Bible encyclopedia. Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia online. How to use the Encyclopedia

The Illustrated Bible Encyclopedia is a unique reference book on the Bible. Compiled by Archimandrite Nikifor in 1891 based on scientific research and authoritative reference publications, it enjoys well-deserved respect and is very popular today. Thanks to its completeness, simplicity and clarity of content, the book has become a reference book for several generations of inquisitive Bible readers. The encyclopedia articles cover all areas of biblical knowledge: archaeology, architecture, astronomy, geography, botany, zoology, mathematics, medicine, numismatics, pedagogy, etc. The book provides biographies of all persons in the Bible and explains what is necessary for understanding Holy Scripture theological terms. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

Archimandrite Nikifor (Alexei Mikhailovich Bazhanov, 1832-1895) - Russian Orthodox church writer, full member of the Moscow Society of Lovers of Spiritual Enlightenment, employee of the Orthodox Palestinian Society. From November 25, 1887, he was rector of the Vysokopetrovsky Monastery in Moscow. His main works: “The Illustrated Complete Popular Biblical Encyclopedia” (M., 1891-92), “A Guide to Reading and Studying the Bible in the Family and School” (M., 1894) and several articles in the “Collection for Lovers of Spiritual Reading” ( M., 1888).

The world of the Bible is endlessly interesting, amazing, and diverse. All of us, modern readers of the Bible, are united by the feeling of a discoverer, transported from the pages of this great book into the extraordinary world of faith and wisdom, grandiose battles and miraculous events, human passions and divine intervention in earthly affairs. Amazing things are happening today - once upon a time the Bible became the foundation of European culture, but now we, people raised in this culture, are returning to its origins, to the beginning of all things. This wonderful book, the fruit of many years of work by its compiler, Archimandrite Nicephorus, will help make the world of the Bible closer and more understandable.

The author of this work, who strove to create a “simple, edifying reference book for every inquisitive Orthodox Christian,” managed to construct a fascinating story about Sacred history and all aspects of life in biblical times.

Heroes, books, cities - in total more than five thousand articles on all topics of biblical knowledge. More than two hundred illustrations are used in the encyclopedia.

Encyclopedic and reference publication, fascinating stories about the Holy Scriptures and all aspects of life in ancient times for a wide range of readers. Articles in the Illustrated Biblical Encyclopedia cover all areas of biblical knowledge: mathematics, architecture, astronomy, geography, botany, numismatics, archaeology, zoology, medicine, pedagogy.

The Bible Encyclopedia provides biographies of all biblical figures and explanations of necessary theological terms. The encyclopedia is illustrated with works of outstanding masters of Western painting from the Renaissance to the beginning of the 20th century.

The encyclopedia introduces the reader in detail to the books of Holy Scripture. The main goal of its compiler, Archimandrite Nikifor, was to create not just an encyclopedia, but also “a simple, edifying handbook ... for every inquisitive Orthodox Christian.”

Internet version under general editorship
His Eminence Alexander (Mileanta),
Bishop of Buenos Aires and South America

The largest edition of the Biblical Encyclopedia in Russian today, created on the basis of the achievements of modern biblical studies:

  • more than 6,000 articles on history, archeology and geography;
  • a description of all its characters, places, cities, animals and plants;
  • review articles on all books of Holy Scripture;
  • explanation of the most important biblical theological concepts;
  • about 200 color illustrations;
  • more than 400 maps, drawings and diagrams;


Fritz Rieneker's Bible Dictionary is designed to help people who read the Bible better understand and promote the biblical text in-depth study. And the proposed new edition also pursues this goal.

We have made an attempt to identify the meaning of biblical concepts and words by considering all possible cases of their situational and contextual use in the Holy Scriptures. With this publication we invite readers to familiarize themselves with the results of our research. The publication is corrected and expanded. All changes and additions are dictated by the publishers’ desire to correct noted inaccuracies, while preserving the original form and structure of Rinecker’s dictionary, and to make theological and historical information as accessible as possible to readers.

Publishers place the highest possible demands on the publication and republication of scientific and theological biblical literature, which they consider as the main condition of their publishing activities. The Holy Scriptures have unsurpassed authority as the Word of God. It arose as a manifestation of the sovereign will of God, who translated His Word into the word of man and constantly preserves and establishes it as His Word. This principle of attitude towards the Bible is set out in the article “Holy Scripture”. That is why polemics and demarcation with religious-scientific and literary-critical theses were deliberately limited in this publication.

The encyclopedia is intended, first of all, to evoke a joyful feeling of the truth of the Good News. At the same time, anyone who strives to approach the study of Scripture objectively and honestly must allow in certain cases the possibility of several parallel interpretations.

How to use the Encyclopedia

The title words and spelling of the Encyclopedia correspond to the text of the Synodal Translation.

Proper names and geographical names are also given in accordance with the biblical text in Synodal translation. In some cases, a modern geographical name is given in parallel with the biblical one.

When making references, the arrow always stands immediately before the head word to which the reader is referred: -> Father -> Names of God. Roman or Arabic numerals and letters after the capital word (-> Son, I,2a) indicate the corresponding section of the dictionary entry.

“Orthodox Encyclopedia” is a specialized reference publication that sets itself two tasks: 1) to provide comprehensive information on the two-thousand-year history and current state of universal Orthodoxy; 2) acquaint the reader with other Christian denominations, non-Christian religions, as well as with phenomena of science, culture, philosophy, art, politics, one way or another connected with religion. The Encyclopedia pays special attention to church life in the 20th century, information about which is practically absent in reference literature.
Holy Scripture, sacred history and biblical studies are presented with articles on persons named in the Bible, geography and archeology of the Holy Land, biblical theology, biblical codes, heresies related to the interpretation of the Bible, as well as articles on major exegetes. The patristic heritage is discussed in articles dedicated to the fathers and teachers of the Church. A significant place in the Encyclopedia is given to the concepts of Orthodox dogmatic, basic, moral and pastoral theology, as well as religious philosophy, revealed in the works of major theologians, representatives of classical and Russian religious philosophy. The main issues of church law, the history of discipline, and personalities are widely covered; Much attention is paid to the relationship between the Church and the state, issues of state and law and their correlation with the Orthodox worldview, legal aspects of family and marriage. Articles on liturgics cover the history of Christian worship, differences between local liturgical traditions, describe liturgical terms, types of liturgical texts and liturgical written monuments, liturgical utensils and vestments, as well as the development of liturgical science. Articles on church music talk about the types of chants, chants, musical terms, authors of chants, theorists of church music, researchers, performers and teachers, reviews of the singing traditions of the East and West, chant books, musical and music-theoretical monuments and their publications, systems notations, church choirs. Articles on church art are devoted to issues of iconography, icon painting, church architecture, and also give an idea of ​​individual outstanding icon painters, architects and secular painters who turned to Christian themes in their work.
The hagiographic articles of the Encyclopedia are dedicated to the saints included in the modern Months of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Months of other local Orthodox Churches, as well as martyrs, ascetics and other saints, the memory of whom can be restored on the basis of ancient sources. These sources are divided into several types, marked in the articles with the following abbreviations: memory. Zap. – in memory of the saints who were revered in ancient times in Zap. Churches (until the 11th century); memory Greek – memories contained in Byzantine and Greek sources, including the new martyrs; memory eastern (Syr., Arm., Copt.) - the memory of the ancient saints revered in the Christian East, who were preserved in Syrian, Arabic, Coptic, Ethiopian and other sources dating back to the era of the unity of the Universal Church (until the middle of the 5th century). The days of remembrance of saints, indicated at the beginning of the article, are given not only in accordance with the modern liturgical practice of the Russian Orthodox Church (such dates come first), but also in accordance with the traditions reflected in the ancient monuments of other Churches.
The Encyclopedia describes the Russian Orthodox Church in detail. Separate articles are devoted to all-Russian and locally revered saints, as well as new martyrs and confessors of the 20th century, outstanding bishops, church scientists, teachers, writers, preachers, and missionaries. Information is given about all administrative, educational and educational centers of the Russian Orthodox Church: dioceses, vicariates, theological schools, missionary centers, as well as about the majority of monasteries that existed throughout the history of the Russian Church. Particular attention is paid to monuments of church writing, architecture and art. The history and current situation of church-state relations are described in detail, religious politics heads of state in different periods.

And the Illustrated Bible Encyclopedia is a unique reference book on the Bible. Compiled by Archimandrite Nikifor in 1891 on the basis of scientific research and authoritative reference publications, it enjoys well-deserved respect and is very popular today. Thanks to its completeness, simplicity and clarity of content, the book has become a reference book for several generations of inquisitive Bible readers. The encyclopedia articles cover all areas of biblical knowledge: archaeology, architecture, astronomy, geography, botany, zoology, mathematics, medicine, numismatics, pedagogy, etc. The book provides biographies of all persons in the Bible and explains the theological terms necessary for understanding the Holy Scriptures. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

Archimandrite Nikifor (Alexei Mikhailovich Bazhanov, 1832-1895) - Russian Orthodox church writer, full member of the Moscow Society of Lovers of Spiritual Enlightenment, employee of the Orthodox Palestinian Society. From November 25, 1887, he was rector of the Vysokopetrovsky Monastery in Moscow. His main works: “The Illustrated Complete Popular Biblical Encyclopedia” (M., 1891-92), “A Guide to Reading and Studying the Bible in the Family and School” (M., 1894) and several articles in the “Collection for Lovers of Spiritual Reading” ( M., 1888).

The world of the Bible is endlessly interesting, amazing, and diverse. All of us, modern readers of the Bible, are united by the feeling of a pioneer, transported from the pages of this great book into the extraordinary world of faith and wisdom, grandiose battles and miraculous events, human passions and divine intervention in earthly affairs. Amazing things are happening today - once upon a time the Bible became the foundation of European culture, but now we, people raised in this culture, are returning to its origins, to the beginning of all things. This wonderful book, the fruit of many years of work by its compiler, Archimandrite Nicephorus, will help make the world of the Bible closer and more understandable.

The author of this work, who sought to create a “simple, edifying reference book for every inquisitive Orthodox Christian,” managed to build a fascinating story about Sacred history and all aspects of life in biblical times.

Heroes, books, cities - in total more than five thousand articles on all topics of biblical knowledge. More than two hundred illustrations are used in the encyclopedia.

Encyclopedic and reference publication, fascinating stories about the Holy Scriptures and all aspects of life in ancient times for a wide range of readers. Articles in the Illustrated Biblical Encyclopedia cover all areas of biblical knowledge: mathematics, architecture, astronomy, geography, botany, numismatics, archaeology, zoology, medicine, pedagogy.

The Bible Encyclopedia provides biographies of all biblical figures and explanations of necessary theological terms. The encyclopedia is illustrated with works of outstanding masters of Western painting from the Renaissance to the beginning of the 20th century.

The encyclopedia introduces the reader in detail to the books of Holy Scripture. The main goal of its compiler, Archimandrite Nikifor, was to create not just an encyclopedia, but also “a simple, edifying handbook ... for every inquisitive Orthodox Christian.”


An extensive work undertaken by me at the beginning of last year is being published under this title. In more or less extensive articles, and often in short and concise ones, depending on the importance of the subject, the “Popular Biblical Encyclopedia” answers almost most of the questions of biblical archaeology, architecture, astronomy, geography, biography of biblical figures, botany, sacred bibliography, military science, zoology, agriculture, arts, mineralogy, meteorology, medicine, mathematics, numismatics, pedagogy, physics, ethnography, etc. Theological terms, with the exception of terms of strictly biblical meaning, are omitted. The explanation of the details of biblical terms applies to both canonical and non-canonical books of the Holy Scriptures. Scriptures, with the exception that the explanations of the latter are distinguished by significant brevity compared to the former. The publication includes approximately 7,500 explanations different words, found in the Old Testament and New Testament canonical and non-canonical books of the Holy. Scriptures.

“Search the Scriptures” (John 5:39), the Lord Savior said in one place, and in another: “you are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:29), and now, having the main goal of the closest acquaintance readers with the divinely inspired beauty, power and expressiveness of the books of the Holy. Scripture, the compiler of the said work also has in mind that, in addition to its specialty of serving for various biblical references, it should also compile a simple, understandable, edifying, reference book not only for the educated, but also for any inquisitive Orthodox Christian who loves the verbs of life eternal. At the beginning of each article there is an explanation of each word, a quote or several quotes, strictly verified with the Russian Bible, which was mainly used by the compiler, and finally a statement of the contents of the article. The sources and aids for compiling the “Biblical Encyclopedia” were: the Bible in Slavic and in Russian translation, “Theology” by Rev. Makaria and Anthony, “Long Christian Catechism and the Beginnings of Orthodox Christian Teaching” by M. Philaret, “Dictionary of the Orthodox Church-Service Language and Sacred Rituals” by Ave. Mikhailovsky, “Bible Dictionary” by A. Verkhovsky, “Experience of a Biblical Dictionary” by Ave. Solyarsky, “Handworterbuch des biblischen Alterthums” Dr. Eduard Riehm, D. Eaidies “Biblical Cyclopoedia”, “Beeton's Bible Dictionary”, “Cassel's Bible Dictionary”, etc. The last three English editions turned out to be especially useful in compiling the “Popular Biblical Encyclopedia”, so that many articles on biblical geography, biography, botany, zoology, ethnography, etc., with some changes, were borrowed from them, due to their rich biblical content, elegant presentation and the latest scientific research.

By publishing a biblical encyclopedia on almost all branches of biblical knowledge listed above, I hope that this work will turn out to be not only useful, but also soul-saving reading for many people who read the word of God with love and reverence, and that, on the other hand, readers will be condescending towards fulfillment of such a vast, arduous task as the publication of the “Complete Biblical Encyclopedia”, and will cover with their love if, beyond expectations, any minor typos and errors are encountered in it.