Stress resistance how to stay calm and efficient in any situation. "Stress tolerance. How to remain calm and highly effective in any situation” Sharon Melnick. The principle of "reasonable detachment"

Sharon Melnick

Dr. Sharon Melnick is a psychologist specializing in resilience. Developed a methodology based on 10 years of experience research work in Harvard School medicine, in which she trained more than 7 thousand people. He often lectures on this subject.

Stress is my sore subject

Judge for yourself:

  • young father
  • Hard worker
  • Perfectionist
  • Restless and nervous person
  • I am constantly short of funds.
  • Live in Russia))

Oh, this book is in the right hands! I used to give myself up to stress without a trace. High blood pressure, headaches, endless whining… I just wanted to run away, hide, fall on my mother's boobs - a pitiful sight. Not surprisingly, all my life I have shied away from any strenuous activity. I chose ready-made solutions. He behaved modestly. I did not understand what stress is, where it comes from. For me it was an absolutely negative phenomenon. The first book that made me look at stress differently was Stress Surfing by Ivan Kirillov. I liked the book and received a rating of 7/10 in my review. For a whole month, I purposefully tracked stressful situations and fought them according to Kirillov. My attitude towards stress has completely changed. From Helplessly Negative to Confidently Positive:

  • Stress is a necessary component of growth
  • Stress is a test of myself that makes me stronger. Next time I'll take the stress lighter
  • Stress - shakes up my life and does not let it stagnate
  • Avoiding stress will only make the stress worse next time.

If earlier I avoided stresses, now I aspire to them. These ideas really pissed me off. It was they who pushed me to, for example, that I declared 2014 for myself - “The Year Out of the Comfort Zone” and waved a savage to Thailand for the winter. And yet I couldn't completely banish the "bad stress" from my life. Therefore, I gladly responded to the offer of the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" to review their new book "Stress Resistance" by Sharon Melnick.

I read the book for a long time

No, not what you thought. The book is easy to read. It’s just that each paragraph of the text forced me to stop, put the reader down and remember, remember, remember. I pondered various cases from my life: conflicts with colleagues, minor domestic troubles, blockages at work. And most importantly, my REACTION to them. So here's what the book is about:

  • Stress from too much to do
  • Phobias
  • How not to worry about what others think
  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Anger management
  • Relationship stress
  • And much more!

Book format

Sharon Melnick is a practicing psychologist and it shows. The book worked out. She breaks down common sources of stress. All in mini-story format. Each chapter ends with exercises. There are also various tests. This is great. That's the way books should be written. In general, I have not seen such a book filled with specific advice for a long time. You are already starting to get used to the fact that in any book 90% of the garbage and you have to read because of the remaining 10%. Everything is different here. The book is helpful from start to finish. I did not even try to write out the valuable thoughts of the book in this review. We'll have to stupidly rewrite it all.

An amazing coincidence?

  • The 7 Habits by Stephen Covey
  • "Flow" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • "GTD" by David Allen
  • "Never Eat Alone" by Keita Ferrazi.

Given that I'm usually very stingy with "tens", this is simply amazing. Does that mean she's my soul mate?


Read: necessarily. Everyone. Grade: 10/10 The highest rating from me is not just good books which I read and set aside. And those books that make me change my life, make me write down some specific steps in my planner, and so on. The Resilience book will definitely change my life. I have already planned to read it for the SECOND time. I will make a “combat cheat sheet” to work on myself and my attitude to stress. In the near future, more than one article inspired by Sharon's ideas will appear here or on my blog. By the way, reading the book itself has a powerful healing effect. I began to read the book, exhausted from the stress of work, which took possession of me in last days. And he ended up calm and confident. It was as if I had been to a psychologist session)) Thank you, Sharon Melnik!

This book is well complemented by:

Flexible mind

Carol Dweck

The Psychology of Achievement

Heidi Grant Halvorson

whole life

Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield

Mark Victor Hansen


Success Under Stress

Powerful Tools for Staying Calm,

Confident, and Productive

When the Pressure's On


Stress tolerance

How to keep calm

and high efficiency

in all situations

Translation from English by Svetlana Chigrinets

Publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

Moscow, 2014

Information from the publisher

Published in Russian for the first time

Melnik, Sh.

Stress tolerance. How to keep calm and high efficiency in any situation / Sharon Melnick; per. from English. Svetlana Chirginets. - M. : Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2014.

ISBN 978-5-91657-951-2

For many of us, stress has become " the new normal”: every day at work we process letters and calls, we take on many important tasks at once and do not have time to finish them, and at night we scroll through work tasks and conflicts in our heads.

The book by professional business psychologist Sharon Melnick outlines a methodology by which you can not only remain calm in stressful situations, but also find new opportunities for professional and personal development in them. It only takes a few minutes to start applying some of the techniques.

Sharon Melnick is a resilience expert at Harvard Medical School, where she developed her methodology for over ten years, and the author of effective training that has helped several thousand people overcome the effects of stressful situations.

Success Under Stress: Powerful Tools for Staying Calm, Confident, and Productive When the Pressure’s On.

Published by AMACOM, a division of the American Management Association, International, New York. All rights reserved.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced for any purpose in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording on magnetic media, without the written permission of the publisher.

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by the law firm "Vegas-Lex"

© 2013 Dr. Sharon Melnick

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2014

To my parents, Susan and Neil Melnick, for their generosity

To Dr. Joseph Levry for his wisdom


How this book will help you

When you are at the peak of your abilities, you enjoy the work of successfully completing a project or closing a deal. You earn respect and are rewarded by making other people's lives better. You feel that you have achieved success and found your working rhythm. In the end labor day your enthusiasm is enough for communication with people and activities that are important to you - and there is even time for gaining peace of mind. But many have too much to do and too many obstacles lie in wait on the way to the goal - besides, you constantly have to deal with nervous and tense people.

Welcome to new reality, where you are exhausted by all sorts of stresses, which make it increasingly difficult to stay afloat - not to mention succeed.

But you can do more than you think. This book presents more than 100 strategies to succeed in a stressful situation, whether it's a relationship problem or a work rush when there's not enough time for anything. New knowledge and skills will provide you with stress resistance, giving you the ability to control every day of your life. By working less and earning more, you will always find time for reflection and contemplation.

As a business psychologist and having trained more than 6,000 people, I have watched some people confidently manage stress by successfully completing projects and not wasting energy, while others are simply struggling to survive. There is a set of skills that distinguish one group from another. Each of us already there is a treasury of valuable skills - it remains only to find the key to it.

Once you learn the secrets of stress resistance, how income will begin to grow before your eyes. Indeed, 71% of top managers around the world confirm that psychological stability and the ability to see new opportunities in every obstacle are “very” and even “extremely” important factors for them when choosing employees1. Business owners who are strategic in their day-to-day planning are seeing rapid growth in their business.

I wrote a book on resilience to help you succeed and become a top performer without compromising your quality of life. stressful situations no longer ruin your day and get in the way of achieving your goal. You will learn to manage stress and, more importantly, to see opportunities in obstacles - the only way to eradicate stress. By distributing the workload, you will learn to overcome difficulties, generate new ideas and make unconventional decisions. You will learn how to motivate and influence people by making them your supporters (instead of wasting energy trying to get rid of feelings of powerlessness). You will speak out strongly in meetings and find mutual language with clients who until recently were too tough for you. If you run into a problem or a seemingly hopeless situation, the new tools described in the book will help you get out of the impasse and move on to the intended you way.

This book goes beyond the common truths about proper nutrition and healthy sleep, or - in a pinch already - about how to "take a deep breath and go out for a breath of fresh air." Of course, this approach helps many, but it is hardly able to reduce the influence of the modern rhythm on the success and quality of life. The algorithm for getting out of any difficult situation, described on the pages of this book, is based on three basic rules: you need to change your attitude to the problem, your physical reaction to the problem or the problem itself.

What is this book about
Your days are probably similar to each other and follow the same killer stress scenario: you frantically answer emails and calls while trying to start and finish a lot of things, none of which can wait. And as a result, you have little time, you are in a bad mood, and you also get a portion of discontent from the boss. And stay awake at night, going through work tasks and conflicts in your mind and wondering: how to deal with all this?
Professional business psychologist Sharon Melnick has been studying resilience techniques for over 10 years, and this book outlines a technique that has been successfully used by thousands of people who have completed her training.
With this book you:
- clearly define the boundaries of what you are really responsible for and how much you can really do yourself; and performing your duties at a high level, you will feel satisfaction from a job well done.
- arrange tasks in order of priorities;
- learn to control emotions (not only your own!), translate even the most difficult conversations into a constructive channel, influence other people and understand them correctly. Thanks to this, you will gain self-confidence and good reputation in the company;
- master special exercises- respiratory, physical, mental - which will reduce internal stress;
- develop the right approach to interruptions and distractions, be able to correctly alternate work and rest, concentration and relaxation, establish a healthy diet and sleep.
As a result, instead of haphazard and hopeless floundering in a sea of ​​affairs, you will be able to "ride the wave" of constant change and multitasking, learning to find new opportunities in difficulties.
It is this skill that distinguishes people who can succeed even in the most difficult and unstable environment.

Who is this book for?
For those who need to increase their own productivity without the threat of a nervous breakdown.
For those who have to communicate with "difficult" people.
For those who are not confident in themselves and too dependent on the opinions of others.
For those who have to motivate people to achieve results under stressful conditions (especially for business owners and top managers)

book chips
There are more than a hundred techniques in the book that, even individually, can increase productivity and reduce stress at the same time. Almost any of them can be mastered and applied in life in less than three minutes.
Together, they make up a coherent and powerful technique for increasing resilience.

From the author
I wrote this book to help you succeed within your company and become an expert in your field without compromising your quality of life.
What benefit will you get from it?
o You will gain more control over your life as you go from "running aimlessly" to a clear mind straight to achieving your goals. You will learn to better control your schedule. You will reduce the stress associated with the fear of missing out and learn how to use your talents. You will eliminate everything that sucked time and energy out of you; you will learn to say "no" when the tasks and projects assigned to you move away from your goals.
o You will feel energized and enthusiastic after the end of the working day. You will learn to concentrate when you need to and relax when you want to. You will learn to disengage from emotions and control violent reactions.
o You will see opportunity in every obstacle. You will learn how to solve problems and get rid of stress, gaining the ability to adapt when, say, priorities change, or when you do not receive feedback on the work done. You will discover your ability to endure and even enjoy ever-changing career opportunities, business models and starting conditions.

For many of us, stress has become the “new normal”: every day at work we process letters and calls, we take on many important tasks at once and do not have time to finish them, and at night we scroll through work tasks and conflicts in our heads.

The book Resilience to Stress by professional business psychologist Sharon Melnick outlines a methodology for not only remaining calm in stressful situations, but also finding new opportunities for professional and personal development in them. It only takes a few minutes to start applying some of the techniques.

Sharon Melnick is a resilience expert at Harvard Medical School, where she developed her methodology for over ten years, and the author of effective training that has helped several thousand people overcome the effects of stressful situations.
Published in Russian for the first time.


How this book will help you

When you are at the peak of your abilities, you enjoy the work of successfully completing a project or closing a deal. You earn respect and are rewarded by making other people's lives better. You feel that you have achieved success and found your working rhythm. At the end of the day, your enthusiasm is enough to communicate with people and activities that are important to you - and there is even time to find peace of mind. But many have too much to do and too many obstacles lie in wait on the way to the goal - besides, you constantly have to deal with nervous and tense people.

Welcome to a new reality where all kinds of stresses exhaust you, making it increasingly difficult to stay afloat - not to mention succeed.

But you can do more than you think. Book " Stress tolerance” presents more than a hundred strategies to succeed in a stressful situation, whether it be problems in a relationship or an emergency at work when there is not enough time for anything. New knowledge and skills will provide you with stress resistance, giving you the ability to control every day of your life. By working less and earning more, you will always find time for reflection and contemplation.

As a business psychologist and having trained more than 6,000 people, I have watched some people confidently manage stress by successfully completing projects and not wasting energy, while others are simply struggling to survive. There is a set of skills that distinguish one group from another. Each of us already there is a treasury of valuable skills - it remains only to find the key to it.

Once you learn the secrets of stress resistance, how income will begin to grow before your eyes. Indeed, 71% of top managers around the world confirm that psychological resilience and the ability to see new opportunities in every obstacle are “very” and even “extremely” important factors for them when choosing employees. Business owners who are strategic in their day-to-day planning are seeing rapid growth in their business.

I wrote a book about stress tolerance to help you succeed and become a top performer without compromising your quality of life. Stressful situations will no longer ruin your day and prevent you from achieving your goal. You will learn and, more importantly, see opportunities in obstacles - the only way to eradicate stress. By distributing the workload, you will learn to overcome difficulties, generate new ideas and make unconventional decisions. You will learn how to motivate and influence people by making them your supporters (instead of wasting energy trying to get rid of feelings of powerlessness). You will speak out decisively in meetings and find a common language with clients who were too tough for you until recently. If you run into a problem or a seemingly hopeless situation, the new tools described in the book will help you get out of the impasse and move on to the intended you way .

This book goes beyond truisms about proper nutrition and healthy sleep, or - in a pinch - how to "take a deep breath and get some fresh air." Of course, this approach helps many, but it is hardly able to reduce the influence of the modern rhythm on the success and quality of life. The algorithm for getting out of any difficult situation, described on the pages of this book, is based on three basic rules: you need to change your attitude to the problem, your physical reaction to the problem or the problem itself.

  • Change your attitude towards the situation. If you look at the problem from a different angle, you can find new solutions.
  • Learn to manage your physiology. Focus when you're overwhelmed, find sources of energy when you feel like you're running out of energy, and calm down when you're agitated or irritated.
  • Solve the problem. Eliminate the source of stress, and you will never have to deal with it again!

Once you try any of these approaches, you will immediately notice how stress levels have decreased and efficiency has increased. And if you apply the elements all three approaches, you can cope with any stressful situation.

But most importantly: I understand how busy you are, and therefore almost any of the tools described can be mastered in less than three minutes. What benefit will you end up getting?

  • You will gain more control over your life. When you finally stop running in circles, you will begin to move straight towards your goal. You will reduce the stress associated with the constant fear of missing out on opportunities or failing to attract a client. You will achieve everything, once you learn to use your abilities 100%. You will end everything that consumed your time and energy; learn to say “no” when the tasks and projects assigned to you are moving you away from your desired goal.
  • Save energy and enthusiasm after a working day. The book talks about tools that will allow you to "turn on" and "off" at the click of a button. You will learn to focus when you need it and relax when you want to - it's a recipe for energy conservation, enjoyment and healthy sleep. You will find a balance between professional performance and full life and forget about your desire to please everyone - after all, you yourself have shouldered this burden. If you are prone to self-flagellation, if you feel that you are inferior to your competitors in some way, or if you take everything too personally, this book is for you - it will help you tune in to positive thinking. If you're afraid to speak in front of an audience and can't pick up the phone and call a potential client who you think won't want to listen to you, this book will give you the confidence to take action. If you have to communicate with an unpleasant interlocutor, you will be able to quickly calm down and safely conduct a meeting. You will learn to disengage from emotions and control violent reactions.
  • See the opportunity in every obstacle. You will learn how to solve problems and get rid of stress, easily adapt your activities when, for example, priorities change or when you do not receive feedback on the work done. This book contains a plan of action and a set of skills that will enable you to thrive in today's dynamic world. You will discover the ability to “adapt and even enjoy ever-changing career opportunities, business models and starting conditions.” Soon, new perspectives will open up for you, allowing you to “come out of the shadows” and move forward with confidence. And if it seems to you that you have become a victim of circumstances and you see only obstacles in front of you - delays in production, the inability to move up the career ladder, achieve financial goals - you will learn to turn such situations to your advantage.

This book is for you if you:

  • work in stressful conditions when you constantly have to motivate people to achieve results;
  • manage your own business - and are responsible for all processes;
  • seek to reduce financial stress, feeling that you are already on the verge;
  • do not feel confident in yourself and therefore hinder your own success, or you overreact (especially when dealing with difficult people).

In this book - an action plan and a set of tools to increase your stress resistance.

You can download an introductory fragment of the book (~20%) at the link:

Resilience - Sharon Melnick (download)

Read the full version of the book in the best online library of Runet - Litres.

And finally, we offer you to watch an interesting video

Sharon Melnick

Stress tolerance. How to remain calm and highly effective in any situation


Success Under Stress

Powerful Tools for Staying Calm, Confident, and Productive When the Pressure’s On

Success Under Stress: Powerful Tools for Staying Calm, Confident, and Productive When the Pressure’s On.

Published by AMACOM, a division of the American Management Association, International, New York. All rights reserved.

© 2013 Dr. Sharon Melnick

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by the law firm "Vegas-Lex"

This book is well complemented by:

Flexible mind

Carol Dweck

The Psychology of Achievement

Heidi Grant Halvorson

whole life

Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen

To my parents, Susan and Neil Melnick, for their generosity

To Dr. Joseph Levry for his wisdom


How this book will help you

When you are at the peak of your abilities, you enjoy the work of successfully completing a project or closing a deal. You earn respect and are rewarded by making other people's lives better. You feel that you have achieved success and found your working rhythm. At the end of the day, your enthusiasm is enough to connect with people and activities that are important to you - and there is even time to find peace of mind. But many have too much to do and too many obstacles lurk on the way to the goal - besides, you constantly have to deal with nervous and tense people.

Welcome to a new reality where all kinds of stresses exhaust you, making it increasingly difficult to stay afloat - not to mention succeed.

But you can do more than you think. This book presents more than 100 strategies to succeed in a stressful situation, whether it's a relationship problem or a work rush when there's not enough time for anything. New knowledge and skills will provide you with stress resistance, giving you the ability to control every day of your life. By working less and earning more, you will always find time for reflection and contemplation.

As a business psychologist and having trained more than 6,000 people, I have watched some people confidently manage stress by successfully completing projects and not wasting energy, while others are simply struggling to survive. There is a set of skills that distinguish one group from another. Each of us already there is a treasure trove of valuable skills - it remains only to find the key to it.

Once you learn the secrets of stress resistance, how income will begin to grow before your eyes. Indeed, 71% of top managers worldwide confirm that psychological resilience and the ability to see new opportunities in every obstacle are “very” and even “extremely” important factors for them when choosing employees (1). Business owners who are strategic in their day-to-day planning are seeing rapid growth in their business.

I wrote a book on resilience to help you succeed and become a top performer without compromising your quality of life. Stressful situations will no longer ruin your day and prevent you from achieving your goal. You will learn to manage stress and, more importantly, to see opportunities in obstacles - the only way to eradicate stress. By distributing the workload, you will learn to overcome difficulties, generate new ideas and make unconventional decisions. You will learn how to motivate and influence people by making them your supporters (instead of wasting energy trying to get rid of feelings of powerlessness). You will speak out decisively in meetings and find a common language with clients who were too tough for you until recently. If you run into a problem or a seemingly hopeless situation, the new tools described in the book will help you get out of the impasse and move on to the intended you way.

This book goes beyond truisms about proper nutrition and healthy sleep, or - in a pinch - how to "take a deep breath and get some fresh air." Of course, this approach helps many, but it is hardly able to reduce the influence of the modern rhythm on the success and quality of life. The algorithm for getting out of any difficult situation, described on the pages of this book, is based on three basic rules: you need to change your attitude to the problem, your physical reaction to the problem or the problem itself.

Change your attitude towards the situation. If you look at the problem from a different angle, you can find new solutions.

Learn to manage your physiology. Focus when you're overwhelmed, find sources of energy when you feel like you're running out of energy, and calm down when you're agitated or irritated.

Solve the problem. Eliminate the source of stress, and you will never have to deal with it again!

Once you try any of these approaches, you will immediately notice how stress levels have decreased and efficiency has increased. And if you apply the elements all three approaches, you can cope with any stressful situation.

But most importantly: I understand how busy you are, and therefore almost any of the tools described can be mastered in less than three minutes. What benefit will you end up getting?

You will gain more control over your life. When you finally stop running in circles, you will begin to move straight towards your goal. You will learn to better control your schedule, reduce the stress associated with the constant fear of missing out on opportunities or failing to attract a client. You will achieve everything, once you learn to use your abilities 100%. You will end everything that consumed your time and energy; learn to say “no” when the tasks and projects assigned to you are moving you away from your desired goal.

Save energy and enthusiasm after a working day. The book talks about tools that will allow you to "turn on" and "off" at the click of a button. You will learn to focus when you need it and relax when you want to - this is a recipe for conserving energy, enjoying life and healthy sleep. You will find a balance between professional work and a fulfilling life and forget about your desire to please everyone - after all, you yourself have taken on this burden. If you are prone to self-flagellation, if you feel that you are inferior to your competitors in some way, or if you take everything too personally, this book is for you - it will help you tune in to positive thinking. If you're afraid to speak in front of an audience and can't pick up the phone and call a potential client who you think won't want to listen to you, this book will give you the confidence to take action. If you have to communicate with an unpleasant interlocutor, you will be able to quickly calm down and safely conduct a meeting. You will learn to disengage from emotions and control violent reactions.

See the opportunity in every obstacle. You will learn how to solve problems and get rid of stress, easily adapt your activities when, for example, priorities change or when you do not receive feedback on the work done. This book contains a plan of action and a set of skills that will enable you to thrive in today's dynamic world. You will discover the ability to “adapt and even enjoy ever-changing career opportunities, business models and starting conditions”(2). Soon, new perspectives will open up for you, allowing you to “come out of the shadows” and move forward with confidence. And if it seems to you that you have become a victim of circumstances and you see only obstacles in front of you - delays in production, the inability to move up the career ladder, achieve financial goals - you will learn to turn such situations to your advantage.

This book is for you if you:

You work in stressful conditions, when you constantly have to motivate people to achieve results;

Manage your own business and be responsible for all processes;

Strive to reduce financial stress by feeling that you are already on the edge;

You do not feel confident in yourself and therefore hinder your own success, or you overreact (especially when dealing with difficult people).