Squad name and song for summer camp. Name and mottos of the units. Name options for senior squads

Mottos of chants for children's camps

As always, we did everything for you. All you have to do is get together into a team or squad and win the competition or competition with our mottos and chants!

Do you need a squad name and chant? Only the original names and chants of camp units: both chants for older units and for the smallest ones.

Why is a chant needed?

To put it simply, a chant is the same motto, only enhanced by rhythm and rhyme. And also amplified by a choir of voices. The motto can be pronounced alone. Reading a chant alone is already something strange.

It would seem that chants should have disappeared along with pioneer times. But the form turned out to be very convenient. With a chant, the troops go to the dining room and to the beach. Mottos and chants are said by teams when greeting each other.

What is better: good old sayings that everyone knows, or new ones, but no one knows? Our opinion is to add new chants to your leader-pedagogical work, and don’t forget your favorite hits.

Team mottos and chants:

Team name: "Dynamite"


We are great athletes
We are explosive
Who will win today?
Well, of course, "Dynamite" !

Team name: "Russian Knights"


Brave knights! Knights are strong!
"Russian Knights" - two-core guys!

Team name: "Buran"

Motto: "Buran" rams to victory!

Team name: "Elephants"


Elephants are the strongest! Elephants are the most powerful!
"Elephants" all obstacles will be overcome!

Team name: "Bulls"


Who is everyone running away from?
From the Bulls! From the Bulls!
Today we will beat fools, fools!

Team name: "Loaves"


Can you hear the screams? Do you hear moans?!
It's in the city "Loaves" !

Squad name: "Mobile"


Boys are strong, girls are stylish
This is the squad's chant "Mobile"

Squad name: "Naughty people"

Speech motto:

Don't touch us - and we won't touch
If you touch us, we'll catch up!
Let's stick! Let's get it! This is how we live a fun life!

Squad name: "Well done"

The squad's motto is:

Forcing us is like knocking on a wall!
Ay Well done - this is a cool topic!

Name: "Order Arthropods"

The squad's motto is:

We are a squad of arthropods
Take care of your feet!
Our squad is invincible -
We won't spare anyone!

Squad name: "Thousand devils"


Do you hear the sonorous laughter of children?
This "Thousand devils" !
A million wonderful ideas
- This "Thousand devils" !

Squad name: "Beetles"

Squad chant:

We are mobile bugs
Two legs and two arms
We don't sit still
Here and there we will win!

Squad name: "Positive"

Squad chant:

Our squad - Positive
Our motto is Positive
Our cheerful team
Radiates positivity!

Junior squad: "Luntiki"

Speech of the junior squad:

Screws and tongues
Wrappers and pounds
Everything is interesting to us
We are in the Luntiki squad!

Kids squad name: "Zelibola"

Children's speech:

Our squad - Zeliboba
We don't need another
Our squad of zealots of all
Let zealous laughter sound everywhere!

Construction team name: "Chipmunks"

Speech from the construction team:

Chipmunks don't know boredom
They are jacks of all trades!

Name of the ecological camp team: "Magpies"

Speech by environmentalists:

We see everything, we know everything
We're flying around the camp!

Cool squad name: "Risen from Adler"

Cool chant:

Don't wake us up and don't bother us
Otherwise we will rise up and get you all!

Squad name: "Sausage"

Cool chant:

Who will suddenly climb on the sausage,
Let's put a rat in his pants!

Squad name: "Trolls"

Cool chant:

There is no better share in the world
What to wear a name with "Trolls" !

Squad name: "Sockets"

Cool chant:

We're hitting for sure! Let's hit it straight!
Because we - "Sockets" !

Serious squad name: "Roots"

Serious chant from the squad:

Roots are the basis, roots are the support
We will become adults very soon!

Cheers for children's camp

Only nerds and ghouls walk silently around the camp. The rest should loudly announce their movement. And if it rhymes, in unison, and it’s immediately clear where this group of guys is going! This is why chants are needed in camp.

What to shout when a squad is marching:

To the dining room:

Beware of the fork, spoon
Beware of a bag of potatoes
Porridge, yogurt and jelly
And a vegetable salad

Healthy food awaits us
And chefs, attention!

From the dining room:

Let's say thank you to the farmers
Who grew our food
Let's say thank you to the chefs
Who washed and cut the fruit

They wanted to tell themselves
Thanks for eating!

In the forest:

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
We have known for a long time
But there are many wonderful things there
Still hidden

We are going to the forest today
When we walk we will lose weight


And there is white sand on the sea
A warm wind blows in your face
But we shouldn't be upset
We're going for a swim right now!

To the disco:

Evening! Dancing! Here's our style!
Who hasn't been tired here all day?
Dress more fashionably
And a go-go player and a DJ

Stop being boring
Let's all go to the disco party

And in our squad

.. Names and mottos detachments

The squad name and motto should:

  • appropriate for the age of the children;
  • be meaningful;
  • be easy to pronounce;
  • do not violate camp traditions, if any;
  • reflect the common interests of the children of the squad, their common feature or their aspirations.

Name options for junior units

“Sleepwalkers” - We walk at night, we walk during the day, we never get tired.

“Firefly” - Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

“Winnie the Pooh” - Whether you burst or burst, Winnie the Pooh comes first.

“Smile” - Living without a smile is just a mistake, smiles are everywhere - goodness is everywhere.

"Ducklings" - Quack! Quack? Quack! Don't quack in vain.

“Kapitoshka” - The rain is dripping on the roads, but we are not at all bored. We play and sing and have a lot of fun.

“Dandelion” - Stay together so as not to get blown away.

“Rainbow” - We, like the colors of the rainbow, are never inseparable.

“Orange” - Like orange slices, we are friendly and indivisible!

“The bell” - We are ringing, we are ringing all day long, but we are not too lazy to call.

"Robinson" - We don't need nannies. We are islanders.

“Iskryata” - We are funny guys, because we are Iskryat!

“Friend”, “Musicians of Bremen”, “Cheerful”, “Karapuz”, “Tigers”, “Cheerful”, “38 Parrots”, “Brother Rabbits”

Name options for medium units

"Dolphin" - The dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind.

“Rescuers” - Chip and Dale rush to the rescue, but we are not far behind.

“Friendly” - Don’t whine, don’t cry in the corners, trouble and joy are divided in half.

“Vitamin” - Vitamin is strength, it is vigor, it is life.

"Restless" - Boredom, laziness out of mind - our squad "Restless".

“Promethene” - Light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did.

« Scarlet Sails" - The wind blows in the sails, youth believes in miracles.

“UFO” - Fly across all galaxies, never leave friends in trouble.

“Oba-Na” - We are not punks, not punks, we are Oba-Na guys.

“Crew” - There is no better crew in the camp now than us!

“Major League” - And our motto is this: more action, less words!

“Crossword” - If you want to know us, then try to solve it!

"Boomerang" - Launched with a sure hand.

“Family” - We are a simple family - everyone in our family is atas!

“Kids” - One, two, three, four - all the kids live in peace! Five, six - everyone wants to eat! Seven, eight - we wear all the cool badges! Nine, ten - all the kids No. live together?

"GTO" - Ready for creative relaxation.

“Luck Hunters” - We always need luck, only this way and not otherwise!

"Balamut", "Dynamite".

Name options for senior squads

“FIF” - “athletic, proactive, dreamers. This is the truth, not a myth - there is no one better than FIF.”

"Both on!" - "Both on!" - this is a miracle, “Both-on!” “This is class, our life is not bad at all, you will miss us.”

"Darkhan" - The movement is us.

“RMID” - The Republic of Boys and Girls is stronger than all the commonwealths on Earth.

“Businessmen” - We are businessmen of the market age, the fate of a person is in our hands.

“Russians” - For Russia, for the people, for humanity forward.

"BEMS" - Fighting, Energetic, Young, Cute.

"ELEPHANT" - The Best Otrad - Ours!

“Spark” - A flame will ignite from a spark!

“BEP” - (Great Energy Potential) More energy, more movements!

“Phoenix” - Burn and light others up.

“Leader” - If to be, then to be the best!

“We” - When we are united, we are invincible!

"Style" - Choose your style

"Sprite" - Don't let yourself dry out!

“New Generation” If you’re not happy, object, if you object, suggest, propose, do it, get down to business boldly!

"Philips" - Let's change ourselves for the better.

"Women's Battalion" - Our men are men to all men.

"Maximum" - One hundred percent good behavior.

"UN" - Special Forces.

“Emergency”, “First Love”, “The Mighty Heap”, “Idol”.


Whoever considers himself defeated in advance is truly half defeated before the start of the struggle.(D.I. Pisarev)

Courage is the beginning of victory.(Plutarch)

All victories begin with victory over yourself.(L. M. Leonov)

In this section of the site you can find a suitable team motto and emblem to prepare for any sports or intellectual competition.

Motto(French devise) - word or short phrase, defining the behavior and aspirations of a group of people or an organization. In heraldry, an armorial figure or saying on a coat of arms. The motto can be in any language, but in the Western world it is mainly used Latin language. (Wikipedia)

Emblem(from ancient Greek ἔμβλημα “insert”) - a conventional image of an idea in drawing and plastic, to which one or another meaning is assigned. The emblems must certainly be clear and simple; the viewer must see in them what they wanted to say.

Friends! We wish that sports competitions and intellectual competitions will help you expand your circle of friends!

Give goodness to the world every day.
Give people smiles every day!
Let everyone be comfortable and light,
Forgive your loved ones all your mistakes.
And the world will suddenly become kinder with goodness,
And people in the world will become all open,
Evil will disappear and the world will become brighter,
Then he won’t be bloody and unsteady.
There will be no wars and tears, there will be no evil,
There will be no troubles, losses or disorder,
Let souls be like mirrors
May peace, friendship and unity win!

Team names and mottos


We are great athletes
We are explosive
Who will win today?
Well, of course, Dynamite!

We are a fun team
Because we are "B-A-N-D-A"!
No step back! Not a step in place!
Just go ahead! And only all together!

Our motto: Don't lose heart!
Go through everything and find out everything!

You, enemy, wipe your nose,
Let's do it one, two, three,
Listen, fear and see -
The heroes are going into battle!
We are ready as always
It's easy to defeat you.
We will fight for victory,
You will have to try!

A team is not a gang!
A team is not a pack!
A team is not a place for squabbles and discord!

Sport is strength, sport is life!
Let's achieve victory! Opponent, hold on!

We are penguins - just cool,
Win try us!

Although our light is weak and we are small,
But we are friendly, and that’s why we are strong.

The comet is in the sky, and we are on earth!
Long live happiness always and everywhere!
Let's fly forward and win!
We help everyone who is lagging behind!
The comet has a motto:
"Never fall down"

Cheburashka is a faithful friend,
Helps everyone around!

Motto 1:
The wind blows in the sails
Youth believes in miracles.
Motto 2:
Swim always, swim everywhere,
And you will find the path to your dream!

Camelot - always forward,
Always came first, Camelot!

We are like the colors of the rainbow
Never inseparable!

We are like orange slices
We are friendly and indivisible.

Motto 1:
We are a team - no matter where we go!
We are all masters in sports.
We'll run and kick the ball,
Fight for victory
Motto 2:
If a friend gives his word,
Will never let you down!

Life without a smile is a mistake,
Long live laughter and smile!

Kapitoshka is at the helm,
Never gives up!

Burn, don’t smolder and be able to do everything!

Motto 1:
Our motto: Friendship and success!
We will defeat everyone today!
All for one, one for all,
Then the team will be successful!

Aurora knows
Aurora is beating
Aurora always
He will achieve victory.

Victoria is a victory
And he who is united is invincible,
Let troubles not scare us,
We are strong in spirit and will stand up for ourselves!
Victoria will show today
who will win.
One for all!
And all for one!
Team "100 per barrel"

- How are you? - Yes, hurt yourself! We have 100 per barrel,
We give you oil and mood for almost nothing.
Come on! Don't be stingy! Support, smile!
Today we will not disappoint you, our team is simply great!




1 . One two three four! Three, four, one, two!

The sun just woke up and smiled at the guys!

2. Hurry up, my friend, get up and run out to exercise!

3 . The sun is shining brightly! The sun is hot and hot for us!

Sunshine, warm it up more, warm the water in the river for us!

4. Sun, air and water are our best friends!

To charge

1 . Go out and exercise! Wake everyone up for exercise.

All the guys say: physical exercise is a guy’s friend!

2 . Athletic child, get strong!

Physical exercise in the morning is not harmful - it is good for us.

3 . Left! Right! Running, swimming.

Let's grow up brave, sun-tanned.

To the dining room

1 . Whoops, whoops, whoops, we're going to the dining room

Oops, oops, oops - the hungriest ones.

The cooks make us soup, feed us potatoes,

We will work hard for this with a spoon.

2. We ate everything - the plates were empty, it was very tasty.

3 . Together they took the spoons in their hands, quickly ate them, and cleaned everything up!

4 . We go to the dining room and sing a sonorous song

We really want to eat, we’ll eat everything in the dining room.

5. We are standing at your door, we are hungry like animals.

We want to eat quickly, quickly, open it quickly!

6 . Cups, forks, mugs, spoons,

Lots of fried potatoes

Lots of soup, pasta,

We are running from all directions.


1. We jumped, we played, we were very tired.

Let's go to bed quickly, otherwise you'll miss the bed.

To the stadium

Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun? Hey team, line up!

Do you have a team? - Eat! Are the commanders here? - Here!

Come out to the field as soon as possible to support the squad's honor.

We are going to the stadium, our squad will be champions!

Muscles: strong! And everyone themselves: beautiful!

Why am I so enthusiastic and happy about the sun? Hey athletes, line up!


1 . One, two, three, four, hey guys, step up.

No, probably in the whole world there are more fun, friendly guys.

2 . There is no sadness in our family, we sing, draw, dance.

3 . All activities are good, we have fun from the heart.

4. One, two! Guys! Three! Four! And the girls!

One, two! Who are we? - awesome guys!

5 . We are not afraid of work and sadness,

We can't turn off the road.

We will always be together, we are now one family!

Unit names and mottos:

For younger ones:

1. “Firefly” - Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

2. “Orange” - Like orange slices, we are friendly and indivisible!

3. “Bell” - We are ringing, we are ringing all day long, but we are not too lazy to call.


Snow White, the merry fellow and the team of super dwarves!

Hey guys - step up, the fairy tale is waiting for its heroes...

Without much effort

We'll spread our wings

Come on, Birds - let's all take off!

The heights of heaven are calling!


We are not simple guys

Our prowess is full of strength

We are risky, crazy

We guys are awesome!

7. Mickey Mouse

Even though he looks like a little guy, he will give anyone a fight

The strongest, the most dexterous, Mickey Mouse is mischievous

8. Sunny

How many bright rays the sun has, so many fun and adventures we have.

9. Meow-meow

Scratch, bite, do not give in to the enemy.

10. Restless - B clear sky Thunder struck, It's us - Restless! To correct our pranks... Even the riot police will not help!

For teenagers:

1. “New generation” - If you’re not happy, object, if you object, suggest, propose, do it, get down to business boldly!

2. “220” - If you need to hit something! We're hitting 220!

3. “Tusovka” - Fashionable jeans, skateboards and sneakers, we are the children of dreams, we are the children of the party!

4. “Both-on!” - “Both-on!” - this is a miracle, “Both-on!” “This is class, our life is not bad at all, you will miss us.”

5. “Dandelion” - Stay together so as not to get blown away.

6. “BEMS” - Fighting, Energetic, Young, Cute.

7. "ELEPHANT" - The Most Best Squad- Our!

8. “Mammoths” - Thunder rumbles, the bushes shake - these are mammoths rushing!

9. “220 V” - We cannot live without movement, we are always energized.

10. "COMET"

Energy, speed, freedom of movement...

Comet - the afterburner of my generation


Younger age

Squad name: "Beetles"
Squad chant:

We are mobile bugs
Two legs and two arms
We don't sit still
Here and there we will win!

Young squad: “Luntiki”
Speech of the junior squad:

Screws and tongues
Wrappers and pounds
Everything is interesting to us
We are in the Luntiki squad

Squad name: "Positive"
Squad chant:

Our squad - Positive
Our motto is Positive
Our cheerful team
Radiates positivity!

Squad name: “A Thousand Devils”

Do you hear the sonorous laughter of children?
This is "A Thousand Devils"!
A million wonderful ideas
- This is “A Thousand Devils”!

Team name: "Bulls"

Who is everyone running away from?
From the Bulls! From the Bulls!
Today we will beat fools, fools!

Older age

Our squad is moving forward
He calls others to follow him.
We are special guys
From a special squad
Cheerful, strong, smart.
We must be the best!!!

(team name) - that's us.
(team name) - ahead.
We will carry out all the work,
We'll go around all the units.
Together we walk in step -
We are coming to you to help
If someone gets bored,
(team name) help out.

Our squad is “Equator”,
We are a squad - winged
We're flying across the sky
Straight towards the sun, towards the light.
There are sparks in our songs,
There is wind in our dances.
A quick ray of sunshine
He will illuminate everything for us.

Who walks together in a row?
Our team is very friendly.
Well, what is our name?
“Flame” - there is no more beautiful name.
What are we doing?
We help people together
We light a flame in the heart.

We are strong, kind, beautiful,
And smart beyond their years.
And, of course, to us guys ,
All problems can be solved

1.2 - we are all together
We never get bored.
(team name) is out of place -
We always rush to the stars.
The counselor walks ahead,
And we follow him.
Let's have fun, guys.
(team name) we are still!

Sports chants
We're going to the stadium
Our squad will be a champion.

The muscles are strong (the boys say)
And we ourselves are beautiful (say the girls).
Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun?
Hey athletes, line up!
Do you have a team?
Are the captains here?
Get out into the field quickly
Support the squad and honor!

We are sports guys.
We are ahead of all squads.
We walk in formation to exercise,
We do full push-ups.
Let's strengthen our strength
And we wish the same for you.

Let's start a new day
Drive away laziness quickly
Get up, wipe your eyes!
To exercise, one, two, three!

Who is always a friend to the guys?
Sun. Air and water!
Is this where you turned black?
We're tanned in the sun!
Our muscles are strong
We are sons of our native country.
What do we need for work?
Sun, air and water!

Campfire chant

Come on, throw the birch bark
For firewood (2 times)
Strike a match on the fire!
One, two!
So that our fire grows
To the stars!
So that its radiance
The Martians saw it.

Marching chants

We are walking with a brisk step,
We sing sonorous songs.
One, two - in step!
Three, four - a firmer step!
What does a tourist take on the road?
A song, a spoon and a backpack!

Who walks with a backpack?
We are (team name)
Who is not familiar with boredom?
We are (team name)
Who is the friendliest of all in the world?
We are (team name)
Nothing more fun in the world
Us - (team name)

The roads are calling us forward
Our motto is “Always forward”.
Our best suggestions:
Through, through and across.

Take a wider step.
We leave early and early.
Wider your step, wider your step.
The drums are drumming,
Wider your step, wider your step.
Only he is ready to go.
Who knows how to walk in step,
Those who keep their alignment strictly take a wider step.

You are our fire,
Dear bonfire,
We stand behind you like a mountain!!!

Evening chants

A lot of roads have been traveled
It's time for the guys to go to bed.
Good night- Motherland.
Until the bright morning.

The day has ceased to make noise and is embraced by the night,
The camp calls for sleep.
Good night to you, our girls,
Good night, our guys,
Good night, our counselors!
Tomorrow you will be on your way again.
May we be lucky tomorrow.

Squad name: Restless
The squad's motto: Thunder struck in a clear sky, It's us - Restless! To correct our pranks... Even the riot police will not help!

Squad name: Worms
The squad's motto: Let's break off all the hooks - we are tough worms!

Squad name: Gryffindors
The motto of the detachment: Courage, valor, beauty - This is our motto. A lot of adventures await us, have fun with us.

Squad name: Orange
The squad's motto: We are all orange slices. We are friendly and indivisible.

Squad name: Light Bulb
Squad motto: We don't care

Squad name: Buttons
The squad's motto: Don't sit on the button, otherwise you'll prick your butt.

Order name: Squirrels
The motto of the detachment: And our motto is this - Do not let enemies into the hollow!

Squad name: Night Watch
The squad's motto: Look with all your eyes during the day, And at night you can sleep. The night watch will always save, We will defeat any enemy!

Squad name: 220 Volt
The squad's motto: We cannot live without movement, We are always energized, We will kindle your spark, We will recharge everyone around us.

Squad name: Night Runners
The squad's motto: We are Runners in the Night, if you saw it, then be silent.

Squad name: Champions
The squad's motto: Maximum sport, maximum laughter! This way we will achieve success faster. If another - The name of the squad is ahead, we will tell him. Well, wait a minute!

Squad name: Weirdos
The motto of the detachment: In reality we are in our dreams. We are on land and in water. We are always moving forward. Good luck awaits the weirdos!

Squad name: Penguins
Squad motto: We penguins are just awesome, try us if you win

Squad name: Chicken Coop
Squad motto: Roosters and hens - different figures

Squad name: Turtles
The squad's motto: If you drive more quietly, you'll get further.

Squad name: Lunatics
The squad's motto: We walk at night, we walk during the day, we never get tired.

Squad name: Firefly
The motto of the detachment: Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

Squad name: Bell
The motto of the detachment: We are ringing, we are ringing all day long, but we are not too lazy to call.

Squad name: Robinson
The squad's motto: We don't need nannies. We are islanders.

Squad name: Iskryata
The squad's motto: We are funny guys, because we are Sparkles!

Squad name: Dolphin
The squad's motto: The dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind.

Squad name: Rescuers
The squad's motto: Chip and Dale are rushing to the rescue, but we are not far behind.

Squad name: Vitamin
The squad's motto: Vitamin is strength, vigor, life.

Squad name: Restless
The motto of the detachment: Boredom, laziness out of mind - ours - The name of the detachment is “Restless”.

Squad name: Promethen
The squad's motto: Light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did.

Squad name: Scarlet Sails
The squad's motto: The wind blows in the sails, youth believes in miracles.

Squad name: UFO
The squad's motto: Fly across all galaxies, never leave friends in trouble.

Squad name: Oba-Na
The squad's motto: We are not punks, not punks, we are Oba-Na guys.

Squad name: Crew
The squad's motto: There is no better crew than us in the camp right now!

Squad name: Major League
The squad's motto: And our motto is this - more action, less words!

Squad name: Crossword
The squad's motto: If you want to know us, then try to figure it out!

Unit name: Boomerang
The squad's motto: Launched with a faithful hand.

Squad name: Family
The motto of the detachment: We are a family of simple class - everyone in our family is atas!

Squad name: Fortune Hunters
The squad's motto: We always need luck, only this way and not otherwise!

Squad name: FIF
The squad's motto: “Fit, proactive, dreamers. This is the truth, not a myth - there is no one better than FIF.”

Squad name: Oba-na!
The squad's motto: “Both-on!” - this is a miracle, “Both-on!” “This is class, our life is not bad at all, you will miss us.”

Squad name: We
Squad motto: When we are united, we are invincible!

Squad name: Style
Squad motto: Choose your style

Squad name: Sprite
The squad's motto: Don't let yourself dry out!

Squad name: New generation
The squad's motto: If you're not happy, object; if you object, suggest; if you suggest, do it; take on the task boldly!

Squad name: Philips
The squad's motto: Let's change ourselves for the better.

Unit name: Women's battalion
The squad's motto: Our men are men to all men.

Squad name: Maximum
The squad's motto: One hundred percent good behavior.

Unit name: UN
Detachment motto: - Name of the Special Purpose Detachment.

Squad name: Big Hello!
The motto of the squad: We guys have no problems - we - The name of the squad is “Big Hello!

Squad name: Amazons and Rabbits
The motto of the squad: We have balls for rollers, we are Amazons and rabbits!