is for this reason that this mysterious race, which in the Commonwealth is called the Spolots, saw their savior in you. Someone who can help her finally deal with this ancient evil. An evil that has been hiding in the slave trading empire for thousands of years.

Trap World

You were forced to take a dangerous and risky step, rushing into an unstable anomaly and pulling a treacherous enemy with you...

And you did all this only in the hope that on the other side you would have a chance to find the answer to the most important question: how to become a winner in a battle in which you found yourself an unwitting participant?

But it turns out that the answer to this question will lead you into a world that should not exist. Into a world that will be a trap. And now you need to remember everything that your cruel teacher once taught you. Save yourself and find your way back. Get out of that trap world where you once dared to jump...

Worlds Beyond


The main character, by chance and due to the actions of one young intern, finds himself in a strange and unusual world, where new discoveries and adventures await him everywhere. Where anyone can become either a friend or an enemy.

Where help can come from everywhere, from a small and funny animal to a mysterious assistant or a giant bone demon.

A world where magic has already become commonplace in the lives of those around us is woven into the system of this new and mysterious world. A world that lies beyond the boundaries of familiar reality, and that lies in the depths of unexplored space, where the fate of our compatriot has thrown us.

The world that is somewhere out there...

City of the Ancients

The wanderings of our contemporary in the magical and mysterious world do not end.

He is already strong enough and has studied its laws. But circumstances force him to leave his home.

Ahead of him awaits the most powerful enemy, whom even the strongest sorcerers of antiquity were unable to pacify. Ahead is an acquaintance with someone who can change the life of the main character and determine for him new goal. But this path will not be easy.

He will have to face hordes of undead and dead sorcerers, the gatekeepers of the dead city. A city that conceals one of the most important secrets of this world: where did the magicians come from?

Neutral worlds

Trying to break through the hordes of the undead and trying to escape from the city of ancient magicians, which turned out to be a deadly trap for our hero and his team, Bug, thanks to his acquaintance with one pretty demoness, discovered a very risky way out.

He and his companions pass through an ancient portal to a network of neutral worlds that are controlled by a powerful magical guild.

From here, Bug will not only have to find the way to his home, but also help two cute and so different girls who got in his way get out. But the past path is closed, it is necessary to look for a new one. And this will take a lot of time.

So, we should settle down here for now. You need to somehow merge with the local contingent. Will an ordinary warrior, sorcerer and ranger, as everyone else sees him, be able to do this?

Loot Master

If you were able to survive in the forest, which everyone considers deadly, you were able to get out of the walls Ancient city, in which dead magicians reign, and going through the border of the worlds, reaching a place where there is a chance to get answers to most of the questions, this does not mean that the road has been passed...

After all, you will now find yourself in a place where everything is controlled by powerful magical guilds, and the worlds are already thousands of years old, and, at first glance, there is no place in them for another handful of sorcerers who accidentally got there...

Will Bug be able to unite such unrelated creatures of this world as former members of one of the thieves' guilds, mercenaries who have lost their goal, bodyguards who could not be better found, craftsmen from the craft district and, of course, magicians who arrived with him or joined already here. And to put together from all these completely different groups a new, completely different guild. Guild "Loot Masters".

Ours are there (Tsentrpoligraf)

Closed worlds

If you made a dangerous deal and found yourself in a world that could scare even the god of death and from which until that moment no one had returned alive, this does not mean that there is no way out of it.

This means that no one has discovered it yet. And you now have eternity at your disposal to find your path, which leads beyond this unknown closed world.

Just remember that eternity and immortality are very unrelated things. And in order to live, you must first survive.

But it’s not for nothing that you were once called the Tenacious. True, you don’t yet understand that such a world is not the only one. But this realization still needs to be achieved. After all, the road leading beyond the boundaries of this world may not be here at all...


If the situation is such that you were given no other option but to go to another world, then why not use it?

Still, in this world, nothing holds the main character back. Your goal is eliminated, your desires are trampled. And you yourself have already been written off. You are no longer needed. More likely even dangerous. It may turn out that you will follow the lead of those who are trying to persecute you?

Or you will decide to take the only step that no one expects from you. And even if where you find yourself, you will be unlucky and strange for everyone, but you will have a chance to start everything from scratch...


And again you find yourself in an unknown place. And again you need to survive and find your way back. But now everything is much more complicated.

You have become involved in the games of the gods. The best bloodhounds have begun hunting for you, whom they managed to find and send after you. And you realize that you need time to understand the essence of what is happening and find out where the next blow will come from.

But most importantly, you understand that if they take revenge on you, they will hit your loved ones. And therefore, in order to save them, you open your game.

A game of hide and seek for survival with the gods. And you can't lose. But can you win?

Far Outpost

If you find yourself in someone else's strange world, was able to survive on the way here, and even managed to somehow get used to the new place, this does not mean that everything is over.

This is only a sign that you managed to escape from the first attack that fate had in store for you. And in the future you will be convinced of this. After all, this first attack, as a rule, is simply a test. They're checking you. They are trying to find your weaknesses and pain points. And that’s why you need to be prepared.

Even an ordinary and not particularly burdensome trip can become an incredible challenge and a battle for survival. But for you it's a routine. After all, in this world, your, at first glance, simple and unremarkable name is not just translated as Tenacious.

Unknown from the Drakkar

The dangerous journeys of our compatriot Alexei Surka in the unexplored universe continue on a huge spaceship.

But now he is not alone, he has a family, which consists of 2 charming companions.

With him are 2 unusual artifacts that have settled in his head, as well as a strange team that is different from everyone else. He has new skills and abilities in his arsenal. Perhaps now he is ready for any challenge. But is this really true? He will be able to find answers to these questions only by going his own way...

Unaccounted for

A young man from a small Ural town did not at all think that his visit to All-Russian Olympiad will end in half a century in a gloomy system that has not seen the light of the sun for millions of years, on the ruins of a destroyed and abandoned scientific station.

Nor did he think that his only interlocutors here would be artificial intelligence and 2 strange artifacts that are now firmly lodged in his head.

He also did not suspect that it was here that he would find his love and that incredible chance that would give him the opportunity to begin his journey in an unknown and mysterious world.

But the most important thing is that he still does not understand that he turned out to be that unaccounted factor that could change everything. And he must be ready for anything...

Combat Fantasy (AST)


Pirates, turning into a monster and gaining life, uncertainty and confusion, fear and suffering - he was able to survive everything.

Now he is an ordinary trader and technician from a dilapidated old spaceship, who by chance ended up on an unknown closed planet.

A prison planet for its inhabitants. And society sees him only as a slightly strange traveler. Or is this not true? And is he now something more to his new comrades and allies? Someone who helped them believe that everything can still be changed and give up early. Someone who gave them new hope. But this goal still needs to be achieved.

And to achieve anything you always need preparation...

Steel Frontier

Pirate attack, transformation into a beast and return to ordinary life. The uncertainty and horror of the future. Experiences and torment. But he was able to overcome everything and survive. Go through everything. But there's no time to stop. Don't forget what fate has in store for him.

And therefore he needs to start “small”. Try not to get crushed in the millstones future war. And he will succeed. After all, not only his fate, but also the lives of his loved ones depends on this. Especially the one he met here and fell in love with.

And so he will have to use all his acquired skills, skills and knowledge and create the last line between his new allies and the horror that should appear because of him. A line that shouldn't exist. A frontier that in the future will be considered “Steel”.


Call sign "Technician"

It may turn out that yesterday you were an ordinary student who plans to go to your hometown for the summer to do an internship. And now you are an inhabitant of a new planet...

And it is unknown whether you will ever be able to see your loved ones again, because no one is able to answer such a common question: where did you come from?

You are not a military man, not a superhero. You're just a not very prestigious student technical university. But even you have a steel core that will not let you give up and give up.

And despite the fact that now you are only a “technician” who serves the staff of the lowest level, this is not the limit, but simply the beginning of your journey. The path that leads to the stars. The paths of that person who will later be called “Techie”..


In the past, you were a university student, but now you find yourself in another world and are a simple junior technician, and then a mercenary.

But for some, you are a foreign intelligence agent of one of the Commonwealth countries and work under the call sign “Technician”. To help your comrades survive, you were ready to sacrifice yourself - and even die! But you were able to escape...

And now you are in the very heart of the enemy squadron, literally falling under the nose of its leader. How to get away with this situation? It’s not for nothing that many people consider you, a savage from another world, to be someone special.

Here comes the chance again to prove it and argue with fate. And now you are a deep penetration agent, or, in other words, a mole. To be saved, you must cope with this role and achieve your goal!..

Konstantin Muravyov

Tenacious. Book three

Closed worlds

Nobody knows where. The outskirts of some small town.

“Hey, you,” someone’s hoarse and slightly sleep-deprived voice comes from the direction of the gate, “who are you?”

I? - I raised my eyes and looked questioningly at the observation deck, where someone’s carcass could be seen.

Most likely, this is a guard who is now watching from the wall what is happening below, but the sun beating into his eyes does not make it clearer. Although by the voice it’s definitely some kind of guy.

Looking closer, I understand that it was a man in armor who spoke to me, although this is not visible from the face, protected by a helmet and looking at me against the sun, but the aura does not lie, and judging by it, just a representative of the human race He's talking to me now. It wasn’t very comfortable for me to look up, but still, having looked closer (it’s strange, before my eyes seemed to adapt only to the darkness, but now I could see many details and details even against the light), I understand that he is middle-aged, dark eyes, a broken, flattened nose , a scar coming out from under the helmet and crossing the eyebrow. Well, and not surprisingly, he is unshaven...

But that's just like me.

During the three days that I got to this town and wandered around the surrounding forests and small swamps until I got out onto the road leading here, I somehow neglected some personal hygiene products, such as, for example, daily shaving... Although I have I had everything I needed, but somehow I had no time for that these few days. So he was looking at me from the wall like a completely ordinary person. Not too different from myself, if we judge our similarities only by our appearance. He was armed, apparently, with a spear; behind his back he could see a bow and, in my opinion, the hilt of a sword. True, he is kind of gloomy...

And his gaze is painfully tenacious.

It seems like I asked with some laziness, but for some reason it doesn’t seem like ordinary idle curiosity to me. He takes his responsibilities very seriously.

Maybe I thought this way because it’s not for nothing that several rather large crossbows with magic arrows placed on them are now pointed at me, hidden in niches located under the crest of the wall. And the arrows are not all simple ones. At least three elements are woven into them, different types energy and a couple of spells.

But it was done in a very unique way, as if this thing was not intended for one person, but was specially created for several types of creatures, which should have some kind of additional effect on them. At the same time, they practically do not shine with magic, hiding their capabilities within their field.

And the bow behind the guard’s back is a deception, so that the one who sees it does not think about another throwing weapon, which may also be there, well, or there are some reasons for wearing it.

“Strange and unusual,” I assessed this whole situation in general.

I have never been greeted like this before.

Even at the outpost, which was practically all the time “in constant combat readiness mode, where we, the whole rather large crowd of novice magicians, had to go through, well, and, in fact, we went through our practice, when we first appeared there. And security was arranged there a little more thoroughly, perhaps.

An incomprehensible dissonance of perception is created.

There are practically no guards on the wall, the one in front of me, and a couple more further along the wall, but there are, as it seems to me, very powerful crossbows, and having assessed the working mechanisms myself, from the angle that I can see.

I didn’t notice any magical constructs for controlling these small arms...

Hence the scope of the conclusion.

“Managing them has nothing to do with magic,” and I look again and understand.

“It’s not for nothing that he never raised his second hand from behind the wall.”

Apparently he holds it on some kind of lever or button, controlling me and my actions.

That’s why there are no other guards on the wall, only a little further in both directions...

And it’s even more strange that I can’t feel anyone in the city.

And this was no less strange and incomprehensible to me.

There are people on the wall, but no one behind it. Either I don't understand something, or there's something wrong here. Or am I looking in the wrong place...

Looking back...

“No,” I realized, “the magical background there is replete with various living and inanimate auras of various creatures and objects.”

I turn back and peer at the very wall rising in front of me.

“So, what is this?” - I didn’t notice right away, but the entire town is surrounded along the perimeter by a magical field, which runs inside the masonry wall.

“Why is this?” - there is only one answer to this question asked to oneself.

So that those who may come or look towards the city from the outside do not understand that it is here at all, or who and how long is inside it.

Unusual defense. I never even thought about this.

But this is only the final goal, and the reasons for such a strange defense are not very clear to me.

Or someone doesn’t want unknown people to find this city, but this is stupid, because there is a road leading to it, I’ve reached it. This means that these are not those who will think of walking along it...

Either this someone doesn’t want to show that there are more people in the city than there really should be.

But this is something more similar to the truth...

“Although,” and I once again drew attention to the wall.

Perhaps the first option should not be discarded...

But I chose the prerequisite for installing such protection a little wrong...

After all, maybe this protection is not from intelligent beings. And from those who focus on the magical field or aura.

And there definitely are such people, I don’t know about this world, but judging by the dense magical field of this world, they certainly should exist.

I myself have repeatedly met similar ones in the Great Forest and the Ice Wastes.

And if we assume that such monsters do not live here in some isolated territory, separated from the rest of the world by a huge fault or almost impassable mountains, then this protection in some way hides the city from those who can find it along such a magical trail , left behind by people living here or by an increased concentration of certain magical artifacts, amulets and other things, which must certainly accompany any concentration of people living in this world, which is too full of magical energy.

Hm. But this is quite logical...

Then this small number of guards is also understandable, which gives a not very strong magical light indicating their presence.

By the way, there are similar artifacts on them, it’s just that I first noticed this particular field designed to hide the guard’s aura, and only then, surprised by its very aura, some kind of limitation and poverty, I guessed that it was a person.

And in this case, such unusual enhanced precautions became quite obvious and understandable precisely to combat those who might find themselves under the walls of the city...

After all, crossbows were scattered not only near the road, I noticed this when examining the Crest of the Wall, but also, it seems, along its entire perimeter.

At least that was the case everywhere within my visibility.

What more can be said?

Now, having realized that the aura of this guard was in some way distorted deliberately, in order to hide it from external detection, I took a closer look at it.

Not a magician. Although the field is still somewhat strange.

But with such a concentration of magical energy in this world, this is not surprising.

I haven’t seen anything like this even in the Great Forest or the Ice Wastes.

So here, by definition, everyone must have at least some predisposition to work with magic.

And if we talk about the guard who controls me, then in magical terms he looks like a seeker or ranger, but somehow unfinished. This same aura or field is very unstructured.

149 RUR(68.56 UAH)

Book 1

Konstantin Muravyov. Tenacious"

If the circumstances were such that you were simply left with no other choice but to go to another world, then why not? Use it. All the same, nothing holds you in this world since birth. Your goal was destroyed, your aspirations were trampled. Yes, and you yourself were written off. You are no longer needed. Moreover, it is dangerous. Maybe you will follow the lead of those who are pursuing you? Or you will take that one step that no one expects from you. And even though where you end up, you will become unlucky and strange for everyone, but at least you will have a chance to start all over again. And survive.

Book 2

Konstantin Muravyov. Far Outpost

If you find yourself in someone else's unusual world, managed not to die on the way here, and was even able to somehow get settled in a new place, this does not mean that everything is already behind. This only means that you managed to dodge the first attack that fate had in store for you. And soon you will be convinced of this. After all, this first attack is most often a test. They're testing you. They try to find your weaknesses and pain points. And therefore - get ready. Even a simple and not too burdensome trip can turn out to be a real challenge and a struggle for survival. But you're not used to it. After all, in this world, it’s not for nothing that your seemingly simple and ordinary name is translated as Tenacious.

Book 3

Konstantin Muravyov. Peekaboo

And again you found yourself somewhere unknown. And again he must survive and return. But this time everything is much more complicated. You have been drawn into the games of the gods. The best bloodhounds they could find and set on you are following you. And you understand that you need time to understand what is happening and understand where to expect the next blow. But the main thing is that you know that if they hit you, they will hit your loved ones. And therefore, to protect them, you start your own game. A game of hide and seek for survival with the gods. And you can't lose. But can you win?

Book 4

Konstantin Muravyov. Closed worlds

If you made a deal and found yourself in a world that could scare even the god of death and from which no one has yet been able to get out, this does not mean that there is no way out of it. It's just that no one has found him yet. And now you have all eternity to find your path leading beyond this incomprehensible closed world. Just don’t forget that eternity and immortality are two different things. And in order to live life, you also need to survive. But it’s not for nothing that you were once called Tenacious. True, you don’t know yet that such a world is not the only one. But this knowledge still needs to be achieved. After all, the path leading beyond this world may not be here at all.