Work plan of the class teacher with the group of students. Planning the work of the class teacher. Goals and objectives of educational work



Agreed: Approved: Deputy Director Director of MKOU Pervomaiskaya Secondary School

according to BP:__________A.N.Klementyeva ______________ A.V.Bagadayev

from "____" ______2013 from "____" ______2013

Plan educational work

Class teacher: Klementyeva A.N.

2013-2014 academic year

Target program of educational work of the school:


Self-education topic: ________________________________________________________________



September - ___________________________________

October - __________________________________

November - __________________________________

December - _________________________________

January - ____________________________________

February - ____________________________________

March - ___________________________________

April - ____________________________________

May - _____________________________________

Goals and objectives of educational work

Target: Improve the quality of education in the context of modernization

educational process. To promote the formation of an active and cognitive position in students, nurturing the personal qualities of students. Training in techniques and methods of self-education and self-development


    Achieve successful completion of 6th grade;

2. Cultivate a sense of responsibility for your actions;

3. Work on the rules and norms of behavior on the street, school and other public places;

4. Cultivate tolerance and courtesy;

5. Formation of a personality capable of self-affirmation in modern conditions;

6. The ability to find your place in modern world;

7. Finding new forms and methods of educational work;

8. Raising active, creative personality.

Create conditions for:

    Formation of cultural behavior skills at school, at home, on
    street, in public places.

    Development of a harmonious personality.

3. Opportunities for self-expression of each member of the team,
opportunity to feel comfortable

yourself in the team.

    Instilling interest in a healthy lifestyle, compliance
    hygiene rules.

    Development of students' speech and communication culture.

    Raising patriots of their Fatherland.

    Fostering respect for adults and the elderly
    to people.

    Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.

Work cyclogram class teacher




At the end


At the end

school year

Checking diaries.

Carrying out cool hours.

Checking students' daily routine.

Follow appearance students.

Identifying the reasons for students being absent from class

Catering for students

Class duty in the office

Individual work with students

School duty.

Visiting children at home.

Conducting classroom and school evenings and events.

Organization of assistance to veterans.

Conducting parent meetings.

Decorating a classroom corner.

Working with parents depending on the situation

Carrying out safety procedures.

Decoration of office No. 5 of 6th grade.

Attending lessons in 6th grade

Conducting final class hours.

Bringing children's progress to the attention of parents.

Making plans for the holidays.

Completing final grades for the quarter

Analysis of the implementation of the work plan for the quarter

Carrying out open event

Registration of personal files

Analysis of the work plan with the class team

List of students





Adamov Vasily

Aksaev Sergey

Baranova Margarita

Zheltukhin Andrey

Likhanov Mikhail

Matveev Evgeniy

Pozdnyakov Stepan

Svininikov Petr

Sinitsin Eduard

Trufanov Nikolay

Shaburova Yulia

Individual work with students

F.I. student



Working with parents

School-wide parent committee:

Class Parent Committee:



Topics of parent meetings

Form of conduct



Protocol No. _____

parent meeting



Present: _______ people.

Meeting agenda:



Chairman parent committee:

Class teacher: A.N. Dementieva

Individual work with parents

F.I. student

Problem being discussed

Date, signature


Working with difficult students

F.I. student

Problem being discussed

the date of the

6th grade school and classroom activities

September - "Attention children!"

Festive line “First call”

Conversations in class on traffic rules

Drawing competition “Road signs are ours” good friends»

Competition of crafts made from natural materials “Autumn Tale”

Parent meeting

School football championship "Young Footballer"

School athletics championship "Runner's Day"

October - "My dear old people"

Teacher's Day. Concert “Thank you teachers, thank you for everything.”

Autumn Ball

Elderly Person's Day, participation in the concert

Operation Care

Competition "Coolest Cool Corner"

Basketball competition

Parent meeting

November - "Behind healthy image life"

Poster competition “Dangerous addiction”

Video film with discussion “Protection from all forms of violence”

Promotion “Bird Feeder”

Mother's Day "This tender word is MOM."

December - « New Year at the gate!

Lesson from Russia “I need to talk about Russia”

School Table Tennis Championship

World Football Day. School football championship

New Year Poster Competition

Operation Feeder

Parent meeting

Holiday "New Year's Show".

Conversation “Responsibility for the use of pyrotechnics”

January - “Live the spring!”

Promotion "Feeder"

School Volleyball Championship

Winter fun

Competition "New Wave"

February - " I'm a patriot"

Drawing competition “Nature of our region”

Poster competition “Hail, Fatherland”

Mail for lovers

Competition “Come on, boys!”

March - "Me and my place in the world"

Making postcards for retired teachers

Concerts and celebrations “Dear Mother”

"Come on, girls"

Parent meeting

"Safety School"

April - "Faster, higher, stronger"

Participation in the competition of socially significant projects “My Village”

Drawing competition “We and Space”

Game "Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body"

School Volleyball Championship

Cleaning the school grounds.

May - "Remember the days of yore"

Operation Care

Drawing competition dedicated to Victory Day.

Cleaning school grounds

Concert for parents and veterans dedicated to Victory Day.

Rally "Memory"

Traditional track and field relay race

Thematic class hours on traffic rules.

Class hour "Safe Wheel"

Holiday " Last call»

Parent meeting

Characteristic cool team

There are 11 people in 6th grade - 9 boys and 2 girls. The boys graduated from grade 5 with 100% academic success. Drummers for the last academic year: Misha Likhanov, Katya Burolicheva. During the summer period, two students left: Ekaterina Burolicheva and Innokenty Konstantinov. Yulia Shaburova lives in the boarding school. Yulia lives in the village of Stepnoy (14 km from the village of Pervomaisk). The boys actively participate in sports competitions, Subbotniks and Sundays. Many of the children take part in school events. They enjoy attending sports sections and various clubs at school and the folk arts center. This year there is a big task to continue uniting the children's team. There is constant monitoring on the part of parents. In the class, all children have assignments. Children are friendly, respond correctly to comments and try to improve. There are no difficult children in the class. All children are ready for school: they have school uniform And school supplies. Parents of students regularly attend school, parent-teacher meetings, and are interested in the success of their children. There is a parent committee in the class. Work is underway to foster conscientious behavior at school and outside of school hours, and an attitude toward learning.

Analysis of educational work

Behind last year A team has begun to form, but the formation of the team needs to continue in the 6th grade. The children became friends with each other. They developed common interests and activities. The guys are friends not only at school, but also outside of it. Students listen to the opinions of their classmates; their opinions are important to them. They approach their studies at school diligently, but they don’t always succeed in everything the first time. They treat teachers and children from other classes kindly. Conflicts still arise in the team, but are quickly extinguished. Children participate in planning activities only under the guidance of the teacher. In many activities, children show insufficient activity, creativity, and organization. We will have to work on this in 6th grade. As a class teacher, I organize children's leisure time. In their free time from classes, children attend clubs at the DNT, sports clubs, and the library. Last year, self-government bodies were elected in the class team. Each of the children was able to choose an assignment to their liking. Children showed their creativity in preparing and conducting cool events, concerts, publishing wall newspapers, making crafts for exhibitions, participating in an exhibition of drawings, etc. This class team is above average cognitive activity and creativity. Over the past year, a lot has been done extracurricular activities: class hours, conversations. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, we repeatedly visited the snow slide and sports complex. All this contributed to the unity of the school team. There are still many problems to be solved in the coming year. The most important thing is that every child does not lose his face, feels comfortable at school, and that he happily rushes to school to gain new knowledge.

Current affairs for the year:

September Preparation of documents on student nutrition Design of the class register Instructing students on TB Selecting class assets Design of the classroom corner. Magazine design. Making student diaries. Preparing classroom hours. Participation in school life. Conducting a parent meeting October Working with las assets Visiting students at home. Checking and analyzing student diaries. Individual consultations for parents. Preparation for the Autumn Ball Participation in the life of the school. Preparing classroom hours. Report on the results of academic performance for the 1st quarter. Making a work plan for the holidays. November Working with a class asset. Attending lessons in the classroom. Conducting a parent meeting. Individual consultations for parents. Participation in school life. Preparing classroom hours. Parents' committee meeting. Analysis of students' attendance at clubs and sections. Collaboration with the school library. Visiting students at home December Working with class assets. Attending lessons in the classroom. Conducting a parent meeting. Individual consultations for parents Participation in the life of the school Preparation of class hours. Preparation and holding of parent meetings. Preparing for the New Year holidays. Progress report for the 2nd quarter. Making a work plan for the holidays. Parents' committee meeting January Working with class assets. Attending lessons in the classroom. Psychological - pedagogical diagnostics in class. Individual consultations for parents Participation in the life of the school Preparation of class hours. Parents' committee meeting. Analysis of students' attendance at clubs and sections. Cooperation with the school library. Visiting students at home Participation in school life. February Working with a class asset. Attending lessons in the classroom. Conducting a parent meeting. Individual consultations for parents Participation in the life of the school Preparation of class hours. Parents' committee meeting. Analysis of students' attendance at clubs and sections. Cooperation with the school library. Visiting students at home Checking and analyzing student diaries

March Attend class lessons. Individual consultations for parents Participation in the life of the school Preparation of class hours. Parents' committee meeting. Analysis of students' attendance at clubs and sections. Collaboration with the school library. Visiting students at home Participation in school life. Planning work during spring break Report on academic results for the 3rd quarter. April Individual consultations for parents Participation in the life of the school Preparation of class hours. Parents' committee meeting. Analysis of student attendance at clubs and sections Attending lessons in the classroom Visiting students at home May Working with class assets. Attending lessons in the classroom. Conducting a parent meeting. Individual consultations for parents Participation in the life of the school Preparation of class hours. Parents' committee meeting. Analysis of students' attendance at clubs and sections. Collaboration with the school library. Visiting students at home Checking and analyzing student diaries Summing up the 4th quarter. Work plan for summer holidays Preparing a school magazine for submission to educational part and archive. Writing characteristics for students for the year. Working with students' personal files. A trip to your native land.

Working with low-performing students:

    Involving children in social work in a team;

    Monitoring the implementation of instructions given to him by the school staff or teacher, class teacher;

    Research children's interests and provide tasks according to their interests

    Individual consultations for parents on preparation additional tasks

    Monitoring students’ attendance at clubs and sports sections at school, day-to-day activities, and free time activities

Working with difficult students:

    Housing research - living conditions students.

    Consultations and conversations with parents on raising children.

    Organization of leisure time by involving students in clubs, sections and other extracurricular institutions.

    Consultations of parents and children with a psychologist and social worker.

    Monitoring the implementation of assignments that students have chosen at their own discretion.

    Increasing interest in learning by providing them with feasible additional tasks in subjects.

Planning the activities of the class teacher

Of great importance in the work of the class teacher is design activity, which is built on the basis of the results of pedagogical monitoring and is a “bridge” to the actual organizational activity.

One of the most important design activities is planning.

Planning of educational work in the classroom is usually understood as the process of joint activity of the class teacher, children and adults to determine the goals, content and methods of organizing the educational process and life activities in the classroom community, the organizers and participants of the planned activities, and the timing of the activities.

In the planning process, the teacher-educator usually draws up two types of plans: calendar and long-term.

The following requirements apply to the educational work plans of the class teacher, which guide his activities:

    “purposefulness and specificity of educational tasks;

    brevity of the plan, its compactness;

    variety of content, forms and methods, optimal combination of education and organization of children’s activities;

    continuity, systematicity and consistency;

    combination of perspective and relevance of the planned types of work;

    unity of pedagogical leadership and student activity;

    reality, taking into account age and individual characteristics students, their level of preparedness and living conditions;

    connection between in-school work and work outside school;

    consistency of the plan with the activities of the school and children's public organizations;

    flexibility and variability of planning.”

When starting to plan educational work, you must:

    Familiarize yourself with government documents that define the tasks of the school at the present stage.

    Study methodological literature covering the issues of planning various sections of educational work.

    Familiarize yourself with the school's educational plan.

    Study suggestions from teachers, class members, and parents.

    Study the experience of the best class teachers (coordinators, etc.)

    Provide an analysis of educational work over the past year, including an analysis of the state of the level of education of schoolchildren and the level of development of the team.

    Determine the main tasks of education.

    Determine the main types of activities and forms of work with students.

    Correlate what is planned by the class teacher with the activities of subject teachers, the teacher-organizer, with children's self-government, parents, and employees of institutions additional education and etc.

    Draw up a plan for educational work.

By correctly carrying out action by action, step by step, the class teacher will be able to develop an optimal and scientifically based plan of educational work.

The first step is to determine the order and timing of actions to draw up a plan. In order for the activities of the class teacher and other planning members to be more focused, orderly and effective, it is necessary to plan joint activities to develop a long-term plan for educational work. The class teacher must also have information about how educational work will be planned on a school-wide scale.

The second step in the planning process - this is an analysis of educational work over the past year. In my opinion, this is one of the most crucial moments, although it requires intellectual and physical effort, but the practical benefits of analytical activity are obvious. The analysis should become the basis for planning educational work by the class teacher.

The third step is to model the image of the class and the process of education in it. Here I often tell class teachers the phrase “Whatever you call it, so it will float,” i.e. What is the class teacher’s idea of ​​the future state of the class community, the construction of activities, communication and relationships in it. But it must be remembered that the image of the class must reflect the necessary, possible and desired state of the educational process.

The fourth step is collective planning, in which not only the class teacher participates, but also the entire group of students in the class, as well as parents. The class teacher must take into account the following circumstances: if without preliminary work you ask students to add their wishes to the work plan, then it is unlikely that the desired result will be achieved. Here technologies should be used to include students, parents and other community representatives in joint activities to draw up a plan (in the form of a game highlighting the most current problems, putting forward goals, objectives for the planned period, thinking through the general ideas of the plan in joint planning activities is clarification, adjustment of the pedagogical plan and drawing up a plan for educational work for future life activities, etc.)

The final step, is the design of the plan and the selection of the most rational option for form and structure.

There are many long-term plan structures.

And so from the above, we can present you with several options for sections of long-term planning.

Traditional option.

    Class characteristics.

    Educational tasks for a certain period, corresponding to the age and characteristics of a given class.

    Work with the student body (calendar of main educational activities recorded in the matrix)

    Working with subject teachers working in the classroom; with a school psychologist, with a social teacher

    Working with parents of students.

We offer a version of the structure of the long-term plan for the educational work of the class teacher.

    A brief analysis of educational work over the past year and characteristics of the class.

    Specific educational tasks.

    Plan-program of pedagogical monitoring in the classroom.

    Organizational activities of the class teacher:

a) With a group of students:

    Pla-program of educational activities;

    Assistance (if necessary) in organizing collective creative activities;

    Educational asset (organization of self-government of schoolchildren);

    Calendar extracurricular work by subject;

    Traditions of the team

b) Individual work with students:

    “Reception for personal matters”;

    Assistance in organizing self-education and self-education ( individual route development, etc.);

    Inclusion of schoolchildren in social pedagogical activity and etc.

c) Work with parents of students:

    Plan-program for parental education (parent education);

    Involvement with social and pedagogical activities;

    Consultation center for parents.

d) coordination educational activities subject teachers, additional education workers, children's and youth organizations and associations, etc.

5. Gnostic activity of the class teacher (maintaining individual monitoring cards, drawing up graphs of changes in the education of schoolchildren, “curves of the effectiveness of educational activities”), etc.

We present to your attention various forms of matrices for the main part of the educational work plan

Event name



Progress marks

Analysis of results

Class affairs


Legal and moral

Labor education

Completion deadlines executors

Marks about


Main directions of education

Types of activities and forms of classes

Who is involved in the classes?

Pedagogical instrumentation of the educational process

Analysis, observations, conclusions

Thematic programs


“Me and Society”

“Me and nature”

“Me and my school”

"I and my family"

“Me and my “I”

Target program










Artistic and creative

Physical education and recreation


Scheme for planning the content of educational work (according to N.E. Shchurkova)

activities coolhead V educational institutions Kostroma region. Monitoring methodology activitiescoolhead ...
  • Analysis of monitoring the effectiveness of class teachers introduction


    ... activities. 2. Indicators characterizing performance activitiescoolmanagers During the monitoring study, the effectiveness activitiescoolmanagers... the existing situation in the classroom, planning working with the class -...

  • The main criteria for the effectiveness of educational work with the class team and assessing the success of the class teacher’s activities


    And also samples various types planning educational activities. 1. Types of educational plans... activitiescool team in general school affairs during the school year, etc. Getting started studying activitiescoolhead, ...

  • Scientific and methodological support for the educational activities of the class teacher


    Methodological support for educational activitiescoolhead Legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus... vakhavanne. - 2009. - No. 5. -3-9. Features of the organization and planning ideological and educational work in institutions of general...

  • Mou "Grigorievskaya school" program of activity of the class teacher


    KASLI MUNICIPAL DISTRICT PROGRAM ACTIVITIESAWESOMEHEAD"Become a Personality" COOLSUPERVISOR ROGOVA NATALIA NIKOLAEVNA D. ... problems coolhead, for self-analysis and self-assessment of work, a guideline for planning educational...

  • Organization of educational activities

    Team development

    Personality education

    (individual approach



    Socially useful

    Student Study


    Self management

    Family connection


    Designing Goals

    Working with a “small” team

    Artistic and creative

    Impact on interpersonal relationships

    Individual Impacts

    Free communication, leisure

    Purpose, functions of the plan. Planning requirements

    • Planning largely determines the results and effectiveness of the educational system.

    Purpose of the plan-- streamline pedagogical activities, ensure the fulfillment of such requirements for the pedagogical process as planning and systematicity, controllability and continuity of results.

    Plan- this is a document indicating the substantive guidelines for the activity, defining its order, volume, and time boundaries.

    The plan performs the following functions :

    • -- guide, defining;
    • -- predictive;
    • - coordinating, organizing;
    • -- control;
    • -- reproductive (reproducing);

    Plan requirements

    • 1) Purposefulness of the plan;

    2) The plan is focused on meeting the needs and interests of children, on their development;

    3) The plan is the result of joint creativity of teachers, students, parents;

    4) The work plan provides for the connection of the educational process with the life of society, practical activities children;

    5) Focus on the comprehensive nature of plans;

    • 6) The plan provides for the creation of conditions for students to choose various types, forms of activity, their position in the planned work;
    • When planning, it is necessary to ensure continuity of the content and forms of activity: to exclude unjustified duplication, to take into account previous experience, to see prospects in the work;
    • The specificity and feasibility of the plan, the validity of the planned work;
    • Reality and reasonable intensity of the plan.

    Planning stages

    • -- preparation by teachers of a draft plan (its outlines);
    • - collective planning (testing, adjusting, checking the teacher’s plans, collecting proposals, ideas from students, parents);
    • -- the teacher makes adjustments to the initial plans, the draft plan, taking into account the results of collective planning; finalization of the educational work plan.

    When planning educational work, it is necessary to take into account:

    • -- results of educational work and conclusions obtained during the analysis;
    • -- educational and organizational-pedagogical tasks;
    • -- materials, advice and recommendations of pedagogical and methodological literature on educational work;
    • -- best practices of the country, city, school;
    • - opportunities for parents and the public;

    • -- educational potential of the social environment of schools, enterprises, cultural institutions;
    • -- traditional holidays of the school year;
    • - events, facts related to the life of the country, city, village;
    • - events, dates related to the life and work of outstanding people;
    • - traditions of the school;
    • - activities carried out by nearby cultural institutions;
    • - suggestions from teachers, students, parents,

    Types and structure of plans

    • The plans are very diverse in content, structure, and form. The main thing is that they should help in organizing work, be convenient to use, and be working, and not formal documents.

    • 1) By content coverage:
    • -- comprehensive (general) plan: activities are planned in all its directions and types. For example, an educational work plan is a plan for a teacher’s work with a children’s team;
    • -- thematic plan: one direction or type of activity is planned, For example, plans for working with parents, a career guidance plan and others;
    • -- subject (specific) plan: one specific thing is planned. Conference plan, plan for preparing and conducting a class hour, etc.

    • 2) According to the duration of the planned period:
    • -- long-term (prospective): plan for a long period of time (a year or more). The institution’s work plan for the year, a plan for career guidance work with high school students (for 2 years);
    • -- stage-based (periodic; plan: this is an average-term plan, when a specific stage of the long-term is planned (quarter, half-year);
    • -- short-term: a plan for the near future, when a fairly short period of time is planned (part of a stage, period), For example, a work plan for a month, a week;
    • -- operational: specific immediate actions are planned. The most common daily plan.

    • 3) Depending on the subject of planning
    • -- individual planning by one person;
    • -- collective: a large team, part of a team, or a group can plan. The teacher can organize collective planning in children's association. A collective or individual approach to planning can also be considered as a method of its implementation, therefore, when choosing an individual or collective method of planning, it is necessary to remember that the subject of planning must be the same as the subject of the implementation of the plan.

    • 4) By planning scale
    • -- school-wide plans, which provide for the participation in the planned work of children of different classes, teachers, parents (work plan for the student body, plan for the educational work of the school, plan for general school affairs);
    • - plans for primary teams (work plan for class teams, club teams).

    Types of plans

    • -- long-term plan, section of the school's annual work plan;
    • -- calendar plans of educational work with the student body for a quarter or month, for half a year (grid plans, convenient for work and adjustments);
    • -- plan methodological work with teachers on issues of education of schoolchildren;

    • - plans for clubs, headquarters, councils, museums and other school associations;
    • -- long-term plans work in areas of education for several years (3, 5,10), for example, in aesthetic education or moral education;
    • -- plans for preparing and conducting school-wide activities.

    Plan structure

    • 1 . Analysis of the educational work of the school for the past academic year, in which it is advisable to reflect the following:
    • a) the results of educational work (level of education, sociality of students, their professional orientation, competitiveness);
    • b) characteristics of the changes that have occurred in the school community (development of structure, relationships between participants pedagogical process, strengthening ties and traditions);
    • c) implementation of the assigned educational tasks (what tasks were solved and how, what and how influenced their solution, reasons for not achieving what was planned);
    • d) analysis of the work done on priority areas school work, results and organization of activities, achievements, shortcomings and their reasons.

    • 2. The objectives of educational work for the new academic year, the definition and formulation of which are subject to the following requirements: :
    • --they follow from job analysis;
    • --tasks for the new academic year differ from the tasks of the previous year;
    • - they are specific and realistic to implement;
    • -- tasks cover all planned work with students;
    • - they are taken into account when planning methodological work, monitoring educational work and drawing up all other plans in school and primary teams.

    • 3. Contents and forms of work with the student body .

    This section may have different structure. It is advisable to distinguish several subsections in it, taking as a basis the areas of work, types of activities or tasks of educational work.

    It is advisable and used in practice to have a plan structure that involves planning work not only with students, but also with teachers and parents.

    • 4. Interaction with the teaching staff.
    • 5. Work with family and community .

    The structure and form of the class teacher's plan can be varied, the main thing is that they are convenient for work and prompt adjustment.


    The disadvantage of this form of planning is that all educational activities are reduced to a calendar and the plan is similar to a list of activities of the class teacher, arranged in chronological order. At the same time, it is difficult to analyze the system and technology of influence on students, and the role of the classroom team is poorly visible.

    Operational planning form is a type of calendar plan. This form allows you to determine the types of student activities and the technological functions of the class teacher for each week. A column is introduced into the structure of the plan to evaluate the results of the work performed.


    School weeks Collective student affairs Operational work of the classroom
    Evaluation of results
    work done
    September 1-7

    Invite scientists and specialists from various industries to the meeting


    September 3.
    Student meeting on the topic “Issues that concern you”

    Announce a competition for the best collective project. Distribute responsibilities for the future. Help the editorial board publish a wall newspaper about the summer holidays .
    . 6 September. Parent meeting on the topic “How to help children start the school year in an organized manner?” Identify and attract parents who can help organize and carry out planned useful and interesting collective activities .

    In high school, the center of gravity of the work on operational planning shifts to the student body. The role of the class teacher in this case depends on the level of team cohesion.

    Linear-chronological plan contains a list of events arranged weekly. For example, Monday, as the first day of the school week, contrasts with Sunday rest, and on this day it is better to plan meetings, meetings, meetings and educational events. On Monday, teachers of history and literature can provide assistance to informants, readers, and organizers of collective affairs. On Tuesday, when the editorial staff is busy producing wall print (newspapers, newsletters, albums, magazines, almanacs, etc.), teachers of language and literature, drawing and labor have the opportunity to assist schoolchildren in design work. On the same day, you can hold a parent meeting and prepare an exhibition creative works students. On the day of labor affairs, the labor teacher and the head of the economic department have more worries. It is better to devote Saturday, as the eve of the day of rest, to hobby classes in creative groups, clubs and electives, talent shows, KVN, tournaments, physical education and sports competitions. On this day, physical education and sports teachers, leaders of amateur performances and other student associations will be busy. On Sunday, if such a day is used to organize free time for students, excursion and tourism activities are planned and interested parties from among teachers, parents and extracurricular institutions are involved.

    The structure of planned activities is preceded by a brief description of the level of education of the student body and the next tasks. The form of the linear-chronological plan is as follows:


    Day of the week profile April
    30th week 31st week Week 32 Week 33
    Monday. Student Education Day 1/4. Class meeting "Start of the last quarter" 8/4. Information "The World in a Week" 15/4. Correspondence trip "Across the Republic of Belarus" 22/4. Conversation "Culture News"
    Tuesday. Parents' Day. Wall Stamp Day 2/4. Parent meeting 9/4. Wall seal release 16/4. Parent consultation .23/4. Design of the “Learn to Learn” stand
    Wednesday. Student work files 3/4. Clearing the school yard from snow 10/4. Participation in a school competition of technical inventions .17/4. Preparing bird nests .24/4. Meeting with production
    Thursday. Working with class and school assets 4/4. Meeting with the organizers of sports sections 11/4. Consultation with KTD organizers for upcoming events 18/4. Conversation with activists of student associations (pioneers, scouts). .25/4. Individual assignments for students
    .Friday. Students' academic affairs 5/4. Conversation "Study conscientiously - a duty or a favor" 12/4. Cosmonauts Day (KVN, quizzes, conversations, shows, etc.) .19/4. Conference on the results of club and extracurricular activities .26/4. Day of Olympiads in subjects

    The list of events and profiles of the days of the week are shown conditionally. In addition, it is difficult to carry out all of them within one week. Therefore, during the week there may be days free from extracurricular subject and educational activities.

    Among other things, I would like to bring to your attention a plan of educational work that is used in some schools in Minsk.

    Plan of educational work of the class teacher.

    date Working with students Working with family
    General school
    General school

    It has become traditional for many class teacherscalendar-thematic plans . They also provide for the characteristics of the student body and educational tasks. The content of educational work for six months or the entire academic year is presented in the form of sections, the system of which reflects the main directions of educational work in the classroom:

    Organizational and pedagogical events.

    Cultivating a positive attitude in schoolchildren towards learning.

    Students' political outlook.

    Education of moral values ​​among schoolchildren.

    Preparing students for work and choosing a profession.

    Discipline and culture of student behavior.

    Physical culture and health of students.

    Environmental education.

    Free time for students.

    Working with parents and the public.

    For each of these sections, various forms and methods of work are selected.


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    FOR THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR

    class teacher of grades 1 and 3

    Lukyanchuk Galina Alexandrovna

    2016 -2017 academic year

    Explanatory note

    You must see yourself in children in order to help them become adults, you must accept them as a repetition of your childhood in order to improve yourself, you must, finally, live the life of children in order to be a humane teacher.


    Every year, we teachers face a problem low level development in young children school age basic interaction skills. The system will help develop primary school age students' communication, interaction and cooperation skills with peers and adults. The focus should be on instilling in children a friendly attitude towards people and a willingness to discuss problem situations and the ability to find constructive solutions.

    The educational system is an integral part of the children's team. It will allow the teacher to develop cognitive interest junior school student, will create conditions for the intellectual, moral, communicative, aesthetic self-expression of the student’s personality and his physical development.

    Goals and objectives educational work.

    PURPOSE OF EDUCATIONAL WORK:creating conditions for each individual’s independent, conscious way of existence, behavioral strategy, directions for self-realization and self-improvement in the context of human culture.


    Activating the creative potential of students;

    Continue and expand work on studying students’ personalities (creating student portfolios);

    Intensify activities methodological unification class teachers;

    Encourage class teachers to share best practices pedagogical experience, implementation of new pedagogical technologies into practice;

    Improve the system of educational work in classroom groups;

    Continue work to create conditions for the physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual development of children based on studying the personality of students, their interests, aspirations and desires;

    Improve the family education system; strengthen the role of the family in raising children and involve families in organizing the educational process at school;

    To increase the effectiveness of work to instill patriotism, love for the small homeland, and citizenship;

    Create conditions for self-realization of the personality of each student through further improvement of the system of additional education;

    Support creative activity students in all areas of activity, create conditions for the development of the school team through the KTD system.


    Improving the forms and methods of educational work.

    Study and implementation of new educational technologies.

    Increasing the level of efficiency of educational work through a control system.

    Improving the forms and methods of education through increasing the skills of class teachers.


    1. “I am a Man” (corresponds to moral, spiritual, family and intellectual educationand involves the education and upbringing of students’ personalities, the development of their individual, intellectual qualities, instilling skills in a culture of behavior, a culture of speech, a culture of communication, a legal culture, organizing work with families, studying family traditions, and instilling in students respect for family values, relationships, organizing joint activities of teachers and parents, carrying out acts of mercy, developing a tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities).

    2. “My Motherland” (corresponds to patriotic, civic and labor educationand involves organizing activities for the study of national traditions, ethnic cultures, the activities of children's public organizations, nurturing love for the native land, patriotic and civic feelings, participation in management educational process members of children's self-government, organization of labor and career guidance activities of students, education of hard work, work culture, economic education of adolescents).

    3. “For a healthy lifestyle” (corresponds to physical and environmental educationstudents and involves the organization of nature-conforming activities, the formation in students of a value-based attitude towards nature, people and their own health, the preservation and strengthening of moral, mental and physical health, the formation of the foundations of safety, the development of the school graduate’s ability to consciously lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in physical improvement, the organization of activities on promoting a healthy lifestyle, on preventing the use of psychoactive substances, organizing tourism, sports work, education of a harmoniously developed personality).

    4. “The world of beauty” (corresponds to aesthetic educationand involves organizing activities to develop aesthetic taste, creativity and inclinations based on familiarization with the outstanding artistic values ​​of domestic and world culture, the formation of abilities to perceive and understand beauty, enrichment spiritual world children through art and direct participation in creative activities).

    Expected results:

    • The child’s entry into a new social role, acquisition social status schoolboy.
    • Mastering the skills of a new type of activity - exercises.
    • Change in the student himself, his development as a result of educational activities.
    • Formation of basic educational abilities.
    • The desire to establish new relationships with peers and adults.
    • Building a model of a primary school student.

    Integrity, purposefulness and effectiveness of educational activities can only be ensured by the combined efforts of all participants in the educational process.

    Working with the class team, pedagogical support and support for schoolchildren

    Forms of work

    Job Objectives

    Working methods


    1. Develop and improve cognitive activity.
    2. Provide conditions for the formation of a class team.
    3. Bring up creative independence, organization.

    1. Thematic matinees.

    2. Story and role-playing games.

    3. Competitions, quizzes.

    4. Collective creative activities.

    5. Sports and intellectual games.

    6. Work in creative groups.

    7. Communication hours system.

    8. Excursions.

    9 . Individual conversations with schoolchildren.

    10. Visit to students’ families by the class teacher.


    1. Cultivate the ability to cooperate.
    2. Develop the ability to work in a group.
    3. Create a culture of communication with peers and teachers.


    1. Identify the abilities of each child.
    2. Provide assistance in conflict situations.

    Forms of work

    Job Objectives

    Implementation methods


    1. Coordinate the approaches of teachers and families to raising children.
    2. Unite a group of parents.
    3. Conduct psychological and pedagogical education of parents.
    4. Create an atmosphere of cooperation between adults and children.
    1. Parent meetings.
    2. Organization and holding of holidays and class events.
    3. Joint work activity.
    4. Participation in creative activities of the class.
    5. Questionnaires.
    6. Open days.
    7. Work of the parents' club.
    8. Group and individual consultations.
    9. Conversations.
    10. Joint holidays.
    11. Joint trips.
    12. Family visits by the class teacher.
    13. Work of problem groups.


    1. Coordinate the work of parents, children and teachers to resolve various problems that arise during the educational process.
    2. Involve parents in the leisure activities of students.


    1. Provide assistance to parents in solving problems that arise in the process of upbringing and education.
    2. Assist parents in developing their child's individual abilities.



    Holiday "Hello School"


    Teacher's Day holiday


    Holiday "Mother's Day"


    New Year's performance at the Christmas tree


    Defender of the Fatherland Day

    Evening meeting



    Environmental cleanup days


    Holiday "Salute, Victory!"

    Last call holiday

    September – “Beautiful is the earth and man on it”

    Kind of activity

    1 week (01.09 -09.09)

    Week 2 (12.09-16.09)

    Week 3 (19.09 – 23.09)

    Week 4 (26.09 – 30.09)

    Working with the class teacher

    1) duty around the school with the class; (Tuesday Thursday)

    Decorating a classroom corner

    (state of awareness

    Students about the organization


    Process in the classroom).

    MO of class teachers

    " Forms for planning educational work in school and class for the 2016-2017 academic year "
    (school administration, deputy for HR Vakhnina T.S.)

    Traditional events"World of Beauty"

    First Bell Holiday(poems 1st grade)

    Knowledge lesson. (Classroom hour with visiting parents)

    Take part in the concert dedicated to the Day teachers.

    In the “Autumn Fantasies” competition, in the issue of a congratulatory newspaper.

    "For a healthy lifestyle"

    Class hours, activities to prevent road traffic injuries, fire safety as part of Children's Safety Month

    "I am human"

    Class hour: "Laws school life. Rights and responsibilities of students."

    "My motherland" (civic-patriotic, labor education)

    Working with parents

    Participation of parents and the public in the “Day of Knowledge”.

    Parents' meeting "Prevention of illegal actions against minors"

    Organization of the work of the family club "Ochag"


    Studying the demand for additional education clubs.

    Additional education

    Visit rural library. (3rd grade)

    Visit to the village library. (1 class)

    October – “Knowledge is power!

    Kind of activity

    1 week(03.10 -07.10)

    Week 2 (10.10 – 14.10)

    Week 3 (10/17-10/21)

    Week 4(24.10 – 31.10)

    Working with class teachers

    Preparing for Teacher's Day

    Meeting of the Moscow class teachers. Topic "Interaction of the school with social partners in the development of socially significant competencies of students"

    Day camps

    Traditional events

    "World of Beauty"(artistic and aesthetic direction)

    Concert for Teacher's Day “Teacher, in your name...”.

    Self-Government Day.

    Project competition “Autumn Fantasies” (classroom teachers)

    "For a healthy lifestyle"

    (physical, environmental education, formation of safety principles)

    Participation in the autumn sports competition "Mini-football"

    TB instruction for the autumn holidays.

    "I am human" (moral, spiritual, legal, intellectual education)

    To participate in international day smiles (October 1)"Smile of the Day" campaign

    Class hour “About children's friendship and choosing friends”

    international day school libraries (visit the school library)

    "My motherland" ( civic-patriotic, labor education)

    Exhibition of drawings "Grandmother next to grandfather»

    November – “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

    Kind of activity

    1 week (01.11 -04.11)

    Week 2 (07.11-12.11)

    Week 3 (14.11-18.11)

    Week 4 (11/21-11/30)

    School camp work

    Traditional events

    "World of Beauty"(artistic and aesthetic direction)

    Week of drawing and poster competition

    “I choose health” grades 1-7 (drawings)

    Preparing for the concert

    Take part in the concert “Thank you, dear mothers!”

    Drawing competition, photo competition “Today is Mother’s Day”

    "For a healthy lifestyle"

    (physical, environmental education, formation of safety principles)

    " Composition of tobacco smoke and its effects on the human body"

    Class hour “I choose sport”

    "Caution! Flu!

    Conversation with medical worker schools.

    "I am human" (moral, spiritual, legal, intellectual education)

    Project “Beauty of my village”

    (2-9 grades)

    "My motherland"

    Event “National Unity Day”

    (Obukhov E. B.)

    Working with parents

    Consultations for parents on social, legal and psychological issues.

    School-wide parent meeting

    Family club "Ochag": "Mom's school"


    Monitoring parent participation in school-wide and classroom activities.

    December – “Hello, hello, New Year!”

    Kind of activity

    1 week(1.12-09.12)

    Week 2 (12.12-16.12)

    Week 3(12/19-12/23)

    Week 4(26.12 – 30.12)

    The work of the class teacher

    Drawing up a work plan during the winter holidays;

    Traditional events

    "The world of beauty» (artistic and aesthetic direction)

    Preparing for the New Year's holiday:

    Father Frost's Workshop

    Take part in the preparation of the New Year's holiday

    Festive decoration of school, classroom.

    New Year's concert

    "For a healthy lifestyle"

    (physical, environmental education, formation of safety principles)

    World AIDS Day

    Prevention of HIV infection and problems associated with it.

    Conversation “Beware of fire!”visiting the fire station.

    Instructions for the winter holidays

    "I am human" (moral, spiritual, legal, intellectual education)

    "My motherland" (civic-patriotic, labor education

    " Constitution day ". Themed classroom hours

    Working with parents

    1. Involving parents in participating in New Year's holidays;
    2. Involving parents in organizing holidays during the winter holidays

    Work with documents

    Analysis of educational work with the class for the 1st half of the year

    Additional education

    District competitions

    January – “Christmas Carols”

    Kind of activity

    1 week(02.01-06.01)

    Week 2 (09.01-13.01)

    Week 3(16.01-20.01)

    Week 4(23.01-27.01)

    The work of the class teacher

    Speech at the international education program “Creating an educational environment for the intellectual self-development of students”

    Traditional events

    "The world of beauty» (artistic and aesthetic direction)

    "For a healthy lifestyle"

    (physical, environmental education, formation of safety principles)

    Take part in a chess and checkers tournament

    "Who will win?"

    “Cheerful pedestrians” activity – relay race (grades 1-4)

    "I am human" ( moral, spiritual, legal, intellectual education)

    Courtesy Day.

    Cool hours “Fortune telling, carols...”

    "My motherland" (civic-patriotic, labor education

    Working with parents

    Family club “Ochag”: “One late evening the girls were wondering... Family happiness... what is it?”

    Additional education

    February – “Raising Patriots”

    Kind of activity

    1 week(30.01-03.02)

    Week 2(06.02-10.02)

    Week 3(13.02-17.02)

    Week 4(20.02-24.02)

    The work of the class teacher

    Traditional events

    "World of Beauty"(artistic and aesthetic direction)

    Release of wall newspapers “Heroes of the Russian Federation”

    Review of formations and songs.

    "For a healthy lifestyle"

    (physical, environmental education, formation of safety principles)

    "I am human" (moral, spiritual, legal, intellectual education)

    Reading competition “Young Talent”»

    "My motherland" (civic-patriotic, labor education

    Action “Week of Good Deeds”.

    Cool watch for juniors

    “What do we call Motherland? The house we live in!

    In-school control

    Working with parents

    Involving parents in events dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day;

    Additional education

    Regional competitions, competitions, online competitions

    March – “We welcome spring – we celebrate the family!”

    Kind of activity

    1 week(27.03-03.03)

    Week 2(06.03-10.03)

    Week 3(13.03-17.03)

    Week 4(20.03-24.03)

    The work of class teachers

    Drawing up a work plan during spring break;

    Traditional events

    « World of beauty" (artistic and aesthetic direction)

    Preparation of the Festive Concert A

    Issue of congratulatory newspapers

    Assistance in stand design Stand design « School history »

    "For a healthy lifestyle"

    (physical, environmental education, formation of safety principles)

    Spring Break Instructions

    "I am human" (moral, spiritual, legal, intellectual education)

    Take part in the Illustrated Essay Competition "Me and My Family"

    Project competition “Journey into your family’s past”

    "My motherland" (civic-patriotic, labor education

    Working with parents

    Involving parents in creating a child's pedigree

    Parent meeting “Psychology of needs: reasonable needs and pseudo-needs”

    Additional education

    Regional competitions, Internet Olympiads

    April – “The earth is the home in which we live!”

    Kind of activity

    1 week(03.04-07.04)

    Week 2(10.04-14.04)

    Week 3(04/17-04/21)

    Week 4(04/24-04/28)

    The work of the class teacher

    Preparation for the school-wide project “Earth Day”

    MO of class teachers. “Summing up the work of the class teachers’ education department for the 2016-2017 school year. year” – work analysis. Report on self-education topics.

    “Priorities of work of class teachers for the next academic year” - drawing up a draft work plan for the Moscow Region for the next academic year"

    Traditional events

    « World of beauty"(artistic and aesthetic direction)

    Festival of photo reports "Our class"

    "For a healthy lifestyle"

    (physical, environmental education, formation of safety principles)

    Release of wall newspapers "Fire is a friend. Fire is an enemy"

    School-wide project “Earth Day” (grades 1-9)

    Environmental cleanup days

    All-Russian life safety lesson (together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations)

    "I am human" (moral, spiritual, legal, intellectual education)

    "My motherland" (civic-patriotic, labor education

    Class hour “Raise your head!”(Cosmonautics Day)

    Working with parents

    Identification of summer employment of children at risk

    Parents' meeting "Main directions of the school's activities for the 2017-2018 academic year"


    Monitoring of parents' attendance at parent-teacher meetings.

    Work with documents

    Additional education

    District competitions

    May – “Vivat, Victory!”

    Kind of activity

    1 week(01.05-05.05)

    Week 2(08.05-12.05)

    Week 3(15.05-19.05)

    Week 4(05/22-05/31)

    The work of the class teacher

    Organization of summer employment for students.

    Reports on educational work done with the class

    Traditional events

    "World of Beauty"(artistic and aesthetic direction)

    Victory Day.

    Participation in the festive procession dedicated to Victory Day.

    Take part in the holiday “Ring, My Last Bell”

    "For a healthy lifestyle"

    (physical, environmental education, formation of safety principles)

    Health Day

    Instructions on life and health protection during the holidays.

    "I am human" (moral, spiritual, legal, intellectual education)

    Fair-exhibition of creativity


    Photo competition “My Family”

    "My motherland" (civic-patriotic, labor education

    Working with parents

    Participation of parents in the Decade of Glory.


    Survey of students about employment during the summer holidays

    1. Law of Truth.

    The truth is needed not only by you, but also by those around you. Be truthful.

    2. The Law of Good.

    Be kind to your neighbor, and goodness will return to you.

    3. Law of Care.

    Before demanding attention to yourself, show it to others.

    4. Law of Love.

    Love is one of the oldest and most respected feelings. Don't be shy about her.

    5. Law of Mercy.

    You feel good today, but others may feel bad - don’t forget about them.

    6. Law of Memory.

    A people who has forgotten their history will die. Remember your people and your history.

    7. Law of Respect.

    If you want to be respected, respect others.

    8. Law of Old Age.

    Remember: old age is respected among all nations. Be civilized.

    9. Law of Freedom.

    Be free and defend your freedom, without forgetting the freedom of others.

    10. Law of Courage.

    Yesterday you were afraid, but today you are in our team: be brave.


    Dealing with late students and finding out the reasons for student absence.

    Organization of duty in the classroom. Individual work with students.


    1 Checking student diaries.

    2 Carrying out activities in the classroom (according to plan).

    3 Work with parents (depending on the situation).

    4 Work with subject teachers (as appropriate).

    5 Meeting with a paramedic regarding student illness certificates.

    Every month:

    Attending classes in your class.

    Meeting with parent activists.

    Work planning meeting (as scheduled).

    Once every quarter:

    1 Classroom designmagazine based on the results of the quarter.

    2. Correction of the educational work plan for the new quarter.

    3 Conducting a parent meeting.

    Once a year:

    Holding an open event. Registration of personal files of students. Analysis and preparation of a class work plan. Class Statistics

    Laws of raising a child in the family.

    1. The law of unity of demands of father and mother.
    2. The law of the importance of praise for a child.
    3. The law of difficult participation of each family member in the life of the whole family.
    4. The law of separation in equally material goods between adults and children.

    The student has the right:

    • to respect your dignity;
    • open expression of one’s opinion regarding the life of the school, but cannot humiliate anyone’s dignity;
    • participation in extracurricular and extracurricular activities;
    • represent the school in competitions, shows, competitions and other events;
    • to openly and immediately assess his knowledge and skills, to receive grades in each subject solely in accordance with his knowledge;
    • for advance notification of the timing and scope of written tests;
    • be rewarded for your educational work and socially useful activities.

    The student is obliged:

    • persistently and creatively master the basics of science and self-education skills, apply the acquired knowledge in life;
    • participate in socially useful work, master the sciences of the chosen profile, observe discipline, safety rules;
    • actively participate in the social life of the class and school, protect and multiply best traditions schools;
    • engage in physical training, prepare yourself for the defense of the Fatherland;
    • respect parents, take care of family members;
    • be attentive and prudent to others;
    • be intolerant of bad habits, immoral and antisocial acts;
    • take care of your appearance: dress modestly and tastefully, wear the prescribed uniform at school, behave correctly and tactfully;
    • know and follow the rules of road safety, fire safety and behavior on the water; be able to provide medical assistance.

    Behave like this towards others

    How you wanted to be treated.

    1. When entering school, say hello, calling your friends by name, and your elders by their first name and patronymic.
    2. Change your shoes.
    3. Carefully fold your things and put your outerwear in the wardrobe.
    4. Don't run, don't scream.
    5. Talk respectfully to your comrades and elders.
    6. Greet everyone who comes to school warmly.
    7. Watch your speech, do not use swear words.
    8. Keep the school comfortable, don’t let school property be damaged, don’t litter.

    9. Observe the basic rules of behavior in the dining room, buffet: do not push, do not throw bread, sit calmly at the table, eat carefully, put away the dishes.

    1. commandments to parents
    1. Don't expect your child to be the way you want. Help him become not you, but himself.
    2. Don't think that the child belongs to you, he is not your property.
    3. Don't ask your child to pay for everything you do for him. You gave him life as he can

    thank you: he will give life to another, and he will give life to a third.

    1. Do not take out your grievances on your child, so that in old age you do not eat bitter bread, for what you sow is what will come back.
    2. Don’t look down on his problems: the hardships in life are given to everyone within their strength, and be sure that he

    the weight is no less than yours. Or maybe more, because he doesn't have a habit.

    1. Never humiliate a child!

    7. Don't torture yourself if you can't do something for your child.

    1. Learn to love someone else's child. Never do to someone else what you would not want others to do to yours.
    2. Don't deceive your child about anything!

    10. Love your child in any way: untalented, unsuccessful, adult. When communicating with him, rejoice, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

    Information about students' parents.

    Last name, first name



    Name Patronymic name

    (mother) or persons replacing her

    Place of work (mother) or those replacing her

    Name Patronymic name

    (father) or persons replacing him

    Place of work (father) or persons replacing him

    Home address, telephone





