Message: My dream school. How to write an essay “My dream school”: ideas, options, tips. Several interesting essays

School of my dream.
We spend most of our time at school. School is an integral part in the life of each of us. At school we met our friends and learned a lot of new things. The school introduced us to friends. By the 11th grade, everyone understands how much they don’t want to leave their native walls, and involuntarily begin to remember all the bright moments of school life. Human memory is not durable, and, naturally, we do not remember in detail the entire period of study from grades 1 to 11. Then our imagination offers options for how it could be. If you completely ignore your memories and “fly into the clouds,” you can easily come up with the school of your dreams.
The school of my dreams is a magnificent three-story building with a huge, bright hall, large classrooms, equipped with last word equipment, with a dining room in which there are separate round colored tables. On the ground floor there are lockers for students so that children can put their textbooks in them and not carry heavy bags throughout the school. My dream school has a swimming pool, a huge gym, a music room with many musical instruments, a choir hall, and a luxurious library. My dream school will have its own radio, with a high school student as the DJ. My school will have a large assembly hall with comfortable soft chairs, a dance hall with special parquet and wall-length mirrors. I believe that a school needs a room where students can relax - a room with a coffee machine and soft sofas. The school should have a snack bar with buns, juice and chocolates so that students can have a snack between classes. The school should have a stadium for physical education in the warm season, a summer garden with swings and benches. I would like there to be tables outside so that you can have a snack while sitting in the open air.
Now I am studying at the lyceum in a specialized class. By the 9th grade, many children have already decided on their profession or at least their direction. In my dream school, I want children to study subjects that they like and want to study in the future from the 9th grade. For those who choose foreign languages, you will need to invite native speakers. This is great practice for the guys! To study natural sciences, it will be necessary to equip professional laboratories. I think grades at my dream school can be canceled, as well as homework. Instead, students will do creative works, present your thoughts in reports, presentations, films for everyone to see, which will be vigorously discussed not only by the teaching staff, but also by the students themselves.
I would include more excursions and travel in my dream school's schedule. I think it is very important to travel with your classmates and share experiences.
My dream school is a school in which there will be no principle of forced attendance, but in which everyone will come with a smile and no one will want to miss classes.

Previously, when I was asked to talk about my dream school, I would clearly not meet anyone's expectations. I would say my dream school is the one that doesn't exist. This is such a dream. But now I have different views. I understand that learning is necessary. Therefore, the fact that there may not be a school at all is not the right approach. School is what makes us adults. It is extremely necessary for obtaining basic knowledge. Yes, and to be honest, at school a person goes through the stages of growing up. Therefore, there is no way to do without school.

And now about my dream school. She is very unusual! Truly a dream! First of all, I understand that learning is important. But why from eight thirty? This is a real test for many schoolchildren. From ten o'clock the first lesson is a pretty decent start to the day.

Need school uniform or not? In many schools this problem is very acute. The administration is trying to teach schoolchildren to wear uniforms, but parents and students often disagree. This is not an easy question. Some of the students may not fully understand me, but the school of my dreams has a uniform! Like this! Why? Two reasons. First: inequality is eliminated. I am not a supporter of communism, but there is inequality in school. Someone really comes in a suit “from Cardin”. I'm exaggerating, but it seems like it. And some parents cannot afford what others consider normal. In general, if there is form, there is equality. It should be such that the parents of any student can afford to purchase it. Second: a student in uniform feels the difference between coming to school and going to a cafe. In general, the uniform raises the status of the school as such.

Now lessons. Forty-five minutes sometimes feels like a long time. Even if it’s forty minutes, it’ll be easier. It will just be easier to breathe. Someone might think that my dream is only to ease the school regime. But that's not true. Discipline in schools is now lame. Sometimes I just feel sorry for teachers. It happens that a teacher teaches a lesson, but no one listens to him. Everyone is minding their own business. Many people simply communicate with each other, and there is a buzz in the classroom. The teacher, in order not to waste his nerves, simply does not pay attention to this. He tells his material according to the principle “it’s my job to tell it, and then there’s a flood.” This is not the case at my dream school. Everyone listens to the program, and everyone wants to learn. Can this happen in reality? Hard to say. This is a dream. But I believe that once I came to school, I need to study. After all, if you don’t study, you’re wasting your time. If this is the case, then it would be possible not to come at all. Of course, I too, sometimes get distracted in class. And sometimes I try my best to understand the material, but nothing comes of it because there are a lot of distractions. Well, how can you learn like that?

In general, my dream school gives some concessions to students. To make it easier on some issues. But it also provides better learning opportunities than those that exist now.

In our country there are different schools: large and small, urban and rural... Creative people work in them - teachers, inquisitive children - students gain knowledge in school laboratories, and schools are run by responsible people - directors. So who is a director and what qualities should a modern school director have? I asked this question to my colleagues. And here are the main qualities of a leader they named: competence, communication skills, attentive attitude towards subordinates, courage in decision-making, the ability to creatively solve problems and, of course, to be a manager. I also asked teachers and students to fantasize about the theme “School of the Future.”



School of my dream

There are different schools in our country: large and small, urban and rural...Creative people work in them - teachers, inquisitive children - students gain knowledge in school laboratories, and schools are run by responsible people - directors. So who is a director and what qualities should a modern school director have? I asked this question to my colleagues. And here are the main qualities of a leader they named: competence, communication skills, attentive attitude towards subordinates, courage in decision-making, the ability to creatively solve problems and, of course, to be a manager. I also asked teachers and students to fantasize about the theme “School of the Future.” Colleagues said that the school of the future should be large, cozy, bright, and the students dreamed of many things, and they collected all their dreams in a bouquet of white daisies. A dream was written on each petal by a child's hand... A dream of health, a dream of travel, a dream of true friends and a dream of a school of the future, which will have a swimming pool, an assembly hall, a 3D cinema hall, and they also dream of a new building for our school. They dream, and if our children dream, then life goes on!!!

Just because you built castles in the air doesn't mean

that your work was in vain: that’s exactly how it should be

look like real castles.

All that remains is to lay a foundation for them.

Henry Thoreau

And now I'm dreaming a little. I will try to imagine a school of the future in which there will be open environment for the training and education of children of all levels of development, because in such a school kindness, mutual understanding, empathy and mutual assistance will reign. I think that when creating such schools in modern society there will be less callousness and cruelty. So, where should the school of the future begin? Some will say that it came from the schoolyard, others - from the director. And I think that the school will begin with a building that an architect will create on a piece of paper, taking into account the wishes of modern students, their parents, teachers and, of course, the modern architectural style. If I were an architect, the school building on my model would consist of four functional blocks. A sports building, consisting of two floors, in which there will be a gym and a swimming pool, a physical therapy room, and two gyms. The second block will house a medical center, classrooms and laboratories. A separate block would have a dining room, an assembly hall, offices for the director, a psychologist, teachers' rooms, and a library. For children from primary school, I would provide a separate block, with its own wardrobe, gym, library, after-school program. This is the school of my dreams! It is large, bright and cozy. The corridors and offices have comfortable, modern furniture, as well as beautiful indoor flowers and aquariums with fish. And all this “household” will be looked after by children. Friendly groups of children, in which every child feels comfortable and everyone can count on help, support,will consist of no more than 25 people.We will start the working day with school-wide fun exercises in the fresh air - in spring and autumn, and in winter - in the school building. Our school will be fully computerized, but not all lessons will be taught on computers. It is necessary to take into account that, no matter what quality monitors are, vision deteriorates when working with them for a long time. Therefore, I assume conducting classes in a cinema hall with a 3D function, in botanical garden, on the ecological paths and health paths of the school yard, in the museum. Here teachers will not just teach children how to make formulas, prove theorems, and write chemical reactions, write essays, they will create lessons - masterpieces: bright, unusual, not losing touch with the past, present and future, in a word, relevant and memorable for a long time. But in any case, computers are an important attribute of the school of the future. Students will be given more time to independent work and personal creative tasks- projects so that they can work more on subjects relevant to their choice future profession. I don’t yet know what the system for assessing students’ knowledge will be: five-, ten- or one-hundred-point, rating or cumulative - this will be decided by teachers, but I know one thing - it will be modern. And this means the main thing:it should not discourage children from learning!In addition to lessons, there will be events, holidays, meetings of non-governmental educational institutions, virtual trips, excursions, games, quizzes and performances by school KVN teams, thanks to which school life will be interesting. And the whole school with its residents will resemble a large, friendly “anthill”.

If I were the director of such a school, then first of all I would select a team of creative teachers, turn the building and the adjacent territory of the school into a small, slightly magical country, which not only students, but also teachers would be happy to go to, because from What mood a teacher is in when he goes to work and in what conditions he works depends a lot. And in order for a teacher to work comfortably, I would provide each teacher with housing, a decent salary for the rate (18 hours), comfortable work rooms and a five-day working week in one shift. Functions class teacher would assign tutors with whom students would discuss all their problems during the week: why this or that subject is not given, how to make friends with classmates, what to answer to an offender, how best to develop a topic in any subject and, of course, they will be together prepare to extracurricular activities. All extracurricular activities will be held on Saturday. Then the teachers at my school will have more time for creativity and family.

But whatever the times and whatever the schools, the student will always be required to have perseverance, the ability to acquire knowledge and the desire for self-development as the key to the success of his future profession. And the teacher should be creative personality who love their work and never stop there. I wish all school leaders and teachers wisdom, patience, creative success and family well-being.

Sincerely, Nomokonova Anna Alexandrovna,

teacher of OSAOU "Education Center "Steps"


Let's look at an interesting and fun topic for writing a short text, namely the essay “My Dream School”. It is advisable to think carefully before you start writing: develop a plan, make sketches or notes on a draft that you do not want to forget. Imagine your own school with the best side. Let's agree that we won't write any bad sentences in the text. If we have any problems, then it’s better to start our dreams with ourselves.

What should I be like?

First, remember whether you behaved well in Lately: Did you offend your classmates, copy from your neighbor at your desk, laugh in class, upset your parents and teachers? If yes, then let's write what we should change in ourselves:

  • try to study better, listen to teachers carefully and do homework;
  • be polite with classmates and not offend anyone;
  • share with everyone what you can;
  • do not play pranks, do not run (unless during physical education lessons at the request of the coach);
  • be cheerful, purposeful, hardworking, respectful.

We suggest you continue the list yourself and include the most important thing in the essay “My Dream School.”

What do I want to see in my school?

Every student probably dreams about something regarding the school in which he studies. For example, girls have long wanted to ask their labor teacher to open a cutting and sewing club. Why not write about this in an essay? Perhaps your teacher or teacher will want to help with good wishes.

Boys, for example, dream of opening a radio amateur club, making the head of a computer science teacher who is well versed in electronic technology. The essay “My Dream School” can become a reason for global changes for the better.

We dream of unusual activities

It is rare that schoolchildren are taken into nature to explore it. Education does not allow you to ask the teacher to organize a trip to the forest. But you can write about such an idea in an essay. No one will scold you for expressing your desires; on the contrary, they may praise you.

Do you dream that during lessons there would be interesting educational games, quizzes, and watching films on the topic? Describe it all. The essay “My Dream School” is not only a description of what you want to see in the classroom and in teachers, but also a training in mental activity. Maybe in the future you will become a talented writer.

Mini-essay. What is it like?

The teacher may ask you to briefly describe what you want to see in school. In this case, you don’t have to describe, answering the questions: what, why exactly, justify your idea, what results you see. It is enough to simply list all the wishes in each paragraph. But don’t forget that you are not writing a list, but a mini-essay “My dream school.” Let's give a small example:

“I want my teachers and classmates to know what I dream about. And I dream that everyone at school will be friends and listen to their teachers. It’s important to me what the atmosphere is like where we spend every day.

Let our school be cozy, bright and always festive. I promise that I will be ready for lessons, polite to my classmates, obedient.

It will be good if our school has an amateur radio club, a swimming pool, an outdoor area for physical education lessons, and a park for recreation during recess.

Even though our school doesn’t have any of the above, it remains the best for me!”

My dream school is an institution where everything is done for the benefit of children and students.

School is a place where you have to study for 9 or 11 years, which is quite a long time. Therefore, it should be as comfortable here as at home. Although schools are now well organized, there is no limit to perfection, and in any case there is room for improvement.

First of all, there are no teachers who like to take out their anger on children. After all, the lessons of loud and harmful people(no matter how interesting the subject is) I don’t want to teach.

Secondly, you can choose your own food in the dining room. For example, if you are not in the mood to eat potatoes today, children can take pasta. And if you have the opportunity to take dessert or fruit, that’s great.

Everyone would love it if students could wear whatever they want. Jeans, sweaters, skirts, jewelry - whatever your heart desires. If you can’t remove the form, then at least you need to make it beautiful.

Children want fun, exciting lessons, so classrooms should be equipped in the best possible way: TVs, interactive whiteboards, a good computer class, microscopes and a living corner in the biology classroom, sets for laboratory work for physics and chemistry lessons (so that there are as many experiments as possible!) and so on.

Each of us is a music lover at heart and dreams of beautiful and modern music playing during breaks, and comfortable sofas in the corridors so that there is a place to relax between lessons. It would also be nice to make your own school radio, where anyone could express their wishes about the school, congratulate others on the holidays and wish them good luck in the next lesson.

Every few months, trips are organized with the class and school. You can even go with tents for several days. More trips to neighboring cities and countries, with an overview of the main attractions, museums, and entertainment centers. This will make it more interesting for everyone to study the culture of both their native and neighboring countries.

Many would like to cancel homework. Yes, this way there is much more time for rest, but the material will be absorbed and reinforced twice as poorly, and the exercises assigned at home are asked to be done precisely for this purpose. But there is no need to assign large-scale work - it is better to assign interesting creative tasks and projects instead.

I hope that soon my school will really become even better than it already is.

Option 2

Every child goes to school. School is exactly that educational institution, which shapes the child as a person. There are rural and urban schools. There are specialized schools, as well as secondary schools. Many schools have attractive appearance, many schools have been renovated. But at the same time, there are old schools that are not being renovated at all.

I dream that the school where I study has an attractive appearance. It has been modernly renovated and is equipped with modern appliances and furniture. This school is known throughout the country, as it employs the most experienced and competent teachers.

I wish my school didn't have compulsory subjects, and what subject to study is chosen by the student at his own discretion. For example, you can study the history of the Second World War, touching on history, geography, biology and mathematics. This approach will allow you to learn what you like and what you think you need.

My dream school allows students to study at any time at the student’s discretion. There is no clear training schedule. Each student chooses it independently.

Final exams are also taken on a topic chosen by the student himself, which will guarantee complete knowledge and excellent preparation.

This is what the ideal school I dream about looks like.

Essay about Dream School

School is a place where every person spends from 9 to 11 years. And often students dream of an ideal educational institution for themselves.

My dream school will be beautiful on the outside, painted in bright colors with interesting designs. There is a large garden around it where children can spend their time free time: some will draw, some will have lunch, and some will just chat.

Classrooms will be large and equipped with modern devices. In some, instead of chairs, there are soft bean bags and a large screen on which you can watch educational films.

My school will have a huge swimming pool, because swimming develops all muscle groups. You also need a gym where everyone will find a suitable activity: tennis, volleyball or football. The physical education teacher will not only be present in the lessons, he will support in any direction and give advice.

For students who are interested in dancing, music, cooking or crafts, there will be created separate classes. In them, professionals will fascinatingly tell and show what a specific subject is and how to do it correctly.

Only experienced, kind and understanding people who love children and easily get along with them teach at school. mutual language. They will conduct educational conversations and take you on various excursions. And the teacher’s salary will be decent, because this is not easy work.

Each student can choose the subjects at my school himself; of course, there will be compulsory ones, without which you can’t go anywhere. But the rest should be those that the child will need in the future. Driving lessons should definitely be introduced; they will be useful for both girls and boys.

The school canteen is free for both students and teachers. In it you can cook something yourself or choose from a ready-made one to suit your taste. And for lunch, not 15-20 minutes are allocated, but a whole hour.

I think every student would like such a school. I really want to believe that one day at least part of my dream will become a reality.

Sample 4

Now I'm studying at school. Ours is large, it has a dining room, a gym, and an assembly hall. Teachers and classmates are very good people, but still this is not the school of my dreams. I would like to make changes to it.

The first thing I did was move my school building closer to my home. Every morning I walk to school through five residential buildings and spend a lot of time, a whole hour, going back and forth from school.

Secondly, I would install more sports equipment, benches and gazebos in our schoolyard, and plant more trees.

Third, you need to forget your pens and notebooks. In the era of electronics, you need to immediately learn any subjects only using a computer and not pick up ballpoint pens.

Fourth, you need to install a robot instead of a human wardrobe man. There is no point in using human labor to provide outerwear to students when you can use a machine. It is also necessary to install robots in the cafeteria: one robot washes the dishes, another puts portions on plates, and the third gives food to students. It is also necessary to diversify the menu in the school canteen. It is worth adding more sweets, cakes and soda, and also eliminating porridge.

Fifth, it is necessary to notice that teachers are robots. Each lesson will be taught by a special robotic machine in each subject (mathematics, physics, Russian language, literature, etc.), which will teach the theory, issue tests, automatically check them and assign grades.

Sixth, it is worth organizing more excursions to the theater and museums. On summer holidays Be sure to plan trips to other countries to learn about the life and history of other states.

Seventh, the school should be beautifully renovated. The walls should be clean and bright, there should be soft sofas and a lot of flowers in the corridors.

Eighth, it is worth organizing a living corner at school. In the living area there must be cats, dogs, fish, monkeys, parrots, hamsters and rabbits.

Ninth - the school should have a large swimming pool. I really like to swim and swim. If the school had a swimming pool, then you could swim all year round, even in winter.

This is what my dream school should be like, maybe someday this will happen and my school will have a swimming pool!

3rd grade, 5th and 7th grades

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