Computer technologies in the work of a speech therapist. The use of computer technologies in speech therapy practice. Types of presentations used in the work of a speech therapist

Computer technology in speech therapy work.

Currently in the system preschool education Significant changes are occurring due to the implementation of federal government requirements. In this regard, one of the current problems The work of a speech therapist involves improving methods and techniques aimed at overcoming and preventing speech disorders. Timely correction of speech disorders is a necessary condition psychological readiness of children for schooling, allows us to eliminate the causes of children’s potential failure at school and reduce the risk of their maladjustment in new social conditions.

The goal of a teacher-speech therapist is to teach children to speak clearly, coherently, and grammatically correct. To achieve it, various forms, techniques, methods and teaching aids are used, as well as modern educational technologies. One of the conditions of FGT to ensure the quality of education is the use of an electronic educational resource in preschool educational institutions.

Computer technologies are among the effective teaching tools that are increasingly used in preschool institutions. Their effectiveness depends both on the quality of the software used and on the ability to rationally and skillfully use them in educational process. Keeping up with the times, modern speech therapy is increasingly turning to options for combining traditional and computer methods, both in diagnosing speech disorders and directly when conducting individual and group classes. Innovative technologies represent for a competent speech therapist an additional set of opportunities in the correction of defects relating to the sound-pronunciation side of the speech system, and the structural and semantic design of the utterance, and the tempo, rhythm, and fluency of speech. Usage computer programs relieves the child of negativism associated with the need to repeat certain operations many times, thereby creating comfortable conditions for successful implementation exercises. The computer must support the work of the teacher, helping him solve the most difficult problems associated with the development and correction of disorders in children.

They are used for:

Improving professional competence via the Internet (this is searching for information, sharing work experience, participating in competitions, webinars, etc.)

Maintaining an electronic portfolio

Maintaining documentation (long-term planning, group list with class schedule, questionnaires, speech cards, lesson notes, task cards, information sheets in corners for parents - documents Microsoft Word, Excel).

Carrying out methodological work: consultations, seminars.

Conducting classes (presentations on lexical topics - PowerPoint program, specialized computer games and technologies).

This organization of work significantly reduces the time spent by the speech therapist on maintaining the necessary documentation.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the conduct of classes, or rather on the use of computer technologies during correctional work with kids.

IN Lately The popularity of educational games has noticeably increased; there is quite a large selection of them on the market. This is not surprising, because their use can significantly accelerate the formation and development of speech, higher mental functions - attention, memory, thinking, perception, emotional-volitional sphere. The intelligent use of computer games in the classroom is extremely effective because it combines the limitless possibilities of virtual reality with high motivation of children. Even the most ordinary and familiar activity on a computer monitor is perceived in a completely different way. A familiar and perhaps already boring game causes a storm of delight, and the child is ready to play it endlessly.

There are many games, they are all different. The only question is what exactly this or that game will give to the child. As sad as it may be, there is a clear shortage of specialized games, in particular speech therapy ones. But even the few technologies on the market can be effectively used in classes with children.

The complex structure of disorders in children with disabilities health, in particular with severe speech impairments, determines the need for systematic systematic correction work. In such children, as a rule, all aspects are impaired speech activity: phonetic, phonemic, lexico-grammatical, coherent speech, and also violations of the syllabic structure of the word and immaturity of general speech skills. The computer provides ample opportunities to use various analyzers in the process of performing tasks and monitoring one’s activities. The coordinated work of the motor, auditory and visual analyzers when performing computer tasks allows us to activate the compensatory mechanisms of the body. Preschoolers with speech disorders have underdevelopment of verbal memory, instability and low concentration of attention, but involuntary attention is well developed, and in games the material is presented in a bright, interesting and accessible form for children. It arouses interest and is better absorbed.

Let's try to analyze the possibility of using specific specialized computer games and technologies for correcting various aspects of speech activity.

During the classes, work is carried out to develop general speech skills. Such, for example, as the duration, smoothness and strength of oral exhalation, tempo, rhythm, intonation, clarity and intelligibility of speech. Here, the computer technology “Games for Tigers” - the “Prosodika” block - is an indispensable assistant. It contains four modules: “Breathing”, “Cohesion”, “Rhythm”, “Timbre”. In the exercises “Breeze”, “Dandelions”, “Boats”, children work with a microphone and learn to practice long, smooth or short, sharp exhalation. We work on the unity of pronunciation of words and phrases, clarity and intelligibility of speech by performing exercises “Fish”, “Cloud”, “Bubbles”, “Clock”. And the exercises “Machine”, “Pyramid”, “House” allow children to monitor the pace and rhythm of speech utterances.

When correcting and developing the phonemic aspect of speech, you can use the mini-game “Guess” from the practical computer course “Home Speech Therapist”, exercises “Non-speech sounds”, “Onomatopoeia” from the software-methodological complex “Speech Development”. Here children will learn to hear and identify non-speech sounds. And to determine the sounds of speech, exercises from the “Phonematics” block of CT “Games for Tigers” are suitable, where children will determine the presence of a sound in a word (exercise “The Fourth Odd One”). A similar task is posed in the section “ Speech sounds» PMK “Speech Development”, as well as in the game “Help the Tiger” on the Speech Therapy Games online portal. To develop the skills of word analysis and synthesis, we use exercises “Train”, “Make a Word” (“Games for Tigers”), exercises from the “Speech Sounds” section (PMK “Speech Development”), games from the lessons of the Wise Owl (Logosauria website, PMK "Rainbow on the Computer") To differentiate sounds, children like the game “Santa Claus’s Helpers” (Speech Therapy Games online portal), as well as the PMC exercises “Speech Development”.

When correcting sound pronunciation, at the stage of sound automation, you can use the Home Speech Therapist PC. Presented there speech material, accompanied by funny pictures.

To develop the lexical and grammatical side of speech, we use presentations on lexical topics. You can find a large number of them on the Internet or create them yourself in PowerPoint. Games to enrich vocabulary and develop the lexical-semantic meaning of words are presented in the CT “Games for Tigers” and on the Speech Therapy Games online portal. To form the grammatical structure of speech, you can use the tasks of the PMC “Speech Development”. The same complex offers good exercises for composing and retelling stories for the development of coherent speech. All of these games can be used by the speech therapist teacher according to the weekly changing lexical topic, and their diversity will help make each activity unique and interesting for the child.

Visual display of information helps to increase the efficiency of any human activity. But in special education it becomes especially important. The use of modern graphic and multimedia tools, diagnostic sensors and devices makes it possible not only to determine the state of one or another function of the child, but also to see the objective difficulties that arise in the child and overcome them using available means.

As practice shows, the targeted use of a computer in the process of remedial education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities makes it possible to create optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for the correction and compensation of children’s disorders, taking into account the individual capabilities and needs of preschool children as much as possible.

Computer technologies in the work of a speech therapist.

Currently, one of the urgent tasks of special pedagogy is to increase the efficiency of the process of correcting disorders of language and speech development in children.

As many authors note, the use of computer technology makes it possible to optimize pedagogical process, individualize the education of children with developmental disabilities and significantly increase the effectiveness of any activity.The complex structure of speech disorders determines the need for systematic, systemic correction work based on intact types of perception.

Specialized computer technologies contribute to the optimal solution of this problem.Communication with a computer arouses keen interest in preschoolers, first as a game, and then as a educational activities. This interest underlies the formation of such important structures as cognitive motivation, voluntary memory and attention, and it is these qualities that provide psychological readiness child to learning.Underdevelopment of verbal memory and attention disorders in the form of instability and low concentration make it necessary to carry out targeted work to overcome these disorders. In this case, the use of computer technology becomes especially appropriate, since it makes it possible to provide information in an attractive form, which not only speeds up the memorization of the content, but also makes it meaningful and long-lasting.

In the process of studying using a computer, children learn to overcome difficulties, control their activities, and evaluate results. Solving given by a computer program problematic situation, the child strives to achieve positive results, subordinates his actions to the goal. Thus, the use of computer learning tools helps to develop in preschoolers such volitional qualities as independence, composure, concentration, and perseverance.

Computer classes have great importance and for the development of voluntary motor skills of the fingers, which is especially important when working with children with speech impairments. The formation and development of joint coordinated activity of the visual and motor analyzers is an important aspect of preparing children for mastering writing.

Thus, the use of computer technologies in the process of correcting general speech underdevelopment in children allows us to combine correctional and educational and developmental tasks speech therapy intervention, take into account the patterns and characteristics of the mental development of schoolchildren.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are currently an integral part of modern preschool education. Informatization of the education system places new demands on the teacher and his professional competence. This is especially true in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and the implementation today of a fairly extensive selection of ICTs in their practice. This is a computer, the use of the Internet, TV, video, DVD, various types of multimedia - and audio-visual equipment.

A significant aspect of interactive educational preschool environment is the use of ICT by teachers as a tool for developing motivation in the educational process. ICT, thereby, helps to shift the burden from verbal methods of education to methods of search and creative activity. The use of computer technology helps:

̶ involve passive children in active work;

̶ make GCD more visual and intensive;

̶ activate cognitive interest;

̶ activate thought processes(analysis, synthesis, etc.);

̶ implement person-oriented, differentiated approaches to educational activities.

The main forms of using ICT in my practice are:

̶ preparation of group documentation (lists of children, development diagnostics, planning, monitoring of program implementation, reporting).

̶ selection of educational and illustrative material for classes, joint educational activities, design of stands, groups, offices.

̶ creation of presentations in the Microsoft Power Point program in integration educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”, “Speech development”, “ Cognitive development", etc. The presentation helps to combine a huge amount of demonstration material, freeing from a large volume of paper visual aids, tables, reproductions, audio and video equipment.

̶ use of a video camera and programs for editing video files.

̶ use of an interactive whiteboard. interactive board allows the child to see himself from the outside, to observe the actions of his play partners. Children get used to assessing the situation without completely immersing themselves in the virtual world alone with the computer.

̶ In addition to presentations, in my work I use training programs such as: “Learning to speak correctly”, “Games for Tigers”, “Baba Yaga learns to read”, “Speech development”, “Luntik explores the world”, “Home speech therapist”, speech therapy simulator “ Delfa -142", educational games "Mersibo". By completing tasks, the child learns to plan, build the logic of elements of specific events, ideas, and develops the ability to predict the outcome of actions. He begins to think before he acts, while simultaneously solving speech therapy problems.

̶ use of innovative technology - logotherapeutic biofeedback.

Biofeedback is a set of methods and technologies based on the principles of feedback and aimed at activating the body's internal reserves, developing self-control and self-regulation by forming a program at the brain level that is physiologically adequate for controlling body functions. The biofeedback method allows you to take into account the individual characteristics of the individual, select a dosed training load for each person and monitor the effectiveness of its implementation during treatment, and also, using the multimedia capabilities of biofeedback computer technology, ensure high emotional interest and non-standard conduct of treatment sessions, both for adults and for children - using the Internet in pedagogical activity, for the purpose of informational and scientific-methodological support of the educational process.

Recognizing that the computer is a powerful new tool for intellectual development children, it must be remembered that its use for educational purposes in preschool institutions requires careful organization of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of the Sanitary Rules. A typical session lasts from 20 to 30 minutes. In this case, screen use should be no more than 7-10 minutes. After finishing work at the computer, to prevent visual impairment and relieve eye strain, you need to perform simple eye exercises.

In our kindergarten We have tried to significantly expand the scope of visual material through the use of computer technology. The computer carries a figurative type of information that is closest and most understandable to preschoolers. Movement, sound, animation attract children's attention for a long time. Children receive an emotional and cognitive charge that makes them want to consider, act, play, and return to this activity again. Therefore, the problem of using specialized computer technologies in working with children up to school age with speech pathology for the formation of positive motivation for educational activities in them is currently particularly relevant.

Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist Evgenia Vyacheslavovna Lokteva.

Kibireva T.G., teacher-speech therapist, Municipal Educational Institution "Yasnogorsk Secondary School", village. Yasnogorskoe Olovyanninsky district, Transbaikal Territory

The use of visual aids, demonstration and handout materials, pictures-symbols, reference diagrams, models, didactic games, information and computer technologies (ICT) increases the efficiency of speech therapy work.

Computer tasks are an additional, rational and convenient source of information and clarity. They create a positive emotional mood, motivate both the child and his mentor, thereby accelerating the process of achieving positive results in work. In addition, the use of a computer contributes to the development and improvement of the creative qualities of a speech therapist - his professional and personal self-realization, his level of competence. Children subtly sense the transition of their teacher to a new quality. The desire of an adult to diversify their activities, to make classes more interesting and educational, to create new round communication, mutual understanding, development personal qualities children contributes to the automation of skills acquired in classes at a new communicative stage of speech therapy intervention.

Educational process begins with the “Prepare for Lesson” exercise, which helps to develop the ability to plan actions to carry out educational instructions and act according to the plan.

A series of pictures appear on the slide in a certain order depicting a pen, simple and colored pencils, a notebook, and a diary. Students prepare school supplies for class in the order specified by the pictures, the speech therapist sums up the results: who acted strictly according to plan; who was unable to complete any step because he did not have the right thing and was unable to ask a friend for it. The proposed plan can be complicated by adding pictures.

For a secondary examination of children’s speech, since 2002, T.A.’s manual has been used. Fotekova “Test diagnostic method oral speech junior schoolchildren" Subsequently, a presentation with visual and verbal material was developed, which significantly reduced the time for conducting the secondary examination.

Presentations on articulatory gymnastics were developed using visual material from the book by E.M. Kosinova “Lessons of a speech therapist”, and presentations with sets of exercises for whistling, hissing, sonorant sounds - based on the book by T.A. Kulikovskaya "Articulation alphabet". Based on the book by the same author, “Articulatory Gymnastics in Poems and Pictures,” presentation stories have been made and are systematically used: “Getting to know Tongue and His House,” “Home,” “Walking,” “Educational,” “Sports,” “Zoological.” Presentations with musical accompaniment are used for dynamic pauses and relaxation.

For the development of syllabic, sound analysis and synthesis from Internet resources, the presentations of speech therapist V.A. Cherednik made according to textbooks L.A. Komarova “Automation of sounds in game exercises.”

The greatest interest among children is caused by such speech therapy programs as: “Games for Tiggers”, “Speech Development”, “Speech Development. Let's learn to speak correctly. Computer program".

Program "Speech Development". The exercises presented on this disc will help correct any speech therapy problems your child has. The tasks will expand lexicon, will develop fine motor skills, memory and attention. And funny voice-over games will not only build skills correct pronunciation sounds, but will also improve non-speech and phonemic hearing.

Program features:

Production and automation of “difficult” sounds;

Tasks for the development of non-speech and phonemic hearing;

Speech and breathing exercises;

Tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings, games and riddles for memory development;

“Speech development. Let's learn to speak correctly. Computer program". In an easy, fun and unobtrusive form, this program will teach the child to correctly navigate the sounds of the surrounding world, speak correctly and listen carefully, and introduce the basics writing. The child will see the connection between letters and sounds and acquire reading skills. Exciting tasks will help broaden your horizons, increase your vocabulary, develop logical thinking, visual and auditory memory.

The program is designed to work with children of senior preschool age (from 5 years old) and primary school age as a benefit for speech development and teaching reading, as well as for correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders.

The program consists of four sections.

1. Non-speech sounds (familiarization with the sounds of the objective world: musical instruments, transport, household appliances; with the sounds of the natural world: forest, etc.).

2. Onomatopoeia (familiarization with the sounds of the animal world, the variety of human voices).

3. Speech sounds (development of skills of recognition and correct pronunciation of sounds).

4.Development of coherent speech (teaching the construction of coherent speech from phrases to text).

Each section includes a set of interactive tasks that require a mouse and speakers (or headphones).

The sections “Non-speech sounds” and “Onomatopoeia” are presented by a series of thematic and plot-based interactive screens, experimental tasks that introduce the sounds of the surrounding world, the world of inanimate and living nature. Each task offers two modes of operation: “Study” and “Task”.

The “Explore” mode involves interactively introducing children to a variety of sounds. The child has the opportunity, by selecting objects on the screen with the mouse, to listen to the sounds, voices, and ways of sound they make.

The “Task” mode is aimed at developing auditory and visual memory and attention. The child is first asked to select a difficulty level, which determines the number of objects or sounds to remember and therefore affects the difficulty of the child's task.

The “Speech Sounds” section is presented with multimedia task games of several types and is aimed at developing skills in recognizing and correct pronunciation of sounds of the Russian language. To start the task, you must press the “Start” button. After completing the task, pressing this key again will allow you to perform it again, but in a different version (a set of pictures, words).

Game tasks in the “Development of Coherent Speech” section teach children to speak coherently and formulate entire sentences. To complete the tasks: “Word-action”, “Select an action”, “Word-sign”, “Select signs”, “Create a description”, you must press the “Start” button, then the “Check” button. If the task is completed correctly, the “Continue” button appears, by clicking on which you can move on to the next option.

When completing the “Listen to the story” task, you must press the “Start” button and listen to the speaker’s instructions, then press the “Listen to the story” button. After completing the actions, you must press the “Check” button. The “Disable/Enable” key is intended to disable audio instructions from the speaker (for individual work with baby). To turn off audio instructions, you must use this key before pressing the "Start" key.

Computer technology speech therapy correction“Games for Tigers” (author L.R. Lizunova) includes a CD with a specialized computer program “Games for Tigers” and teaching aid with detailed recommendations. This program is intended for the correction of FFND, OHP in children of senior preschool and primary school age. The program allows you to effectively work on overcoming speech disorders due to dysarthria, dyslalia, rhinolalia, stuttering, as well as secondary speech disorders. Excellent drawings, three-dimensional images, sound accompaniment of actions, cognitive orientation of the exercises, a playful interactive form of presenting educational material and a cheerful presenter Tiger Cub make the program attractive and help increase children’s motivational readiness for speech therapy classes, individualization and increasing the efficiency of the correctional educational process. The program contains more than 50 exercises, combined into four thematic blocks, representing the main areas of correctional work: “Phonematics”, “Prosody”, “Vocabulary” and “Sound Pronunciation”. The basic principles underlying the construction of the “Games for Tigers” program:

Systematic and activity-based approach to the correction of speech development disorders;


Multisensory influence, in which auditory perception information is combined with reliance on visual control, which allows the use of intact analyzers and promotes the activation of compensatory mechanisms;

Differentiated approach to learning;

Game form training.

The program contains variants of tasks of varying complexity or volume.

To work with parents at parent-teacher meetings, presentations are also used that clearly demonstrate correctional and developmental, creative work with kids, guidelines when doing homework.

Doing homework in the form of educational presentations on writing descriptive stories about the seasons: “Green Summer”, “Golden Autumn”, “Winter’s Tale”, “Red Spring” is accompanied by a slide show of photographs from the lives of children, their excursions, hikes, walks , exhibitions. This personality-oriented focus of tasks brings the relationship between teacher and parents to a new level of cooperation and mutual understanding, and helps to optimize work on the development of children’s speech.

In other words, the use of information and computer technologies in speech therapy work makes the work of a speech therapist more interesting and varied, and contributes to greater interest of both children and their parents.

1. Kosinova E.M. Speech therapist lessons. Games for speech development. M., 2004.

2. Kuzmina E.V. Usage information technologies in the work of a speech therapist teacher secondary school// Speech therapist. 2008. No. 5.

3. Modern speech therapy lesson: work experience / Auth.-comp. E.A. Lapp, N.G. Frolova. Volgograd, 2011.

4. Fotekova T.A. Test methodology for diagnosing oral speech of primary schoolchildren. M., 2000.

TOcomputeretechnologies in the work of a speech therapist

Tokareva Olga Gennadievna, speech therapist teacher

Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 6 of a combined type" Pikalevo

Currently, significant changes are taking place in the preschool education system due to the implementation of federal state requirements. In this regard, one of the pressing problems in the work of a speech therapist is the improvement of methods and techniques aimed at overcoming and preventing speech disorders. Timely correction of speech disorders is a necessary condition for the psychological readiness of children for school, eliminates the causes of children’s potential failure at school and reduces the risk of their maladjustment in new social conditions.

The goal of a teacher-speech therapist is to teach children to speak clearly, coherently, and grammatically correct. To achieve it, various forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching are used, and modern educational technologies are also used. One of the conditions of FGT to ensure the quality of education is the use of an electronic educational resource in preschool educational institutions.

Computer technologies are among the effective teaching tools that are increasingly used in preschool institutions. Their effectiveness depends both on the quality of the software used and on the ability to rationally and skillfully use them in the educational process. Keeping up with the times, modern speech therapy is increasingly turning to options for combining traditional and computer methods, both in diagnosing speech disorders and directly when conducting individual and group classes. Innovative technologies provide for a competent speech therapist an additional set of opportunities in correcting defects related to the sound-pronunciation side of the speech system, and the structural and semantic design of the utterance, and the tempo, rhythm, and fluency of speech. The use of computer programs relieves the child of negativism associated with the need to repeat certain operations many times, thereby creating comfortable conditions for successfully performing exercises. The computer must support the work of the teacher, helping him solve the most difficult problems associated with the development and correction of disorders in children.

They are used for:

Improving professional competence via the Internet (this is searching for information, sharing work experience, participating in competitions, webinars, etc.)

Maintaining an electronic portfolio

Maintaining documentation (long-term planning, group list with class schedule, questionnaires, speech cards, class notes, task cards, information sheets in the corners for parents - Microsoft Word, Excel documents).

Conducting methodological work: consultations, seminars.

Conducting classes (presentations on lexical topics - PowerPoint program, specialized computer games and technologies).

This organization of work significantly reduces the time spent by the speech therapist on maintaining the necessary documentation.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the conduct of classes, or more precisely on the use of computer technologies during correctional work with children.

Recently, the popularity of educational games has noticeably increased; there is quite a large selection of them on the market. This is not surprising, because their use can significantly accelerate the formation and development of speech, higher mental functions - attention, memory, thinking, perception, emotional-volitional sphere. The intelligent use of computer games in the classroom is extremely effective because it combines the limitless possibilities of virtual reality with high motivation of children. Even the most ordinary and familiar activity on a computer monitor is perceived in a completely different way. A familiar and perhaps already boring game causes a storm of delight, and the child is ready to play it endlessly.

There are many games, they are all different. The only question is what exactly this or that game will give to the child. As sad as it may be, there is a clear shortage of specialized games, in particular speech therapy ones. But even the few technologies on the market can be effectively used in classes with children.

The complex structure of disorders in children with disabilities, in particular with severe speech impairments, determines the need for systematic systematic correction work. In such children, as a rule, all aspects of speech activity are impaired: phonetic, phonemic, lexico-grammatical, connected speech, and there are also violations of the syllabic structure of words and immaturity of general speech skills. The computer provides ample opportunities to use various analyzers in the process of performing tasks and monitoring one’s activities. The coordinated work of the motor, auditory and visual analyzers when performing computer tasks allows us to activate the compensatory mechanisms of the body. Preschoolers with speech disorders have underdevelopment of verbal memory, instability and low concentration of attention, but involuntary attention is well developed, and in games the material is presented in a bright, interesting and accessible form for children. It arouses interest and is better absorbed.

We will try to analyze the possibility of using specific specialized computer games and technologies to correct various aspects of speech activity.

During the classes, work is carried out to develop general speech skills. Such, for example, as the duration, smoothness and strength of oral exhalation, tempo, rhythm, intonation, clarity and intelligibility of speech. Here, the “Games for Tigers” computer technology, the “Prosodika” block, is an indispensable assistant. It contains four modules: “Breathing”, “Cohesion”, “Rhythm”, “Timbre”. In the exercises “Breeze”, “Dandelions”, “Boats”, children work with a microphone and learn to practice long, smooth or short, sharp exhalation. We work on the unity of pronunciation of words and phrases, clarity and intelligibility of speech by performing exercises “Fish”, “Cloud”, “Bubbles”, “Clock”. And the exercises “Machine”, “Pyramid”, “House” allow children to monitor the pace and rhythm of speech utterances.

When correcting and developing the phonemic aspect of speech, you can use the mini-game “Guess” from the practical computer course “Home Speech Therapist”, exercises “Non-speech sounds”, “Onomatopoeia” from the software-methodological complex “Speech Development”. Here children will learn to hear and identify non-speech sounds. And to determine the sounds of speech, exercises from the “Phonematics” block of CT “Games for Tigers” are suitable, where children will determine the presence of a sound in a word (exercise “The Fourth Odd One”). A similar task is set in the “Speech Sounds” section of the PMC “Speech Development”, as well as in the game “Help the Tiger” on the Speech Therapy Games online portal. To develop the skills of word analysis and synthesis, we use exercises “Train”, “Make a Word” (“Games for Tigers”), exercises from the “Speech Sounds” section (PMK “Speech Development”), games from the lessons of the Wise Owl (Logosauria website, PMK "Rainbow on the Computer") To differentiate sounds, children like the game “Santa Claus’s Helpers” (Speech Therapy Games online portal), as well as the PMC exercises “Speech Development”.

When correcting sound pronunciation, at the stage of sound automation, you can use the Home Speech Therapist PC. It presents speech material accompanied by funny pictures.

To develop the lexical and grammatical side of speech, we use presentations on lexical topics. You can find a large number of them on the Internet or create them yourself in PowerPoint. Games to enrich vocabulary and develop the lexical-semantic meaning of words are presented in the CT “Games for Tigers” and on the Speech Therapy Games online portal. To form the grammatical structure of speech, you can use the tasks of the PMC “Speech Development”. The same complex offers good exercises for composing and retelling stories for the development of coherent speech. All of these games can be used by a speech therapist teacher in accordance with the weekly changing lexical topic, and their variety will help make each lesson unique and interesting for the child.

Visual display of information helps to increase the efficiency of any human activity. But in special education it becomes especially important. The use of modern graphic and multimedia tools, diagnostic sensors and devices makes it possible not only to determine the state of one or another function of the child, but also to see the objective difficulties that arise in the child and overcome them using available means.

As practice shows, the targeted use of a computer in the process of remedial education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities makes it possible to create optimal psychological and pedagogical conditions for the correction and compensation of children’s disorders, taking into account the individual capabilities and needs of preschool children as much as possible.

The modern pedagogical idea is the greening of the speech therapy process from the standpoint of the principle of conformity with nature.

One of the ways to solve this problem is the development of bioadequate pedagogical technologies, based on the principle of conformity to nature, which, in turn, forms part of the State educational standard.

In our kindergarten there are children with dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system (impaired posture, hip dysplasia, torticollis, etc.). Often these diagnoses are aggravated by neurological (cerebral palsy, epilepsy, hydrocephalus, etc.) and psychiatric symptoms (MD, F-70).

Pupils, as a rule, have aggravated secondary and tertiary speech disorders. General underdevelopment speech (mainly in a complicated version according to E.M. Mastyukova, O.V. Pravdina) is the main speech disorder among children in our kindergarten groups. Some children have mental retardation.

Impaired mental function is considered as a polysymptomatic type of change in the pace and nature of a child’s development, including various combinations of disorders and their manifestations.

A number of significant features can be identified in the mental status of a child with mental retardation:

1) In speech development - limited vocabulary, especially active (adjectives, adverbs are rare, verb vocabulary is narrowed), pronunciation defects, difficulties in understanding are noted lexical connections, development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech (a number grammatical categories children practically do not use in speech), phonemic hearing and phonemic awareness, in the formation of coherent speech (it is difficult for a child to translate a thought into a detailed speech message, although he understands the semantic content of the situation depicted in the picture or the story he read, and he answers the teacher’s questions correctly).

The immaturity of intraspeech mechanisms leads not only to difficulties in the grammatical design of sentences. The main problems relate to the formation of coherent speech. Children cannot retell a short text, compose a story based on a series of plot pictures, or describe a visual situation; creative storytelling is not available to them.

Speech disorders in mental retardation are systemic in nature and are part of the structure of the defect.

2) In the sensory-perceptual sphere - immaturity various systems analyzers (especially auditory and visual), inferior visual-spatial orientation;

3) In the psychomotor sphere - imbalance of motor activity (hyper- and hypoactivity), impulsivity, difficulty in mastering motor skills, impaired motor coordination;

4) in the mental sphere - the predominance of simpler ones mental operations(analysis and synthesis), decreased level of logic and abstract thinking, difficulties in transition to abstract analytical forms of thinking;

5) in the mnemonic sphere - the predominance of mechanical memory over abstract-logical, direct memorization over indirect, a decrease in the volume of short-term and long-term memory, a significant decrease in the ability to involuntary memorization;

6) in the motivational sphere - the predominance of gaming motives, the desire for pleasure, maladaptive motives and interests;

Accordingly, there is a need to find the most effective means of raising and teaching this category of children.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) allow you to perceive information at a qualitatively new level, which significantly increases the child’s cognitive activity.

The child should feel a sense of success from every task he completes, and see an assessment of his work every time. Computer teaching aids are ideally suited for this purpose.

Noting that new computer technologies are used in special education, primarily for the purpose of correcting violations and general development“special” children, many authors note the positive impact of computer programs on the motivation of children for speech therapy classes (Kukushkina O.I., Korolevskaya T.K., Lizunova L.R., Sadykova G.G., etc.)

Computer tasks expand the capabilities of correctional methods and technologies.

Application of computer technologies in speech therapy work improves the educational motivation of preschoolers with mental retardation, increases their interest in class, and makes the classes themselves more interesting, modern, and emotional, by modeling a correctional and developmental computer environment that allows them to form the prosodic, phonetic and phonemic aspects of speech; lexico-grammatical means of language.

It should be noted that the use of computer technologies when working with problem children is multifunctional in nature.

This means that not only the assimilation of knowledge and the development of the basic qualities of children occurs in accordance with the goals of the classes, but also the development of attention, hand-eye coordination, cognitive activity. Voluntary regulation of the activities of preschoolers also develops: the ability to subordinate their activities to given rules and requirements, restrain emotional impulses, plan actions and anticipate the results of their actions. Using a computer allows the child, to some extent, to independently assess the correctness of the task; on the monitor he sees the result of his actions.

In December 2009, we completed short-term courses at the St. Petersburg Institute of Biofeedback and are introducing biofeedback technology into practice. We teach preschoolers the diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing.

Speech therapy game “Games for Tigers” built on the basis of the methods of Efimenkova, Kashe, Levina, Lalaeva. This program allows you to effectively and more short time correct speech disorders.

A series of exercises in 4 blocks is proposed. There are more than 50 exercises in total. This allows you to work on:

Sound pronunciation;
- prosodic components of speech;
- phonemic perception;
- lexico-grammatical structure of speech.

Developmental program “Home speech therapist” We use it to develop auditory attention and phonemic perception (recognition of non-speech sounds, automation of simple sounds).

Computer game “Speech development. Learning to speak correctly"(G. O. Astvatsaturov, L. E. Shevchenko, 2008) is intended for children of preschool and primary school age as a guide to speech development and learning to read. In this game, the section “Development of coherent speech” is highlighted.

However, computer programs do not exhaust the possibilities of using ICT in teaching children with speech impairments.

In our preschool institution Along with computer programs, slide films and presentations are used. Creating slide films and presentations is within the capabilities of most teachers, as it does not require too in-depth knowledge of computer technology. A teacher can create a film or presentation, as they say, “for himself,” taking into account the characteristics of his students, the goals and objectives set for a specific lesson.

Such computer products, as a rule, arouse greater interest among children due to realism, dynamic images, and the use of animated images. Viewing slide films and virtual trips created on a computer (“Walk in the forest”, “Let’s go to the zoo”, etc.), accompanied by music, recordings of the voices of birds and animals, voice-over text, is much more interesting for children than looking at pictures on board and evokes an emotional response in them. Such information is more easily transferred to long-term memory.

Information technology allows you to quickly create didactic material, necessary for the lesson, allowing for an individual approach to the child, taking into account his zone of proximal development.

Types of presentations used in the work of a speech therapist

  • Presentations - pictures (for examination of sound pronunciation and automation of sounds, articulatory gymnastics.);
  • Presentations - riddles, fairy tales;
  • Presentations - games (to expand the vocabulary, improve lexical and grammatical categories, develop the VMF);
  • Presentations - to expand ideas about the world around us.

Benefits of ICT

  1. figurative type of information understandable to preschoolers;
  2. modeling life situations that are impossible or difficult to see in everyday life;
  3. increasing the volume of material offered for review and the possibility of instant assessment of activities;
  4. efficiency of assimilation of material: memory is trained, vocabulary is actively replenished, imagination and creative abilities are developed;
  5. opens up new educational opportunities and constantly supports the teacher in a state of creative search.

Communication with a computer arouses keen interest among preschoolers, first as a play activity, and then as an educational activity. This interest underlies the formation of such important structures as cognitive motivation, voluntary memory and attention, and it is these qualities that ensure the child’s psychological readiness for school.

Thus, the introduction of computer technology into the work of a speech therapist is an urgent need.

We need high-quality and accessible training programs designed to work with students with speech disorders and mental retardation.

  • The use of a computer should be organically included in the complex speech work, built taking into account the structure of the defect and the individual characteristics of a child with mental retardation.
  • It is important to conduct classes methodically correctly, to ensure that the child not only watches and listens, but also accompanies the slides shown with speech, controls his actions, and controls correct pronunciation etc.
  • Talking about children's computer use preschool age, the question arises about maintaining health and vision. It is reasonable to limit PC activities by time - 5-12 minutes depending on the age of the children.

We have seen the high effectiveness of classes using specialized computer programs. Real opportunities have emerged for high-quality individualization of children's education, and the motivation and emotional interest of children in classes has increased significantly. Such a structure of training not only makes the work of a speech therapist much easier, but will also allow one to achieve significantly better and more sustainable results.