History section, ritual dolls, research work. Research work “ritual dolls” Research work of a preschooler on making amulets dolls

research project

Research project

“Amulets in our lives: protection or fashion?”
Author: Tkachenko Efim MBOU "Secondary School No. 5", 9 B grade, Nefteyugansk Head: Tkachenko Anna Stepanovna primary school teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 9" Nefteyugansk 2015 1
World interest in Orthodox culture is growing every day. People began to honor the centuries-old Orthodox traditions of their ancestors. Orthodox churches, especially on holidays, are visited by masses of people, young and old. This speaks of the growth of the cultural traditions of our people. But at the same time, many are interested in exotic culture: various rituals, the teachings of Feng Shui. The faith of our ancestors in the magical powers of surrounding objects has remained in us to this day. Even today we turn to our long-standing traditions, culture, and symbols. Recently, the traditions of the centuries-old culture of the Russian people, in particular the presence of amulets in the house, have begun to be revived in Russia. The first amulets appeared in pagan times, when people worshiped gods who personified the phenomena and forces of nature, believed in brownies and in the protective powers of simple and familiar things. Since ancient times, amulets have been considered an integral part of every Russian family. They were made to protect the house and its inhabitants from bad spirits, diseases, to attract the brownie and appease him. They were kept in the house, in the stable, in the yard, on the human body. They were treated with respect, sacredly believing in their miraculous powers. To date, the amulets have not gone anywhere. Many people also purchase amulets and use them. These include bells, brownies, brooms, and fragrant herbs that bring good luck and health and can protect you from troubles and illnesses. There are amulets against damage, against the evil eye. For example, a horseshoe over a door is designed to protect the house and people; a decorated broom was hung in the house as a symbol that protects against evil entering the house; and bright wreaths of flowers and ears of corn promised a rich harvest for the next year. 2
Only for some, amulets are a sincere belief in protection and healing, and for some, they are just a fashion statement. But the main thing here is to know the symbolism of the amulets. My first amulet in my life appeared during my baptism in church. My family is Orthodox. A simple metal cross was hung around my neck as a talisman against everything bad. Having grown up, I asked my parents how I got the cross and what value it had for me. And in their answer I heard the word “amulet”. I became interested in this wonderful word and decided to study the history of the appearance of the amulet, relevant literature, and information from the Internet. And later, based on what you have learned, try to make your own amulet. The purpose of my research: to find out whether amulets have magical properties; Is their presence in our lives a fashion or real protection? Objectives of the research:  Study the available literature on this issue and find out what a “amulet” is and the history of its appearance.  Find out what amulets there are and what they symbolize;  Find out who or what is protecting our home;  Conduct a survey of respondents of different age groups on this issue.  Make a talisman with your own hands.  To interest listeners of my project in making amulets. The object of the study is a talisman. 3
The subject of the study is the history of amulets and their symbolism and meaning. Research hypothesis: amulets are relevant today, they are kept in families, as there is faith in their protective powers. Practical orientation: the studied and accumulated material can be used in families, students, in the lessons of ORKSE, history, in extracurricular activities, and on the school website. The relevance of the study lies in knowledge and respect for the age-old traditions of one’s people, in familiarizing oneself with the spiritual and moral values ​​and national culture of one’s people; nurturing respect and interest in folk traditions Research methods: observation, survey, analysis, practical (making a talisman). The amulet is an original Slavic word. If you refer to V. Dahl’s explanatory dictionary, “A talisman is a spell, spelled words and a ritual against damage; hex, whispers to destroy or avoid harmful spells, talisman, incense, pendant against the evil eye, fire, water, snakes, death, damage to weddings, and diseases, etc.” Charms are divided into material, symbolic and verbal (spells). The amulets include a variety of amulets and talismans. There are amulets against damage, the evil eye, and diseases. A wide variety of objects can be amulets - fire, grass snake, swallow, stork, stones, horseshoe, colored ribbons, wolf teeth, various herbs. Wild and barbarian peoples have many different amulets for people, homes, and livestock. The amulets were worn around the neck, kept in houses, and placed in gardens and fields. Of the amulets still found among European peoples, the following are especially interesting and widespread: the horseshoe (mainly among 4
trading class), Italian "cornicelli" (small horns) and various kinds of amulet. The history of the emergence of amulets is lost in the depths of centuries. Even then, our ancestors noticed that a fancy plant root or an enemy’s tooth brought good luck in the hunt, and the history of amulets began. Primitive people were surrounded by many real and imaginary dangers, and their main task was to protect themselves and survive. From time immemorial, people have tried to protect themselves from troubles and misfortunes. At first, anything was used as amulets - from pine cones and roots to the skull of a defeated enemy and the tusks of a killed mammoth. Then only those objects that were “charmed” by shamans and thus acquired magical powers began to serve as amulets. Over time, people assigned even greater functions to amulets: special inscriptions or images began to appear on amulets, intended to protect against one type of misfortune. Charms and spells are closely related. The amulets were kept for centuries. Slavic amulets were of two types - in the form of figurines and special symbols with magical meaning. Figures designed to protect their owner were usually included in the decoration in whole sets. This set of amulets expressed a whole phrase. The amulets-amulets that were part of the set, which were worn on the chest or near the heart, were fastened with metal chains and suspended from a semicircular bow that united the entire complex. The most complete set consisted of five objects attached to a semicircular bow: a bird, a spoon, a sawtooth-shaped object (a simplified image of the jaw of a predator) and a key. The semicircular bow itself has a stable meaning; the shape of a crescent with its horns down was a schematic image of the sky. The rings embossed on it indicated several positions of the sun: sunrise, sunset and noon. 5
Animals. In the northern regions of Rus', archaic ideas about the world order, dating back to Paleolithic times, have long been preserved. According to these ideas, the whole world has two heavenly mistresses - elk or important women. Therefore, on amulets made in northern Rus', the upper part of the amulet, which denoted white light, was decorated with two deer heads, the antlers of which were intertwined, forming four squares (four squares or a square divided by two lines into four parts - the oldest symbol of the earth). The combination of the symbols of heaven and earth (upper and lower worlds) in one amulet was supposed to provide the wearer with protection from the inhabitants of both spheres; strengthening the effect of the amulet by appealing to the spirits of different worlds is an interesting detail of the magical practice of the ancient Slavs. The key as part of a prefabricated amulet was supposed to ensure the safety of property or “reveal” what was hidden, providing insight to the person wearing it. The spoon symbolized satiety and well-being in general, in this meaning it is well known in Russian folklore; The cups of these miniature spoons, with a total length of about 9 cm, are made so that they can be used to scoop out liquid. Perhaps they were used during witchcraft procedures, when the patient was given “living water” or water “from the coal”. The bird is a symbol of the family (to this day there are expressions: “family nest”, “to build a nest”, etc.). Brownie. The struggle against the ancient pagan faith continued in Rus' for many centuries and ended with an amazing mixture of the Christian faith with local customs and way of life, forming a unique culture of Orthodox Christianity. Much has been lost and forgotten, but some ancient ideas about the world around us and the creatures and spirits that inhabit it are still alive today. Small good spirits turned out to be especially “tenacious” 6
dwellings and various individual places of the peasant economy, which are also called by the general name “houses”. Domovoy is a domestic spirit, the owner of the house, caring for the well-being of its inhabitants. The Slavs had a cult of the brownie with many customs. For example, when moving to a new house, they were sure to invite the brownie with them. Before demolishing the old hut, they took the icon and bread and called on the brownie to leave the house so that he would not remain under the ruins. Externally, the appearance of the brownie resembled that of a person. He lived like a simple peasant, with his whole family - with his wife (kikimora, housewife) and children. The brownie comes into the house at will. But what draws him to the house is the characters of the people. In a house where people are hard-working, the brownie is the same: he looks after the household, prevents fire from happening, water and dough from escaping, livestock from dying, invisibly waking up the owners at the right time or at the moment of danger. If the owners are lazy, the brownie doesn’t really try to attract wealth and profit into the house. The brownie is not a light or black spirit, he is like an ordinary person, and there is approximately equal amount of abomination and goodness in him. The brownie can change appearance, but most often appears to a person in his usual human form, only of small stature. He certainly has a gray, long beard, and the hair on his head is unkempt. They cover his face. The brownie's voice is dull and stern. He loves to swear and uses swear words. It was believed that the entire body of the brownie was covered with thick hair and soft fluff. He even has hair on his soles and palms. Without hair, only the face around the eyes and nose. You can disturb a brownie only in case of extreme necessity, and not out of simple curiosity. If the brownie is angry with us, then everything in the house will go awry. Therefore, it is important to know tips on the correct placement of amulets; “acquiring” and maintaining the Brownie in your home, as well as establishing good relations with him. (Appendix 4). 7
Broom. Our distant ancestors wisely and economically used the good power of nature. Their sincere belief in the wonderful possibilities of such simple and familiar things as a broom and wreath was reflected in amulets. A broom is considered the oldest home talisman. Natural symbols of health, love, prosperity and longevity are placed on the broom. A broom hung upward with a whisk is for money, and hung near the door with a whisk downwards it sweeps away evil spirits, illnesses, grief and misfortunes from the house. There has long been a custom to sweep all the corners of the house clockwise with a broom-amulet. In ancient times, the most common material for making amulet was stone. What causes this preference? Magicians chose it because the stone is connected to the earth, that is, it is a living being with memory and will. And of course, this is the most durable material. The loss of a talisman was considered a great misfortune. Sometimes amulets were made of wood. Why was it used to make magic items? Most likely, because the tree is alive: it grows, gains strength, blooms, bears fruit, and then dies - just like a person. This means that the tree is also capable of recording information and then giving it to its owner. Special amulets were made from wood to bring good luck. Each tree had its own specific purpose (Appendix 1). An amulet is a magical thing made by a person himself for someone (according to the rules, you cannot make an amulet for yourself). When making a talisman, it is important to know for whom it is intended, in order to make it from such materials and in the form that are most suitable for its future owner. The craft must necessarily absorb the energy of the craftsman, his thoughts and desires - only in this case the amulet will be endowed with magical properties and will work. The best time to make amulets is considered to be the period when the moon begins to rise. Can't 8
engage in making amulets during illness or severe stress, since all the vibrations of the human body will certainly have an impact on it. A talisman is not just a beautiful thing, it has a very specific practical and even mystical meaning, coming to us from the deep past as a message from our distant ancestors. Nowadays, the world has become much more cynical and merciless, but in the souls of people there still lives a belief in good miracles, and besides nightclubs, computers and televisions they need something else. Although, in my opinion, nowadays people treat amulets more like souvenirs. But in order to find out people’s attitude towards amulets at the present time, I conducted a survey of peers, neighbors, and relatives. There were 10 questions (Appendix 2). The age composition of respondents: from 8 years to 70 years, the number of respondents was 15 students and 10 adults. The majority of people of different ages believe in the protected function of objects, especially the older generation and younger schoolchildren (100% and 98%, respectively) (Appendix 3). They are the ones who know the symbolism of amulets, and also call ancient Slavic amulets. And hence the presence of amulets in most people (48%). The vast majority of respondents believe in omens and brownies (68%). Older schoolchildren and the younger generation of adults have mostly Feng Shui souvenirs at home, and very few have a horseshoe, a brownie and a broom at home. True, they also believe in omens and brownies, but practically they know nothing about them. Almost 90% of respondents are in favor of amulets. These data show that my hypothesis that amulets have not lost their meaning in modern times is correct. Most people believe in the power of amulets and use them. Just like thousands of years ago, amulets are present in our lives. Personally, I think that amulets add fabulousness and mystery to our lives. 9
The main thing is to believe in the good and not doubt, think only about what you want and strive for it. So, few of my peers believe in the protected function of objects. I believe that this is due to ignorance of the meaning of this or that amulet, so in my work I decided to talk about the amulets that guard and protect our home from misfortunes. And make a talisman for your home with your own hands “Eye of God” (Appendix 5). 1. To make the amulet, I chose woolen threads of different colors and two birch sticks. 2. Connected cross to cross, two sticks. To secure it, I wrapped it diagonally 5-6 times, then along another diagonal. The sticks should not wobble. He began to weave in a circle. The thread is always placed on top, making a full turn around the stick. We transfer the thread from above to the next stick. The result is a square. 3. Then I attached another thread. He continued moving in a circle (clockwise), hiding all the remaining tails of the cut threads under the braid. 4. You can change colors as desired until you have completely braided the sticks. I made one “Eye of God” amulet for my mother, and I wanted to find information and make more amulets for my sister, whom I also love very much and want troubles to bypass her. Material for making the amulet: a bunch of cattails (reeds), bay leaves, capsicums, cereals, braid, thread, hot melt glue (gun), salt dough. Step 1. How to make a broom. Take a bunch of cattails. If the cattail is dry, before work it is necessary to wet it with water and place it in a plastic bag for several hours or wrap it in cling film. Strong thread 10
we tie the cattail from above into a bundle. At a distance of 10-13 cm from the first bundle, we tie the bundle again. We have now got a broom handle, which still needs to be carefully trimmed at the top with a knife. Separate a small bundle and wrap it several times with thread. Then we tie the next bundle, tying it to the first. And so on, gradually forming a broom. Now let's do the "hairstyle" of the broom. Using a comb with hard, small teeth, we comb it, comb it, comb it... Then with scissors we carefully trim its “bangs”, that is, we round the bottom, and we get this broom! We leave our broom-amulet to dry. Step 2. How to make salt dough figures
The dough recipe is very simple. Mix finely ground salt and flour in a 1:1 ratio and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sunflower oil. Knead the dough using cold water. The dough should be cool. We make figures from the resulting salt dough. Dry in the oven at low temperature. We paint all the figures with acrylic paints. Step 3. How to turn a broom into a talisman. The entire “installation” process is carried out using hot-melt adhesive. We glue figures onto the broom: a sunflower - the energy of the sun and health, a house - comfort, a kalach - let the house be hospitable, a pumpkin - a symbol of fertility, bay leaves, pepper - from quarrels in the family and a symbol of female beauty and youth, cereal - prosperity in the house ( Appendix 6). And now I will tell you about the technology for making the Domovoy amulet (Appendix 7). So, let's get to work: I will need burlap or a new bag, which I will open and make blanks for the brownie. For the body with the head, I cut out a rectangle (mine is 20x85 cm), fold it in half and sew the side seams, rounding it a little at the bottom. I pull 14 centimeters of thread at the top to form the hair; a 11
those that were pulled out will be used to make a mustache. From the rest of the burlap I pull out long threads to form a beard, about 45 cm, and I also need to make a blank for the eyebrows, about 7-8 cm long. Making a beard: I tie a bundle of threads with the same thread in the middle, bend it in half and straighten it. I make mustaches using the same principle: I take the threads intended for mustaches and tie them in the middle with a thread. Making a nose: I cut out a circle from nylon tights (I have it 5-6 cm in diameter), thread it along the edge, pull it a little and insert a padding polyester ball, tightening it well, secure our workpiece with several stitches, and cut off the thread. I'm taking over to continue making the torso and head. To do this, with a large needle and strong thread (I use nylon thread for sewing shoes), I make a basting along the edge of the workpiece and at a distance of 10-11 cm from the edge for the head. I fill everything with padding polyester and lightly tighten the threads, tying them into several knots. I took the eyes from an old toy and glued them with PVA glue. I'm starting to make handles. I bend handles from wire. The first handle is stretched, and the second is already compressed; Of course, I will use it in a compressed form. I wrap each finger with a strip of padding polyester, and when moving to each next finger, I also grab the palm area. I cut out 2 rectangles from nylon tights and cover the handles with them. I bend it in half and pull the nylon tightly, fixing the brush - I stitch it with threads to match the nylon, forming fingers. I insert our arms into the body of the future brownie and sew them on. When starting to make bast shoes from cardboard, I cut out two blanks in the form of combined bast shoes. I cut out burlap with allowances for them. I glue one copy using a hot gun, and in the other I put padding polyester under the front part of the bast shoe. Then I sew the two parts together. I make a braid from burlap threads (I used 12 threads) and glue the stitched joint of the bast shoes. I glue the bast shoes to the body with a hot gun. From motley 12
I am sewing fabric for a shirt. Then he made a headdress. I cut a rectangle out of burlap, folded it in half and sewed it diagonally to the fold so that the top of the hat was smaller. I sewed a strip of faux fur, 7-8 cm wide, along the edge of the hat. I glued the hat to the head. I glued my nose, mouth, beard, mustache to my face, combed my hair and beard. Brownie is ready! Slavic mythology seems to some to be a relic of the past that has nothing to do with reality, but we constantly encounter it in everyday life. Nowadays, you can often hear advice: be sure to carry a talisman with you - a clove of garlic, a pin or a needle, and when you yawn, be sure to cover your mouth with your palm, otherwise evil spirits may fly in and take up residence in you. Studying this topic, I made the following conclusions:  There are several types of amulets: various objects, a word, a spell, a verse, a ritual, an action, a gesture, a sound - and this is not a complete list of what can serve as a talisman.  The Slavs still have traditions of having amulets at home, which, due to their faith, protect their health, well-being, happiness and prosperity.  Research has shown that not all respondents know what a talisman is, but they believe that they have protective powers, so they carry them with them or keep them at home.  It was also studied that the majority of respondents know about Feng Shui souvenirs that are fashionable today and use them at home to attract health, beauty, wealth, and as a talisman against all evil.  amulets – a creation of a master with love for another person; 13
 amulets – connection of the past, present and future; passed on from generation to generation, being the connecting link of traditions of many generations.  My hypothesis was confirmed. Despite the fact that we live in an age of high scientific technology and every phenomenon is scientifically substantiated, amulets are still used today, giving people’s faith their own protected meaning. Appendix 1 Trees from which amulets were made
It is easy to cut, products made from it do not crack. 14
Charms made from
birch trees
defended family happiness

used to protect health. It was believed that it increased a person’s vitality tenfold.
contributed to the restoration of vital energy, helped to restore a person’s faith in himself and his strength. Appendix 2. Questionnaire 1) Indicate your age. 2) Indicate the type of activity. 15
3) Do you know what a talisman is? a) yes b) no 4) How do you feel about brownie amulets? a) I believe b) I don’t believe 5) Do you believe in the protected function of any objects? a) I believe b) I don’t believe 6) Do you believe in omens? a) I believe b) I don’t believe 7) Do you know the symbolism of amulets, i.e. What does this or that object mean? 1) yes 2) no 8) Do you have any amulets in your home, at work, in your car, or on your body? a) yes, b) no. 9) What amulets do you trust to “protect” your home, yard, transport, life? 10) What do you think: are amulets fashion or protection? Appendix 3 Survey results 1. Attitude to amulets 16
2. Attitude of respondents of different age groups to amulets and their protected function. (Do you believe or do not believe in the protected function of objects, in signs?) 3. Knowledge of the symbolism of amulets. 17
4. Are there any amulets in the house, at work, on the body? What amulets do they trust to “protect” their home, car, and health? Amulets: to have or not to have. 18
Appendix 4 19
Tips for the correct placement of amulets; “acquiring” and maintaining the Brownie in your home, as well as establishing good relations with him. Broom. You can hang a house broom anywhere in the house. But, since the brownie’s favorite habitat is the kitchen (it was believed that the brownie could live under an ordinary broom), it is better to place a gift for him in the kitchen. On Fedorin's day (September 24), when the brownie did not leave his shelter, the house was not cleaned and the garbage was not taken out. Brownie. When you move into a new house, most often there is no brownie there yet. If you live well, richly, happily, together, then you better not tempt fate with change. Take your old brownie with you to your new place of residence. This is done like this: take any old (that you no longer wear) shoe, place it in the middle of the old house and say three times out loud: “Brownie-housewife, master-father, get into the sleigh, let’s go with us.” Bring this shoe to your new home and on the first night, when you are not sleeping there yet, leave it in the middle of the room. Brownie is the owner of the house. If someone, in the absence of the owners, tries to spend the night in a house where a good brownie lives, then the guest will sleep very poorly. The brownie will interfere with the person and may even lean on him and choke him. To prevent this from happening, when stopping for the night in someone else’s house, even with the permission of the owners, say before going to bed: “Uncle Brownie, accept not to live forever, but to spend the night” - and you will sleep peacefully. The brownie loves when people remember him - they bring him treats and make requests. Some brownies don't have enough food and drink and need things. If spoons, forks disappear in the house, or you often cannot find some objects, give the brownie coins or something shiny - put them in the corner where he lives. A good brownie in the house, the owners get along with him - there will be wealth in the house, happiness, peace and troubles will bypass such a house. They treated their brownie quite warmly - he brought prosperity to the house. Every year on February 28, after dinner, a pot of porridge surrounded by hot coals was left here and there on a fire pit (a hole on a stove for heat). Appendix 5 20
Making the “Eye of God” amulet Appendix 6 21
Amulet “Broom” Appendix 7 Amulet “Brownie” 22

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 2 in Karymskoye


Dolls - amulets

Direction “Social, humanities and economic sciences”

Section “Culturology, psychology, pedagogy”

Rogacheva Anna, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2

8 "A" class, Karymskoye village

Scientific supervisor: Volkova Galina

Yurievna, technology teacher

first qualification category

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 2, Karymskoye village"

Karymskoe village, 2017

“Step into Science” Junior group

Secondary school No. 2, Karymskoe village

"Brief summary"

Our lives change, and with it our ideas about the world around us change. Interest in the rich cultural and historical heritage of our Motherland is being revived. The Russian doll is only a small part of this heritage; it reveals the ancient origins of the beliefs of our distant ancestors. The difficulty of restoring traditional dolls is that most of them were destroyed during rituals and ceremonies.

Today, based on memories, legends and tales, individual specimens of dolls that have been miraculously preserved, we are trying to restore what once protected, protected, and made us happy.

Municipal competition of research and creative works

“Step into Science” Junior group

Trans-Baikal Territory, Karymskoye village

Rogacheva A. student of 8th grade, Moscow Educational Institution

Secondary school No. 2, Karymskoe village


Today all over the world there is an unprecedented interest in Slavic culture, while in our country people are often more aware of the principles of Feng Shui and other exotic teachings than about the cultural traditions of their people.

The shelves of our stores were gradually filled with brooms, brownies, horseshoes, bells, etc. When purchasing amulets, many sincerely believe in their wonderful properties. However, for some people, the amulet in the interior of a modern home is a tribute to fashion, i.e. It’s just a fashionable thing and not everyone knows the symbolism of the amulets.

Target: explore the purpose of dolls and their connection with folk traditions.

Research objectives :

Study the available literature on this issue and find out what a “amulet” is, the history of its appearance in a person’s life;

determine the types of dolls and their purpose;

find out what amulets there are and what they symbolize;

develop and study technology for making traditional folk dolls.

Object : doll-amulet

Subject of research I: history of amulets and their symbolic meaning.

Research hypothesis

Methods research:sociological survey (confirmation of the hypothesis).

Municipal competition of research and creative works

“Step into Science” Junior group

Trans-Baikal Territory, Karymskoye village

Rogacheva A. student of 8th grade, Moscow Educational Institution

Secondary school No. 2, Karymskoe village

"Research Article"

What is a doll and its features

To answer this question, we turned to S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary. It explains that a doll is a children's toy in the form of a human figurine. According to other scientists, this is any human figurine, even if it is not a children's toy.

From books we learned that before there were no toys in the store, and we made them ourselves: from wood, straw, pieces of fabric. Dolls were also made in order to protect a person from evil forces, to take on illnesses and misfortunes, to help a good harvest take place, so that there would be prosperity and abundance in the house.No cutting or piercing objects (needles, scissors, knives) were used in the manufacture of these dolls. The fabric and threads were torn by hand. It was believed that a talisman doll made with a needle would not protect a person, but, on the contrary, could harm him or injure him, like a sharp needle.

In Rus', dolls were also made to perform various rituals. Children could play with ritual dolls, but gaming dolls could under no circumstances be used during rituals.

Traditional folk dolls did not have a face. It was believed that if you draw a face on a doll, an “evil spirit” can move into it.

There were also features in the manufacture of handmade dolls made for ritual purposes. They were done “in one sitting”, never leaving any imperfections for later.

According to their purpose, folk dolls are divided into three large groups: amulets, play and ritual dolls.

Chapter 1. History of amulets

  1. The concept of “amulet” and its varieties

The amulet is an original Slavic word. As they say in V. Dahl’s explanatory dictionary“A talisman is a spell, spelled words and a ritual against damage; hex, whispers to destroy or avoid harmful spells, talisman, incense, pendant against the evil eye, fire, water, snakes, death, damage to weddings, and diseases, etc.”

Any object without exception can be a talisman. The most important aspect of endowing a certain object with the properties of a talisman is the sincerity of the desire and the absence of doubts. Depending on certain components, the amulet carries various symbols with certain properties. (Annex 1). As a talismanoften special ritual objects are used (wedding wreath, Easter tablecloth, etc.) or remains from them (ashes from the Kupala bonfire, bones of the Easter pig, etc.). To universal amulets,those used in any dangerous situation include texts, objects and actions with Christian symbols.

Texts of various genres serve as amulets: conspiracies (for example, against hail clouds, during the first pasture of livestock, to protect crops from sparrows), sentences (for example, the Polesie sentence “salt in your eyes, a poker in your teeth, a pot between your cheeks”, against the evil eye ), canonical and apocryphal prayers (for example, “Our Father”, “Dream of the Virgin Mary”, etc.), songs (lullabies that protect a child from damage), swearing. Another form of protection is objects, for example a key and a lock, called “ lock up” the bearer of danger, an apron, towel, linen that was used to cover a calving cow to protect it from the evil eye. Sharp, cutting objects designed to neutralize the wearer are extremely common. One of the main forms of amulet is ritual actions performed with the aim of protecting the protected space or object, creating a magic circle around it (girdling, outlining, for example, with a poker, so that evil spirits do not approach a person); actions aimed at neutralizing or symbolically destroying a carrier of danger. Some gestures have the status of a talisman, for example a fig.

So, not only some objects can be called amulets, but also a word, a spell, a song, a ritual, an action, a gesture, a sound. The meaning of the amulet is to create a barrier between the protected object and danger, to magically “close” the protected object, to make it invisible, to ward off danger, or to endow the protected object itself with protective properties and the ability to resist evil.

1.2. The history of the appearance of “Amulets”

The history of the emergence of amulets is lost in the depths of centuries. Even then, our ancestors, not much different from monkeys, noticed that a fancy plant root or an enemy’s tooth brought good luck in a hunt or a love victory - and the history of amulets began. Primitive people were surrounded by so many real and imaginary dangers that their main task was to survive.

From time immemorial, people have tried to protect themselves from troubles and misfortunes. At first, anything was used as amulets - from pine cones and roots to the skull of a defeated enemy and the tusks of a killed mammoth. Then only those objects that were “charmed” by shamans and thus acquired magical powers began to serve as amulets. Over time, people assigned even greater functions to amulets: special inscriptions or images began to appear on amulets, intended to protect against one type of misfortune. Charms and spells are closely related. The amulets were kept for centuries.

1.3. Creating a talisman is a delicate matter

In ancient times, the most common material for making amulet was stone. What causes this preference? Magicians chose it because the stone is connected to the earth, that is, it is a living being with memory and will. And of course, this is the most durable material. The loss of a talisman was considered a great misfortune.

Sometimes amulets were made of wood. Why was it used to make magic items? Most likely, because the tree is alive: it grows, gains strength, blooms, bears fruit, and then dies - just like a person. This means that the tree is also capable of recording information and then giving it to its owner. Special amulets were made from wood to bring good luck. Each tree had its own specific purpose (Appendix 2). The best amulets, of course, were considered to be those written in blood. Blood contained information about a person and worked much better than ordinary ink. A talisman is a magical thing made by a person himself for someone (according to the rules,You can’t make a talisman for yourself). When making a talisman, it is important to know for whom it is intended, in order to make it from such materials and in the form that are most suitable for its future owner. The craft must necessarily absorb the energy of the craftsman, his thoughts and desires - only in this case the amulet will be endowed with magical properties and will work. The best time to make amulets is considered to be the period when the moon begins to rise. You cannot make amulets during illness or severe stress, since all the vibrations of the human body will certainly have an impact on it.

So, when choosing a talisman, you should be guided not only by the material from which it is made, but also by the desire to eliminate a certain danger. As practice shows, it is in this process that the amuletfinds himself - coming into view.

1.4.Types and purposes of dolls

Dolls - amulets

In ancient times, the doll was a protection for people from diseases, misfortunes, and evil spirits. The doll took care of a person, and that’s what they called it: amulet or bereginya. Fairy tales were written about amulet dolls, in which they acted as magical helpers: they protected, saved, and gave wise advice to their mistresses. Everyone remembers Afanasyev’s fairy tale “Vasilisa the Beautiful,” in which the doll helped Vasilisa survive a lot of grief and go through all the trials that her stepmother and Baba Yaga prepared for her.

Dolls “Day and Night”protect the change of day and night, order in the world. During the day they put the light one forward, and at night - the dark one. The “Day” doll monitors people’s lives in the light of day and protects the day. So that the day is not wasted, but meaningfully. Then the doll is happy, and everything is fine with the people. The “Night” doll is wise, thoughtful, calm, she is the mistress of the night. She makes sure that everyone calms down and goes to bed, rests from the day's activities, and gains strength. She gives sleep and protects it.

Bell- good news doll. This doll is cheerful, playful, and brings joy and fun to the house. This is a talisman of good mood. By giving a Bell, a person wishes his friend to receive only good news and maintains a joyful and cheerful mood in him.

Pelenashka- the oldest amulet doll. The diaper was in the cradle until the child was baptized. The swaddled doll could be used by children in games. This doll was kept in the family along with the baptismal shirt.

Exactly a year was given to the amulet, which was called “12 fevers.” It was made in the form of 12 figurines suspended on a red thread above the stove to scare away the disease-bringing demons-shakers, whose names were Decrepit, Stupid, Glyadeya, Lenea, Nemea, Ledeya, Shaking, Dreaming, Ogney, Veterya, Zhelteya and Aveya. The elder sister namedKumoha. It was believed that whoever sleeps in the evening will sleep through Kumokha.

According to legend, fever demons fly into a house through a chimney at night and take possession of people, begin to shake them, relax their joints and break bones. Having exhausted one, the fever spreads to the other. During her flight, she kisses her chosen victims, and from the touch of her lips a person immediately falls ill. To protect against the shaking sisters, they made dolls of the same name from wood chips wrapped in shreds - always from worn-out clothes. The dolls were tied with a cord and hung near the chimney. It was believed that the fever, having flown into the house through the chimney at night, would begin to look around in search of a victim, see a doll, recognize itself in it, and move into it. Therefore, the pupae that had served their time were burned in the spring.

Women made from old things without using scissors or needlesVepsian doll. Before the baby was born, the doll was placed in a cradle to keep it warm. After birth, she hung over the child, protecting him from damage. When the child grew up, they gave it to him to play with.

Play dolls

Play dolls were intended for children's amusement. They were divided into stitched and rolled. Rolled up play dolls include twist dolls, which were made very simply. Often these dolls were made by the children themselves.

The most common children's play doll isHaircut. It was made from cut grass. When the woman went to the field, she took the child and, so that he could play with something, made him a doll out of grass. Often such a doll was used for medicinal purposes. When a child was sick, medicinal herbs were woven into such a doll. And when the child played with it, the smell of the grass had a healing effect on him.

They made a doll as a birthday giftAngel.

Bunny on your fingerdone to children from the age of three so that they would have a friend, an interlocutor. Parents used to give this toy to their children when they left home, and if you get bored or scared, you can turn to him as a friend, talk to him, complain, or just play.

Columns.The game of “wedding” was common among Russian peasant girls. For this game, the girls made dolls - pillars. The children tried to copy not only the main actions of the wedding ceremonies that took place before their eyes, but also the costumes of the characters.

Ritual dolls

Previously, for any holiday, the family made a doll into which a piece of their soul was invested. Therefore, throwing away such dolls was considered a sin. Ritual dolls were revered and placed in the hut, in the red corner.

Goat doll.The goat and the bear are indispensable participants in the Christmas Eve round of courtyards, since these animals have long been associated with the cult of fertility among the Slavs. The goat was a symbol of vitality, and it was supposed to bring this strength to the owner of the hut and his land, the field, so that bread would be born better.

DollKupavka- This is a ritual doll of one day. She personified the beginning of bathing. She was floated on the water, and the ribbons tied to her hands took with them human illnesses and hardships. This doll celebrates the holidays of Agrafena the Bathing Lady and Ivan Kupala.

Home Maslenitsa.Maslenitsa is an ancient pagan holiday before the baptism of Rus' and was dedicated to the worship of the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things. It was in honor of the sun that pancakes were baked - a ritual food. On one of the days of the festive Maslenitsa week, when young people came to their mother-in-law for pancakes, this doll was displayed in windows or courtyards. The amulet was made for a year. The doll was kept in the red corner or at the entrance to the home, and at the next holiday it was burned or set adrift.

There were dolls to help the hostess. DollTen-handlehelped a girl or young woman (a girl who recently got married) in the household. It was made from bast or straw on October 14, Pokrov, when they sat down to do needlework. In production, red threads are used, which is a protective color. 9 red strings-bows are necessarily tied in a circle to the bottom of the sundress. Such a doll was often given as a wedding gift so that the woman could do everything and everything would go well for her.

Lovebirds.In the Russian tradition, at the head of the wedding train, carrying a young couple to the groom’s house after the wedding, a pair of dolls were hung under the bow of the harness: a Bride doll and a Groom doll, so that they would avert unkind glances at themselves.

In order for the house to be nourishing and rich, the mistress of the house madeZernushka doll. It was done after the harvest. The doll is based on a bag of grains collected from the field. The woman also made this doll so that she could have children.

Municipal competition of research and creative works

“Step into Science” Junior group

Trans-Baikal Territory, Karymskoye village

Rogacheva A. student of 8th grade, Moscow Educational Institution

Secondary school No. 2, Karymskoe village

"Research Plan"

Research hypothesis : in our time, amulets have not lost their relevance and are still an important attribute of any home, as people believe in their miraculous powers.

Methods research:

- studying literature and summarizing the information received;

Sociological survey (confirmation of the hypothesis).

Population survey

A talisman is not just a beautiful thing, it has a very specific practical and even mystical meaning, coming to us from the deep past as a message from our distant ancestors. Nowadays, the world has become much more cynical and merciless, but faith in good miracles still lives in the souls of people, and besides nightclubs, computers and televisions, they need something else. Although, in my opinion, nowadays people treat amulets more like souvenirs. But in order to find out people’s attitude towards amulets at the present time, I conducted a survey of schoolchildren, teachers, neighbors, and workers. There were 9 questions (Appendix 3). Age composition of respondents: from 8 years to 71 years (57 students and 23 adults).

Survey results

The majority of people of different ages believe in the protective function of objects, especially the older generation and younger schoolchildren (100% and 98%, respectively). They are the ones who know the symbolism of amulets, and also call ancient Slavic amulets. And hence the presence of amulets in most people (48%). The vast majority of respondents believe in omens and brownies (68%). Older schoolchildren and the younger generation of adults have mostly Feng Shui souvenirs at home, and very few have a horseshoe, a brownie and a broom at home. True, they also believe in omens and brownies, but practically they know nothing about them. (Appendix 4)

These data show that our hypothesis that amulets have not lost their meaning in modern times is correct. Most people believe in the power of amulets and use them. And just like thousands of years ago, amulets are present in our lives. Personally, I think that amulets add fabulousness and mystery to our lives. The main thing is to believe in the good and not doubt, think only about what you want and strive for it.

So, my peers do not believe in the protective function of objects. We believe that this is due to ignorance of the true meaning of this or that amulet, so in our work we decided to talk about the amulets that guard and protect our home from misfortunes.

Technology for making dolls - amulets


One of the simplest options for making protective dolls is the Bereginya doll. It, like most talismans of this kind, is made from scraps of old clothing with virtually no scissors or needles. It is placed in the northern corner of the house and, according to legend, protects it from the evil eye and brings prosperity.

For production you will need:

7 pieces of colorful fabric 7*20 cm; 1 piece 12*12 cm; threads


We bend each of the edges of the seven pieces of fabric in the middle, and then fold them in half.

We get rag strips - seven pieces.

We put them all together in a stack and bend them in half. We retreat about 1.5 cm from the top and tie it with threads. This is how we form the head.

We tie the opposite corners of the triangle with threads - these will be Bereginya’s hands. We put such a scarf on the doll and tie it with threads.

The doll is ready!


Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Soviet Encyclopedia M.: 1973-663 p.

IN AND. Dal Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Russian Language

Beregova O. Symbols of the Slavs. M.: "Eksmo", 2007, p. 5-8

Denisov A.A. . Conspiracies, amulets, fortune telling / A.A. Denisov // Conspiracies and amulets: Special issue of the newspaper. - Dzerzhinsk: - Press Express, 2009. No. 2- P. 1-11

Enenko E.I. Talismans, amulets, amulets / E.I. Enenko.-M.: Eksmo, 2005.-128 p.

Kotova I.N. Russian rituals and traditions. Folk doll / I.N. Kotova, A.S.

Kotova. - St. Petersburg, Paritet, 2003. - 240 p.

Maksimov S.V. Russian rituals and superstitions. M.: 2006, p. 4-5

Prosheltseva S.V. Amulets for your household / S.V. Prosheltseva // Amulets. - 2009. No. 2. - P. 6-19

Russian superstitions, love spells, conspiracies: Schoolchild's Encyclopedia / Comp. M. Zabylin. - M.: White City; Businesssoft, 2007.

Semyonova A.N. The magic of home. - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt, 2000.

Semyonova M. We are Slavs!: Popular encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 1998.

Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Ch. ed. S.A. Kuznetsov. - M.: Reader's Digest, 2004.

Sheptulya A.E. . DIY amulets: decorate and protect your home. M.: Eksmo, 2007, pp. 5-8, 17-18, 43-45, 61.

Yudin A.V. Russian folk wind culture. - M.: Higher School, 1999.

Internet resources:

    1. www.svit-ko.info/oberegi/

Annex 1

Symbolism of amulets

Broom - sweeps quarrels out of the house;

Poppy is a symbol of fulfillment of desires, longevity;

Garlic - protects against evil spirits;

Bread - let the house be hospitable;

Buckwheat, rice - prosperity in the house;

Sunflower seeds - children in the house;

Corn - mutual understanding; symbol of children's health.

Peas, beans - peace and friendship;

Bag - wealth;

Canvas - happiness in the home;

Rowan - helps predictions and protects against witchcraft

Thuja - eternal youth;

Legumes are a symbol of prosperity, satiety, and physical strength.

Broom - sweeps away energy dust from the house.

Larks are a symbol of fertility and childbirth.

Cereals are a symbol of material wealth.

Lyko - foot health.

Burlap - wealth in the house.

Coin - a penny saves the ruble.

Walnut is a symbol of mental strength, wisdom, longevity.

Pepper - against quarrels in the family and a symbol of female beauty and youth.

Horseshoe - good luck, happiness.

Sunflowers, seeds - the energy of the sun and health.

Pumpkin is a symbol of fertility.

Fruits and berries are a cornucopia.

Bread is spiritual and material wealth.

The flower is a symbol of the sun.

Flowers - comfort, coziness.

Garlic, onions, poppy seeds - drive away evil spirits.

Appendix 2

The significance of the trees from which amulets were traditionally made

Charms made frombirch trees , defended family happiness.

Willow used to protect health. It was believed that it increased a person’s vitality tenfold.

Pine contributed to the restoration of vital energy, helped to restore a person’s faith in himself and his strength.

Appendix 3


1) Enter your age.

2) Indicate the type of your activity:

a) student

b) working,

c) pensioner.

3) Do you know what a talisman is?

a) yes

b) no

4) How do you feel about amulets, brownies?

a) I believe

b) I don’t believe it.

5) Do you believe in the protective function of any objects?

a) I believe

b) I don’t believe it.

6) Do you believe in omens?

a) I believe

b) I don’t believe it.

7) Do you know the symbolism of amulets, i.e. What does this or that object mean?

1) yes 2) no

8) Do you have any amulets in your home, at work, in your car, or on your body?

a) yes,

b) no.

9) If so, which ones?

Appendix 4

Survey results

1. People’s attitude towards amulets (brownie)?

2. Attitude of respondents of different age groups to amulets and their protective function.

(question: “Do you believe or do not believe in the protective function of objects, in omens?”)

3. Do the respondents know the symbolism of the amulets or not?

4. Do respondents have amulets in their home, at work, or on their bodies?

What amulets do the respondents trust to “protect” their home, yard, transport, life?

Appendix 5

Tips on the correct placement of amulets, “acquiring” and keeping the Brownie in your home, as well as on establishing good relations with him.

Horseshoe . Think carefully about where to hang this amulet, because it is important not to interfere with the action of its magical power. If you nail a horseshoe with its sharp ends down, it will protect against evil forces. If on the contrary, it will become an amulet for good luck (so that happiness is collected in it like in a cup).

Broom . You can hang a house broom anywhere in the house. But, since the brownie’s favorite habitat is the kitchen (it was believed that the brownie could live under an ordinary broom), it is better to place a gift for him in the kitchen. On Fedorin's day (September 24), when the brownie did not leave his shelter, the house was not cleaned and the garbage was not taken out.

Brownie . When you move into a new house, most often there is no brownie there yet. If you live well, richly, happily, together, then you better not tempt fate with change. Take your old brownie with you to your new place of residence. This is done like this: take any old (that you no longer wear) shoe, place it in the middle of the old house and say three times out loud: “Brownie-housewife, master-father, get into the sleigh, let’s go with us.” Bring this shoe to your new home and on the first night, when you are not sleeping there yet, leave it in the middle of the room.

Brownie is the owner of the house. If someone, in the absence of the owners, tries to spend the night in a house where a good brownie lives, then the guest will sleep very poorly. The brownie will interfere with the person and may even lean on him and choke him. To prevent this from happening, when stopping for the night in someone else’s house, even with the permission of the owners, say before going to bed: “Uncle Brownie, accept not to live forever, but to spend the night” - and you will sleep peacefully.

The brownie loves when people remember him - they bring him treats and make requests. Some brownies don't have enough food and drink and need things. If spoons, forks disappear in the house, or you often cannot find some objects, give the brownie coins or something shiny - put them in the corner where he lives. A good brownie in the house, the owners get along with him - there will be wealth in the house, happiness, peace and troubles will bypass such a house... They treated their brownie quite warmly - he brought prosperity to the house. Every year on February 28, after dinner, a pot of porridge surrounded by hot coals was left here and there on a fire pit (a hole on a stove for heat).

But in a house where the owners are grumpy drunkards, the brownie does not live; evil spirits walk around the house and yard in such households.

DOLL “DAY AND NIGHT” - PROTECTION OF THE HOME. The doll had two sides: dark and light. We made it on New Year's Eve. Every morning and evening, this doll was turned either with the light side - for the whole day, or with the dark side - for the night. Sometimes such a doll was called “Shifter”. It was taken to a new house when moving, or given as a wedding gift by parents to their daughter or son.

Kozhevatova Sofia

Project Manager:

Rodchenkova Natalia Alexandrovna


MBOU School No. 145

In the presented research work on the topic "Ritual dolls" (primary school) The history of the emergence and stages of modification of the appearance and technique of performing ritual dolls is considered. In the research project, the author also presents his interesting collection of ritual dolls.

In the proposed research project on the topic “Ritual dolls,” the author explores the history of the emergence of ritual dolls and the relevance of traditional technologies for making folk ritual dolls.

The presented project on the topic “Ritual dolls” contains a survey of 2nd grade elementary school students on an example of their knowledge and ideas about folk motanka dolls, as well as an interview with a CVR employee.

An elementary school student, in the process of researching ritual motanka dolls, is exploring traditional doll-making technologies in practice and plans to attract the attention of classmates with her work to the ancient art of making dolls.

1. History of ritual dolls.
2. Variability of ritual dolls.
3. My collection of ritual dolls.


« Of all the mysteries that exist in the world, the mystery of the doll is
the most mysterious; Without understanding the essence of a doll, it is impossible to understand a person.
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

I have a lot of dolls at home: Barbie, Bratz, various Russians and even a whole collection of dolls " Ladies of the era" But I very rarely play them. I don’t want to throw them away, so my mother and I arranged them and put them on shelves.

Last year, my class and I were taken to the Volzhsky District Museum of History and Local Lore, located in the village of Dubovy Umet. We attended an interactive lesson " The world of forgotten toys. Toy-amulet».

They told us a lot about these toys and showed us their collection. We also made dolls from threads (spinners) with our own hands. These are the kind of toys I liked.

Just think about it! Everything, absolutely everything, every detail, knot or rag in a doll used to have its own meaning, explanation and meaning.

I realized that these were not just toys, but ancient folk ritual dolls that ancient people believed in. I really wanted to know more about them. This is how my research began.

Hypothesis: The ancient art of creating traditional folk ritual dolls is relevant and in demand in the modern world.

Relevance of the topic . In modern society, there is an acute revival of interest in the history of the Russian people, in their culture, traditions, customs, and way of life. And this is not just a tribute to fashion! People who are tired of constant stress and the crazy pace of work subconsciously reach out to the measured life of their ancestors, their worldly wisdom, experience and tranquility.

An invaluable source of knowledge about Russian culture is folk art. One of the most interesting folklore trends, of course, is the folk ritual doll.

Target: Explore the history and relevance of traditional folk ritual dolls.


  • Study the history of ritual dolls.
  • To determine the relevance of ritual dolls among modern schoolchildren.
  • Explore traditional doll making technologies in practice.
  • To attract the attention of contemporaries to the ancient art of making dolls.

Research methods:

  1. Questioning (2 classes of school No. 145).
  2. Sampling and analysis of information from printed and media sources
  3. Interview (TsVR employee)
  4. Definition of doll making technology.

Object of study: hand-made ritual dolls.

Regional scientific and practical conference
Title: “Ritual doll Kubyshka-herbalist”
Author: Okladnikov Nikita Alekseevich
4th grade MKOU "Novokamalinskaya secondary school No. 2"
Head: Igenova Lyubov Anatolyevna
Table of contents.
Introduction 4
Theoretical part 5-6
History of ritual dolls. 5
“The Herbal Pot” is a traditional folk doll – a talisman. 5-6
Practical part. 7-9
1) Materials and equipment 7
2) Manufacturing technology of Herbal Eggs 7-8
3) Results 9
Conclusion 10
List of information sources used 11
Appendix 12-13
The toy has always occupied an important place in folk culture. Each nation created their own toys and conveyed their vision of the world in them. With the help of toys, children discover the world and comprehend the accumulated life experience of adults. This also applies to a hand-made rag doll.
To keep the air in the hut clean, a useful doll was made in Rus' - the Herbalist. Inside the pupa is fragrant grass. They crushed the doll in their hands, moved it, and the herbal spirit spread throughout the hut: it was believed that it drove away the spirits of illness. People endowed herbs and trees with properties that help drive away or take, transfer diseases to the lower world, from where they cannot harm people.
I also wanted to make such a talisman doll so that it would protect my home and bring health to the house.
Relevance: one of the most important problems of our country today is health, and folk culture and wisdom can teach us how to preserve and protect our home and our health.
Goal: find out what benefits the amulet doll brings for home and health and
Get acquainted with the history of the ritual doll - the amulet “Herbal Pot”.
Find out what herbs are used to create a doll.
Get acquainted with the technique of creating a talisman doll;
Make your own “Herbal Pot” doll
Hypothesis: If our ancestors used the herbalist doll Kubishka in rituals, then it probably brought benefits.
Object of study: ritual amulet doll “Kubishka – herbalist”
Subject of research: study of the ritual and technique of creating a talisman doll “Herbal Eggs” using a “needle-free” method.
Theoretical part.
History of ritual dolls.
In the old days, dolls were made everywhere in Russia. And the first thing the baby saw when he opened his eyes in the cradle was the doll created by his mother’s loving hands. This means that her love protected the child from the moment of his birth. She drove away the evil spirits in which our ancestors believed, and helped the child fall asleep, because the evil Insomnia could not resist - she played with dolls, and meanwhile the baby slept soundly.
Our wise great-grandfathers invented the doll not only for play and fun. Calendar rituals were celebrated with them, they called for rain during drought and warmth during cool seasons, when it was necessary to sow grain or harvest crops. They were there at weddings and at the birth of children. To keep the air in the hut clean, a useful doll was made in Rus' - the Herbalist. They hung it where the air stagnated, or above the child’s cradle. Inside the pupa is fragrant grass. They crushed the doll in their hands, moved it, and the herbal spirit spread throughout the hut: it was believed that it drove away the spirits of illness. After two years, the grass in the pupa was changed - filled with fresh fragrant grass.
“The Herbal Pot” is a traditional folk doll – a talisman.
Amulet dolls are helpers, advisers and protectors. The “liquid” was made for Agrafena-swimsuit, so that the air in the hut would be clean; the bag-skirt was filled with fragrant soothing herbs growing in Siberia - oregano, St. John’s wort, mint, yarrow.
The Pot-Herbalist makes sure that the disease does not enter the house. Warmth emanates from her, like from a caring housewife. She is both a protector from the evil spirits of illness and a kind comforter. A herbal pot was usually hung over a child’s crib so that he could sleep better, saying: “Somnia - insomnia, don’t play with my baby, but play with my doll!” or filled with medicinal herbs and placed near the sick person’s bed so that the herbal smell would drive away the spirits of illness from him. This is ancient phytotherapy.
Herbal medicine is one of the most ancient methods of healing, and still remains popular. Our ancestors, without modern medicines, were stronger and healthier than us. For them, medicinal plants were the only way to preserve and improve their health; their pharmacy was the forest and meadow. Folk recipes are the wealth of any nation, since this experience has been accumulated by our ancestors for centuries.
Our grandmothers made Herbal Egg Dolls for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. For a good sleep, the doll was filled with mint or lemon balm. For inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, a herbal pot with thyme was made. During the period of epidemics and viruses, “winter” Herbalists were made - dolls were filled with pine buds, thuja branches, and garlic seeds. The Herbalist doll could be filled with one type of herb or a collection of several herbs.
Herbal fillers for Herbalist dolls can be as follows:
MINT – improves mental activity. According to legend, mint got its name in honor of the Roman goddess Menta, who personifies reason and common sense. Mint wreaths were prescribed to be worn by students during exams, as well as by those who want to comprehend the difficult science of philosophy. MINT contains a large amount of phytoncides - substances with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.
LAVENDER – in addition to its pleasant aroma, lavender has fairly high antimicrobial properties. Lavender is a very effective remedy for relieving severe headaches, high blood pressure, and intracranial pressure.
MELISSA – has a mild hypnotic effect. Melissa exhibits antiarrhythmic activity and can be successfully used for various types of heart rhythm disorders, as well as for nervous tremors that occur at night. Melissa slows breathing, reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure
St. John's wort is a popular remedy for the treatment of neurasthenia, neuralgia, insomnia, and headaches.
THYME - considered a very strong antiseptic. It also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, expectorant, bronchodilator, antispasmodic, mild hypnotic, and many other properties. If you are sick with bronchitis and suffer from a painful, incessant cough, use thyme.
ORIGINAL – acts as a sedative. Has the ability to suppress microbial flora in case of sore throat.

Practical part
Materials and equipment
To work you will need:
A piece of light fabric 20x20cm. – 1 piece 2. A piece of light fabric in a small pattern, 10 x 10 cm - 2 pcs. 3. A triangular piece of bright plain fabric for a headscarf, ½ 30 x 30 cm. – 1 piece 4. Strip of red fabric 20x1cm. – 1 piece 5. A piece of colored fabric 40x40cm. – 1 piece 6. A piece of colored fabric 5x5 cm - 2 pcs.7. Sewing or lace, or a bright strip of fabric 7 x 10cm. for an apron – 1 piece.8. Belt braid 25cm.9. Red threads10. Fragrant medicinal herbs 3-5 types, 10 grams each11. Sintepon or pieces of rags for filling the doll.
Manufacturing technology of Herbal Eggs
Take a piece of light fabric in the middle and put padding polyester or rags.
We make the doll's head, trying to keep the face without wrinkles. To do this, we tie an even number of turns at the site of the intended neck with red thread.
We straighten the fabric diagonally, placing the halves of the flap on top of each other. At the ends of the diagonal we bend the fabric and tie an even number of turns with red thread at a distance of 2-2.5 cm. from the edge. We get hands.
We raise our hands up and tie an even number of turns with a red thread in the area of ​​​​the expected waist.
We take scraps of light fabric in a small pattern. And in the same way as the head, we make 2 breasts. Each breast is slightly smaller than the head.
We tie each breast separately to the neck.
Take a red strip and tie two knots on it at a distance of 1.5-2 cm. from each other.
We tie a red stripe to the head and get horns. We hide the horns by tying a scarf on our heads, which is tied at the back.
We take a large piece of colored fabric, lay it out on the table, fold the ends towards the middle.
We baste along the edge with large stitches so that we can pull it into a bag later.
Sprinkle some grass in the middle. Place padding polyester or rags on top of the grass. Then we add grass again. Then again padding polyester. We alternate layers until we get enough.
We put the upper part of the doll into the sundress and tighten the edges, evenly distributing the folds.
We tie the apron inside out under the chest.
We tie the doll with a belt on top.
We take small pieces of colored fabric, fill each with fragrant grass and tie them up.
We hang these bags from the doll’s hands.
After this, the doll needs to be handled a little, wrinkled, and bumps and bumps removed. (Annex 1)
Scheme for making the Herbal Egg Capsule

Dolls “Egg pods - herbalists” can be different (Appendix 2)

As a result of making the ritual doll “Herbal Eggs”, we learned that piercing and cutting objects are not used, because the future doll should become a friend and helper to a person. Rags and threads for dolls should be torn, not cut. You can use whole pieces of worn-out clothing, saturated with the energies of a particular person.
The doll is proportional to the parts of the human body: it has the dimensions of the palm, fingers, arm length to the elbow, which makes their image harmonious and complete.
They don't paint her faces. It is believed that if you do this, someone else's spirit will move into the doll. And without a face, she simply conveys through herself what a person has put into her, a piece of his soul, good wishes, warmth. Herbs contain essential oils. They evaporate and you smell it. This is not only pleasant, but also useful.
A bag of fragrant herbs will help with insomnia, has anti-inflammatory effects, relieves headaches, calms you down, and also drives away annoying insects. But even if you don’t know which herb helps with what, you can stuff the doll with regular hay. Forbs improve your mood.
We learned that the herbalist doll Kubishka is a talisman, it is always made with good thoughts, its task is to protect a person from “evil forces”, take on illnesses and misfortunes, and improve a person’s well-being.
If you want this wonderful doll to bring joy and healing to your home, it is better to make a Herbalist doll with your own hands. Gather your own herbs. When collecting herbs, just talk to the grass, tell the grass ant for what purpose it is collected. When the Herbalist first appears in the house, perform a small ritual: walk with her around the entire perimeter of the apartment, lightly pressing the doll’s barrel. Let her get acquainted with her new home and fill it with the aroma of fragrant medicinal herbs. We filled our doll with yarrow grass.
This is how it turned out for us.

Our hypothesis was confirmed; the ritual doll “Herbal Pot” was beneficial.
1. Gulenkova M.A., Sergeeva M.N. Plants of the garden and vegetable garden: an atlas of native nature. – Moscow: Egmont Russia, 2001. – 64 p.
2. Shpilenya S.E. ABC of nature. Medicinal plants. - M.: Knowledge, 1989, 224 p.
List of information used. 4. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ - free encyclopedia.
Annex 1

The purpose of the amulet is clear from its name. The amulet must protect its owner from various negative influences of the surrounding world, such as accidents, illnesses, and depression. A variety of objects can act as amulet: rings, beads, bracelets, stripes on clothes, souvenirs, toys, dolls.

If your loved ones do not have such items, then you can make them yourself. But remember that you cannot make amulets for yourself.

The amulets available for sale are all of the same type and are made very primitively. That is why I had the desire to make my own amulets (based on Slavic traditions), choosing symbols that, in my opinion, are suitable both for my loved ones and for the majority of people who want to have a talisman. And after making your own amulets, find out what people think about them and the factory-made amulets. This is how I determined the purpose of my research work.


  • study the history of Slavic amulets
  • learn the rules for creating amulets
  • study and analyze types of amulets
  • study the symbolism of amulets
  • track the technology of making amulets in literature and sources
  • make amulets
  • conduct a public opinion poll about amulets/

Hypothesis: I assumed that most people would like my designer amulets more than those sold in the store.

Item: the possibility of making custom amulets taking into account Slavic traditions, people’s preferences when choosing an amulet/

Research methods: theoretical (study of the history of amulets, analysis of public opinion), practical (experiment, survey)

In the course of my work, I studied the history and purpose of Slavic amulets, became acquainted with their main types, manufacturing rules, found out the meaning of each element in the amulet, prepared the necessary patterns for some of them and made amulets such as: broom, wreath, brownies.

I also conducted a study of public opinion about commercially available amulets and the amulets I made in this work.

My research (survey) showed that most people liked my amulets. Most people noted that they can be given to everyone without exception.

In addition, as the survey I conducted showed, people like hand-made designer amulets more than factory ones for their originality, quality of workmanship and elaboration of details. After all, such a talisman will be unique, inimitable.

Thus, anyone can please their loved ones by giving them a talisman made with their own hands.