Automation - individual lesson. Summary of a speech therapy lesson on sound automation. Development of articulatory motor skills

Prepared by teacher - speech therapist Lyudmila Genrievna Saltanova

State government institution of the Samara region

"Regional rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities"

1. Automation correct pronunciation sound “Ш” in words, phrases.
2. Development phonemic awareness.
3. Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis.
4. Activation and enrichment of the nominative vocabulary on the topic “Furniture”.
5. Development of the skill of word formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes.
6. Practical use of nouns in the genitive case.
7. Practical use of nouns in the singular plural form.
8. Development of spatial orientation on a plane.
9. Development of coherent speech.

Corrective goal: development visual perception, thinking, attention, memory.

Equipment: manual “Friends of Shipolina”, manual “Who is bigger?”; manual “Playing with the sound “Ш”; manual “What did the artist forget to draw?”; flannelograph on the topic “Furniture”; panel “Room”; manual “The Fourth Odd One”; manual “The Mice Came Out...”.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.

Speech therapist: This is Shipolina. Shipolina is glad that you have learned to pronounce the sound Ш correctly and wants to play with you.
Shipolina wants to introduce you to her friends who also know how to hiss. Let's hiss together: Sh-Sh-Sh...

Introductory part.
Clarification of the articulation of the sound “Ш”:

  • When we pronounce the sound “Ш”, the tip of the tongue is wide and rests on the upper teeth.
  • The lips are rounded and pushed forward.
  • The teeth are close together, the upper and lower ones are exposed.
  • The air stream is warm and flows along midline tongue, easily felt with the back of the hand raised to the mouth.
  • The sound “Ш” is consonant, dull, hard. The sound "Ш" lives in the letter "Ш".

Speech therapist: Help children launch balloon: sh-sh-sh.
Run your finger along the path along which the snake crawls: sh-sh-sh.
Show me how a goose hisses: shhhh...

Main part

1. Game “In the store!”
Speech therapist: Shipolina loves to go shopping. Guess what items she bought - find the rhyme!
Shock-shock-shock - bag
Ishka-ishka - bear, etc.

2. Game “Pick the sign”

Sample: Sewing...(machine), playful....(baby)...

3. Game “Who is bigger?”
Speech therapist: Shipolina drew pictures. In the pictures, her objects turned out to be the same size, but in reality this is not the case. Tell her which object is actually bigger and which is smaller.

4. Game “Pick up the action”
Speech therapist: Listen to the words and choose suitable pictures for them.
Sample: The snake (What is it doing?) hisses.

5. Game "Fourth wheel"
Speech therapist: Shipolina drew pictures for you. Name them, which picture is the odd one out, explain why! Ladle, cup, cracker, knife.

Benefit "The Fourth Wheel".

Physical exercise.
One day the mice came out (walking)
See what time it is. (palm to forehead, turn to the side)
One, two, three, four (clap)
The mice pulled the weights. (movement of hands from top to bottom)
Suddenly a terrible ringing sound was heard. (cover ears with hands)
The mice ran away. (run)

Main part

6. Game “Say the Word!”
Speech therapist: Shipolina invites you to her house.
What items will we see in her apartment? (Closet, chair, bedside table, hanger, stool, etc.)
How can they be called in one word? (FURNITURE)
Shipolina invites you to write a little poetry. I’ll start the poem, and you’ll finish it: you’ll say the last word!

Fluffy Vaska is a rogue and a hooligan -
He stole the sausage and lay down on my...(sofa)

It’s interesting to look at the pictures in the book,
Sitting down on a soft backrest...(chair)

If you're tired of playing,
Then you lie down on ... (bed)

Vasya jumped and galloped
And, of course, tired.
So that Vasya can rest
He needs to sit down on... (chair)

I look a little like a table
There are in the kitchen and in the hallway,
I'm rarely in the bedroom
And my name is.....(stool)

7. Game "One-many"
Speech therapist: I will name one piece of furniture, and you will name many.
I will say “cabinet”, and you will say “cabinets”, etc.

8. Game “Name the small object!”
Speech therapist: I will name the big object, and you will name the small one. For example, a closet is a locker. Etc.

9. Game “What’s missing?”
Speech therapist: Shipolina asked the artist to draw pictures. Only the artist always forgot to draw something. Help the artist, tell me what is missing in each picture.

The child needs to answer the question “what isn’t there?” by forming Genitive from the right words.

10. Game “Cleaning up the room!” (flannelograph, panel “Room”)
Speech therapist: Let's help Shipelochka clean up her room! Let's put all the items in their places! We'll put the dishes in the buffet. Books are on the shelf. etc.

Bottom line
Speech therapist: Our games with Shipolina are over. What sound did we play with? What games did you like best?

More on this topic:

Summary of individual speech therapy session on sound automation [Ш] for a child 5-6 years old

Ponomareva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher-speech therapist, MDOU " Kindergarten No. 166 “Swallow”, Saratov

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation [SH] “The Road for Masha”

Description of material: I offer you a lesson summary on sound automation [Ш] for older children preschool age(5-6 years old). This material will be useful to kindergarten speech therapists. This summary is for the stage of sound automation in syllables, words, sentences and poems. Form: individual lesson.
Equipment: Masha doll, box, object pictures with sound [Ш], pictures with tasks, illustrations for poems.
Target: sound automation [Ш]
a) correctional: to develop clear and differentiated movements of the articulatory apparatus; learn to pronounce the sound [Ш] in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences, poems; clarify the acoustic and pronunciation image of the sound [Ш],
b) developing: develop phonemic processes, memory, attention, motor skills; improve lexical and grammatical categories;
c) educational: to cultivate a desire to help a friend, a desire to speak beautifully and correctly, and to create positive motivation in class.

Progress of the lesson:
I. Organizational moment.

- On the way here, I met the doll Masha. She forgot the way home. Let's take her home to her mom? Okay, I just know which path we need to take. And to make it more fun, we will perform different tasks along the way.

II. Main part.
1. Articulation gymnastics.

- Let's teach Masha to do the following exercises:
“Fence/Tube” - 5 times.
“Delicious jam” - 5 times.
“Swing” - 10 times.
“Cup” - 10 seconds.
“Mushroom” - 5 seconds.
“Horse” - 5 times.

2. Repetition of articulation of sound [Ш]

- Look, it’s crawling along the path and hissing! Let's hiss just like him. Now move your finger along the path and hiss. Now move your pencil and don’t forget to hiss like a snake.
- Tell Masha how we pronounce the sound [Ш]. What do our tongue, lips, and teeth do when pronouncing the sound [Ш]? (lips are rounded, teeth are closed with a small gap, the tongue looks like a “cup” and is raised by the tubercles behind the upper teeth).

3. Automation of sound in syllables.
- Look, there are footprints on this path. Let's read what it says there.
Seams, seams, seams

4. Finger gymnastics.
"Little Frog"
Ring finger, middle finger,
I'll connect you with the big one.
I’ll bend the other two back,
I'll show you the little frog.

5. Automation of sound in words.
a) “Name the word and determine the place of the sound.”
- What is this box on the path? Look what's in it.
- Name the words and arrange the pictures accordingly: with the sound [Ш] at the beginning of the word, in the middle and at the end of the word. (Subject pictures: fur coat, chamomile, scarf, shirt, shower, wardrobe, cat, mouse, reeds, chess).
b) “Count.”
-Who is this sleeping in the clearing? (Cat). Who does a cat see in her dream? (Mice). Count how many mice the cat saw in her dream. (One mouse, two mice, three mice...)

6. Automation of sound in sentences.
- Match the action words with matching pictures. Make up and speak sentences. Let's find out what Masha did. (Masha ate a chocolate bar. Masha ate a pear. Masha ate a cherry. Masha washed a pear. Masha saw a school. Masha went up to the school. Masha was embroidering a pillow. Masha bought a chocolate bar. Masha was hemming her shorts. Masha was ironing her shorts.)

7. Automation of sound in poems.

The cockerel found the bag.
And there was a pot in the bag.
And there are peas in the pot
And a few crumbs.

Reeds rustled in the darkness.
The cat thought it was a mouse.
She ran into the reeds -
There is not a soul in the reeds.

III. Summarizing.
- But I see whose house is hidden behind the reeds. Here we are. Masha says thank you. You took her home and taught her to pronounce the sound [Ш]. How do we pronounce the sound [Ш]? Remember who we met along the way? Well done! Today you tried and pronounced the sound correctly and helped the doll Masha find her way home.

1. Correctional and educational:

Activation of the dictionary;
- development of lexical and grammatical structure;
- automation of the sound “Ш” in words, phrases and sentences.

2. Correctional and developmental:

Development phonemic hearing and phonemic awareness;
- development of speech-auditory attention, visual perception, thinking and memory;
- development of fine motor skills of the fingers;
- development of tactile perception.

3. Correctional and educational:

Formation of an emotionally favorable microclimate during classes;
- developing self-control skills.

Equipment: visual aid frog, envelope with a letter, mirror, task cards; subject pictures “Frog”, “Swamp”, subject pictures on the topic of the lesson, cut cards with syllables, sandbox.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

See if you have everything ready for class. Sit down. Today in class we will get to know one very “green person” better. Guess who:
The animal is jumping, not a mouth, but a trap.
Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap.
That's right, it's a frog.
Let's look at it carefully and select words-signs, i.e. those words that will answer us the question what? and help you describe the frog.
The frog is an amphibian, green, small, rough, shy.
Today our guest will help us do articulation gymnastics.

2. Articulation gymnastics

"Delicious jam."

3. Exercises to develop an air stream

Look, our frog caught a midge, let's help the insect fly away. Blow on the midge.
If you noticed, the frog brought an envelope with him, let's open it! And here is the letter, the little frogs gave it to us and told us about their story. Listen to him.

The story of the frogs.

Not far from the forest edge, in a small river, there lived little frogs... And then one day they decided to organize a competition and climb to the top of a tall chestnut tree. Many spectators gathered. The competition began... True, none of the spectators believed that the frogs would be able to climb to the top of the chestnut tree. The remarks were heard: “It’s too difficult! There’s no chance!” The little frogs began to fall. One by one, except for those who got their second wind, they jumped higher and higher... The crowd still shouted “Too hard!!! No one can do this!" Even more frogs got tired and fell. Only ONE rose higher and higher... Having made every effort, the little frog climbed to the top.

One participant asked how this little frog, who made it to the top, managed to find the strength in himself? It turns out that the winner was deprived of the ability to hear since childhood.
Why do you think only one frog reached the goal?
(child's answer)
The little frog reached the top because he did not hear the pessimism and negative mood of the audience. Don't forget the power of words. Always be positive!
I hope for your positive attitude during today's lesson.

4. Task “Remember the words”

After listening to the story, you probably heard words in which the sound “SH” was found. Remember them. (forest edge, in a small river, little frogs, decided, top, chestnut, too difficult, no chance, higher and higher, unable to hear)

5. Task “Repeat the rhymes”

Shka - shka - shka - the frog was jumping;
Shah - Shah - Shah - she hid in the reeds;
Shku-shku-shku - she caught a midge.

6. Task “Find objects”

As you probably already guessed, the frog lives in a small swamp. Look at the picture, find and name those objects surrounding the swamp whose names contain the sound Sh. (forest edge, chestnut, cones on a tree, fish, reeds, hut, midges, daisies)

7. Task “Daily routine”

Our frog in the swamp has a lot of worries: in the morning, hiding in the reeds, the frog catches midges, in the afternoon he basks in the sun, rides on a water lily and jumps along the river, and in the evening he drinks tea with buns and cheesecakes, listens to the wonderful song of a little bird.
Create a frog's daily routine using pictures.
(completing the task)

8. Task “Connect the words.”

Words are written in two columns, connect them in pairs so that you get the correct phrases:
The frog is beautiful
Sunny green
Little bird
Water lily affectionate
Midge tall
Reed fast
Small chestnut
old river

9. Exercise “Connect syllables into a word, find a picture”

The frog has several favorite objects, you can guess which ones if you connect the syllables correctly.

10. Task “New Word”

From the first syllables of the proposed words, make up a new word: driver, brownie, container.
(Water). What do you think it means? Who lives in it? Find the corresponding pictures. (fish, frogs, crayfish)

11. Isorhythmic “Sun”

Let's get some rest. I will read you a poem, and you do everything I say.
We draw a circle, one, two, three.
It's very round, look.
And from the circle, and from the circle
You will draw a lot of lines.
They are called rays.
What happened - do you know?

12. Insert the missing words into the text:

By the river, along….,
Past the plowed fields
They walked lazy.....
On a visit to…..yours.
(I. Demyanov)

13. Task “Match objects to signs”

Affectionate, big, hot (sunny)
Small, spruce, brown (cone)
Shallow, clear, quiet (river)
Beautiful, white, marsh (water lily)

14. Read the text, do sound-letter analysis highlighted words.

Chess and frogs.
Two little frogs were making noise and joking at the edge of the forest. A chess set was found near the chestnut frog tree. They went into the reeds so as not to be disturbed. Silence in the reeds: no noise, no whisper. The frogs were captivated by chess.
(completing the task)

Summary of the lesson.
Our lesson has come to an end. And if you were interested, take a cheerful frog with you, and if not, then take a sad one.

Ekaterina Frolova
Outline of an individual speech therapy lesson “Sound Automation [Ш]”

Outline of an individual speech therapy lesson« Sound automation [Ш]» .

Subject: « Sound automation [Ш]»

Child: Masha, 5 years old. 6 months, ONR (3rd level)

Target classes: Automation of the sound Ш in syllables, words and sentences.


Develop a forward movement of the lips, exposing the upper and lower teeth, strengthen the muscles of the lips and their mobility;

Practice upward movements of the tongue, developing its mobility. Contribute

stretching of the hyoid ligament;

Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the phoneme;

Develop fine motor skills fingers;

Clarify the articulatory and acoustic image sound Ш;

Specify characteristics sound;

Fix the graphic image of the letter Ш;

Formation of the ability to recognize a given sound in words, syllables, isolated;

Improve the dynamic organization of movements;

To develop skills in forming nouns with diminutive suffixes;

To teach the skills of coordinating numerals with singular nouns. and many more number;

Automate the sound Ш in text;

Develop auditory memory;

Develop verbal and logical thinking;

Form motivation for cognitive activity;

Fostering a positive emotional and value-based attitude towards others.

Equipment: Paper envelope with invitation, image of Little Raccoon, image of a basket with a jar of jam and bagels, sound path with the image of a snake, image of a forest house, image watchdog, box with letters, images of fabulous heroes: Chipolino, Pinocchio, Shapoklyak, Cheburashka, Malvina, Shrek, Vintik, Shpuntik, Funtik, Ball, image of a maze with daisies, a balloon.

Org. moment.

Speech therapist:

Hello, Masha! Today I received an envelope. Do you want to know what's in it?


Speech therapist: (opens the envelope, shows the invitation, reads it)

And it contains an invitation from Baby Raccoon: “I’m waiting for everyone in the forest house, let’s play and relax”. Shall we go visit?


Main part.

Speech therapist:

We will not go on a visit empty-handed. Let's see what I collected in the basket for Little Raccoon. (Shows an image of a basket from which visible: jar of jam and bagels). I prepared him a jar of jam. Let's do an exercise "delicious jam."

Smile, open your mouth and lick your lip with your tongue in a cup shape, making movements from top to bottom. You can continue moving and remove your tongue into your mouth without destroying "cups".

Masha performs an exercise.

Speech therapist reads a poem:

It's like there's jam on your lip -

I'll lick it off "cup" in your mouth.

Speech therapist:

- What else is in the basket?:



Speech therapist:

Let's do an exercise "bagel".

We close our teeth, round our lips and slightly stretch them forward. When performing, both the upper and lower teeth should be visible. We hold "bagel" counting up to 5-10.

Masha performs the bagel exercise.

Speech therapist reads a poem:

We depicted a bagel -

The lips smoothly rounded.

Now they can't be closed,

"Bagel" must be held.

Speech therapist:

There is a lot of free space left in our basket. Let's pick some mushrooms.

We'll find a hundred mushrooms in the forest,

Let's go around the clearing.

We won't take you in the box

Pale toadstool.

We'll search all the oak trees,

Fir trees and aspens

And good mushrooms

Let's put it in a basket.

Show me how you can do the exercise "fungus".

Smile, open your mouth wide, suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth so that the hyoid ligament is stretched ( "stipe"). Hold in this position for 5-10 seconds.

Masha performs an exercise "fungus".

Speech therapist reads a poem:

I'll open my mouth wide,

It's like I'm about to click.

I'll suck my tongue onto the roof of my mouth,

Jaw down - and all the studying.

Speech therapist:

In order to find out which sound Today we will learn to pronounce correctly, you need to listen carefully poem:

What is this strange noise around?

The leaves are rustling, my friend.

Autumn has arrived on the threshold,

It’s time to put on a hat and scarf.” ( Speech therapist pronounces exaggeratedly sound [Ш])

Did you guess which one? sound are we going to pronounce today?


Yes, sound Ш.

Speech therapist:

That's right, today we will learn to pronounce correctly sound Ш.

We had almost reached Little Raccoon's house, but a snake crawled out onto the path and began to leave patterns behind it. (footprints) and hiss. Let's wait until she crawls, and then we'll follow in her footsteps. ( Speech therapist gives the child an image of a snake and a patterned path). First, draw along the lines with your finger, and then with a pencil. Don't forget to hiss like a snake.

Masha does the exercise and hisses: SHSHSH.

Speech therapist:

What do sponges, teeth, tongue do when we pronounce sound Ш?


Lips "Ring", teeth "Fence" with a small slit, the tongue is at the top and looks like "Cup".

Speech therapist:

What kind of air do we exhale when we say sound Ш?


The air is warm.

So we came to Little Raccoon's house. His house is guarded by a dog named Sharik. Which sound first in the word Sharik?


Speech therapist:

Right, sound Ш. Sound(W)- consonant or vowel? ;

Voiced or voiceless? ;

Hard or soft?


Consonant, deaf, hard.

Well done, right. Little Raccoon, to entertain his guests, prepared interesting tasks:

(speech therapist gives the child a box with letters inside).

Speech therapist:

Open the box and take out the letters that are in it. Look at them carefully and show the consonant letter that is a house sound Ш.

Masha lays out the letters, looks for the letter Ш and shows it speech therapist.

Speech therapist:

-Next task: A game "Catch sound» . Clap your hands when you hear sound"SH". Z, N, W, B, V, F, W, L, M, W.

Now clap when you hear a syllable that contains sound"SH".

Po, Sha, To, Shu, Ma, Pu, Shi, Mi, Sho.

Masha claps.

Speech therapist:

Now it's time to warm up a little. Little Raccoon has prepared for us such a fun charging:

Animal exercise.

One - squat, two - jump.

This is a rabbit exercise.

How can the little foxes wake up? (Rub your eyes with your fists)

They like to stretch for a long time (stretch)

Be sure to yawn (yawn, covering your mouth with your palm)

Well, wag your tail

(movement of hips to the sides)

And the wolf cubs arch their backs (bend your back forward)

And jump lightly (light jump up)

Well, the bear is clubfooted (arms bent at the elbows, palms connected below the waist)

Paws spread wide (feet shoulder width apart)

Either one or both together (stepping from foot to foot)

Marks time for a long time (swinging the body to the sides)

And for those who don’t have enough exercise, they start all over again.

Masha is doing exercises.

Speech therapist:

The next task that Little Raccoon offers us is "add a syllable". I will pronounce the syllables, and you will add the syllable SHA. Let's see what we can do.

Ka, cha, roof, paw... .

Masha adds syllables and pronounces words: porridge, bowl, roof, noodles.

Speech therapist:

And now, you will add the syllable SHI.

Kama, clavi, mala, gru... .

Masha adds a syllable and says words: reeds, keys, babies, pears.

Speech therapist:

The next game is called "Tell me like me". I will pronounce pure phrases, and you repeat after me.

Sha-sha-sha - our Masha is good

Sho - sho - sho - I study well

Shu - shu - shu, shu-shu-shu - I'm waving my hand at you

Ash-ash-ash, ash-ash-ash - we built a hut

Osh - osh - osh, osh - osh - osh, I have a brooch on my blouse

Masha repeats speech therapist.

Speech therapist:

A lot of people gathered at Little Raccoon's place today fairy-tale heroes. Let's determine which of them has a name that starts with sound Ш. I will show and name the hero, and you will clap when I name the one whose name begins with sound Ш. (Speech therapist shows pictures with images of heroes and says their names).

Chipolino, Pinocchio, Shapoklyak, Cheburashka, Malvina, Shrek, Vintik, Shpuntik, Funtik, Sharik.

Masha claps when she hears words: Shapoklyak, Shrek, Shpuntik, Sharik.

Speech therapist:

Which of these fairy-tale characters do you like best?

Masha names the hero.

Speech therapist:

You have the opportunity to give this hero a bouquet of flowers. To do this, you need to go through the maze, count and collect all the daisies. ( Speech therapist gives the child a drawn labyrinth with the image of daisies.)

Masha runs her finger through the maze and believes: one daisy, two daisies... five daisies.

Speech therapist:

The next game is called "Call me kindly". Listen to the words, call them kindly.

Ball, hat, shorts, bag, cone.


Ball, hat, shorts, bag, bump.

Speech therapist:

We had a fun time visiting, but it's time for us to go home. After all, visiting is good, but home is better. Let's say goodbye to Baby Raccoon and repeat phrase: Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.


Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Speech therapist:

We will go back the same way, through the forest. I suggest collecting a bouquet of lilies of the valley and giving them to your mother. Repeat after me offers: (speech therapist reads one sentence at a time, and the child repeats)

Lilies of the valley love the shade under oak trees. You will come to a place where there are lilies of the valley. Lilies of the valley are visible and invisible. And in the unmown meadow there are daisies and peas. Nearby, by the river, there are reeds. The wind sways the reeds. They rustle, breaking the silence. Pick lilies of the valley and go home. Nice lilies of the valley!

Masha repeats the text one sentence at a time.

Final part.

Speech therapist:

Is our class is coming to an end, but we don't say goodbye to sound Ш. He will go to visit you today. At home, you and your parents will complete the new tasks that are in your notebook. (Speech therapist pastes homework assignments into the child’s notebook)

sha - sho - shu shi - she - sha

sho - shu - sha she - shi - sho

shu - sho - sha shi - shu - she

she - shu - sho shu - shi - sha

sound Sound

Exercise No. 2. Count to five.

One reed, two reeds... five reeds.

One hut, two huts... five huts.

One fur coat, two fur coats…..five fur coats.

One school, two schools…..five schools.

One awl, two awls.....five awls.

Make sure that when pronouncing sound[w] the tip of the tongue was raised to the alveoli, and the lateral edges of the tongue were adjacent to the upper lateral teeth. Sound[w] pronounce long and firmly.

Explain to your child the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Speech therapist:

What did we do today? class? What did you like most?


We learned to pronounce correctly sound Ш. I enjoyed collecting daisies through the maze.

Speech therapist:

You worked hard today, pronounced correctly sound Ш. Take this fun ball for yourself. (Speech therapist gives the child a balloon).

Speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Automation of the sound Ш”


    Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sound Ш.

    Development of phonemic hearing.

    Enrichment vocabulary on the topic "Clothing".

    Consolidating the skill of working on words and sentences.

    Cultivating perseverance, diligence and speech self-control.

Equipment: mirrors, didactic and illustrative material.

Dictionary: hat, fur coat, hanger, pants, shorts, scarf, seamstress.

Structure and course of the lesson:

1) Development of manual motor skills.

1) Extend your arm forward; Clench all fingers except the thumb into a fist, raise the thumb up.

2) Squeeze your fingers one by one.

3) Extend the index finger and little finger of the right (left) hand, squeeze the remaining fingers.

4) Extend the thumb and little finger of the right (left) hand, squeeze the remaining fingers.

5) Extend the index and middle fingers at the same time (on the right and left hand)

2) Performing self-massage.

Stroking from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

From eyebrows to scalp.

From the middle of the nose to the temples.

Upper lip massage.

Chin massage.

Neck massage.

3) Articulation gymnastics.

    “Let’s punish the naughty tongue.”






    "Delicious jam"

    "Let's warm our palms"

ui - ui - ui - ui

OA – OA – OA – OA



2) Prolonged sound pronunciation.

Game “Snake” (Help the snake get to its house. Run your finger along the path, saying clearly: Sh_Sh_Sh

Sound characteristics: consonant, hard, dull, hissing.

Articulation of sound.

3) Automation of sound in syllables.

Game "Songs" (repetition of syllable rows)

Sha-sha-sha sha-sha-sho sho-sha-sho-sha

Sho-sho-sho sho-shi-sho shi-shi-sho-sho

Shu-shu-shu shi-shu-shu shu-sha-shu-sha

Shi-shi-shi shu-sha-sha sha-sho-shi-she

Ash-ash-ash ash-osh-ash ash-osh-ush-ish

Osh-osh-osh ush-ash-ush ush-ush-osh-ash

Ush-ush-ush osh-ish-osh ush-ish-ash-osh

Ish-ish-ish ash-ush-ash ish-ish-ash-osh

3) Automation of sound in words.

Game “Maze” (The child, clearly pronouncing the sound Sh. names the presented pictures in a given order, moving the selected toy through them. (The movement begins from the cell marked with an asterisk)

Exercises for the "labyrinth":

- “Guess” (I will name an action word, and you choose a suitable word-object for it. Sample: They play ... (chess)

- “My, my, mine, mine” (Make up phrases based on the model: my rosehip, my fur coat, my pants, my awl)

- “What’s missing” (I’ll cover one picture with a magic screen, and you tell me what’s missing)

- “Living - inanimate” (first name the words denoting living objects, and then - inanimate objects).

4) Game "Fourth wheel" (Help Mishutka. Find an extra picture in each row and circle it. Explain your choice. Name all the extra pictures, clearly pronouncing the sound Ш)

Pictures: Tomato, cucumber, cherry, cabbage.

Sneakers, awl, boots, slippers.

A cap, dress, skirt, trousers. (repetition lexical topic"Cloth")

5) Game "Count"(Name in one word: hat, fur coat, shorts, scarf. Help Natasha and Pasha collect their clothes. Count the guys’ things. Sample: one hat, two hats, three hats... Which things are more, which are less? Count the things in reverse order. Sample: four fur coats, three fur coats, two fur coats...)

    Physical exercise.

The squirrels washed the clothes,

Rinse, rinse,

They squeezed and squeezed. (Imitation of movements)

Well, they didn’t know where to dry it.

7) Automation of sound in a phrase.

Game "Complete the sentence using the pictures."

Misha has a new (hat).

They bought Masha a new (fur coat).

Dasha found the second one (mitten).

Lusha hung her coat on the (hanger).

8) Speaking sentences.

Masha sews pants for a teddy bear.

Grandma darns the teddy bear's pants.

The teddy bear has new pants.

9)Game "Correct the sentence" (Grandfather Au mixed up the words in the sentences so that no one would guess what he wanted to say. Listen to the sentences. Find and correct the mistakes.)

A coat hanger is hung on the fur coat.

They put the pants on Sasha.

10) Exercise “Retelling with pictures” ». (Repeat the sentences, replacing the pictures with words. Retell the story using the pictures. Come up with a title for the story)

One day Masha decided to sew a new suit for her toy (bear). She took out from (the closet) scissors, (spools of) multi-colored threads, a small (sewing machine) and pieces of fabric. First Masha sewed (a shirt), then (shorts). (The bear) became very beautiful.

    Performance sound analysis words: hat, fur coat.

    Memorized phrases:

Ivashka has a shirt.

The shirt has pockets.

    Summary of the lesson.

What sound did we work on today?

What new did you learn? What have you learned?

(Assessment of student activities in class)