Latest changes in the rules for awarding social scholarships. What scholarships, benefits and benefits can students receive Social scholarship for students who

Legislation Russian Federation provides for extensive measures to support the population in need of material assistance. Such citizens benefit from medical, social, housing and educational services - these measures are designed to equalize the opportunities of people in need with others and help them realize their maximum potential. One of the forms of such support is the awarding of certain types of scholarships for people studying in secondary and higher educational institutions.

Initial target various types scholarships- stimulate students, contribute to their full implementation in educational sphere, make the living conditions of students easier. The types of scholarships vary depending on the number of students applying for them. The list of main types of scholarships that are provided in almost every educational institution countries are:

  • state academic scholarship— a basic type of monthly scholarship, which is automatically paid to successful students studying throughout all years of study;
  • increased academic scholarship— one-time payments to particularly distinguished students who have shown significant results in educational, scientific, cultural and other activities related to the development of educational programs;
  • scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the government of the Russian Federation, presidents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • personalized scholarships;
  • state social scholarship.

State social scholarship is due to students who experience special social and material needs. Moreover, receiving this type of payment is usually possible regardless of the student’s current academic performance.

Eligibility for a social scholarship in 2019

Right for receipt The following categories of citizens who are students in educational institutions of the country have this type of scholarships:

  • students with category ;
  • contract servicemen who served in the Russian Army or other military formations, or the FSB and state protection Russia 3 years or more;
  • students whose income is below 10,328 rubles. for 2018.

Amount of social scholarship in 2019 (Table)

Social scholarships in 2019 will be indexed by 4%.

The state determines the minimum amount of all types of state scholarships provided for in institutions vocational education. Thus, the amount of social scholarships from January 1, 2019 for needy students is:

  • 890 rubles per month— for students of colleges, technical schools, schools or other institutions of secondary vocational education;
  • 2452 rubles per month— for university students (studying specialists, bachelors and masters).

These established amounts are only minimum threshold allowable payments for socially vulnerable students in 2018. In general, each educational institution in the country sets the optimal social scholarship amount individually. The Government of the Russian Federation, as well as municipal self-government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are responsible for the size of the general scholarship fund. Based on individual funding, the final decision on establishing the amount of social scholarships is made by the management of each individual university or college - as a rule, the rector’s office in cooperation with the academic department.

Type of scholarship

Size in 2018

Size in 2019 (Indexation +4%)

Students of technical schools and colleges
University students
Graduate students, assistant trainees and residents
Postgraduate students in technical and natural sciences

Procedure for applying for a social scholarship

The stages that a student goes through to receive additional social benefits, include:

  1. Closing the session (if there is such a debt).
  2. Obtaining a certificate of student status (issued in the educational department).
  3. Certificates of the amount of all scholarships received for the last three months of study (issued in the accounting department of the educational institution).
  4. Certificates of family composition indicating the year of birth of each member (if such a certificate is not available).
  5. A certificate demonstrating the low income of each family member (the indicated payments must include all sources of income for the individual) for the last six months, as well as copies of work records of unemployed family members.
  6. Certificates and all necessary evidence indicating that the applicant can qualify for accrual social scholarship.
  7. Contacting the USZN to obtain a certificate of socially vulnerable status.
  8. Providing the certificate received from the USZN to the educational department of the university or college.

List of documents

A needy student who decides to start applying for this type of scholarship provides the following package of documents to the public protection authority:

  1. Photocopy of passport.
  2. A copy of your student ID.
  3. Statement.
  4. Certificate of student status issued by the dean's office.
  5. Certificate of marital status.
  6. Certificate demonstrating low family income.
  7. Certificate of disability or other documents proving the student’s social vulnerability.

An example on the topic of social scholarships for students

Denis is studying 1st year technical school free of charge. He is a minor and has no parents (he lives with his grandmother). Grandma works at kindergarten and receives a minimum salary, and his grandson receives a stipend, which is not enough even for food and office supplies. Since the training takes place on a full-time basis, Denis also cannot earn extra money. Citizens live in the village of Revny.

In this situation, a child who has lost his parents is provided by law with assistance in the form of a social state scholarship. This issue is regulated by Article 36, paragraph 5. To register such a social support measure, the following certificates are collected:

  • about family composition;
  • about income for the last quarter;
  • on the transfer of guardianship rights;
  • about studying and receiving (lack of) scholarships.

Denis’s grandmother collected the necessary certificates of income and guardianship. Denis, in turn, received a certificate from the university dean’s office confirming his studies and receipt of a scholarship. Citizens handed over the collected papers to the authorities social protection. As a result, Denis began to receive additional 2237 rubles scholarships. The amount is small, but significant for residents of rural areas.


Social scholarship students- an important measure of assistance to socially vulnerable individuals studying in educational institutions of the country. Basic information about the procedure for providing it is as follows:

  • the opportunity to pay a social scholarship is provided by every secondary and higher educational institution in the Russian Federation;
  • minimum scholarship amount - 2452 rubles for universities and 890 rubles for CPS;
  • social scholarships are paid regularly during the academic semester, after which they must be reissued;
  • Orphans, disabled children, students with a deadline can receive this scholarship military service from 3 years, victims of radiation accidents, children from low-income families.

The most popular question and answer regarding social scholarships for students

Question: We are a young family, we are both currently studying at one of the state universities Moscow. We live in a university family dormitory. I work part-time in my free time from studying, however, I still don’t have enough money for a decent living. Can we receive any additional scholarship, given that we both do not have health problems or other significant reasons that guarantee us these payments? What is the maximum amount for these scholarships?

Answer: Each educational institution independently accepts decision on the amount of social scholarship students who applied. Usually, to assign payments, it is enough to provide the public protection authority, in addition to the required documents, with a certificate of low family income and proof of residence in a hostel. Families must present a marriage certificate.

The amount of social scholarships is set individually for each individual university. However, “On establishing standards for the formation of a scholarship fund at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget” determines the minimum amounts of payments without establishing an upper limit - 2452 rubles for students receiving higher education in Russia.

List of laws

Samples of applications and forms

You will need the following sample documents:

“Learning is light, not learning is SHADOW,” as he says main character series "Real Boys". But now we will not talk about this, but about a more pressing issue concerning the material world. I think everyone knows that the Scholarship is an incentive for students of colleges, schools, institutes and universities. And that there are several types, the main and main one is academic, and if a student falls into the category of those in need, then additional social services are provided for such citizens. support regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

And today we would like to tell you what documents a low-income student will need to receive a social scholarship in 2018. We will also consider the list of citizens who have the right to count on it and its size. But first, let's start with what it is? In simple terms- this is a monthly cash payment, which is one and a half times more than the academic one, but at the same time comes to the account along with it. And from this it follows that financial assistance is provided only to state employees!

How to apply?

First of all, it is worth noting that on the basis of Federal Law No. 312-FZ 07/03/2016, only those students who have received state social assistance can apply for it.

Who should?

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 2013 No. 1000 and the approved Procedure, the following may apply:

  • Orphans and children left without parental care
  • Disabled children and disabled people of groups I and II
  • Students are recognized as low-income, that is, the income of each family member does not exceed the subsistence level.
  • exposed to radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
  • became disabled due to injuries received during military service
  • have served at least three years in the RF Armed Forces under a contract

Also, do not forget that payments are possible only if you are a full-time student and on a budget basis. For correspondence and evening students, this opportunity is not provided.

Also, based on paragraph 16 of this order, during academic leave, maternity leave and child care leave until the child reaches 3 years of age, payments DO NOT STOP!

Let us dwell in more detail on the category of the poor. After all, it is precisely by this criterion that the vast majority of students apply, and at the same time, problems and questions always arise when applying for it.

Required documents

At first glance, it seems that only two certificates are required. But in order to submit them to your dean’s office, you will need to work hard and collect several documents.

  1. Application (you can find a sample below)
  2. A certificate from the Social Security Authority indicating that you are a recipient of government assistance.

When contacting the social security authority, you need to provide a package of documents:

  • Personal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • A certificate from the dean's office confirming that the student is indeed a student
  • Information about registration at the place of residence
  • An extract from the accounting department of your university or secondary school for the last 3 months and a certificate of income of all family members for the same period
  • An extract on family composition, which you can obtain on the State Services website, at the MFC or at the Federal Migration Service at the place of registration.

Sample application

After it is ready, you should take it to the dean’s office and the money will be credited to your account from the next month.

Size and exact amount of payments

Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 899 dated October 10, 2013, the following minimum standards have been established:

  1. For secondary vocational educational institutions, which should be included (colleges, schools, technical schools) - 730 rub.
  2. For universities - 2010 rub.

It is paid monthly for one calendar year, after which it is required to issue a certificate again and obtain the approval of the commission.

In the case of studying in the regions of the Far North, or any territories equivalent to them, payments can be increased by the size of the regional coefficient (RF Law of February 19, 1993 No. 4520-1)


Also 1st and 2nd year university students, full-time students with “good” and “excellent” grades can count on increased social support in the amount 6307 rubles., in the event that they fall within the necessary criteria specified above. The amount may vary depending on the place of study.

If your parents are divorced, you will need to provide a copy of the divorce certificate, and if your last name does not match the last name of one of your parents, then you will also need your birth certificate and the same document from your parent. These documents are not specified in standard instructions and regulations, but it is better to have them with you if necessary.

A significant portion of needy students may lose social scholarships due to amendments to the Law “On Education” that came into force on January 1, 2017. Human rights activists point out that while previously all low-income people had the right to support, now in a number of regions the list is limited, for example, to “citizens of working age who are actively looking for a way out of a difficult life situation.” The Ministry of Education and Science said that tightening the rules will not lead to a reduction in the scholarship fund and will allow an increase in the amount of scholarships for those who “really need support from the state.”

After amendments to the federal law “On Education” came into force, some regions found themselves in a situation that threatens needy students with refusal to pay social assistance. For example, until 2017, a student living in a dormitory could apply to social security authorities to be recognized as low-income and receive a certificate confirming low income (despite the fact that the student’s actual family income may be higher than the subsistence level established by regional authorities). Based on the certificate, the university awarded the student a social scholarship - in 2016/17 academic year in an amount not lower than 2010 rubles. (minimum academic scholarship - 1340 rubles). The scholarship is awarded for one year from the date of submission of documents from the social security authorities to the university.

Now, in order to qualify for a social scholarship, a student must pass the filter of regional social protection authorities, proving that his family or himself has an income below the established subsistence level and needs social assistance from the state. At the same time, each region determines the conditions for assigning such assistance independently. Each subject issues certificates of recognition as low-income of its own type, from which it is not always obvious whether the student really needs additional support, the rector of the Moscow State University told Kommersant. Polytechnic University Andrey Nikolaenko. “The requirements for assistance are stricter, that is, this amendment allows us not to dilute the scholarship fund, but to provide support to students in a more targeted and effective manner,” Mr. Nikolaenko emphasized.

The Ministry of Education and Science is also talking about strengthening targeted assistance to students “who really need support from the state.” “The scholarship fund funds in 2017 are protected and will be indexed by 5.9% from September 1. Thanks to the innovations, it will be possible to increase the amount of social scholarships for students, as well as expand the opportunity to receive financial assistance for graduate students, residents and intern assistants,” they said "Kommersant" in the press service of the department. That is, if there are fewer recipients of social scholarships at the university, those remaining among them will be able to receive a larger accrual due to the redistribution of funds from the scholarship fund.

The ministry’s optimism is not shared by the Commissioner for Student Rights, Artem Khromov: “Each region independently determines what are “reasons beyond a citizen’s control why his income is below the subsistence level,” so a significant portion of needy students may find themselves without state social assistance, and, accordingly, and without social benefits." According to Mr. Khromov, not all regions are focused on social support low-income students, so a significant part of them will remain without social scholarships in the new year.

For example, in Crimea, assistance will be provided if a student is caring for a disabled child under the age of 18, or a child under the age of three, or is raising three or more children, or is a pregnant woman. IN Samara region Only students from low-income families, in which both parents are non-working pensioners or at least one of the parents is disabled, can receive support from the state. IN Tyumen region The independent reason why a low-income citizen living alone has the right to receive state targeted social assistance is his disability. In the social code Yaroslavl region it is said that single disabled citizens, large and single-parent families and citizens of working age who are actively looking for a way out of the difficult life situation in which they find themselves have the right to receive social assistance.

In addition, students may be denied social assistance if there is a lack of funding in regional budgets for the corresponding payments, explains Mr. Khromov. According to him, there is a risk that a significant proportion of students will not receive them on time. “Many simply do not know that the rules have changed, and the university does not have the right to award a scholarship without new documents, the preparation of which takes time,” he says.

Federal Law No. 312-FZ of July 3, 2016 “On Amendments to Article 36 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” amended Part 5 of Art. 36 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, coming into force on January 1, 2017, according to which the procedure for assigning state social scholarships to students has been changed.

In particular, from January 1 of the year, the state social scholarship is also paid to students who received state social assistance.

State social assistance is assigned to low-income families (low-income citizens living alone) who, for reasons beyond their control, have an average per capita income below the subsistence level established in the Vladimir region at the time of application.

In this case, independent reasons are recognized: large families, incapacity for work, recognition as unemployed, full-time education, caring for a child under three years of age, a disabled child or a disabled person of group I.

In order to find out whether a family is low-income, it is necessary to compare the average per capita family income for three months with the cost of living by socio-demographic groups.

Please note: currently the cost of living for working population in the Vladimir region is 10,206 rubles per month, for pensioners - 7,882 rubles, for children - 9,289 rubles.

State social assistance is assigned according to a citizen’s application submitted to the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence (stay) or through a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services on his own behalf (for low-income citizens living alone) or on behalf of his family.

The application contains information about family composition, income and property owned by the citizen (his family).

The amount of state social assistance is 1385 rubles. The document confirming the appointment of state social assistance will be a certificate of the established form.

The received certificate will need to be presented to the educational institution to assign a state social scholarship.

The state social scholarship is assigned to the specified category of students from the date of presentation to educational organization a document confirming the assignment of state social assistance, for one year from the date of assignment of state social assistance.

For example, on February 18, 2017, the student submitted a document confirming the appointment of state social assistance, the issue date of which was January 21, 2017. Thus, the state social scholarship is assigned and paid to the student from February 18, 2017 to January 21, 2018.

For students who were awarded a state social scholarship on the basis of a certificate from social protection institutions issued before January 1, 2017, the state social scholarship is paid until the first day of the month following the month of expiration of the said certificate.

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the original source website!

Latest news from the Vladimir region on the topic:
From January 1, 2017, the procedure for assigning state social scholarships to students has changed

From January 1, 2017, the procedure for assigning state social scholarships to students has changed- Vladimir

Federal Law No. 312-FZ of July 3, 2016 “On Amendments to Article 36 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” amended Part 5 of Art.
11:22 02/15/2017 Self-government bodies of the city of Vladimir


Social scholarship provided the following categories of students studying at any Russian educational institution:

The state determines the minimum amount of any type of scholarship paid in an educational institution.

For example, social scholarship equals:

  • 730 rub. monthly, if we are talking about a college, technical school, school or other secondary vocational educational institution;
  • 2010 rub. – for a university student, regardless of whether he is studying for a specialist, bachelor’s or master’s degree.

The above amounts are minimum threshold of acceptable payment for a financially disadvantaged student. Each Educational establishment must decide on its optimal size.

General scholarship fund is in the department of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as municipal self-government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In accordance with individual financing, the final answer must be given by the administration of the university or college (often the decision is made by the educational department under the control of the rector's office).

For the provision of a social scholarship in a vocational educational institution has the right to apply:

  • , regardless of the group;
  • a citizen affected by the accident that occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • a child living in a low-income family, but provided that he is already receiving government assistance;
  • an orphan and a child left without parental care, as well as a student who lost his parents during his studies (age from 18 to 23 years);
  • a child whose specialty is related to the mining industry and whose parents were disabled or died due to the onset of;
  • a student who received 7 points (12-point scale) or 4 points (5-point scale) as a result of semester control;
  • a child whose parent’s death was caused by an anti-terrorist operation, combat action or armed conflict, as well as a displaced child.

Latest innovations

Previously, a social scholarship was awarded to all students who theoretically have the right to receive assistance from the state. The presence of this uncertainty in the law allowed many students, due to their low level of income during their studies, to enroll themselves among the ranks of low-income citizens and apply for social benefits.

But, in 2018, it was decided to make some clarifications, namely, the registration of scholarship benefits is now available only to those students who can confirm the fact of receiving state social assistance. The scholarship is awarded from the date of submission of documents to the educational institution and lasts 1 year from the date of commencement of payments.

Full list of events and papers required to calculate additional social benefits includes:

The period during which application is being considered, usually does not exceed 2 weeks.

Previously, the amount of the scholarship fund was a source of funding for state academic and social scholarships only for students. Now the right to apply for material support applies to graduate students, assistant trainees, residents and trainees, although the training of these citizens already has a higher education level, but not a student level.

Applicants for a social scholarship need to know about next innovations:

  1. Starting from September 1, 2018, a new procedure for awarding scholarships is in effect in the Russian Federation.
  2. The A Just Russia faction prepared and submitted a bill, according to which the size of the social scholarship should have been raised to the subsistence level.
  3. Scholarships paid by the State should be considered by students as assistance provided to low-income individuals. That is why its appointment is not influenced by factors such as academic performance.
  4. A social scholarship, if there are appropriate grounds, may be paid to students on academic leave. In this case, the student does not lose the right to receive an academic scholarship (standard).
  5. Each educational institution independently determines the amount of social benefits for its students. Moreover, these amounts must be agreed upon with both the student council and the trade union. The calculated amount of social assistance cannot be lower than the minimum scholarship approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for a specific type of institution.
  6. Each university has the right, at its own discretion, to increase the amount of social assistance for students. But, at the same time, such costs will not be covered by budget funds.
  7. When calculating social grants for residents Far North or other regions with difficult climatic conditions, a multiplying factor should be applied.
  8. Currently, students receiving higher education can count on a “minimum salary” of 2,010 rubles, and for students receiving secondary vocational education, this value is fixed at 730 rubles.
  9. 1st-2nd year students who receive high grades during the sessions can count on increased social benefits. assistance, the amount of which will vary from 6,000 rubles. up to 13,000 rub.

About the rules for obtaining this type state aid described in the following video: