Walkthrough of the game 101 wishes. The magic of female desire. Good afternoon, solar inspiration

A dream is something that cannot be achieved right now. A dream is something in general, something distant. Today we will find out why we need to define for ourselves and write down 101 wishes or 101 dreams.

Co-author of the widely acclaimed best-selling book Chicken Soup for the Soul, Jack Canfield is a motivational speaker and advocate of the movie The Secret. On the recommendation of Jack Canfield, you and I should write down our true desires. To do this, take a sheet of paper and a pencil right now. We write at the top: “101 wishes.” And then make wishes, dream and wish. 90 wishes are not accepted, and even 99, only the magical number 101 is accepted. There is truly only one magical number of desires - it is 101, exactly 101.

You need to force your mind to expand in breadth and depth.

You need to force your mind to explore itself and understand what you want in this life and what you don’t. What are your true desires and what do you not need at all. What are you striving for and what is your heart burning for? The mind explores what is truly necessary only for you, your desires. Search in your heart and find exactly your dreams. Reason and consider what you really want.

Ask yourself questions in all areas: what do you want in the area of ​​health, in the area of ​​family, what will bring you joy in work, in personal growth, in hobbies, are you ready to play sports, do you want to travel, what financial benefits would please you. Write whatever you want. Write even what seems at first glance impossible, unrealistic and impracticable. Trips, different countries, cars, achievements in mastering paragliding and hang gliding, airplanes, surfing, diving, giving birth to a son and daughter, opening your own bakery or art exhibition, and so on.

Consider all your desires and everything that comes to your mind in all areas. Listen to your heart and write down all your desires. Force your mind to stretch and search for what you really want. At the same time, listen with your heart to every desire. Write from the heart, on a grand scale, take a deep breath and express everything the way you want, the way you see yourself. Allow yourself to wish!

My experience suggests that the implementation of this assignment It may take you several hours, or maybe even days. Don't be upset, do this important thing. Take a closer look, listen, go searching on the Internet and write down 101 wishes.

If you are aware that you are ready to accept a lot from the Universe, then put all your affairs aside for a while and focus on combining your 101 desires into a single flow.

Be precise and specific when writing this list.

If you want a new car, please indicate the model, year of manufacture, color. If you want to change jobs, then give a clear description of what type of activity you are interested in and how much you want to earn. When thinking about each dream, be focused and describe a specific situation. You can write whatever you want. You may want a personal driver or massage therapist, visit some exotic country, or acquire some skills. Write strictly, clearly, in color, with emotion and in such a way that you understand that upon achieving these desires, you will live the most interesting and rich life.

101 wishes are written not for a year or two

These are the desires that you would like to fulfill throughout your entire adult life. This is what you would like to visit, receive, be satisfied with, acquire during your earthly life. This is what you wish to have. I am very glad that you are working on yourself and that you are already closer to your dream, that you are closer to your goal.

There's a lot on this wish list. creative work. Also, compiling such a list is a rather labor-intensive process. But, you already know that without action there is no result. Therefore, dare, open your heart, open your soul and be saturated with the blessings of the Universe, be saturated with everything that it gives you. Be filled with joy, be healthy! Together we can overcome any obstacles. Work on yourself and the results will not take long to arrive!

I love you friends! Be happy! I believe that you can! I believe that you will succeed!

Dear friends, I wish you enchanting events and that your life will be full of bright colors!

But I didn’t stop there and continued to write throughout the year. interesting ideas. As a result, there were 170 wishes to be realized.

So a year has passed, and I looked at my bucket list to mark the progress. And what did I see?! Some of what I recorded a year ago seemed completely uninteresting. I looked at the list and thought - was it really me who made it?!

I saw with my own eyes that I had changed, my values ​​and needs had changed. Last year. What I wanted to fill my life with just a year ago was now in doubt at many points.

Do I really want to be able to drive a motorcycle?
Is it really important for me to own the island?
Do I really want to wear famous fashion designers?

I reviewed the list and removed about 20% - things that I no longer want to do or have in my life. Much remains, but something has already happened in my life this year.

1. Visit all continents (Eurasia,)
2. Visit Tibet
3. Visit the Himalayas
4. Visit Bali (We arrived in Bali in February 2014 and stayed on the island for two months)

5. Visit Iceland
6. Visit Istanbul
7. Live in New Zealand
8. Visit Venice
9. Visit every capital in Europe
10. Live in the Czech Republic
11. Visit places of power (for example, Altai)
12. Visit 50 largest capitals peace (already visited Bangkok, Hong Kong, Beijing, Moscow, Kuala Lumpur, Minsk)
13. Visit Disneyland
14. Meet New Year in Australia
15. Celebrate the New Year in New York
16. Visit Japan for cherry blossoms
17. Get a car license
18. Take a cruise on a ship
19. Go fishing and catch the fish yourself
20. Pick mushrooms in the forest
21. Take self-defense lessons
22. Ride a snowmobile
23. Learn to skate
24. Speak English fluently.
25. Get trained in new things foreign language on language courses in the country of a native speaker (full immersion)
26. Pass IELTS with a score above 6
27. Work/participation in an international project
28. Get acquainted with the compositions of great composers
29. Visit the conservatory
30. Ski down a high hill on your own
31. Learn to do the splits
32. Take part in international orienteering competitions
33. Run a marathon
34. Take part in a marathon ski race
35. Climb a high mountain (I met a man who organizes tours and himself leads groups to the mountains)
36. Go kayaking with an instructor
37. Take part in a bike tour in Altai
38. Be a spectator at the Olympic Games
39. Learn to roller skate
40. Go on a multi-day backpacking trip
41. Learn to play your favorite songs on the guitar
42. Waltz at the ball
43. Learn to make natural cosmetics
44. Take a helicopter ride
45. Take a hot air balloon ride
46. ​​Make a tandem jump with a parachute (with an instructor)
47. Experience weightlessness
48. Climb at a climbing wall
49. Dinner on the roof of a skyscraper
50. Take the cable car route
51. Take part in night orienteering
52. Participate in patrol
53. Gain experience as a vegetarian
54. Get experience with a raw food diet
55. Grow a lemon that will bear fruit
56. Make embroidery based on a photograph
57. Knit myself a dress that I will wear
58. Sew yourself a dress (I sewed a summer dress for myself in October and enjoyed wearing it during our Asian travels)

59. Make a cake with a theme using fondant
60. Create a home library of thousands of books
61. Learn to manage personal finances
62. Find 100 dollars on the ground
63. Take acting lessons
64. Take part in a professional photo shoot
65. Completely update your wardrobe
66. Look great in a swimsuit
67. Learn how to do beautiful hairstyles for long hair
68. Be able to do 50 push-ups
69. Get a role in the theater
70. Act in a movie
71. Speak to an audience of 1000 people
72. Speak to an audience of 5,000 people
73. Speak to an audience of 10,000 people
74. Live in a castle
75. Breakfast with a millionaire (dollar)
76. Write a best-selling book
77. Become a millionaire
78. Learn to invest money
79. Create passive income that covers the needs of the family
80. Become a large family
81. Create trust funds for children.
82. Create trust funds for parents.
83. Have your own houses in your favorite places in the world
84. Have your own portrait
85. Spend a week in the best room of a 5-star hotel
86. Learn to meditate (a start has been made - I attended four meditation classes with children in Bali)
87. Take yoga lessons
88. Have a personal trainer
89. Spend a week on a desert (or almost desert) island
90. Be present at all the significant moments in my children’s lives.
91. Attend all your children's weddings
92. Celebrate your 10th wedding anniversary as big as the first time
93. Be married to the same person you married while we're both alive. (married to my beloved husband for 8 years)
94. Meet grandchildren
95. Meet at least one great-grandchild
96. Live in a European village for several months
97. Live in a secluded house in the forest by the lake
98. Live in a penthouse in a major metropolitan city
99. Have a fireplace in the house
100. Have Personal Area in the house
101. Have a garden near the house
102. Have a large kitchen with everything you need
103. Have a playroom for children.
104. Learn to live in the present
105. Work/participation in a major project
106. Volunteer in international projects
107. Give money to charity.
108. Be recognized by authorities in your professional field
109. Be involved in changing people's lives in better side (thank you letters from readers and clients give me confidence that I can do this)
110. Teach, be a teacher
111. Have mentors (this year from great benefit I worked with a mentor for myself for several months)
112. Have followers
113. Become a film director
114. Create an idea business.
115. Be the best mother for your children
116. Be the best wife for your husband
117. Have your own website with more than 10,000 visitors per day
118. Receive an offer to publish my book
119. Selling 10,000 copies of my book
120. Selling the rights to film adaptation of my novel
121. Give a TED talk
122. Sleeping under the stars
123. Plunge into the ice hole
124. Visit the planetarium (Yes! In December 2013, I visited the planetarium in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and for a long time I shared my unforgettable impressions with everyone around me).
125. Help someone complete an item on their bucket list
126. Take a ride in an open-top car
127. Create a team that will be willing to work with me
128. Take at least one photo every day, 365 days in a row.
129. Learn the basics of Ayurveda
130. Make up family tree your family
131. Learn to touch type using the ten-finger method
132. Take a massage course
133. Take a course in cosmetological skin care
134. Diversify your jewelry repertoire - buy jewelry for different dresses
135. Get trained by a stylist to understand what suits me and what doesn’t.
136. Take makeup training
137. Go to the spa for the whole day (this wish came true on my thirtieth birthday - 3 hours of SPA treatments on the island of Bali. Even if it’s not the whole day, it’s a lot for a mother with a small child)
138. Go to handicraft master classes - on decoupage, mandalas, scrapbooking, and so on
139. Learn to dance flamenco
140. Have your own home
141. Learn to inspire your husband to do great things
142. Learn to hear and understand your child
143. Organize charity events and fundraisers

A dream is something that cannot be achieved right now. A dream is something in general, something distant. Today we will find out why we need to define for ourselves and write down 101 wishes or 101 dreams.

Co-author of the widely acclaimed best-selling book Chicken Soup for the Soul, Jack Canfield is a motivational speaker and devotee of the movie The Secret. On the recommendation of Jack Canfield, you and I should write down our true desires. To do this, take a sheet of paper and a pencil right now. We write at the top: “101 wishes.” And then make wishes, dream and wish. 90 wishes are not accepted, and even 99, only the magical number 101 is accepted. There is truly only one magical number of desires - it is 101, exactly 101.

You need to force your mind to expand in breadth and depth.

You need to force your mind to explore itself and understand what you want in this life and what you don’t. What are your true desires and what do you not need at all. What are you striving for and what is your heart burning for? The mind explores what is truly necessary only for you, your desires. Search in your heart and find exactly your dreams. Reason and consider what you really want.

Ask yourself questions in all areas: what do you want in the area of ​​health, in the area of ​​family, what will bring you joy in work, in personal growth, in hobbies, are you ready to play sports, do you want to travel, what financial benefits would please you. Write whatever you want. Write even what seems at first glance impossible, unrealistic and impracticable. Travel, different countries, cars, achievements in paragliding and hang gliding, airplanes, surfing, diving, giving birth to a son and daughter, opening your own bakery or art exhibition, and so on.

Consider all your desires and everything that comes to your mind in all areas. Listen to your heart and write down all your desires. Force your mind to stretch and search for what you really want. At the same time, listen with your heart to every desire. Write from the heart, on a grand scale, take a deep breath and express everything the way you want, the way you see yourself. Allow yourself to wish!

My experience suggests that this task may take you several hours, or maybe even days. Don't be upset, do this important thing. Take a closer look, listen, go searching on the Internet and write down 101 wishes.

If you are aware that you are ready to accept a lot from the Universe, then put all your affairs aside for a while and focus on combining your 101 desires into a single flow.

Be precise and specific when writing this list.

If you want a new car, please indicate the model, year of manufacture, color. If you want to change jobs, then give a clear description of what type of activity you are interested in and how much you want to earn. When thinking about each dream, be focused and describe a specific situation. You can write whatever you want. You may want a personal driver or massage therapist, visit some exotic country, or acquire some skills. Write strictly, clearly, in color, with emotion and in such a way that you understand that upon achieving these desires, you will live the most interesting and rich life.

101 wishes are written not for a year or two

These are the desires that you would like to fulfill throughout your entire adult life. This is what you would like to visit, receive, be satisfied with, acquire during your earthly life. This is what you wish to have. I am very glad that you are working on yourself and that you are already closer to your dream, that you are closer to your goal.

There is a lot of creative work on this bucket list. Also, compiling such a list is a rather labor-intensive process. But, you already know that without action there is no result. Therefore, dare, open your heart, open your soul and be saturated with the blessings of the Universe, be saturated with everything that it gives you. Be filled with joy, be healthy! Together we can overcome any obstacles. Work on yourself and the results will not take long to arrive!

I love you friends! Be happy! I believe that you can! I believe that you will succeed!

Dear friends, I wish you enchanting events and that your life will be full of bright colors!

Handicraft laziness. Again. And again. And so on in a circle. Just plans. Many plans. And not a single action.
Then a lot of letters. So many;)
101 goals in 1001 days. 101 wishes. Such figures and numbers often appear. Magic. Coincidences. Life.
Specific dates are disciplined. But there are things the implementation of which is somewhat delayed. Sometimes a lot, sometimes a little. And then what to do with these dates and deadlines?
But I'm amazing happy man, I'm incredibly lucky. I know that everything is coming true. And at the right time. And that's great. Know that everything will happen and come true. And what didn’t come true means it was useless. The Universe acts wiser, it sees more - it has a better overview than each individual person.
And therefore, among my desires-actions there will be those that are easily fulfilled on time, and those that will come true on their own...

Will it get 101? I'll try. And I’ll write down those that should have been summer plan. Among them are fulfilled ones.

The starting point will be the day when I wrote the summer list
06/06/2013 - I think 01/06/2016 - but not a fact, I’m not very good at math ;)

1. Make walnut jam
2. Eat plenty of berries
3. Swim in the sea early in the morning
4. Learn to draw (or remember what I can do)
5. Get fat a little;)
6. Write 100 reasons why I love you
7. Add a few more leaves to the 12 princesses
8. Try a bunch of homemade pies recipes
I don’t know if a bunch have been tried, but hardly less than a dozen... only the successful one, in my critical opinion, was one - charlotte, which my husband dubbed store-bought because of the baking powder in the dough... what can replace it without losing it in the splendor of the dough?
9. Prepare breakfast with salmon
remains open, although there was salmon... but not for breakfast, and now I don’t want it;)
10. Gaining strength in front of St. Petersburg has become irrelevant) their strength is not enough when there is Small child))
11. Make apricot jam with pits
12. Visit Botanical Garden in Chisinau
13. Tan like chocolate
Summer has completely disappeared. I won’t be able to get a tan stronger than now - this summer for sure - so I’ll be fine with milk chocolate, but I’ll try for bitter black chocolate next year;)
14. Walk the peach dress
for two years it waited for an opportunity... it did, the Odessa Philharmonic and the Argentine Tango Festival became this opportunity;)
15. Write group posts about Odessa
can be considered accomplished... I haven’t felt like writing a blog since last fall, summer brought me back... and that’s good, thanks to summer and Odessa
16. Collect a collection of music for the soul
17. Re-read the summer book list
I’ve read a lot, I haven’t read so much for a long time - both Soviet authors, and classics, and contemporaries - I have favorites and that’s good, so I’ll re-read them; good things must be viewed in a temporal context...
18. Read positive information about birth, children, upbringing
19. Master your Spanish textbook from cover to cover
20. Get plenty of sleep before the baby is born.
I got enough sleep) the baby took me literally and gave me time to sleep all the way up to 41.5 weeks inclusive - I’ve been waiting for it!
21. Prepare a lavender sachet
The sachet was coffee, which also counts... because I don’t really like lavender in the closet
22. Collect beads from shells
23. Use “window sill grass” in salad
Onions have become window sill grass! Mom helped and set the onion to sprout))
24. Bake a cake for July 10th
I baked a cake for July 10th and other dates)
25. Swim under the stars
26. Swim in the rain
27. Changing the ribbon on your hat has become irrelevant
28. Do so much sunny photos enough for the whole winter
photos have been taken and are looked at regularly... there are plans to put together a photo book
29. Build a sand castle
30. I wrote a letter by hand to my grandmother) it’s strange to write letters when all the news has already been transmitted both by phone and on Skype
31. Get to postcrossing - I started exchanging handmade and non-handmade postcards with the girls who run the blogs, so we can consider the point completed
32. Build your nest
hooray! there is a nest! Now we put it in order at our own discretion) I often write about this on my blog
33. Get to know your child
met! I can’t stop looking at it! miracle! pah-pah-pah!
34. To turn out to be a loving and patient mother - I still have to learn and learn patience) apparently, I won’t grow up to my utopian picture of a loving-patient-mother
35. Catch up with SALa participants "Around the World"
36. See Christmas in Budapest - done!
37. Get a stationary and multifunctional kitchen
38. Find a successful cookie recipe
Found it! and baked it! tested the recipe for ginger cookies from Lenochka, blog Living on the Rainbow - Lena! Thank you so much for the delicious food!
39. Wither tomatoes for the winter
half of the first batch was dry and slightly burnt,
but the second half reached the desired condition without incident.
I count it as completed!

40. Prepare eggplants for the winter
recipe taken, I got some with seeds... we'll try the taste later
41. Make an easy move to St. Petersburg
moved! no problems, no worries... everything is fine
42. Show your loved one the places you have visited without him
43. Find like-minded women and girlfriends - the blog is growing, it brings new meetings, new people, I consider it accomplished
44. Arrange regular meetings with friends
45. Get to Birth of a Star and do it regularly
46. ​​Create a multi-volume photo book of our joint journey through life
47. Visit the remaining corners of the planet
48. Master some practical skill that brings pleasure and income
49. Finish "12 Dancing Princesses"
50. Embroider a couple of wolves languishing in the bins
51. Organize your nomadic handicrafts - get a convenient camping bag for moving
52. Create handmade toys for an entire Christmas tree
53. Be able to create a whole Universe for a baby, paint his life with colorful paints
54. Cook a Christmas goose
55. Improve your cooking skill
56. Keep a cooking notebook
57. Embroider a cube with cars as a pledge of embroidery signs
58. Buy a car
59. Checkout
60. Go sailing
61. See lavender fields
62. Dance tango on the streets of Buenos Aires
63. Visit a crocodile farm
64. Drink real tea in China
65. Visit the gardens of Kyoto
66. Get to Ireland and look at Katya’s garden with at least one eye, blog White Rabbit
67. Finish a surprise for your sister, it’s been in preparation for almost a year
68. Embroider a poppy from Anchor for Mom on a T-shirt - the poppy is embroidered, but not on the T-shirt
69. Prepare a linden-colored bag
There is! too big for the small amount that I collected... but there is a bag, there is a little linden blossom - that means there will be linden tea and honey for a bite!
70. Manage to plan the day much more rationally than now, and carry out what was planned
71. Purchase the full VHI palette - there is almost full!
72. Learn to ride a bike
I’m not sure that I really want this, but I really want to accompany my husband on bike rides
73. Try pottery modeling
74. Learn to “settle in” temporary housing not with creative disorder, which others will call chaos rather, but with comfort
There is no longer any need for temporary housing! Now you need to create comfort in your house)
75. Sew a couple of pillows, decorate with embroidery
76. Embroider the Hatter according to Lenin’s pattern
embroidered, but not completely assembled...
77. Embroider geese and sew a cover for a French press
78. Get delicious tea boxes
79. Create a gallery of kitchen seasonings
80. Make dogwood jam
and little is cooked, as practice shows;
but on next year more and more will be cooked - so that there is enough!
81. Take a hot air balloon flight
82. Learn to drive a motorcycle
83. Develop the ability to write and write a cycle of fairy tales

Eat! Hurray-hurray-hurray! The first impressions will settle down - I’ll write a voluminous and solemn post about walks around Lviv.
85. Go to the Baltics for two or three weeks
86. See Königsberg with your own eyes
Temporarily settled in this very König;)
87. Celebrate the New Year in a chalet in Switzerland
88. Swim in thermal springs
89. See geysers
90. Master a photographic skill
91. Find THAT place where a picture from childhood will come true - a house, a maple alley, a cliff on the right and the sound of the sea
92. Visit Italy again and try, if not to fall in love with it, then to make friends with it
93. Dance sirtaki in Greece
94. Learn to understand wines
95. Drink a glass of white... - Well, it wasn’t white, but I drank it) hurray!
96. Embroider a couple of sets from Lady
97. Attend cutting and sewing courses and learn to sew for the joy of yourself and your mother
98. Restore conversational English
99. Spend the summer in Sicily
100. Collect a library of living books
101. Wake up your husband by playing the piano

Good day, solar inspiration!

Today, my dear, I want to talk to you about your desires. What are they, do they exist at all, do you allow yourself to desire a little more than what you are used to receiving from the Universe.

Dreams, desires... they overwhelm the soul of every woman. Desires are as different as women themselves. They start with the dream of buying a new fur coat and end with the desire to become the queen of an unknown kingdom, or maybe they don’t end at all. Life would become dull and uninteresting without aspirations and desires, because what is the point of living without a goal?

Women are built differently from men; we have a more flexible mindset, we are more cunning and softer. Women believe in things that men don't believe in. So I believe that every woman is special, unique, each has abilities and talents, and most importantly, each is a little bit of a witch. After all, to achieve our goals, we do not always use well-trodden paths, but choose more elegant, subtle ways.

But it often happens that in our active life, where it is very difficult to be alone, we often get tired, distracted by unnecessary things, and are no longer able to ask for anything, much less dream. The reason is also that we cannot decide what this deepest desire actually is. What do we really want?

And today, yes... yes... exactly Today. And I beg you not to put it off until tomorrow...

  1. Firstly, try to figure it out and figure out what you really want.
  2. Secondly, you need to firmly decide that you deserve it.
  3. Third, it is important for you to have the conviction that you are capable of getting it.
  4. And fourthly, it is very important and simply necessary to dare to ask for it.
  5. And you need to start with the fact that you need to learn to clearly see the purpose in your life.

So, the task for this lesson will be the following...

You need to make a list containing 101 wishes.

I ask you to make a list of at least 101 goals that you strive for. Completing this task may take you several hours, or perhaps even days. But I repeat once again, you need to start today.

And if you are serious about getting as much as possible from this life, put aside current affairs, take time and start making your list of 101 wishes right now.

When compiling such a list, be extremely specific. If you want a new car, clearly indicate the make, model and, if necessary, color. If you are going to change your job, formulate clearly what type of activity you are interested in, how much you want to earn, etc. In a word, when writing each of your desires, be as precise as possible.

And remember, my charming...

We believe in dreams, we believe in signs and messages, we believe that not everything is accidental, we always achieve our goal, because we are women!

Our magic is simple. It is the power of thought and desire, that's all. The only thing that is very important is to correctly define your goal and desire, formulate them correctly, so that it is not long, but includes all the important parameters.

Below are a few rules that are important to follow when completing this lesson:

  1. It is important never to use the particle “not” when formulating a desire. For example: desire "I don't want to be fat!" It's better to phrase it like this: “I wish you to be slim, blooming, attractive and charming!” Something from this set will definitely come true!
  2. A very important point is to think about how this desire will be realized. For example: "I want to go on a round the world cruise". But you can also work as a cleaner on an ocean liner! Therefore, it is better to formulate the desire like this: “I want to go on a river cruise to relax and...” Complete the phrase with other details. The more there are, the better!
  3. Having made a wish, you must firmly and unconditionally believe that it will come true. There should be no doubt about this! Just make a wish and let go of it for a while. Let the energy of desire “cook” in your subconscious.
  4. It is necessary to visualize the result as often and completely as possible, i.e. present the results of what has already been done. For example, if you want a luxurious apartment, imagine not only the interior, but also how you will celebrate a housewarming, how to watch TV in the living room, how to have dinner in the dining room, etc.
  5. It is necessary to pronounce affirmative sentences silently or out loud (out loud better) as often as possible. These statements are especially effective in the evening before bed and in the morning, while still half asleep. The mind at this time is still (or already) dormant, and the words seem to be imprinted into the subconscious. In this case, all actions should be only in the present tense: “I have (do) such and such.”
  6. Make yourself a symbol of a fulfilled desire. For example, a coin. And carry it with you until your wish comes true.
  7. Make a plan to achieve what you want. Many people neglect this simple rule. But what’s easier: to write or even just imagine all the steps necessary to implement your plan! But the process of wishing to effectively (quickly and easily) obtain a result will be different for all people.

That's all for today... I wish you success on this wonderful path - to harmony and happiness. This path is strewn with roses that you yourself create with your creativity, openness, aspiration and great love for freedom and for yourself!

Believe, strive, wish!