Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group. Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Sound” Subgroup speech therapy lesson

This lesson will help automate the sound “C” in isolated form, in syllables, words and sentences, generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about wild animals. Strengthen children's ability to form the plural of nouns. Develops phonemic hearing, perception, general, fine and articulatory motor skills, and facial muscles in children.



Abstract of the open subgroup speech therapy session

In the pre-school group

"Journey to a fairy forest."

Compiled by: Rudnik Anna Iosifovna

Speech therapist teacher at MDOU No. 126


Educational:Clarify the articulation of the sound C, work on automating this sound in isolated form, in syllables, words, sentences. Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about wild animals. Strengthen children's ability to form the plural of nouns using the material lexical topic"Wild animals".

Corrective: To work on speech breathing, the rhythmic side of speech. Strengthen children's ability to take a deep breath and exhale smoothly, slowly. Develop attention, memory, thinking. Develop in children: phonemic hearing, perception; general, minor and articulatory motor skills; facial muscles.

Educational: Develop self-control of speech in children. Cultivate endurance, patience, perseverance, and the ability to work in a team.

Equipment: An easel, a model of a forest, butterflies cut out of paper, a magnetic theater (fox, owl, hare, bear, Grandma Zvukozhka), tennis balls for massage, a bell, a girl Alice, a set of figurines depicting wild animals, a manual “Magic Mirror” - three interconnected mirrors.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time

/Establishing emotional contact/

Children and speech therapist stand in a circle

Speech therapist: All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend,

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

I'll look at your faces

Who should I make friends with here?

My name is Anna Iosifovna, what’s your name? Answer me, say your name affectionately and the 1st sound in your name. (Mashenka - M, Nikita - N).

Finger gymnastics.

To speak better, you need to be friends with your fingers.

Guys, I just saw a magpie fly up to the window, knock on the window and make such a joyful and loud noise. I wonder what she wanted to communicate? Oh, look, what's that there?

The speech therapist finds the letter and reads it.

Get ready soon

On an unusual trip

Forest secrets await you,

The path calls to the forest.

Guys, you want to go into the forest, meet the heroes of fairy tales and play interesting games. (-Yes!)

Let's hold hands so we don't get lost.

Into the forest along a fairytale path

We'll get there straight.

Here we are in the forest!(a forest appears on the multimedia board)

Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide it.

You see, we are our own!

What forest did we come to? (autumn, beautiful, fabulous, wonderful, dense, magical...)

Breathing exercise.

Massage of fingers.

The speech therapist finds a basket with balls - suns.

Exercise "Sun".

- The sun doesn't provide much warmth in the fall; it's not as warm as in the summer. Let's ask him to give us some more warm days.

I'll draw the sun.

On your palm.

Let it shine

At least for fun.

The golden sun is walking

In clear, clear skies.

Rays pour on the forest and meadow

And for all the children around.

Children return the balls - suns - to the basket.

There are many animals living in the forest, let's remember them. Think about which animal’s name contains the 1st sound L, Z, V, M, E, B.

Well done boys! What do we call them all together? (Wild animals).

Working on rhythm. Rhythmic game "Woodpecker"

Who is that beating out an unusual rhythm on wood? What bird? (that's right, woodpecker)

The woodpecker gave us a bell. How beautifully it rings, it invites us into a fairy tale.

The children sit down.

Children sit on stump chairs in front of an easel.

Articulation gymnastics “Fairy Tale”

All the guys in order

In the morning they do exercises.

Our tongue wants too

Be like kids.

Oh! It seems we are already in a fairy tale...

A fairy tale about a fox - a red beauty.

Speech therapist. Once upon a time there lived a red-haired Fox on the edge of the forest.(music sounds, Fox appears).And everything was fine with her, but the Fox did not know how to pronounce the sound S. She sits on the edge of the forest and cries. Suddenly he sees that butterflies have arrived.

Butterflies. Why are you crying, Fox - red beauty?

Fox. How can I not cry if...

Speech therapist. And the fox told the butterflies that he couldn’t pronounce the sound C.

Fox. Can you tell me, butterflies, who can teach me?

Butterflies. You first blow on us, otherwise a cloud will come and wet our wings with rain - it’s difficult to fly.

Fox. How can I blow? I don't know how...Who can help me?

Children blow 3 times.

Butterflies. Thank you, children! Now our wings are dry and we can fly again. And the Owl will help you learn to pronounce the sound C(Disappear).

Speech therapist. The red-haired Fox sits, cries, and the Owl flies past.(music sounds)

Owl. Hello, Fox - red beauty!

Fox. Hello.

Owl What are you crying about?

Speech therapist. The Fox told the Owl that she couldn’t pronounce the sound C.

Owl. It seems that I can help your grief. My children friends will help us.(Children tell)

Tongue wide as low as possible

The tip is closer to the lower teeth,

A stream of air runs through the middle of the tongue.

Smile and whistle

Make the sound S-S-S!

Fox. S-S-S! Ah, what a beautiful sound!

Owl. Now you can play games with S sound.Guys, they will teach you.

Speech therapist. Let's teach the fox to play games“We will blow high...”

What sound is this? (consonant). It can be soft or hard.

Game "Wizards"

sa-sa-sa - sya-sya-sya, so..., su..., sy..., se...

Children do exercises.

Fox. Oh, how interesting. Thanks to the children and you owl for helping me.

Speech therapist. Please, answered the owl. And only the fox saw her. She sits as before on the edge of the forest and smiles, and Bunny walks past.(music)

Hare. Hello, red fox! Why are you smiling?

Fox. How can I not smile? Previously, I didn’t know how to pronounce the Sound C, but the owl taught me

Hare. I'm happy for you! Maybe you can help me too? Let's determine in the title of which picture the sound C is hard, and in which the sound С is soft.

Fox. Of course, I will help you and the guys will help us

Hare. Thank you. Well done, you distributed the words correctly. But it's time for me to leave.

She sits and suddenly hears someone flying.

Granny Sound-Heark. -Who learned to pronounce the sound C? There will be something to eat. Now I will eat it in all words.I eat the S sound in words and change the meaning of the words.

There was a GARDEN - it became.. HELL, There was LAUGHTER - it became.. FUR.

Speech therapist. - I invite the most fearless and courageous to enter into battle with Grandma Sound-Eater. ...PEACEFUL, ...DUCKS, ...EARS, ...TREASURE, ...CAT,...OUTFIT, ...PAWN, ...TRAVELER,...THREE, ...PORT.

Speech therapist. - Hooray! We defeated the Sound-Eater.

Fox. I am so glad. I even wrote poetry. Repeat after me.

Sa-sa-sa - a fox is sitting under a bush. Sy-sy-sy - the fox has cubs!

So-so-so - the fox's tail is like a wheel.

Speech therapist. - The Fox is sitting, and the Bear is walking past, bending the bushes to the ground.(Music plays, a bear appears)

Bear. Hello, Fox - red beauty!

Fox. Hello, Mishenka. Why are you so sad?

Bear. Yes, I received a letter. But everything about it is wrong. I don't know how to fix it.

Speech therapist. - Now we will help you. I read a sentence to you, if everything is correct in it, you clap, if there is an error, you raise your hand up.

The bear has a fox tail.

A squirrel has a squirrel tail.

The fox has a wolf's scent.

The fox lives in a squirrel hollow.

The hare has bunny ears.

The deer has antlers.

Hedgehog loves honey.

Bear. Thank you guys for the science.

The bear left - only the fox saw him.

Speech therapist. Goodbye Fox - red beauty. We're glad we were able to help you. Let's go further through the fairy forest.

Physical education lesson “How are you living?”

The magic bell rings and invites us to visit the girl Alice. Alice visited the fabulous Wonderland through the Looking Glass. She brought a magic mirror with her and wants to show us various miracles, and you will correctly name everything that Alice shows.

Speech therapist. The story is more wonderful

You've hardly heard:

Today we will remember the fairy tale

"Alice in the Wonderland"

Wide spread of mirrors

He will call us to the Looking Glass...

Guys, look: we have

There are animal figurines.

We're neat now

We will put them here.

(showing a place in front of the mirror)

Let's take one animal

Let's put it in front of the mirrors...

And what do we see? That's wonderful!

There are many animals in front of us!

Who is this? (hare) And now I’ll put it next to Alice’s wonderful mirror. Who do we have now? (hares). Who do we see in Alice through the looking glass? (bears, wolves, squirrels, foxes, hedgehogs, etc.).

Speech therapist. – Thank you Alice for the magical, extraordinary game.

Bottom line. - We visited a magical land with you, met different heroes, and we need to return to the group.

Path, path, guide us

We will follow you, and you will lead.

Lead through the field, stream and ravine,

But why are you spinning around like that!

The path obeyed and became straight

And she quietly returned us home.

Guys, did you enjoy being in the forest, visiting a fairy tale? Well done to all of you. Let's say goodbye to the guests.


Yekaterinburg, Verkh-Isetsky district,

MBDOU – kindergarten

Compensating type No. 356

Speech therapist, 1st category

Zyablova Elena Olegovna

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson,

conducted in a preparatory school group

for children with special needs level III

Topic: Z v u k D.


Educational:Clarify and automate the movements of the articulatory apparatus for the sound D. Automate the sound D in syllables, words, sentences. Introduce the letter D. Consolidate knowledge about the organs of articulation.

Corrective: Develop gross and fine motor skills. Develop mobility of the articulatory apparatus. Develop phonemic awareness, phonemic awareness. Cultivate lower diaphragmatic breathing and strong, jerky oral exhalation. Develop the height and strength of your voice. Enrich your vocabulary, work on your grammar correct speech. Develop logical thinking, attention.

Educational: Learn to listen carefully to the teacher and your friends. Develop self-control over your speech, be able to evaluate the speech of your friends. Maintain proper posture.

Equipment: Acoustic-articulatory image of the sound D, pictures-words for the sound D, aids for development fine motor skills fingers - laces “Sun”, “Cloud”, pipes, mittens with snowflakes, signal cards, sound chips, “Mediated speech therapy gymnastics”, plot picture “Children and the dog Don”, toy dog ​​Don, tape recorder, mirror, screen.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. - Children, today in class you will learn to speak correctly and beautifully, you will listen to me carefully. We will play and solve riddles. And our guest today is a dog named Don.
  2. - Listen carefully to the story. We need to determine which sound occurs most often in this story.

Dasha and Danil were walking in the yard. The dog Don was sitting by the house on the road. Suddenly it began to rain and knocked on the roof of the house: d - d - d - d - d. Dasha and Danil called Don Home: “Don, come home!”

What sound did I highlight and pronounce clearly? (Sound D)

To pronounce this sound correctly, let's do

Speech therapy gymnastics.

  1. To the music, standing in front of the mirror, we perform exercises with the words:

We raise our hands up and then lower them,

And then we’ll separate them and quickly draw them closer to us.

And then stomp faster, faster, clap more cheerfully.

We raise our eyebrows up and then lower them,

We were surprised, we smiled, we lost weight, we got fat,

They sat down quietly.

Let's do finger exercises: massage the fingers and work with the “Rain” and “Sun” lacing aids.

  • Children, make it rain from the clouds and make the rays of the sun shine.
  • We perform a facial massage to the accompaniment of calm music.
  1. Education of lower diaphragmatic breathing: exercise “Ball”.

Development of a strong directed air stream: blow into pipes, blow snowflakes off the mitten.

  1. Charging for lips and voice:

We pronounce in a whisper, clearly articulating with our lips: A – O – U – I.

  • In a high voice, like a bunny.
  1. We perform tongue exercises in front of a mirror, compare the position of the tongue with the pictures of “Mediated Gymnastics”.
  1. – Children, listen to how I pronounce the sound D: D – D – D – D.
  • What does this sound sound like? (A hammer knocks, a woodpecker knocks on a tree).

Let’s pronounce the sound D together: D – D – D – D (slowly),

D – d – d – d – d (quickly).

  1. Characteristics of the sound D according to the acoustic-articulatory image of the sound (with an explanation of why the sound D is consonant, voiced).

Look, this letter stands for the sound D. What does the letter D look like? (To the house).

  1. We play the game "Bell". Signal cards.

Signal when you hear the sound D. (the teacher names a series of sounds, covering his mouth with a screen).

  1. Physical exercise.
  • Let's show the dog Don a small concert. We will play different musical instruments and sing a song with the sound D. (A tape recording sounds. Children listen to the words, then sing a song to the music, imitating movements).

We amuse the kids: Yes - yes - yes! Yes Yes Yes!

  • We play the violin: Dy - dy - dy! Dy - dy - dy!
  • We play the pipe: Doo-doo-doo! Doo-doo-doo!
  • We beat the drum loudly: Do! Before! Before!
  1. The children sat down.

Now I will tell you riddles. And the answers begin with the sound D. To help the children, pictures are given - answers.

1) It curls out of the pipe, but is not given into your hands. (Smoke)

Is it a short or a long word? How many parts does it consist of?

2) How good it is, we turned the knobs,

A gentle rain began to fall from an iron cloud. (Shower)

How many parts are there in this word?

3) You walk - there lies ahead,

If you look back, he’s running home,

It starts at home

It ends at home. (Road)

- “Clap” this word.

4) Look, look, threads are reaching from the sky.

What a thin thread wants to sew the earth and the sky. (Rain)

Name the rest of the pictures. What sound do all these words begin with? (Melon, road, house, shower, rain, pipe, smoke)

  1. - Children, listen carefully to the story again. Look at the picture.

Dasha and Danil were walking in the yard. The dog Don was sitting by the house on the road. Suddenly it began to rain and knocked on the roof of the house: D - d - d - d. Dasha and Danil called Don home: “Don, go home!”

  • What sound did I highlight?
  • What are the children's names?
  • What did the children do?
  • What is the dog's name?
  • Why did the children call Don home?

(Children give complete, detailed answers)

  1. We perform a sound analysis of the word “DON”. There are sound chips on the board. Children explain what the first, second, third sound is in a word, how many sounds there are, how many vowels (we sing it), how many syllables.
  2. Summary of the lesson.

Vera Sheveleva
Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson in the senior group on the topic “Utensils”

Correctional educational goals:

Clarification and expansion of ideas about dishes, its meaning, details and parts of which it consists; the materials from which it is made.

Formation of the concepts of tea room, dining room, kitchen dishes.

Clarification and activation of the dictionary by topic« Dishes» (dishes, kettle, saucepan, frying pan, ladle, colander, tureen, plate, spoon, fork, salt shaker, bread bowl).

Formation of the skill of writing a story - description of dishes.

Formation of the skill of composing simple common and complex sentences

Teach the use of a noun in the Genitive case

Correctional and developmental goals:

Development of coherent speech, visual perception and attention, general and fine motor skills, tactile sensations.

Correctional and educational goals:

Formation of skills of cooperation, interaction, independence, curiosity, activity, to cultivate the ability to solve logical problems

Equipment: container with pencils, bag with small dolls dishes, subject cut pictures with the image dishes.

Preliminary work: Reading the work of K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"; examination dishes and a conversation about its purpose, the materials from which it is made; parts of which it consists.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Guys, do you want to know what we will talk about today at class. Then try to complete my first task. Place your hand in the bag, feel for one object, feel it and say what it is. And how did you guess about it?

2. Game "Magic bag"

Children take turns putting the objects into the bag, feeling the objects and talking about how they recognized them, and then taking them out of the bag and putting them on the table.

1st child: I found the kettle. It's round. It has a spout and a handle. (Etc.)

Speech therapist: Well done. You all guessed the items. Now think about how you can call these objects in one word.

Children: Dishes.

Speech therapist: Right. Which you know the dishes? What is it needed for? dishes, You know?

Children: IN dishes prepare and store food from eat dishes.

Speech therapist: You probably already guessed what we will talk about today at class?

Children: O dishes.

Speech therapist: I invite you to the store.

Speech therapist invites children to go to the shelves on which there are different dishes.

3. Game: "Shop"

Speech therapist: We came to the department where it is sold dishes. List which dishes is on the first shelf.

1st child: Teapot, cups, saucers, sugar bowl.

Speech therapist: What is this for? dishes? (children's answers). Right. This utensils are needed for to drink tea. It's called a tea room dishes. Repeat this name.

Children: Tea room dishes.

Speech therapist: Now list the names dishes, which is on the second shelf.

2nd child: Plate, spoon, fork, salt shaker.

Speech therapist: What is this for? dishes? (children's answers). Right. This dishes used at the table during lunch. They call it the dining room dishes. Repeat. What is it called?

Children: Dining room dishes.

Speech therapist: And finally, name dishes, which is on the third shelf.

3rd child: Pot, frying pan, ladle, colander.

Speech therapist: What is this for? dishes? (children's answers). Right. This utensils needed in the kitchen. Food is prepared in it. It's called the kitchen dishes. Repeat this name too.

Children: Kitchen dishes.

Speech therapist: Tell me what other name can be given to 1 shelf. It's at the bottom, which means it's... bottom. What is the name of dishes, which is on the bottom shelf?

What else can you call the 3rd shelf? She is at the top... Upper. What is the name of dishes, which is on the top shelf?

What do you call the 2nd shelf that is in the middle? …. Average. What is the name of dishes, which is on the middle shelf?

Speech therapist: Well done! Now let's play!

4. Game "What changed?".

Speech therapist: Look again at the top shelf and remember what is on it, and then close your eyes.

Children close their eyes. Speech therapist cleaning the kettle.

Speech therapist: What happened?

Children: The kettle is gone.

Speech therapist: Right. I'll put the kettle back. Close your eyes again.

Children close their eyes. Speech therapist removes the pan.

Speech therapist: What happened?

Children: The pan is gone

The exercise is repeated 3-4 more times. The speech therapist changes places, removes and adds dishes, and the children answer questions.

Speech therapist: Well done, you are very attentive! Now let's rest a little.

5. Physical exercise

A game: “Draw dishes» .

Speech therapist: You know. The dishes can be depicted. I will depict for you dishes, and you try to guess what this is dishes. (Speech therapist depicts dishes with body movements) . How did you guess?

Now show me a kettle, a saucepan, a cup, a spoon.

6. Game "What is it made of"

Speech therapist: Now please come to the table. Which you see the dishes on the table.

Children: Cups.

Speech therapist: Please take a stick and knock lightly on the cups. Same sound do you hear when you knock?

Children: No, not the same.

Speech therapist: Why do you think?

Children: Because they are made from different things material: glass, porcelain, metal, plastic.

Speech therapist: How can you figure out which cups are the most durable and won’t break if they fall on the floor?

Children: The most durable metal and plastic cups.

Speech therapist: Which cups are the most fragile and can break if dropped?

Children: Porcelain and glass cups may break.

7. Work in a notebook

Speech therapist: And now I invite you to work in your notebook.

Look, you have it drawn in your notebook dishes. I also have it on my board dishes are a colander. What is a colander for?

Children: It is needed to wash pasta and cereals.

Speech therapist: But something is wrong with him. Maybe you guessed it?

Children: There are no holes in it.

Speech therapist: Right! My colander broke because there are no holes in it. Look at your notebook and tell me what happened to yours dishes?

Children: It crashed or broke.

Speech therapist: Why did you decide so? Begin your answer So: My kettle broke because...

Children: the kettle has no spout, the cup has no handle, the saucepan has no lid, the spoon has no handle, the frying pan has no handle, the knife has no blade.

Speech therapist: Imagine that dishes The one in your notebook is real, not drawn. Do you think it is possible to use this? dishes?

Children: No!

Speech therapist: Let's explain why.

Let's start our answer So: If the colander does not have holes, then it will not be possible to rinse pasta in it.

if the kettle doesn't have a spout, then...

If the cup does not have a handle, then...

If the knife does not have a blade, then...

If the pan does not have a lid, then...

If the frying pan does not have a handle, then...

If the spoon does not have a handle, then...

Speech therapist: Guess how we can help our dishes?

Children: We need to complete the missing parts.

Drawing with commentary. I draw a lid, a spout for the teapot....

8. Eye exercise

9. Writing a story about dishes

Speech therapist: Well done boys.

Now let's play a game "Tell about dishes» . And they will help us write a story about dishes pictures are helpers. Let's remember. What do they mean?

1 picture: Name dishes

2 picture: color dishes

3 picture: size dishes

4 picture: what parts does it consist of?

5 picture: What material is it made of?

6 purpose dishes(what is it for)

Speech therapist: Today I will introduce you to a new picture. Guess what it means? (what type is this dishes)

Speech therapist: And now I have a surprise for you. What do you think dishes lies in this beautiful box? (cup)

Speech therapist: Let's make a collective story about this cup.

Children make up a story about a cup.

10. Summary:

Speech therapist: Well done. Tell me what we talked about today at class? What's new on in class you learned today? What did you like most about class?

Speech therapist: Well done, you did very well today. Thank you for that. I really liked the story about my favorite cup. Do you have a favorite cup? Let's go with you now to group, and everyone will draw their favorite cup.

Children go to group.

SUMMARY OF SUB-GROUP Speech Therapy Session

Topic: “Sound R”.

Stage: automation in syllables, words and sentences.

Speech therapist teacher: Ushakova N.A.

Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [P] in syllables, words and sentences.

Objectives: 1. Educational:

Continue to teach children to correctly pronounce the sound [R] in syllables, in words and in sentences;

Practice forming relative adjectives;

Strengthen children's knowledge about migratory birds;

2. Developmental:

- develop phonemic perception and the ability to analyze sounds;

Develop coordination of speech with movement;

Develop attention, memory, imagination;

3. Educational:

Foster a sense of mutual assistance;

Equipment: planar figures of Little Red Riding Hood, Granny and Pinocchio, symbols of articulation exercises, mirrors, easel, game “Sun”, paper flowers, game “Who Lives Where?”, game “Magic Pear”, pencil cases for sound analysis, game “Paint the House” Grandmother”, the game “Delicious Jam”, a disc with the recording of “Song of Little Red Riding Hood”.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time.

L.: Today a guest came to our lesson, and who is it you will find out if you guess the riddle: “I am pleased to be on this Girl’s head. She's looking after me. I'm always clean. I like traveling through the forest with her, visiting my grandmother. But here’s the problem: my mistress is very, very trusting. Because of this, all sorts of troubles happen to her...” Guys, who asked this riddle? Who is it about? Correctly, this riddle was given to us by the cap that the girl always wears, that’s why they call her Little Red Riding Hood, and today Little Red Riding Hood is our guest. She asks to be taken to her grandmother through a fairytale forest, in which various dangers and surprises are encountered. Are we celebrating Little Red Riding Hood?

2. Sound characteristics.

One of the speech sounds will help us on this journey. Now I will tell you its articulation, and you tell me what kind of sound it is.

“When we pronounce this sound: the tip of the tongue touches the tubercles behind the upper teeth. The lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. The shape of the tongue resembles a spoon. The tip of the tongue trembles under the pressure of exhaled air. The vocal cords are working, the “motor” is working. What is that sound?

Correctly this is the sound [R]. What does this sound sound like? Let's remember the poem "The Sound of R".


1. Rrrr! - the rocket is bursting upward!

2. Rrr! - the lynx growls angrily.

3. Rrr, - the robot rumbles evenly.

4. Rrr say and try!

5. Rrr! - Let's get down to studying!

1. Rrrr! – wide tongue - to the palate!

2. Tongue, leading edge

Up, press on the gums.

3. Blow on the tip of your tongue,

To shake more.

4. Rrr – rolling and loud,

5. Rrr – rumbling and ringing!

Guys, tell me what you know about the sound [R]? (consonant, hard, voiced).

3. Articulation gymnastics.

To better pronounce the sound [P], you need to do articulatory gymnastics: “Spatula”, “Swing”, “Brushing teeth”, “Painter”, “Horse”, “Mushroom”, “Accordion”, “Drum”.

  1. Exercise "Walk".

Let's hit the road.

Speech therapist (performs together with children)

One two Three,

We walked along the path.

Children march behind the speech therapist.

The path began to wind

Among the tall grasses

We walk along it easily,

Raising my head.

Children walk on their toes with their heads held high.

So we saw the hummocks,

We started jumping over them.

Children jump over cubes - bumps.

A stream flows ahead,

Come in quickly.

Let's spread our arms to the sides,

We will cross it.

Children walk along a bench covered with blue fabric imitating a stream.

  1. Game "Sunshine".

Speech therapist. Guys, here we are in the forest! Listen! Can you hear the birds singing? (No) Why? (That's right, the birds haven't returned from the south yet)

In order for the birds to return to us from the south faster, the sun must warm up and the snow must melt. Let's gather our sunshine and bring spring closer. On the rays are pictures whose names contain the sound [P]. You need to select and attach to the sun only those rays where the words consist of 3 sounds.

Words: cancer, lynx, cheese, mouth, horn, ball, choir, boron.

Speech therapist. What birds will our sun meet in the spring? (Migratory) Name them. Name the wintering birds whose names contain the sound [P].

The children answer.

  1. Game "Magic Meadow".

The sun warmed up and the first flowers appeared. What are their names? (snowdrops). Let's pick a bouquet for grandma. But these are not simple flowers; you can pick them if you pronounce the saying correctly.

Ra - ra - ra, ra - ra - ra - we have been in the forest since morning.

Ru-ru-ru, ru-ru-ru - pine trees grow in the forest.

Ry - ry - ry, ry - ry - ry - beavers live here,

Ry - ry - ry, ry - ry - ry - the beavers are building huts.

Ra - ra - ra, ra - ra - ra - and the mouse has a hole.

Ru - ru - ru, ru - ru - ru - the mouse hid in a hole.

  1. Game "Who Lives Where?"

Speech therapist. Guys, we found ourselves near rodent holes that had gotten lost.

Look at the picture and name the animals. Now find the holes where the mole, badger and chipmunk live. The treats in the minks will serve as a hint to you: how many syllables are in the name of the rodent, the owner of the mink, the same number of syllables in the name of the treat.

  1. Game "Magic Pear".

In our forest there grows a magic pear tree that bears fruit all year round, and now its next harvest is ripe. Let's help the pear, it is very difficult for it to hold the fruit on the branch, let's reap the harvest. But you can only pick a pear if you determine the place of the sound [P] in the name of the picture that is on it. (Mermaid, rainbow, rose, tiger, fly agaric, tomato, drum, pencil, cockroach.) Well done guys, the pear says thank you very much.

9. Game “Let's Help Pinocchio.”

Let's go longer. Malvina, Buratino and Artemon live in this clearing. Malvina gave Pinocchio a task: to create a sound pattern for his name, but he couldn’t do it. Shall we help him? (Pinocchio). And the second task is to collect geometric shapes.

10. Physical exercise “Vesnyanka”.

Pinocchio says thank you very much and invites you to play the game “Vesnyanka”.

Sunshine, sunshine,

Golden bottom.(Walk in a circle, holding hands.)

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

A stream ran in the garden,(They run in a circle.)

A hundred rooks arrived.(“They fly” in a circle.)

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,(They squat slowly.)

And the flowers are growing.(Stretch on tiptoes, arms up.)

  1. Game "Color Grandma's House."

So we approached grandma’s house. And Grandma started renovations, took all the things out of the house and wanted to start painting, but she got a little sick. Look how old her house is. Let's help grandma and paint the house. And we will paint with those paints that have the sound [P] in their names. (Pink, red, burgundy, gray, orange, black, emerald). We paint the roof, chimney, gate, veranda, fence, frame. After this, the children say what he painted and what color. For example: I painted the roof with black paint, I painted the pipe with red paint, etc.

  1. Game "Delicious jam".

Grandma says thank you very much and gives you a jar of jam like this. Tell me, what kind of jam did Grandma treat you to? For example: My grandmother treated me to pear (peach, lingonberry, blueberry, currant, grape) jam. Little Red Riding Hood also thanks you for seeing her off from the wolf and gives you caramels. Our journey is over, it’s time for us to go to kindergarten. We repeat the game “Walk”.

  1. Summary of the lesson.

Where were we today? Who did we meet? What sound was heard most often today? What new did you learn in class?

Marina Kukushkina
Synopsis of a frontal subgroup speech therapy lesson in the senior group “Sounds S, S”.

Summary of an open subgroup speech therapy lesson

V senior group. Subject " Sounds [s], [With'].

1. Correctional and educational:

Introduce children to sounds [s], [s’] and letter "WITH";

Learn to characterize these sounds according to acoustic and articulatory characteristics;

Exercise in sound analysis words, consisting of 3 sounds.

2. Correctional and developmental:

Develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills of children;

Develop phonetic processes;

Develop auditory memory, auditory attention.

3. Correctional and educational:

Develop the ability to monitor correct pronunciation delivered sounds in spontaneous speech;

Instill in children the habit of handling handouts carefully.

Subject-spatial development environment.

Mirrors according to the number of children.

Articulatory patterns of the subjects sounds.

Subject pictures, the title of which contains sounds C, C for each child;

Chips for laying out sound circuit .

Plan classes.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Facial massage.

4. Announcement of the topic classes.

5. Acoustic-articulatory image sounds.

6. Communication sounds and letters.

7. Development of fine motor skills.

8. Development phonemic hearing. (A game "Catch sound» ).

sounds in syllables. (Ball game "Say it the other way around").

10. Physical education minute.

sounds in words. (Game “Gifts. Laying out a diagram of words”).

12. Speech outdoor game "Vesnyanka".

13. Summary classes. Assessment of children's work.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Children stand in a circle.

Guys, what time of year is it now? (spring)

What month? (April)

Let's remember what happens in spring. Each of you will say the spring word and pass the ball to your neighbor. (Sun, icicles, thawed patches, rooks, birdhouse, buds)

The children take their seats.

2. Facial massage.

The sun woke up, Stroking movements with the thumb and middle finger of both hands from the middle of the forehead to the ears.

Touched the forehead, Circular stroking movements around the eyes.

Rays of movement led from the bridge of the nose through the cheeks to the ears.

And stroked, stroked. From the chin through the cheeks up to the ears.

3. Work on developing breathing.

A game "Breathe some fresh air" (differentiation of oral and nasal breathing)

Guys, have you noticed what the air is like in spring? What smells? (Fresh air, smells like spring)

Let's take a deep breath of fresh spring air through our noses and exhale through our mouths.

Children complete the task 2-3 times. Speech therapist monitors posture

4. Announcement of the topic classes.

Guys, listen to the task and guess with which sounds we'll meet today.

Spread your tongue wider

The tip is closer to the lower teeth,

In the middle of the tongue

Let a trickle of air

Smile and whistle.

Sssssssssssss say.

Children: -We'll talk about sound [s].

Speech therapist: - That's right, oh sound[s] and his little brother sound [s’]

5. Acoustic-articulatory images sounds.

Pronunciation sound With choir, and then by individual children observing articulation in the mirror.

What position do the lips occupy? (smile, not tense)

What can you say about teeth? (close, but not closed)

Where is the tip of the tongue? (rests on the lower teeth)

Which sound C? (consonant)

Why? (sound meets an obstacle)

Now tell me which one sound C? (consonant, hard, indicated in blue)

On a magnetic board speech therapist displays a blue square.

Place your hand on the neck and tell me, does it vibrate? (No)

Means, sound From what? (deaf)

Several children repeat the characteristic sound C.

Now say sound, this is little brother sound C.

How are the lips positioned? (Smile harder, tense)

Where is the tip of the tongue? (rests on the lower teeth)

Which sound? (consonant, soft, indicated in green)

On a magnetic board speech therapist displays a green square.

Place your hand on the neck and tell me, does it vibrate? (no0

Means, what a sound? (Deaf)

Several children give a description sound.

6. Communication sounds and letters.

A letter is placed on the board "WITH"

The horse was walking

Ringing horseshoes.

Like a letter "WITH",

Horse tracks.

Children draw a letter with their fingers on the table and in the air "WITH" together with speech therapist.

What does the letter look like? "WITH"? (children's answers)

7. Development of fine motor skills.

Spring has arrived in the snow,

On a damp carpet. "They're walking" fingers on the table.

Scattered snowdrops, Hands lie on the table, palms down

I sowed grass. Spread and move your fingers to the sides and back.

Now calls from all over with Summoning movements with both hands.

Geese, swifts and storks,

Cuckoos and starlings. Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the little finger.

8. Development of phonemic hearing.

A game "Catch sound»

Now we will play a game of attention. If you hear sound C, then you must catch it in your palms.


9. Consolidation and differentiation sounds in syllables.

Ball game "Say it the other way around".

Speech therapist pronounces the syllables and throws the ball to the child. He must name the syllable in reverse, changing the hard sound to soft or vice versa.


SU-SU-SU…. Syu-Syu-Syu


SO-SO-SO….SO-SO-SO, etc.

10. Physical education minute. "Spring came".

All the people smile -

Spring, spring, spring! Children raise their arms above their heads and clap rhythmically.

She's everywhere, she's everywhere -

Red, red, red! Make rhythmic turns of the body.

Through the meadow, forest and clearing he walks, walks, walks. They walk rhythmically in place.

Quickly bask in the sun

Calling, calling, calling. "Name" to yourself.

And in the forest stream it’s cheerful

It rings, rings, rings. They clap their hands.

Over pebbles in a wide river

It murmurs, murmurs, murmurs. They rub their palms.

Smells everywhere

Flowers, flowers, flowers. They make a bud from their fingers.

And everything is alive at once

He hears this spring call. Fingers clench and unclench rhythmically.

11. Consolidation and differentiation sounds in words.

A game "Present".

We have two guests today girls: Sonya and Sima.

Two pictures are displayed on a magnetic board.

Look at the pictures that are on everyone's table. Let's give them to the girls. Think about whether Sima or Sonya will get your picture.

Images: nose, table, elk, fox, lynx, aspen, wasp, crucian carp, catfish, son, blue (circle, owl, tit, plane, bus, octopus, bag, hay, cornflower.

-Sound analysis with laying out sound pattern of the words som, elk.

12. Speech outdoor game "Vesnyanka".

Children go out onto the mat and hold hands.

Sunshine, sunshine,

Golden bottom!

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out! They walk in a circle, holding hands.

A stream ran in the garden, They ran in a circle.

A hundred rooks arrived. "They're flying" round.

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting, Slowly squatting.

And the flowers are growing. Stretch on tiptoes, arms up.

13. Summary classes.

With which sounds did we meet today?

What are these sounds?

What is the name of the letter they are denoted by?

Do you think we did a good job?

Who liked which task?

What was the most difficult task?