Features of teaching computer science in primary school. Forms and methods of teaching computer science in primary school Methods of creative teaching of computer science in primary school

Methods of teaching computer science in primary school

A.A. Sokolov

Head: Ph.D., Associate Professor N.N. Ustinova

GOU VPO "Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute", Shadrinsk

The initial course of teaching computer science is the most important stage in the general educational preparation of schoolchildren. Its goals go far beyond the standard framework of forming elements of information culture. There is a pervasive principle of computer science at play here. In the process of teaching language and mathematics, music and reading, concepts, methods and means of computer science are used and studied, which are naturally intertwined with the goals and objectives of primary education.

The main goals of the propaedeutic computer science course in primary school can be briefly formulated as follows:

formation of the beginnings of computer literacy;

development of logical thinking;

development of algorithmic skills and systematic approaches to problem solving;

formation of basic computer skills (familiarity with a computer, with basic concepts from the field of information technology).

In computer science lessons in elementary school, under the conditions of a regular class-lesson system, teachers successfully use the following methods and forms of teaching, which make it possible to effectively build the educational process taking into account the specific characteristics of the student’s personality:

work in groups;

gaming techniques;

information minutes;

heuristic approach.

One of the most commonly used methods is game.

In computer science lessons in the lower grades, the teacher is always forced to create his own new, combined type of game, based on a role-playing game. For example, to strengthen the skills of selecting an object based on its properties from a given set, you can play the following game. The whole class is divided into groups. Each group is given a set of pictures (for example, cat, sugar, bandage, salt, tap). Children must come up with a fairy tale-game, as a result of which one of the objects of the proposed set will be eliminated, while they play the roles of “cat”, “sugar”, etc. Different groups of children may give different answers, for example, a cat - Living being or sugar - consists of two syllables.

The teacher’s task is to help children perform a mini-performance ( role-playing game), the purpose of which is to isolate an object from a given population. At the end of the game, the teacher must analyze it, note which group correctly solved (played) the task, who successfully played their role, whose idea (the simulated world) was the most interesting, etc.

In computer science lessons in primary school, so-called active learning methods are often used. Here are some examples of the use of active learning methods in computer science lessons. In elementary school, children can expand their understanding of the structure of a personal computer through informational minutes. It is better to choose the main form of information minutes group discussion, in which the teacher performs guiding and coordinating functions. From the very beginning, students should understand the meaning of the phrase “informational minute”: a minute is a time limit, informational - we learn new information. The book “Your Friend the Computer” by V. Agafonov can be taken as a basis for holding these minutes. A text file is created with poetic text, divided into certain “portions”, each of which corresponds to a story about the new device. At the first lesson, all schoolchildren received a drawing depicting the main devices of a computer. At each of the subsequent lessons there is a certain “portion” of text with explanations from the teacher. At home, the children paste these fragments of the poem into a separate notebook or notebook, and at the end of the semester, each student will have a book made with their own hands, telling about the purpose of personal computer devices. It combines two methods - discussion and the project method.

But the project method can also be used as an independent teaching method. The project method is the creation of some result that can be obtained by solving a particular practically or theoretically significant problem. This result can be seen, comprehended, and applied in real practical activities.

You can use elements of the project method starting from the second grade. When teaching children to work with the Paint graphic editor, they are offered the following tasks: the topic of the drawing they must create is discussed, techniques and tools for carrying out the work are discussed.

In third grade, when learning a word processor, children are offered projects on the topic “Greeting Card.”

Heuristic method.

The heuristic method, used to develop logical and algorithmic thinking, is very similar to the game method with the huge difference that the initiative for the course of the lesson is completely in the hands of the teacher. Students are “passive players.”

The purpose of the heuristic method is to create a personal educational product (algorithm, fairy tale, program, etc.). Let's consider how this method can be used in computer science lessons in primary school.

In the heuristic method, we can distinguish five main stages in organizing students’ activities in the lesson:



creating your own product;



The motivation stage aims to involve all students in the discussion of familiar algorithms or the actions of familiar performers.

At the second stage, a task is set. Students are asked to choose performers who could solve the task (the choice is made by discussing the capabilities of each performer).

The third (main) stage is that students must create (with the help of the teacher) their own personal educational product, usually an algorithm for solving a given problem for a selected performer.

The fourth stage consists of demonstrating student products in class or at special creative defenses.

At the reflection stage, students evaluate their activities and the result of their work.

The following teaching methods are also used in computer science lessons in primary school:

, oral responses. As an example, here is a test in verse “Rhyming Keys”:

To control your knowledge

We will print the letters.

If you know the keyboard,

You won't waste time!

To write more,

We need to...... press; (1)

To get the little one,

And there is another option.

We need a lot of talent here.

We write a capital letter.

Do exactly what you hear: hold on, don't let go (3)

And press the letter!

We learned to print

Very nice job!

Knowledge must be consolidated -

Learn the keyboard!

Switch to Russian font

They will help us......and......! (4)

Wrote a proposal -

Oh, how difficult, oh, torture!

We made a little mistake -

And we got an error.

What should we do now?

Only...... will help us! (5)

Make a mistake

you are a cursor

And......press – (5)

This letter will disappear in an instant,

It's like she's lost somewhere!

Del has an alternative.

This is the key......! (6)

Character to the left of the cursor

Removes instead of litter!

You know a lot now!

Check yourself quickly.

Tired of being bored while sitting?

Get down to business quickly!

Press the desired symbol

And correct the mistake!

Now we'll figure it out

The situation is like this:

Instead of one key

We accidentally click on another one!

(After all, such a problem

Happens sometimes?) -

An unexpected request appeared on the screen.

What, the computer turned off?

What should we do? Here's the question!

Which key to press

To “save” and “escape”

From this situation?

Let's be patient:

Key……maybe (7)

Will canceling the request help?

Everyone jump to the end of the line

...... will help without any problems! (8)

And to get to the beginning,

We urgently need to......press! (9)

On another line, maybe

…… will it help to move? (10)

Print number

You can use ...... p: (11)

The indicator lights up - feel free ...... press, (12)

The indicator has turned off - cheerfully...... blinking. (13)

If you want, look at the text -

This is the key……. (14)

– Oh, there’s so much text here!

How can I watch it all?

- So as not to bother yourself,

Scroll page by page

Can we start it from the beginning?

Or from the end, if it’s not enough!

Look at the keys -

…… - up, (15)

…… - down.(16)

And now there is another task.

May luck help you!

Let's finally make the switch

From insert mode to replace mode!

Who is a computer expert?

He will immediately press......! (17)

We can do everything now!

The door to the world of miracles is open!

We will enter any text into the computer,

Let's print it out.

If you have a desire to learn,

It's not difficult at all!

Caps Lock. 2. Caps Lock. 3. Shift. 4. Ctrl and Shift. 5. Del 6. Backspace. 7. Esc. 8. End. 9. Nome. 10.Enter. 11. Num Lock. 12. Numbers. 13. Cursor. 14.F3. 15. Page Up. 16. Page Down. 17.Insert.

    exercises– problem solving.

Since in elementary school children’s thinking is visual-effective and visual-figurative, the entire conceptual apparatus of computer science should be accompanied by demonstrations and experiments. This refers to such concepts as information, characteristics of information, coding of information, etc. This contributes to better perception, understanding and memorization educational material.

In the elementary grades, in the process of teaching computer science, stimulation methods are also used: counting rhymes, riddles, crosswords, poems, puzzles, the same game. For example, a riddle in verse

There is a network of networks in the world.

It's very interesting with her.

People all need it

The network is very important to the world.

What kind of network? Find the answer.

The network is called ……… (Internet)

At the same time, younger schoolchildren easily master new terminology with pleasure.


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Pedagogy and didactics Computer science how academic subject

has been introduced into the school since 1985. This course was called “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science.” A team of authors, including A.P. Ershov and V.M. Monakhov, a textbook was created for the school. Its main idea is to teach schoolchildren the basics of algorithmization and programming.

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Approved at a meeting of the department The program was compiled in accordance with KRASNOYARSK STATE UNIVERSITY Dean of Psychological and Pedagogical educational standards Higher PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL FACULTY of the Faculty of O.G. Smolyaninova ________ vocational education for the DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OF EDUCATION September 5, 2003 bachelor's degree in the direction of "Pedagogy" "Approved" by the dean of the psychological and pedagogical faculty Author-compiler E.V. Dostovalova O.G. Smolyaninova _________________ “___” ______________ 2003 Methods of teaching computer science in elementary school: Working. Program / Krasnoyarsk. state University; Auto-stat. E.V. Dostovalov. – Krasnoyarsk, 2003. – 12 p. (express edition) Intended for undergraduate studies in the direction 540600 “Pedagogy” full-time METHODS OF TEACHING COMPUTER SCIENCE forms of education IN PRIMARY SCHOOL Working programm disciplines Published by decision of the editorial and publishing department of Krasnoyarsk State University for undergraduate studies in the direction 540600 “Pedagogy” full-time training © E.V. Dostovalova, 2003 © Krasnoyarsk State University, 2003 Krasnoyarsk 2003 1 2 EXPLANATORY NOTE information technologies, but also to teach children computer science in a quality manner, taking into account psychological characteristics children of this age, as well as to form sustainable Informatics in primary schools has been presented since 2002/2003 school year like skills effective application the computer as a didactic tool in its own separate subject, with its own method of study, having its own professional activity. structure and content that are inextricably linked with the minimum content of the subject “Computer Science and Information Technology” in basic school. It is recommended that primary school teachers teach computer science in grades 2-4. The goals of teaching computer science in primary school are the formation of initial ideas about the properties of information, ways of working with it, in particular using a computer. Psychological readiness in primary school. Computer science education should begin in elementary school. At this age, children more easily grasp the basic concepts of computer science and gain practical computer skills. New information technologies in education, combined with traditional means, contribute to the development of the child as a creative personality. Computerization success educational process largely depends on the competence of teachers, and no less than on the quality of the technical means and content used computer programs . Specialists capable of teaching quality education to young children school age basic subjects of the school curriculum, using new information technologies, as well as introducing children into the complex world of modern computer science, it is necessary to specially prepare. These specialists must be well versed in child psychology, have a good command of methodological techniques for teaching children of primary school age, and be specialists in the field of information technology. and computer science not only competently teach their basic subjects, widely using modern 3 4 Curriculum and thematic plan COURSE CONTENT (modular approach) Volume of hours: Section 1. Subject of methods of teaching computer science in primary school 7th semester - 90 teaching hours; The section examines the issue of fundamental and applied aspects of the 8th semester - 40 academic hours. computer science. The need for teaching computer science in primary schools is analyzed. Goals and objectives are identified this course. The reasons for the authors' choice are described, including the types of main topics studied in this course. No. Total Names of sections and topics of classes 1.1. The need to introduce the basics of computer science in primary school. Learning objectives p/n hours Lectures Seminars in computer science in primary school. General educational and general cultural significance of the course 1. Subject of methods of teaching computer science in primary school computer science 1.2. Instructional planning of the subject in primary grades. Goals and objectives of teaching The need to introduce the basics of computer science in computer science in primary school. Coordinating and directing role of the teacher in primary school. The goals of teaching computer science in primary school when mastering computer literacy 1.1 2 2 in primary school. General education and 1.3. Different approaches to teaching computer science in primary school. Basic general cultural significance of the computer science course directions and development prospects Instructional planning of the subject in the primary grades. Goals and objectives of teaching computer science in primary schools Section 2. Organization of teaching computer science in primary school 1.2. classes. Coordinating and guiding role 2 2 A presentation of the entire set of propaedeutic course is given. Information about teachers in primary school when mastering a set of workbooks, tests And methodological manuals for each computer literacy class in elementary school. Different approaches to teaching computer science in 2.1. Age-related psychophysiological characteristics of studying computer science in children 1.3. primary school. Main directions and 4 2 2 development prospects for preschool and primary school age 2.2. Textbooks in computer science and course software as components Total 8 6 2 parts of a single educational and methodological complex. Analysis teaching aids in computer science 2. Organization of computer science training in primary schools for junior school . Characteristics and composition software initial course teaching the course Age-related psychophysiological characteristics 2.3. Construction of a lesson in elementary school. Types and forms of conducting a lesson: game, 2.1. studying computer science in preschool children and 2 2 visual material, algorithmic sketches, practical and theoretical parts of the lesson, primary school age notebooks for junior schoolchildren in computer science Textbooks in computer science and software 2.4. Optional courses in computer science, interdisciplinary elective courses to support the course as components of a single educational computer base. Extracurricular work in computer science in primary school methodological complex. Analysis of textbooks for 2.2. computer science for primary school. Characteristics and 30 8 22 Section 3. Methodology for studying individual topics composition of the initial course software 3.1. Block “Algorithmic models” of computer science. General methodological issues Teaching the topic in the first and second grade of teaching the course This block discusses issues related to the actions of subjects, Construction of a lesson in elementary school. Types and forms of sequence of events, order of actions. Based on the children’s knowledge of the lesson: games, visual material, the concepts of “equal”, “unequal”, “more”, “less”, teach children to compare groups 2.3. algorithmic studies, practical and theoretical 10 4 6 subjects by quantity. Pay attention to acquiring the skills to use part of the lesson, a notebook for younger students on the concepts of “left” and “right” on paper. Dictations by cells. Particular attention to children who are left-handed in computer science. Develop a methodology for working with such children: individual work , work in Optional courses in computer science, couples, work at home. Pay attention to the correct image by children 2.4. computer-based interdisciplinary elective courses. 8 2 6 sequence of events to perform an order of actions. This is very important for extracurricular work in computer science in elementary school with algorithms in the future. This is where the foundations are laid. In second grade, repeating Total 50 16 34 material from 1st grade, introduce children to algorithms. Pay attention to result 3. Methodology for studying individual topics of algorithm execution. Teach how to compose and execute algorithms, as well as teach children 3.1. Block “Algorithmic models” 18 6 12 find errors in the compiled algorithm and correct them. As homework 3.2. Block “Models of objects and classes” 18 6 12 instruct the children to create any algorithm themselves that describes any household chores 3.3. Block “Logical reasoning and their description” 18 6 12 (cooking cutlets, washing, cleaning the apartment, washing, etc.). 3.4. Block “Building Models” 18 6 12 When analyzing “branching”, it is good to give examples from the lives of the children themselves: crossing the street, weather forecast, completed homework, etc., let the children themselves give these Total 72 24 48 examples, the teacher should only help to depict them in the form of a diagram. nesting of algorithms; The prospect of teaching the topic in the 5th grade - the dependence of the results of executing algorithms on the initial situation; Acquaintance with objects and their attributes, with the state of objects, with classes. Methods algorithm parameters; classes, definitions and rules by which a class method is composed. In 5th grade, children have different ways of assigning a cycle. must gain theoretical knowledge regarding objects and classes, must know Assignments are offered to complete simple algorithms, as well as to fulfill the definition. algorithm that is inverse to a given algorithm. At the same time, algorithms appear in the assignments with more abstract “plots” and “characters” than in the third grade, i.e. To carry out the test, you can first give students the task of drawing up, obtaining or selecting a drawing, coloring geometric shapes, conversion from any open lesson according to the material covered, material with numbers, words and pictures, encryption and decoding of words, etc. are especially suitable for this. Generalizing lessons should be summarized. For credit, you can propose to summarize all the knowledge, abilities and skills of students. which children should acquire on this topic at the end of the first, second, third or Perspective for teaching the topic in the 5th grade of the fourth grade. Offer your assignments for studying this topic in elementary school. Introduction to variables in the algorithm. Acquiring skills in working with parameters in 3.3. Block “Logical reasoning” algorithms. In the 5th grade, children should receive theoretical knowledge relating to Teaching topics in the first and second grades of algorithms and quantities, should know definitions, be able to construct and perform more Teach children to distinguish between , be able to give the opposite of complex algorithms with branching and looping. meaning of the word. It is important to teach a child to distinguish logical statements from others. Test on the topic “Algorithms” of sentences, give examples of statements. Based on the drawing, determine the truth or To conduct a test, you can first give students the task of composing false statements. any open lesson on the material covered, the material is especially suitable for this. It is necessary to explain to children what “denial” is and show the possibility as generalizing lessons. For testing, you can propose to summarize all knowledge, skills and abilities, negatives, use words that are opposite in meaning or the particle “not”, especially which children should acquire on this topic at the end of the first, second, third or in cases where the word does not have an opposite meaning the meaning of another word. Serious fourth grade. Offer your assignments for studying this topic in elementary school. The concepts of “truth” and “false” deserve attention, as well as the ability to construct true and 3.2. Block “Models of objects and classes” false sentences. separate pieces of paper and format it as false statement creative works . To solve the riddles and teawords invented by children in teaching the topic in the third grade, you can spend one or two lessons, and then prepare a stand Using the material of this block, you can make films or other visual aids for school or for parents. The second important issue is the concept of “general and for more effective development. special”, filling out the corresponding tables. Children’s mastery of this topic will allow them to analyze more complex options. relative position sets, construction and further talk about a compound address, a search engine, will help children distinguish between different graphs and teach them to rebuild graphs based on the results of relevant tasks. main and secondary. Pay attention to the use of quantifier words, the importance of pronunciation. Teaching the topic in the fourth grade to children of sentences describing the arrangement of sets and elements in them using Here we should talk not only about an object, but also about a class of objects. Rules for creating quantifier words. information model to describe . Since the number of elements that a person can consider at the same time is limited, 7 8 Tips for introducing logical operations “AND”, “OR”, “NOT” and the connection of these operations with FORMS OF CONTROL operations on sets comes to the rescue. Particular attention should be paid to the “if-then” rule, to the direct and possible reverse use of this rule. Learn to build chains. At the end of the 7th semester - a test, at the end of the 8th semester - an exam. such rules, create reasoning schemes from “if-then” rules and draw conclusions based on the reasoning scheme. Sample list of questions for the exam Prospects for teaching the topic in 5th grade Introducing the logical operations “AND”, “OR”, “NOT”. The use of simple and 1. The goals of teaching computer science in elementary school. complex statements. The ability to construct an “if-then” rule and build on it 2. General educational and general cultural significance of the computer science course. a chain of reasoning to obtain the correct conclusion based on given facts. In the 5th grade 3. Instructional planning of the subject in the primary grades. children should receive theoretical knowledge regarding logical reasoning, should 4. Goals and objectives of teaching computer science in primary school. know the definitions. 5. Different approaches to teaching computer science in primary school. encryption - deciphering texts, searching for objects by coordinates). 13. Optional courses in computer science, interdisciplinary elective courses on teaching topics in the third grade based on computers. complex systems creative imagination students, for tasks in which it is necessary to use fantasy techniques to invent unusual characters and The exam tests three main aspects of knowledge, skills, skills of new fairy tales. informatization of school education at the present stage. additional (unusual) actions of the subject, linking them with a specific feature of this 2. Content and methodology for presenting specific sections of the computer science course in the subject or its component. primary school. Test on the topic “Building Models” 3. Understanding the functional, didactic purpose of software tools To carry out the test, you can first give students the task of compiling support for an computer science course in elementary school and practical knowledge of any open lesson on the material covered, the material with these tools is especially suitable for this VT office. general lessons. For the test, you can propose to summarize all the knowledge, skills and abilities. During the exam, you must demonstrate: which children should acquire on this topic at the end of the first, second, third, or the ability to plan lessons for each section of the fourth-grade course program. Offer your assignments for studying this topic in elementary school., characterize the features of the presentation methodology (logical and didactic analysis of educational material); create a detailed script (outline) for a particular lesson. 9 10 EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE COURSE 20. Gutman G.N., Karpilova O.M. 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Projects on computer science in elementary school // 1997 Computer science and education. - 1998. - No. 7. - P.10-15. 19. Goryachev A.V., Lesnevsky A.S. Computer science course program for grades 1 - 9 high school// 1997 - No. 7 - P. 12. 11 12 Methods of teaching computer science in elementary school Elena Viktorovna Dostovalova Editor I.A. Weisig Proofreading by the author Signed for publication on November 12, 2003. Uch.-ed.l. 0.7. Reproduced on electronic media Order 341 Release date 02/28/05 Internet address: www.lan.krasu.ru/studies/editions.asp Department of Information Resources of the Informatization Department of Krasnoyarsk State University 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Svobodny Ave., 79, room. 22-05, e-mail: [email protected] Publishing Center of Krasnoyarsk State University 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Svobodny Ave., 79, e-mail: [email protected] 13

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Article "Methods of teaching computer science in elementary school"

The article is designed for computer science teachers, and also primary school teachers.
This article reveals the importance of the subject of computer science in elementary school. Describes the main goals of teaching computer science in elementary school.

Methods of teaching computer science in elementary school.
Computer science in elementary school? Useful or not? Teachers sometimes ask themselves this question, and in order to no longer encounter such questions, it is necessary to find out the main goals of teaching computer science in elementary school!
Computer Science in Primary School- this is a special subject, every teacher should remember this during the study of which schoolchildren purposefully master the techniques and ways of working with information.
Goals of computer science education: formation general ideas schoolchildren about the information picture of the world, about information and information processes as elements of reality; acquaintance with basic system concepts of computer science at the level of formation of primary ideas; gaining experience in creating and converting texts, drawings, various types diagrams, graphs and graphs, information objects and models, etc. using a computer; development of the ability to build simple information models and use them in solving educational and practical problems, including when studying other school subjects; obtaining subject knowledge, skills and abilities, such as the ability to create simple texts and drawings using a computer, the ability to use electronic constructors and use a computer when testing, organizing educational games and relay races, searching for information in electronic reference books and encyclopedias, etc.; ensuring the preparation of junior schoolchildren to solve information problems at subsequent levels general education; nurturing the student’s ability to adapt to a rapidly changing information environment as one of the most important elements of a person’s information culture, along with the formation of general educational and general cultural skills in working with information.
Teaching computer science in elementary school will prepare students to independently use educational activities information sources, will develop basic computer skills, prepare for working with information using communications media, and expand the range of concepts and horizons of students in the field of ICT. Important, that practical tasks and the projects that students complete in a computer science course in elementary school will allow them to gain experience in learning activities using ICT tools and apply it when completing similar tasks in other subjects. Thus, this contributes to the entry of students into the information educational space, and this is a big plus for students!