Specifics of organizing the correctional and developmental process in compensatory groups for children with speech impairments. The correctional pedagogical process with students with special needs as a holistic phenomenon. The structure of the organization of correctional educational

Sections: School administration

In the educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance “Center for Curative Pedagogy and Differentiated Education” in the city of Novokuznetsk, general education classes have been formed, which include students with disabilities who require correctional and developmental education. Such classes are a form differentiation of education, allowing you to solve problems in a timely manner active assistance children with difficulties in learning and adaptation to school.

Corrective and developmental education for children and adolescents with disabilities health within the general education classroom is built in accordance with the principles of humanization, free personal development and ensures adaptability and variability of the education system.

The purpose of organizing these classes

To organize self-training for students in extended day mode, subject teachers are involved simultaneously with educators. The forms and duration of such work are determined by the school’s psychological, medical, and pedagogical council, methodological council and pedagogical council of the institution.

In the presented local act, developed and implemented in the activities of the center, discusses the main approaches to organizing educational process, a system of correctional and developmental education as a form of differentiated education that allows you to solve the problems of timely active assistance to children with difficulties in learning and adaptation to school and disabilities. Important points are noted in the organization of the system of correctional and developmental education, such as dynamic monitoring of the progress of each child. As part of psychological support, methods have been developed for an individual approach to students in the process of training and education based on psychological recommendations. Work in the institution is carried out in accordance with local regulations of the educational institution.
The presented Regulations regulate the activities of teachers and specialists at the Center for Curative Pedagogy and Differentiated Education in developing children’s general learning abilities and correcting their developmental deficiencies.

in general education classes of a municipal educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance “Center for Curative Pedagogy and Differentiated Education”

I. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation has been developed on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on an Educational Institution for Children in Need of Psychological, Pedagogical and Medical-Social Assistance (No. 687 of 08/31/1998), Model Regulations “On a Special (Correctional) Educational Institution for students with disabilities" No. 288 dated March 12, 1997) in accordance with the "Concept of correctional and developmental training in educational institutions", developed by the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education and recommended by the board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for use in the education system of Russia, Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 4.09.1997 No. 48 “On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions of types I-VIII, annex to the Curriculum of the MOU TsLPDO for special (correctional) educational institutions of the VII type based on the Basic Curriculum of 2002, the Curriculum of the MOU TsLPDO for general education institutions based on the 2004 Basic Curriculum,

1.2. Classes for children in need of correctional and developmental education are created in an educational institution in accordance with the Resolution of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation.

1.3. General education classes, which include students who require correctional and developmental education, are a form of differentiation of education, allowing to solve the problems of timely active assistance to children with learning difficulties and adaptation to school.

1.4. Classes maintain the continuity of the rehabilitation space based on the integration of school, out-of-school institutions, cultural institutions and additional education.

1.5. Correctional and developmental education for children and adolescents with disabilities within the general education classroom is built in accordance with the principles of humanization, free personal development and ensures adaptability and variability of the education system.

1.6. The purpose of organizing these classes is creation in an educational institution of an integral system that provides optimal pedagogical conditions for children with learning difficulties in accordance with their age and individual typological characteristics, state of somatic and neuropsychic health. In this system, diagnostic and advisory, correctional and developmental, treatment and preventive, social and rehabilitation activities are strictly predetermined and logically interact.

1.7. The content of the training is aimed at making up for the shortcomings of previous training and education, normalizing and improving educational activities students, increasing their performance, overcoming negative characteristics of the emotional and personal sphere, activating cognitive activity.

1.8. Purposeful work on the formation general abilities to learning, correction of developmental deficiencies, as well as treatment and preventive work should ensure that children with learning difficulties meet the federal educational standard requirements for the knowledge and skills of students.

1.9. The main tasks of the KRO are:

  • normalization of students' educational activities
  • activation of cognitive activity
  • social and labor adaptation
  • level up mental development
  • correction of deficiencies in emotional, personal and social development
  • Special task correctional work is to help children with mental retardation acquire a variety of knowledge about the world around them, develop their powers of observation and experience practical training, develop the ability to independently obtain knowledge and use it.
  • Psychological and pedagogical correction throughout its entire period must be systematic, comprehensive, and individualized.

1.10. The correctional and developmental educational process is organized on the basis of a curriculum developed and approved by the educational institution independently in accordance with the Model Basic Plan for KRO classes (2002), the recommendations of the Basic Curriculum of General Educational Institutions (in terms of the implementation of general education programs).

1.11. Corrective and developmental education in these classes is carried out by the teacher in all lessons and must ensure the assimilation of educational material in accordance with the state educational standard primary and basic general education

1.12. Personnel, logistics and financial support.

1.13. In the KRO classes there are teachers, educators who have experience working in an educational institution and have completed special course training in organizing correctional and developmental education, as well as specialists: educational psychologist, speech therapist, social teacher in accordance with current standards and the staffing schedule of the institution.

1.14. To organize self-training for students in extended day mode, subject teachers are involved simultaneously with educators. The forms and duration of such work are determined by the school’s psychological, medical, and pedagogical council, methodological council and pedagogical council of the institution.

1.15. Class teachers For these classes, an additional payment for class management is made in full in accordance with the standards.

1.16. Students who show special aptitudes and abilities in certain disciplines can attend lessons in a general education class with other students, as well as elective classes and elective courses in general education programs.

II Basic approaches to organizing the educational process

2.1. Selection of educational tasks that maximally stimulate the child’s activity, awaken his need for cognitive activity, and require a variety of activities.

2.2. Adjusting the pace of learning educational material and teaching methods to the level of development of children with disabilities.

2.3. Individual approach.

2.4. Combination of correctional education with therapeutic, health-improving and preventive measures.

2.5. Repeated explanation of educational material and selection of additional tasks;

2.6. Constant use of visualization, leading questions, and analogies.

2.7. Using multiple instructions and exercises.

2.8. Showing great tact on the part of the teacher

2.9. Using rewards, increasing the child’s self-esteem;

2.10. A step-by-step summary of the work done in the lesson;

2.11. The use of tasks based on samples, accessible instructions, algorithms, taking into account the fact that the performance of children with mental retardation in the lesson lasts 10-20 minutes.

It is necessary for each of these children to provide individual assistance in identifying gaps in knowledge and filling them.

The system of correctional and developmental education is a form of differentiated education that allows you to solve the problems of timely active assistance to children with learning difficulties and adaptation to school. In the process of correctional developmental training, consistent interaction between diagnostic and advisory, correctional and developmental, treatment and preventive and social and labor areas of activity is possible.

An important point in organizing a system of correctional and developmental education is dynamic monitoring of each child’s progress. The results of observations are discussed at least once every quarter at small teacher councils or councils. A special role is given to protecting and strengthening the somatic and neuropsychic health of students. With successful correction and readiness for schooling, children are transferred to regular classes of the traditional education system or, if it is necessary to continue correctional work, to classes of correctional and developmental education.

Corrective focus Teaching a group of children with disabilities in a general education class is provided with a set of basic educational subjects that form an invariant part of the curriculum.
Frontal correctional and developmental training is carried out by the teacher in all lessons and allows for the assimilation of educational material at the level of the requirements for knowledge and skills of the educational standard.

Correction of individual developmental deficiencies is carried out on individual and group classes specially allocated for this purpose. These can be general developmental activities that help correct deficiencies in memory, attention, speech, and develop mental activity. There may be subject-oriented classes - preparation for the perception of difficult topics curriculum, closing gaps in previous training (in accordance with the institution’s Curriculum).

Individual and group correctional classes are conducted by a subject teacher And afterschool teacher.

In accordance with the curriculum in primary school correctional classes 3 hours per week are allocated outside the compulsory school hours. The duration of individual and group lessons should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Groups can include no more than three students who have the same gaps or similar difficulties. Working with a whole class or large numbers of students is not permitted in these classes.
In high school, 1 hour per week is allocated for individual and group correctional classes.
Speech therapists and psychologists are involved in individual and group correctional classes. The organization of the educational process in the system of correctional and developmental education should be carried out on the basis of the principles of correctional pedagogy and requires on the part of specialists a deep understanding of the main causes and characteristics of deviations in the mental activity of the child, the ability to determine the conditions for the intellectual development of the child and ensure the creation of a personal development environment, allowing to realize the cognitive reserves of students.

Expected result teaching children with disabilities in the conditions of specially organized education: children with mental retardation provide significant dynamics in development and acquire many of the knowledge and skills that their peers from the general education class gain independently.

III. Organization and functioning of classes for correctional and developmental education as part of general education classes at the Municipal Educational Institution TsLPDO

3.1. General education classes, which include students who require correctional and developmental education, are organized at the Municipal Educational Institution TsLPDO as an educational institution that has:

  • personnel specially trained for this work,
  • necessary scientific and methodological support,
  • appropriate material base for organizing the educational process,
  • the basis for preventive, psychological and pedagogical assistance for this category of children.

3.2. The procedure for admission to these General education classes, which include students with disabilities who require correctional and developmental education are determined by this Regulation and are enshrined in the Charter of the educational institution (Amendments to the Charter of the Municipal Educational Institution TsLPDO, clauses 2.3, 2.4, 3.9.6, 3.15.1).

3.3. General education classes, which include students who require correctional and developmental education, are opened by order of the director of the center on the basis of the conclusion for each child of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions of the city and region. Enrollment in these classes is carried out only with the consent of parents (persons their replacements) based on the application.

3.4. General education classes, which include students who require correctional and developmental education, are opened at the level of primary, basic general education and function up to grade 9 inclusive, as needed.

3.5. Training in these classes at the first and second stages (grades II-IX) is carried out according to general programs educational schools with some changes (reduction of some educational topics and the amount of material in them). Training is organized using textbooks for secondary schools.

3.6. The daily routine for students in these classes is established taking into account the increased fatigue of the student population. The work of these classes is organized in the first shift according to the extended day schedule with the organization of necessary recreational activities.

3.7. To organize and conduct a comprehensive study of student data by specialists of various profiles in an educational institution, a psychological, medical and pedagogical council is created by order of the director. It consists of a deputy director for educational work, experienced teachers working with this category of children, a speech therapist, a psychologist, and a social teacher. Specialists who do not work in this institution are hired to work in the council under a contract. The tasks of the council include:

  • Study of the intellectual, personal, emotional-volitional sphere of the child.
  • Identification of the child’s reserve capabilities,
  • development of recommendations for the teacher to ensure a reasonable differentiated approach in the process of teaching and education.
  • Determining ways to integrate children into the appropriate classes working according to basic educational programs, with positive dynamics and compensation for developmental deficiencies.
  • Preparation of a detailed report on the state of development and health of the student in the absence of positive dynamics in learning (during one year of the student’s stay in the class) for submission to the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation in order to clarify the diagnosis and select the optimal form of further education in an educational institution of the appropriate type.
  • Organization of medical and health-improving, sanitary and educational events.

3.8. For the purpose of development and education of children with disabilities in the conditions of specially organized additional classes, in order to achieve significant positive dynamics in the development and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities that their peers from the general education class gain independently training sessions in a group of children working under correctional and developmental programs are carried out as follows:

Pupils subject to training according to the Curriculum for special (correctional) educational institutions of type VII (2002) are present at all classes in academic subjects in accordance with the class schedule (Curriculum for general education institutions 2004). Subject teachers are obliged to organize for these students work to eliminate gaps in knowledge, to generalize, consolidate, repeat educational material, as well as the necessary correctional and developmental classes based on educational material in accordance with the topic studied in the lesson.

IV. Organization of correctional and developmental educational process

4.1. The class size is 9-12 people.

4.2. The daily routine for students in these classes is established taking into account the increased fatigue of the student population. It is advisable for these classes to operate in an extended day: alternating self-training of children under the guidance of a teacher in academic subjects with exercise therapy classes, walks, group work, etc.

4.3. Children and adolescents with reduced performance in the presence of severe neurotic disorders and affective behavior are provided with individually integrated training, a gentle regime (reduction in the volume of tasks, an additional day of rest during the week, completing tasks at home under the guidance of a teacher) and therapeutic psychotherapeutic assistance (children's specialists). home and the Children's Help Center may be involved under an agreement).

4.4. For students who do not master the curriculum in class and have gaps in knowledge, individual and group correctional classes are organized, which have a general developmental focus, and group correctional classes, which have both a general developmental and subject focus. To conduct them, school component hours are used, as well as advisory hours of extended day groups. The duration of such classes does not exceed 45 minutes, the group size does not exceed 9-12 people.

4.5. Students with speech disorders receive speech therapy assistance.

4.6. The subject teacher maintains a separate class journal, where the completion of educational programs in subjects is recorded in accordance with the appendix to the Curriculum of the Municipal Educational Establishment Central Educational Institution on the basis of the Basic Curriculum of 2002 for special (correctional) educational institutions of the VII type, Work program subject teachers.

4.7. Students' grades for their work in class are posted in the class journal of the general education class and the class working according to the 2002 Curriculum.

4.8. Interim certification of students with disabilities is carried out on the basis of the Regulations on the intermediate certification of students of the Municipal Educational Institution TsLPDO.

4.9. After receiving basic general education, a school graduate who successfully passes the state (final) certification receives a Certificate of Basic general education and has the right, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” to continue studying at the third level and receive secondary (complete) general education or continue studying at the primary or secondary level of vocational education.

3.1. The correctional and developmental educational process is regulated by the Standard Basic Plan of an educational institution with classes of correctional and developmental education, programs approved for them by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, programs for mass classes, adapted to the characteristics of the psychophysical development of the child and coordinated with methodological services.

Training is organized using both special textbooks for these classes and textbooks for mass classes, depending on the level of development of students. The teacher makes the decision on this issue.

3.2. Frontal correctional and developmental education is carried out by the teacher in all lessons and must ensure the assimilation of educational material in accordance with the state educational standard.

3.3. The main objectives of correctional and developmental education are:

· activation of cognitive activity of students;

· increasing the level of their mental development;

· normalization of educational activities;

· correction of deficiencies in emotional, personal and social development;

· social and labor adaptation.

3.4. For students who do not master the curriculum in class, individual and group correctional classes are organized, which have both a general developmental and subject focus. For their implementation, school component hours are used, as well as advisory hours of extended day groups. The duration of such classes does not exceed 30 minutes, the group size does not exceed 4-5 people.

3.5. To provide speech therapy assistance, the position of speech therapist is being added to the staff of an educational institution with classes of correctional and developmental education for at least 15-20 people with speech disorders.

3.6. Students who have speech disorders, receive speech therapy assistance in specially organized speech therapy sessions individually and in groups of 4-6 people, as well as in subgroups of 2-3 people.

3.7. When conducting lessons on labor and vocational training The class is divided into 2 groups, starting from 1st grade.

3.9. The question of the forms of final certification and its organization is decided by the Department of Education.

3.10. Graduates of the ninth grade who have successfully completed the basic school course receive a document of the established form.


4.1. The classes of correctional and developmental education are staffed by teachers, educators and specialists who have experience working in an educational institution and have undergone special training.

4.2. To organize self-training for students in extended day mode, subject teachers are involved simultaneously with educators. The expediency of such work, its form and duration are determined by a psychological, medical and pedagogical council.

4.3. If necessary, to work with students in correctional and developmental education classes, specialists who do not work in this educational institution are recruited under a contract (psychoneurologist and other specialists).

4.4. If there are more than three classes of this type in a school, the issue of introducing additional specialist staff into the staffing table of educational institutions may be considered: a teacher-psychologist, social teacher, defectologist, etc.

4.5. Class teachers of correctional and developmental education classes receive an additional payment for cool tutorial in full.

4.6. For teaching staff, specialists in classes of correctional and developmental education are given a 20% bonus to wage rates and official salaries. Heads of schools, if there are more than 3 classes, who have created the necessary conditions for their functioning, a 15 percent premium may be established.

4.7. For the operation of these classes, premises are equipped for classes, rest, daytime sleep, physical education, recreational and therapeutic work.

Appendix 6




1.1. The psychological, medical and pedagogical service of the educational institution is created in accordance with the “Capital Education” program, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government No. 557 of July 5, 1994.

1.2. The psychological, medical and pedagogical service of the school (hereinafter referred to as the school PMPS) is a diagnostic and correctional type structure, the activities of which are aimed at solving problems associated with the timely identification, upbringing, training, social adaptation and integration into society of children with various developmental disabilities leading to to school maladjustment, learning problems and behavioral disorders.

1.3. Due to the interdepartmental nature of the activities of school primary health care services, specialists in various profiles (medical, pedagogical, social) are subject to all the benefits and rights of the relevant departments.

1.4. The procedure for opening a school primary medical school, organization, conditions of material support, financing, and control of work are determined by orders of the district administration and the Moscow Committee of Education.

1.5. Methodological management of the work of the school PMPS is carried out by the Moscow Education Committee and the District Education Department.

1.6. The school PMPS in its activities is guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, documents of the Moscow Committee of Education on the normative and methodological basis of the educational process, decisions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, relevant instructions for the admission of children to special (correctional) schools. educational institutions various types, Regulations on classes of correctional and developmental education in educational institutions, Regulations on the psychological, medical and pedagogical service of the district.

1.7. To ensure its activities, a school primary medical school can attract budget funds in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.8. The main functional unit of the school primary medical education system is the school psychological-medical-pedagogical council (hereinafter referred to as the Council).


2.1. The purpose of organizing the Consilium is to create a holistic system that provides optimal pedagogical conditions for children with learning difficulties in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, level of current development, state of somatic and neuropsychic health.

2.2. The tasks of the Council are determined by the Regulations on the district primary health care system and the identified levels of functioning of the district's primary health care system.

2.3. The tasks of the Council include:

2.3.1. Timely identification and comprehensive examination of preschool and school age with deviations in physical, intellectual and emotional development, learning difficulties and school adaptation, in order to organize their development and training in accordance with their individual capabilities.

2.3.2. Examination of older children preschool age in order to identify their readiness for learning and determine the content, forms and methods of their training and education in accordance with the characteristics of their physical and mental development. Formation of specialized groups on the basis of preschool institutions to prepare children with developmental disabilities for schooling both in general education and in correctional and developmental programs.

2.3.3. Diagnostic and correctional work with students in the system of correctional and developmental education on the basis of a public school.

2.3.4. Identification of the level and characteristics of the development of cognitive activity (speech, memory, attention, performance and other mental functions), the study of emotional-volitional and personal development.

2.3.5. Identification of the child’s reserve capabilities, development of recommendations for the teacher to ensure a reasonable differentiated approach in the process of correctional education and upbringing.

2.3.6. Choosing the optimal curriculum for the child’s development. If there is no positive dynamics in education within one year, the issue of replay program for a given class or choosing the appropriate type of school.

2.3.7. With positive dynamics and compensation for shortcomings, identifying ways to integrate children into the appropriate classes working according to basic educational programs.

2.3.8. Prevention of physical, intellectual and emotional overload and breakdowns, organization of therapeutic and recreational activities.

2.3.9. Preparation and maintenance of documentation reflecting the current development of the child, the dynamics of his condition, and mastery of the school component. Long-term planning of correctional and developmental work, assessment of its effectiveness.

2.3.10. Organization of interaction between the teaching staff of the school and specialists participating in the activities of the Council.

Features of the organization pedagogical process in a special preschool educational institution


The content and methods of education and training are built taking into account modern ideas about the essence of mental development, about the role of psychological integrity of intellectual and emotional factors in the formation of personality, about the peculiarities and originality of the formation of the psyche of a child with developmental disorders, as well as the leading role of education in the mental development of a person.

The main principles of correctional preschool pedagogy are:

The principle of developmental education, based on the principle of the leading role of education in the development of the child and the formation of the “zone of proximal development”;

The principle of unity of diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders;

The principle of taking into account the relationship between the primary disorder and secondary deviations in the development of the child;

The principle is genetic, taking into account general patterns of development in relation to the upbringing and education of children with disabilities;

The principle of correction and compensation, which requires flexible compliance of correctional and pedagogical technologies and an individually differentiated approach to the nature of the child’s disorders, their structure and severity;

An activity principle that defines approaches to the content and structure of training, taking into account the leader for each age period activities in which psychological new formations that determine the child’s personal development “mature”;

The principle of the early start of correctional pedagogical influence.

The construction of correctional and developmental programs in accordance with these principles should ensure the social orientation of pedagogical influences and the socialization of the child, since the most important component of general developmental and correctional work should be overcoming the child’s social insufficiency. L. S. Vygotsky believed that “special education should be subordinated to social development...”. He viewed the socialization of a child as a process of his “growing into” civilization, linking this with mastering the ability for sign mediation, which occurs mainly in practical and symbolic-modeling types of activity and speech. Based on the commonality of the basic patterns of development in normal and pathological conditions, the programs define basic directions pedagogical work- ensuring the maximum possible integrity and harmony of the child’s personal development. This is carried out in the process of social development, physical education, cognitive development, the formation of mechanisms of leading activity characteristic of a certain period of childhood, productive activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué, design, elementary labor), aesthetic education. Taken together, these areas of work provide solutions to general developmental problems.


Timely, systematic psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to preschool children with developmental disorders, advisory and methodological support to their parents, social adaptation of the child and the formation of prerequisites for educational activities are carried out in the education, health and social protection systems.

In the education system, pedagogical assistance to these children is provided in various organizational forms.

Children with developmental disabilities are raised in preschool educational institutions and in institutions “Primary school - kindergarten» three types:

Compensatory, intended for teaching children with certain developmental disabilities;

Combined, having both groups (classes) for normally developing children and groups (classes) of a compensating type;

General developmental type in the conditions of integrated (joint with normally developing children) education with mandatory correctional support for a child with developmental disabilities.

Preschoolers with developmental disabilities raised at home can learn in short-stay groups at institutions of compensatory and combined types, at preschool departments (groups) of special (correctional) educational institutions.

Corrective support for preschoolers with developmental disabilities is also provided:

in educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance in multi-age educational groups for preschool children in diagnostic and counseling centers, psychological, medical and social support, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction, etc.;

in health educational institutions of sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment in groups for preschool children;

in institutions additional education: centers for additional education of children, children's health centers of various profiles, etc.

Staffing preschool educational institutions (groups) of a compensatory type and institutions "Elementary school - kindergarten" of a compensatory type, short-stay groups for children with developmental disabilities, preschool departments (groups) of special (correctional) schools, boarding schools, orphanages for orphans and children left without parental care is carried out by permanent psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (PMPC). Issues of transferring a child to one or another institution (group), sending him to a general developmental preschool educational institution or an institution “Elementary school - kindergarten” are also within the competence of the PMPK.

Preschoolers with developmental disabilities are sent to educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance, PMPK and other organizations of the education, health and social protection systems in agreement with their parents (legal representatives of the child).

Health educational institutions of sanatorium type are staffed by health authorities.

Preschoolers with developmental disabilities are admitted to additional education institutions at the request of their parents and on the recommendation of specialists.

Thus, a child with a developmental disorder can be educated both in specialized (compensatory or correctional) conditions and in integrated (joint with normally developing children) education. Integration of preschool children with developmental disabilities is possible subject to the following conditions:

Implementation of early (from the first weeks of life) correction of developmental deviations and the formation of compensatory mechanisms;

Providing mandatory correctional assistance to every child raised in a general education institution;

Availability of medical and pedagogical justifications when choosing one or another model of integrated education.

Integration is not opposed to the special education system, but acts as one of the forms within the system. Integration is a model of special pedagogy; a child with developmental disabilities integrated into the general educational environment remains under her patronage: he is either brought up in a special group with preschool institution combined type, or necessarily receives correctional assistance, being raised in a group with normally developing children. It can be considered that integration brings two educational systems- general and special, making the boundaries between them permeable.

In institutions of a combined type, taking into account the level of development and individual characteristics Child development integration should be carried out in its various forms:

- combined integration. Children with a level of psychophysical and speech development that corresponds or is close to the age norm, who care for themselves independently, are brought up in mass groups of 1-2 people, receive systematic correctional assistance from a teacher-defectologist and an educational psychologist;

- partial integration. Children (1 - 2 people), who are not yet able to master the program requirements on an equal basis with healthy peers, spend only part of the day (for example, the second half) in a group of normally developing peers;

- time integration, in which pupils of a special group, regardless of the level of psychophysical and speech development and self-care skills, are united with healthy children at least 1-2 times a month to carry out various educational activities (this model of integration can and should be implemented in educational institutions of a compensatory type, in preschool departments (groups) of special (correctional) schools, boarding schools, orphanages).

The implementation of all these forms presupposes the mandatory management of the integration process by a teacher-defectologist and educational psychologist, who help in organizing the upbringing and education of a child with developmental disabilities in a group of healthy peers.

Full integration can be effective for children with developmental disabilities who, in terms of the level of psychophysical and speech development, correspond to the age norm (or are close to it), care for themselves independently and are psychologically ready for joint learning with healthy peers. Such children, 1 to 2 people each, are included in the regular groups of the general developmental kindergarten of the “Primary School - Kindergarten” institution, and they must receive correctional assistance either at the place of study, or in short-term groups of a preschool institution (group) of a compensatory type or preschool departments (groups) of a special (correctional) school, boarding school, or in specialized centers or in clinics at the place of residence.

The implementation of various forms of integration of children with developmental disabilities into a group of normal peers should contribute to the socialization of preschoolers with special needs, and for normally developing children should create an environment in which they begin to realize that the world is a single community of people.

Targeted work on the integration of children with developmental disabilities is a mandatory component activities of preschool educational institutions both general developmental and combined, and compensatory types. If special preschool institutions (groups, departments) are faced with the task of providing correctional education and training for preschoolers with developmental disabilities, then general developmental preschool educational institutions and “Elementary” institutions school-kindergarten”, into which individual children with developmental disabilities are integrated, there are fundamentally different tasks:

Pedagogical observation and screening diagnostics aimed at identifying preschoolers with suspected developmental disabilities;

Working with parents of such children in order to convince them of the need for a comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical examination of the child;

Raising the question of mandatory provision of children with developmental disabilities with individual correctional and developmental classes with a teacher-defectologist, educational psychologist and other specialists (in an institution or outside it). Classes are structured taking into account the developmental characteristics of a child with one or another developmental disorder;

Providing an individual approach to the upbringing and education of a child with developmental disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of specific disorders, in accordance with the recommendations of specialists: a doctor, a teacher-defectologist, an educational psychologist;

Ensuring contact between educational institutions general type and specialists who provide outside correctional assistance to a child with developmental disabilities;

Working with the parents of a child with developmental disabilities in order to ensure a unified approach to his upbringing and education, following the recommendations of specialists, assisting the preschooler in mastering program requirements designed for normally developing children;

Purposeful monitoring of the development of a child with developmental disabilities, his progress - in order to timely resolve the issue of changes in the process of his upbringing and education. We can talk about a) the desirability of transferring a preschooler to a special institution (group); b) on intensifying correctional and developmental classes with a specialist, providing assistance to the child during these classes in mastering program requirements designed for normally developing pre-school children, on improving the material and technical base of integrated education; c) on providing assistance to educators in organizing the education of a child with developmental disabilities in an environment of normally developing children.

The creation of special conditions is carried out in order to solve a complex of correctional, developmental and educational tasks in the process of dynamic psychological and pedagogical training and upbringing of the child. In this case, the following conditions are met:

The objectives and content of correctional work with children take into account the structure, degree and nature of developmental disorders;

Material, technical, medical and social conditions, subject-specific development environment correspond to educational and correctional tasks;

Professional training specialists is aimed at protecting and strengthening the child’s health, his physical and mental development, and correcting his existing deviations. In addition, it must be constantly improved and comply with the achievements of advanced science and practice.

Kindergartens for children with developmental disabilities operate according to special programs, which are developed taking into account
first of all, the leading defect, as well as the age-related psychophysical capabilities of preschool children and sensitive
periods of development of various mental and motor functions.

When working with a child with developmental disabilities, it is important to teach
interact with healthy children, introduce him to everyone
types of activities available to normally developing

In the process of correctional pedagogical work, a dynamic study and dynamic assessment of the child’s mental development is carried out with a special emphasis on identifying mental neoplasms that appear as a result of complex, targeted therapeutic and pedagogical influence.

Each section of the program provides an inextricable
connection between training, education and correction of impaired functions.
The main sections of the program include physical education,
play, visual activity and design, labor, familiarization with the outside world, speech development, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, musical education and individual correctional work on the development of impaired functions. All sections of the program in their interconnection provide mental, physical, moral, aesthetic and speech development children and correction of impaired functions.

All activities with children with developmental disabilities are differentiated depending on the leading disorder
and individual characteristics of the child, they are all filled
creative tasks with extensive use of visuals
benefits and games.

Important for all children with developmental disabilities
have such sections of the program as familiarization with the outside world, development of speech, thinking, and motor skills. Great importance given to physical therapy and rhythm.

Children with sensory defects need a special approach.
Thus, children with visual impairments need a special protective regime, a strict dosage of visual stress, special forms and methods of teaching using specific visual aids.

It should be borne in mind that children with organic lesions
CNS and various forms of leading defect, including mental retardation, cerebral palsy, severe speech impairment and other disorders also urgently need a special vision-protective regime, since the relationship between visual impairment and the central nervous system is known.

When working with a child with developmental disabilities, it is important to take into account the state of his hearing. For children with hearing impairments, individual hearing aids are required, for some of them - individual speech therapy classes.

Observing general principles methodological approach to education and training, special attention should be paid to the following aspects:

Creating conditions to ensure the motivational side of the child’s activities;

Development of emotionally positive communication with the child and communicative forms of his behavior;

Formation of the psychological basis of speech;

Development of various forms of cognitive activity;

Development of productive activities in the child;

In correctional work, make maximum use of special
techniques and techniques based on various types of activities:
subject-practical, game, elementary labor, all
types of productive activities;

Widely use various types of
games: didactic, role-playing, active, musical
rhythmic and dramatization games;

Depending on the child’s condition, differentiate
lesson structure 1.

It is especially important to consider the structure of the leading violation,
secondary developmental deviations associated with it, as well as preserved functions and compensatory capabilities of the child.

Among the specific issues of preschool education methods
highest value have the following:

Organization and methods of psychological and pedagogical study

Development of a methodology for conducting special diagnostic classes, taking into account the age and structure of the defect;

Studying the dynamics of development with the development of a map of individual dynamic observation of the child;

Compilation of psychological and pedagogical characteristics in the dynamics of observation.

Among the tasks, content and organization of correctional and educational work, the following are of greatest importance:

Organization of children's activities and daily routine;

Special correctional and educational work in the process of physical education;

Nurturing verbal regulation of actions and the function of active attention by completing tasks;

Movements according to a model, visual demonstration, verbal instructions;

Development of spatiotemporal organization of movements.

The development of the content and objectives of correctional work on sensory education is important. To them first
in total, include the following:

Formation of perceptual activity with the development of methods for teaching children to examine objects, taking into account the structure of impaired psychomotor development;

Development of the main stages and methods of work on the formation of ideas about sensory standards, taking into account age and
structures of the defect (types of sensory standards: color, shape, size);

Development of methods for developing actions aimed at
correlation of standards with the properties of real objects. With this
The goal is to develop special teaching methods
child selection of objects for samples, selection and grouping
items according to verbal instructions;

Development of methods for the development of verbal mediation
at various stages of work on sensory education, taking into account
speech and intellectual disorders;

Development of methods for completing tasks for verbal description properties of objects based on the picture - standard and model diagrams, taking into account the age, structure, severity of speech and intellectual defects and the age of the child;

Development of differentiated methods for the development and
improving tactile-motor perception using the system didactic games And special exercises With
taking into account the age and structure of the defect. Exercises like these are especially helpful for children with cerebral palsy;

Development of various types of productive activities as
means of sensory education;

Formation of visual forms of thinking, taking into account the age and structure of the defect;

Development of content and methods for correcting violations
subject-based practical activities in various categories of children with developmental disabilities and, above all, in children with motor impairments;

Development of formation methods mental operations and their verbal mediation;

Formation of initial logical operations;

Learning to identify essential features in a subject;

Formation play activity, as well as games like
joint activities among various categories of children with developmental disabilities;

Formation of a meaningful story game;

Development of the ability to classify objects according to essential characteristics;

Development of fantasy and imagination;

Development of the function of active attention;

Preparation for mastering counting and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Raising and teaching children with developmental disabilities
is carried out sequentially, taking into account the age and structure of impaired psychomotor development. System pedagogical events includes physical education, education of cultural and hygienic skills and self-care skills, teaching the child the basics labor activity in a family environment, play and visual arts. The development of speech, familiarization of the child with the world around him, sensory education, development of cognitive activity, development of spatial concepts, communication skills with others, visual activity, as well as the formation of initial mathematical concepts are important.

The task of physical education is the development of basic
movements, teaching a child outdoor games, developing balance and coordination of movements, manual skill, hand training
to the letter. All developmental exercises are carried out in conjunction with
corrective activities. In the process of physical education
The child’s orientation in space is formed.

The task of labor education is the development of cultural
hygiene skills and self-care, as well as labor
skills, development of hand motor skills, preparing the hand for writing by
classes with plasticine, constructor.

In progress play activity Speech, thinking, imagination, symbolic activity develop - the child learns to use not only toys, but also substitute objects, and create an imaginary situation. During the game, mental education, emotional and personal development is carried out.

Children with mental retardation attend mainly compensatory and combined preschool educational institutions, as well as short-term groups for children with developmental disabilities (as noted by E.A. Ekzhanova). Referral to a special preschool institution or group is carried out on the basis of a decision of the permanent psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (PMPC). Medical indications for the adoption of a child are the types of mental retardation reflected in the classification of K.S. Lebedinskaya: constitutional, somatogenic, psychogenic and cerebral-organic origin.

The following groups are open to provide assistance:

  • * younger (from 2.5 to 3.5 years); * middle (from 3.5 to 5 years);
  • * senior (for children aged 5-6 years).

Upon completion of a special preschool institution or group, the child is transferred (depending on diagnostic indicators):

  • * to school (or) class for children with mental retardation;
  • * secondary school
  • * special school of the appropriate type.

In a specialized preschool institution the following tasks are solved:

  • * diagnostic; * educational;
  • * correctional and developmental;
  • * wellness;
  • * educational.

The main activities of children in a specialized preschool institution are:

  • * general and communicative interaction;
  • * physical education;
  • * development of fine manual motor skills and visual-spatial coordination;
  • * sensory development;
  • * musical education;
  • * subject activity and play;
  • * cognitive development;
  • * social education;
  • * development of productive activities;
  • * preparation for school education.

Types of group and subgroup classes taught by the teacher: health lessons; modeling; applique; drawing; design; manual labor; physical and labor education; game training; social development; familiarization with the surrounding world.

Types of subgroup and individual lessons conducted by a defectologist: social and cognitive development; familiarization with the surrounding world; game training; mathematics; development of speech and fine manual motor skills; preparation for literacy training. Coordination and development work is carried out with the participation of the child’s family.

Schoolchildren with mental retardation can study: in special educational institutions (type VII schools), a network of which was organized in our country in the early 80s; in correctional classes at general education schools (based on the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On the introduction into force of normative documents regulating the activities of special educational schools for children with mental retardation”, 1981).

Features of training in a correctional class: adapted programs And educational plans(in accordance with the special educational standard); studying special subjects (speech development, familiarization with the outside world, rhythm, etc.); individual and group correctional work (speech therapy classes, filling gaps in knowledge, propaedeutics (preliminary knowledge) of new educational material; elective courses (artistic and aesthetic, music, labor, sports, etc.).

The educational process in the classroom of correctional and developmental education is carried out (as noted by E.A. Medvedeva) on the basis of: taking into account the current capabilities of the child; protecting and strengthening his health; creating a supportive educational environment; interactions with parents. According to the data provided by N.M. Nazarova, about half of children with mental retardation after primary school are able to study further in regular classes, other children with persistent forms of mental retardation - only in a correctional class. Many schoolchildren with mental retardation (after 9 years of study) continue their education (evening schools, vocational schools, technical schools) or get a job.

In our country there is a system of comprehensive assistance to children with mental retardation, which, as defined by E.A. Medvedeva, includes: various models of special educational institutions (preschool educational institutions (groups) of a compensatory type, special schools and boarding schools for children with mental retardation, classes of correctional and developmental education at a general school; early identification of children with mental retardation, satisfaction of their special needs educational needs, ensuring continuity of forms and methods of correctional work in the preschool and school education; improving the system of medical, pedagogical and psychological diagnostics (to determine the features of the organization of the correctional educational process, preserving and strengthening the health of children); normative and educational and methodological support for practice and education of children with mental retardation; determination of tasks and content of professional orientation of vocational training and social and labor adaptation of graduates; creation and application of criteria and methods for assessing the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental educational process; service model development advisory assistance family; training of appropriate teaching staff. The system of comprehensive assistance to children with mental retardation reflects the concept of correctional and developmental education in secondary school, authors - V.I. Lubovsky, N.A. Nikashina, T.V. Egorova, S.G. Shevchenko, G.D. Triger, G.I. Kapustina et al., Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, 1993.